Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/js/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/js/trx_addons.front.js |
/** * Init scripts * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.0 */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE:false */ jQuery(document).ready(function() { "use strict"; var vc_init_counter = 0; var vc_resize = false; trx_addons_init_actions(); // Show preloader jQuery(window).on('beforeunload', function() { if (jQuery.browser && !jQuery.browser.safari) jQuery('#page_preloader').css({display: 'block', opacity: 0}).animate({opacity:0.8}, 300); }); // Init actions function trx_addons_init_actions() { if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['vc_edit_mode'] > 0 && jQuery('.vc_empty-placeholder').length==0 && vc_init_counter++ < 30) { setTimeout(trx_addons_init_actions, 200); return; } // Hide preloader jQuery('#page_preloader').animate({opacity:0}, 800, function() { jQuery(this).css( {display: 'none'} ); }); // Check for Retina display trx_addons_set_cookie('trx_addons_is_retina', trx_addons_is_retina() ? 1 : 0, 365); // Add ready actions to the hidden elements actions jQuery(document).on('action.init_hidden_elements', function() { // Init core elements trx_addons_ready_actions(); 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jQuery(this).parents('.trx_addons_video_player') .addClass('video_play') .find('.video_embed').html(jQuery(this).data('video')); // If video in the slide var slider = jQuery(this).parents('.slider_swiper'); if (slider.length > 0) { var id = slider.attr('id'); TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['swipers'][id].stopAutoplay(); // If slider have controller - stop it too id = slider.data('controller'); if (id && TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['swipers'][id+'_swiper']) TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['swipers'][id+'_swiper'].stopAutoplay(); } jQuery(window).trigger('resize'); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } // Popups //---------------------------------------------- // PrettyPhoto Engine if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['popup_engine'] == 'pretty') { // Display lightbox on click on the image container.find("a[href$='jpg']:not(.inited),a[href$='jpeg']:not(.inited),a[href$='png']:not(.inited),a[href$='gif']:not(.inited)").each(function() { if (!jQuery(this).parent().hasClass('woocommerce-product-gallery__image')) jQuery(this).attr('rel', 'prettyPhoto[slideshow]'); 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else if (openerElement.find('img').length > 0) openerElement = openerElement.find('img'); else if (openerElement.siblings('img').length > 0) openerElement = openerElement.siblings('img'); else if (openerElement.parent().parent().find('img').length > 0) openerElement = openerElement.parent().parent().find('img'); } return openerElement; } }, callbacks: { beforeClose: function(){ jQuery('.mfp-figure figcaption').hide(); jQuery('.mfp-figure .mfp-arrow').hide(); } } }); } catch (e) {}; // Display lightbox on click on the popup link container.find(".trx_addons_popup_link:not(.popup_inited)").addClass('popup_inited').magnificPopup({ type: 'inline', focus: 'input', closeBtnInside: true, callbacks: { // Will fire when this exact popup is opened // this - is Magnific Popup object open: function () { // Store popup content to the data-param or restore it when popup open again (second time) if (jQuery(this.content).data('popup-content') === undefined) jQuery(this.content).data('popup-content', jQuery(this.content).html()); else jQuery(this.content).html(jQuery(this.content).data('popup-content')); // Init hidden elements jQuery(document).trigger('action.init_hidden_elements', [jQuery(this.content)]); // If popup contain embedded video var frame = jQuery(this.content).find('.video_frame'); if (frame.length > 0) { // Add autoplay to the embedded video frame.find('> iframe').each(function () { var src = jQuery(this).attr('src'); if (src.indexOf('youtube')>=0 || src.indexOf('vimeo')>=0) { jQuery(this).attr('src', trx_addons_add_to_url(src, {'autoplay': 1})); } }); } }, close: function () { // Remove video jQuery(this.content).empty(); }, // resize event triggers only when height is changed or layout forced resize: function () { trx_addons_resize_actions(); } } }); } // Likes counter //--------------------------------------------- if (container.find('.post_counters_likes:not(.inited),.comment_counters_likes:not(.inited)').length > 0) { container.find('.post_counters_likes:not(.inited),.comment_counters_likes:not(.inited)') .addClass('inited') .on('click', function(e) { var button = jQuery(this); 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',' : '') + post_id + ','; } else { var title = button.data('title-like'); button.removeClass('disabled trx_addons_icon-heart').addClass('enabled trx_addons_icon-heart-empty'); cookie_likes = cookie_likes.replace(','+post_id+',', ','); } button.data('likes', counter).attr('title', title).find(button.hasClass('post_counters_likes') ? '.post_counters_number' : '.comment_counters_number').html(counter); trx_addons_set_cookie(button.hasClass('post_counters_likes') ? 