Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/widgets/slider/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/widgets/slider/slider.php

 * Widget: Posts or Revolution slider
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons
 * @since v1.0

// Load widget
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_widget_slider_load')) {
	add_action( 'widgets_init', 'trx_addons_widget_slider_load' );
	function trx_addons_widget_slider_load() {
		register_widget( 'trx_addons_widget_slider' );

// Widget Class
class trx_addons_widget_slider extends TRX_Addons_Widget {

	function __construct() {
		$widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'widget_slider', 'description' => esc_html__('Display theme slider', 'trx_addons') );
		parent::__construct( 'trx_addons_widget_slider', esc_html__('ThemeREX Slider', 'trx_addons'), $widget_ops );

	// Show widget
	function widget( $args, $instance ) {
		extract( $args );

		$title = apply_filters('widget_title', isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '' );
		$engine = isset($instance['engine']) ? $instance['engine'] : 'swiper';

		// Before widget (defined by themes)

		// Display the widget title if one was input (before and after defined by themes)
		if ($title)	trx_addons_show_layout($before_title . $title . $after_title);

		// Widget body
		$html = '';
		if ($engine == 'swiper') {
			$slider_id = isset($instance['id']) ? $instance['id'] : '';
			$slider_style = isset($instance['slider_style']) ? $instance['slider_style'] : 'default';
			$slides_per_view = isset($instance['slides_per_view']) ? $instance['slides_per_view'] : 1;
			$slides_space = isset($instance['slides_space']) ? $instance['slides_space'] : 1;
			$slides = isset($instance['slides']) ? $instance['slides'] : array();
			$slides_type = isset($instance['slides_type']) ? $instance['slides_type'] : 'bg';
			$slides_ratio = isset($instance['slides_ratio']) ? $instance['slides_ratio'] : '16:9';
			$noresize = isset($instance['noresize']) ? (int) $instance['noresize'] : 0;
			$effect = isset($instance['effect']) ? $instance['effect'] : 'slide';
			$height = isset($instance['height']) ? $instance['height'] : 0;
			$post_type = isset($instance['post_type']) ? $instance['post_type'] : 'post';
			$taxonomy = isset($instance['taxonomy']) ? $instance['taxonomy'] : 'category';
			$category = isset($instance['category']) ? (int) $instance['category'] : 0;
			$posts = isset($instance['posts']) ? $instance['posts'] : 5;
			$interval = isset($instance['interval']) ? max(0, (int) $instance['interval']) : mt_rand(5000, 10000);
			$titles = isset($instance['titles']) ? $instance['titles'] : 'center';
			$large = isset($instance['large']) && $instance['large'] > 0 ? "on" : "off";
			$controls = isset($instance['controls']) && $instance['controls'] > 0 ? "on" : "off";
			$label_prev = isset($instance['label_prev']) ? $instance['label_prev'] : '';
			$label_next = isset($instance['label_next']) ? $instance['label_next'] : '';
			$pagination = isset($instance['pagination']) && $instance['pagination'] > 0 ? "on" : "off";
			$pagination_type = isset($instance['pagination_type']) ? $instance['pagination_type'] : "bullets";
			$pagination_pos = isset($instance['pagination_pos']) ? $instance['pagination_pos'] : "bottom";
			$direction = isset($instance['direction']) && $instance['direction'] == 'vertical' ? "vertical" : "horizontal";
			$count = $ids = $posts;
			if (strpos($ids, ',')!==false) {
				$count = 0;
			} else {
				$ids = '';
				if (empty($count)) $count = 3;
			if ($count > 0 || !empty($ids)) {
				$html = trx_addons_get_slider_layout(
									'mode' => empty($slides) ? 'posts' : 'custom',
									'style' => $slider_style,
									'slides_type' => $slides_type,
									'slides_ratio' => $slides_ratio,
									'noresize' => $noresize,
									'effect' => $effect,
									'controls' => $controls,
									'label_prev' => $label_prev,
									'label_next' => $label_next,
									'pagination' => $pagination,
									'pagination_type' => $pagination_type,
									'pagination_pos' => $pagination_pos,
									'direction' => $direction,
									'titles' => $titles,
									'large' => $large,
									'interval' => $interval,
									'height' => $height,
									'per_view' => $slides_per_view,
									'slides_space' => $slides_space,
									'post_type' => $post_type,
									'taxonomy' => $taxonomy,
									'cat' => $category,
									'ids' => $ids,
									'count' => $count,
									'orderby' => "date",
									'order' => "desc",
									'class' => "",	// "slider_height_fixed"
									'id' => $slider_id
								$instance, 'trx_addons_widget_slider'),
		} else if ($engine=='revo') {
			$alias = isset($instance['alias']) ? $instance['alias'] : '';
			if (!empty($alias)) {
				$html = do_shortcode('[rev_slider alias="'.esc_attr($alias).'"]');
				if (empty($html)) $html = do_shortcode('[rev_slider '.esc_attr($alias).']');
		if (!empty($html)) {
			<div class="slider_wrap slider_engine_<?php echo esc_attr($engine); ?><?php if ($engine=='revo') echo ' slider_alias_'.esc_attr($alias); ?>">
				<?php trx_addons_show_layout($html); ?>

