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Mini Shell

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Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/essential-grid/public/essential-grid.class.php

 * Essential Grid.
 * @package  Essential_Grid
 * @author    ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com>
 * @link      http://www.themepunch.com/essential/
 * @copyright 2021 ThemePunch

if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit();

global $esg_c_sort_direction,

$esg_c_sort_direction = 'ASC';
$esg_c_sort_handle = 'title';
$esg_grid_serial = 0;
$esg_is_inited = false;
$esg_grids_cache = array();

class Essential_Grid
	 * Plugin version, used for cache-busting of style and script file references.
	const VERSION = '3.0.13';
	const TABLE_GRID = 'eg_grids';
	const TABLE_ITEM_SKIN = 'eg_item_skins';
	const TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS = 'eg_item_elements';
	const TABLE_NAVIGATION_SKINS = 'eg_navigation_skins';

	private $grid_api_name = null;
	private $grid_div_name = null;
	private $grid_id = 0; //set to 0 at beginning for quick grids @since 2.0.2
	private $grid_name = null;
	private $grid_handle = null;
	private $grid_params = array();
	private $grid_postparams = array();
	private $grid_layers = array();
	private $grid_settings = array();
	private $grid_last_mod = '';
	private $grid_inline_js = '';
	private $is_gallery = false;

	public $custom_settings = null;
	public $custom_layers = null;
	public $custom_images = null;
	public $custom_posts = null;
	public $custom_special = null;

	//other changings
	private $filter_by_ids = array();
	private $load_more_post_array = array();

	private $dev_mode = false;

	 * Unique identifier for the plugin.
	 * The variable name is used as the text domain when internationalizing strings of text.
	protected $plugin_slug = 'essential-grid';

	 * Instance of this class.
	protected static $instance = null;

	 * Initialize the plugin by setting localization and loading public scripts
	 * and styles.
	public function __construct()
		global $esg_is_inited;

		if (!$esg_is_inited) {
			$esg_is_inited = true;

			// Load plugin text domain
			add_action('init', array($this, 'load_plugin_textdomain'));

			$add_cpt = apply_filters('essgrid_set_cpt', get_option('tp_eg_enable_custom_post_type', 'false'));

			if ($add_cpt == 'true' || $add_cpt === true)
				add_action('init', array($this, 'register_custom_post_type'));

			// Load public-facing style sheet and JavaScript.
			add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_styles'));
			add_action('wp_enqueue_scripts', array($this, 'enqueue_scripts'));

			add_action('wp_ajax_Essential_Grid_Front_request_ajax', array($this, 'on_front_ajax_action'));
			add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_Essential_Grid_Front_request_ajax', array($this, 'on_front_ajax_action')); //for not logged in users

			// Post Like
			add_action('wp_ajax_nopriv_ess_grid_post_like', array($this, 'ess_grid_post_like'));
			add_action('wp_ajax_ess_grid_post_like', array( $this, 'ess_grid_post_like'));

			$gallery = get_option('tp_eg_overwrite_gallery', '');
			if (!empty($gallery) && $gallery != "off") {
				add_action('init', array($this, 'remove_wp_gallery'));
				add_action('init', array($this, 'add_ess_grid_gallery'));
			add_filter('post_gallery', array($this, 'use_ess_grid_gallery'), 10, 2);
			add_filter('render_block', array($this, 'gallery_addon_gutenberg_block_filter'), 10, 2);

			//Woo Add to Cart Updater
			add_filter('woocommerce_add_to_cart_fragments', array('Essential_Grid_Woocommerce', 'woocommerce_header_add_to_cart_fragment'));

			// 2.2 lightbox post content
			add_filter('essgrid_lightbox_post_content', array($this, 'on_lightbox_post_content'), 10, 2);

	 * Return the plugin slug.
	 * @return string  Plugin slug variable.
	public function get_plugin_slug()
		return $this->plugin_slug;

	 * Return an instance of this class.
	 * @return    object    A single instance of this class.
	public static function get_instance()
		// If the single instance hasnt been set, set it now.
		if (null == self::$instance) {
			self::$instance = new self;

		return self::$instance;

	 * Load the plugin text domain for translation.
	public function load_plugin_textdomain()
		$domain = $this->plugin_slug;
		$locale = apply_filters('plugin_locale', get_locale(), $domain);
		load_textdomain($domain, trailingslashit(WP_LANG_DIR) . $domain . '/' . $domain . '-' . $locale . '.mo');
		load_plugin_textdomain($domain, FALSE, dirname(dirname(plugin_basename(__FILE__))) . '/languages/');
		do_action('essgrid_load_plugin_textdomain', $domain);

	 * Register and enqueue public-facing style sheet.
	public function enqueue_styles()
		$use_cache = (get_option('tp_eg_use_cache', 'false') == 'true') ? true : false;

		wp_register_style('esg-plugin-settings', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/css/settings.css', array(), self::VERSION);

		$font = new ThemePunch_Fonts();

		wp_register_style('esg-tp-boxextcss', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/css/jquery.esgbox.min.css', array(), self::VERSION);

		// Enqueue Lightbox Style/Script
		if ($use_cache) {

		do_action('essgrid_enqueue_styles', $use_cache, self::VERSION);

	 * Register and enqueues public-facing JavaScript files.
	public function enqueue_scripts()
		global $esg_dev_mode, $wp_scripts;

		$use_cache = (get_option('tp_eg_use_cache', 'false') == 'true') ? true : false;
		$js_to_footer = (get_option('tp_eg_js_to_footer', 'false') == 'true') ? true : false;


		if (get_option('tp_eg_use_lightbox') !== 'disabled') {
			if ($esg_dev_mode) {
				wp_register_script('esg-tp-boxext', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/dev/esgbox.js', array('jquery'), self::VERSION, $js_to_footer);
			} else {
				wp_register_script('esg-tp-boxext', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/esgbox.min.js', array('jquery'), self::VERSION, $js_to_footer);

		 * dequeue tp-tools to make sure that always the latest is loaded
		if (isset($wp_scripts->registered) && isset($wp_scripts->registered['tp-tools']) && isset($wp_scripts->registered['tp-tools']->ver)) {
			if (version_compare($wp_scripts->registered['tp-tools']->ver, ESG_TP_TOOLS, '<')) {

		wp_register_script('tp-tools', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/rbtools.min.js', array('jquery'), ESG_TP_TOOLS, $js_to_footer);

		if ($esg_dev_mode) {
			wp_register_script('esg-essential-grid-script', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/dev/esg.js', array('jquery', 'tp-tools'), self::VERSION, $js_to_footer);
		} else {
			wp_register_script('esg-essential-grid-script', ESG_PLUGIN_URL . 'public/assets/js/esg.min.js', array('jquery', 'tp-tools'), self::VERSION, $js_to_footer);

		do_action('essgrid_enqueue_scripts', $use_cache, self::VERSION, $js_to_footer);

	 * Register Shortcode
	public static function register_shortcode($args, $mid_content = null)
		$args = apply_filters('essgrid_register_shortcode_pre', $args);

		$caching = get_option('tp_eg_use_cache', 'false');
		$use_cache = $caching == 'true' ? true : false;

		// Enqueue Scripts
		wp_localize_script('esg-essential-grid-script', 'eg_ajax_var', array(
			'url' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'),
			'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('eg-ajax-nonce')

		// Enqueue Lightbox Style/Script
		if ($use_cache) {

		$grid = new Essential_Grid;
			'alias' => '',
			'settings' => '',
			'layers' => '',
			'images' => '',
			'posts' => '',
			'special' => ''
		), $args, 'ess_grid'));
		$eg_alias = ($alias != '') ? $alias : implode(' ', $args);

		if ($settings !== '')
			$grid->custom_settings = json_decode(str_replace(array('({', '})', "'"), array('[', ']', '"'), $settings), true);
		if ($layers !== '')
			$grid->custom_layers = json_decode(str_replace(array('({', '})', "'"), array('[', ']', '"'), $layers), true);
		if ($images !== '')
			$grid->custom_images = explode(',', $images);
		if ($posts !== '')
			$grid->custom_posts = explode(',', $posts);
		if ($special !== '')
			$grid->custom_special = $special;

		if ($settings !== '' || $layers !== '' || $images !== '' || $posts !== '' || $special !== '') { //disable caching if one of this is set
			$caching = 'false';

		$grid->check_for_shortcodes($mid_content); //check for example on gallery shortcode and do stuff

		if ($grid->is_gallery)
			$caching = 'false';

		if ($eg_alias == '')
			$eg_alias = implode(' ', $args);

		$content = false;
		$grid_id = self::get_id_by_alias($eg_alias);

		if ($grid_id == '0') {
			//grid is created by custom settings. Check if layers and settings are set
			$content = ob_get_contents();
		} else {

			if ($caching == 'true') {
				//check if we use total caching
				//add wpml transient
				$lang_code = '';
				if (Essential_Grid_Wpml::is_wpml_exists()) {
					$lang_code = Essential_Grid_Wpml::get_current_lang_code();
				$addition = (wp_is_mobile()) ? '_m' : '';
				$addition .= ($addition !== '' && $lang_code !== '') ? '_' : '';
				$content = get_transient('ess_grid_trans_full_grid_' . $grid_id . $addition . $lang_code);

			if ($content == false) {
				$content = ob_get_contents();

				if ($caching == 'true') {
					set_transient('ess_grid_trans_full_grid_' . $grid_id . $addition . $lang_code, $content, 60 * 60 * 24 * 7);


		$output_protection = get_option('tp_eg_output_protection', 'none');

		//handle output types
		switch ($output_protection) {
			case 'compress':
				$content = str_replace("\n", '', $content);
				$content = str_replace("\r", '', $content);
				return ($content);
			case 'echo':
				echo $content; //bypass the filters
			default: //normal output
				return ($content);

	 * Register Shortcode For Ajax Content
	 * @since: 1.5.0
	public static function register_shortcode_ajax_target($args, $mid_content = null)
		$args = apply_filters('essgrid_register_shortcode_ajax_target_pre', $args);

			'alias' => ''
		), $args, 'ess_grid_ajax_target'));

		if ($alias == '')
			return false; //no alias found

		$output_protection = get_option('tp_eg_output_protection', 'none');

		$content = '';
		$grid = new Essential_Grid;
		$grid_id = self::get_id_by_alias($alias);
		if ($grid_id > 0) {
			//check if shortcode is allowed
			$is_sc_allowed = $grid->get_param_by_handle('ajax-container-position');
			if ($is_sc_allowed != 'shortcode') return false;
			$content = $grid->output_ajax_container();

		//handle output types
		switch ($output_protection) {
			case 'compress':
				$content = str_replace("\n", '', $content);
				$content = str_replace("\r", '', $content);
				return ($content);
			case 'echo':
				echo $content; //bypass the filters
			default: //normal output
				return ($content);

	 * Register Shortcode For Filter
	 * @since: 1.5.0
	public static function register_shortcode_filter($args, $mid_content = null)
		$args = apply_filters('essgrid_register_shortcode_filter_pre', $args);
			'alias' => '',
			'id' => ''
		), $args, 'ess_grid_nav'));

		if ($alias == '')
			return false; //no alias found
		if ($id == '')
			return false; //no alias found
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$meta_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$meta_link_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$output_protection = get_option('tp_eg_output_protection', 'none');
		$content = '';


		$grid = new Essential_Grid;
		$grid_id = self::get_id_by_alias($alias);
		if ($grid_id > 0) {
			$navigation_c = new Essential_Grid_Navigation($grid_id);


			$layout = $grid->get_param_by_handle('navigation-layout', array());
			$navig_special_class = $grid->get_param_by_handle('navigation-special-class', array()); //has all classes in an ordered list
			$navig_special_skin = $grid->get_param_by_handle('navigation-special-skin', array()); //has all classes in an ordered list

			$special_class = '';
			$special_skin = '';

			if ($id == 'sort')
				$id = 'sorting';

			//Check if selected element is in external list and also get the key to use it to get class
			if (isset($layout[$id]) && isset($layout[$id]['external'])) {
				$special_class = @$navig_special_class[$layout[$id]['external']];
				$special_skin = @$navig_special_skin[$layout[$id]['external']];
			} else { //its not in external set so break since its only allowed to use each element one time
				return false;

			$navigation_c->set_special_class('esg-fgc-' . $grid_id);

			$nav_special_class = $navigation_c->get_special_class();

			$filter = false;
			switch ($id) {
				case 'sorting':
					$order_by_start = $grid->get_param_by_handle('sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
					$order_type = $grid->get_param_by_handle('sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
					$sort_by_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('sort-by-text', esc_attr__('Sort By ', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
					$order_by = explode(',', $grid->get_param_by_handle('sorting-order-by', 'date'));
					if (!is_array($order_by))
						$order_by = array(
					//set order of filter

					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-filters">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_sorting();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'cart':
					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-filters">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_cart();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'left':
					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-navbutton-solo-left">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_navigation_left();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'right':
					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-navbutton-solo-right">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_navigation_right();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'pagination':
					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-filters">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_pagination();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'search-input':
					$search_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('search-text', esc_attr__('Search...', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));

					/* 2.3.7 */
					echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . '">';
					echo $navigation_c->output_search_input();
					echo '</div>';
				case 'filter':
					$id = 1;
					$filter = true;
					//check for filter
					if (strpos($id, 'filter-') !== false) {
						$id = intval(str_replace('filter-', '', $id));
						$filter = true;
					} else {
						return false;

			 * Complex Filter Part
			$found_filter = array();

			if ($filter === true) {
				switch ($grid->get_postparam_by_handle('source-type')) {
					case 'custom':
						if (empty($grid->grid_layers) || count($grid->grid_layers) < 1) break;
						if ($id == 1) {
							$filter_selected = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-selected', array());
						} else {
							$filter_selected = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-selected-' . $id, array());
						if (!is_array($filter_selected)) $filter_selected = (array)$filter_selected;
						if (empty($filter_selected)) break;
						foreach ($filter_selected as $k => $v) {
							$filter_selected[$k] = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);

						foreach ($grid->grid_layers as $key => $entry) {
							if (empty($entry['custom-filter'])) continue;

							$filters = array();
							$cats = explode(',', $entry['custom-filter']);
							if (!is_array($cats)) $cats = (array)$cats;

							foreach ($cats as $category) {
								$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category);
								if (!in_array($_v, $filter_selected)) continue;
								$filters[$_v] = array(
									'name' => $category,
									'slug' => $_v

							$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have
					case 'post':
						$start_sortby = $grid->get_param_by_handle('sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
						$start_sortby_type = $grid->get_param_by_handle('sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
						$post_category = $grid->get_postparam_by_handle('post_category');
						$post_types = $grid->get_postparam_by_handle('post_types');
						$page_ids = explode(',', $grid->get_postparam_by_handle('selected_pages', '-1'));

						$cat_relation = $grid->get_postparam_by_handle('category-relation', 'OR');

						$max_entries = $grid->get_maximum_entries($grid);

						$additional_query = $grid->get_postparam_by_handle('additional-query', '');
						if ($additional_query !== '')
							$additional_query = wp_parse_args($additional_query);

						$cat_tax = Essential_Grid_Base::getCatAndTaxData($post_category);

						$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::getPostsByCategory($grid_id, $cat_tax['cats'], $post_types, $cat_tax['tax'], $page_ids, $start_sortby, $start_sortby_type, $max_entries, $additional_query, true, $cat_relation);

						$nav_filters = array();

						$taxes = array(
						if (!empty($cat_tax['tax']))
							$taxes = explode(',', $cat_tax['tax']);

						if (!empty($cat_tax['cats'])) {
							$cats = explode(',', $cat_tax['cats']);

							foreach ($cats as $key => $cid) {
								if (Essential_Grid_Wpml::is_wpml_exists() && isset($sitepress)) {
									$new_id = icl_object_id($cid, 'category', true, $sitepress->get_default_language());
									$cat = get_category($new_id);
								} else {
									$cat = get_category($cid);
								if (is_object($cat)) {
									$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($cat->slug);
									$nav_filters[$cid] = array(
										'name' => $cat->cat_name,
										'slug' => $_v,
										'parent' => $cat->category_parent

								foreach ($taxes as $custom_tax) {
									$term = get_term_by('id', $cid, $custom_tax);
									if (is_object($term))
										$nav_filters[$cid] = array(
											'name' => $term->name,
											'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($cat->slug),
											'parent' => $term->parent

							if (!empty($filters_meta)) {
								$nav_filters = $filters_meta + $nav_filters;

						if ($id == 1) {
							$filterall_visible = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-all-visible');
							$all_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-all-text');
							$listing_type = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-listing', 'list');
							$listing_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-dropdown-text');
							$show_count = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-counter', 'off');
							$selected = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-selected', array());
						} else {
							$filterall_visible = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-all-visible-' . $id);
							$all_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-all-text-' . $id);
							$listing_type = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-listing-' . $id, 'list');
							$listing_text = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-dropdown-text-' . $id);
							$show_count = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-counter-' . $id, 'off');
							$selected = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-selected-' . $id, array());
						$filter_allow = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-arrows', 'single');
						$filter_start = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-start', '');
						$filter_grouping = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-grouping', 'false');

						//check the selected and change metas to correct fields
						$filters_arr['filter-grouping'] = $filter_grouping;
						$filters_arr['filter-listing'] = $listing_type;
						$filters_arr['filter-selected'] = $selected;

						if (!empty($filters_arr['filter-selected'])) {
							if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
								foreach ($filters_arr['filter-selected'] as $fk => $filter) {
									if (strpos($filter, 'meta-') === 0) {
										unset($filters_arr['filter-selected'][$fk]); //delete entry

										foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
											$fil = str_replace('meta-', '', $filter);
											$post_filter_meta = $meta_c->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'eg-' . $fil);
											$arr = json_decode($post_filter_meta, true);
											$cur_filter = (is_array($arr)) ? $arr : array(
											//$cur_filter = explode(',', $post_filter_meta);
											$add_filter = array();
											if (!empty($cur_filter)) {
												foreach ($cur_filter as $k => $v) {
													if (trim($v) !== '') {
														$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);
														$add_filter[$_v] = array(
															'name' => $v,
															'slug' => $_v,
															'parent' => '0'
														if (!empty($filters_arr['filter-selected'])) {
															$filter_found = false;
															foreach ($filters_arr['filter-selected'] as $fcheck) {
																if ($fcheck == $_v) {
																	$filter_found = true;
															if (!$filter_found) {
																$filters_arr['filter-selected'][] = $_v; //add found meta
														} else {
															$filters_arr['filter-selected'][] = $_v; //add found meta
												if (!empty($add_filter)) {

						if ($all_text == '' || $listing_type == '' || $listing_text == '' || empty($filters_arr['filter-selected']))
							return false;

						$navigation_c->set_filter_settings('filter', $filters_arr);
						$navigation_c->set_show_count($show_count, $id);

						if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
							foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {

								//check if post should be visible or if its invisible on current grid settings
								$is_visible = $grid->check_if_visible($post['ID'], $grid_id);
								if ($is_visible == false)
									continue; // continue if invisible

								$filters = array();
								$categories = $base->get_custom_taxonomies_by_post_id($post['ID']);
								$tags = get_the_tags($post['ID']);

								if (!empty($categories)) {
									foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
										$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category->slug);
										$filters[$category->term_id] = array(
											'name' => $category->name,
											'slug' => $_v,
											'parent' => $category->parent

								if (!empty($tags)) {
									foreach ($tags as $key => $taxonomie) {
										$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($taxonomie->slug);
										$filters[$taxonomie->term_id] = array(
											'name' => $taxonomie->name,
											'slug' => $_v,
											'parent' => '0'

								$filter_meta_selected = $grid->get_param_by_handle('filter-selected', array());
								if (!empty($filter_meta_selected)) {
									foreach ($filter_meta_selected as $filter) {
										if (strpos($filter, 'meta-') === 0) {
											$fil = str_replace('meta-', '', $filter);
											$post_filter_meta = $meta_c->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'eg-' . $fil);
											$arr = json_decode($post_filter_meta, true);
											$cur_filter = (is_array($arr)) ? $arr : array(
											if (!empty($cur_filter)) {
												foreach ($cur_filter as $k => $v) {
													if (trim($v) !== '') {
														$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);
														$filters[$_v] = array(
															'name' => $v,
															'slug' => $_v,
															'parent' => '0'
								$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have

						$remove_filter = array_diff_key($nav_filters, $found_filter); //check if we have filter that no post has (comes through multilanguage)
						if (!empty($remove_filter)) {
							foreach ($remove_filter as $key => $rem) { //we have, so remove them from the filter list before setting the filter list

				$navigation_c->set_filter($found_filter); //set filters $nav_filters $found_filter

				/* 2.3.7 */
				echo '<div class="esg-nav-by-shortcode' . $nav_special_class . ' ' . $special_skin . ' esg-filters">';
				echo $navigation_c->output_filter_unwrapped();
				echo '</div>';



		$content = ob_get_contents();

		//handle output types
		switch ($output_protection) {
			case 'compress':
				$content = str_replace("\n", '', $content);
				$content = str_replace("\r", '', $content);
				return ($content);
			case 'echo':
				echo $content; //bypass the filters
			default: //normal output
				return ($content);

	 * We check the content for gallery shortcode.
	 * If existing, create Grid based on the images
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	 * @moved: 1.5.4: moved to Essential_Grid_Base->get_all_gallery_images($mid_content);
	public function check_for_shortcodes($mid_content)
		$mid_content = apply_filters('essgrid_check_for_shortcodes', $mid_content);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$img = $base->get_all_gallery_images($mid_content);
		$this->custom_images = (empty($img)) ? null : $img;
		$this->is_gallery = (empty($img)) ? false : true;

	public static function fix_shortcodes($content)
		$content = apply_filters('essgrid_fix_shortcodes_pre', $content);
		$columns = array("ess_grid");
		$block = join("|", $columns);

