Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Document/Models/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Document/Models/Document.php |
<?php namespace Depicter\Document\Models; use Averta\Core\Hydrate\HydratableInterface; use Averta\Core\Utility\Arr; use Averta\Core\Utility\Data; use Averta\WordPress\Utility\Sanitize; use Depicter\Document\CSS\Selector; use Depicter\Document\Models\Common\Animation; use Depicter\Document\Models\Options\Loading; use Depicter\Document\Models\Options\Script; use Depicter\Document\Models\Traits\DocumentAdminNoticeTrait; use Depicter\Html\Html; use Depicter\Services\StyleGeneratorService; class Document implements HydratableInterface { use DocumentAdminNoticeTrait; /** * @var array */ public $sectionsList; /** * @var Section[] */ public $sections; /** * @var Element[] */ public $elements; /** * @var array */ public $foregroundElements; /** * @var array */ public $foregroundElementObjects = []; /** * @var Options\All */ public $options; /** * @var array */ public $meta; /** * @var array */ public $env = []; /** * Start from which section * * @var int */ public $startSection = 0; /** * Document markup * * @var string */ protected $html; /** * Style generator class instance * * @var StyleGeneratorService */ protected $styleGenerator; /** * Collected styles in a list * * @var array */ protected $stylesList = []; /** * Collected fonts from belonging elements * * @var array */ private $fontsList = []; /** * Link to download all used fonts in this document * * @var string|null */ private $fontLink; /** * Extra document args * * @var array */ private $args = []; /** * Check if document is ai generated or not * * @var boolean */ public $isBuildWithAI = false; /** * Extract values for this class * * @return array */ public function getProperties() { return [ 'name' => $this->getName(), 'slug' => $this->getSlug(), 'sections_count' => $this->getSectionsCount(), 'content' => $this->get(), 'status' => 'published' ]; } /** * Extract values for this class * * @return array */ public function extract() { // TODO: Implement extract() method. } /** * Hydrate the class with the provided $data. * * @param array|object $data */ public function hydrate($data) { // TODO: Implement hydrate() method. } /** * Prepare document for generating markup * * @return $this */ public function prepare() { $this->reorderSections(); $this->setElementsForObjects(); $this->setForegroundElementObjects(); return $this; } public function render() { $documentAnimationAttrs = []; if ( $this->isDisplayExtension() ) { if ( !empty( $this->options->documentTypeOptions->displayOptions->animation ) ) { $documentAnimation = (new \JsonMapper())->map( $this->options->documentTypeOptions->displayOptions->animation, new Animation() ); $documentAnimationAttrs = $documentAnimation->getAnimationAttrs(); } } $this->html = Html::div( Arr::merge([ 'id' => $this->getCssId(), 'class' => $this->getClassNames() ], $documentAnimationAttrs ) ); $this->renderNotice(); $this->renderLoadingSymbol(); $this->renderForegroundElements(); $this->renderSectionsAndElements(); $this->collectAndSetFontsData(); $this->getSelectorAndCssList(); $this->renderSymbols(); return $this->html . $this->getInitScriptTag(); } /** * Check if document is display extensions or not * * @return bool */ public function isDisplayExtension(): bool{ $displayExtensions = [ 'popup', 'banner-bar' ]; return in_array( $this->getType(), $displayExtensions ); } /** * Render markup for possible notices * * @return void */ protected function renderNotice(){ $notice = $this->getUnpublishedChangesNotice(); $notice .= $this->getExpiredSubscriptionNotice(); if ( !empty( $notice ) ) { $style = Html::style([],' .depicter-admin-notices { position:absolute; left: 20px; top: 20px; display: flex; gap:8px; flex-direction: column; z-index: 50; } '); $this->html->nest( "\n" . $style ); $markup = Html::div([ 'class' => 'depicter-admin-notices' ], $notice); $this->html->nest( "\n" . $markup ); } } /** * Render markup for loading symbols */ protected function renderLoadingSymbol() { if ( empty( $this->options->loading ) ) { $this->options->loading = new Loading(); } $this->html->nest( "\n" . $this->options->loading->render() ); } /** * Render symbols markup */ protected function renderSymbols() { $symbolsContent = \Depicter::symbolsProvider()->render(); if ( !empty( $symbolsContent ) ) { $this->html->nestAtTop( $symbolsContent, "\n" ); } } /** * Render markup and collect styles of foreground elements. */ protected function renderForegroundElements(){ $foregroundAttributes = [ 'class' => Selector::prefixify('overlay-layers') ]; $elementsMarkup = ""; foreach ( $this->foregroundElementObjects as $element ) { $this->stylesList = array_merge( $this->stylesList, $element->prepare()->getSelectorAndCssList() ); $elementsMarkup .