Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/includes/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/includes/plugin.lists.php

 * Lists generators
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons
 * @since v1.6.22

// Don't load directly
if ( ! defined( 'TRX_ADDONS_VERSION' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

// Return numbers range
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_range' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_range($from=1, $to=2, $prepend_inherit=false) {
		$list = array();
		for ($i=$from; $i<=$to; $i++)
			$list[$i] = $i;
		return $prepend_inherit 
				? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
				: $list;

// Return list of taxonomies
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_taxonomies' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_taxonomies($prepend_inherit=false, $post_type='post') {
		static $list = array();
		if (empty($list[$post_type])) {
			$list[$post_type] = array();
			$taxonomies = get_object_taxonomies($post_type, 'objects');
			foreach ($taxonomies as $slug => $taxonomy)
				$list[$post_type][$slug] = $taxonomy->label;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list[$post_type]) 
					: $list[$post_type];

// Return list of categories
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_categories' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_categories($prepend_inherit=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = array();
			$taxonomies = get_categories( array(
											'type' => 'post',
											'orderby' => 'name',
											'order' => 'ASC',
											'hide_empty' => 0,
											'hierarchical' => 1,
											'taxonomy' => 'category',
											'pad_counts' => false
			if (is_array($taxonomies) && count($taxonomies) > 0) {
				foreach ($taxonomies as $cat) {
					$list[$cat->term_id] = $cat->name;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return list of taxonomies
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_terms' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_terms($prepend_inherit=false, $taxonomy='category', $opt=array()) {
		static $list = array();
		$opt = array_merge(array(
			'meta_query' => '',
			'meta_key'	 => '',
			'meta_value' => '',
			'pad_counts' => false
			), $opt);
		$hash = 'list_terms'
				. '_' . (is_array($taxonomy) ? join('_', $taxonomy) : $taxonomy)
				. '_' . ($opt['meta_key'])
				. '_' . ($opt['meta_value'])
				. '_' . (is_array($opt['meta_query']) ? serialize($opt['meta_query']) : $opt['meta_query']);
		if (empty($list[$hash])) {
			$list[$hash] = array();
			if ( is_array($taxonomy) || taxonomy_exists($taxonomy) ) {
				$args = array(
					'orderby' => 'name',
					'order' => 'ASC',
					'hide_empty' => 0,
					'hierarchical' => 1,
					'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
					'pad_counts' => $opt['pad_counts']
				if (is_array($opt['meta_query'])) 
					$args['meta_query'] = $opt['meta_query'];
				else if (!empty($opt['meta_key'])) {
					$args['meta_key'] = $opt['meta_key'];
					$args['meta_value'] = $opt['meta_value'];
				$terms = get_terms( $taxonomy, $args);
			} else {
				$terms = trx_addons_get_terms_by_taxonomy_from_db($taxonomy, $opt);
			if (!is_wp_error( $terms ) && is_array($terms) && count($terms) > 0) {
				foreach ($terms as $term) {
					$list[$hash][$term->term_id] = $term->name.($opt['pad_counts'] && $term->count > 0 ? ' ('.intval($term->count).')': '');
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list[$hash]) 
					: $list[$hash];

// Return list of post's types
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_posts_types' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_posts_types($prepend_inherit=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$types = get_post_types(array('public'=>true), 'objects');
			$list = array();
			if (is_array($types)) {
				foreach ($types as $slug => $type)
					$list[$type->name] = $type->label;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return list post items from any post type and taxonomy
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_posts' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_posts($prepend_inherit=false, $opt=array()) {
		static $list = array();
		$opt = array_merge(array(
			'post_type'			=> 'post',
			'post_status'		=> 'publish',
			'post_parent'		=> '',
			'taxonomy'			=> 'category',
			'taxonomy_value'	=> '',
			'meta_key'			=> '',
			'meta_value'		=> '',
			'meta_compare'		=> '',
			'posts_per_page'	=> -1,
			'orderby'			=> 'post_date',
			'order'				=> 'desc',
			'not_selected'		=> true,
			'return'			=> 'id'
			), is_array($opt) ? $opt : array('post_type'=>$opt));