		// opening tag
		$rep = preg_replace("/(<p>)?\[($block)(\s[^\]]+)?\](<\/p>|<br \/>)?/", "[$2$3]", $content);

		// closing tag
		$rep = preg_replace("/(<p>)?\[\/($block)](<\/p>|<br \/>)/", "[/$2]", $rep);

		return apply_filters('essgrid_fix_shortcodes_post', $rep);

	 * Register Custom Post Type & Taxonomy
	public function register_custom_post_type()
		$postType = apply_filters('essgrid_PunchPost_custom_post_type', 'essential_grid');
		$taxonomy = apply_filters('essgrid_PunchPost_category', 'essential_grid_category');

		$taxArgs = array();
		$taxArgs["hierarchical"] = true;
		$taxArgs["label"] = esc_attr__("Categories", ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
		$taxArgs["singular_label"] = esc_attr__("Category", ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
		$taxArgs["rewrite"] = true;
		$taxArgs["public"] = true;
		$taxArgs["show_admin_column"] = true;

		$postArgs = array();
		$postArgs["label"] = esc_attr__("Ess. Grid Posts", ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
		$postArgs["singular_label"] = esc_attr__("Ess. Grid Post", ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
		$postArgs["public"] = true;
		$postArgs["capability_type"] = "post";
		$postArgs["hierarchical"] = false;
		$postArgs["show_ui"] = true;
		$postArgs["show_in_menu"] = true;
		$postArgs["supports"] = array(
		$postArgs["show_in_admin_bar"] = false;
		$postArgs["taxonomies"] = array(

		$postArgs["rewrite"] = array(
			"slug" => $postType,
			"with_front" => true

		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_register_custom_post_type', array(
			'postArgs' => $postArgs,
			'taxArgs' => $taxArgs
		$postArgs = $d['postArgs'];
		$taxArgs = $d['taxArgs'];

		register_taxonomy($taxonomy, array(
		), $taxArgs);
		register_post_type($postType, $postArgs);

	 * Create/Update Database Tables
	public static function create_tables($networkwide = false)
		global $wpdb;

		if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && $networkwide) { //do for each existing site
			// Get all blog ids and create tables
			$blogids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->blogs);

			foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
				// 2.2.5
		} else { //no multisite, do normal installation

	 * Create Tables, edited for multisite
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public static function _create_tables()
		global $wpdb;

		$charset_collate = $wpdb->get_charset_collate();
		//Create/Update Grids Database
		$grid_ver = get_option("tp_eg_grids_version", '0.99');
		if (version_compare($grid_ver, '1', '<')) {
			require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      id mediumint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      handle VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      postparams TEXT NOT NULL,
      params TEXT NOT NULL,
      layers TEXT NOT NULL,
      UNIQUE KEY id (id),
      UNIQUE (handle)
      ) $charset_collate;";


			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_ITEM_SKIN;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      id mediumint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      handle VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      params TEXT NOT NULL,
      layers TEXT NOT NULL,
      settings TEXT,
      UNIQUE KEY id (id),
      UNIQUE (name),
      UNIQUE (handle)
      ) $charset_collate;";


			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      id mediumint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      handle VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      settings TEXT NOT NULL,
      UNIQUE KEY id (id),
      UNIQUE (handle)
      ) $charset_collate;";


			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAVIGATION_SKINS;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      id mediumint(6) NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT,
      name VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      handle VARCHAR(191) NOT NULL,
      css TEXT NOT NULL,
      UNIQUE KEY id (id),
      UNIQUE (handle)
      ) $charset_collate;";


			update_option('tp_eg_grids_version', '1');

			$grid_ver = '1';

		//Change database on certain release? No Problem, use the following:
		//change layers to MEDIUMTEXT from TEXT so that more layers can be added (fix for limited entries on custom grids)
		if (version_compare($grid_ver, '1.02', '<')) {
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      ) $charset_collate;";

			require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
			update_option('tp_eg_grids_version', '1.02');
			$grid_ver = '1.02';

		//change more entries to MEDIUMTEXT so that can be stored to prevent loss of data/errors
		if (version_compare($grid_ver, '1.03', '<')) {
			require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_ITEM_SKIN;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      ) $charset_collate;";


			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAVIGATION_SKINS;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      ) $charset_collate;";


			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      settings MEDIUMTEXT NOT NULL
      ) $charset_collate;";

			update_option('tp_eg_grids_version', '1.03');
			$grid_ver = '1.03';

		//Add new column settings, as for 2.0 you can add favorite grids
		if (version_compare($grid_ver, '2.1', '<')) {
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      settings TEXT NULL
      last_modified DATETIME
      ) $charset_collate;";

			require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
			update_option('tp_eg_grids_version', '2.1');
			$grid_ver = '2.1';

		if (version_compare($grid_ver, '2.2', '<')) {
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_NAVIGATION_SKINS;
			$sql = "CREATE TABLE $table_name (
      navversion VARCHAR(191)
      ) $charset_collate;";

			require_once(ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/upgrade.php');
			update_option('tp_eg_grids_version', '2.2');
			$grid_ver = '2.2';

		do_action('essgrid__create_tables', $grid_ver);

	 * Register Custom Sidebars, created in Grids
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public static function register_custom_sidebars()
		// Register custom Sidebars
		$sidebars = apply_filters('essgrid_register_custom_sidebars', get_option('esg-widget-areas', false));

		if (is_array($sidebars) && !empty($sidebars)) {
			foreach ($sidebars as $handle => $name) {
					'name' => $name,
					'id' => 'eg-' . $handle,
					'before_widget' => '',
					'after_widget' => ''

	 * Register the Custom Widget for Essential Grid
	public static function register_custom_widget()

	 * Get all Grids in Database
	public static function get_essential_grids($order = false, $raw = true)
		global $wpdb, $esg_grids_cache;

		$order_fav = false;
		$additional = '';
		if ($order !== false && !empty($order)) {
			$ordertype = key($order);
			$orderby = reset($order);
			if ($ordertype != 'favorite') {
				$additional .= ' ORDER BY ' . $ordertype . ' ' . $orderby;
			} else {
				$order_fav = true;

		if (empty($esg_grids_cache)) {
			$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
			$grids = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name" . $additional);
			$esg_grids_cache = $grids;
		} else {
			$grids = $esg_grids_cache;

		//check if we order by favorites here
		if ($order_fav === true) {
			$temp = array();
			$temp_not = array();
			foreach ($grids as $grid) {
				$settings = json_decode($grid->settings, true);
				if (!isset($settings['favorite']) || $settings['favorite'] == 'false') {
					$temp_not[] = $grid;
				} else {
					$temp[] = $grid;
			$grids = array();

			$g = ($orderby == 'ASC') ? $temp : $temp_not;
			$g2 = ($orderby == 'ASC') ? $temp_not : $temp;
			$grids = $g;
			if (!empty($g2)) {
				foreach ($g2 as $t) {
					$grids[] = $t;

		if ($raw === false && !empty($grids)) {
			foreach ($grids as $k => $grid) {
				if (!is_array($grids[$k]->params)) {
					$grids[$k]->postparams = @json_decode($grid->postparams, true);
					$grids[$k]->params = @json_decode($grid->params, true);
					$grids[$k]->layers = @json_decode($grid->layers, true);
					$grids[$k]->settings = @json_decode($grid->settings, true);
					$grids[$k]->last_modified = @$grid->last_modified;

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_essential_grids', $grids);

	 * Get Grid by ID from Database
	public static function get_essential_grid_by_id($id = 0)
		global $wpdb;

		$id = intval($id);
		if ($id == 0)
			return false;

		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id = %d", $id), ARRAY_A);
		if (!empty($grid)) {
			$grid['postparams'] = @json_decode($grid['postparams'], true);
			$grid['params'] = @json_decode($grid['params'], true);
			$grid['layers'] = @json_decode($grid['layers'], true);
			$grid['settings'] = @json_decode($grid['settings'], true);
			$grid['last_modified'] = @$grid['last_modified'];

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_essential_grid_by_id', $grid, $id);

	 * Get Grid by Handle from Database
	public static function get_essential_grid_by_handle($handle = '')
		global $wpdb;

		if (empty($handle))
			return false;

		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE handle = %s", $handle), ARRAY_A);
		if (!empty($grid)) {
			$grid['postparams'] = @json_decode($grid['postparams'], true);
			$grid['params'] = @json_decode($grid['params'], true);
			$grid['layers'] = @json_decode($grid['layers'], true);
			$grid['settings'] = @json_decode($grid['settings'], true);
			$grid['last_modified'] = @$grid['last_modified'];

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_essential_grid_by_handle', $grid, $handle);

	 * get array of id -> title
	public static function get_grids_short($exceptID = null)
		$arrGrids = self::get_essential_grids();

		$arrShort = array();
		foreach ($arrGrids as $grid) {
			$id = $grid->id;
			$title = $grid->name;
			//filter by except
			if (!empty($exceptID) && $exceptID == $id)
			$arrShort[$id] = $title;

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_grids_short', $arrShort, $exceptID);

	 * get array of id -> handle
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public static function get_grids_short_widgets($exceptID = null)
		$arrGrids = self::get_essential_grids();
		$arrShort = array();
		foreach ($arrGrids as $grid) {
			//filter by except
			if (!empty($exceptID) && $exceptID == $grid->id)
			$arrShort[$grid->id] = $grid->handle;

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_grids_short_widgets', $arrShort, $exceptID);

	 * get array of id -> title
	public static function get_grids_short_vc($exceptID = null)
		$arrGrids = self::get_essential_grids();
		$arrShort = array();
		foreach ($arrGrids as $grid) {
			$alias = $grid->handle;
			$title = $grid->name;

			//filter by except
			if (!empty($exceptID) && $exceptID == $grid->id)

			$arrShort[$title] = $alias;

		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_grids_short_vc', $arrShort, $exceptID);

	 * Get Choosen Item Skin
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public static function get_choosen_item_skin()
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

	 * Get Certain Parameter
	 * @since: 1.5.0
	public function get_param_by_handle($handle, $default = '')
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_get_param_by_handle', array(
			'handle' => $handle,
			'default' => $default
		$handle = $d['handle'];
		$default = $d['default'];
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		return $base->getVar($this->grid_params, $handle, $default);

	 * Get Certain Post Parameter
	 * @since: 1.5.0
	public function get_postparam_by_handle($handle, $default = '')
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_get_postparam_by_handle', array(
			'handle' => $handle,
			'default' => $default
		$handle = $d['handle'];
		$default = $d['default'];
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		return $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, $handle, $default);

	 * Update Certain Parameter by Handle
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function set_param_by_handle($handle, $param)
		$this->grid_params[$handle] = $param;

	 * Update Certain Post Parameter by Handle
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function set_postparam_by_handle($handle, $param)
		$this->grid_postparams[$handle] = $param;

	 * Update Certain Post Parameter by Handle
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function save_params()
		global $wpdb;

		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_GRID;
		$wpdb->update($table_name, array(
			'postparams' => json_encode($this->grid_postparams),
			'params' => json_encode($this->grid_params)
		), array(
			'id' => $this->grid_id

	 * Output Essential Grid in Page by alias
	public function output_essential_grid_by_alias($eg_alias)
		global $wpdb;

		$eg_alias = apply_filters('essgrid_output_essential_grid_by_alias', $eg_alias);
		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE handle = %s", $eg_alias), ARRAY_A);
		if (!empty($grid)) {
		} else {
			return false;

	 * Output Essential Grid in Page by Custom Settings and Layers
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public function output_essential_grid_by_settings()
		do_action('essgrid_output_essential_grid_by_settings', $this);

		if ($this->custom_special !== null) {
			if ($this->custom_settings !== null) //custom settings got added. Overwrite Grid Settings and element settings
		} else {
			if ($this->custom_settings == null || $this->custom_layers == null) {
				return false;
			} else {

	 * Get Essential Grid ID by alias
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public static function get_id_by_alias($eg_alias)
		global $wpdb;

		$eg_alias = apply_filters('essgrid_get_id_by_alias', $eg_alias);
		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE handle = %s", $eg_alias), ARRAY_A);
		if (!empty($grid)) {
			return $grid['id'];
		} else {
			return '0';

	 * Get Essential Grid alias by ID
	 * @since: 2.0
	public static function get_alias_by_id($eg_id)
		global $wpdb;

		$eg_id = apply_filters('essgrid_get_alias_by_id', $eg_id);
		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id = %d", $eg_id), ARRAY_A);
		if (!empty($grid)) {
			return $grid['handle'];
		} else {
			return '';

	 * get all post values / layer values at custom grid
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function get_layer_values()
		return apply_filters('essgrid_get_layer_values', $this->grid_layers);

	 * Init essential data by id
	public function init_by_id($grid_id)
		global $wpdb;

		$grid_id = apply_filters('essgrid_init_by_id_pre', $grid_id);
		$table_name = $wpdb->prefix . self::TABLE_GRID;
		$grid = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id = %d", $grid_id), ARRAY_A);
		if (empty($grid))
			return false;

		$this->grid_id = @$grid['id'];
		$this->grid_name = @$grid['name'];
		$this->grid_handle = @$grid['handle'];
		$this->grid_postparams = @json_decode($grid['postparams'], true);
		$this->grid_params = @json_decode($grid['params'], true);
		$this->grid_settings = @json_decode($grid['settings'], true);
		$this->grid_last_mod = @$grid['last_modified'];

		if (!empty($grid['layers'])) {
			$orig_layers = $grid['layers'];
			$grid['layers'] = @json_decode(stripslashes($orig_layers), true);
			if (empty($grid['layers']) || !is_array($grid['layers']))
				$grid['layers'] = @json_decode($orig_layers, true);

			if (!empty($grid['layers'])) {
				foreach ($grid['layers'] as $key => $layer) {
					$orig_layers_cur = $grid['layers'][$key];
					$grid['layers'][$key] = @json_decode($orig_layers_cur, true);
					if (empty($grid['layers'][$key]) || !is_array($grid['layers'][$key]))
						$grid['layers'][$key] = @json_decode(stripslashes($orig_layers_cur), true);
		$this->grid_layers = @$grid['layers'];

		do_action('essgrid_init_by_id_post', $this, $grid);

		return true;

	 * Init essential data by given data
	public function init_by_data($grid_data)
		$grid_data = apply_filters('essgrid_init_by_data', $grid_data);

		$this->grid_id = (isset($grid_data['id'])) ? $grid_data['id'] : '';
		$this->grid_name = (isset($grid_data['name'])) ? $grid_data['name'] : '';
		$this->grid_handle = (isset($grid_data['handle'])) ? $grid_data['handle'] : '';
		$this->grid_postparams = (isset($grid_data['postparams'])) ? $grid_data['postparams'] : '';
		$this->grid_params = (isset($grid_data['params'])) ? $grid_data['params'] : '';
		$this->grid_settings = (isset($grid_data['settings'])) ? $grid_data['settings'] : '';
		$this->grid_last_mod = (isset($grid_data['last_modified'])) ? $grid_data['last_modified'] : '';

		$temp_layer = array();

		if (!empty($grid_data['layers'])) {
			foreach ($grid_data['layers'] as $key => $layer) {
				$temp_layer = @json_decode(stripslashes($grid_data['layers'][$key]), true);
				if (!empty($temp_layer)) {
					$grid_data['layers'][$key] = $temp_layer;
				} else {
					$temp_layer = @json_decode($grid_data['layers'][$key], true);
					if (!empty($temp_layer)) {
						$grid_data['layers'][$key] = $temp_layer;
		$this->grid_layers = @$grid_data['layers'];

		return true;

	 * Init essential data by id
	public function set_loading_ids($ids)
		$this->filter_by_ids = apply_filters('essgrid_set_loading_ids', $ids);

	 * Check if Grid is a Post
	public function is_custom_grid()
		if (isset($this->grid_postparams['source-type']) && $this->grid_postparams['source-type'] == 'custom')
			return true;
			return false;

	 * Check if Grid is a Stream
	public function is_stream_grid()

		if (isset($this->grid_postparams['source-type'])) {
			switch ($this->grid_postparams['source-type']) {
				case 'stream':
				case 'twitter':
				case 'facebook':
				case 'flickr':
				case 'instagram':
				case 'youtube':
				case 'behance':
				case 'nextgen':
				case 'rml':
				case 'vimeo':
					return true;
		return false;

	 * Output Essential Grid in Page
	public function output_essential_grid($grid_id, $data = array(), $grid_preview = false, $by_id = false)
		try {
			do_action('essgrid_output_essential_grid', $grid_id, $data, $grid_preview, $by_id);
			if ($grid_preview) {
				$data['id'] = $grid_id;
				if ($by_id == false) {
					$init = $this->init_by_data($data);
				} else {
					$init = $this->init_by_id($grid_id);
				if (!$init)
					return false; //be silent
			} else {
				$init = $this->init_by_id($grid_id);
				if (!$init)
					return false; //be silent

			if ($this->custom_posts !== null) //custom post IDs are added, so we change to post
				$this->grid_postparams['source-type'] = 'post';

			if ($this->custom_images !== null) //custom images are added, so we change to gallery
				$this->grid_postparams['source-type'] = 'gallery';

			if ($this->custom_settings !== null) //custom settings got added. Overwrite Grid Settings and element settings

			if ($this->custom_layers !== null) { //custom layers got added. Overwrite Grid Layers
				$this->grid_postparams['source-type'] = 'custom';

			$this->set_api_names(); //set correct names for javascript and div id
			switch ($this->grid_postparams['source-type']) {
				case 'post':
				case 'woocommerce':
				case 'custom':
				case 'gallery':
				case 'stream':
				case 'twitter':
				case 'facebook':
				case 'flickr':
				case 'instagram':
				case 'youtube':
				case 'behance':
				case 'nextgen':
				case 'rml':
				case 'vimeo':
					// $this->output_by_stream(false); //false, as we do not have any options to be changed

		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$message = $e->getMessage();
			echo $message;

	 * set correct names for javascript and div id
	 * @since: 1.5.0
	public function set_api_names()
		$ess_api = '';
		$ess_div = '';
		if ($this->grid_id != null) {
			$ess_api = $this->grid_id;
			$ess_div = $this->grid_id;

		if ($this->custom_special !== null) {
			switch ($this->custom_special) {
				case 'related':
				case 'popular':
				case 'latest':
					$ess_api .= '_' . $this->custom_special;
					$ess_div .= '-' . $this->custom_special;
		if ($this->custom_posts !== null) {
			$ess_api .= '_custom_post';
			$ess_div .= '-custom_post';
		if ($this->custom_settings !== null) {
			$ess_api .= '_custom';
			$ess_div .= '-custom';
		if ($this->custom_layers !== null) {
			$ess_api .= '_layers';
			$ess_div .= '-layers';
		if ($this->custom_images !== null) {
			$ess_api .= '_img';
			$ess_div .= '-img';

		$this->grid_api_name = $ess_api;
		$this->grid_div_name = $ess_div;

		do_action('essgrid_set_api_names', $this);

	 * Output Essential Grid in Page with Custom Layer and Settings
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public function output_essential_grid_custom($grid_preview = false)
		try {
			do_action('essgrid_output_essential_grid_custom', $this, $grid_preview);


			if ($this->custom_settings !== null) //custom settings got added. Overwrite Grid Settings and element settings

			if ($this->custom_layers !== null) //custom settings got added. Overwrite Grid Settings and element settings


			return $this->output_by_custom($grid_preview);

		} catch (Exception $e) {
			$message = $e->getMessage();
			echo $message;

	 * Apply all media types for custom grids that have not much settings
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public function apply_all_media_types()
		 * Add settings that need to be set
		 * - use all media sources, sorting does not matter since we only set one thing in each entry
		 * - use all poster sources for videos, sorting does not matter since we only set one thing in each entry
		 * - use all lightbox sources, sorting does not matter since we only set one thing in each entry
		$media_orders = Essential_Grid_Base::get_media_source_order();
		foreach ($media_orders as $handle => $vals) {
			if ($handle == 'featured-image' || $handle == 'alternate-image')
			$this->grid_postparams['media-source-order'][] = $handle;
		$this->grid_postparams['media-source-order'][] = 'featured-image'; //set this as the last entry
		$this->grid_postparams['media-source-order'][] = 'alternate-image'; //set this as the last entry

		$poster_orders = Essential_Grid_Base::get_poster_source_order();
		if (!empty($poster_orders)) {
			foreach ($poster_orders as $handle => $vals) {
				$this->grid_params['poster-source-order'][] = $handle;

		$lb_orders = Essential_Grid_Base::get_lb_source_order();
		foreach ($lb_orders as $handle => $vals) {
			$this->grid_params['lb-source-order'][] = $handle;

		$lb_buttons = Essential_Grid_Base::get_lb_button_order();
		foreach ($lb_buttons as $handle => $vals) {
			$this->grid_params['lb-button-order'][] = $handle;

		do_action('essgrid_apply_all_media_types', $this);

	 * Apply Custom Settings to the Grid, so users can change everything in the settings they want to
	 * This allows to modify grid_params and grid_post_params
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	private function apply_custom_settings($has_handle = false)
		if (empty($this->custom_settings) || !is_array($this->custom_settings))
			return false;

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$translate_variables = array(
			'grid-layout' => 'layout'

		foreach ($this->custom_settings as $handle => $new_setting) {
			if (isset($translate_variables[$handle])) {
				$handle = $translate_variables[$handle];
			if ($has_handle) { //p- is in front of postparameters
				if (strpos($handle, 'p-') === 0)
					$this->grid_postparams[substr($handle, 2)] = $new_setting;
					$this->grid_params[$handle] = $new_setting;
			} else {
				if (isset($this->grid_params[$handle])) {
					$this->grid_params[$handle] = $new_setting;
				} elseif (isset($this->grid_postparams[$handle])) {
					$this->grid_postparams[$handle] = $new_setting;
				} else {
					$this->grid_params[$handle] = $new_setting;

		if (isset($this->grid_params['columns'])) { //change columns
			$columns = $base->set_basic_colums_custom($this->grid_params['columns']);
			$this->grid_params['columns'] = $columns;

		if (isset($this->grid_params['rows-unlimited']) && $this->grid_params['rows-unlimited'] == 'off') { //add pagination
			$this->grid_params['navigation-layout']['pagination']['bottom-1'] = '0';
			$this->grid_params['bottom-1-margin-top'] = '10';

		do_action('essgrid_apply_custom_settings', $this);

		return true;

