Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/includes/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/includes/plugin.html.php |
<?php /** * HTML manipulations * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.0 */ // Don't load directly if ( ! defined( 'TRX_ADDONS_VERSION' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } /* CSS & JS -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Return string with position rules for the style attr if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_css_position_from_values')) { function trx_addons_get_css_position_from_values($top='',$right='',$bottom='',$left='',$width='',$height='') { if (!is_array($top)) { $top = compact('top','right','bottom','left','width','height'); } $output = ''; if (is_array($top) && count($top) > 0) { foreach ($top as $k=>$v) { $imp = substr($v, 0, 1); if ($imp == '!') $v = substr($v, 1); if ($v != '') $output .= ($k=='width' ? 'width' : ($k=='height' ? 'height' : 'margin-'.esc_attr($k))) . ':' . esc_attr(trx_addons_prepare_css_value($v)) . ($imp=='!' ? ' !important' : '') . ';'; } } return $output; } } // Return string with dimensions rules for the style attr if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_css_dimensions_from_values')) { function trx_addons_get_css_dimensions_from_values($width='',$height='') { if (!is_array($width)) { $width = compact('width','height'); } $output = ''; if (is_array($width) && count($width) > 0) { foreach ($width as $k=>$v) { $imp = substr($v, 0, 1); if ($imp == '!') $v = substr($v, 1); if ($v != '') $output .= esc_attr($k) . ':' . esc_attr(trx_addons_prepare_css_value($v)) . ($imp=='!' ? ' !important' : '') . ';'; } } return $output; } } // Minify CSS string if (!function_exists('trx_addons_minify_css')) { add_filter('trx_addons_filter_prepare_css', 'trx_addons_minify_css', 10, 2); function trx_addons_minify_css($css, $minify=true) { if ($minify) { $css = preg_replace("/\r*\n*/", "", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s{2,}/", " ", $css); //$css = str_ireplace('@CHARSET "UTF-8";', "", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*>\s*/", ">", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*:\s*/", ":", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*{\s*/", "{", $css); $css = preg_replace("/\s*;*\s*}\s*/", "}", $css); $css = str_replace(', ', ',', $css); $css = preg_replace("/(\/\*[\w\'\s\r\n\*\+\,\"\-\.]*\*\/)/", "", $css); } return $css; } } // Minify JS string if (!function_exists('trx_addons_minify_js')) { add_filter('trx_addons_filter_prepare_js', 'trx_addons_minify_js', 10, 2); function trx_addons_minify_js($js, $minify=true) { if ($minify) { // Remove multi-row comments //$js = preg_replace('/(\/\*)[^(\*\/)]*(\*\/)/', '', $js); $pos = 0; while (($pos = strpos($js, '/*', $pos))!==false) { if (($pos2 = strpos($js, '*/', $pos))!==false) $js = substr($js, 0, $pos) . substr($js, $pos2+2); else break; } // Remove single-line comments //$js = preg_replace('/\s*\/\/[^\n]*\n/', '', $js); $pos = -1; while (($pos = strpos($js, '//', $pos+1))!==false) { // Remove if previous symbol not in \ : " ' if ($js[$pos-1]!='\\' && $js[$pos-1]!=':' && $js[$pos-1]!='"' && $js[$pos-1]!="'") { $pos2 = strpos($js, "\n", $pos); if ($pos2==false) $pos2 = strlen($js); $js = substr($js, 0, $pos) . substr($js, $pos2); } } // Remove spaces before/after {}() $js = preg_replace('/\s+/', ' ', $js); $js = preg_replace('/([;}{\)\(])\s+/', '$1 ', $js); $js = preg_replace('/\s+([;}{\)\(])/', ' $1', $js); $js = preg_replace('/(else)\s+/', '$1 ', $js); //$js = preg_replace('/([}])\s+(else)/', '$1else', $js); //$js = preg_replace('/([}])\s+(var)/', '$1;var', $js); //$js = preg_replace('/([{};])\s+(\$)/', '$1\$', $js); } return $js; } } // Return value for the style attr if (!function_exists('trx_addons_prepare_css_value')) { function trx_addons_prepare_css_value($val) { if ($val != '') { $ed = substr($val, -1); if ('0'<=$ed && $ed<='9') $val .= 'px'; } return $val; } } // Return class for the columns wrapper if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_columns_wrap_class')) { function trx_addons_get_columns_wrap_class($fluid=false) { return trx_addons_get_option('columns_wrap_class')!='' ? trx_addons_get_option('columns_wrap_class') . ($fluid && trx_addons_get_option('columns_wrap_class_fluid')!='' ? ' '.trx_addons_get_option('columns_wrap_class_fluid') : '') : 'trx_addons_columns_wrap' . ($fluid ? ' columns_fluid' : ''); } } // Return class for the single column if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_column_class')) { function trx_addons_get_column_class($num, $all) { return str_replace(array('$1', '$2'), array($num, $all), trx_addons_get_option('column_class')!