		$hash = 'list_posts'
				. '_' . (is_array($opt['post_type']) ? join('_', $opt['post_type']) : $opt['post_type'])
				. '_' . (is_array($opt['post_parent']) ? join('_', $opt['post_parent']) : $opt['post_parent'])
				. '_' . ($opt['taxonomy'])
				. '_' . (is_array($opt['taxonomy_value']) ? join('_', $opt['taxonomy_value']) : $opt['taxonomy_value'])
				. '_' . ($opt['meta_key'])
				. '_' . ($opt['meta_compare'])
				. '_' . ($opt['meta_value'])
				. '_' . ($opt['orderby'])
				. '_' . ($opt['order'])
				. '_' . ($opt['return'])
				. '_' . ($opt['posts_per_page']);
		if (!isset($list[$hash])) {
			$list[$hash] = array();
			if ($opt['not_selected']!==false) $list[$hash]['none'] = $opt['not_selected']===true 
																					? esc_html__("- Not selected -", 'trx_addons')
																					: $opt['not_selected'];
			$args = array(
				'post_type' => $opt['post_type'],
				'post_status' => $opt['post_status'],
				'posts_per_page' => $opt['posts_per_page'],
				'ignore_sticky_posts' => true,
				'orderby'	=> $opt['orderby'],
				'order'		=> $opt['order']
			if (!empty($opt['post_parent'])) {
				if (is_array($opt['post_parent']))
					$args['post_parent__in'] = $opt['post_parent'];
					$args['post_parent'] = $opt['post_parent'];
			if (!empty($opt['taxonomy_value'])) {
				$args['tax_query'] = array(
						'taxonomy' => $opt['taxonomy'],
						'field' => is_array($opt['taxonomy_value']) 
										? ((int) $opt['taxonomy_value'][0] > 0  ? 'term_taxonomy_id' : 'slug')
										: ((int) $opt['taxonomy_value'] > 0  ? 'term_taxonomy_id' : 'slug'),
						'terms' => is_array($opt['taxonomy_value'])
										? $opt['taxonomy_value'] 
										: ((int) $opt['taxonomy_value'] > 0 ? (int) $opt['taxonomy_value'] : $opt['taxonomy_value'] ) 
			if (!empty($opt['meta_key'])) {
				$args['meta_key'] = $opt['meta_key'];
			if (!empty($opt['meta_value'])) {
				$args['meta_value'] = $opt['meta_value'];
			if (!empty($opt['meta_compare'])) {
				$args['meta_compare'] = $opt['meta_compare'];
			$posts = get_posts( $args );
			if (is_array($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
				foreach ($posts as $post) {
					$list[$hash][$opt['return']=='id' ? $post->ID : $post->post_title] = $post->post_title;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list[$hash]) 
					: $list[$hash];

// Return list pages
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_pages' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_pages($prepend_inherit=false, $opt=array()) {
		$opt = array_merge(array(
			'post_type'			=> 'page',
			'post_status'		=> 'publish',
			'taxonomy'			=> '',
			'taxonomy_value'	=> '',
			'posts_per_page'	=> -1,
			'orderby'			=> 'title',
			'order'				=> 'asc',
			'return'			=> 'id'
			), is_array($opt) ? $opt : array('post_type'=>$opt));
		return trx_addons_get_list_posts($prepend_inherit, $opt);