	 * Apply Custom Layers to the Grid
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	private function apply_custom_layers()
		$this->grid_layers = array();
		if (!empty($this->custom_layers) && is_array($this->custom_layers)) {
			$add_poster_img = array();
			foreach ($this->custom_layers as $handle => $val_arr) {
				if (!empty($val_arr) && is_array($val_arr)) {
					//$custom_poster = false;
					foreach ($val_arr as $id => $value) {
						//if($handle == 'custom-poster') $custom_poster = array($id, $value);
						if ($handle == 'custom-poster') {
							$add_poster_img[$id] = $value;
						$this->grid_layers[$id][$handle] = $value;

			if (!empty($add_poster_img)) {
				foreach ($add_poster_img as $id => $value) {
					$this->grid_layers[$id]['custom-image'] = $value;

		do_action('essgrid_apply_custom_layers', $this);

	 * Output by Specific Stream
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function output_by_specific_stream()
		$this->output_by_stream(false, true, $this->filter_by_ids);
		$stream_html = ob_get_contents();

		return apply_filters('essgrid_output_by_specific_stream', $stream_html, $this);

	 * Output by Stream
	 * @since: 2.1.0
	public function output_by_stream($grid_preview = false, $only_elements = false, $specific_ids = array())
		do_action('essgrid_output_by_stream_pre', $grid_preview, $only_elements, $specific_ids);

		$this->grid_layers = array();
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

		if ( in_array($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'source-type'), array("nextgen", "rml")) ) {
			if ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'source-type') == "nextgen") {
				$nextgen = new Essential_Grid_Nextgen();
				switch ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-source-type', 'album')) {
					case 'album':
						$images = $nextgen->get_album_images($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-album', ''));
					case 'gallery':
						$images = $nextgen->get_gallery_images(array(
							$base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-gallery', '')
					case 'tags':
						$images = $nextgen->get_tags_images($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-tags', ''));

				$nextgen_images_avail_sizes = array(

				if (is_array($images)) {
					foreach ($images as $image) {
						$image['custom-image-url-full'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-full-size'), $nextgen_images_avail_sizes);
						$image['custom-preload-image-url'] = $image['custom-image-url'][$base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-thumb-size', 'thumb')][0];
						$image['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'nextgen-thumb-size'), $nextgen_images_avail_sizes);
						$this->grid_layers[] = $image;
			} else {
				if (!empty($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'rml-source-type')) && $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'rml-source-type') !== 0) {
					$rml = new Essential_Grid_Rml();
					$images = $rml->get_images($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'rml-source-type'));
				} else {
					$images = "";

				if (is_array($images)) {
					foreach ($images as $image) {
						$image['custom-image-url-full'] = $image['custom-image-url'][$base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'rml-full-size', 'original')];
						$image['custom-preload-image-url'] = $image['custom-image-url']['thumbnail'];
						$image['custom-image-url'] = $image['custom-image-url'][$base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'rml-thumb-size', 'original')];
						$this->grid_layers[] = $image;
		} else {
			switch ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'stream-source-type')) {
				case 'twitter':
					$twitter = new Essential_Grid_Twitter($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-consumer-key'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-consumer-secret'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-access-token'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-access-secret'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-transient-sec', 86400));
					$tweets = $twitter->get_public_photos($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-user-id'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-include-retweets'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-exclude-replies'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-count'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'twitter-image-only'));

					if (is_array($tweets) && !empty($tweets)) {
						foreach ($tweets as $tweet) {
							if (empty($tweet['custom-image-url-full'][0])) {
								$default_image_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image');
								$default_image_size = 'full';
								if (!empty($default_image_id)) {
									$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($default_image_id, $default_image_size);
									$tweet['custom-image-url-full'] = $image;
							if (empty($tweet['custom-image-url'][0])) {
								$default_image_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image');
								$default_image_size = 'full';
								if (!empty($default_image_id)) {
									$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($default_image_id, $default_image_size);
									$tweet['custom-image-url'] = $image;
							$this->grid_layers[] = $tweet;
					} else {
				case 'instagram':
					$instagram = new Essential_Grid_Instagram($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'instagram-transient-sec', 86400));
					$public_photos = array();
					$orig_image = true;
					$user_photos = $instagram->get_public_photos($this->grid_handle, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'instagram-api-key'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'instagram-count'), $orig_image);
					$public_photos = $user_photos;

					if (is_array($public_photos) && !empty($public_photos)) {
						foreach ($public_photos as $photo) {
							$photo['custom-image-url-full'] = array(
							$photo['custom-image-url'] = array(
							if ($photo['custom-type'] == 'html5') {
								$photo['html5']['mp4'] = $photo['custom-html5-mp4'];
							$this->grid_layers[] = $photo;
					} else {
				case 'vimeo':
					$vimeo = new Essential_Grid_Vimeo($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-transient-sec', 0));
					$vimeo_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-type-source');

					switch ($vimeo_type) {
						case 'user':
							$videos = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-username'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-count', '50'));
						case 'channel':
							$videos = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-channelname'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-count', '50'));
						case 'group':
							$videos = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-groupname'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-count', '50'));
						case 'album':
							$videos = $vimeo->get_vimeo_videos($vimeo_type, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-albumid'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-count', '50'));
					$vimeo_images_avail_sizes = array(

					if (is_array($videos) && !empty($videos)) {
						foreach ($videos as $video) {
							$video['custom-preload-image-url'] = $video['custom-image-url']['thumbnail_small'][0];
							$video['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($video['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'vimeo-thumb-size', 'thumbnail_medium'), $vimeo_images_avail_sizes);
							$this->grid_layers[] = $video;
					} else {
				case 'youtube':
					$channel_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-channel-id');
					$youtube = new Essential_Grid_Youtube($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-api'), $channel_id, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-transient-sec', 0));

					switch ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-type-source')) {
						case 'playlist':
							$videos = $youtube->show_playlist_videos($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-playlist'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-count'));
						case 'playlist_overview':
							$videos = $youtube->show_playlist_overview($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-count'));
							$videos = $youtube->show_channel_videos($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-count'));

					$youtube_images_avail_sizes = array(

					if (is_array($videos) && !empty($videos)) {
						foreach ($videos as $video) {
							$video['custom-preload-image-url'] = $video['custom-image-url']['default'][0];
							$video['custom-image-url-full'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($video['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-full-size'), $youtube_images_avail_sizes);
							$video['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($video['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-thumb-size'), $youtube_images_avail_sizes);

							if (strpos($video['custom-image-url-full'][0], 'no_thumbnail') > 0) {
								$default_image_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image');
								$default_image_size = 'full';
								if (!empty($default_image_id)) {
									$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($default_image_id, $default_image_size);
									$video['custom-image-url-full'] = $image;
							if (strpos($video['custom-image-url'][0], 'no_thumbnail') > 0) {
								$default_image_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image');
								$default_image_size = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type', 'full');

								/* 2.1.6 */
								if (wp_is_mobile()) {
									$default_image_size = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type-mobile', $default_image_size);
								if (!empty($default_image_id)) {
									$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($default_image_id, $default_image_size);
									$video['custom-image-url'] = $image;

							$this->grid_layers[] = $video;
					} else {
				case 'facebook':
					$facebook = new Essential_Grid_Facebook($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-transient-sec', 86400));
					if ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-type-source') == "album") {
						$photo_set_photos = $facebook->get_photo_set_photos($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-access-token'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-album'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-count', 10));
					} else {
						$photo_set_photos = $facebook->get_photo_feed($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-access-token'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-page-id'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'facebook-count', 10));

					if (is_array($photo_set_photos) && !empty($photo_set_photos)) {
						$default_image_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image');
						$default_image_size = 'full';
						$image = wp_get_attachment_image_src($default_image_id, $default_image_size);

						foreach ($photo_set_photos as $photo) {
							$photo['custom-preload-image-url'] = isset($photo['custom-image-url']['thumbnail'][0]) ? $photo['custom-image-url']['thumbnail'][0] : "";
							$photo['custom-image-url-full'] = isset($photo['custom-image-url']['normal']) ? $photo['custom-image-url']['normal'] : "";
							$photo['custom-image-url'] = isset($photo['custom-image-url']['normal']) ? $photo['custom-image-url']['normal'] : "";

							if (!empty($default_image_id) && empty($photo['custom-image-url'])) {
								$photo['custom-preload-image-url'] = $image;
								$photo['custom-image-url-full'] = $image;
								$photo['custom-image-url'] = $image;
							$this->grid_layers[] = $photo;
					} else {
				case 'flickr':
					$flickr = new Essential_Grid_Flickr($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-api-key'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-transient-sec', 86400));

					switch ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-type')) {
						case 'publicphotos':
							$user_id = $flickr->get_user_from_url($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-user-url'));
							$flickr_photos = $flickr->get_public_photos($user_id, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-count'));
						case 'gallery':
							$gallery_id = $flickr->get_gallery_from_url($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-gallery-url'));
							$flickr_photos = $flickr->get_gallery_photos($gallery_id, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-count'));
						case 'group':
							$group_id = $flickr->get_group_from_url($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-group-url'));
							$flickr_photos = $flickr->get_group_photos($group_id, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-count'));
						case 'photosets':
							$flickr_photos = $flickr->get_photo_set_photos($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-photoset'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-count'));

					$flickr_images_avail_sizes = array(
						'Large Square',
						'Small 320',
						'Medium 640',
						'Medium 800',

					if (is_array($flickr_photos) && !empty($flickr_photos)) {
						foreach ($flickr_photos as $photo) {
							$photo['custom-preload-image-url'] = $photo['custom-image-url']['Square'][0];
							$photo['custom-image-url-full'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($photo['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-full-size'), $flickr_images_avail_sizes);
							$photo['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($photo['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'flickr-thumb-size'), $flickr_images_avail_sizes);
							$this->grid_layers[] = $photo;
					} else {
				case 'behance':
					$behance = new Essential_Grid_Behance($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-api'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-user-id'), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-transient-sec', 0));

					if ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-type', 'projects') == 'projects') {
						$images = $behance->get_behance_projects($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-count', 12));
					} else {
						$images = $behance->get_behance_project_images($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-project', ''), $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-count', 100));

					$behance_project_images_avail_sizes = array(
					$behance_images_avail_sizes = array(

					if (is_array($images) && !empty($images)) {
						foreach ($images as $image) {
							if ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-type', 'projects') != 'projects') {

								$image['custom-image-url-full'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-project-full-size'), $behance_project_images_avail_sizes);
								$image['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-project-thumb-size'), $behance_project_images_avail_sizes);
							} else {

								$image['custom-image-url-full'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-projects-full-size'), $behance_images_avail_sizes);
								$image['custom-image-url'] = $this->find_biggest_photo($image['custom-image-url'], $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'behance-projects-thumb-size'), $behance_images_avail_sizes);

							$this->grid_layers[] = $image;
					} else {
			} // end switch
		} // end else

		$order_by_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$order_by_dir = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		$this->order_by_custom($order_by_start, $order_by_dir);

		if (!empty($specific_ids)) { //remove all that we do not have in this array
			foreach ($this->grid_layers as $key => $layer) {
				if (!in_array($key, $specific_ids))

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_stream_post', $this, $grid_preview, $only_elements);

		$do_load_more = (!empty($specific_ids)) ? true : false;
		return $this->output_by_custom($grid_preview, $only_elements, $do_load_more);

	public function find_biggest_photo($image_urls, $wanted_size, $avail_sizes)
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_find_biggest_photo', array(
			'image_urls' => $image_urls,
			'wanted_size' => $wanted_size,
			'avail_sizes' => $avail_sizes

		$image_urls = $d['image_urls'];
		$wanted_size = $d['wanted_size'];
		$avail_sizes = $d['avail_sizes'];

		if (isset($image_urls[$wanted_size]) && !$this->isEmpty($image_urls[$wanted_size]))
			return $image_urls[$wanted_size];
		$wanted_size_pos = array_search($wanted_size, $avail_sizes);
		for ($i = $wanted_size_pos; $i < 7; $i++) {
			if (isset($avail_sizes[$i]) && !$this->isEmpty($image_urls[$avail_sizes[$i]]))
				return $image_urls[$avail_sizes[$i]];
		for ($i = $wanted_size_pos; $i >= 0; $i--) {
			if (!$this->isEmpty($image_urls[$avail_sizes[$i]]))
				return $image_urls[$avail_sizes[$i]];

	public function isEmpty($stringOrArray)
		$stringOrArray = apply_filters('essgrid_isEmpty', $stringOrArray);
		if (is_array($stringOrArray)) {
			foreach ($stringOrArray as $value) {
				if (!$this->isEmpty($value)) {
					return false;
			return true;

		return !strlen($stringOrArray); // this properly checks on empty string ('')

	 * Output by gallery
	 * Remove all custom elements, add image elements
	 * @since: 1.2.0
	public function output_by_gallery($grid_preview = false, $only_elements = false, $from_ajax = false)
		$this->grid_layers = array();

		if (!empty($this->custom_images)) {
			foreach ($this->custom_images as $image_id) {
				$attachment = get_post($image_id);
				$meta = array(
					'caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt,
					'description' => $attachment->post_content,
					'href' => get_permalink($attachment->ID),
					'title' => $attachment->post_title
				$this->grid_layers[$image_id] = array(
					'custom-image' => $image_id,
					'excerpt' => $attachment->post_excerpt,
					'caption' => $attachment->post_excerpt,
					'title' => $attachment->post_title,
					'content' => $attachment->post_content,
					'description' => $attachment->post_content

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_gallery', $this, $grid_preview, $only_elements);

		return $this->output_by_custom($grid_preview, $only_elements, false, $from_ajax);

	 * Output by custom grid
	public function output_by_custom($grid_preview = false, $only_elements = false, $set_load_more = false, $from_ajax = false)
		$post_limit = 99999;

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_custom_pre', $this, $grid_preview, $only_elements);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$navigation_c = new Essential_Grid_Navigation($this->grid_id);
		$item_skin = new Essential_Grid_Item_Skin();
		$item_skin->grid_id = $this->grid_id;
		$item_skin->grid_params = $this->grid_params;
		$item_skin->set_grid_type($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even'));

		$item_skin->set_default_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_youtube_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'youtube-default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_vimeo_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'vimeo-default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_html_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'html5-default-image', 0, 'i'));

		$item_skin->set_grid_item_animation($base, $this->grid_params);
		if ($set_load_more)

		$m = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$skins_html = '';
		$skins_css = '';
		$filters = array();

		$rows_unlimited = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows-unlimited', 'on');
		$load_more = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more', 'none');
		$load_more_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-start', 3, 'i');

		if ($rows_unlimited == 'on' && $load_more !== 'none' && $grid_preview == false) { //grid_preview means disable load more in preview
			$post_limit = $load_more_start;

		$nav_filters = array();
		$nav_layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-layout', array());
		$nav_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-skin', 'minimal-light');
		$hover_animation = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'hover-animation', 'fade');
		$filter_allow = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-start', '');

		$search_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'search-text', esc_attr__('Search...', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$fil_id = '';
		$filters_arr = array();
		$filter_found = false;
		foreach ($this->grid_params as $gkey => $gparam) {
			if (strpos($gkey, 'filter-selected') === false) continue;

			$filter_found = true;
			$fil_id = intval(str_replace('filter-selected-', '', $gkey));
			$fil_id = ($fil_id == 0) ? '' : '-' . $fil_id;

			// 3.0.12
			// moved inside the loop
			// https://themepunch.monday.com/boards/313036946/pulses/1193179221
			$filter_all_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-text' . $fil_id, esc_attr__('Filter - All', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
			$filterall_visible = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-visible' . $fil_id, 'on');
			$show_count = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-counter' . $fil_id, 'off');

			$filter_dropdown_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-dropdown-text' . $fil_id, esc_attr__('Filter Categories', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
			$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-grouping'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-grouping' . $fil_id, 'false');
			$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-listing'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-listing' . $fil_id, 'list');
			$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-selected' . $fil_id, array());
			$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['custom'] = true;

			$navigation_c->set_filter_settings('filter' . $fil_id, $filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]);

			$navigation_c->set_filter_text($filter_all_text, $fil_id);
			$navigation_c->set_filterall_visible($filterall_visible, $fil_id);
			$navigation_c->set_dropdown_text($filter_dropdown_text, $fil_id);
			$navigation_c->set_show_count($show_count, $fil_id);

		$nav_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'nagivation-type', 'internal');
		$do_nav = ($nav_type == 'internal') ? true : false;

		$order_by = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by', 'date'));
		if (!is_array($order_by))
			$order_by = array(
		$order_by_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$order_by_dir = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		$sort_by_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sort-by-text', esc_attr__('Sort By ', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$module_spacings = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'module-spacings', '5');

		$top_1_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-1-align', 'center');
		$top_2_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-2-align', 'center');
		$bottom_1_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-1-align', 'center');
		$bottom_2_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-2-align', 'center');
		$top_1_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-1-margin-bottom', 0, 'i');
		$top_2_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-2-margin-bottom', 0, 'i');
		$bottom_1_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-1-margin-top', 0, 'i');
		$bottom_2_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-2-margin-top', 0, 'i');

		$left_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'left-margin-left', 0, 'i');
		$right_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'right-margin-right', 0, 'i');

		$nav_styles['top-1'] = array(
			'margin-bottom' => $top_1_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $top_1_align
		$nav_styles['top-2'] = array(
			'margin-bottom' => $top_2_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $top_2_align
		$nav_styles['left'] = array(
			'margin-left' => $left_margin . 'px'
		$nav_styles['right'] = array(
			'margin-right' => $right_margin . 'px'
		$nav_styles['bottom-1'] = array(
			'margin-top' => $bottom_1_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $bottom_1_align
		$nav_styles['bottom-2'] = array(
			'margin-top' => $bottom_2_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $bottom_2_align

		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->set_special_class('esg-fgc-' . $this->grid_id);
			if ($filter_found === false) {
				$navigation_c->set_dropdown_text($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-dropdown-text', esc_attr__('Filter Categories', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)));
				$navigation_c->set_show_count($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-counter', 'off'));
				$navigation_c->set_filterall_visible($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-visible', 'on'));
				$navigation_c->set_filter_text($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-text' . $fil_id, esc_attr__('Filter - All', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)));
			$navigation_c->set_layout($nav_layout); //set the layout

			$navigation_c->set_orders($order_by); //set order of filter
			$navigation_c->set_orders_start($order_by_start); //set order of filter
		$item_skin->init_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'entry-skin', 0, 'i'));
		$this->grid_params['entry-skin-handle'] = $item_skin->get_handle();

		$lazy_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading', 'off');
		if ($lazy_load == 'on') {
			$lazy_load_blur = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading-blur', 'on');
			if ($lazy_load_blur == 'on')

		//2.3.7 YouTube Playlist overview gets featured images media, not videos
		$default_media_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'media-source-order', '');
		if ($default_media_source_order[0] == 'youtube' && $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'youtube-type-source', '') == 'playlist_overview') {
			$default_media_source_order[0] = 'featured-image';
		$default_lightbox_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-source-order', '');

		/* 2.2 */
		$item_skin->set_fancybox_three_options($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-title', 'off'));
		$default_aj_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'aj-source-order', '');
		$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type', 'full');

		/* 2.2 */
		$default_lightbox_button_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-button-order', array(

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (wp_is_mobile()) {
			$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type-mobile', $post_media_source_type);

		$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'poster-source-order', '');
		if ($default_video_poster_order == '')
			$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'poster-source-order', '');
		$layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even');
		$layout_sizing = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout-sizing', 'boxed');
		$ajax_container_position = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-position', 'top');
		if ($layout_sizing !== 'fullwidth' && $layout == 'masonry') {

		$skins_css = '';
		$skins_html = '';
		$found_filter = array();
		$i = 1;
		$this->order_by_custom($order_by_start, $order_by_dir);

		if ($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'source-type') == "stream" && $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'stream-source-type') == "instagram") {
			if ($order_by_start == "none") {
				$this->order_by_custom("date", "asc");
			$this->grid_layers = array_slice($this->grid_layers, 0, $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'instagram-count'));

		if (!empty($this->grid_layers) && count($this->grid_layers) > 0) {
			foreach ($this->grid_layers as $key => $entry) {
				$post_media_source_data = $base->get_custom_media_source_data($entry, $post_media_source_type);
				$post_video_ratios = $m->get_custom_video_ratios($entry);
				$filters = array();

				if (is_array($order_by) && !empty($order_by)) {
					$sort = $this->prepare_sorting_array_by_custom($entry, $order_by);
				if (!empty($entry['custom-filter'])) {
					$cats = explode(',', $entry['custom-filter']);
					if (!is_array($cats))
						$cats = (array)$cats;
					foreach ($cats as $category) {
						$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category);
						$filters[$_v] = array(
							'name' => $category,
							'slug' => $_v

				$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have

				//switch to different skin
				$use_item_skin_id = $base->getVar($entry, 'use-skin', '-1');
				if (intval($use_item_skin_id) === 0) {
					$use_item_skin_id = -1;

				if ($i > $post_limit) {
					$this->load_more_post_array[$key] = $filters; //set for load more, only on elements that will not be loaded from beginning
					continue; //Load only selected numbers of items at start (for load more)


				/* 2.1.5 */
				$item_skin->set_default_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image', 0, 'i'));

				$item_skin->set_grid_item_animation($base, $this->grid_params);

