Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/shortcodes/anchor/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/shortcodes/anchor/anchor.js |
/** * Shortcode Anchor * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.2 */ /* global jQuery:false */ /* global TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE:false */ // Init handlers jQuery(document).on('action.init_shortcodes', function(e, container) { "use strict"; var toc_menu = jQuery('#toc_menu'); if (toc_menu.length == 0) trx_addons_build_page_toc(); toc_menu = jQuery('#toc_menu:not(.inited)'); if (toc_menu.length == 0) return; var toc_menu_items = toc_menu.addClass('inited').find('.toc_menu_item'); trx_addons_detect_active_toc(); var wheel_busy = false, wheel_time = 0; // One page mode for menu links (scroll to anchor) // Old case: toc_menu.on('click', 'a', function(e) { // New case (allow add class 'toc_menu_item' in any menu to enable scroll): jQuery('.toc_menu_item > a').on('click', function(e) { if (trx_addons_scroll_to_anchor(jQuery(this), true)) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); // Change active element then page is scrolled jQuery(window).on('scroll', function() { // Mark current item trx_addons_mark_active_toc(); }); trx_addons_mark_active_toc(); if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['scroll_to_anchor'] == 1) { var wheel_stop = false; jQuery(document).on('action.stop_wheel_handlers', function(e) { wheel_stop = true; }); jQuery(document).on('action.start_wheel_handlers', function(e) { wheel_stop = false; }); jQuery(window).bind('mousewheel DOMMouseScroll', function(e) { if (screen.width < 960 || jQuery(window).width() < 960 || wheel_stop || trx_addons_browser_is_ios()) { return; } if (wheel_busy || wheel_time == e.timeStamp) { e.preventDefault(); return false; } wheel_time = e.timeStamp; var wheel_dir = e.originalEvent.wheelDelta > 0 || e.originalEvent.detail < 0 ? -1 : 1; var items = trx_addons_detect_active_toc(); var doit = false; var scroll_offset = parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop(), 10); var wh = jQuery(window).height(); var ah = jQuery('#wpadminbar').length > 0 ? jQuery('#wpadminbar').height() : 0; if (wheel_dir == -1) { // scroll up doit = true; setTimeout(function() { if (items.prev >= 0 && items.prevOffset >= scroll_offset-wh-ah) trx_addons_scroll_to_anchor(toc_menu_items.eq(items.prev).find('a'), false); else trx_addons_document_animate_to(Math.max(0, scroll_offset-wh)); }, 10); } else { // scroll down doit = true; setTimeout(function() { if (items.next >= 0 && items.nextOffset <= scroll_offset+wh+ah) trx_addons_scroll_to_anchor(toc_menu_items.eq(items.next).find('a'), false); else trx_addons_document_animate_to(Math.min(jQuery(document).height(), scroll_offset+wh)); }, 10); } // Set busy flag while animating if (doit) { wheel_busy = true; setTimeout(function() { wheel_busy = false; }, trx_addons_browser_is_ios() ? 1200 : 100); e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); } // Detect active TOC item function trx_addons_detect_active_toc() { var items = { loc: '', current: [], prev: -1, prevOffset: -1, next: -1, nextOffset: -1 }; var fixed_rows_height = Math.ceil(trx_addons_fixed_rows_height()); toc_menu_items.each(function(idx) { var id = '#'+jQuery(this).data('id'); var pos = id.indexOf('#'); if (pos < 0 || id.length == 1) return; var href = jQuery(this).find('a').attr('href'); if (!trx_addons_is_local_link(href)) return; var off = jQuery(id).offset().top; var id_next = jQuery(this).next().find('a').attr('href'); var off_next = id_next && idx < toc_menu_items.length-1 && jQuery(id_next).length > 0 ? parseInt(jQuery(id_next).offset().top, 10) : 1000000; var scroll_offset = parseInt(jQuery(window).scrollTop(), 10); if (off > scroll_offset + fixed_rows_height + 20) { if (items.next < 0) { items.next = idx; items.nextOffset = off; } } else if (off < scroll_offset - fixed_rows_height - 20) { items.prev = idx; items.prevOffset = off; } if (off < scroll_offset + jQuery(window).height()*0.8 && scroll_offset < off_next - fixed_rows_height) { items.current.push(idx); if (items.loc == '') { var loc = window.location.href; var loc_pos = loc.indexOf('#'); if (loc_pos > 0) loc = loc.substring(0, loc_pos); items.loc = href.indexOf('#')==0 ? loc + id : id; } } }); return items; } // Mark active TOC item function trx_addons_mark_active_toc() { var items = trx_addons_detect_active_toc(); toc_menu_items.removeClass('toc_menu_item_active'); for (var i=0; i<items.current.length; i++) { toc_menu_items.eq(items.current[i]).addClass('toc_menu_item_active'); // Comment next line if on your device page jump when scrolling if (items.loc!='' && TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['update_location_from_anchor']==1 && !trx_addons_browser_is_mobile() && !trx_addons_browser_is_ios() && !wheel_busy) trx_addons_document_set_location(items.loc); } } // Scroll to the anchor function trx_addons_scroll_to_anchor(link_obj, click_event) { var href = click_event ? link_obj.attr('href') : '#'+link_obj.parent().data('id'); var pos = href.indexOf('#'); if (pos >= 0 && href.length > 1 && trx_addons_is_local_link(href)) { wheel_busy = true; setTimeout(function() { wheel_busy = false; }, trx_addons_browser_is_ios() ? 1200 : 100); trx_addons_document_animate_to(href.substr(pos), function() { if (TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['update_location_from_anchor']==1) { var loc = window.location.href; var loc_pos = loc.indexOf('#'); if (loc_pos > 0) loc = loc.substring(0, loc_pos); trx_addons_document_set_location(pos==0 ? loc + href : href); } }); return true; } return false; } // Build page TOC from the tag's id function trx_addons_build_page_toc() { var toc = '', toc_count = 0; jQuery('[id^="toc_menu_"],.sc_anchor').each(function(idx) { var obj = jQuery(this); var obj_id = obj.attr('id') || ('sc_anchor_'+Math.random()).replace('.', ''); var row = obj.parents('.wpb_row'); if (row.length == 0) row = obj.parent(); var row_id = row.length>0 && row.attr('id')!=undefined && row.attr('id')!='' ? row.attr('id') : ''; var id = row_id || obj_id.substr(10); if (row.length>0 && row_id == '') { row.attr('id', id); } var url = obj.data('url'); var icon = obj.data('icon') || 'toc_menu_icon_default'; var sow_icon = obj.data('sow-icon') || ''; var title = obj.attr('title'); var description = obj.data('description'); var separator = obj.data('separator'); toc_count++; toc += '<div class="toc_menu_item'+(separator=='yes' ? ' toc_menu_separator' : '')+'" data-id="'+id+'">' + (title || description ? '<a href="' + (url ? url : '#'+id) + '" class="toc_menu_description">' + (title ? '<span class="toc_menu_description_title">' + title + '</span>' : '') + (description ? '<span class="toc_menu_description_text">' + description + '</span>' : '') + '</a>' : '') + '<a href="' + (url ? url : '#'+id) + '" class="toc_menu_icon '+icon+'"'+(sow_icon ? ' data-sow-icon="'+sow_icon+'"' : '')+'></a>' + '</div>'; }); if (toc_count > 0) jQuery('body').append('<div id="toc_menu" class="toc_menu"><div class="toc_menu_inner">'+toc+'</div></div>'); } });