// Return list of registered users
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_users' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_users($prepend_inherit=false, $roles=array('administrator', 'editor', 'author', 'contributor', 'shop_manager')) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = array();
			$list['none'] = esc_html__("- Not selected -", 'trx_addons');
			$users = get_users(array(
									'orderby' => 'display_name',
									'order' => 'ASC'
			if (is_array($users) && count($users) > 0) {
				foreach ($users as $user) {
					$accept = true;
					if (is_array($user->roles)) {
						if (is_array($user->roles) && count($user->roles) > 0) {
							$accept = false;
							foreach ($user->roles as $role) {
								if (in_array($role, $roles)) {
									$accept = true;
					if ($accept) $list[$user->user_login] = $user->display_name;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return iconed classes list
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_icons' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_icons($prepend_inherit=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_icons', $list, $prepend_inherit);
			if ($list === false)
				$list = trx_addons_parse_icons_classes(trx_addons_get_file_dir("css/font-icons/css/trx_addons_icons-codes.css"));
			if (!isset($list['none'])) $list = trx_addons_array_merge(array('none' => 'none'), $list);
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return list files in the folder
if ( !function_exists('trx_addons_get_list_files')) {	
	function trx_addons_get_list_files($folder, $ext='', $only_names=false) {
		static $list = array();
		$hash = $folder.'_'.$ext.'_'.($only_names ? '1' : '0');
		if (!isset($list[$hash])) {
			$dir = trx_addons_get_folder_dir($folder);
			$url = trx_addons_get_folder_url($folder);
			$list[$hash] = array();
			if ( !empty($dir) && is_dir($dir) ) {
				$files = @glob(sprintf("%s/%s", $dir, !empty($ext) ? "*.{$ext}" : '*.*'));
				if ( is_array($files) ) {
					foreach ($files as $file) {
						if ( substr($file, 0, 1) == '.' || is_dir( $file ) )
						$file = basename($file);
						$key = substr($file, 0, strrpos($file, '.'));
						if (substr($key, -4)=='.min') $key = substr($file, 0, strrpos($key, '.'));
						$list[$hash][$key] = $only_names ? ucfirst(str_replace('_', ' ', $key)) : ($url) . '/' . ($file);
				if (!isset($list[$hash]['none'])) $list[$hash] = trx_addons_array_merge(array('none' => ''), $list[$hash]);
		return $list[$hash];