		// After widget (defined by themes)

	// Update the widget settings.
	function update( $new_instance, $instance ) {
		$instance = array_merge($instance, $new_instance);
		$instance['title'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] );
		$instance['engine'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['engine'] );
		$instance['slider_style'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['slider_style'] );
		$instance['slides_per_view'] = intval( $new_instance['slides_per_view'] );
		$instance['slides_space'] = intval( $new_instance['slides_space'] );
		$instance['effect'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['effect'] );
		$instance['height'] = intval( $new_instance['height'] );
		$instance['post_type'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['post_type'] );
		$instance['taxonomy'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['taxonomy'] );
		$instance['category'] = intval( $new_instance['category'] );
		$instance['posts'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['posts'] );
		$instance['interval'] = intval( $new_instance['interval'] );
		$instance['titles'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['titles'] );
		$instance['large'] = max(0, min(1, intval( $new_instance['large'] )));
		$instance['controls'] = max(0, min(1, intval( $new_instance['controls'] )));
		$instance['pagination'] = max(0, min(1, intval( $new_instance['pagination'] )));
		$instance['direction'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['direction'] );
		if (isset($new_instance['alias']))
			$instance['alias'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['alias'] );
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_widget_args_update', $instance, $new_instance, 'trx_addons_widget_slider');

	// Displays the widget settings controls on the widget panel.
	function form( $instance ) {
		// Set up some default widget settings
		$instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_widget_args_default', array(
			'title' => '',
			'engine' => 'swiper',
			'slider_style' => 'default',
			'slides_per_view' => '1',
			'slides_space' => '0',
			'effect' => 'slide',
			'height' => '345',
			'alias' => '',
			'titles' => 'center',
			'large' => 0,
			'controls' => 0,
			'pagination' => 0,
			'direction' => 'horizontal',
			'post_type' => 'post',
			'taxonomy' => 'category',
			'category' => '0',
			'posts' => '5',
			'interval' => '7000'
			), 'trx_addons_widget_slider')
		do_action('trx_addons_action_before_widget_fields', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_slider');

		// Prepare lists
		$sliders_list = array(
			"swiper" => esc_html__("Posts slider (Swiper)", 'trx_addons')
		if (trx_addons_exists_revslider())
			$sliders_list["revo"] = esc_html__("Layer slider (Revolution)", 'trx_addons');
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'title',
								'title' => __('Title:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['title'],
								'type' => 'text'));
		do_action('trx_addons_action_after_widget_title', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_slider');
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'engine',
								'title' => __('Slider engine:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['engine'],
								'options' => $sliders_list,
								'type' => 'select'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'height',
								'title' => __('Slider height:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['height'],
								'type' => 'text'));

		if (trx_addons_exists_revslider()) {
			$this->show_field(array('name' => 'alias',
									'title' => __('Revolution Slider alias:', 'trx_addons'),
									'value' => $instance['alias'],
									'options' => trx_addons_get_list_revsliders(),
									'type' => 'select'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'slider_style',
								'title' => __('Swiper style:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['slider_style'],
								'options' => trx_addons_components_get_allowed_layouts('widgets', 'slider'),
								'type' => 'select'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'effect',
								'title' => __('Swiper effect:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['effect'],
								'options' => array(
													'slide' => __('Slide', 'trx_addons'),
													'fade' => __('Fade', 'trx_addons'),
													'cube' => __('Cube', 'trx_addons'),
													'flip' => __('Flip', 'trx_addons'),
													'coverflow' => __('Coverflow', 'trx_addons')
								'type' => 'select'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'post_type',
								'title' => __('Post type:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['post_type'],
								'options' => trx_addons_get_list_posts_types(),
								'class' => 'trx_addons_post_type_selector',
								'type' => 'select'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'taxonomy',
								'title' => __('Taxonomy:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['taxonomy'],
								'options' => trx_addons_get_list_taxonomies(false, $instance['post_type']),
								'class' => 'trx_addons_taxonomy_selector',
								'type' => 'select'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'category',
								'title' => __('Category:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['category'],
								'options' => trx_addons_get_list_terms(false, $instance['taxonomy'], array('pad_counts' => true)),
								'class' => 'trx_addons_terms_selector',
								'type' => 'select'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'posts',
								'title' => __('Number of posts to show in Swiper:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['posts'],
								'type' => 'text'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'slides_per_view',
								'title' => __('Slides per view in the Swiper:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['slides_per_view'],
								'type' => 'text'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'slides_space',
								'title' => __('Space between slides in the Swiper:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['slides_space'],
								'type' => 'text'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'interval',
								'title' => __('Swiper interval (in msec., 1000=1sec.)', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['interval'],
								'type' => 'text'));
		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'titles',
								'title' => __('Show titles in the Swiper:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['titles'],
								'options' => array(
													'no' => esc_html__('No titles', 'trx_addons'),
													'center' => esc_html__('Center', 'trx_addons'),
													'bottom' => esc_html__('Bottom Center', 'trx_addons'),
													'lb' => esc_html__('Bottom Left', 'trx_addons'),
													'rb' => esc_html__('Bottom Right', 'trx_addons')
								'type' => 'select'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'large',
								'title' => __('Only children of the current category:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['large'],
								'options' => array(
													1 => __('Large', 'trx_addons'),
													0 => __('Small', 'trx_addons')
								'type' => 'switch'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'controls',
								'title' => __('Show arrows:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['controls'],
								'options' => trx_addons_get_list_show_hide(false, true),
								'type' => 'switch'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'pagination',
								'title' => __('Show pagination:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => (int) $instance['pagination'],
								'options' => trx_addons_get_list_show_hide(false, true),
								'type' => 'switch'));

