Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/widgets/audio/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/widgets/audio/audio.php |
<?php /** * Widget: Audio player for Local hosted audio and Soundcloud and other embeded audio * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.2 */ // Load widget if (!function_exists('trx_addons_widget_audio_load')) { add_action( 'widgets_init', 'trx_addons_widget_audio_load' ); function trx_addons_widget_audio_load() { register_widget( 'trx_addons_widget_audio' ); } } // Widget Class class trx_addons_widget_audio extends TRX_Addons_Widget { function __construct() { $widget_ops = array( 'classname' => 'widget_audio', 'description' => esc_html__('Play audio from Soundcloud and other audio hostings or Local hosted audio', 'trx_addons') ); parent::__construct( 'trx_addons_widget_audio', esc_html__('ThemeREX Audio player', 'trx_addons'), $widget_ops ); } // Show widget function widget( $args, $instance ) { $title = apply_filters('widget_title', isset($instance['title']) ? $instance['title'] : '' ); $url = isset($instance['url']) ? $instance['url'] : ''; $embed = isset($instance['embed']) ? str_replace("`", '"', $instance['embed']) : ''; if (empty($url) && empty($embed)) return; $caption = isset($instance['caption']) ? $instance['caption'] : ''; $author = isset($instance['author']) ? $instance['author'] : ''; $cover = isset($instance['cover']) ? $instance['cover'] : ''; if ($cover!='') $cover = trx_addons_get_attachment_url($cover, trx_addons_get_thumb_size('big')); trx_addons_get_template_part(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'audio/tpl.default.php', 'trx_addons_args_widget_audio', apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_widget_args', array_merge($args, compact('title', 'url', 'embed', 'cover', 'caption', 'author')), $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_audio') ); } // Update the widget settings. function update( $new_instance, $instance ) { $instance = array_merge($instance, $new_instance); $instance['title'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['title'] ); $instance['caption'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['caption'] ); $instance['author'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['author'] ); $instance['url'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['url'] ); $instance['embed'] = trim( $new_instance['embed'] ); $instance['cover'] = strip_tags( $new_instance['cover'] ); return apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_widget_args_update', $instance, $new_instance, 'trx_addons_widget_audio'); } // Displays the widget settings controls on the widget panel. function form( $instance ) { // Set up some default widget settings $instance = wp_parse_args( (array) $instance, apply_filters('trx_addons_filter_widget_args_default', array( 'title' => '', 'caption' => '', 'author' => '', 'cover' => '', 'url' => '', 'embed' => '' ), 'trx_addons_widget_audio') ); do_action('trx_addons_action_before_widget_fields', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_audio'); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'title', 'title' => __('Title:', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['title'], 'type' => 'text')); do_action('trx_addons_action_after_widget_title', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_audio'); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'caption', 'title' => __('Caption:', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['caption'], 'type' => 'text')); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'author', 'title' => __('Author:', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['author'], 'type' => 'text')); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'cover', 'title' => __('Cover image URL:<br />(leave empty if you not need the cover)', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['cover'], 'type' => 'image')); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'url', 'title' => __('Select local hosted audio:', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['url'], 'type' => 'audio')); $this->show_field(array('name' => 'embed', 'title' => __('or paste HTML code to embed audio:', 'trx_addons'), 'value' => $instance['embed'], 'type' => 'textarea')); do_action('trx_addons_action_after_widget_fields', $instance, 'trx_addons_widget_audio'); } } // Load required styles and scripts for the frontend if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_widget_audio_load_scripts_front' ) ) { add_action("wp_enqueue_scripts", 'trx_addons_widget_audio_load_scripts_front'); function trx_addons_widget_audio_load_scripts_front() { if (trx_addons_is_on(trx_addons_get_option('debug_mode'))) { wp_enqueue_style( 'trx_addons-widget_audio', trx_addons_get_file_url(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'audio/audio.css'), array(), null ); } } } // Merge widget specific styles into single stylesheet if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_widget_audio_merge_styles' ) ) { add_action("trx_addons_filter_merge_styles", 'trx_addons_widget_audio_merge_styles'); function trx_addons_widget_audio_merge_styles($list) { $list[] = TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_WIDGETS . 