Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/api/revslider/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_addons/components/api/revslider/revslider.php |
<?php /** * Plugin support: Revolution Slider * * @package WordPress * @subpackage ThemeREX Addons * @since v1.0 */ // Don't load directly if ( ! defined( 'TRX_ADDONS_VERSION' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } // Check if RevSlider installed and activated // Attention! This function is used in many files and was moved to the api.php /* if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_exists_revslider' ) ) { function trx_addons_exists_revslider() { return function_exists('rev_slider_shortcode'); } } */ // Return Revo Sliders list, prepended inherit (if need) if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_get_list_revsliders' ) ) { function trx_addons_get_list_revsliders($prepend_inherit=false) { static $list = false; if ($list === false) { $list = array(); if (trx_addons_exists_revslider()) { global $wpdb; $rows = $wpdb->get_results( "SELECT alias, title FROM " . esc_sql($wpdb->prefix) . "revslider_sliders" ); if (is_array($rows) && count($rows) > 0) { foreach ($rows as $row) { $list[$row->alias] = $row->title; } } } } return $prepend_inherit ? array_merge(array('inherit' => esc_html__("Inherit", 'trx_addons')), $list) : $list; } } // One-click import support //------------------------------------------------------------------------ // Check plugin in the required plugins if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_required_plugins' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_filter( 'trx_addons_filter_importer_required_plugins', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_required_plugins', 10, 2 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_required_plugins($not_installed='', $list='') { if (strpos($list, 'revslider')!==false && !trx_addons_exists_revslider() ) $not_installed .= '<br>' . esc_html__('Revolution Slider', 'trx_addons'); return $not_installed; } } // Set plugin's specific importer options if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_set_options' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_filter( 'trx_addons_filter_importer_options', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_set_options', 10, 2 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_set_options($options=array()) { if (trx_addons_exists_revslider() && in_array('revslider', $options['required_plugins'])) { if (is_array($options['files']) && count($options['files']) > 0) { foreach ($options['files'] as $k => $v) { $options['files'][$k]['file_with_revslider'] = str_replace('name.ext', 'revslider.txt', $v['file_with_']); } } } return $options; } } // Add checkbox to the one-click importer if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_show_params' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_params', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_show_params', 10, 1 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_show_params($importer) { if (trx_addons_exists_revslider() && in_array('revslider', $importer->options['required_plugins'])) { $importer->show_importer_params(array( 'slug' => 'revslider', 'title' => esc_html__('Import Revolution Sliders', 'trx_addons'), 'part' => 1 )); } } } // Clear tables if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_clear_tables' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_clear_tables', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_clear_tables', 10, 2 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_clear_tables($importer, $clear_tables) { if (trx_addons_exists_revslider() && in_array('revslider', $importer->options['required_plugins'])) { if (strpos($clear_tables, 'revslider')!==false) { if ($importer->options['debug']) dfl(__('Clear Revolution Slider tables', 'trx_addons')); global $wpdb; $res = $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . esc_sql($wpdb->prefix) . "revslider_sliders"); if ( is_wp_error( $res ) ) dfl( __( 'Failed truncate table "revslider_sliders".', 'trx_addons' ) . ' ' . ($res->get_error_message()) ); $res = $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . esc_sql($wpdb->prefix) . "revslider_slides"); if ( is_wp_error( $res ) ) dfl( __( 'Failed truncate table "revslider_slides".', 'trx_addons' ) . ' ' . ($res->get_error_message()) ); $res = $wpdb->query("TRUNCATE TABLE " . esc_sql($wpdb->prefix) . "revslider_static_slides"); if ( is_wp_error( $res ) ) dfl( __( 'Failed truncate table "revslider_static_slides".', 'trx_addons' ) . ' ' . ($res->get_error_message()) ); } } } } // Import