= $element->prepare()->render() . "\n"; } if( $elementsMarkup ){ $foregroundDiv = Html::div( $foregroundAttributes, "\n" . $elementsMarkup ); $this->html->nest( "\n\n" . $foregroundDiv . "\n" ); } } /** * Get the font link for loading document fonts * * @return string|null */ public function getFontsLink() { if( is_null( $this->fontLink ) ){ $this->collectAndSetFontsData(); } return $this->fontLink; } /** * Render markup and collect styles of sections and nested elements. */ protected function renderSectionsAndElements(){ foreach ( $this->sections as $section ) { $this->html->nest( $section->render() . "\n" ); $this->stylesList = array_merge( $this->stylesList, $section->getCss() ); } } /** * Collects fonts and generates a link for loading document fonts */ protected function collectAndSetFontsData(){ if( !empty( $this->env['additionalFonts'] ) ){ // convert to array recursively $this->env['additionalFonts'] = Data::cast( $this->env['additionalFonts'], 'array' ); if( is_array( $this->env['additionalFonts'] ) ){ foreach( $this->env['additionalFonts'] as $localFontName => $localFontInfo ){ \Depicter::documentFonts()->addLocalFont( $this->getDocumentID(), $localFontName, $localFontInfo['variants'] ); } } } foreach ( $this->sections as $section ) { // this method adds element fonts to documentFonts service $section->collectElementFonts(); } $this->fontLink = \Depicter::documentFonts()->getFontsLink( $this->getDocumentID() ); } /** * Render document custom styles */ /** * Get list of selector and CSS for section * * @return array */ protected function getSelectorAndCssList(){ if( ! isset( $this->stylesList[ '.'. $this->getSelector() ] ) ){ $this->stylesList[ '.'. $this->getSelector() ] = []; } $documentStyles = [ '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() . ' .depicter-section' => $this->options->getSectionGeneralStyles(), '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() . ' .depicter-layers-wrapper' => $this->options->getLayersWrapperStyles() ]; // prepend document styles at the beginning of the styles $this->stylesList = $documentStyles + $this->stylesList; $backdropStyles = $this->options->getBackdropStyles(); if ( ! empty( $backdropStyles ) ) { $this->stylesList = [ '.' . $this->getDisplayStyleSelector() . ' .depicter-backdrop' => $backdropStyles ] + $this->stylesList; } $this->stylesList[ '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() ]['customStyle'] = $this->getCustomStyles(); // add before init styles separately to style list as well $this->stylesList[ '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() ]['beforeInitStyle'] = [ '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() => $this->options->getStyles(), '.'. $this->getStyleSelector( true ) . ':not(.depicter-ready)' => $this->options->getBeforeInitStyles(), // styles to prevent FOUC. It should not have depicter-revert class in selector '.'. $this->getStyleSelector() . ' .depicter-primary-container' => $this->options->getPrimaryContainerStyles(), ]; return $this->stylesList; } /** * Retrieves StyleGeneratorService * * @param bool $args * * @return StyleGeneratorService */ public function styleGenerator( $args = [] ){ $args = Arr::merge( $args, [ 'forceRegenerateStyles' => false ]); if( ! $this->styleGenerator ){ $this->styleGenerator = new StyleGeneratorService( $this->stylesList, $this->getDocumentID(), $args ); } if( $args['forceRegenerateStyles'] ){ $this->styleGenerator->setStylesList( $this->stylesList ); } return $this->styleGenerator; } /** * Saves generated css in file * * @param bool $forceRegenerateStyles Whether regenerate styles or not */ public function saveCss( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ){ $this->styleGenerator( ['forceRegenerateStyles' => $forceRegenerateStyles] )->saveCss( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ); } /** * Retrieves generated css * * @param bool $forceRegenerateStyles Whether regenerate styles or not * * @return string css styles */ public function