Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/assets/js/litespeed-cache-admin.js |
var _litespeed_meta ; var _litespeed_shell_interval = 3 ;// seconds var _litespeed_shell_interval_range = [3, 60] ; var _litespeed_shell_handle ; var _litespeed_shell_display_handle ; var _litespeed_crawler_url ; var _litespeed_dots ; (function ($) { 'use strict' ; /** * All of the code for your public-facing JavaScript source * should reside in this file. * * Note: It has been assumed you will write jQuery code here, so the * $ function reference has been prepared for usage within the scope * of this function. * * This enables you to define handlers, for when the DOM is ready: * * $(function() { * * }) ; * * When the window is loaded: * * $( window ).load(function() { * * }) ; * * ...and/or other possibilities. * * Ideally, it is not considered best practise to attach more than a * single DOM-ready or window-load handler for a particular page. * Although scripts in the WordPress core, Plugins and Themes may be * practising this, we should strive to set a better example in our own work. */ jQuery(document).ready(function () { /************** Common LiteSpeed JS **************/ // Link confirm $('[data-litespeed-cfm]').on( 'click', function(event) { if(confirm($.trim($(this).data('litespeed-cfm')).replace(/\\n/g,"\n"))) { return true ; } event.preventDefault() ; event.stopImmediatePropagation() ; return false ; }) ; /************** LSWCP JS ****************/ // page tab switch functionality ( function() { var hash = window.location.hash.substr( 1 ); var $tabs = $( '[data-litespeed-tab]' ); var $subtabs = $( '[data-litespeed-subtab]' ); // Handle tab and subtab events var tab_action = function( $elems, type ) { type = litespeed_tab_type( type ); var data = 'litespeed-' + type; $elems.on( 'click', function ( _event ) { litespeed_display_tab( $( this ).data( data ), type ); document.cookie = 'litespeed_' + type + '=' + $( this ).data( data ); $( this ).blur(); } ); }; tab_action( $tabs ); tab_action( $subtabs, 'subtab' ); if ( ! $tabs.length > 0 ) { // No tabs exist return; } // Find hash in tabs and subtabs var $hash_tab = $tabs .filter( '[data-litespeed-tab="' + hash + '"]:first' ); var $hash_subtab = $subtabs .filter( '[data-litespeed-subtab="' + hash + '"]:first' ); // Find tab name var $subtab; var $tab; var tab_name; if ( $hash_subtab.length > 0 ) { // Hash is a subtab $tab = $hash_subtab.closest( '[data-litespeed-layout]' ); if ( $tab.length > 0 ) { $subtab = $hash_subtab; tab_name = $tab.data( 'litespeed-layout' ); } } if ( typeof( $tab ) === 'undefined' || $tab.length < 1 ) { // Maybe hash is a tab $tab = $hash_tab; if ( $tab.length < 1 ) { // Maybe tab cookie exists $tab = litespeed_tab_cookie( $tabs ); if ( $tab.length < 1 ) { // Use the first tab by default $tab = $tabs.first(); } } if ( typeof( tab_name ) === 'undefined' ) { tab_name = $tab.data( 'litespeed-tab' ); } } // Always display a tab litespeed_display_tab( tab_name ); // Find subtab name if ( typeof( $subtab ) === 'undefined' || $subtab.length < 1 ) { $subtab = litespeed_tab_cookie( $subtabs, 'subtab' ); } if ( $subtab.length > 0 ) { var subtab_name = $subtab.data( 'litespeed-subtab' ); // Display a subtab litespeed_display_tab( subtab_name, 'subtab' ); } } )(); // Manage page -> purge by $('[name=purgeby]').on( 'change', function(event) { $('[data-purgeby]').hide() ; $('[data-purgeby='+this.value+']').show() ; }) ; /*************** crawler ******************/ $('#litespeed-crawl-url-btn').on( 'click', function () { if( ! $(this).data('url') ){ return false ; } $('.litespeed-shell').removeClass( 'litespeed-hide' ) ; _litespeed_dots = window.setInterval(_litespeed_loading_dots, 300) ; _litespeed_crawler_url = $(this).data('url') ; litespeed_fetch_meta() ; $(this).hide() ; }) ; $('#litespeed_manual_trigger').on( 'click', function(event) { $('#litespeed-loading-dot').before('<li>Manually Started</li>') ; _litespeed_shell_interval = _litespeed_shell_interval_range[0] ; litespeed_fetch_meta() ; }) ; /******************** Clear whm