				// 2.2.6

				$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();

				// 2.2.6
				$id = (isset($entry['post_id'])) ? $entry['post_id'] : '';
				if (!empty($id)) {
					$skins_css .= ob_get_contents();

		if ($grid_preview !== false && $only_elements == false) { //add the add more box at the end
			$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();

		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->set_filter($found_filter); //set filters $nav_filters $found_filter

		if ($only_elements == false) {
			$skins_css .= ob_get_contents();

			if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
				$navigation_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-skin', 'minimal-light');
				echo $navigation_c->output_navigation_skin($navigation_skin);

			echo $skins_css;

			if ($item_skin->ajax_loading == true && $ajax_container_position == 'top') {
				echo $this->output_ajax_container();


			if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
				$navigation_c->output_layout('top-1', $module_spacings);
				$navigation_c->output_layout('top-2', $module_spacings);


		if (!$from_ajax) {
			echo $skins_html;
		} else {
			return $skins_html;

		if ($only_elements == false) {

			if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
				$navigation_c->output_layout('bottom-1', $module_spacings);
				$navigation_c->output_layout('bottom-2', $module_spacings);

				//check if search was added. If yes, we also need to add the "Filter All" filter if not existing
				echo $navigation_c->check_for_search();


			if ($item_skin->ajax_loading == true && $ajax_container_position == 'bottom') {
				echo $this->output_ajax_container();

			$load_lightbox = $item_skin->do_lightbox_loading();

			if ($grid_preview === false) {
			} elseif ($grid_preview !== 'preview' && $grid_preview !== 'custom') {
				$this->output_grid_javascript($load_lightbox, true);

			do_action('essgrid_output_by_custom_post', $this, $grid_preview, $only_elements);

	 * Output by posts
	public function output_by_posts($grid_preview = false)
		global $sitepress;

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_posts_pre', $this, $grid_preview);

		$post_limit = 99999;

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$navigation_c = new Essential_Grid_Navigation($this->grid_id);
		$meta_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$meta_link_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$item_skin = new Essential_Grid_Item_Skin();
		$item_skin->grid_id = $this->grid_id;
		$item_skin->grid_params = $this->grid_params;
		$item_skin->set_grid_type($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even'));

		$item_skin->set_default_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_youtube_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'youtube-default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_vimeo_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'vimeo-default-image', 0, 'i'));
		$item_skin->set_default_html_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'html-default-image', 0, 'i'));

		$item_skin->set_grid_item_animation($base, $this->grid_params);
		$m = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$skins_html = '';
		$skins_css = '';
		$filters = array();

		$rows_unlimited = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows-unlimited', 'on');
		$load_more = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more', 'none');
		$load_more_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-start', 3, 'i');

		if ($rows_unlimited == 'on' && $load_more !== 'none' && $grid_preview == false) { //grid_preview means disable load more in preview
			$post_limit = $load_more_start;

		$start_sortby = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$start_sortby_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		$post_category = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'post_category');
		$post_types = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'post_types');
		$page_ids = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'selected_pages', '-1'));
		$cat_relation = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'category-relation', 'OR');
		$max_entries = $this->get_maximum_entries($this);
		$additional_query = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'additional-query', '');
		if ($additional_query !== '')
			$additional_query = wp_parse_args($additional_query);

		$cat_tax = array(
			'cats' => '',
			'tax' => ''

		if ($this->custom_posts !== null) { //output by specific set posts
			$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::get_posts_by_ids($this->custom_posts, $start_sortby, $start_sortby_type);
			$cat_tax_obj = Essential_Grid_Base::get_categories_by_posts($posts);
			if (!empty($cat_tax_obj)) {
				$cat_tax['cats'] = Essential_Grid_Base::translate_categories_to_string($cat_tax_obj);
		} elseif ($this->custom_special !== null) { //output by some special rule
			$max_entries = intval($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'max-entries', '20'));
			if ($max_entries == 0)
				$max_entries = 20;

			switch ($this->custom_special) {
				case 'related':
					$related_by = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'relatedbased', 'both');
					$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::get_related_posts($max_entries, $related_by);
				case 'popular':
					$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::get_popular_posts($max_entries);
				case 'latest':
					$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::get_latest_posts($max_entries);

			$cat_tax_obj = Essential_Grid_Base::get_categories_by_posts($posts);
			if (!empty($cat_tax_obj)) {
				$cat_tax['cats'] = Essential_Grid_Base::translate_categories_to_string($cat_tax_obj);
		} else { //output with the grid settings from an existing grid
			$cat_tax = Essential_Grid_Base::getCatAndTaxData($post_category);
			$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::getPostsByCategory($this->grid_id, $cat_tax['cats'], $post_types, $cat_tax['tax'], $page_ids, $start_sortby, $start_sortby_type, $max_entries, $additional_query, true, $cat_relation);

		$nav_layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-layout', array());
		$nav_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-skin', 'minimal-light');
		$hover_animation = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'hover-animation', 'fade');
		$filter_allow = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-start', '');

		$nav_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'nagivation-type', 'internal');
		$do_nav = $nav_type == 'internal';

		$order_by = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by', 'date'));
		if (!is_array($order_by)) $order_by = array($order_by);
		$order_by_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		if (strpos($order_by_start, 'eg-') === 0 || strpos($order_by_start, 'egl-') === 0) { 
			//add meta at the end for meta sorting
			//if essential Meta, replace to meta name. Else -> replace - and _ with space, set each word uppercase
			$metas = $m->get_all_meta();
			$f = false;
			if (!empty($metas)) {
				foreach ($metas as $meta) {
					if ('eg-' . $meta['handle'] == $order_by_start || 'egl-' . $meta['handle'] == $order_by_start) {
						$f = true;
						$order_by_start = $meta['name'];

			if ($f === false) {
				$order_by_start = ucwords(str_replace(array(
				), array(
					' ',
					' '
				), $order_by_start));

		$sort_by_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sort-by-text', esc_attr__('Sort By ', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$search_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'search-text', esc_attr__('Search...', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));

		$module_spacings = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'module-spacings', '5');

		$top_1_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-1-align', 'center');
		$top_2_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-2-align', 'center');
		$bottom_1_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-1-align', 'center');
		$bottom_2_align = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-2-align', 'center');

		$top_1_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-1-margin-bottom', 0, 'i');
		$top_2_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'top-2-margin-bottom', 0, 'i');
		$bottom_1_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-1-margin-top', 0, 'i');
		$bottom_2_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'bottom-2-margin-top', 0, 'i');

		$left_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'left-margin-left', 0, 'i');
		$right_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'right-margin-right', 0, 'i');

		$nav_styles['top-1'] = array(
			'margin-bottom' => $top_1_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $top_1_align
		$nav_styles['top-2'] = array(
			'margin-bottom' => $top_2_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $top_2_align
		$nav_styles['left'] = array(
			'margin-left' => $left_margin . 'px'
		$nav_styles['right'] = array(
			'margin-right' => $right_margin . 'px'
		$nav_styles['bottom-1'] = array(
			'margin-top' => $bottom_1_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $bottom_1_align
		$nav_styles['bottom-2'] = array(
			'margin-top' => $bottom_2_margin . 'px',
			'text-align' => $bottom_2_align

		$ajax_container_position = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-position', 'top');
		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->set_special_class('esg-fgc-' . $this->grid_id);

			$filters_meta = array();
			$filters_extra = array();
			$fil_id = '';
			$filters_arr = array();

			foreach ($this->grid_params as $gkey => $gparam) {
				if (strpos($gkey, 'filter-selected') === false) continue;

				$fil_id = intval(str_replace('filter-selected-', '', $gkey));
				$fil_id = ($fil_id == 0) ? '' : '-' . $fil_id;

				$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-grouping'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-grouping' . $fil_id, 'false');
				$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-listing'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-listing' . $fil_id, 'list');
				$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-selected' . $fil_id, array());

				$filterall_visible = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-visible' . $fil_id, 'on');
				$filter_all_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-text' . $fil_id, esc_attr__('Filter - All', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
				$filter_dropdown_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-dropdown-text' . $fil_id, esc_attr__('Filter Categories', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
				$show_count = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-counter' . $fil_id, 'off');

				if (!empty($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'])) {
					if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
						foreach ($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'] as $fk => $filter) {
							if (strpos($filter, 'meta-') === 0) {
								unset($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'][$fk]); //delete entry

								foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
									$fil = str_replace('meta-', '', $filter);
									$post_filter_meta = $meta_c->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'eg-' . $fil);
									if ($post_filter_meta == '') { //check if we are linking
										$post_filter_meta = $meta_link_c->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'egl-' . $fil);
									$arr = json_decode($post_filter_meta, true);
									$cur_filter = (is_array($arr)) ? $arr : array(
									$add_filter = array();
									if (!empty($cur_filter)) {
										foreach ($cur_filter as $k => $v) {
											if (trim($v) !== '') {
												$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);
												$add_filter[$_v] = array(
													'name' => $v,
													'slug' => $_v,
													'parent' => '0'
												if (!empty($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'])) {
													$filter_found = false;
													foreach ($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'] as $fcheck) {
														if ($fcheck == $_v) {
															$filter_found = true;
													if (!$filter_found) {
														$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'][] = $_v; //add found meta
												} else {
													$filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'][] = $_v; //add found meta
										$filters_meta = $filters_meta + $add_filter;

										if (!empty($add_filter)) {
					$filters_extra = array_merge($filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]['filter-selected'], $filters_extra);
				$navigation_c->set_filter_settings('filter' . $fil_id, $filters_arr['filter' . $fil_id]);
				$navigation_c->set_filter_text($filter_all_text, $fil_id);
				$navigation_c->set_filterall_visible($filterall_visible, $fil_id);
				$navigation_c->set_dropdown_text($filter_dropdown_text, $fil_id);
				$navigation_c->set_show_count($show_count, $fil_id);
			$navigation_c->set_layout($nav_layout); //set the layout
			$navigation_c->set_orders($order_by); //set order of sort
			$navigation_c->set_orders_text($sort_by_text); //set text of sort
			$navigation_c->set_orders_start($order_by_start); //set start of sort
			$navigation_c->set_orders_order($start_sortby_type); //set order of sort

		$nav_filters = array();
		$taxes = array('post_tag');
		if (!empty($cat_tax['tax'])) $taxes = explode(',', $cat_tax['tax']);
		if (!empty($cat_tax['cats'])) {
			$cats = explode(',', $cat_tax['cats']);
			foreach ($cats as $key => $id) {
				if (Essential_Grid_Wpml::is_wpml_exists() && isset($sitepress)) {
					$new_id = icl_object_id($id, 'category', true, $sitepress->get_default_language());
					$cat = get_category($new_id);
				} else {
					$cat = get_category($id);
				if (is_object($cat)) {
					$nav_filters[$id] = array(
						'name' => $cat->cat_name,
						'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($cat->slug),
						'parent' => $cat->category_parent
				foreach ($taxes as $custom_tax) {
					$term = get_term_by('id', $id, $custom_tax);
					if (is_object($term))
						$nav_filters[$id] = array(
							'name' => $term->name,
							'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($term->slug),
							'parent' => $term->parent

			if (!empty($filters_meta)) {
				$nav_filters = $filters_meta + $nav_filters;
			if (!empty($add_filter)) {
				$nav_filters = $nav_filters + $add_filter;

		$item_skin->init_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'entry-skin', 0, 'i'));
		$this->grid_params['entry-skin-handle'] = $item_skin->get_handle();

		$lazy_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading', 'off');
		if ($lazy_load == 'on') {
			$lazy_load_blur = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading-blur', 'on');
			if ($lazy_load_blur == 'on')

		$default_media_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'media-source-order', '');

		$default_lightbox_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-source-order', '');

		$default_aj_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'aj-source-order', '');

		$lightbox_mode = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-mode', 'single');
		$lightbox_include_media = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-exclude-media', 'off');

		/* 2.2 */
		$item_skin->set_fancybox_three_options($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-title', 'off'));
		$default_lightbox_button_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-button-order', array(
		$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type', 'full');

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (wp_is_mobile()) {
			$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type-mobile', $post_media_source_type);
		$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'poster-source-order', '');
		if ($default_video_poster_order == '')
			$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'poster-source-order', '');

		$layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even');
		$layout_sizing = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout-sizing', 'boxed');

		if ($layout_sizing !== 'fullwidth' && $layout == 'masonry') {

		$found_filter = array();
		$i = 1;

		if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
			foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
				if ($grid_preview == false) {
					//check if post should be visible or if its invisible on current grid settings
					$is_visible = $this->check_if_visible($post['ID'], $this->grid_id);
					if ($is_visible == false)
						continue; // continue if invisible

				if ($lightbox_mode == 'content' || $lightbox_mode == 'content-gallery' || $lightbox_mode == 'woocommerce-gallery') {
					$item_skin->set_lightbox_rel('ess-' . $post['ID']);

				$post_media_source_data = $base->get_post_media_source_data($post['ID'], $post_media_source_type);
				$post_video_ratios = $m->get_post_video_ratios($post['ID']);
				$filters = array();

				$default_filter_add = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'add-filters-by', 'default');
				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'categories'), true)) {
					$categories = $base->get_custom_taxonomies_by_post_id($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($categories)) {
						foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
							$filters[$category->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $category->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category->slug),
								'parent' => $category->parent

				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'tags'), true)) {
					$tags = get_the_tags($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($tags)) {
						foreach ($tags as $key => $taxonomie) {
							$filters[$taxonomie->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $taxonomie->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($taxonomie->slug),
								'parent' => '0'

				foreach ($this->grid_params as $gp_handle => $gp_values) {
					if (strpos($gp_handle, 'filter-selected') !== 0) continue;

					$filter_meta_selected = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, $gp_handle, array());
					if (!empty($filter_meta_selected)) {
						foreach ($filter_meta_selected as $filter) {
							if (strpos($filter, 'meta-') === 0) {
								$fil = str_replace('meta-', '', $filter);
								$post_filter_meta = $meta_c->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'eg-' . $fil);
								if ($post_filter_meta == '') { //check if we are linking
									$post_filter_meta = $meta_link_c->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'egl-' . $fil, 'asd');

								$arr = json_decode($post_filter_meta, true);
								$cur_filter = (is_array($arr)) ? $arr : array(
								if (!empty($cur_filter)) {
									foreach ($cur_filter as $k => $v) {
										if (trim($v) !== '') {
											$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);
											$filters[$_v] = array(
												'name' => $v,
												'slug' => $_v,
												'parent' => '0'

				if (is_array($order_by) && !empty($order_by)) {
					$sort = $this->prepare_sorting_array_by_post($post, $order_by);

				$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have

				//switch to different skin
				$use_item_skin_id = json_decode(get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'eg_use_skin', true), true);
				if ($use_item_skin_id !== false && isset($use_item_skin_id[$this->grid_id]['use-skin'])) {
					$use_item_skin_id = $use_item_skin_id[$this->grid_id]['use-skin'];
				} else {
					$use_item_skin_id = -1;

				$use_item_skin_id = apply_filters('essgrid_modify_post_item_skin', $use_item_skin_id, $post, $this->grid_id);

				if ($i > $post_limit) {
					$this->load_more_post_array[$post['ID']] = $filters; //set for load more, only on elements that will not be loaded from beginning
					continue; //Load only selected numbers of items at start (for load more)

				if ($lightbox_mode == 'content' || $lightbox_mode == 'content-gallery' || $lightbox_mode == 'woocommerce-gallery') {
					$lb_add_images = array();
					$lb_add_images_thumb = array();
					switch ($lightbox_mode) {
						case 'content':
							$lb_add_images = $base->get_all_content_images($post['ID']);
							$lb_add_images_thumb = $base->get_all_content_images($post['ID'], false, 'thumbnail');
						case 'content-gallery':
							$lb_add_images = $base->get_all_gallery_images($post['post_content'], true);
							$lb_add_images_thumb = $base->get_all_gallery_images($post['post_content'], true, 'thumbnail');
						case 'woocommerce-gallery':
							if (Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()) {
								$lb_add_images = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_image_attachements($post['ID'], true);
								$lb_add_images_thumb = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_image_attachements($post['ID'], true, 'thumbnail');

						'items' => $lb_add_images,
						'thumbs' => $lb_add_images_thumb,
						'base' => $lightbox_include_media


				$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();

				// 2.2.6
				$skins_css .= ob_get_contents();
		} else {
			if (is_admin()) {
			/* 3.0.13 comment out as this output grid based on defaults while it should be empty on frontend
			 * else {
				require_once(ESG_PLUGIN_PATH . 'includes/defaults.php');
				$defaults = new EssentialGridDefaults();
				$defaults = $defaults->getData($this->grid_id);
			return false;

		if (!empty($filters_extra)) {
			foreach ($filters_extra as $f_extra) {
				$f_extra = explode('_', $f_extra);
				if (is_array($f_extra) && !empty($f_extra)) {
					$cid = end($f_extra);
					if (Essential_Grid_Wpml::is_wpml_exists() && isset($sitepress)) {
						$new_id = icl_object_id($cid, 'category', true, $sitepress->get_default_language());
						$ncat = get_category($new_id);
						if (!is_wp_error($ncat) && !is_null($ncat)) {
							$found_filter[$ncat->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $ncat->name,
								'slug' => $ncat->slug,
								'parent' => $ncat->{'parent'}
							$nav_filters[$ncat->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $ncat->name,
								'slug' => $ncat->slug,
								'parent' => $ncat->{'parent'}
					} else {
						/* 2.1.5 */
						$ncat = get_category($cid);
						if (empty($ncat))
							$ncat = get_tag($cid);
						if (!is_wp_error($ncat) && !empty($ncat)) {
							$found_filter[$ncat->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $ncat->name,
								'slug' => $ncat->slug,
								'parent' => $ncat->{'parent'}
							$nav_filters[$ncat->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $ncat->name,
								'slug' => $ncat->slug,
								'parent' => $ncat->{'parent'}

		$remove_filter = array_diff_key($nav_filters, $found_filter); //check if we have filter that no post has (comes through multilanguage)
		if (!empty($remove_filter)) {
			foreach ($remove_filter as $key => $rem) { //we have, so remove them from the filter list before setting the filter list

		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->set_filter($nav_filters); //set filters $nav_filters $found_filter

		$skins_css .= ob_get_contents();

		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$found_skin = array();
			$navigation_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-skin', 'minimal-light');
			$navigation_special_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-special-skin', array());
			echo $navigation_c->output_navigation_skin($navigation_skin);
			$found_skin[$navigation_skin] = true;

			if (!empty($navigation_special_skin)) {
				foreach ($navigation_special_skin as $spec_skin) {
					if (!isset($found_skin[$spec_skin])) {
						echo $navigation_c->output_navigation_skin($spec_skin);
						$found_skin[$spec_skin] = true;
			$nav_css = ob_get_contents();

			echo $nav_css;

		echo $skins_css;

		if ($item_skin->ajax_loading == true && $ajax_container_position == 'top') {
			echo $this->output_ajax_container();

		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->output_layout('top-1', $module_spacings);
			$navigation_c->output_layout('top-2', $module_spacings);
		echo $skins_html;
		if ($do_nav) { //only do if internal is selected
			$navigation_c->output_layout('bottom-1', $module_spacings);
			$navigation_c->output_layout('bottom-2', $module_spacings);

			//check if search was added. If yes, we also need to add the "Filter All" filter if not existing
			echo $navigation_c->check_for_search();


		if ($item_skin->ajax_loading == true && $ajax_container_position == 'bottom') {
			echo $this->output_ajax_container();

		$load_lightbox = $item_skin->do_lightbox_loading();

		if ($grid_preview === false) {
		} elseif ($grid_preview !== 'preview') {
			$this->output_grid_javascript($load_lightbox, true);

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_posts_post', $this, $grid_preview);

	 * Output by specific posts for load more
	public function output_by_specific_posts()
		do_action('essgrid_output_by_specific_posts_pre', $this);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$item_skin = new Essential_Grid_Item_Skin();
		$item_skin->grid_id = $this->grid_id;
		$item_skin->grid_params = $this->grid_params;
		$item_skin->set_grid_type($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even'));
		$meta_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$meta_link_c = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$item_skin->set_default_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image', 0, 'i'));

		$item_skin->set_grid_item_animation($base, $this->grid_params);
		$m = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$start_sortby = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$start_sortby_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		if (!empty($this->filter_by_ids)) {
			$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::get_posts_by_ids($this->filter_by_ids, $start_sortby, $start_sortby_type);
		} else {
			return false;

		$item_skin->init_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'entry-skin', 0, 'i'));
		$this->grid_params['entry-skin-handle'] = $item_skin->get_handle();
		$order_by = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by', 'date'));
		if (!is_array($order_by)) $order_by = array($order_by);

		$lazy_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading', 'off');
		if ($lazy_load == 'on') {
			$lazy_load_blur = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading-blur', 'on');
			if ($lazy_load_blur == 'on') $item_skin->set_lazy_load_blur(true);

		$default_media_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'media-source-order', '');

		$default_lightbox_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-source-order', '');

		$lightbox_mode = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-mode', 'single');
		$lightbox_include_media = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-exclude-media', 'off');

		/* 2.2 */
		$item_skin->set_fancybox_three_options($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-title', 'off'));
		$default_aj_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'aj-source-order', '');
		$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type', 'full');

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (wp_is_mobile()) {
			$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type-mobile', $post_media_source_type);

		$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'poster-source-order', '');
		if ($default_video_poster_order == '')
			$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'poster-source-order', '');


		$layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even');
		$layout_sizing = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout-sizing', 'boxed');

		if ($layout_sizing !== 'fullwidth' && $layout == 'masonry') {

		$skins_html = '';
		if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
			foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
				//check if post should be visible or if its invisible on current grid settings
				$is_visible = $this->check_if_visible($post['ID'], $this->grid_id);

				if ($is_visible == false) continue;

				if ($lightbox_mode == 'content' || $lightbox_mode == 'content-gallery' || $lightbox_mode == 'woocommerce-gallery') {
					$item_skin->set_lightbox_rel('ess-' . $post['ID']);