// Return input hover effects
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_input_hover' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_input_hover($prepend_inherit=false) {
		$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_input_hover', array(
			'default'	=> esc_html__('Default',	'themerex'),
			'accent'	=> esc_html__('Accented',	'themerex'),
			'path'		=> esc_html__('Path',		'themerex'),
			'jump'		=> esc_html__('Jump',		'themerex'),
			'underline'	=> esc_html__('Underline',	'themerex'),
			'iconed'	=> esc_html__('Iconed',		'themerex'),
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return menu hover effects
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_menu_hover' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_menu_hover($prepend_inherit=false) {
		$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_menu_hover', array(
			'fade'			=> esc_html__('Fade',		'trx_addons'),
			'fade_box'		=> esc_html__('Fade Box',	'trx_addons'),
			'slide_line'	=> esc_html__('Slide Line',	'trx_addons'),
			'slide_box'		=> esc_html__('Slide Box',	'trx_addons'),
			'zoom_line'		=> esc_html__('Zoom Line',	'trx_addons'),
			'path_line'		=> esc_html__('Path Line',	'trx_addons'),
			'roll_down'		=> esc_html__('Roll Down',	'trx_addons'),
			'color_line'	=> esc_html__('Color Line',	'trx_addons'),
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return list of the enter animations
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_animations_in' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_animations_in($prepend_inherit=false) {
		$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_animations_in', array(
			'none'				=> esc_html__('- None -',			'trx_addons'),
			'bounceIn'			=> esc_html__('Bounce In',			'trx_addons'),
			'bounceInUp'		=> esc_html__('Bounce In Up',		'trx_addons'),
			'bounceInDown'		=> esc_html__('Bounce In Down',		'trx_addons'),
			'bounceInLeft'		=> esc_html__('Bounce In Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'bounceInRight'		=> esc_html__('Bounce In Right',	'trx_addons'),
			'elastic'			=> esc_html__('Elastic In',			'trx_addons'),
			'fadeIn'			=> esc_html__('Fade In',			'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInUp'			=> esc_html__('Fade In Up',			'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInUpSmall'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Up Small',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInUpBig'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Up Big',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInDown'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Down',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInDownBig'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Down Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInLeft'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInLeftBig'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Left Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInRight'		=> esc_html__('Fade In Right',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeInRightBig'	=> esc_html__('Fade In Right Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'flipInX'			=> esc_html__('Flip In X',			'trx_addons'),
			'flipInY'			=> esc_html__('Flip In Y',			'trx_addons'),
			'lightSpeedIn'		=> esc_html__('Light Speed In',		'trx_addons'),
			'rotateIn'			=> esc_html__('Rotate In',			'trx_addons'),
			'rotateInUpLeft'	=> esc_html__('Rotate In Down Left','trx_addons'),
			'rotateInUpRight'	=> esc_html__('Rotate In Up Right',	'trx_addons'),
			'rotateInDownLeft'	=> esc_html__('Rotate In Up Left',	'trx_addons'),
			'rotateInDownRight'	=> esc_html__('Rotate In Down Right','trx_addons'),
			'rollIn'			=> esc_html__('Roll In',			'trx_addons'),
			'slideInUp'			=> esc_html__('Slide In Up',		'trx_addons'),
			'slideInDown'		=> esc_html__('Slide In Down',		'trx_addons'),
			'slideInLeft'		=> esc_html__('Slide In Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'slideInRight'		=> esc_html__('Slide In Right',		'trx_addons'),
			'wipeInLeftTop'		=> esc_html__('Wipe In Left Top',	'trx_addons'),
			'zoomIn'			=> esc_html__('Zoom In',			'trx_addons'),
			'zoomInUp'			=> esc_html__('Zoom In Up',			'trx_addons'),
			'zoomInDown'		=> esc_html__('Zoom In Down',		'trx_addons'),
			'zoomInLeft'		=> esc_html__('Zoom In Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'zoomInRight'		=> esc_html__('Zoom In Right',		'trx_addons')
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return list of the out animations
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_animations_out' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_animations_out($prepend_inherit=false) {
		$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_animations_out', array(
			'none'			=> esc_html__('- None -',			'trx_addons'),
			'bounceOut'		=> esc_html__('Bounce Out',			'trx_addons'),
			'bounceOutUp'	=> esc_html__('Bounce Out Up',		'trx_addons'),
			'bounceOutDown'	=> esc_html__('Bounce Out Down',	'trx_addons'),
			'bounceOutLeft'	=> esc_html__('Bounce Out Left',	'trx_addons'),
			'bounceOutRight'=> esc_html__('Bounce Out Right',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOut'		=> esc_html__('Fade Out',			'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutUp'		=> esc_html__('Fade Out Up',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutUpBig'	=> esc_html__('Fade Out Up Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutDownSmall'	=> esc_html__('Fade Out Down Small','trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutDownBig'=> esc_html__('Fade Out Down Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutDown'	=> esc_html__('Fade Out Down',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutLeft'	=> esc_html__('Fade Out Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutLeftBig'=> esc_html__('Fade Out Left Big',	'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutRight'	=> esc_html__('Fade Out Right',		'trx_addons'),
			'fadeOutRightBig'=> esc_html__('Fade Out Right Big','trx_addons'),
			'flipOutX'		=> esc_html__('Flip Out X',			'trx_addons'),
			'flipOutY'		=> esc_html__('Flip Out Y',			'trx_addons'),
			'hinge'			=> esc_html__('Hinge Out',			'trx_addons'),
			'lightSpeedOut'	=> esc_html__('Light Speed Out',	'trx_addons'),
			'rotateOut'		=> esc_html__('Rotate Out',			'trx_addons'),
			'rotateOutUpLeft'	=> esc_html__('Rotate Out Down Left',	'trx_addons'),
			'rotateOutUpRight'	=> esc_html__('Rotate Out Up Right',	'trx_addons'),
			'rotateOutDownLeft'	=> esc_html__('Rotate Out Up Left',		'trx_addons'),
			'rotateOutDownRight'=> esc_html__('Rotate Out Down Right',	'trx_addons'),
			'rollOut'			=> esc_html__('Roll Out',		'trx_addons'),
			'slideOutUp'		=> esc_html__('Slide Out Up',	'trx_addons'),
			'slideOutDown'		=> esc_html__('Slide Out Down',	'trx_addons'),
			'slideOutLeft'		=> esc_html__('Slide Out Left',	'trx_addons'),
			'slideOutRight'		=> esc_html__('Slide Out Right','trx_addons'),
			'zoomOut'			=> esc_html__('Zoom Out',		'trx_addons'),
			'zoomOutUp'			=> esc_html__('Zoom Out Up',	'trx_addons'),
			'zoomOutDown'		=> esc_html__('Zoom Out Down',	'trx_addons'),
			'zoomOutLeft'		=> esc_html__('Zoom Out Left',	'trx_addons'),
			'zoomOutRight'		=> esc_html__('Zoom Out Right',	'trx_addons')
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return classes list for the specified animation
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_animation_classes')) {
	function trx_addons_get_animation_classes($animation, $speed='normal', $loop='none') {
		// speed:	fast=0.5s | normal=1s | slow=2s
		// loop:	none | infinite
		return trx_addons_is_off($animation) 
					? '' 
					: 'animated '.esc_attr($animation).' '.esc_attr($speed).(!trx_addons_is_off($loop) ? ' '.esc_attr($loop) : '');