		$this->show_field(array('name' => 'direction',
								'title' => __('Direction:', 'trx_addons'),
								'value' => $instance['direction'],
								'options' => array(
													'horizontal' => __('Horizontal', 'trx_addons'),
													'vertical' => __('Vertical', 'trx_addons')
								'type' => 'switch'));
		do_action('trx_addons_action_after_widget_fields', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_slider');

// Load required styles and scripts for the frontend
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_widget_slider_load_scripts_front' ) ) {
	add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", 'trx_addons_widget_slider_load_scripts_front');
	function trx_addons_widget_slider_load_scripts_front() {
		if (trx_addons_is_on(trx_addons_get_option('debug_mode'))) {
			wp_enqueue_style( 'trx_addons-widget_slider', trx_addons_get_file_url(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'slider/slider.css'), array(), null );
			// Attention! Slider's script will be loaded always, because it used not only in this widget, but in the many CPT, SC, etc.
			wp_enqueue_script( 'trx_addons-widget_slider', trx_addons_get_file_url(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'slider/slider.js'), array('jquery'), null, true );

// Merge widget's specific styles into single stylesheet
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_styles' ) ) {
	add_action("trx_addons_filter_merge_styles", 'trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_styles');
	function trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_styles($list) {
		$list[] = TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'slider/slider.css';
		return $list;

// Merge widget's specific scripts into single file
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_scripts' ) ) {
	add_action("trx_addons_filter_merge_scripts", 'trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_scripts');
	function trx_addons_widget_slider_merge_scripts($list) {
		$list[] = TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'slider/slider.js';
		return $list;

// trx_widget_slider
[trx_widget_slider id="unique_id" title="Widget title" engine="revo" alias="home_slider_1"]
	[trx_slide title="Slide title" subtitle="Slide subtitle" link="" video_url="URL to video" video_embed="or HTML-code with iframe"]Slide content[/trx_slide]
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_sc_widget_slider' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_sc_widget_slider($atts, $content=null){	
		$atts = trx_addons_sc_prepare_atts('trx_widget_slider', $atts, array(
			// Individual params
			'title' => '',
			'engine' => 'swiper',
			'slider_style' => 'default',
			'slides_per_view' => '1',
			'slides_space' => '0',
			'slides_type' => 'bg',
			'slides_ratio' => '16:9',
			'noresize' => '0',
			'effect' => 'slide',
			'height' => '',
			'alias' => '',
			'post_type' => 'post',
			'taxonomy' => 'category',
			'category' => '0',
			'posts' => '5',
			'interval' => '7000',
			'titles' => 'center',
			'large' => 0,
			'controls' => 0,
			'label_prev' => esc_html__('Prev|PHOTO', 'trx_addons'),				// Label of the 'Prev Slide' button (Modern style)
			'label_next' => esc_html__('Next|PHOTO', 'trx_addons'),				// Label of the 'Next Slide' button (Modern style)
			'pagination' => 0,
			'pagination_type' => 'bullets',
			'pagination_pos' => 'bottom',
			'direction' => 'horizontal',
			'slides' => '',
			// Common params
			"id" => "",
			"class" => "",
			"css" => ""

		global $wp_widget_factory, $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE;