				$post_media_source_data = $base->get_post_media_source_data($post['ID'], $post_media_source_type);
				$post_video_ratios = $m->get_post_video_ratios($post['ID']);

				$filters = array();
				$default_filter_add = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'add-filters-by', 'default');
				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'categories'), true)) {
					$categories = $base->get_custom_taxonomies_by_post_id($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($categories)) {
						foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
							$filters[$category->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $category->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category->slug)

				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'tags'), true)) {
					$tags = get_the_tags($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($tags)) {
						foreach ($tags as $key => $taxonomie) {
							$filters[$taxonomie->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $taxonomie->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($taxonomie->slug)

				foreach ($this->grid_params as $gp_handle => $gp_values) {
					if (strpos($gp_handle, 'filter-selected') !== 0) continue;

					$filter_meta_selected = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, $gp_handle, array());
					if (!empty($filter_meta_selected)) {
						foreach ($filter_meta_selected as $filter) {
							if (strpos($filter, 'meta-') === 0) {
								$fil = str_replace('meta-', '', $filter);
								$post_filter_meta = $meta_c->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'eg-' . $fil);
								if ($post_filter_meta == '') { //check if we are linking
									$post_filter_meta = $meta_link_c->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], 'egl-' . $fil, 'asd');

								$arr = json_decode($post_filter_meta, true);
								$cur_filter = (is_array($arr)) ? $arr : array(
								if (!empty($cur_filter)) {
									foreach ($cur_filter as $k => $v) {
										if (trim($v) !== '') {
											$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($v);
											$filters[$_v] = array(
												'name' => $v,
												'slug' => $_v,
												'parent' => '0'

				if (is_array($order_by) && !empty($order_by)) {
					$sort = $this->prepare_sorting_array_by_post($post, $order_by);

				if ($lightbox_mode == 'content' || $lightbox_mode == 'content-gallery' || $lightbox_mode == 'woocommerce-gallery') {
					$lb_add_images = array();
					$lb_add_images_thumb = array();
					switch ($lightbox_mode) {
						case 'content':
							$lb_add_images = $base->get_all_content_images($post['ID']);
							$lb_add_images_thumb = $base->get_all_content_images($post['ID'], false, 'thumbnail');
						case 'content-gallery':
							$lb_add_images = $base->get_all_gallery_images($post['post_content'], true);
							$lb_add_images_thumb = $base->get_all_gallery_images($post['post_content'], true, 'thumbnail');
						case 'woocommerce-gallery':
							if (Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()) {
								$lb_add_images = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_image_attachements($post['ID'], true);
								$lb_add_images_thumb = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_image_attachements($post['ID'], true, 'thumbnail');

						'items' => $lb_add_images,
						'thumbs' => $lb_add_images_thumb,
						'base' => $lightbox_include_media


				//switch to different skin
				$use_item_skin_id = json_decode(get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'eg_use_skin', true), true);
				if ($use_item_skin_id !== false && isset($use_item_skin_id[$this->grid_id]['use-skin'])) {
					$use_item_skin_id = $use_item_skin_id[$this->grid_id]['use-skin'];
				} else {
					$use_item_skin_id = -1;

				$use_item_skin_id = apply_filters('essgrid_modify_post_item_skin', $use_item_skin_id, $post, $this->grid_id);

				$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();
		} else {
			$skins_html = false;

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_specific_posts_post', $this, $skins_html);

		return apply_filters('essgrid_output_by_specific_posts_return', $skins_html, $this);

	 * Output by specific ids for load more custom grid
	public function output_by_specific_ids($gal = false)
		do_action('essgrid_output_by_specific_ids_pre', $this);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$item_skin = new Essential_Grid_Item_Skin();
		$item_skin->grid_id = $this->grid_id;
		$item_skin->grid_params = $this->grid_params;
		$item_skin->set_grid_type($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even'));
		$item_skin->set_default_image_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'default-image', 0, 'i'));

		$item_skin->set_grid_item_animation($base, $this->grid_params);
		$m = new Essential_Grid_Meta();
		$filters = array();
		$order_by = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by', 'date'));
		if (!is_array($order_by))
			$order_by = array(
		$item_skin->init_by_id($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'entry-skin', 0, 'i'));
		$this->grid_params['entry-skin-handle'] = $item_skin->get_handle();

		$lazy_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading', 'off');
		if ($lazy_load == 'on') {
			$lazy_load_blur = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading-blur', 'on');
			if ($lazy_load_blur == 'on')

		$default_media_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'media-source-order', '');

		$default_lightbox_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-source-order', '');

		/* 2.2 */
		$item_skin->set_fancybox_three_options($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-title', 'off'));

		$default_aj_source_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'aj-source-order', '');

		$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type', 'full');

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (wp_is_mobile()) {
			$post_media_source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'image-source-type-mobile', $post_media_source_type);

		$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'poster-source-order', '');
		if ($default_video_poster_order == '')
			$default_video_poster_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'poster-source-order', '');


		$layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even');
		$layout_sizing = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout-sizing', 'boxed');

		if ($layout_sizing !== 'fullwidth' && $layout == 'masonry') {

		$skins_html = '';

		$found_filter = array();

		$order_by_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$order_by_dir = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		$this->order_by_custom($order_by_start, $order_by_dir);

		if (!empty($this->grid_layers) && count($this->grid_layers) > 0) {
			foreach ($this->grid_layers as $key => $entry) {
				if (!in_array($key, $this->filter_by_ids)) continue;

				$post_media_source_data = $base->get_custom_media_source_data($entry, $post_media_source_type);
				$post_video_ratios = $m->get_custom_video_ratios($entry);
				$filters = array();

				if (is_array($order_by) && !empty($order_by)) {
					$sort = $this->prepare_sorting_array_by_custom($entry, $order_by);
				if (!empty($entry['custom-filter'])) {
					$cats = explode(',', $entry['custom-filter']);
					if (!is_array($cats))
						$cats = (array)$cats;
					foreach ($cats as $category) {
						$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category);
						$filters[$_v] = array(
							'name' => $category,
							'slug' => $_v

				$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have


				//switch to different skin
				$use_item_skin_id = $base->getVar($entry, 'use-skin', '-1');
				if (intval($use_item_skin_id) === 0) {
					$use_item_skin_id = -1;

				// 2.2.6

				$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();

				// 2.2.6
				$id = (isset($entry['post_id'])) ? $entry['post_id'] : '';
				if (!empty($id)) {
					$skins_html .= ob_get_contents();
		} else {
			$skins_html = false;

		do_action('essgrid_output_by_specific_ids_post', $this, $skins_html);

		return apply_filters('essgrid_output_by_specific_ids_return', $skins_html, $this);

	public function prepare_sorting_array_by_post($post, $order_by)
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_post_pre', array(
			'post' => $post,
			'order_by' => $order_by
		$post = $d['post'];
		$order_by = $d['order_by'];

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$link_meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta();

		$m = $meta->get_all_meta(false);
		$lm = $link_meta->get_all_link_meta(false);

		$sorts = array();
		foreach ($order_by as $order) {
			switch ($order) {
				case 'date':
					$sorts['date'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'post_date'));
				case 'title':
					$sorts['title'] = $base->getVar($post, 'post_title', '');
					$sorts['title'] = (strlen($sorts['title']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['title'], 0, 10) : $sorts['title'];
				case 'excerpt':
					$sorts['excerpt'] = $base->getVar($post, 'post_excerpt', '');
					$sorts['excerpt'] = (strlen($sorts['excerpt']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['excerpt'], 0, 10) : $sorts['excerpt'];
				case 'id':
					$sorts['id'] = $base->getVar($post, 'ID');
				case 'slug':
					$sorts['slug'] = $base->getVar($post, 'post_name');
				case 'author':
					$authorID = $base->getVar($post, 'post_author');
					$sorts['author'] = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $authorID);
				case 'last-modified':
					$sorts['last-modified'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'post_modified'));
				case 'number-of-comments':
					$sorts['number-of-comments'] = $base->getVar($post, 'comment_count');
				case 'likespost':
					$post_id = $base->getVar($post, 'ID');
					$like_count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", 0);
					$sorts['likespost'] = isset($like_count[0]) ? intval($like_count[0]) : 0;
				case 'random':
					$sorts['random'] = rand(0, 9999);
				default: //check if meta. If yes, add meta values
					if (strpos($order, 'eg-') === 0) {
						if (!empty($m)) {
							foreach ($m as $me) {
								if ('eg-' . $me['handle'] == $order) {
									$sorts[$order] = $meta->get_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], $order);
					} elseif (strpos($order, 'egl-') === 0) {
						if (!empty($lm)) {
							foreach ($lm as $me) {
								if ('egl-' . $me['handle'] == $order) {
									$sorts[$order] = $link_meta->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post['ID'], $order);

		//add woocommerce sortings
		if (Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()) {
			$is_30 = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::version_check('3.0');
			$product = ($is_30) ? wc_get_product($post['ID']) : get_product($post['ID']);

			if (!empty($product)) {
				foreach ($order_by as $order) {
					switch ($order) {
						case 'meta_num_total_sales':
							$sorts['total-sales'] = get_post_meta($post['ID'], 'total_sales', true);
						case 'meta_num__regular_price':
							$sorts['regular-price'] = $product->get_price();
						case 'meta__featured':
							$sorts['featured'] = ($product->is_featured()) ? '1' : '0';
						case 'meta__sku':
							$sorts['sku'] = $product->get_sku();
						case 'meta_num_stock':
							$sorts['in-stock'] = $product->get_stock_quantity();

		return apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_post_post', $sorts, $post, $order_by);

	public function prepare_sorting_array_by_custom($post, $order_by)
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_custom_pre', array(
			'post' => $post,
			'order_by' => $order_by
		$post = $d['post'];
		$order_by = $d['order_by'];

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$link_meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta();

		$m = $meta->get_all_meta(false);
		$lm = $link_meta->get_all_link_meta(false);

		$sorts = array();
		foreach ($order_by as $order) {
			switch ($order) {
				case 'date':
					$sorts['date'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'date'));
				case 'title':
					$sorts['title'] = $base->getVar($post, 'title', '');
					$sorts['title'] = (strlen($sorts['title']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['title'], 0, 10) : $sorts['title'];
				case 'excerpt':
					$sorts['excerpt'] = $base->getVar($post, 'excerpt', '');
					$sorts['excerpt'] = (strlen($sorts['excerpt']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['excerpt'], 0, 10) : $sorts['excerpt'];
				case 'id':
					$sorts['id'] = $base->getVar($post, 'post_id');
				case 'slug':
					$sorts['slug'] = $base->getVar($post, 'alias');
				case 'author':
					$sorts['author'] = $base->getVar($post, 'author_name');
				case 'last-modified':
					$sorts['last-modified'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'date_modified'));
				case 'number-of-comments':
					$sorts['number-of-comments'] = $base->getVar($post, 'num_comments');
				case 'random':
					$sorts['random'] = rand(0, 9999);
				case 'views':
					$sorts['views'] = $base->getVar($post, 'views');
				case 'likespost':
					$post_id = $base->getVar($post, 'ID');
					$like_count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", 0);
					$sorts['likespost'] = isset($like_count[0]) ? $like_count[0] : 0;
				case 'likes':
					$sorts['likes'] = $base->getVar($post, 'likes');
				case 'dislikes':
					$sorts['dislikes'] = $base->getVar($post, 'dislikes');
				case 'retweets':
					$sorts['retweets'] = $base->getVar($post, 'retweets');
				case 'favorites':
					$sorts['favorites'] = $base->getVar($post, 'favorites');
				case 'itemCount':
					$sorts['itemCount'] = $base->getVar($post, 'itemCount');
				case 'duration':
					$sorts['duration'] = $base->getVar($post, 'duration');
				default: //check if meta. If yes, add meta values
					if (strpos($order, 'eg-') === 0 || strpos($order, 'egl-') === 0) {
						$sorts[$order] = $base->getVar($post, $order);
		return apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_custom_post', $sorts, $post, $order_by);

	public function prepare_sorting_array_by_stream($post, $order_by)
		$d = apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_stream_pre', array(
			'post' => $post,
			'order_by' => $order_by
		$post = $d['post'];
		$order_by = $d['order_by'];

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$link_meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking();
		$meta = new Essential_Grid_Meta();

		$m = $meta->get_all_meta(false);
		$lm = $link_meta->get_all_link_meta(false);

		$sorts = array();
		foreach ($order_by as $order) {
			switch ($order) {
				case 'date':
					$sorts['date'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'date'));
				case 'title':
					$sorts['title'] = $base->getVar($post, 'title', '');
					$sorts['title'] = (strlen($sorts['title']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['title'], 0, 10) : $sorts['title'];
				case 'excerpt':
					$sorts['excerpt'] = $base->getVar($post, 'excerpt', '');
					$sorts['excerpt'] = (strlen($sorts['excerpt']) > 10) ? substr($sorts['excerpt'], 0, 10) : $sorts['excerpt'];
				case 'id':
					$sorts['id'] = $base->getVar($post, 'post_id');
				case 'slug':
					$sorts['slug'] = $base->getVar($post, 'alias');
				case 'author':
					$sorts['author'] = $base->getVar($post, 'author_name');
				case 'last-modified':
					$sorts['last-modified'] = strtotime($base->getVar($post, 'date_modified'));
				case 'number-of-comments':
					$sorts['number-of-comments'] = $base->getVar($post, 'num_comments');
				case 'random':
					$sorts['random'] = rand(0, 9999);
				case 'likespost':
					$post_id = $base->getVar($post, 'ID');
					$like_count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", 0);
					$sorts['likespost'] = isset($like_count[0]) ? $like_count[0] : 0;
				case 'views':
					$sorts['views'] = $base->getVar($post, 'views');
				default: //check if meta. If yes, add meta values
					if (strpos($order, 'eg-') === 0 || strpos($order, 'egl-') === 0) {
						$sorts[$order] = $base->getVar($post, $order);
		return apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_sorting_array_by_stream_post', $sorts, $post, $order_by);

	public function output_wrapper_pre($grid_preview = false)
		global $esg_grid_serial;
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		if ($this->grid_div_name === null) $this->grid_div_name = $this->grid_id;

		$grid_id = ($grid_preview !== false) ? 'esg-preview-grid' : 'esg-grid-' . $this->grid_div_name . '-' . $esg_grid_serial;
		$grid_id_wrap = $grid_id . '-wrap';
		$article_id = ($grid_preview !== false) ? ' esg-preview-skinlevel' : '';

		$hide_markup_before_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'hide-markup-before-load', 'off');
		$background_color = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'main-background-color', 'transparent');
		$navigation_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'navigation-skin', 'minimal-light');
		$paddings = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-padding', 0);
		$css_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'css-id', '');
		$source_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'source-type', 'post');
		$entry_skin_handle = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'entry-skin-handle', '');

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (class_exists('ESGColorpicker')) {
			$background_col = ESGColorpicker::process($background_color, false);
			if (!empty($background_col) && is_array($background_col)) {
				$background_color = $background_col[0];
				if (empty($background_color))
					$background_color = '#FFFFFF';

		$pad_style = '';
		if (is_array($paddings) && !empty($paddings)) {
			$pad_style = 'padding: ';
			foreach ($paddings as $size) {
				$pad_style .= $size . 'px ';
			$pad_style .= ';';
			$pad_style .= ' box-sizing:border-box;';
			$pad_style .= ' -moz-box-sizing:border-box;';
			$pad_style .= ' -webkit-box-sizing:border-box;';

		$div_style = ' style="';
		$div_style .= 'background: ' . $background_color . ';';
		$div_style .= $pad_style;
		if ($hide_markup_before_load == 'on') $div_style .= ' display:none';
		$div_style .= '"';

		if ($css_id == '') $css_id = $grid_id_wrap;

		$do_fix_height = $this->add_start_height_css($css_id);


		$fix_height_class = ($do_fix_height) ? ' eg-startheight' : '';

		$entry_skin_handle_class = $entry_skin_handle ? ' esg-entry-skin-' . $entry_skin_handle : '';

		$n = '<!-- THE ESSENTIAL GRID ' . self::VERSION . ' ' . strtoupper($source_type) . ' -->' . "\n\n";
		$n .= '<article class="myportfolio-container ' . $navigation_skin . $fix_height_class . $entry_skin_handle_class . ' source_type_' . $source_type . '" id="' . $css_id . $article_id . '">' . "\n\n"; //fullwidthcontainer-with-padding
		$n .= '   <div id="' . $grid_id . '" class="esg-grid"' . $div_style . '>' . "\n";

		echo apply_filters('essgrid_output_wrapper_pre', $n, $grid_preview);

	public function output_wrapper_post()
		$n = '    </div>' . "\n\n";
		$n .= '</article>' . "\n";
		$n .= '<div class="clear"></div>' . "\n";

		echo apply_filters('essgrid_output_wrapper_post', $n);

	public function output_grid_pre()
		$n = '<ul>' . "\n";
		echo apply_filters('essgrid_output_grid_pre', $n);

	public function output_grid_post()
		$n = '</ul>' . "\n";
		echo apply_filters('essgrid_output_grid_post', $n);

	public function output_grid_javascript($load_lightbox = false, $is_demo = false)
		global $esg_grid_serial;

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$hide_markup_before_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'hide-markup-before-load', 'off');
		$layout = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout', 'even');
		$force_full_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'force_full_width', 'off');
		$content_push = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'content-push', 'off');

		$rows_unlimited = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows-unlimited', 'on');
		$load_more_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more', 'on');
		$rows = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows', 4, 'i');

		if (wp_is_mobile()) {
			$mobile_rows = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'enable-rows-mobile', 'off') === 'on';
			if ($mobile_rows) $rows = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows-mobile', 3, 'i');

		$columns = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns', '');
		$columns = $base->set_basic_colums($columns);

		$columns_advanced = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced', 'off');
		if ($columns_advanced == 'on') {
			$columns_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-width', '');
			if ($layout == 'masonry') {
				$masonry_content_height = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'mascontent-height', '');
			} else {
				$masonry_content_height = array(); //get defaults
		} else {
			$columns_width = array(); //get defaults
			$masonry_content_height = array(); //get defaults

		$columns_width = $base->set_basic_colums_width($columns_width);
		$masonry_content_height = $base->set_basic_masonry_content_height($masonry_content_height);

		// 2.2.6
		$hide_blankitems_at = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'blank-item-breakpoint', '1');
		$space = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'spacings', 0, 'i');
		$page_animation = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-animation', 'scale');
		$layout_sizing = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'layout-sizing', 'boxed');
		$layout_offset_container = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'fullscreen-offset-container', '');

		// 2.2.5
		$start_animation = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-start-animation', 'reveal');
		$start_animation_speed = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-start-animation-speed', 1000, 'i');
		$start_animation_delay = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-start-animation-delay', 100, 'i');
		$start_animation_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-start-animation-type', 'item');
		$animation_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-animation-type', 'item');

		// 2.2.5
		$in_viewport = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'start-anime-in-viewport', 'off') === 'off' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$viewport_buffer = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'start-anime-viewport-buffer', 20, 'i');
		$viewport_buffer = intval($viewport_buffer);
		$viewport_buffer = max($viewport_buffer, 0);
		$viewport_buffer = min($viewport_buffer, 80);

		if ($start_animation === 'reveal' || $start_animation === 'none')
			$in_viewport = 'true';
		if ($start_animation === 'reveal') {
			if ($layout_sizing !== 'fullscreen') {
				$start_animation = 'none';
				$hide_markup_before_load = 'on';
			} else {
				$start_animation = 'scale';
				$start_animation_delay = 0;
				$hide_markup_before_load = 'off';


		// 2.2.6
		if ($rows_unlimited === 'off') {
			$touchswipe = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-touchswipe', 'off');
			$dragvertical = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-dragvertical', 'on');
			$swipebuffer = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-swipebuffer', 30, 'i');
		} else {
			$touchswipe = 'off';
			$dragvertical = 'off';
			$swipebuffer = 30;

		$anim_speed = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-animation-speed', 800, 'i');
		$delay_basic = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'grid-animation-delay', 1, 'i');
		$delay_hover = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'hover-animation-delay', 1, 'i');
		$filter_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_logic = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-logic', 'or');
		$filter_show_on = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-show-on', 'hover');

		$lightbox_mode = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-mode', 'single');
		$lightbox_mode = ($lightbox_mode == 'content' || $lightbox_mode == 'content-gallery' || $lightbox_mode == 'woocommerce-gallery') ? 'contentgroup' : $lightbox_mode;

		/* 2.2 */
		$lb_button_order = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lb-button-order', array('share', 'thumbs', 'close'));
		$lb_post_max_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-max-width', '75');
		$lb_post_max_perc = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-max-perc', 'on') == 'on' ? '%' : 'px';
		$lb_post_max_width = intval($lb_post_max_width) . $lb_post_max_perc;

		$lb_post_min_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-min-width', '75');
		$lb_post_min_perc = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-min-perc', 'on') == 'on' ? '%' : 'px';
		$lb_post_min_width = intval($lb_post_min_width) . $lb_post_min_perc;

		$no_filter_match_message = get_option('tp_eg_no_filter_match_message', 'No Items for the Selected Filter');

		/* 2.1.6 for lightbox post content addition */
		$lb_post_spinner = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-spinner', 'off');
		$lb_featured_img = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-img', 'off');
		$lb_featured_pos = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-img-position', 'top');
		$lb_featured_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-img-width', '100');
		$lb_featured_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-img-margin', array('0', '0', '0', '0'));
		$lb_post_title = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-title', 'off');
		$lb_post_title_tag = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-title-tag', 'h2');

		// 2.2 Deeplinking
		$filter_deep_linking = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-deep-link', 'off');