msg ********************/ $(document).on('click', '.lscwp-whm-notice .notice-dismiss', function () { $.get(litespeed_data.ajax_url_dismiss_whm) ; }); /******************** Clear rule conflict msg ********************/ $(document).on('click', '.lscwp-notice-ruleconflict .notice-dismiss', function () { $.get(litespeed_data.ajax_url_dismiss_ruleconflict) ; }); /** Accesskey **/ $( '[litespeed-accesskey]' ).map( function() { var thiskey = $( this ).attr( 'litespeed-accesskey' ) ; $( this ).attr( 'title', 'Shortcut : ' + thiskey.toLocaleUpperCase() ) ; var that = this ; $( document ).on( 'keydown', function( e ) { if( $(":input:focus").length > 0 ) return ; if( event.metaKey ) return ; if( event.ctrlKey ) return ; if( event.altKey ) return ; if( event.shiftKey ) return ; if( litespeed_keycode( thiskey.charCodeAt( 0 ) ) ) $( that )[ 0 ].click() ; }); }); /** Lets copy one more submit button **/ if ( $( 'input[name="LSCWP_CTRL"]' ).length > 0 ) { var btn = $( 'input.litespeed-duplicate-float' ) ; btn.clone().addClass( 'litespeed-float-submit' ).removeAttr( 'id' ).insertAfter( btn ) ; } if ( $( 'input[id="LSCWP_NONCE"]' ).length > 0 ) { $( 'input[id="LSCWP_NONCE"]' ).removeAttr( 'id' ); } /** Promo banner **/ $( '#litespeed-promo-done' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { $( '.litespeed-banner-promo-full' ).slideUp() ; $.get( litespeed_data.ajax_url_promo + '&done=1' ) ; } ) ; $( '#litespeed-promo-later' ).on( 'click', function( event ) { $( '.litespeed-banner-promo-full' ).slideUp() ; $.get( litespeed_data.ajax_url_promo ) ; } ) ; /** * Human readable time conversation * @since 3.0 */ if ( $( '[data-litespeed-readable]' ).length > 0 ) { $( '[data-litespeed-readable]' ).each(function(index, el) { var that = this ; var $input = $( this ).siblings( 'input[type="text"]' ) ; var txt = litespeed_readable_time( $input.val() ) ; $( that ).html( txt ? '= ' + txt : '' ) ; $input.on( 'keyup', function(event) { var txt = litespeed_readable_time( $( this ).val() ) ; $( that ).html( txt ? '= ' + txt : '' ) ; }); }); } /** * Get server IP * @since 3.0 */ $( '#litespeed_get_ip' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { $.ajax( { url: litespeed_data.ajax_url_getIP, dataType: 'json', beforeSend: function ( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', litespeed_data.nonce ) ; }, success: function( data ) { console.log( '[litespeed] get server IP response: ' + data ); $( '#litespeed_server_ip' ).html( data ) ; } } ) ; } ) ; /** * Freeze or melt a specific crawler * @since 4.3 */ if ( $( '[data-crawler-list] [data-litespeed_toggle_id]' ).length > 0 ) { $( '[data-crawler-list] [data-litespeed_toggle_id]' ).on( 'click', function( e ) { var crawler_id = $( this ).attr( "data-litespeed_toggle_id" ); var crawler_id = Number( crawler_id.split('-').pop() ); var that = this; $.ajax( { url: litespeed_data.ajax_url_crawler_switch, dataType: 'json', method: 'POST', cache: false, data:{ crawler_id: crawler_id }, beforeSend: function ( xhr ) { xhr.setRequestHeader( 'X-WP-Nonce', litespeed_data.nonce ) ; }, success: function( data ) { $( that ).toggleClass( 'litespeed-toggle-btn-default litespeed-toggleoff' , data == 0 ).toggleClass( 'litespeed-toggle-btn-primary' , data == 1 ); console.log( 'litespeed-crawler-ajax: change Activate option' ); }, error: function( xhr, error ) { console.log( xhr ); console.log( error ); console.log( 'litespeed-crawler-ajax: option failed to save due to some error' ); } } ) ; } ) ; } /** * Click only once */ if ( $( '[data-litespeed-onlyonce]' ).length > 0 ) { $( '[data-litespeed-onlyonce]' ).on( 'click', function ( e ) { if ( $( this ).hasClass( 'disabled' ) ) { e.preventDefault(); } $( this ).addClass( 'disabled' ); } ); } }) ; })(jQuery) ; /** * Plural handler */ function litespeed_plural( $num, $txt ) { if ( $num > 1 ) return $num + ' ' + $txt + 's' ; return $num + ' ' + $txt ; } /** * Convert seconds to readable time */ function litespeed_readable_time( seconds ) { if ( seconds < 60 ) { return '' ; } var second = Math.floor( seconds % 60 ) ; var