		if (function_exists('vc_param_group_parse_atts'))
			$atts['slides'] = (array) vc_param_group_parse_atts( $atts['slides'] );
		if (count($atts['slides']) == 0 || count($atts['slides'][0]) == 0) {
			$atts['slides'] = $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['trx_slide_data'] = array();
			$content = do_shortcode($content);
			if (count($TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['trx_slide_data']) > 0) {
				$atts['slides'] = $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['trx_slide_data'];
		$type = 'trx_addons_widget_slider';
		$output = '';
		if ( is_object( $wp_widget_factory ) && isset( $wp_widget_factory->widgets, $wp_widget_factory->widgets[ $type ] ) ) {
			$output = '<div' . ($atts['id'] ? ' id="'.esc_attr($atts['id']).'"' : '')
							. ' class="widget_area sc_widget_slider' 
								. (trx_addons_exists_visual_composer() ? ' vc_widget_slider wpb_content_element' : '') 
								. (!empty($atts['class']) ? ' ' . esc_attr($atts['class']) : '') 
								. '"'
							. ($atts['css'] ? ' style="'.esc_attr($atts['css']).'"' : '')
						. '>';
			the_widget( $type, $atts, trx_addons_prepare_widgets_args($TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['widgets_args'], $atts['id'] ? $atts['id'].'_widget' : 'widget_slider', 'widget_slider') );
			$output .= ob_get_contents();
			$output .= '</div>';
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_output', $output, 'trx_widget_slider', $atts, $content);

// Add [trx_widget_slider] in the VC shortcodes list
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc() {

		add_shortcode("trx_widget_slider", "trx_addons_sc_widget_slider");

		if (!trx_addons_exists_visual_composer()) return;
		vc_lean_map("trx_widget_slider", 'trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc_params');
		class WPBakeryShortCode_Trx_Widget_Slider extends WPBakeryShortCodesContainer {}
	add_action('init', 'trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc', 20);

// Return params
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc_params')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_widget_slider_add_in_vc_params() {
		// If open params in VC Editor
		list($vc_edit, $vc_params) = trx_addons_get_vc_form_params('trx_widget_slider');
		// Prepare lists
		$post_type = $vc_edit && !empty($vc_params['post_type']) ? $vc_params['post_type'] : 'post';
		$taxonomy = $vc_edit && !empty($vc_params['taxonomy']) ? $vc_params['taxonomy'] : 'category';
		$taxonomies_objects = get_object_taxonomies($post_type, 'objects');
		$taxonomies = array();
		if (is_array($taxonomies_objects)) {
			foreach ($taxonomies_objects as $slug=>$taxonomy_obj) {
				$taxonomies[$slug] = $taxonomy_obj->label;
		$tax_obj = get_taxonomy($taxonomy);