		// 2.2.5 Mobile Filter Conversion
		$single_filters = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_mobile_conversion = $single_filters === 'single' ? $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'convert-mobile-filters', 'off') : false;
		$filter_mobile_conversion = $filter_mobile_conversion === 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$filter_mobile_conversion_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'convert-mobile-filters-width', '768');

		if (!is_array($lb_featured_margin) || count($lb_featured_margin) !== 4) $lb_featured_margin = array('0', '0', '0', '0');
		$lb_featured_margin = implode('|', $lb_featured_margin);

		$aspect_ratio_x = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'x-ratio', 4, 'i');
		$aspect_ratio_y = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'y-ratio', 3, 'i');
		$auto_ratio = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'auto-ratio', 'true');

		$lazy_load = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-loading', 'off');
		$lazy_load_color = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lazy-load-color', '#FFFFFF');

		$spinner = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'use-spinner', '0');
		$spinner_color = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'spinner-color', '#FFFFFF');

		/* 2.1.6 */
		if (class_exists('ESGColorpicker')) {
			$spinner_col = ESGColorpicker::process($spinner_color, false);
			$lazy_load_col = ESGColorpicker::process($lazy_load_color, false);
			if (!empty($spinner_col) && is_array($spinner_col)) {
				$spinner_color = $spinner_col[0];
				if (empty($spinner_color))
					$spinner_color = '#FFFFFF';
			if (!empty($lazy_load_col) && is_array($lazy_load_col)) {
				$lazy_load_color = $lazy_load_col[0];
				if (empty($lazy_load_color))
					$lazy_load_color = '#FFFFFF';

		$lightbox_effect_open_close = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-effect-open-close', 'fade');
		if ($lightbox_effect_open_close != 'false')
			$lightbox_effect_open_close = '"' . $lightbox_effect_open_close . '"';

		$lightbox_effect_open_close_speed = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-effect-open-close-speed', '500');
		if (!is_numeric($lightbox_effect_open_close_speed))
			$lightbox_effect_open_close_speed = '500';

		$lightbox_effect_next_prev = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-effect-next-prev', 'fade');
		if ($lightbox_effect_next_prev != 'false')
			$lightbox_effect_next_prev = '"' . $lightbox_effect_next_prev . '"';

		$lightbox_effect_next_prev_speed = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-effect-next-prev-speed', '366');
		if (!is_numeric($lightbox_effect_next_prev_speed))
			$lightbox_effect_next_prev_speed = '366';

		$lightbox_deep_link = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-deep-link', 'group');
		if (empty($lightbox_deep_link))
			$lightbox_deep_link = 'group';

		$lightbox_mousewheel = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-mousewheel', 'off') == 'on' ? '"auto"' : 'false';
		$lightbox_arrows = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-arrows', 'off') == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';

		$lbox_autoplay = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-autoplay', 'off') == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$lbox_videoautoplay = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-videoautoplay', 'on') == 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$lbox_playspeed = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lbox-playspeed', '3000');
		$lbox_padding = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lbox-padding', array('0', '0', '0', '0'));
		$lbox_numbers = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-numbers', 'on') === 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$lbox_loop = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-loop', 'on') === 'on' ? 'true' : 'false';
		$lbox_margin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lbox-padding', array('0', '0', '0', '0'));
		if (!is_array($lbox_margin) || count($lbox_margin) !== 4) $lbox_margin = array('0', '0', '0', '0');
		$lbox_margin = implode('|', $lbox_margin);

		$lbox_inpadding = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lbox-content_padding', array('0', '0', '0','0'));
		if (!is_array($lbox_inpadding) || count($lbox_inpadding) !== 4) $lbox_inpadding = array('0', '0', '0', '0');
		$lbox_inpadding = implode('|', $lbox_inpadding);

		$lbox_overflow = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'lightbox-post-content-overflow', 'on') == 'on' ? 'auto' : 'hidden';

		$rtl = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rtl', 'off');

		$media_filter_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'media-filter-type', 'none');

		$wait_for_fonts = get_option('tp_eg_wait_for_fonts', 'true');

		$pagination_numbers = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-numbers', 'smart');
		$pagination_scroll = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-scroll', 'off');
		$pagination_scroll_offset = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-scroll-offset', '0', 'i');

		if ($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'rows-unlimited', 'on') == 'off') {
			$pagination_autoplay = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-autoplay', 'off');
			$pagination_autoplay_delay = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'pagination-autoplay-speed', '5000', 'i');
		} else {
			$pagination_autoplay = 'off';
			$pagination_autoplay_delay = 5000;

		$ajax_callback = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-callback', '');
		$ajax_css_url = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-css-url', '');
		$ajax_js_url = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-js-url', '');
		$ajax_scroll_onload = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-scroll-onload', 'on');
		$ajax_callback_argument = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-callback-arg', 'on');
		$ajax_content_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-id', '');
		$ajax_scrollto_offset = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-scrollto-offset', '0');
		$ajax_close_button = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-close-button', 'off');
		$ajax_button_nav = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-nav-button', 'off');
		$ajax_content_sliding = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-content-sliding', 'on');
		$ajax_button_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-type', 'button');
		if ($ajax_button_type == 'type2') {
			$ajax_button_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-text', esc_attr__('Close', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$ajax_button_skin = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-skin', 'light');
		$ajax_button_inner = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-inner', 'false');
		$ajax_button_h_pos = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-h-pos', 'r');
		$ajax_button_v_pos = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-v-pos', 't');

		$cobbles_pattern = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'cobbles-pattern', array());
		$cobbles_to_even = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'show-even-on-device', '0');
		$use_cobbles_pattern = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'use-cobbles-pattern', 'off');

		$cookie_time = intval($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'cookie-save-time', '30'));
		$cookie_search = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'cookie-save-search', 'off');
		$cookie_filter = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'cookie-save-filter', 'off');
		$cookie_pagination = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'cookie-save-pagination', 'off');

		$load_more_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-start', 3, 'i');
		$load_more_error = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-error', '');

		$js_to_footer = (get_option('tp_eg_js_to_footer', 'false') == 'true') ? true : false;

		//add inline style into the footer
		if ($js_to_footer && $is_demo == false) {

		echo '<script type="text/javascript">' . "\n";
		if ($hide_markup_before_load == 'off') {
			echo 'function eggbfc(winw,resultoption) {' . "\n";
			echo '  var lasttop = winw,' . "\n";
			echo '  lastbottom = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  smallest =9999,' . "\n";
			echo '  largest = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  samount = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  lamount = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  lastamount = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  resultid = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  resultidb = 0,' . "\n";
			echo '  responsiveEntries = [' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['0'] . ',amount:' . $columns['0'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['0'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['1'] . ',amount:' . $columns['1'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['1'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['2'] . ',amount:' . $columns['2'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['2'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['3'] . ',amount:' . $columns['3'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['3'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['4'] . ',amount:' . $columns['4'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['4'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['5'] . ',amount:' . $columns['5'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['5'] . '},' . "\n";
			echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['6'] . ',amount:' . $columns['6'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['6'] . '}' . "\n";
			echo '            ];' . "\n";
			echo '  if (responsiveEntries!=undefined && responsiveEntries.length>0)' . "\n";
			echo '    jQuery.each(responsiveEntries, function(index,obj) {' . "\n";
			echo '      var curw = obj.width != undefined ? obj.width : 0,' . "\n";
			echo '        cura = obj.amount != undefined ? obj.amount : 0;' . "\n";
			echo '      if (smallest>curw) {' . "\n";
			echo '        smallest = curw;' . "\n";
			echo '        samount = cura;' . "\n";
			echo '        resultidb = index;' . "\n";
			echo '      }' . "\n";
			echo '      if (largest<curw) {' . "\n";
			echo '        largest = curw;' . "\n";
			echo '        lamount = cura;' . "\n";
			echo '      }' . "\n";
			echo '      if (curw>lastbottom && curw<=lasttop) {' . "\n";
			echo '        lastbottom = curw;' . "\n";
			echo '        lastamount = cura;' . "\n";
			echo '        resultid = index;' . "\n";
			echo '      }' . "\n";
			echo '    });' . "\n";
			echo '    if (smallest>winw) {' . "\n";
			echo '      lastamount = samount;' . "\n";
			echo '      resultid = resultidb;' . "\n";
			echo '    }' . "\n";
			echo '    var obj = new Object;' . "\n";
			echo '    obj.index = resultid;' . "\n";
			echo '    obj.column = lastamount;' . "\n";
			echo '    if (resultoption=="id")' . "\n";
			echo '      return obj;' . "\n";
			echo '    else' . "\n";
			echo '      return lastamount;' . "\n";
			echo '  }' . "\n";
			echo '  var coh=0,' . "\n";
			echo '    container = jQuery("#esg-grid-' . $this->grid_div_name . '-' . $esg_grid_serial . '");' . "\n";
			if ($layout_sizing == 'fullscreen') {
				echo 'coh = jQuery(window).height();' . "\n";

				if ($layout_offset_container !== '') {
					echo 'try{' . "\n";
					echo '  var offcontainers = "' . $layout_offset_container . '".split(",");' . "\n";
					echo '  jQuery.each(offcontainers,function(index,searchedcont) {' . "\n";
					echo '    coh = coh - jQuery(searchedcont).outerHeight(true);' . "\n";
					echo '  })' . "\n";
					echo '} catch(e) {}' . "\n";
			} else {
				echo '  var cwidth = "' . $layout_sizing . '" == "boxed" ? container.width() : jQuery(window).width(),' . "\n";
				echo '    ar = "' . $aspect_ratio_x . ':' . $aspect_ratio_y . '",' . "\n";
				echo '    gbfc = eggbfc(cwidth,"id"),' . "\n";
				if ($rows_unlimited == 'on') {
					$load_more_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-start', 3, 'i');
					echo '  row = Math.ceil(' . $load_more_start . ' / gbfc.column);' . "\n";
				} else {
					echo '  row = ' . $rows . ';' . "\n";
				echo 'ar = ar.split(":");' . "\n";
				echo 'var aratio=parseInt(ar[0],0) / parseInt(ar[1],0);' . "\n";
				echo 'coh = cwidth / aratio;' . "\n";
				echo 'coh = coh/gbfc.column*row;' . "\n";
			echo '  var ul = container.find("ul").first();' . "\n";
			echo '  ul.css({display:"block",height:coh+"px"});' . "\n";

		echo 'var essapi_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ';' . "\n";
		echo 'function esginit_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . '() {' . "\n";
		echo 'jQuery(document).ready(function() {' . "\n";
		echo '  essapi_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ' = jQuery("#esg-grid-' . $this->grid_div_name . '-' . $esg_grid_serial . '").tpessential({' . "\n";

		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_javascript_options', $this);

		echo '        gridID:' . $this->grid_id . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        layout:"' . $layout . '",' . "\n";

		if ($rtl == 'on')
			echo '        rtl:"on",' . "\n";

		echo '        forceFullWidth:"' . $force_full_width . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        lazyLoad:"' . $lazy_load . '",' . "\n";
		if ($lazy_load == 'on')
			echo '        lazyLoadColor:"' . $lazy_load_color . '",' . "\n";

		if ($rows_unlimited == 'on') {
			$load_more = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more', 'button');
			$load_more_amount = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-amount', 3, 'i');
			$load_more_show_number = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-show-number', 'on');

			if ($load_more !== 'none') {
				$load_more_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-text', esc_attr__('Load More', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
				echo '        gridID:"' . $this->grid_id . '",' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreType:"' . $load_more . '",' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreAmount:' . $load_more_amount . ',' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreTxt:"' . $load_more_text . '",' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreNr:"' . $load_more_show_number . '",' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreEndTxt:"' . esc_attr__('No More Items for the Selected Filter', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN) . '",' . "\n";
				echo '        loadMoreItems:';
				echo ',' . "\n";

				/* 2.1.5 */
				if (!empty($this->custom_images)) {
					echo '        customGallery: true,' . "\n";
			echo '        row:9999,' . "\n";
		} else {
			echo '        row:' . $rows . ',' . "\n";
		$token = wp_create_nonce('Essential_Grid_Front');
		echo '    apiName: "essapi_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        loadMoreAjaxToken:"' . $token . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        loadMoreAjaxUrl:"' . admin_url('admin-ajax.php') . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        loadMoreAjaxAction:"Essential_Grid_Front_request_ajax",' . "\n";
		if (!empty($load_more_error)) {
			echo '        loadMoreErrorMessage:"' . addslashes($load_more_error) . '",' . "\n";

		echo '        ajaxContentTarget:"' . $ajax_content_id . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxScrollToOffset:"' . $ajax_scrollto_offset . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxCloseButton:"' . $ajax_close_button . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxContentSliding:"' . $ajax_content_sliding . '",' . "\n";
		if ($ajax_callback !== '')
			echo '        ajaxCallback:"' . stripslashes($ajax_callback) . '",' . "\n";
		if ($ajax_css_url !== '')
			echo '        ajaxCssUrl:"' . $ajax_css_url . '",' . "\n";
		if ($ajax_js_url !== '')
			echo '        ajaxJsUrl:"' . $ajax_js_url . '",' . "\n";
		if ($ajax_scroll_onload !== 'off')
			echo '        ajaxScrollToOnLoad:"on",' . "\n";

		if ($ajax_callback_argument === 'on' || $ajax_callback_argument == 'true')
			echo '        ajaxCallbackArgument:"on",' . "\n";
			echo '        ajaxCallbackArgument:"off",' . "\n";

		echo '        ajaxNavButton:"' . $ajax_button_nav . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxCloseType:"' . $ajax_button_type . '",' . "\n";
		if ($ajax_button_type == 'type2') {
			echo '        ajaxCloseTxt:"' . $ajax_button_text . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxCloseInner:"' . $ajax_button_inner . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        ajaxCloseStyle:"' . $ajax_button_skin . '",' . "\n";

		$ajax_button_h_pos = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-h-pos', 'r');
		$ajax_button_v_pos = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-button-v-pos', 't');
		if ($ajax_button_h_pos == 'c') {
			echo '        ajaxClosePosition:"' . $ajax_button_v_pos . '",' . "\n";
		} else {
			echo '        ajaxClosePosition:"' . $ajax_button_v_pos . $ajax_button_h_pos . '",' . "\n";

		echo '        space:' . $space . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        pageAnimation:"' . $page_animation . '",' . "\n";

		// 2.3.7
		$videoplaybackingrid = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'videoplaybackingrid', 'on');
		$videoloopingrid = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'videoloopingrid', 'on');
		$videoplaybackonhover = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'videoplaybackonhover', 'off');
		$videomuteinline = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'videomuteinline', 'on');
		$videocontrolsinline = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'videocontrolsinline', 'off');
		$keeplayersovermedia = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'keeplayersovermedia', 'off');

		echo '        videoPlaybackInGrid: "' . $videoplaybackingrid . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        videoLoopInGrid: "' . $videoloopingrid . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        videoPlaybackOnHover: "' . $videoplaybackonhover . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        videoInlineMute: "' . $videomuteinline . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        videoInlineControls: "' . $videocontrolsinline . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        keepLayersInline: "' . $keeplayersovermedia . '",' . "\n";

		// 2.2.5
		echo '        startAnimation: "' . $start_animation . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        startAnimationSpeed: ' . $start_animation_speed . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        startAnimationDelay: ' . $start_animation_delay . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        startAnimationType: "' . $start_animation_type . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        animationType: "' . $animation_type . '",' . "\n";

		if ($pagination_numbers == 'full')
			echo '        smartPagination:"off",' . "\n";

		echo '        paginationScrollToTop:"' . $pagination_scroll . '",' . "\n";
		if ($pagination_scroll == 'on') {
			echo '        paginationScrollToOffset:' . $pagination_scroll_offset . ',' . "\n";

		echo '        paginationAutoplay:"' . $pagination_autoplay . '",' . "\n";
		if ($pagination_autoplay == 'on') {
			echo '        paginationAutoplayDelay:' . $pagination_autoplay_delay . ',' . "\n";

		echo '        spinner:"spinner' . $spinner . '",' . "\n";
		if ($media_filter_type != 'none')
			echo '        mediaFilter:"' . esc_attr($media_filter_type) . '",' . "\n";

		if ($spinner != '0' && $spinner != '5')
			echo '        spinnerColor:"' . $spinner_color . '",' . "\n";

		if ($layout_sizing == 'fullwidth') {
			echo '        forceFullWidth:"on",' . "\n";
		} elseif ($layout_sizing == 'fullscreen') {
			echo '        forceFullScreen:"on",' . "\n";
			if ($layout_offset_container !== '') {
				echo '        fullScreenOffsetContainer:"' . $layout_offset_container . '",' . "\n";

		echo '    minVisibleItems:' . $load_more_start . "," . "\n";

		if ($layout == 'even')
			echo '        evenGridMasonrySkinPusher:"' . $content_push . '",' . "\n";

		echo '        lightBoxMode:"' . $lightbox_mode . '",' . "\n";

		/* 2.2 */
		echo '    lightboxHash:"' . $lightbox_deep_link . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    lightboxPostMinWid:"' . $lb_post_max_width . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    lightboxPostMaxWid:"' . $lb_post_min_width . '",' . "\n";

		/* 2.1.6 */
		echo '        lightboxSpinner:"' . $lb_post_spinner . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        lightBoxFeaturedImg:"' . $lb_featured_img . '",' . "\n";
		if ($lb_featured_img === 'on') {
			echo '        lightBoxFeaturedPos:"' . $lb_featured_pos . '",' . "\n";
			echo '        lightBoxFeaturedWidth:"' . $lb_featured_width . '",' . "\n";
			echo '        lightBoxFeaturedMargin:"' . $lb_featured_margin . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        lightBoxPostTitle:"' . $lb_post_title . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        lightBoxPostTitleTag:"' . $lb_post_title_tag . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    lightboxMargin : "' . $lbox_margin . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    lbContentPadding : "' . $lbox_inpadding . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    lbContentOverflow : "' . $lbox_overflow . '",' . "\n";

		if (!empty($cobbles_pattern) && $layout == 'cobbles' && $use_cobbles_pattern == 'on') {
			echo '        cobblesPattern:"' . implode(',', $cobbles_pattern) . '",' . "\n";
		if (!empty($cobbles_to_even) && $layout == 'cobbles' && $cobbles_to_even !== '0') {
			echo '      cobblesToEven:' . $cobbles_to_even . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        animSpeed:' . $anim_speed . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        delayBasic:' . $delay_basic . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        mainhoverdelay:' . $delay_hover . ',' . "\n";

		echo '        filterType:"' . $filter_type . '",' . "\n";

		if ($filter_type == 'multi') {
			echo '        filterLogic:"' . $filter_logic . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        showDropFilter:"' . $filter_show_on . '",' . "\n";

		echo '        filterGroupClass:"esg-fgc-' . $this->grid_id . '",' . "\n";

		// 2.2
		echo '        filterNoMatch:"' . $no_filter_match_message . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        filterDeepLink:"' . $filter_deep_linking . '",' . "\n";

		// 2.2.5
		echo '        hideMarkups: "' . $hide_markup_before_load . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        inViewport: ' . $in_viewport . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        viewportBuffer: ' . $viewport_buffer . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        youtubeNoCookie:"' . get_option('tp_eg_enable_youtube_nocookie', 'false') . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        convertFilterMobile:' . $filter_mobile_conversion . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        convertFilterMobileWidth:' . $filter_mobile_conversion_width . ',' . "\n";

		// 2.2.6
		echo '        paginationSwipe: "' . $touchswipe . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        paginationDragVer: "' . $dragvertical . '",' . "\n";
		echo '        pageSwipeThrottle: ' . $swipebuffer . ',' . "\n";

		if ($wait_for_fonts === 'true') {
			$tf_fonts = new ThemePunch_Fonts();
			$fonts = $tf_fonts->get_all_fonts();
			if (!empty($fonts)) {
				$first = true;
				$font_string = '[';
				foreach ($fonts as $font) {
					if ($first === false)
						$font_string .= ',';
					$font_string .= "'" . esc_attr($font['url']) . "'";
					$first = false;
				$font_string .= ']';
				echo '        googleFonts:' . $font_string . ',' . "\n";

		if ($cookie_search === 'on' || $cookie_filter === 'on' || $cookie_pagination === 'on') {
			echo '        cookies: {' . "\n";
			if ($cookie_search == 'on')
				echo '                search:"' . $cookie_search . '",' . "\n";
			if ($cookie_filter == 'on')
				echo '                filter:"' . $cookie_filter . '",' . "\n";
			if ($cookie_pagination == 'on')
				echo '                pagination:"' . $cookie_pagination . '",' . "\n";
			echo '                timetosave:"' . $cookie_time . '"' . "\n";
			echo '        },' . "\n";

		if ($layout != 'masonry' || $layout == 'masonry' && $auto_ratio != 'true') {
			echo '        aspectratio:"' . $aspect_ratio_x . ':' . $aspect_ratio_y . '",' . "\n";

		// 2.2.6
		echo '        hideBlankItemsAt: "' . $hide_blankitems_at . '",' . "\n";

		echo '        responsiveEntries: [' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['0'] . ',amount:' . $columns['0'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['0'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['1'] . ',amount:' . $columns['1'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['1'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['2'] . ',amount:' . $columns['2'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['2'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['3'] . ',amount:' . $columns['3'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['3'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['4'] . ',amount:' . $columns['4'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['4'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['5'] . ',amount:' . $columns['5'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['5'] . '},' . "\n";
		echo '            { width:' . $columns_width['6'] . ',amount:' . $columns['6'] . ',mmheight:' . $masonry_content_height['6'] . '}' . "\n";
		echo '            ]';

		if ($columns_advanced == 'on')

		echo "\n";
		echo '  });' . "\n\n";

