Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/cpt/resume/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/cpt/resume/resume.php

 * ThemeREX Addons Custom post type: Resume
 * @package WordPress
 * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons
 * @since v1.5

// Don't load directly
if ( ! defined( 'TRX_ADDONS_VERSION' ) ) {
	die( '-1' );

// -----------------------------------------------------------------
// -- Custom post type registration
// -----------------------------------------------------------------

// Define Custom post type and taxonomy constants
if ( ! defined('TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT') ) define('TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT', trx_addons_cpt_param('resume', 'post_type'));

// Register post type and taxonomy
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_cpt_resume_init')) {
	add_action( 'init', 'trx_addons_cpt_resume_init' );
	function trx_addons_cpt_resume_init() {
		// Add Services parameters to the Meta Box support
			"subtitle" => array(
				"title" => esc_html__("Item's subtitle",  'trx_addons'),
				"desc" => wp_kses_data( __("Resume item subtitle", 'trx_addons') ),
				"std" => "",
				"type" => "text"
			"type" => array(
				"title" => esc_html__("Type", 'trx_addons'),
				"desc" => wp_kses_data( __('Select type of the current resume item', 'trx_addons') ),
				"std" => "skills",
				"options" => $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['cpt_resume_types'],
				"type" => "radio"
			"period" => array(
				"title" => esc_html__("Date range",  'trx_addons'),
				"desc" => wp_kses_data( __("Date range for the education item or work experience", 'trx_addons') ),
				"dependency" => array(
					"type" => array("work", "education")
				"std" => "",
				"type" => "text"
			"skill" => array(
				"title" => esc_html__("Skill level",  'trx_addons'),
				"desc" => wp_kses_data( __("specifi skill level from 0 to 100", 'trx_addons') ),
				"dependency" => array(
					"type" => array("skills")
				"std" => "",
				"type" => "text"
			"icon" => array(
				"title" => esc_html__("Item's icon", 'trx_addons'),
				"desc" => wp_kses_data( __('Select icon for the current resume item', 'trx_addons') ),
				"dependency" => array(
					"type" => array("services")
				"std" => '',
				"options" => array(),
				"style" => trx_addons_get_setting('icons_type'),
				"type" => "icons"
		// Register post type
		register_post_type( TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT, array(
			'label'               => esc_html__( 'Resume', 'trx_addons' ),
			'description'         => esc_html__( 'Resume Description', 'trx_addons' ),
			'labels'              => array(
				'name'                => esc_html__( 'Resume', 'trx_addons' ),
				'singular_name'       => esc_html__( 'Resume', 'trx_addons' ),
				'menu_name'           => esc_html__( 'Resume', 'trx_addons' ),
				'parent_item_colon'   => esc_html__( 'Parent Item:', 'trx_addons' ),
				'all_items'           => esc_html__( 'All Resume Items', 'trx_addons' ),
				'view_item'           => esc_html__( 'View Resume Item', 'trx_addons' ),
				'add_new_item'        => esc_html__( 'Add New Resume Item', 'trx_addons' ),
				'add_new'             => esc_html__( 'Add New', 'trx_addons' ),
				'edit_item'           => esc_html__( 'Edit Resume Item', 'trx_addons' ),
				'update_item'         => esc_html__( 'Update Resume Item', 'trx_addons' ),
				'search_items'        => esc_html__( 'Search Resume Items', 'trx_addons' ),
				'not_found'           => esc_html__( 'Not found', 'trx_addons' ),
				'not_found_in_trash'  => esc_html__( 'Not found in Trash', 'trx_addons' ),
			'supports'            => trx_addons_cpt_param('resume', 'supports'),
			'public'              => true,
			'hierarchical'        => false,
			'has_archive'         => false,
			'can_export'          => true,
			'show_in_admin_bar'   => true,
			'show_ui'             => true,
			'show_in_menu'        => true,
			'menu_position'       => '53.4',
			'menu_icon'			  => 'dashicons-media-document',
			'capability_type'     => 'post',
			'rewrite'             => array( 'slug' => trx_addons_cpt_param('resume', 'post_type_slug') )