='' ? trx_addons_get_option('column_class') : 'trx_addons_column-$1_$2'); } } // Return array with classes from css-file if (!function_exists('trx_addons_parse_icons_classes')) { function trx_addons_parse_icons_classes($css) { $rez = array(); if (!file_exists($css)) return $rez; $file = trx_addons_fga($css); if (!is_array($file) || count($file) == 0) return $rez; foreach ($file as $row) { if (substr($row, 0, 1)!='.') continue; $name = ''; for ($i=1; $i<strlen($row); $i++) { $ch = substr($row, $i, 1); if (in_array($ch, array(':', '{', '.', ' '))) break; $name .= $ch; } if ($name!='') $rez[] = $name; } return $rez; } } // Add property="stylesheet" into all tags <link> in the tag <body> if (!function_exists('trx_addons_add_property_to_link')) { add_filter('style_loader_tag', 'trx_addons_add_property_to_link', 10, 3); function trx_addons_add_property_to_link($link, $handle='', $href='') { return str_replace('<link ', '<link property="stylesheet" ', $link); } } /* HTML -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Return first tag from text if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_tag')) { function trx_addons_get_tag($text, $tag_start, $tag_end='') { $val = ''; if (($pos_start = strpos($text, $tag_start))!==false) { $pos_end = $tag_end ? strpos($text, $tag_end, $pos_start) : false; if ($pos_end===false) { $tag_end = substr($tag_start, 0, 1) == '<' ? '>' : ']'; $pos_end = strpos($text, $tag_end, $pos_start); } $val = substr($text, $pos_start, $pos_end+strlen($tag_end)-$pos_start); } return $val; } } // Return attrib from tag if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_tag_attrib')) { function trx_addons_get_tag_attrib($text, $tag, $attr) { $val = ''; if (($pos_start = strpos($text, substr($tag, 0, strlen($tag)-1)))!==false) { $pos_end = strpos($text, substr($tag, -1, 1), $pos_start); $pos_attr = strpos($text, ' '.($attr).'=', $pos_start); if ($pos_attr!==false && $pos_attr<$pos_end) { $pos_attr += strlen($attr)+3; $pos_quote = strpos($text, substr($text, $pos_attr-1, 1), $pos_attr); $val = substr($text, $pos_attr, $pos_quote-$pos_attr); } } return $val; } } // Set (change) attrib from tag if (!function_exists('trx_addons_set_tag_attrib')) { function trx_addons_set_tag_attrib($text, $tag, $attr, $val) { if (($pos_start = strpos($text, substr($tag, 0, strlen($tag)-1)))!==false) { $pos_end = strpos($text, substr($tag, -1, 1), $pos_start); $pos_attr = strpos($text, $attr.'=', $pos_start); if ($pos_attr!==false && $pos_attr<$pos_end) { $pos_attr += strlen($attr)+2; $pos_quote = strpos($text, substr($text, $pos_attr-1, 1), $pos_attr); $text = substr($text, 0, $pos_attr) . trim($val) . substr($text, $pos_quote); } else { $text = substr($text, 0, $pos_end) . ' ' . esc_attr($attr) . '="' . esc_attr($val) . '"' . substr($text, $pos_end); } } return $text; } } // Replace {{ and }} to the < and > in the string // (this is allow use html tags in the some shortcode parameters) if (!function_exists('trx_addons_parse_codes')) { function trx_addons_parse_codes($text, $tag_start='{{', $tag_end='}}') { return str_replace(array($tag_start, $tag_end), array('<', '>'), $text); } } // Check if SEO markup snippets are need if (!function_exists('trx_addons_seo_snippets')) { function trx_addons_seo_snippets($prop, $type='', $scope=false ) { static $seo_snippets = 0; if ($seo_snippets === 0) $seo_snippets = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_seo_snippets', false); if ($seo_snippets) { if (!empty($prop)) echo ' itemprop="'.esc_attr($prop).'"'; if (!empty($type)) echo ' itemtype="http://schema.org/'.esc_attr(ucfirst($type)).'"'; if (!empty($scope) || !empty($type)) echo ' itemscope="itemscope"'; } } } // Check if SEO markup snippets are need - add itemprop => 'image to the params array if (!function_exists('trx_addons_seo_image_params')) { function trx_addons_seo_image_params( $params ) { static $seo_snippets = 0; if ($seo_snippets === 0) $seo_snippets = apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_seo_snippets', false); if ($seo_snippets) $params['itemprop'] = 'image'; return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_seo_image_params', $params); } } /* URL utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Return internal page link - if is customize mode - full url else only hash part if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_hash_link')) { function trx_addons_get_hash_link($hash) { if (strpos($hash, 'http')!