		/* 2.2 */
		/* lightbox options written first, then custom JS from grid can override them if desired */
		echo '  var arrows = ' . $lightbox_arrows . ',' . "\n";
		echo '        lightboxOptions = {' . "\n";

		echo '    margin : [' . $lbox_padding[0] . ',' . $lbox_padding[1] . ',' . $lbox_padding[2] . ',' . $lbox_padding[3] . '],' . "\n";
		// implode arguments switched for PHP 7.4
		echo '    buttons : ["' . implode('","', $lb_button_order) . '"],' . "\n";
		echo '    infobar : ' . $lbox_numbers . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    loop : ' . $lbox_loop . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    slideShow : {"autoStart": ' . $lbox_autoplay . ', "speed": ' . $lbox_playspeed . '},' . "\n";
		echo '    videoAutoPlay : ' . $lbox_videoautoplay . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    animationEffect : ' . $lightbox_effect_open_close . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    animationDuration : ' . $lightbox_effect_open_close_speed . ',' . "\n";

		echo '    beforeShow: function(a, c) {' . "\n";
		echo '          if(!arrows) {' . "\n";
		echo '              jQuery("body").addClass("esgbox-hidearrows");' . "\n";
		echo '          }' . "\n";
		echo '      var i = 0,' . "\n";
		echo '        multiple = false;' . "\n";
		echo '      a = a.slides;' . "\n";
		echo '      for(var b in a) {' . "\n";
		echo '        i++;' . "\n";
		echo '        if(i > 1) {' . "\n";
		echo '          multiple = true;' . "\n";
		echo '          break;' . "\n";
		echo '        }' . "\n";
		echo '      }' . "\n";
		echo '      if(!multiple) jQuery("body").addClass("esgbox-single");' . "\n";
		echo '      if(c.type === "image") jQuery(".esgbox-button--zoom").show();' . "\n";
		echo '    },' . "\n";

		echo '    beforeLoad: function(a, b) {' . "\n";
		echo '      jQuery("body").removeClass("esg-four-by-three");' . "\n";
		echo '      if(b.opts.$orig.data("ratio") === "4:3") jQuery("body").addClass("esg-four-by-three");' . "\n";
		echo '    },' . "\n";

		echo '    afterLoad: function() {jQuery(window).trigger("resize.esglb");},' . "\n";
		echo '    afterClose : function() {jQuery("body").removeClass("esgbox-hidearrows esgbox-single");},' . "\n";

		echo '    transitionEffect : ' . $lightbox_effect_next_prev . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    transitionDuration : ' . $lightbox_effect_next_prev_speed . ',' . "\n";

		echo '    hash : "' . $lightbox_deep_link . '",' . "\n";
		echo '    arrows : ' . $lightbox_arrows . ',' . "\n";
		echo '    wheel : ' . $lightbox_mousewheel . ',' . "\n";

		echo '  };' . "\n\n";

		echo '  jQuery("#esg-grid-' . $this->grid_div_name . '-' . $esg_grid_serial . '").data("lightboxsettings", lightboxOptions);' . "\n\n";

		//output custom javascript if any is set
		$custom_javascript = stripslashes($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'custom-javascript', ''));
		if ($custom_javascript !== '') {
			echo $custom_javascript;

		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_javascript_custom', $this);
		echo "\n";
		echo '});' . "\n";

		echo '} // End of EsgInitScript' . "\n";
		echo 'var once_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ' = false;' . "\n";
		echo 'if (document.readyState === "loading") document.addEventListener(\'readystatechange\',function() { if((document.readyState === "interactive" || document.readyState === "complete") && !once_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ' ) { once_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ' = true; esginit_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . '();}}); else {once_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . ' = true; esginit_' . $this->grid_api_name . '_' . $esg_grid_serial . '();}' . "\n";

		echo '</script>' . "\n";

		if ($js_to_footer && $is_demo == false) {
			$js_content = ob_get_contents();

			$this->grid_inline_js = $js_content;

			add_action('wp_footer', array(

	 * Output the Load More list of posts
	public function output_load_more_list()
		if (!empty($this->load_more_post_array)) {
			$wrap_first = true;
			echo '[';

			foreach ($this->load_more_post_array as $id => $filter) {
				echo (!$wrap_first) ? ',' . "\n" : "\n";
				echo '        [' . $id . ', [-1, ';
				if (!empty($filter)) {
					$slug_first = true;
					foreach ($filter as $slug_id => $slug) {
						echo (!$slug_first) ? ', ' : '';
						echo "'" . $slug_id . "'";
						$slug_first = false;
				echo ']]';
				$wrap_first = false;
			echo ']';
		} else {
			echo '[]';

	 * Output the custom row sizes if its set
	public function output_ratio_list()
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base;

		$columns = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns', ''); //this is the first line
		$columns = $base->set_basic_colums($columns);

		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-0', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-1', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-2', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-3', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-4', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-5', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-6', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-7', '');
		$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-8', '');

		$found_rows = 0;
		foreach ($columns_advanced as $adv_key => $adv) {
			if (empty($adv))

		if ($found_rows > 0) {
			echo ',' . "\n";
			echo '    rowItemMultiplier: [' . "\n";

			echo '            [';
			echo $columns[0] . ',';
			echo $columns[1] . ',';
			echo $columns[2] . ',';
			echo $columns[3] . ',';
			echo $columns[4] . ',';
			echo $columns[5] . ',';
			echo $columns[6];
			echo ']';

			foreach ($columns_advanced as $adv_key => $adv) {
				if (empty($adv))

				echo ',' . "\n";
				echo '            [';

				$entry_first = true;
				foreach ($adv as $val) {
					echo (!$entry_first) ? ',' : '';
					echo $val;
					$entry_first = false;

				echo ']';

			echo "\n" . '          ]';

	 * check if post is visible in grid
	public function check_if_visible($post_id, $grid_id)
		$pr_visibility = json_decode(get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_visibility', true), true);

		$is_visible = true;

		if (!empty($pr_visibility) && is_array($pr_visibility)) { //check if element is visible in grid
			foreach ($pr_visibility as $pr_grid => $pr_setting) {
				if ($pr_grid == $grid_id) {
					if ($pr_setting == false)
						$is_visible = false;
						$is_visible = true;

		return apply_filters('essgrid_check_if_visible', $is_visible, $post_id, $grid_id);

	 * Output Filter from current Grid (used for Widgets)
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_grid_filter()
		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_filter_pre', $this);

		switch ($this->grid_postparams['source-type']) {
			case 'post':
			case 'custom':
			case 'streams':

		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_filter_post', $this);

	 * Output Sorting from current Grid (used for Widgets)
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_grid_sorting()
		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_sorting_pre', $this);

		switch ($this->grid_postparams['source-type']) {
			case 'post':
			case 'custom':
			case 'streams':

		do_action('essgrid_output_grid_sorting_post', $this);

	 * Output Sorting from post based
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_sorting_by_posts()
		do_action('essgrid_output_sorting_by_posts_pre', $this);
		do_action('essgrid_output_sorting_by_posts_post', $this);

	 * Output Sorting from custom grid
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_sorting_by_custom()
		do_action('essgrid_output_sorting_by_custom_pre', $this);
		do_action('essgrid_output_sorting_by_custom_post', $this);

	 * Output Sorting from custom grid
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_sorting_by_all_types()
		do_action('essgrid_output_sorting_by_all_types', $this);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$nav = new Essential_Grid_Navigation();
		$m = new Essential_Grid_Meta();

		$order_by = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by', 'date'));
		if (!is_array($order_by))
			$order_by = array(

		$order_by_dir = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');
		$order_by_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		if (strpos($order_by_start, 'eg-') === 0 || strpos($order_by_start, 'egl-') === 0) { //add meta at the end for meta sorting
			//if essential Meta, replace to meta name. Else -> replace - and _ with space, set each word uppercase
			$metas = $m->get_all_meta();
			$f = false;
			if (!empty($metas)) {
				foreach ($metas as $meta) {
					if ('eg-' . $meta['handle'] == $order_by_start || 'egl-' . $meta['handle'] == $order_by_start) {
						$f = true;
						$order_by_start = $meta['name'];

			if ($f === false) {
				$order_by_start = ucwords(str_replace(array(
				), array(
					' ',
					' '
				), $order_by_start));

		$nav->set_orders($order_by); //set order of filter
		$nav->set_orders_start($order_by_start); //set order of filter

		echo $nav->output_sorting();

	 * Output Filter from post based
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_filter_by_posts()
		do_action('essgrid_output_filter_by_posts', $this);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$nav = new Essential_Grid_Navigation();

		$filter_allow = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-start', '');
		$filterall_visible = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-visible', 'on');
		$filter_all_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-text', esc_attr__('Filter - All', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$filter_dropdown_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-dropdown-text', esc_attr__('Filter Categories', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$show_count = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-counter', 'off');


		$start_sortby = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-by-start', 'none');
		$start_sortby_type = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'sorting-order-type', 'ASC');

		$post_category = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'post_category');
		$post_types = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'post_types');
		$page_ids = explode(',', $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'selected_pages', '-1'));
		$cat_relation = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'category-relation', 'OR');

		$additional_query = $base->getVar($this->grid_postparams, 'additional-query', '');
		if ($additional_query !== '')
			$additional_query = wp_parse_args($additional_query);

		$cat_tax = Essential_Grid_Base::getCatAndTaxData($post_category);

		$posts = Essential_Grid_Base::getPostsByCategory($this->grid_id, $cat_tax['cats'], $post_types, $cat_tax['tax'], $page_ids, $start_sortby, $start_sortby_type, -1, $additional_query, true, $cat_relation);

		$nav_filters = array();

		$taxes = array('post_tag');
		if (!empty($cat_tax['tax'])) $taxes = explode(',', $cat_tax['tax']);

		if (!empty($cat_tax['cats'])) { 
			$cats = explode(',', $cat_tax['cats']);

			foreach ($cats as $key => $id) {
				$cat = get_category($id);
				if (is_object($cat))
					$nav_filters[$id] = array(
						'name' => $cat->cat_name,
						'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($cat->slug)

				foreach ($taxes as $custom_tax) {
					$term = get_term_by('id', $id, $custom_tax);
					if (is_object($term))
						$nav_filters[$id] = array(
							'name' => $term->name,
							'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($term->slug)


		$found_filter = array();
		if (!empty($posts) && count($posts) > 0) {
			foreach ($posts as $key => $post) {
				//check if post should be visible or if its invisible on current grid settings
				$is_visible = $this->check_if_visible($post['ID'], $this->grid_id);
				if ($is_visible == false) continue;

				$filters = array();
				$default_filter_add = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'add-filters-by', 'default');
				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'categories'), true)) {
					$categories = $base->get_custom_taxonomies_by_post_id($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($categories)) {
						foreach ($categories as $key => $category) {
							$filters[$category->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $category->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category->slug)

				if (in_array($default_filter_add, array('default', 'tags'), true)) {
					$tags = get_the_tags($post['ID']);
					if (!empty($tags)) {
						foreach ($tags as $key => $taxonomie) {
							$filters[$taxonomie->term_id] = array(
								'name' => $taxonomie->name,
								'slug' => Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($taxonomie->slug)

				$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have

		$remove_filter = array_diff_key($nav_filters, $found_filter); //check if we have filter that no post has (comes through multilanguage)
		if (!empty($remove_filter)) {
			foreach ($remove_filter as $key => $rem) { //we have, so remove them from the filter list before setting the filter list

		$nav->set_filter($nav_filters); //set filters $nav_filters $found_filter
		echo $nav->output_filter();

	 * Output Filter from custom grid
	 * @since 1.0.6
	public function output_filter_by_custom()
		do_action('essgrid_output_filter_by_custom', $this);

		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$nav = new Essential_Grid_Navigation();

		$filter_allow = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-arrows', 'single');
		$filter_start = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-start', '');
		$filterall_visible = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-visible', 'on');
		$filter_all_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-all-text', esc_attr__('Filter - All', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$filter_dropdown_text = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-dropdown-text', esc_attr__('Filter Categories', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN));
		$show_count = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'filter-counter', 'off');



		$found_filter = array();

		if (!empty($this->grid_layers) && count($this->grid_layers) > 0) {
			foreach ($this->grid_layers as $key => $entry) {
				$filters = array();

				if (!empty($entry['custom-filter'])) {
					$cats = explode(',', $entry['custom-filter']);
					if (!is_array($cats))
						$cats = (array)$cats;
					foreach ($cats as $category) {
						$_v = Essential_Grid_Base::sanitize_utf8_to_unicode($category);
						$filters[$_v] = array(
							'name' => $category,
							'slug' => $_v

						$found_filter = $found_filter + $filters; //these are the found filters, only show filter that the posts have


		$nav->set_filter($found_filter); //set filters $nav_filters $found_filter

		echo $nav->output_filter();

	 * Output Ajax Container
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public function output_ajax_container()
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

		$container_id = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-id', '');
		$container_css = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-css', '');
		$container_pre = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-pre', '');
		$container_post = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'ajax-container-post', '');

		$cont = '';
		$cont .= '<div class="eg-ajax-target-container-wrapper" id="' . $container_id . '">' . "\n";
		$cont .= '  <div class="eg-ajax-target-prefix-wrapper">' . "\n";
		$cont .= html_entity_decode($container_pre);
		$cont .= '  </div>' . "\n";
		$cont .= '  <div class="eg-ajax-target"></div>' . "\n";
		$cont .= '  <div class="eg-ajax-target-sufffix-wrapper">' . "\n";
		$cont .= html_entity_decode($container_post);
		$cont .= '  </div>' . "\n";
		$cont .= '</div>' . "\n";

		if ($container_css !== '' && $container_id !== '') {
			$cont .= '<style type="text/css">' . "\n";
			$cont .= '#' . $container_id . ' {' . "\n";
			$cont .= $container_css;
			$cont .= '}' . "\n";
			$cont .= '</style>';

		$cont = do_shortcode($cont);
		return apply_filters('essgrid_output_ajax_container', $cont, $this);

	 * Output Inline JS
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public function add_inline_js()
		echo apply_filters('essgrid_add_inline_js', $this->grid_inline_js);

	 * Check the maximum entries that should be loaded
	 * @since: 1.5.3
	public function get_maximum_entries($grid)
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$max_entries = intval($grid->get_postparam_by_handle('max_entries', '-1'));

		if (is_admin()) $max_entries = intval($grid->get_postparam_by_handle('max_entries_preview', '-1'));
		if ($max_entries !== -1) return $max_entries;

		$layout = $grid->get_param_by_handle('navigation-layout', array());
		if (isset($layout['pagination']) || isset($layout['left']) || isset($layout['right']))
			return $max_entries;

		$rows_unlimited = $grid->get_param_by_handle('rows-unlimited', 'on');

		$load_more = $grid->get_param_by_handle('load-more', 'none');
		$rows = intval($grid->get_param_by_handle('rows', '3'));

		$columns_advanced = $grid->get_param_by_handle('columns-advanced', 'off');

		$columns = $grid->get_param_by_handle('columns', ''); //this is the first line
		$columns = $base->set_basic_colums($columns);

		$max_column = 0;
		foreach ($columns as $column) {
			if ($max_column < $column)
				$max_column = $column;

		if ($columns_advanced === 'on') {
			$columns_advanced = array();
			$columns_advanced[] = $columns;
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-0', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-1', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-2', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-3', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-4', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-5', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-6', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-7', '');
			$columns_advanced[] = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced-rows-8', '');

			$match = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			for ($i = 0; $i <= $rows; $i++) {
				foreach ($columns_advanced as $col_adv) {
					if (!empty($col_adv)) {
						foreach ($col_adv as $key => $val) {
							$match[$key] += $val;
					if ($i >= $rows)

			foreach ($match as $highest) {
				if ($max_column < $highest)
					$max_column = $highest;
		if ($rows_unlimited === 'off') {
			if ($columns_advanced === 'off') {
				$max_entries = $max_column * $rows;
			} else {
				$max_entries = $max_column;

		$max_entries_number = apply_filters('essgrid_get_maximum_entries', $max_entries, $this, $grid);

		return $max_entries_number;

	 * Adds functionality for authors to modify things at activation of plugin
	 * @since 1.1.0
	public static function activation_hooks($networkwide = false)
		//set all starting options
		$options = array();
		$options = apply_filters('essgrid_mod_activation_option', $options);
		if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && $networkwide) { //do for each existing site
			global $wpdb;

			// 2.2.5
			// Get all blog ids and create tables
			$blogids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->blogs);
			foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
				foreach ($options as $opt => $val) {
					update_option('tp_eg_' . $opt, $val);
				// 2.2.5
		} else {
			foreach ($options as $opt => $val) {
				update_option('tp_eg_' . $opt, $val);

	 * Adds default Grids at installation process
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public static function propagate_default_grids()
		$default_grids = array();
		$default_grids = apply_filters('essgrid_add_default_grids', $default_grids);
		if (!empty($default_grids)) {
			$im = new Essential_Grid_Import();

	 * Hide Load More button
	 * @since 2.1.0
	public function remove_load_more_button($grid_id_wrap)
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

		$css = '';
		if ($base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more-hide', 'off') == 'on' && $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'load-more', 'none') == 'scroll') {
			$css = '<style type="text/css">';
			$css .= '#' . $grid_id_wrap . ' .esg-loadmore { display: none !important; }';
			$css .= '</style>';
		echo apply_filters('essgrid_remove_load_more_button', $css, $grid_id_wrap);

	 * Adds start height CSS for the Grid, to prevent jumping of Site on loading
	 * @since 2.0.4
	public function add_start_height_css($grid_id_wrap)
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

		$columns_advanced = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-advanced', 'off');
		if ($columns_advanced == 'on') {
			$columns_width = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-width', '');
			$columns_height = $base->getVar($this->grid_params, 'columns-height', '');
			$columns_width = $base->set_basic_colums_height($columns_width);
			$columns_height = $base->set_basic_colums_height($columns_height);

			// 2.2.5
			if (!is_array($columns_width))
				$columns_width = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
			if (!is_array($columns_height))
				$columns_height = array(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);

			$col_height = array_reverse($columns_height); //reverse to start with lowest value
			$col_width = array_reverse($columns_width); //reverse to start with lowest value

			$first = true;

			$css = '<style type="text/css">';
			foreach ($col_height as $key => $height) {
				if ($height > 0) {
					$height = intval($height);
					$mw = intval($col_width[$key] - 1);
					if ($first) { //first set up without restriction of width
						$first = false;
						$css .= '
  #' . $grid_id_wrap . '.eg-startheight{ height: ' . $height . 'px; }';
					} else {
						$css .= '
  @media only screen and (min-width: ' . $mw . 'px) {
  #' . $grid_id_wrap . '.eg-startheight{ height: ' . $height . 'px; }
			$css .= '</style>';

			echo $css . "\n";
			if ($css !== '<style type="text/css"></style>')
				return true;

		return false;

	 * Does the uninstall process, also multisite checks
	 * @since 1.5.0
	public static function uninstall_plugin($networkwide = false)
		global $wpdb;
		// If uninstall not called from WordPress, then exit
		if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) {
		if (function_exists('is_multisite') && is_multisite() && $networkwide) { //do for each existing site
			// Get all blog ids and create tables
			$blogids = $wpdb->get_col("SELECT blog_id FROM " . $wpdb->blogs);
			foreach ($blogids as $blog_id) {
				// 2.2.5
		} else {

	 * Does the uninstall process
	 * @since 1.5.0
	 * @moved from uninstall.php
	public static function _uninstall_plugin()
		global $wpdb;
		// If uninstall not called from WordPress, then exit
		if (!defined('WP_UNINSTALL_PLUGIN')) {

		//Delete Database Tables
		$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE " . $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_GRID);
		$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE " . $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_SKIN);
		$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE " . $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS);
		$wpdb->query("DROP TABLE " . $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_NAVIGATION_SKINS);

		//Delete Options







	/* format lightbox post content wrapper */
	public static function on_lightbox_post_content($settings, $id)
		global $rs_loaded_by_editor;

		$content = '';
		if (!empty($settings)) {
			$settings = json_decode(stripslashes($settings), true);
			if (empty($settings)) return '';

			$rs_loaded_by_editor = true;
			$featured = (isset($settings['featured'])) ? $settings['featured'] : '';
			$titl = (isset($settings['titl'])) ? $settings['titl'] : '';
			$lbTitle = (isset($settings['lbTitle'])) ? $settings['lbTitle'] : '';
			$lbTag = (isset($settings['lbTag'])) ? $settings['lbTag'] : '';
			$lbImg = (isset($settings['lbImg'])) ? $settings['lbImg'] : '';

			$wid = (isset($settings['lbWidth'])) ? $settings['lbWidth'] : '';
			$lbPos = (isset($settings['lbPos'])) ? $settings['lbPos'] : '';

			$minW = (isset($settings['lbMin'])) ? $settings['lbMin'] : '';
			$maxW = (isset($settings['lbMax'])) ? $settings['lbMax'] : '';

			$margin = (isset($settings['margin'])) ? $settings['margin'] : '';
			$margin = explode('|', $margin);

			$padding = (isset($settings['padding'])) ? $settings['padding'] : '';
			$padding = explode('|', $padding);

			$overflow = (isset($settings['overflow'])) ? $settings['overflow'] : '';

			if (!empty($margin) && count($margin) === 4) {
				$margin = $margin[0] . 'px ' . $margin[1] . 'px ' . $margin[2] . 'px ' . $margin[3] . 'px';
			} else {
				$margin = '0';

			if (!empty($padding) && count($padding) === 4) {
				$padding = $padding[0] . 'px ' . $padding[1] . 'px ' . $padding[2] . 'px ' . $padding[3] . 'px';
			} else {
				$padding = '0';

			$html = '<div class="eg-lightbox-post-content" style="width: ' . $maxW . ';min-width: ' . $minW . '; max-width: ' . $maxW . '; margin: ' . $margin . '">' . '<div class="eg-lightbox-post-content-inner" style="padding: ' . $padding . '; overflow: ' . $overflow . '">';

			if (isset($settings['revslider']) && !empty($settings['revslider']) && class_exists('RevSliderSlider')) {