getCss( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ){ return $this->styleGenerator( ['forceRegenerateStyles' => $forceRegenerateStyles] )->getCss( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ); } /** * Retrieves before init CSS * * @param bool $forceRegenerateStyles Whether regenerate before init styles or not * * @return string css styles */ public function getBeforeInitCssAndTag( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ){ return $this->styleGenerator( ['forceRegenerateStyles' => $forceRegenerateStyles] )->getBeforeInitCssAndTag( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ); } /** * Retrieves generated css wrapper in a style tag * * @param bool $forceRegenerateStyles Whether regenerate styles or not * * @return string css styles and style tag */ public function getInlineCssTag( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ){ return $this->styleGenerator( ['forceRegenerateStyles' => $forceRegenerateStyles] )->getCssAndTag( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ); } /** * Retrieves custom css file of a document if exists * * @param bool $forceRegenerateStyles Whether regenerate styles or not * * @return bool|string */ public function getCssFileUrl( $forceRegenerateStyles = false ){ if( $forceRegenerateStyles ){ $this->saveCss( $forceRegenerateStyles ); } if( $cssFile = $this->styleGenerator()->getCssFileUrl() ){ return $cssFile; } return false; } /** * Generates all CSS classes of document wrapper tag * * @return string */ protected function getClassNames() { $classes = [ Selector::PREFIX_NAME, Selector::prefixify( Selector::DOCUMENT_PREFIX ), Selector::prefixify( 'revert' ) ]; $classes[] = $this->getSelector(); if ( $this->options->sectionLayout == 'fullscreen' ) { $classes[] = 'depicter-layout-fullscreen'; } if ( $this->options->sectionLayout == 'fullwidth' ) { $classes[] = 'depicter-layout-fullwidth'; } if ( $this->getCustomClassName() ) { $classes[] = $this->getCustomClassName(); } if ( isset( $this->options->general->visible->default ) && $this->options->general->visible->default === false ) { $classes[] = 'depicter-hide-on-desktop'; } if ( isset( $this->options->general->visible->tablet ) && $this->options->general->visible->tablet === false ) { $classes[] = 'depicter-hide-on-tablet'; } if ( isset( $this->options->general->visible->mobile ) && $this->options->general->visible->mobile === false ) { $classes[] = 'depicter-hide-on-mobile'; } if ( $this->isDisplayExtension() ){ $classes[] = 'depicter-with-display'; } return implode( ' ', $classes ); } public function getCssId(){ return Selector::getFullSelectorPath( $this->getDocumentID() ); } /** * Retrieves custom class name of document * * @return string */ protected function getCustomClassName(){ if ( ! empty( $this->options->advanced->className ) ) { return $this->options->advanced->className; } return ''; } /** * Retrieves custom styles of document * * @return string */ protected function getCustomStyles(){ if ( ! empty( $this->options->advanced->customStyle ) ) { $customStyles = $this->options->advanced->customStyle; // replace "selector" with unique selector of document return str_replace('selector', '.'.$this->getStyleSelector(), $customStyles ); } return ''; } /** * Retrieves list of all generated custom css files * * @param array|string $fileKeysToInclude Array of file keys or 'all', '*' to retrieve all * * @return array */ public function getCustomCssFiles( $fileKeysToInclude = 'all' ){ $documentCustomStyles = []; if( is_string( $fileKeysToInclude ) && in_array( $fileKeysToInclude, [ 'all', '*'] ) ){ $fileKeysToInclude = ['google-font', 'custom']; } if( in_array('google-font', $fileKeysToInclude) && $fontLink = $this->getFontsLink() ){ $useGoogleFonts = \Depicter::options()->get('use_google_fonts', 'on'); if ( $useGoogleFonts === 'save_locally' ) { $downloadedFonts = \Depicter::googleFontsService()->download( $fontLink ); foreach( $downloadedFonts as $fontSlug => $fontUrl ) { $documentCustomStyles[ \Depicter::googleFontsService()->getCssIdForLocalFont( $this->getDocumentID(), $fontSlug ) ] = $fontUrl; } } elseif( $useGoogleFonts === 'on' ) { $documentCustomStyles[ "depicter-{$this->getDocumentID()}-google-font" ] = $fontLink; } } if( in_array('custom', $fileKeysToInclude) && $customCssFileUrl = $this->getCssFileUrl() ){ $documentCustomStyles[ "depicter--{$this->getDocumentID()}-custom" ] = $customCssFileUrl; } return $documentCustomStyles; } /** * Retrieves unique selector of document * * @return string */ public function getSelector(){ return Selector::getUniqueSelector( $this->getDocumentID() ); } /** * Get style selector * * @param bool $excludePrefix Whether to exclude selector prefix or not * * @return string */ public function getStyleSelector( $excludePrefix = false ) { return ( $excludePrefix ? '' : Selector::PREFIX_CSS . "." ) . $this->getSelector(); } /** * Get display style selector * * @return string */ public function getDisplayStyleSelector() { return $this->getSelector() . '-display'; } /** * Order sections based on sectionsList */ protected function reorderSections(){ $ordered_sections = []; foreach ( $this->sectionsList as $section_id ) { if( isset( $this->sections[ $section_id ] ) ){ $ordered_sections[ $section_id ] = $this->sections[ $section_id ]; } } $this->sections = $ordered_sections; } /** * Assigns belonging elements of all section * Here Objects can be element or section */ protected function setElementsForObjects(){ foreach ( $this->sections as $section ){ // Assign document ID to all sections $section->setDocumentID( $this->getDocumentID() ); $this->setElementsForOneObjects( $section ); } foreach ( $this->elements as $element ){ // Assign document ID to all elements $element->setDocumentID( $this->getDocumentID() ); $this->setElementsForOneObjects( $element ); } } /** * Assigns belonging elements of a section * * @param $object */ protected function setElementsForOneObjects( &$object ){ if ( $elementIds = $object->getElementIds() ) { $elements = $this->sortElementsByDepth( $elementIds ); $object->setElementObjects( $elements ); } } /** * Assigns belonging elements of a section */ protected function setForegroundElementObjects(){ if ( $elementIds = $this->foregroundElements ) { $this->foregroundElementObjects = $this->sortElementsByDepth( $elementIds ); } } /** * Sorts elements by depth * * @param array $elementIds * * @return array|Element[] */ protected function sortElementsByDepth( $elementIds ){ if( empty( $elementIds ) ){ return []; } $elementsByDepth = []; $elements = []; // sort this group of elements in depth foreach ( $elementIds as $elementId ) { $element = $this->elements[ $elementId ]; $elementsByDepth[ $element->depth ][] = $element; } // sort by ascending depth ksort( $elementsByDepth ); // collect these elements by depth foreach ( $elementsByDepth as $elementsInADepth ){ foreach ( $elementsInADepth as $element ){ $elements[] = $element; } } return $elements; } /** * @return array|object */ public function getMeta() { return $this->meta ?? []; } /** * @return Options */ public function getOptions() { return $this->options ?? []; } /** * Get teh name of document * * @return string */ public function getName() { return isset( $this->meta['name'] ) ? $this->meta['name'] : ''; } /** * Get document slug * * @return mixed|string */ public function getSlug() { return isset( $this->meta['slug'] ) ? $this->meta['slug'] : ''; } /** * Get document type * * @return string */ public function getType() { return !empty( $this->meta['documentType'] ) ? $this->meta['documentType'] : 'slider'; } /** * Get sections count * * @return int|void */ public function getSectionsCount() { return is_array( $this->sectionsList ) ? count( $this->sectionsList ) : 0; } /** * Gel list of section objects * * @return Section[] */ public function getSections() { return $this->sections ?? []; } /** * Get a section object by section ID * * @param string $sectionId The section ID * * @return Section|null */ public function getSectionById( $sectionId ) { return $this->sections[ $sectionId ] ?? null; } /** * Get a section by section number. starts from 1 * * @param int $sectionNumber The section number * * @return Section|null */ public function getSectionNth( $sectionNumber ) { if( ! $this->getSections() ){ return null; } $sectionIndex = $sectionNumber > 0 ? $sectionNumber - 1 : 1; return array_values( $this->getSections() )[ $sectionIndex ] ?? null; } /** * Get init script * * @return string */ public function getInitScript() { return (new Script())->getDocumentInitScript( $this ); } /** * Get init script tag */ public function getInitScriptTag() { return "\n" . Html::script( [], $this->getInitScript() ); } /** * Print init script tag */ public function printInitScriptTag() { echo Sanitize::html( $this->getInitScriptTag() ); } }