posts if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_import' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_import', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_import', 10, 2 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_import($importer, $action) { if (trx_addons_exists_revslider() && in_array('revslider', $importer->options['required_plugins'])) { if ( $action == 'import_revslider' && !empty($importer->options['files'][$importer->options['demo_type']]['file_with_revslider']) ) { if (file_exists(WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/revslider/revslider.php')) { require_once WP_PLUGIN_DIR . '/revslider/revslider.php'; if ($importer->options['debug']) dfl( __('Import Revolution sliders', 'trx_addons') ); // Get last processed slider $last_arh = $importer->response['start_from_id'] = isset($_POST['start_from_id']) ? $_POST['start_from_id'] : ''; // Get list of the sliders if ( ($txt = get_option('trx_addons_importer_revsliders')) == '' ) { if ( ($txt = $importer->get_file($importer->options['files'][$importer->options['demo_type']]['file_with_revslider'])) === false) return; else update_option('trx_addons_importer_revsliders', $txt); } $files = trx_addons_unserialize($txt); if (!is_array($files)) $files = explode("\n", str_replace("\r\n", "\n", $files)); // Remove empty lines foreach ($files as $k=>$file) { if (trim($file)=='') unset($files[$k]); } // Process next slider $slider = new RevSlider(); // Process files $counter = 0; $result = 0; if (!is_array($_FILES)) $_FILES = array(); foreach ($files as $file) { $counter++; if ( ($file = trim($file)) == '' ) continue; if (!empty($last_arh)) { if ($file==$last_arh) $last_arh = ''; continue; } $need_del = false; // Load single file into system temp folder if ( ($zip = $importer->download_file($file, round(max(0, $counter-1) / count($files) * 100))) != '') { $need_del = substr($zip, 0, 5)=='http:' || substr($zip, 0, 6)=='https:'; $_FILES["import_file"] = array("tmp_name" => $zip, 'error' => UPLOAD_ERR_OK); $response = $slider->importSliderFromPost(); if ($need_del && file_exists($_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"])) unlink($_FILES["import_file"]["tmp_name"]); if ($response["success"] == false) { $msg = sprintf(esc_html__('Revolution Slider "%s" import error.', 'trx_addons'), $file); unset($importer->response['attempt']); $importer->response['error'] = $msg; if ($importer->options['debug']) { dfl( $msg ); dfo( $response ); } } else { $importer->response['start_from_id'] = $file; $importer->response['result'] = min(100, round($counter / count($files) * 100)); if ($importer->options['debug']) dfl( sprintf(__('Slider "%s" imported', 'trx_addons'), basename($file)) ); } } break; } if ($counter == count($files)) { update_option('trx_addons_importer_revsliders', ''); } } else { if ($importer->options['debug']) dfl( sprintf(__('Can not locate plugin Revolution Slider: %s', 'trx_addons'), WP_PLUGIN_DIR.'/revslider/revslider.php') ); } } } } } // Display import progress if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_import_fields' ) ) { if (is_admin()) add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_import_fields', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_import_fields', 10, 1 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_import_fields($importer) { if (trx_addons_exists_revslider() && in_array('revslider', $importer->options['required_plugins'])) { $importer->show_importer_fields(array( 'slug'=>'revslider', 'title' => esc_html__('Revolution Slider', 'trx_addons') ) ); } } } // Export posts if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_export' ) ) { add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_export', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_export', 10, 1 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_export($importer) { $list = array_keys(trx_addons_get_list_revsliders()); $output = ''; foreach ($list as $alias) $output .= ($output ? "\n" : '') . sprintf("revslider/%s.zip", $alias); trx_addons_fpc(trx_addons_get_file_dir(TRX_ADDONS_PLUGIN_IMPORTER . 'export/revslider.txt'), $output); } } // Display exported data in the fields if ( !function_exists( 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_export_fields' ) ) { //add_action( 'trx_addons_action_importer_export_fields', 'trx_addons_revslider_importer_export_fields', 10, 1 ); function trx_addons_revslider_importer_export_fields($importer) { $importer->show_exporter_fields(array( 'slug' => 'revslider', 'title' => esc_html__('Revolution Sliders', 'trx_addons') )); } } ?>