Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/essential-grid/includes/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/essential-grid/includes/meta.class.php |
<?php /** * @package Essential_Grid * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link http://www.themepunch.com/essential/ * @copyright 2021 ThemePunch */ if( !defined( 'ABSPATH') ) exit(); class Essential_Grid_Meta { /** * Add a new Meta */ public function add_new_meta($new_meta){ $new_meta = apply_filters('essgrid_add_new_meta', $new_meta); if(!isset($new_meta['handle']) || strlen($new_meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($new_meta['name']) || strlen($new_meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($new_meta['sort-type'])) $new_meta['sort-type'] = 'alphabetic'; $metas = $this->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $new_meta['handle']) return esc_attr__('Meta with handle already exist, choose a different handle', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } }else{ $metas = array(); } $new = array('handle' => $new_meta['handle'], 'name' => $new_meta['name'], 'type' => $new_meta['type'], 'sort-type' => $new_meta['sort-type'], 'default' => @$new_meta['default']); if($new_meta['type'] == 'select' || $new_meta['type'] == 'multi-select'){ if(!isset($new_meta['sel']) || strlen($new_meta['sel']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Select received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $new['select'] = $new_meta['sel']; } $metas[] = $new; $do = update_option('esg-custom-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_add_new_meta_update', $metas)); return true; } /** * change meta by handle */ public function edit_meta_by_handle($edit_meta){ $edit_meta = apply_filters('essgrid_edit_meta_by_handle', $edit_meta); if(!isset($edit_meta['handle']) || strlen($edit_meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($edit_meta['name']) || strlen($edit_meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $metas = $this->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $key => $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $edit_meta['handle']){ $metas[$key]['select'] = @$edit_meta['sel']; $metas[$key]['name'] = $edit_meta['name']; $metas[$key]['default'] = @$edit_meta['default']; $do = update_option('esg-custom-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_edit_meta_by_handle_update', $metas, $edit_meta)); return true; } } } return false; } /** * Remove Meta */ public function remove_meta_by_handle($handle){ $handle = apply_filters('essgrid_remove_meta_by_handle', $handle); $metas = $this->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $key => $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $handle){ unset($metas[$key]); $do = update_option('esg-custom-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_remove_meta_by_handle_update', $metas)); return true; } } } return esc_attr__('Meta not found! Wrong handle given.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } /** * get all custom metas */ public function get_all_meta($links = true){ $meta = get_option('esg-custom-meta', array()); if($links === true){ //add the meta links to the array if(!empty($meta)){ foreach($meta as $key => $m){ $meta[$key]['m_type'] = 'meta'; } } $meta_link = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking(); $link_metas = $meta_link->get_all_link_meta(); if(!empty($link_metas)){ foreach($link_metas as $key => $m){ $link_metas[$key]['m_type'] = 'link'; } } if(is_array($link_metas) && !empty($link_metas)){ $meta = @array_merge($meta, $link_metas); } } return apply_filters('essgrid_get_all_meta', $meta, $links); } /** * get all handle of custom metas */ public function get_all_meta_handle(){ $metas = array(); $meta = get_option('esg-custom-meta', array()); if(!empty($meta)){ foreach($meta as $m){ $metas[] = 'eg-'.$m['handle']; } } if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $meta = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_meta_array(); if(!empty($meta)){ foreach($meta as $handle => $name){ $metas[] = $handle; } } } return apply_filters('essgrid_get_all_meta_handle', $metas); } /** * insert comma seperated string, it will return an array of it */ public function prepare_select_by_string($string){ return apply_filters('essgrid_prepare_select_by_string', explode(',', $string), $string); } /** * check if post has meta */ public function get_meta_value_by_handle($post_id, $handle){ if(trim($handle) === '' || intval($post_id) === 0) return ''; $metas = get_post_meta($post_id,$handle,true); if(is_array($metas)) $text = @$metas[$handle]; else $text = $metas; //check if custom meta from us and if it is an image. If yes, output URL instead of ID $cmeta = $this->get_all_meta(false); if(!empty($cmeta)){ foreach($cmeta as $me){ if('eg-'.$me['handle'] == $handle){ if($me['type'] == 'image'){ if(intval($text) > 0){ //get URL to Image $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($text, 'full'); if($img !