'audio/audio.css'; return $list; } } // trx_widget_audio //------------------------------------------------------------- /* [trx_widget_audio id="unique_id" title="Widget title" embed="HTML code" cover="image url"] */ if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_sc_widget_audio' ) ) { function trx_addons_sc_widget_audio($atts, $content=null){ $atts = trx_addons_sc_prepare_atts('trx_widget_audio', $atts, array( // Individual params 'title' => '', 'caption' => '', 'author' => '', 'url' => '', 'embed' => '', 'cover' => '', // Common params "id" => "", "class" => "", "css" => "" ) ); if (!empty($atts['embed'])) $atts['embed'] = trim( vc_value_from_safe( $atts['embed'] ) ); extract($atts); $type = 'trx_addons_widget_audio'; $output = ''; global $wp_widget_factory, $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE; if ( is_object( $wp_widget_factory ) && isset( $wp_widget_factory->widgets, $wp_widget_factory->widgets[ $type ] ) ) { $output = '<div' . ($id ? ' id="'.esc_attr($id).'"' : '') . ' class="widget_area sc_widget_audio' . (trx_addons_exists_visual_composer() ? ' vc_widget_audio wpb_content_element' : '') . (!empty($class) ? ' ' . esc_attr($class) : '') . '"' . ($css ? ' style="'.esc_attr($css).'"' : '') . '>'; ob_start(); the_widget( $type, $atts, trx_addons_prepare_widgets_args($TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['widgets_args'], $id ? $id.'_widget' : 'widget_audio', 'widget_audio') ); $output .= ob_get_contents(); ob_end_clean(); $output .= '</div>'; } return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_output', $output, 'trx_widget_audio', $atts, $content); } } // Add [trx_widget_audio] in the VC shortcodes list if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc')) { function trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc() { add_shortcode("trx_widget_audio", "trx_addons_sc_widget_audio"); if (!trx_addons_exists_visual_composer()) return; vc_lean_map("trx_widget_audio", 'trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc_params'); class WPBakeryShortCode_Trx_Widget_Audio extends WPBakeryShortCode {} } add_action('init', 'trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc', 20); } // Return params if (!function_exists('trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc_params')) { function trx_addons_sc_widget_audio_add_in_vc_params() { return apply_filters('trx_addons_sc_map', array( "base" => "trx_widget_audio", "name" => esc_html__("Audio player", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("Insert widget with embedded audio from popular audio hosting: SoundCloud, etc. or with local hosted audio", 'trx_addons') ), "category" => esc_html__('ThemeREX', 'trx_addons'), "icon" => 'icon_trx_widget_audio', "class" => "trx_widget_audio", "content_element" => true, "is_container" => false, "show_settings_on_create" => true, "params" => array_merge( array( array( "param_name" => "title", "heading" => esc_html__("Widget title", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("Title of the widget", 'trx_addons') ), "admin_label" => true, "type" => "textfield" ), array( "param_name" => "caption", "heading" => esc_html__("Audio caption", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("Caption of this audio", 'trx_addons') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4', "admin_label" => true, "type" => "textfield" ), array( "param_name" => "author", "heading" => esc_html__("Author name", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("Name of the author", 'trx_addons') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4', "type" => "textfield" ), array( "param_name" => "cover", "heading" => esc_html__("Cover image", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("Select or upload cover image or write URL from other site", 'trx_addons') ), 'edit_field_class' => 'vc_col-sm-4', "type" => "attach_image" ), array( "param_name" => "url", "heading" => esc_html__("Audio URL", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("URL for local hosted audio file", 'trx_addons') ), "admin_label" => true, "type" => "textfield" ), array( "param_name" => "embed", "heading" => esc_html__("Embed code", 'trx_addons'), "description" => wp_kses_data( __("or paste HTML code to embed audio", 'trx_addons') ), "type" => "textarea_safe" ) ), trx_addons_vc_add_id_param() ) ), 'trx_widget_audio' ); } } ?>