		$sliders_list = array(
			"swiper" => esc_html__("Posts slider (Swiper)", 'trx_addons')
		if (trx_addons_exists_revslider()) {
			$sliders_list["revo"] = esc_html__("Layer slider (Revolution)", 'trx_addons');
		$params = array(
						"param_name" => "title",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Widget title", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Title of the widget", 'trx_addons') ),
						"admin_label" => true,
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "engine",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Slider engine", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select engine to show slider", 'trx_addons') ),
						"admin_label" => true,
				        'save_always' => true,
						"value" => array_flip($sliders_list),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "slides_type",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Type of the slides content", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Use images from slides as background (default) or insert it as tag inside each slide", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "bg",
						"value" => array(
							esc_html__('Background', 'trx_addons') => 'bg',
							esc_html__('Image tag', 'trx_addons') => 'images'
						"type" => "dropdown"
		if (trx_addons_exists_revslider()) {
			$params[] = array(
						"param_name" => "alias",
						"heading" => esc_html__("RevSlider alias", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select previously created Revolution slider", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'revo'
						"value" => array_flip(trx_addons_get_list_revsliders()),
				        'save_always' => true,
						"type" => "dropdown"
		$params = array_merge($params,
						"param_name" => "noresize",
						"heading" => esc_html__("No resize slide's content", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Disable resize slide's content, stretch images to cover slide", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "0",
						"value" => array("No resize slide's content" => "1" ),
						"type" => "checkbox"
						"param_name" => "slides_ratio",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Slides ratio", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Ratio to resize slides on tabs and mobile. If empty - 16:9", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'noresize',
							'is_empty' => true
						"std" => "16:9",
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "height",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Slider height", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Initial height of the slider. If empty - calculate from width and aspect ratio", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'noresize',
							'not_empty' => true
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "slider_style",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Swiper style", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select style of the Swiper slider", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						"admin_label" => true,
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"value" => array_flip(trx_addons_components_get_allowed_layouts('widgets', 'slider')),
						"std" => "default",
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "effect",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Swiper effect", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select slides effect of the Swiper slider", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"value" => array(
									esc_html__('Slide', 'trx_addons') => 'slide',
									esc_html__('Fade', 'trx_addons') => 'fade',
									esc_html__('Cube', 'trx_addons') => 'cube',
									esc_html__('Flip', 'trx_addons') => 'flip',
									esc_html__('Coverflow', 'trx_addons') => 'coverflow'
						"std" => "slide",
				        'save_always' => true,
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "direction",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Direction", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select direction to change slides", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"value" => array(
									esc_html__('Horizontal', 'trx_addons') => 'horizontal',
									esc_html__('Vertical', 'trx_addons') => 'vertical'
						"std" => "horizontal",
				        'save_always' => true,
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "slides_per_view",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Slides per view in the Swiper", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify slides per view in the Swiper", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "1",
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "slides_space",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Space between slides in the Swiper", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Space between slides in the Swiper", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"value" => "0",
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "interval",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Interval between slides in the Swiper", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify interval between slides change in the Swiper", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "7000",
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "controls",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Controls", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want to show arrows to change slides?", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "0",
						"value" => array("Show arrows" => "1" ),
						"type" => "checkbox"
						"param_name" => "label_prev",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Prev Slide", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Label of the 'Prev Slide' button in the Swiper (Modern style). Use '|' to break line", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
								'element' => 'controls',
								'not_empty' => true
						"std" => esc_html__('Prev|PHOTO', 'trx_addons'),
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "label_next",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Next Slide", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Label of the 'Next Slide' button in the Swiper (Modern style). Use '|' to break line", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
								'element' => 'controls',
								'not_empty' => true
						"std" => esc_html__('Next|PHOTO', 'trx_addons'),
						"type" => "textfield"
						"param_name" => "pagination",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Pagination", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want to show bullets to change slides?", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "0",
						"value" => array("Show pagination" => "1" ),
						"type" => "checkbox"
						"param_name" => "pagination_type",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Pagination type", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select type of the pagination", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'pagination',
							'not_empty' => true
						"std" => "bullets",
				        'save_always' => true,
						"value" => array(
							esc_html__('Bullets', 'trx_addons') => 'bullets',
							esc_html__('Fraction (slide numbers)', 'trx_addons') => 'fraction',
							esc_html__('Progress', 'trx_addons') => 'progress'
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "pagination_pos",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Pagination position", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select pagination position", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'pagination',
							'not_empty' => true
						"std" => "bottom",
				        'save_always' => true,
						"value" => array(
							esc_html__('Bottom Inside', 'trx_addons') => 'bottom',
							esc_html__('Bottom Outside', 'trx_addons') => 'bottom_outside',
							esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons') => 'left',
							esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons') => 'right'
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "titles",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Titles in the Swiper", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Show post's titles and categories on the slides", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "center",
				        'save_always' => true,
						"value" => array(
							esc_html__('No titles', 'trx_addons') => 'no',
							esc_html__('Center', 'trx_addons') => 'center',
							esc_html__('Bottom Center', 'trx_addons') => 'bottom',
							esc_html__('Bottom Left', 'trx_addons') => 'lb',
							esc_html__('Bottom Right', 'trx_addons') => 'rb',
							esc_html__('Outside', 'trx_addons') => 'outside'
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "large",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Large titles", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want use large titles?", 'trx_addons') ),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "0",
						"value" => array("Large titles" => "1" ),
						"type" => "checkbox"

						"param_name" => "post_type",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Post type", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select post type to get featured images from the posts", 'trx_addons') ),
						"group" => esc_html__('Slides', 'trx_addons'),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => 'post',
						"value" => array_flip(trx_addons_get_list_posts_types()),
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "taxonomy",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Taxonomy", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select taxonomy to get featured images from the posts", 'trx_addons') ),
						"group" => esc_html__('Slides', 'trx_addons'),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => 'category',
						"value" => array_flip($taxonomies),
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "category",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Category", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select category to get featured images from the posts", 'trx_addons') ),
						"group" => esc_html__('Slides', 'trx_addons'),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => 0,
						"value" => array_flip(trx_addons_array_merge(array(0=>sprintf(__('- %s -', 'trx_addons'), $tax_obj->label)),
																	 $taxonomy == 'category' 
																	 	? trx_addons_get_list_categories() 
																		: trx_addons_get_list_terms(false, $taxonomy)
						"type" => "dropdown"
						"param_name" => "posts",
						"heading" => esc_html__("Posts number", 'trx_addons'),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Number of posts or comma separated post's IDs to show images", 'trx_addons') ),
						"group" => esc_html__('Slides', 'trx_addons'),
						'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-3',
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						"std" => "5",
						"type" => "textfield"
						'param_name' => 'slides',
						'heading' => esc_html__( 'or create custom slides', 'trx_addons' ),
						"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select icons, specify title and/or description for each item", 'trx_addons') ),
						"group" => esc_html__('Slides', 'trx_addons'),
						'dependency' => array(
							'element' => 'engine',
							'value' => 'swiper'
						'value' => '',
						'type' => 'param_group',
						'params' => apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_param_group_params', array(
								'param_name' => 'title',
								'heading' => esc_html__( 'Title', 'trx_addons' ),
								'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter title of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
								'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
								'admin_label' => true,
								'type' => 'textfield'
								'param_name' => 'subtitle',
								'heading' => esc_html__( 'Subtitle', 'trx_addons' ),
								'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter subtitle of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
								'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
								'type' => 'textfield'
								'param_name' => 'link',
								'heading' => esc_html__( 'Link', 'trx_addons' ),
								'description' => esc_html__( 'URL to link of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
								'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
								'type' => 'textfield'
								"param_name" => "image",
								"heading" => esc_html__("Image", 'trx_addons'),
								"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select or upload image or specify URL from other site", 'trx_addons') ),
								"type" => "attach_image"
								'param_name' => 'video_url',
								'heading' => esc_html__( 'Video URL', 'trx_addons' ),
								'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter link to the video (Note: read more about available formats at WordPress Codex page)', 'trx_addons' ),
								'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6',
								'type' => 'textfield'
								'param_name' => 'video_embed',
								'heading' => esc_html__( 'Video embed code', 'trx_addons' ),
								'description' => esc_html__( 'or paste the HTML code to embed video in this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
								'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-6',
								'type' => 'textarea'
						), 'trx_widget_slider')
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_map', array(
				"base" => "trx_widget_slider",
				"name" => esc_html__("Slider", 'trx_addons'),
				"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Insert widget with slider", 'trx_addons') ),
				"category" => esc_html__('ThemeREX', 'trx_addons'),
				"icon" => 'icon_trx_widget_slider',
				"class" => "trx_widget_slider",
				"content_element" => true,
				'is_container' => true,
				'as_child' => array('except' => 'trx_widget_slider'),
				"js_view" => 'VcTrxAddonsContainerView',	//'VcColumnView',
				"as_parent" => array('only' => 'trx_slide'),
				"show_settings_on_create" => true,
				"params" => $params
			), 'trx_widget_slider' );