				$slider_id = $settings['revslider'];
				if (is_numeric($slider_id)) {

					$rev_slider = new RevSliderSlider();
					if (method_exists($rev_slider, 'get_slider_for_admin_menu')) {

						$sliders = $rev_slider->get_slider_for_admin_menu();
						if (!empty($sliders) && array_key_exists($slider_id, $sliders)) {

							$_html = '';
							$slider = new RevSliderOutput();

							$slider_class = $slider->add_slider_to_stage($slider_id);
							$_html = ob_get_contents();

							if (!empty($_html)) {
								return $html . $_html . '</div></div>';
			} else if (isset($settings['essgrid']) && !empty($settings['essgrid'])) {
				$esg_alias = $settings['essgrid'];
				if (!is_numeric($esg_alias)) {
					$grids = Essential_Grid::get_essential_grids();
					foreach ($grids as $grid) {
						$alias = $grid->handle;
						if ($alias === $esg_alias) {
							$content = do_shortcode('[ess_grid alias="' . $alias . '"][/ess_grid]');
							if ($content)
								return $html . $content . '</div></div>';
			} else {
				if (isset($settings['ispost']) && !empty($settings['ispost']) && $id > 0) {
					$raw_content = get_post_field('post_content', $id);
				} else {
					$gridid = isset($settings['gridid']) ? $settings['gridid'] : false;
					if (is_numeric($gridid)) {
						$grid = new Essential_Grid();
						$result = $grid->init_by_id($gridid);
						if ($result) {
							$itm = $grid->get_layer_values();
							if (!empty($itm) && isset($itm[$id])) {
								$itm = $itm[$id];
								$raw_content = isset($itm['content']) && !empty($itm['content']) ? $itm['content'] : '';

				if (!is_wp_error($raw_content)) {
					$content = apply_filters('essgrid_the_content', $raw_content); //filter apply for qTranslate and other
					if (method_exists('WPBMap', 'addAllMappedShortcodes')) {
					global $rs_loaded_by_editor;
					$rs_loaded_by_editor = true;
					$content = do_shortcode($content);
					$rs_loaded_by_editor = false;

			if (!empty($titl) && $lbTitle === 'on') {
				if (empty($lbTag))
					$lbTag = 'h2';
				$titl = '<' . $lbTag . '>' . stripslashes($titl) . '</' . $lbTag . '>';
			} else {
				$titl = '';

			if (!empty($featured) && $lbImg === 'on') {
				$margin = $settings['lbMargin'];
				$margin = explode('|', $margin);
				if (!empty($margin) && count($margin) === 4) {
					$margin = $margin[0] . 'px ' . $margin[1] . 'px ' . $margin[2] . 'px ' . $margin[3] . 'px';
				} else {
					$margin = '0';

				if (!is_numeric($wid)) $wid = 50;
				$wid = intval($wid);

				$dif = 100 - $wid;
				$dif = 'width: ' . $dif . '%';
				$wid = 'width: ' . $wid . '%';
				$featured = '<img class="esg-post-featured-img" src="' . $featured . '" style="width: 100%; height: auto; padding: ' . $margin . '" />';

				switch ($lbPos) {

					case 'top':
						$html .= $featured . $titl . $content;

					case 'left':
						$html .= '<div class="esg-f-left" style="' . $wid . '">' . $featured . '</div>';
						$html .= '<div class="esg-f-left" style="' . $dif . '">' . $titl . $content . '</div>';
						$html .= '<div class="esg-clearfix" ></div>';

					case 'right':
						$html .= '<div class="esg-f-left" style="' . $dif . '">' . $titl . $content . '</div>';
						$html .= '<div class="esg-f-left" style="' . $wid . '">' . $featured . '</div>';
						$html .= '<div class="esg-clearfix" ></div>';

					case 'bottom':
						$html .= $titl . $content . $featured;


			} else {
				$html .= $titl . $content;
			return $html . '</div></div>';
		return $content;

	 * Handle Ajax Requests
	public static function on_front_ajax_action()
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();
		$token = $base->getPostVar("token", false);

		//verify the token, removed in 2.1.0
		$isVerified = true;

		$error = false;
		if ($isVerified) {
			$data = $base->getPostVar('data', false);
			$action = !isset($_GET['client_action']) ? $base->getPostVar('client_action', false) : $_GET['client_action'];
			switch ($action) {

				case 'load_more_items':
					$gridid = $base->getPostVar('gridid', 0, 'i');
					if (!empty($data) && $gridid > 0) {
						$grid = new Essential_Grid();

						$result = $grid->init_by_id($gridid);
						if (!$result) {
							$error = esc_attr__('Grid not found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
						} else {
							$grid->set_loading_ids($data); //set to only load choosen items
							$html = false;

							//check if we are custom grid
							if ($grid->is_custom_grid()) {
								$html = $grid->output_by_specific_ids();
							} elseif ($grid->is_stream_grid()) {
								$html = $grid->output_by_specific_stream();
							} else {
								$html = $grid->output_by_specific_posts();

							/* 2.1.5 */
							if (!empty($html)) {
							} else {
								/* 2.1.5 */
								$customGallery = $base->getPostVar('customgallery', false);
								if (!empty($customGallery)) {
									$grid->custom_images = $data;
									$html = $grid->output_by_gallery(false, true, true);
								if (!empty($html)) {
								} else {
									$error = esc_attr__('Items Not Found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
					} else {
						$error = esc_attr__('No Data Received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				case 'load_more_content':
					$postid = $base->getPostVar('postid', 0, 'i');
					if ($postid > 0) {
						$raw_content = get_post_field('post_content', $postid);
						if (!is_wp_error($raw_content)) {
							$content = apply_filters('essgrid_the_content', $raw_content); //filter apply for qTranslate and other

							if (method_exists('WPBMap', 'addAllMappedShortcodes')) {
							$content = do_shortcode($content);

					$error = esc_attr__('Post Not Found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);

				case 'load_post_content':
					$postid = isset($_GET['postid']) ? $_GET['postid'] : 0;
					if (is_numeric($postid)) {
						$settings = isset($_GET['settings']) ? $_GET['settings'] : false;
						echo apply_filters('essgrid_lightbox_post_content', $settings, $postid); // lightbox post content
					$error = esc_attr__('Post Not Found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				case 'get_search_results':
					$search_string = $base->getVar($data, 'search', '');
					$search_skin = $base->getVar($data, 'skin', 0, 'i');
					if ($search_string !== '' && $search_skin > 0) {
						$search = new Essential_Grid_Search();
						$return = $search->output_search_result($search_string, $search_skin);
					$error = esc_attr__('Not found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				case 'get_grid_search_ids':
					$search_string = $base->getVar($data, 'search', '');
					$grid_id = $base->getVar($data, 'id', 0, 'i');
					if ($search_string !== '' && $grid_id > 0) {
						$return = Essential_Grid_Search::output_search_result_ids($search_string, $grid_id);
						if (!is_array($return)) {
							$error = $return;
						} else {
							self::ajaxResponseSuccess('', $return);
					$error = esc_attr__('Not found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);

			$error = apply_filters('essgrid_on_front_ajax_action', $error, $data);
		} else {
			$error = true;

		if ($error !== false) {
			$showError = esc_attr__('Loading Error', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
			if ($error !== true) $showError = $error;
			self::ajaxResponseError($showError, false);

	 * echo json ajax response
	public static function ajaxResponse($success, $message, $arrData = null)
		$response = array();
		$response["success"] = $success;
		$response["message"] = $message;
		if (!empty($arrData)) {
			if (gettype($arrData) == "string" || gettype($arrData) == "boolean")
				$arrData = array(
					"data" => $arrData
			$response = array_merge($response, $arrData);
		$json = json_encode($response);
		echo $json;

	 * echo json ajax response, without message, only data
	public static function ajaxResponseData($arrData)
		if (gettype($arrData) == "string")
			$arrData = array(
				"data" => $arrData

		self::ajaxResponse(true, "", $arrData);

	 * echo json ajax response
	public static function ajaxResponseError($message, $arrData = null)
		self::ajaxResponse(false, $message, $arrData, true);

	 * echo ajax success response
	public static function ajaxResponseSuccess($message, $arrData = null)
		self::ajaxResponse(true, $message, $arrData, true);

	 * echo ajax success response
	public static function ajaxResponseSuccessRedirect($message, $url)
		$arrData = array(
			"is_redirect" => true,
			"redirect_url" => $url
		self::ajaxResponse(true, $message, $arrData, true);

	 * Removes original WP Gallery Shortcode
	 * @since   2.1.5
	public function remove_wp_gallery()
		remove_shortcode('gallery', 'gallery_shortcode');

	 * Adds EssGrid instead of Gallery Shortcode
	 * @since   2.1.5
	public function add_ess_grid_gallery()
		add_shortcode('gallery', array($this, 'ess_grid_addon_gallery'), 10, 2);

	 * Returns EssGrid for WP Gallery Shortcode Filter
	 * @since   2.1.5
	public function use_ess_grid_gallery($attr, $instance)
		if (!empty($instance['ess_grid_gal']))
			return $this->ess_grid_addon_gallery($instance, $instance);

	 * Shortcode to wrap around the original gallery shortcode
	 * @since   1.0.0
	 * @version 1.0.1 : Exits when other revslider_function
	public function ess_grid_addon_gallery($output, $attr)
		//exits if other RevSlider functionality captures the gallery functionality
		if (isset($output["revslider_function"]))
			return false;

		// Columns and Grid Defaults
		$columns = isset($output['columns']) ? $output['columns'] : 3;
		$grid = isset($output['ess_grid_gal']) ? $output['ess_grid_gal'] : 'nogrid';
		$grid = isset($output['ess_grid_gal']) ? $output['ess_grid_gal'] : get_option('tp_eg_overwrite_gallery', '');
		$grid = isset($output['ess_grid_custom_setting']) && $output['ess_grid_custom_setting'] == 'on' ? 'nogrid' : $grid;
		// Random Order
		if (isset($output['orderby']) && $output['orderby'] == "rand") {
			$ids = explode(",", $output['ids']);
			$output['ids'] = implode(",", $ids);

		// Parse for Attributes
		$return = array();
		foreach ($output as $attr_key => $attr_value) {
			if (!in_array($attr_key, array("order_by", "include" ))) $return[] = $attr_key . '="' . $attr_value . '"';
		$return = implode(" ", $return);

		if (!empty($grid)) {
			if ($grid == "nogrid") {

				// Defaults for Param
				$entryskin = !empty($output['entryskin']) ? $output['entryskin'] : 1;
				$layoutsizing = !empty($output['layoutsizing']) ? $output['layoutsizing'] : 'boxed';
				$gridlayout = !empty($output['gridlayout']) ? $output['gridlayout'] : 'even';
				$spacings = !empty($output['spacings']) ? $output['spacings'] : 0;
				$rowsunlimited = !empty($output['rowsunlimited']) ? $output['rowsunlimited'] : 'off';
				$rows = !empty($output['rows']) ? $output['rows'] : 3;
				$gridanimation = !empty($output['gridanimation']) ? $output['gridanimation'] : 'fade';
				$usespinner = !empty($output['usespinner']) ? $output['usespinner'] : 0;
				return do_shortcode('[ess_grid  settings=\'{"entry-skin":"' . $entryskin . '","layout-sizing":"' . $layoutsizing . '","grid-layout":"' . $gridlayout . '","spacings":"' . $spacings . '","rows-unlimited":"' . $rowsunlimited . '","columns":"' . $columns . '","rows":"' . $rows . '","grid-animation":"' . $gridanimation . '","use-spinner":"' . $usespinner . '"}\' alias="' . get_option('tp_eg_overwrite_gallery') . '"][gallery ' . $return . '][/ess_grid]');
			} else {
				return do_shortcode('[ess_grid  settings=\'{"columns":"' . $columns . '"}\' alias="' . $grid . '"][gallery ' . $return . '][/ess_grid]');
		} else
			return false;

	public static function custom_sorter_int($x, $y)
		global $esg_c_sort_direction, $esg_c_sort_handle;

		if (!isset($x[$esg_c_sort_handle])) $x[$esg_c_sort_handle] = 0;
		if (!isset($y[$esg_c_sort_handle])) $y[$esg_c_sort_handle] = 0;
		if (in_array($esg_c_sort_handle, array('date_modified', 'date', 'modified'))) {
			$x[$esg_c_sort_handle] = strtotime($x[$esg_c_sort_handle]);
			$y[$esg_c_sort_handle] = strtotime($y[$esg_c_sort_handle]);
		} elseif ($esg_c_sort_handle == 'duration') {
			$x[$esg_c_sort_handle] = Essential_Grid::time_to_seconds($x[$esg_c_sort_handle]);
			$y[$esg_c_sort_handle] = Essential_Grid::time_to_seconds($y[$esg_c_sort_handle]);

		if ($esg_c_sort_direction == 'ASC') {
			return $x[$esg_c_sort_handle] - $y[$esg_c_sort_handle];
		} else {
			return $y[$esg_c_sort_handle] - $x[$esg_c_sort_handle];

	public static function time_to_seconds($time_string)
		$timeArr = array_reverse(explode(":", $time_string));
		$seconds = 0;
		foreach ($timeArr as $key => $value) {
			if ($key > 2) break;
			$seconds += pow(60, $key) * $value;
		return $seconds;

	public static function custom_sorter($x, $y)
		global $esg_c_sort_direction, $esg_c_sort_handle;

		if (!isset($x[$esg_c_sort_handle])) $x[$esg_c_sort_handle] = '';
		if (!isset($y[$esg_c_sort_handle])) $y[$esg_c_sort_handle] = '';

		if ($esg_c_sort_direction == 'ASC') {
			return strcasecmp($x[$esg_c_sort_handle], $y[$esg_c_sort_handle]);
		} else {
			return strcasecmp($y[$esg_c_sort_handle], $x[$esg_c_sort_handle]);

	public function set_custom_sorter($handle, $direction)
		global $esg_c_sort_direction, $esg_c_sort_handle;

		$esg_c_sort_direction = $direction;
		$esg_c_sort_handle = $handle;

	public function order_by_custom($order_by_start, $order_by_dir)
		$base = new Essential_Grid_Base();

		if (!empty($order_by_start) && !empty($this->grid_layers)) {
			if (is_array($order_by_start)) {
				$order_by_start = $order_by_start[0];

			switch ($order_by_start) {
				case 'rand':
					$this->grid_layers = $base->shuffle_assoc($this->grid_layers);
				case 'title':
				case 'post_url':
				case 'excerpt':
				case 'meta':
				case 'alias':
				case 'name':
				case 'content':
				case 'author_name':
				case 'author':
				case 'cat_list':
				case 'tag_list':
					if ($order_by_start == 'name')
						$order_by_start = 'alias';
					if ($order_by_start == 'author')
						$order_by_start = 'author_name';
					//check if values are existing and if not, add them to the layers
					$this->set_custom_sorter($order_by_start, $order_by_dir);
					usort($this->grid_layers, array(
				case 'post_id':
				case 'ID':
				case 'num_comments':
				case 'comment_count':
				case 'date':
				case 'modified':
				case 'date_modified':
				case 'views':
				case 'likes':
				case 'dislikes':
				case 'retweets':
				case 'favorites':
				case 'itemCount':
				case 'duration':
					if ($order_by_start == 'comment_count')
						$order_by_start = 'num_comments';
					if ($order_by_start == 'modified')
						$order_by_start = 'date_modified';
					if ($order_by_start == 'ID')
						$order_by_start = 'post_id';

					$this->set_custom_sorter($order_by_start, $order_by_dir);
					usort($this->grid_layers, array(

	 * Ajax Call to save Post Like
	 * @since   2.2
	public function ess_grid_post_like()
		// Check for nonce security
		$nonce = $_POST['nonce'];
		if (!wp_verify_nonce($nonce, 'eg-ajax-nonce')) die('Busted!');

		if (isset($_POST['post_like'])) {
			// Retrieve user IP address
			$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];
			$post_id = $_POST['post_id'];

			// Get voters'IPs for the current post
			$meta_IP = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_voted_IP");
			$voted_IP = $meta_IP[0];
			if (!is_array($voted_IP)) $voted_IP = array();

			// Get votes count for the current post
			$meta_count = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", true);

			// Use has already voted ?
			if (!$this->hasAlreadyVoted($post_id)) {
				$voted_IP[$ip] = time();

				// Save IP and increase votes count
				update_post_meta($post_id, "eg_voted_IP", $voted_IP);
				update_post_meta($post_id, "eg_votes_count", ++$meta_count);

				// Display count (ie jQuery return value)
				echo $meta_count;
			} else
				esc_html_e("already", ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);

	 * Check if Post was already voted for
	 * @since   2.2
	public function hasAlreadyVoted($post_id)
		$timebeforerevote = get_option('tp_eg_post_like_ip_lockout', '');
		if (empty($timebeforerevote) || $timebeforerevote === 0)
			return false;

		// Retrieve post votes IPs
		$meta_IP = get_post_meta($post_id, "eg_voted_IP");
		$voted_IP = $meta_IP[0];
		if (!is_array($voted_IP)) $voted_IP = array();

		// Retrieve current user IP
		$ip = $_SERVER['REMOTE_ADDR'];

		// If user has already voted
		if (in_array($ip, array_keys($voted_IP))) {
			$time = $voted_IP[$ip];
			$now = time();

			// Compare between current time and vote time
			if (round(($now - $time) / 60) > $timebeforerevote) return false;

			return true;

		return false;

	public static function post_thumbnail_replace($html, $post_id, $post_thumbnail_id, $size, $attr)
		$post_grid_id = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_featured_grid', true);
		if (!empty($post_grid_id)) $html = do_shortcode('[ess_grid alias="' . $post_grid_id . '"][/ess_grid]');
		return $html;

	 * Gallery Overwriting Block
	public function gallery_addon_gutenberg_block_filter($block_content, $block)
		$blockName = $block["blockName"];
		if ($blockName === 'core/gallery') {

			$ids = $block['attrs']['ids'];
			$class = isset($block['attrs']['className']) ? $block['attrs']['className'] : '';

			preg_match_all('/columns-([0-9])/m', $block_content, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER, 0);
			$columns = $matches[0][1];

			if (is_array($ids) && !empty($ids) && is_string($class) && strpos($class, 'essgrid-gallery-') !== false) {

				$alias = str_replace('essgrid-gallery-', '', $class);
				$ids = implode(',', $ids);

				if (!empty($alias)) {
					if (isset($block['attrs']['customsettings'])) {
						// Defaults for Param
						$entryskin = !empty($block['attrs']['entryskin']) ? $block['attrs']['entryskin'] : 1;
						$layoutsizing = !empty($block['attrs']['layoutsizing']) ? $block['attrs']['layoutsizing'] : 'boxed';
						$gridlayout = !empty($block['attrs']['gridlayout']) ? $block['attrs']['gridlayout'] : 'even';
						$spacings = !empty($block['attrs']['tinyspacings']) ? $block['attrs']['tinyspacings'] : 0;
						$rowsunlimited = !empty($block['attrs']['rowsunlimited']) ? $block['attrs']['rowsunlimited'] : 'on';
						$rows = !empty($block['attrs']['tinyrows']) ? $block['attrs']['tinyrows'] : 3;
						$gridanimation = !empty($block['attrs']['gridanimation']) ? $block['attrs']['gridanimation'] : 'fade';
						$usespinner = !empty($block['attrs']['usespinner']) ? $block['attrs']['usespinner'] : 0;

						$block_content = '[ess_grid settings=\'{"entry-skin":"' . $entryskin . '","layout-sizing":"' . $layoutsizing . '","grid-layout":"' . $gridlayout . '","spacings":"' . $spacings . '","rows-unlimited":"' . $rowsunlimited . '","columns":"' . $columns . '","rows":"' . $rows . '","grid-animation":"' . $gridanimation . '","use-spinner":"' . $usespinner . '"}\' alias="' . $alias . '"][gallery ids="' . $ids . '"][/ess_grid]';
					} else {
						$block_content = '[ess_grid settings=\'{"columns":"' . $columns . '"}\' alias="' . $alias . '"][gallery ids="' . $ids . '"][/ess_grid]';
		return $block_content;

	 * Improve UX for empty grids or when social stream data isn't available
	 * @since: 3.0.12
	private function display_grid_error_msg($fromStream = false)
		if (!is_admin()) {
			$show_stream_failure_msg = get_option('tp_eg_show_stream_failure_msg', 'true');
			if (is_user_logged_in()) {
				if ($show_stream_failure_msg == 'true') {
					echo '<p><span class="esg-font-italic">';
					esc_html_e('No grid items found', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
					echo '</span><br><a href="' . admin_url() . 'admin.php?page=essential-grid&view=grid-create&create=' . $this->grid_id . '&sourcetab=true">';
					esc_html_e('Review source settings', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
					echo '</a></p>';
			if ($show_stream_failure_msg === 'custom') {
				$stream_failure_custom_msg = get_option('tp_eg_stream_failure_custom_msg', '');
				echo urldecode($stream_failure_custom_msg);
		} else {
			if (!$fromStream) {
				echo '<div>';
				esc_html_e('No posts found for this Grid.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				echo '<br><br>';
				echo '<a id="go-to-source" class="esg-btn esg-purple" href="#">';
				esc_html_e('Edit Source Settings', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				echo '</a> <a class="esg-btn esg-purple" href="' . admin_url() . 'edit.php" target="_blank">Create Posts</a>';
				echo '</div>';
			} else {
				echo '<div>';
				esc_html_e('A social stream account hasn\'t been connected to this grid yet.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				echo '<br><br><a id="go-to-source" class="esg-btn esg-purple" href="#">';
				esc_html_e('Connect an Account', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN);
				echo '</a></div>';


Zerion Mini Shell 1.0