'trx_addons_likes' : 'trx_addons_comment_likes', cookie_likes, 365); } else { alert(TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['msg_error_like']); } }); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); } // Socials share //---------------------------------------------- if (container.find('.socials_share .socials_caption:not(.inited)').length > 0) { container.find('.socials_share .socials_caption:not(.inited)').each(function() { jQuery(this).addClass('inited').on('click', function(e) { jQuery(this).siblings('.social_items').slideToggle(); //.toggleClass('opened'); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); }); } if (container.find('.socials_share .social_items:not(.inited)').length > 0) { container.find('.socials_share .social_items:not(.inited)').each(function() { jQuery(this).addClass('inited').on('click', '.social_item_popup', function(e) { var url = jQuery(this).data('link'); window.open(url, '_blank', 'scrollbars=0, resizable=1, menubar=0, left=100, top=100, width=480, height=400, toolbar=0, status=0'); e.preventDefault(); return false; }); }); } // Widgets decoration //---------------------------------------------- // Decorate nested lists in widgets and side panels container.find('.widget ul > li').each(function() { if (jQuery(this).find('ul').length > 0) { jQuery(this).addClass('has_children'); } }); // Archive widget decoration container.find('.widget_archive a:not(.inited)').addClass('inited').each(function() { var val = jQuery(this).html().split(' '); if (val.length > 1) { val[val.length-1] = '<span>' + val[val.length-1] + '</span>'; jQuery(this).html(val.join(' ')) } }); // Menu //---------------------------------------------- // Prepare menus (if menu cache is used) jQuery('.sc_layouts_menu_nav').each(function() { if (jQuery(this).find('.current-menu-item').length == 0 || jQuery('body').hasClass('blog_template')) { if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'] === undefined) TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'] = []; var id = jQuery(this).attr('id'); if (id === undefined) { id = ('sc_layouts_menu_nav_' + Math.random()).replace('.', ''); jQuery(this).attr('id', id); } TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'].push('#'+id); } }); if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'] && TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'].length > 0) { // Mark the current menu item and its parent items in the cached menus var href = window.location.href; if (href.substr(-1)=='/') href = href.substr(0, href.length-1); var href2 = href + '/'; for (var menu in TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache']) { menu = jQuery(TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['menu_cache'][menu]+':not(.prepared)'); if (menu.length==0) continue; menu.addClass('prepared'); menu.find('li').removeClass('current-menu-ancestor current-menu-parent current-menu-item current_page_item'); menu.find('a[href="'+href+'"],a[href="'+href2+'"]').each(function(idx) { var li = jQuery(this).parent(); li.addClass('current-menu-item'); if (li.hasClass('menu-item-object-page')) li.addClass('current_page_item'); var cnt = 0; while ((li = li.parents('li')).length > 0) { cnt++; li.addClass('current-menu-ancestor'+(cnt==1 ? 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Math.min(percent ? 10000 : w_attr, mejs_cont.parents('div,article').width()) : video.width()), h_real = Math.round(percent ? w_real/ratio : w_real/w_attr*h_attr); if (parseInt(video.attr('data-last-width'), 10)==w_real) return; if (mejs_cont.length > 0 && mejs) { trx_addons_set_mejs_player_dimensions(video, w_real, h_real); } if (percent) { video.height(h_real); } else { video.attr({'width': w_real, 'height': h_real}).css({'width': w_real+'px', 'height': h_real+'px'}); } video.attr('data-last-width', w_real); }); cont.find('.video_frame iframe').each(function() { // If item now invisible if (jQuery(this).parents('div:hidden,section:hidden,article:hidden').length > 0) { return; } var iframe = jQuery(this).eq(0); if (iframe.attr('src').indexOf('soundcloud')>0) return; var ratio = (iframe.data('ratio')!=undefined ? iframe.data('ratio').split(':') : (iframe.parent().data('ratio')!=undefined ? iframe.parent().data('ratio').split(':') : (iframe.find('[data-ratio]').length>0 ? iframe.find('[data-ratio]').data('ratio').split(':') : [16,9] ) ) ); ratio = ratio.length!=2 || ratio[0]==0 || ratio[1]==0 ? 16/9 : ratio[0]/ratio[1]; var w_attr = iframe.attr('width'); var h_attr = iframe.attr('height'); if (!w_attr || !h_attr) { return; } var percent = (''+w_attr).substr(-1)=='%'; w_attr = parseInt(w_attr, 10); h_attr = parseInt(h_attr, 10); var pw = iframe.parent().width(), ph = iframe.parent().height(), w_real = pw, h_real = Math.round(percent ? w_real/ratio : w_real/w_attr*h_attr); if (iframe.parent().css('position') == 'absolute' && h_real > ph) { h_real = ph; w_real = Math.round(percent ? h_real*ratio : h_real*w_attr/h_attr) } if (parseInt(iframe.attr('data-last-width'), 10)==w_real) return; iframe.css({'width': w_real+'px', 'height': h_real+'px'}); iframe.attr('data-last-width', w_real); }); } // Set Media Elements player dimensions function trx_addons_set_mejs_player_dimensions(video, w, h) { if (mejs) { for (var pl in mejs.players) { if (mejs.players[pl].media.src == video.attr('src')) { if (mejs.players[pl].media.setVideoSize) { mejs.players[pl].media.setVideoSize(w, h); } mejs.players[pl].setPlayerSize(w, h); mejs.players[pl].setControlsSize(); } } } } });