// trx_slide
[trx_slide title="Slide title" subtitle="Slide subtitle" link="" video_url="URL to video" video_embed="or HTML-code with iframe"]Slide content[/trx_slide]
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_sc_slide' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slide($atts, $content=null){	
		$atts = trx_addons_sc_prepare_atts('trx_slide', $atts, array(
			// Individual params
			'title' => '',
			'subtitle' => '',
			'link' => '',
			'image' => '',
			'video_url' => '',
			'video_embed' => '',
			// Common params
			"id" => "",
			"class" => "",
			"css" => ""

		$atts['content'] = do_shortcode($content);
		$TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['trx_slide_data'][] = $atts;

		return '';

// Add [trx_slide] in the VC shortcodes list
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc() {

		add_shortcode("trx_slide", "trx_addons_sc_slide");

		if (!trx_addons_exists_visual_composer()) return;
		vc_lean_map("trx_slide", 'trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc_params');
		class WPBakeryShortCode_Trx_Slide extends WPBakeryShortCodesContainer {}
	add_action('init', 'trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc', 20);

// Return params
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc_params')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slide_add_in_vc_params() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_map', array(
				"base" => "trx_slide",
				"name" => esc_html__("Custom Slide", 'trx_addons'),
				"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Insert the custom slide in the slider", 'trx_addons') ),
				"category" => esc_html__('ThemeREX', 'trx_addons'),
				"icon" => 'icon_trx_slide',
				"class" => "trx_slide",
				"content_element" => true,
				'is_container' => true,
				"js_view" => 'VcTrxAddonsContainerView',	//'VcColumnView',
				"as_child" => array('only' => 'trx_widget_slider'),
				"as_parent" => array('except' => 'trx_widget_slider,trx_slide'),
				"show_settings_on_create" => true,
				"params" => array_merge(
							'param_name' => 'title',
							'heading' => esc_html__( 'Title', 'trx_addons' ),
							'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter title of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							'admin_label' => true,
							'type' => 'textfield'
							'param_name' => 'subtitle',
							'heading' => esc_html__( 'Subtitle', 'trx_addons' ),
							'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter subtitle of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							'type' => 'textfield'
							'param_name' => 'link',
							'heading' => esc_html__( 'Link', 'trx_addons' ),
							'description' => esc_html__( 'URL to link of this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							'type' => 'textfield'
							"param_name" => "image",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Image", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select or upload image or specify URL from other site", 'trx_addons') ),
							"type" => "attach_image"
							'param_name' => 'video_url',
							'heading' => esc_html__( 'Video URL', 'trx_addons' ),
							'description' => esc_html__( 'Enter link to the video (Note: read more about available formats at WordPress Codex page)', 'trx_addons' ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							'type' => 'textfield'
							'param_name' => 'video_embed',
							'heading' => esc_html__( 'Video embed code', 'trx_addons' ),
							'description' => esc_html__( 'or paste the HTML code to embed video in this slide', 'trx_addons' ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-8',
							'type' => 'textarea'
			), 'trx_slide' );