// Return menus list, prepended inherit
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_menus' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_menus($prepend_inherit=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = array();
			$list['none'] = esc_html__("- Not selected -", 'trx_addons');
			$menus = wp_get_nav_menus();
			if (is_array($menus) && count($menus) > 0) {
				foreach ($menus as $menu) {
					$list[$menu->slug] = $menu->name;
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return menu locations list, prepended inherit
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_menu_locations' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_menu_locations($prepend_inherit=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = array();
			$list['none'] = esc_html__("- Not selected -", 'trx_addons');
			$menus = get_registered_nav_menus();
			if (is_array($menus)) {
				foreach ( $menus as $location => $description )
					$list[$location] = $description;
			$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_menu_locations', $list);
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) 
					: $list;

// Return custom sidebars list, prepended inherit and hide sidebars item (if need)
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sidebars' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sidebars($prepend_inherit=false, $add_hide=false) {
		static $list = false;
		if ($list === false) {
			$list = array();
			global $wp_registered_sidebars;
			if (is_array($wp_registered_sidebars)) {
				foreach ( $wp_registered_sidebars as $k => $v ) {
					$list[$v['id']] = $v['name'];
			$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_sidebars', $list);
		if ($add_hide) $list = trx_addons_array_merge(array('hide' => esc_html__("- Select widgets -", 'trx_addons')), $list);
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list)
					: $list;

// Lists for shortcode's parameters

// Return list of the title align
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_title_aligns' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_title_aligns($prepend_inherit=false, $add_none=true) {
		$list = array(
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'center' => esc_html__('Center', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')
		if ($add_none) $list = trx_addons_array_merge(array('none' => esc_html__("Default", 'trx_addons')), $list);
		$list = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_title_aligns', $list);
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list)
					: $list;