minute = Math.floor( ( seconds / 60 ) % 60 ) ; var hour = Math.floor( ( seconds / 3600 ) % 24 ) ; var day = Math.floor( ( seconds / 3600 / 24 ) % 7 ) ; var week = Math.floor( seconds / 3600 / 24 / 7 ) ; var str = '' ; if ( week ) str += ' ' + litespeed_plural( week, 'week' ) ; if ( day ) str += ' ' + litespeed_plural( day, 'day' ) ; if ( hour ) str += ' ' + litespeed_plural( hour, 'hour' ) ; if ( minute ) str += ' ' + litespeed_plural( minute, 'minute' ) ; if ( second ) str += ' ' + litespeed_plural( second, 'second' ) ; return str ; } /** * Trigger a click event on an element * @since 1.8 */ function litespeed_trigger_click( selector ) { jQuery( selector ).trigger( 'click' ) ; } function litespeed_keycode( num ) { var num = num || 13 ; var code = window.event ? event.keyCode : event.which ; if( num == code ) return true ; return false ; } /** * Normalize specified tab type * @since 4.7 */ function litespeed_tab_type( type ) { return 'subtab' === type ? type : 'tab'; } /** * Sniff cookies for tab and subtab * @since 4.7 */ function litespeed_tab_cookie( $elems, type ) { type = litespeed_tab_type( type ); var re = new RegExp( '(?:^|.*;)\\s*litespeed_' + type + '\\s*=\\s*([^;]*).*$|^.*$', 'ms' ); var name = document.cookie.replace( re, "$1" ); return $elems.filter( '[data-litespeed-' + type + '="' + name + '"]:first' ); } function litespeed_display_tab( name, type ) { type = litespeed_tab_type( type ); var $tabs; var $layouts; var classname; var layout_type; if ( 'subtab' === type ) { classname = 'focus'; layout_type = 'sublayout'; $tabs = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-subtab="' + name + '"]' ) .siblings( '[data-litespeed-subtab]' ) .addBack(); $layouts = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-sublayout="' + name + '"]' ) .siblings( '[data-litespeed-sublayout]' ) .addBack(); } else { // Maybe handle subtabs var $subtabs = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-layout="' + name + '"] [data-litespeed-subtab]' ); if ( $subtabs.length > 0 ) { // Find subtab name var $subtab = litespeed_tab_cookie( $subtabs, 'subtab' ); if ( $subtab.length < 1 ) { $subtab = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-layout="' + name + '"] [data-litespeed-subtab]:first' ); } if ( $subtab.length > 0 ) { var subtab_name = $subtab.data( 'litespeed-subtab' ); // Display a subtab litespeed_display_tab( subtab_name, 'subtab' ); } } classname = 'nav-tab-active'; layout_type = 'layout'; $tabs = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-tab]' ); $layouts = jQuery( '[data-litespeed-layout]' ); } $tabs.removeClass( classname ); $tabs .filter( '[data-litespeed-' + type + '="' + name + '"]' ) .addClass( classname ); $layouts.hide(); $layouts.filter( '[data-litespeed-' + layout_type + '="' + name + '"]' ) .show(); } function lscwpEsiEnabled(the_checkbox, esi_ids) { var rdonly = the_checkbox.checked ? false : true; var len = esi_ids.length; for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) { var node_id = 'saved_' + esi_ids[i].getAttribute('id'); var node_val = esi_ids[i].getAttribute('value'); var prev = document.getElementById(node_id); if (rdonly === false) { esi_ids[i].removeAttribute('disabled'); if (prev) { esi_ids[i].removeChild(prev); } continue; } esi_ids[i].setAttribute('disabled', true); if (prev !== null) { if (esi_ids[i].checked) { prev.setAttribute("value", node_val); } else { esi_ids[i].removeChild(prev); } continue; } else if (esi_ids[i].checked === false) { continue; } var hid = document.createElement("INPUT"); hid.setAttribute("type", "hidden"); hid.setAttribute("name", esi_ids[i].getAttribute('name')); hid.setAttribute("value", node_val); hid.setAttribute("id", node_id); esi_ids[i].appendChild(hid); } } // Append params to uri function litespeed_append_param(uri, key, val) { var re = new RegExp("([?&])" + key + "=.*?(&|$)", "i") ; var separator = uri.indexOf('?') !