// trx_slider_controller
[trx_slider_controller id="unique_id" slider_id="controller_slider_id"]
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controller' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controller($atts, $content=null){	
		$atts = trx_addons_sc_prepare_atts('trx_slider_controller', $atts, array(
			// Individual params
			'controller_style' => 'thumbs',
			'slider_id' => '',
			'slides_per_view' => '3',
			'slides_space' => '0',
			'effect' => 'slide',
			'direction' => 'horizontal',
			'height' => '',
			'interval' => '7000',
			'controls' => 0,
			// Common params
			"id" => "",
			"class" => "",
			"css" => ""
		$output = '';
		if (!empty($atts['slider_id'])) {
			if (empty($atts['height']) && $atts['direction']!='vertical') $atts['height']=100;
			$output = '<div' . ($atts['id'] ? ' id="'.esc_attr($atts['id']).'"' : '')
							. ' class="sc_slider_controller'
								. ' sc_slider_controller_'.esc_attr($atts['controller_style']) 
								. ' sc_slider_controller_'.esc_attr($atts['direction']) 
								. ' sc_slider_controller_height_' . ((int)$atts['height']>0 ? 'fixed' : 'auto')
								. (!empty($atts['class']) ? ' ' . esc_attr($atts['class']) : '') 
								. '"'
							. ' data-slider-id="'.esc_attr($atts['slider_id']).'"'
							. ' data-style="'.esc_attr($atts['controller_style']).'"'
							. ' data-controls="' . esc_attr($atts['controls']>0 ? 1 : 0) . '"'
							. ' data-interval="'.esc_attr($atts['interval']).'"'
							. ' data-effect="'.esc_attr($atts['effect']).'"'
							. ' data-direction="'.esc_attr($atts['direction']=='vertical' ? 'vertical' : 'horizontal').'"'
							. ' data-slides-per-view="'.esc_attr($atts['slides_per_view']).'"'
							. ' data-slides-space="'.esc_attr($atts['slides_space']).'"'
							. ((int)$atts['height']>0 ? ' data-height="'.esc_attr(trx_addons_prepare_css_value($atts['height'])).'"' : '')
							. ($atts['css'] ? ' style="'.esc_attr($atts['css']).'"' : '')
						. '>'
						. '</div>';
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_output', $output, 'trx_slider_controller', $atts, $content);

// Add [trx_slider_controller] in the VC shortcodes list
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc() {

		add_shortcode("trx_slider_controller", "trx_addons_sc_slider_controller");

		if (!trx_addons_exists_visual_composer()) return;
		vc_lean_map("trx_slider_controller", 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc_params');
		class WPBakeryShortCode_Trx_Slider_Controller extends WPBakeryShortCode {}
	add_action('init', 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc', 20);

// Return params
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc_params')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controller_add_in_vc_params() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_map', array(
				"base" => "trx_slider_controller",
				"name" => esc_html__("Slider Controller", 'trx_addons'),
				"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Insert controller for the specified slider", 'trx_addons') ),
				"category" => esc_html__('ThemeREX', 'trx_addons'),
				"icon" => 'icon_trx_slider_controller',
				"class" => "trx_slider_controller",
				"content_element" => true,
				"is_container" => false,
				"show_settings_on_create" => true,
				"params" => array_merge(
							"param_name" => "slider_id",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Slave slider ID", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("ID of the slave slider", 'trx_addons') ),
							'admin_label' => true,
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "height",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Controller height", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Controller height", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "controls",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Controls", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want to show arrows to change slides?", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"std" => "0",
							"value" => array("Show arrows" => "1" ),
							"type" => "checkbox"
							"param_name" => "controller_style",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Style", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select style of the Controller", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
							'admin_label' => true,
					        'save_always' => true,
							"value" => array(
										esc_html__('Thumbs', 'trx_addons') => 'thumbs',
										esc_html__('Titles', 'trx_addons') => 'titles'
							"std" => "thumbs",
							"type" => "dropdown"
							"param_name" => "effect",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Effect", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select slides effect of the Controller", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"value" => array(
										esc_html__('Slide', 'trx_addons') => 'slide',
										esc_html__('Fade', 'trx_addons') => 'fade',
										esc_html__('Cube', 'trx_addons') => 'cube',
										esc_html__('Flip', 'trx_addons') => 'flip',
										esc_html__('Coverflow', 'trx_addons') => 'coverflow'
							"std" => "slide",
							"type" => "dropdown"
							"param_name" => "direction",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Direction", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select direction to change slides", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"std" => 'horizontal',
							"value" => array(
										esc_html__('Horizontal', 'trx_addons') => 'horizontal',
										esc_html__('Vertical', 'trx_addons') => 'vertical'
							"type" => "dropdown"
							"param_name" => "slides_per_view",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Slides per view", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify slides per view in the Controller", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
							"std" => "1",
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "slides_space",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Space between slides", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Space between slides in the Controller", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"std" => "0",
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "interval",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Interval between slides", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify interval between slides change in the Controller", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"std" => "7000",
							"type" => "textfield"
			), 'trx_slider_controller' );