// Return list of the title tags
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_title_tags' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_title_tags() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_title_tags', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons'),
			'h1' => esc_html__('Heading 1', 'trx_addons'),
			'h2' => esc_html__('Heading 2', 'trx_addons'),
			'h3' => esc_html__('Heading 3', 'trx_addons'),
			'h4' => esc_html__('Heading 4', 'trx_addons'),
			'h5' => esc_html__('Heading 5', 'trx_addons'),
			'h6' => esc_html__('Heading 6', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the slider controls positions
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_slider_controls' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_slider_controls() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_slider_controls', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('None', 'trx_addons'),
			'side' => esc_html__('Side', 'trx_addons'),
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons'),
			'bottom' => esc_html__('Bottom', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the slider pagination
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_slider_paginations' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_slider_paginations() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_slider_paginations', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('None', 'trx_addons'),
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons'),
			'bottom' => esc_html__('Bottom', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the orderby options
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_query_orderby' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_query_orderby() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_query_orderby', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('None', 'trx_addons'),
			'ID' => esc_html__('Post ID', 'trx_addons'),
			'post_date' => esc_html__('Date', 'trx_addons'),
			'title' => esc_html__('Title', 'trx_addons'),
			'rand' => esc_html__('Random', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the order options
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_query_orders' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_query_orders() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_query_orders', array(
			'desc' => esc_html__('Descending', 'trx_addons'),
			'asc' => esc_html__('Ascending', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the text positions in the 'sc_action'
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_action_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_action_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_action_positions', array(
			'tl' => esc_html__('Top Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'tc' => esc_html__('Top Center', 'trx_addons'),
			'tr' => esc_html__('Top Right', 'trx_addons'),
			'ml' => esc_html__('Middle Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'mc' => esc_html__('Middle Center', 'trx_addons'),
			'mr' => esc_html__('Middle Right', 'trx_addons'),
			'bl' => esc_html__('Bottom Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'bc' => esc_html__('Bottom Center', 'trx_addons'),
			'br' => esc_html__('Bottom Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the button's sizes
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_button_sizes' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_button_sizes() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_button_sizes', array(
			'normal' => esc_html__('Normal', 'trx_addons'),
			'small' => esc_html__('Small', 'trx_addons'),
			'large' => esc_html__('Large', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the content's widths
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_content_widths' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_content_widths() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_content_widths', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_1' => esc_html__('Full width', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_2' => esc_html__('1/2 of page', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_3' => esc_html__('1/3 of page', 'trx_addons'),
			'2_3' => esc_html__('2/3 of page', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_4' => esc_html__('1/4 of page', 'trx_addons'),
			'3_4' => esc_html__('3/4 of page', 'trx_addons'),
			'100p'=> esc_html__('100% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'90p' => esc_html__('90% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'80p' => esc_html__('80% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'75p' => esc_html__('75% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'70p' => esc_html__('70% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'60p' => esc_html__('60% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'50p' => esc_html__('50% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'45p' => esc_html__('45% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'40p' => esc_html__('40% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'30p' => esc_html__('30% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'25p' => esc_html__('25% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'20p' => esc_html__('20% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'15p' => esc_html__('15% of container', 'trx_addons'),
			'10p' => esc_html__('10% of container', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the slider pagination
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_icon_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_icon_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_icon_positions', array(
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons'),
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the googlemap styles
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_googlemap_styles' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_googlemap_styles() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_sc_googlemap_styles', array(
			'default' => esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons'),
			'greyscale' => esc_html__('Greyscale', 'trx_addons'),
			'inverse' => esc_html__('Inverse', 'trx_addons'),
			'simple' => esc_html__('Simple', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the icon's sizes
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_icon_sizes' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_icon_sizes() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_icon_sizes', array(
			'small' => esc_html__('Small', 'trx_addons'),
			'medium' => esc_html__('Medium', 'trx_addons'),
			'large' => esc_html__('Large', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the image positions
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_promo_positions', array(
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the promo's sizes
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_sizes' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_sizes() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_promo_sizes', array(
			'tiny' => esc_html__('Tiny', 'trx_addons'),