== -1 ? "&" : "?" ; if (uri.match(re)) { return uri.replace(re, '$1' + key + "=" + val + '$2') ; } else { return uri + separator + key + "=" + val ; } } function litespeed_pulse() { jQuery('#litespeed-shell-icon').animate({ width: 27, height: 34, opacity: 1 }, 700, function() { jQuery('#litespeed-shell-icon').animate({ width: 23, height: 29, opacity: 0.5 }, 700) ; }) ; } function litespeed_fetch_meta() { window.clearTimeout(_litespeed_shell_handle) ; jQuery('#litespeed-loading-dot').text('') ; jQuery.ajaxSetup({ cache: false }) ; jQuery.getJSON(_litespeed_crawler_url, function( meta ) { litespeed_pulse() ; var changed = false ; if ( meta && 'list_size' in meta ) { new_meta = meta.list_size + ' ' + meta.file_time + ' ' + meta.curr_crawler + ' ' + meta.last_pos + ' ' + meta.last_count + ' ' + meta.last_start_time + ' ' + meta.is_running ; if ( new_meta != _litespeed_meta ) { _litespeed_meta = new_meta ; changed = true ; string = _litespeed_build_meta(meta); jQuery('#litespeed-loading-dot').before(string) ; // remove first log elements log_length = jQuery('.litespeed-shell-body li').length; if ( log_length > 50) { jQuery('.litespeed-shell-body li:lt(' + (log_length - 50) + ')').remove(); } // scroll to end jQuery('.litespeed-shell-body').stop().animate({ scrollTop: jQuery('.litespeed-shell-body')[0].scrollHeight }, 800) ; } // dynamic adjust the interval length _litespeed_adjust_interval(changed) ; } // display interval counting litespeed_display_interval_reset() ; _litespeed_shell_handle = window.setTimeout(_litespeed_dynamic_timeout, _litespeed_shell_interval*1000) ; }) ; } /** * Dynamic adjust interval */ function _litespeed_adjust_interval(changed) { if ( changed ) { _litespeed_shell_interval -= Math.ceil(_litespeed_shell_interval/2) ; } else{ _litespeed_shell_interval ++ ; } if(_litespeed_shell_interval < _litespeed_shell_interval_range[0]) { _litespeed_shell_interval = _litespeed_shell_interval_range[0] ; } if(_litespeed_shell_interval > _litespeed_shell_interval_range[1]) { _litespeed_shell_interval = _litespeed_shell_interval_range[1] ; } } function _litespeed_build_meta(meta) { var string = '<li>' + litespeed_date(meta.last_update_time) + ' Size: ' + meta.list_size + ' Crawler: #' + (meta.curr_crawler*1+1) + ' Position: ' + (meta.last_pos*1+1) + ' Threads: ' + meta.last_count + ' Status: ' ; if ( meta.is_running ) { string += 'crawling, ' + meta.last_status; } else{ string += meta.end_reason ? meta.end_reason : '-' ; } string += '</li>' ; return string; } function _litespeed_dynamic_timeout() { litespeed_fetch_meta() ; } function litespeed_display_interval_reset() { window.clearInterval(_litespeed_shell_display_handle) ; jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').data('num', _litespeed_shell_interval) ; _litespeed_shell_display_handle = window.setInterval(_litespeed_display_interval, 1000) ; jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').stop().animate({width: '100%'}, 500, function(){ jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').css('width', '0%') ; }) ; } function _litespeed_display_interval() { var num = jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').data('num') ; jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').stop().animate({width: litespeed_get_percent(num, _litespeed_shell_interval) + '%'}, 1000) ; if(num > 0) num-- ; if(num < 0) num = 0 ; jQuery('.litespeed-shell-header-bar').data('num', num) ; } function litespeed_get_percent(num1, num2){ num1 = num1 * 1; num2 = num2 * 1; num = (num2 - num1) / num2; return num * 100; } function _litespeed_loading_dots() { jQuery('#litespeed-loading-dot').append('.') ; } function litespeed_date(timestamp) { var a = new Date(timestamp * 1000) ; var months = ['Jan','Feb','Mar','Apr','May','Jun','Jul','Aug','Sep','Oct','Nov','Dec'] ; var year = a.getFullYear() ; var month = months[a.getMonth()] ; var date = litespeed_add_zero(a.getDate()) ; var hour = litespeed_add_zero(a.getHours()) ; var min = litespeed_add_zero(a.getMinutes()) ; var sec = litespeed_add_zero(a.getSeconds()) ; var time = date + ' ' + month + ' ' + year + ' ' + hour + ':' + min + ':' + sec ; return time ; } function litespeed_add_zero(i) { if (i < 10) { i = "0" + i; } return i; }