// Admin utils
// -----------------------------------------------------------------

// Show <select> with portfolio categories in the admin filters area
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_cpt_resume_admin_filters')) {
	add_action( 'restrict_manage_posts', 'trx_addons_cpt_resume_admin_filters' );
	function trx_addons_cpt_resume_admin_filters() {
		if (get_query_var('post_type') != TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT) return;

		$tax = 'cpt_resume_type';
		$types = $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['cpt_resume_types'];
		$list = '<select name="'.esc_attr($tax).'" id="'.esc_attr($tax).'" class="postform">'
					.  "<option value=''>" . esc_html__('All Resume types', 'trx_addons') . "</option>";
		foreach ($types as $slug=>$name) {
			$list .= '<option value='. esc_attr($slug) . (isset($_REQUEST[$tax]) && $_REQUEST[$tax] == $slug ? ' selected="selected"' : '') . '>' . esc_html($name) . '</option>';
		$list .=  "</select>";

// Pre query: Filter resume items
if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_cv_resume_admin_pre_get_posts' ) ) {
	add_action( 'pre_get_posts', 'trx_addons_cv_resume_admin_pre_get_posts' );
	function trx_addons_cv_resume_admin_pre_get_posts($query) {
		$tax = 'cpt_resume_type';
		if (!is_admin() || !$query->is_main_query() || empty($_REQUEST[$tax])) return;
		$query->set('meta_query', array(
					'key' => 'trx_addons_options_resume_type',
					'value' => $_REQUEST[$tax],
					'compare' => '='

// Create additional column
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_cv_resume_add_type_column')) {
	add_filter('manage_edit-'.TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT.'_columns',	'trx_addons_cv_resume_add_type_column', 9);
	function trx_addons_cv_resume_add_type_column( $columns ){
		trx_addons_array_insert_after($columns, 'title', array('resume_type' => esc_html__('Type', 'trx_addons')));
		return $columns;

// Fill column with data
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_cv_resume_fill_type_column')) {
	add_action('manage_'.TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT.'_posts_custom_column',	'trx_addons_cv_resume_fill_type_column', 9, 2);
	function trx_addons_cv_resume_fill_type_column($column_name='', $post_id=0) {
		if ($column_name != 'resume_type') return;
		if (($type = get_post_meta($post_id, 'trx_addons_options_resume_type', true))!='') {
			if (!empty($TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['cpt_resume_types'][$type])) trx_addons_show_layout($TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['cpt_resume_types'][$type]);

// Save data from meta box to the separate option field
// Used as the sort order and the filter field
if (!function_exists('trx_addons_cv_resume_meta_box_save')) {
	add_action('save_post', 'trx_addons_cv_resume_meta_box_save');
	function trx_addons_cv_resume_meta_box_save($post_id) {

		// verify nonce
		if ( !wp_verify_nonce( trx_addons_get_value_gp('meta_box_post_nonce'), admin_url() ) )
			return $post_id;

		// check autosave
		if (defined('DOING_AUTOSAVE') && DOING_AUTOSAVE) {
			return $post_id;

		$post_type = isset($_POST['meta_box_post_type']) ? $_POST['meta_box_post_type'] : $_POST['post_type'];
		if ($post_type != TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT) {
			return $post_id;

		// check permissions
		$capability = 'post';
		$post_types = get_post_types( array( 'name' => $post_type), 'objects' );
		if (!empty($post_types) && is_array($post_types)) {
			foreach ($post_types  as $type) {
				$capability = $type->capability_type;
		if (!current_user_can('edit_'.($capability), $post_id)) {
			return $post_id;

		// Get option value from POST
		$resume_type = trx_addons_options_get_field_value('type', $TRX_ADDONS_STORAGE['meta_box_'.TRX_ADDONS_CPT_RESUME_PT]['type']);
		update_post_meta($post_id, 'trx_addons_options_resume_type', $resume_type);

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0