// trx_slider_controls
[trx_slider_controls id="unique_id" slider_id="controller_slider_id"]
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controls' ) ) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controls($atts, $content=null){	
		$atts = trx_addons_sc_prepare_atts('trx_slider_controls', $atts, array(
			// Individual params
			'controls_style' => 'default',
			'slider_id' => '',
			'align' => 'left',
			'hide_prev' => 0,
			'title_prev' => '',
			'hide_next' => 0,
			'title_next' => '',
			// Common params
			"id" => "",
			"class" => "",
			"css" => ""
		$output = '';
		if (!empty($atts['slider_id'])) {
			$output = '<div' . ($atts['id'] ? ' id="'.esc_attr($atts['id']).'"' : '')
							. ' class="sc_slider_controls sc_slider_controls_'.esc_attr($atts['controls_style'])
								. (!empty($atts['align']) ? ' sc_align_' . esc_attr($atts['align']) : '') 
								. (!empty($atts['class']) ? ' ' . esc_attr($atts['class']) : '') 
								. '"'
							. ' data-slider-id="'.esc_attr($atts['slider_id']).'"'
							. ' data-style="'.esc_attr($atts['controls_style']).'"'
							. ($atts['css'] ? ' style="'.esc_attr($atts['css']).'"' : '')
						. '>'
							. '<div class="slider_controls_wrap">'
								. (empty($atts['hide_prev']) 
									? '<a class="slider_prev swiper-button-prev'.(!empty($atts['title_prev']) ? ' with_title' : '').'" href="#">'
										. (!empty($atts['title_prev']) ? esc_html($atts['title_prev']) : '')
										. '</a>' 
									: ''
								. (empty($atts['hide_next']) 
									? '<a class="slider_next swiper-button-next'.(!empty($atts['title_next']) ? ' with_title' : '').'" href="#">'
										. (!empty($atts['title_next']) ? esc_html($atts['title_next']) : '')
										. '</a>' 
									: ''
							. '</div>'
						. '</div>';
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_output', $output, 'trx_slider_controls', $atts, $content);

// Add [trx_slider_controls] in the VC shortcodes list
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc() {

		add_shortcode("trx_slider_controls", "trx_addons_sc_slider_controls");

		if (!trx_addons_exists_visual_composer()) return;
		vc_lean_map("trx_slider_controls", 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc_params');
		class WPBakeryShortCode_Trx_Slider_Controls extends WPBakeryShortCode {}
	add_action('init', 'trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc', 20);

// Return params
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc_params')) {
	function trx_addons_sc_slider_controls_add_in_vc_params() {
		return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_map', array(
				"base" => "trx_slider_controls",
				"name" => esc_html__("Slider Controls", 'trx_addons'),
				"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Insert separate arrows for the specified slider", 'trx_addons') ),
				"category" => esc_html__('ThemeREX', 'trx_addons'),
				"icon" => 'icon_trx_slider_controls',
				"class" => "trx_slider_controls",
				"content_element" => true,
				"is_container" => false,
				"show_settings_on_create" => true,
				"params" => array_merge(
							"param_name" => "slider_id",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Slave slider ID", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("ID of the slave slider", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							'admin_label' => true,
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "controls_style",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Style", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select style of the arrows", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"value" => array(
										esc_html__('Default', 'trx_addons') => 'default'
							"std" => "default",
							"type" => "dropdown"
							"param_name" => "align",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Alignment", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select alignment of the arrows", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4',
							"value" => array(
										esc_html__('Left', 'trx_addons') => 'left',
										esc_html__('Center', 'trx_addons') => 'center',
										esc_html__('Right', 'trx_addons') => 'right'
							"std" => "left",
					        'save_always' => true,
							"type" => "dropdown"
							"param_name" => "hide_prev",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Hide button 'Prev'", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want to hide arrow 'Prev'?", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
							"std" => "0",
							"value" => array("Hide 'Prev'" => "1" ),
							"type" => "checkbox"
							"param_name" => "title_prev",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Title for button 'Prev'", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify title of the button 'Prev'. If empty - display arrow", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-8',
							'dependency' => array(
								'element' => 'hide_prev',
								'is_empty' => true
							"std" => "",
							"type" => "textfield"
							"param_name" => "hide_next",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Hide button 'Next'", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Do you want to hide arrow 'Next'?", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4 vc_new_row',
							"std" => "0",
							"value" => array("Hide 'Next'" => "1" ),
							"type" => "checkbox"
							"param_name" => "title_next",
							"heading" => esc_html__("Title for button 'Next'", 'trx_addons'),
							"description" => wp_kses_data( __("Specify title of the button 'Next'. If empty - display arrow", 'trx_addons') ),
							'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-8',
							'dependency' => array(
								'element' => 'hide_next',
								'is_empty' => true
							"std" => "",
							"type" => "textfield"
			), 'trx_slider_controls' );

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0