== false){ $text = $img[0]; }else{ $text = ''; } }else{ $text = ''; } } if($me['type'] == 'multi-select' && !empty($text)){ $text = implode(',', json_decode($text)); } if($text == '' && isset($me['default'])){ $text = $me['default']; } break; } } } //check woocommerce if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $wc_text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($post_id, $handle); if($wc_text !== '') $text = $wc_text; } if($text == ''){ //check if we have a linking $meta_link = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking(); $text = $meta_link->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post_id, $handle); } /* 2.1.6 allows for shortcodes inside custom meta */ $text_sc_check = strip_shortcodes($text); if($text != $text_sc_check) { $text = preg_replace('/"/', "'", $text); //3.0.8 fixed output multiselect metadata $text = str_replace( '"rn','"',str_replace("'rn","'",$text) ); //3.0.13 comment out as this break meta with shortcodes like //[testimonial_count category="vat"] reviews //$text = str_replace(array('","',"','"), ', ', str_replace(array('["', '"]',"['","']"), '', $text)); } return apply_filters('essgrid_get_meta_value_by_handle', $text , $post_id, $handle); } /** * replace all metas with corresponding text */ public function replace_all_meta_in_text($post_id, $text){ if(trim($text) === '' || intval($post_id) === 0) return ''; $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $meta_link = new Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking(); $cmeta = $this->get_all_meta(); //process meta tags: $arr_matches = array(); preg_match_all("/%[^%]*%/", $text, $arr_matches); if(!empty($arr_matches)){ $my_post = get_post($post_id, ARRAY_A); foreach($arr_matches as $matches){ if(is_array($matches)){ foreach($matches as $match){ $meta = trim(str_replace('%', '', $match)); $meta_value = get_post_meta($post_id, $meta, true); if(!empty($cmeta)){ foreach($cmeta as $me){ if('eg-'.$me['handle'] == $meta){ if($me['type'] == 'image'){ if(intval($meta_value) > 0){ //get URL to Image $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($meta_value, 'full'); if($img !== false){ $meta_value = $img[0]; }else{ $meta_value = ''; } }else{ $meta_value = ''; } } if($meta_value == '' && isset($me['default'])){ $meta_value = $me['default']; } break; } } } //check woocommerce if(Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()){ $wc_text = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_value_by_meta($post_id, $meta); if($wc_text !== '') $meta_value = $wc_text; } if(empty($meta_value) && !empty($my_post)){ //try to get from post switch($meta){ //Post elements case 'post_url': $post_id = $base->getVar($my_post, 'ID', ''); $meta_value = get_permalink($post_id); break; case 'post_id': $meta_value = $base->getVar($my_post, 'ID', ''); break; case 'title': $meta_value = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_title', ''); break; case 'caption': case 'excerpt': $meta_value = trim($base->getVar($my_post, 'post_excerpt')); if(empty($meta_value)) $meta_value = trim($base->getVar($my_post, 'post_content')); $meta_value = strip_tags($meta_value); break; case 'meta': $m = new Essential_Grid_Meta(); $meta_value = $m->get_meta_value_by_handle($my_post['ID'],$meta); break; case 'alias': $meta_value = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_name'); break; case 'description': case 'content': $meta_value = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_content'); break; case 'link': $meta_value = get_permalink($my_post['ID']); break; case 'likespost': if(!empty($my_post['ID'])){ $count = get_post_meta($my_post['ID'], "eg_votes_count", ''); $count[0] = isset($count[0]) ? $count[0] : 0; $meta_value = '<span class="eg-post-count">'.$count[0].'</span>'; } else{ $meta_value = ''; } break; case 'date': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = $base->convert_post_date($postDate); break; case 'date_day': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = date('d',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = date('m',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_month_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = date('M',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = date('Y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_year_abbr': $postDate = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_date_gmt"); $meta_value = date('y',strtotime($postDate)); break; case 'date_modified': $dateModified = $base->getVar($my_post, "post_modified"); $meta_value = $base->convert_post_date($dateModified); break; case 'author_name': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_the_author_meta('display_name', $authorID); break; case 'author_posts': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_author_posts_url( $authorID ); break; case 'author_profile': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_the_author_meta('url', $authorID); break; case 'author_avatar_32': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 32); break; case 