			'small' => esc_html__('Small', 'trx_addons'),
			'normal' => esc_html__('Normal', 'trx_addons'),
			'large' => esc_html__('Large', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the promo text area's widths
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_widths' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_promo_widths() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_promo_widths', array(
			'none' => esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_1' => esc_html__('1/1', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_2' => esc_html__('1/2', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_3' => esc_html__('1/3', 'trx_addons'),
			'2_3' => esc_html__('2/3', 'trx_addons'),
			'1_4' => esc_html__('1/4', 'trx_addons'),
			'3_4' => esc_html__('3/4', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the featured image position in dishes
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_dishes_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_dishes_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_dishes_positions', array(
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons'),
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the featured elements in services
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_featured' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_featured() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_services_featured', array(
			'image' => esc_html__('Image', 'trx_addons'),
			'icon' => esc_html__('Icon', 'trx_addons'),
			'number' => esc_html__('Number', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of positions of the featured element in services
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_featured_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_featured_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_services_featured_positions', array(
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons'),
			'bottom' => esc_html__('Bottom', 'trx_addons'),
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the tabs effects in services
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_tabs_effects' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_services_tabs_effects() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_services_tabs_effects', array(
			'fade' => esc_html__('Fade', 'trx_addons'),
			'slide' => esc_html__('Slide', 'trx_addons'),
			'flip' => esc_html__('Page flip', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the featured elements in sermons
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_featured' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_featured() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_sermons_featured', array(
			'image' => esc_html__('Image', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of positions of the featured element in sermons
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_featured_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_featured_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_sermons_featured_positions', array(
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons'),
			'bottom' => esc_html__('Bottom', 'trx_addons'),
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the tabs effects in sermons
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_tabs_effects' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_sermons_tabs_effects() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_sermons_tabs_effects', array(
			'fade' => esc_html__('Fade', 'trx_addons'),
			'slide' => esc_html__('Slide', 'trx_addons'),
			'flip' => esc_html__('Page flip', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the main matches position in sport
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_matches_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_matches_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_matches_positions', array(
			'top' => esc_html__('Top', 'trx_addons'),
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the flag's positions in the language switcher
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_language_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_language_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_language_positions', array(
			"none" => esc_html__('Hide', 'trx_addons'),
			"title" => esc_html__('Only in the title', 'trx_addons'),
			"menu" => esc_html__('Only in the menu', 'trx_addons'),
			"both" => esc_html__('Both', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the parts of the language switcher
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_language_parts' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_language_parts() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_language_parts', array(
			"none" => esc_html__('Hide', 'trx_addons'),
			"name" => esc_html__('Language name', 'trx_addons'),
			"code" => esc_html__('Language code', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the menu layouts
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_menu' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_menu() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_menu', array(
			'default' => esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons'),
			'burger' => esc_html__('Burger', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the search layouts
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_search' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_search() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_search', array(
			'normal' => esc_html__('Normal', 'trx_addons'),
			'expand' => esc_html__('Expand', 'trx_addons'),
			'fullscreen' => esc_html__('Fullscreen', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the layouts row types
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_row_types' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_row_types() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_row_types', array(
			'inherit' => esc_html__('Inherit', 'trx_addons'),
			'narrow' => esc_html__('Narrow', 'trx_addons'),
			'compact' => esc_html__('Compact', 'trx_addons'),
			'normal' => esc_html__('Normal', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the icon positions in the layout items
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_icons_positions' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_sc_layouts_icons_positions() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_get_list_sc_layouts_icons_positions', array(
			'left' => esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons'),
			'right' => esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons')

// Return list of the visibility states
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_show_hide' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_get_list_show_hide($prepend_inherit=false, $numeric=false) {
		$list = array(
			($numeric ? 1 : 'show') => esc_html__('Show', 'trx_addons'),
			($numeric ? 0 : 'hide') => esc_html__('Hide', 'trx_addons')
		return $prepend_inherit 
					? trx_addons_array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list)
					: $list;

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0