==0) { if ($hash[0]!='#') $hash = '#'.$hash; if (is_customize_preview()) $hash = trx_addons_get_protocol().'://' . ($_SERVER["HTTP_HOST"]) . ($_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"]) . $hash; } return $hash; } } // Return current site protocol if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_protocol')) { function trx_addons_get_protocol() { return is_ssl() ? 'https' : 'http'; } } // Check if string is URL if (!function_exists('trx_addons_is_url')) { function trx_addons_is_url($url) { return strpos($url, '://')!==false; } } // Add parameters to URL if (!function_exists('trx_addons_add_to_url')) { function trx_addons_add_to_url($url, $prm) { if (is_array($prm) && count($prm) > 0) { $separator = strpos($url, '?')===false ? '?' : '&'; foreach ($prm as $k=>$v) { $url .= $separator . urlencode($k) . '=' . urlencode($v); $separator = '&'; } } return $url; } } // Check if URL contain any specified string if (!function_exists('trx_addons_check_url')) { function trx_addons_check_url($val='') { if (!is_array($val)) $val = array($val); $rez = false; foreach ($val as $s) { $rez = strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], $s)!==false; if ($rez) break; } return $rez; } } // Add parameters to URL if (!function_exists('trx_addons_add_referals_to_url')) { function trx_addons_add_referals_to_url($url, $referals) { if (is_array($referals) && count($referals) > 0) { $prm = array(); foreach ($referals as $ref) { if (!empty($ref['url']) && !empty($ref['param']) && strpos($url, $ref['url']) !== false) { parse_str($ref['param'], $refs); if (is_array($refs) && count($refs) > 0) $prm = array_merge($prm, $refs); } } $url = trx_addons_add_to_url($url, $prm); } return $url; } } // Set e-mail content type // Call add_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'trx_addons_set_html_content_type' ) before send mail // and remove_filter( 'wp_mail_content_type', 'trx_addons_set_html_content_type' ) after send mail if (!function_exists('trx_addons_set_html_content_type')) { function trx_addons_set_html_content_type() { return 'text/html'; } } // Decode html-entities in the shortcode parameters if (!function_exists('trx_addons_html_decode')) { function trx_addons_html_decode($prm) { if (is_array($prm) && count($prm) > 0) { foreach ($prm as $k=>$v) { if (is_string($v)) $prm[$k] = htmlspecialchars_decode($v, ENT_QUOTES); } } return $prm; } } /* GET, POST and SESSION utilities -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ // Strip slashes if Magic Quotes is on if (!function_exists('trx_addons_stripslashes')) { function trx_addons_stripslashes($val) { static $magic = 0; if ($magic === 0) { $magic = version_compare(phpversion(), '5.4', '>=') || (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_gpc') && get_magic_quotes_gpc()==1) || (function_exists('get_magic_quotes_runtime') && get_magic_quotes_runtime()==1) || strtolower(ini_get('magic_quotes_sybase'))=='on'; } if (is_array($val)) { foreach($val as $k=>$v) $val[$k] = trx_addons_stripslashes($v); } else $val = $magic ? stripslashes(trim($val)) : trim($val); return $val; } } // Return GET or POST value if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_value_gp')) { function trx_addons_get_value_gp($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_addons_stripslashes($rez); } } // Return GET or POST or COOKIE value if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_value_gpc')) { function trx_addons_get_value_gpc($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else if (isset($_COOKIE[$name])) $rez = $_COOKIE[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_addons_stripslashes($rez); } } // Get GET, POST, SESSION value and save it (if need) if (!function_exists('trx_addons_get_value_gps')) { function trx_addons_get_value_gps($name, $defa='') { if (isset($_GET[$name])) $rez = $_GET[$name]; else if (isset($_POST[$name])) $rez = $_POST[$name]; else if (isset($_SESSION[$name])) $rez = $_SESSION[$name]; else $rez = $defa; return trx_addons_stripslashes($rez); } } // Save value into session if (!function_exists('trx_addons_set_session_value')) { function trx_addons_set_session_value($name, $value) { if (!session_id()) session_start(); $_SESSION[$name] = $value; } } // Delete value from session if (!function_exists('trx_addons_del_session_value')) { function trx_addons_del_session_value($name) { if (!session_id()) session_start(); unset($_SESSION[$name]); } } ?>