'author_avatar_64': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 64); break; case 'author_avatar_96': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 96); break; case 'author_avatar_512': $authorID = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_author'); $meta_value = get_avatar( $authorID, 512); break; case 'num_comments': $meta_value = $base->getVar($my_post, 'comment_count'); break; case 'cat_list': $use_taxonomies = false; $postCatsIDs = $base->getVar($my_post, 'post_category'); if(empty($postCatsIDs) && isset($my_post['post_type'])){ $postCatsIDs = array(); $obj = get_object_taxonomies($my_post['post_type']); if(!empty($obj) && is_array($obj)){ foreach($obj as $tax){ $use_taxonomies[] = $tax; $new_terms = get_the_terms($my_post['ID'], $tax); if(is_array($new_terms) && !empty($new_terms)){ foreach($new_terms as $term){ $postCatsIDs[$term->term_id] = $term->term_id; } } } } } $meta_value = $base->get_categories_html_list($postCatsIDs, true, ',', $use_taxonomies); break; case 'tag_list': $meta_value = $base->get_tags_html_list($my_post['ID']); break; case 'taxonomy': $terms = get_the_terms($my_post['ID'] , $taxonomy); $terms_length = sizeof($terms); if(is_array($terms)){ foreach ($terms as $term) { $text_array[] = '<a href="'.get_term_link($term->term_id).'">'.$term->name.'</a>'; } } else{ $text_array[] = ''; } $meta_value = implode($separator , $text_array); break; case 'alternate-image': $alt_img = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_sources_image', true); $alt_img = wp_get_attachment_image_src(esc_attr($alt_img), 'full'); $meta_value = ($alt_img !== false && isset($alt_img['0']) ) ? $alt_img['0'] : ''; break; default: $meta_value = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_content', $meta_value, $meta, $my_post['ID'], $my_post); break; break; } if(empty($meta_value)){ //check if its linking $meta_value = $meta_link->get_link_meta_value_by_handle($my_post['ID'], $meta); } } $text = str_replace($match,$meta_value,$text); } } } } //remove and readd shortcodes for not killing shortcodes in here that end with "] preg_match_all('/' . get_shortcode_regex() . '/', $text, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER); $shortcodes = array(); $num = 0; if(!empty($matches)){ foreach($matches as $shortcode){ $text = str_replace($shortcode[0], '#####'.$num.'#####', $text); $shortcodes[$num] = $shortcode[0]; $num++; } } $text = str_replace('","', ',', str_replace(array('["', '"]'), '', $text)); if(!empty($shortcodes)){ foreach($shortcodes as $num => $shortcode){ $text = str_replace('#####'.$num.'#####', $shortcode, $text); } } return apply_filters('essgrid_replace_all_meta_in_text', $text, $post_id, $arr_matches); } /** * replace all metas with corresponding text */ public function replace_all_custom_element_meta_in_text($values, $text){ $cmeta = $this->get_all_meta(); $pmeta = Essential_Grid_Item_Element::getPostElementsArray(); //process meta tags: $arr_matches = array(); preg_match_all("/%[^%]*%/", $text, $arr_matches); if(!empty($arr_matches)){ foreach($arr_matches as $matches){ if(is_array($matches)){ foreach($matches as $match){ $meta = str_replace('%', '', $match); $meta_value = @$values[$meta]; if(!empty($cmeta)){ foreach($cmeta as $me){ if('eg-'.$me['handle'] == $meta){ if($me['type'] == 'image'){ if(intval($meta_value) > 0){ //get URL to Image $img = wp_get_attachment_image_src($meta_value, 'full'); if($img !== false){ $meta_value = $img[0]; }else{ $meta_value = ''; } }else{ $meta_value = ''; } } break; } } } if(!empty($pmeta)){ if(isset($pmeta[$meta])){ $meta_value = Essential_Grid_Base::getVar($values, $meta); } } $text = str_replace($match,$meta_value,$text); } } } } return apply_filters('essgrid_replace_all_custom_element_meta_in_text', $text, $values, $arr_matches); } /** * get video ratios from post */ public function get_post_video_ratios($post_id){ $ratio['vimeo'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_vimeo_ratio', true); $ratio['youtube'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_youtube_ratio', true); $ratio['wistia'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_wistia_ratio', true); $ratio['html5'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_html5_ratio', true); $ratio['soundcloud'] = get_post_meta($post_id, 'eg_soundcloud_ratio', true); return apply_filters('essgrid_get_post_video_ratios', $ratio, $post_id); } /** * get video ratios from custom element */ public function get_custom_video_ratios($values){ if(!isset($values['custom-ratio'])) $values['custom-ratio'] = '0'; $ratio['vimeo'] = $values['custom-ratio']; $ratio['youtube'] = $values['custom-ratio']; $ratio['wistia'] = $values['custom-ratio']; $ratio['html5'] = $values['custom-ratio']; $ratio['soundcloud'] = $values['custom-ratio']; return apply_filters('essgrid_get_custom_video_ratios', $ratio, $values); } /** * save all metas at once * @since: 3.0.0 */ public function save_all_metas($metas){ if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $k => $meta){ if(!isset($meta['handle']) || strlen($meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($meta['name']) || strlen($meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($meta['sort-type'])) $metas[$k]['sort-type'] = 'alphabetic'; if($meta['type'] == 'select' || $meta['type'] == 'multi-select'){ if(!isset($meta['select']) || strlen($meta['select']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Select received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } } } $do = update_option('esg-custom-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_add_new_meta_update', $metas)); return true; } } /** * Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking * @since: 1.5.0 **/ class Essential_Grid_Meta_Linking { /** * Add a new Meta */ public function add_new_link_meta($new_meta){ if(!isset($new_meta['handle']) || strlen($new_meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($new_meta['name']) || strlen($new_meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($new_meta['original']) || strlen($new_meta['original']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Linking received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($new_meta['sort-type'])) $new_meta['sort-type'] = 'alphabetic'; $metas = $this->get_all_link_meta(); foreach($metas as $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $new_meta['handle']) return esc_attr__('Meta with handle already exist, choose a different handle', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } $new = array('handle' => $new_meta['handle'], 'name' => $new_meta['name'], 'sort-type' => $new_meta['sort-type'], 'original' => $new_meta['original']); $metas[] = $new; $do = update_option('esg-custom-link-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_add_new_link_meta', $metas, $new_meta, $new)); return true; } /** * change meta by handle */ public function edit_link_meta_by_handle($edit_meta){ if(!isset($edit_meta['handle']) || strlen($edit_meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($edit_meta['name']) || strlen($edit_meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($edit_meta['original']) || strlen($edit_meta['original']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Linking received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $metas = $this->get_all_link_meta(); foreach($metas as $key => $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $edit_meta['handle']){ $before = $metas[$key]; $metas[$key]['name'] = $edit_meta['name']; $metas[$key]['original'] = @$edit_meta['original']; $do = update_option('esg-custom-link-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_edit_link_meta_by_handle', $metas, $edit_meta, $before)); return true; } } return false; } /** * Remove Meta */ public function remove_link_meta_by_handle($handle){ $metas = $this->get_all_link_meta(); foreach($metas as $key => $meta){ if($meta['handle'] == $handle){ $before = $metas[$key]; unset($metas[$key]); $do = update_option('esg-custom-link-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_edit_link_meta_by_handle', $metas, $handle, $before)); return true; } } return esc_attr__('Meta not found! Wrong handle given.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } /** * get all custom metas */ public function get_all_link_meta(){ $meta = get_option('esg-custom-link-meta', array()); return apply_filters('essgrid_get_all_link_meta', $meta); } /** * get all handle of custom metas */ public function get_all_link_meta_handle(){ $metas = array(); $meta = get_option('esg-custom-link-meta', array()); if(!empty($meta)){ foreach($meta as $m){ $metas[] = 'egl-'.$m['handle']; } } return apply_filters('essgrid_get_all_link_meta_handle', $metas); } /** * translate by handle to original handle and get the value */ public function get_link_meta_value_by_handle($post_id, $handle){ if(trim($handle) === '' || intval($post_id) === 0) return ''; $orig = false; $metas = $this->get_all_link_meta(); if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $m){ if($handle == 'egl-'.$m['handle']){ $orig = $m['original']; break; } } } if($orig === false) return ''; $metas = get_post_meta($post_id,$orig,true); if(is_array($metas)) $text = @$metas[$orig]; else $text = $metas; return apply_filters('essgrid_get_link_meta_value_by_handle', $text, $post_id, $handle); } /** * save all link metas at once * @since: 3.0.0 */ public function save_all_link_metas($metas){ if(!empty($metas)){ foreach($metas as $k => $meta){ if(!isset($meta['handle']) || strlen($meta['handle']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Handle received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($meta['name']) || strlen($meta['name']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Name received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); if(!isset($meta['original']) || strlen($meta['original']) < 3) return esc_attr__('Wrong Linking received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); } } $do = update_option('esg-custom-link-meta', apply_filters('essgrid_add_all_link_meta', $metas)); return true; } }