Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/essential-grid/includes/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/essential-grid/includes/item-element.class.php |
<?php /** * @package Essential_Grid * @author ThemePunch <info@themepunch.com> * @link http://www.themepunch.com/essential/ * @copyright 2021 ThemePunch */ if (!defined('ABSPATH')) exit(); class Essential_Grid_Item_Element { /** * Return all Item Elements */ public static function get_essential_item_elements() { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; $item_elements = $wpdb->get_results("SELECT * FROM $table_name", ARRAY_A); return apply_filters('essgrid_get_essential_item_elements', $item_elements); } /** * Get Item Element by ID from Database */ public static function get_essential_item_element_by_id($id = 0) { global $wpdb; $id = intval($id); if ($id == 0) return false; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; $element = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE id = %d", $id), ARRAY_A); if (!empty($element)) { $element['settings'] = @json_decode($element['params'], true); } return apply_filters('essgrid_get_essential_item_element_by_id', $element, $id); } /** * Get Item Element by handle from Database */ public static function check_existence_by_handle($handle) { global $wpdb; if (trim($handle) == '') return esc_attr__('Chosen name is too short', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; $element = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE handle = %s", $handle), ARRAY_A); $return = false; if (!empty($element)) { $return = true; } return apply_filters('essgrid_check_existence_by_handle', $return, $handle); } /** * Update Item Element by ID from Database */ public static function update_create_essential_item_element($data) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; if (!isset($data['name']) || empty($data['name'])) return esc_attr__('Name not received', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $element = $wpdb->get_row($wpdb->prepare("SELECT * FROM $table_name WHERE name = %s", $data['name']), ARRAY_A); if (!empty($element)) { $success = self::update_essential_item_element(apply_filters('essgrid_update_create_essential_item_element', $data, 'update')); } else { $success = self::insert_essential_item_element(apply_filters('essgrid_update_create_essential_item_element', $data, 'insert')); } return $success; } /** * Update Item Element by ID from Database */ public static function update_essential_item_element($data) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; if (empty($data['settings'])) return esc_attr__('Element Item has no attributes', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); //check if element is default element (these are not deletable) $is_default = self::isDefaultElement($data['name']); if ($is_default) return esc_attr__('Choosen name is reserved for default Item Elements. Please choose a different name', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['settings'] = self::clean_settings_from_elements($data['settings']); $data = apply_filters('essgrid_update_essential_item_element', $data); $response = $wpdb->update($table_name, array('settings' => json_encode($data['settings'])), array('handle' => sanitize_title($data['name']))); if ($response === false) return esc_attr__('Element Item could not be changed', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); return true; } /** * Insert Item Element by ID from Database */ public static function insert_essential_item_element($data) { global $wpdb; $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; if (empty($data['settings'])) return esc_attr__('Element Item has no attributes', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); //check if element is default element (these are not deletable) $is_default = self::isDefaultElement($data['name']); if ($is_default) return esc_attr__('Choosen name is reserved for default Item Elements. Please choose a different name', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $data['settings'] = self::clean_settings_from_elements($data['settings']); $data = apply_filters('essgrid_insert_essential_item_element', $data); $response = $wpdb->insert($table_name, array('name' => $data['name'], 'handle' => sanitize_title($data['name']), 'settings' => json_encode($data['settings']))); if ($response === false) return false; return true; } /** * Delete Item Element by handle from Database */ public static function delete_element_by_handle($data) { global $wpdb; $data = apply_filters('essgrid_delete_element_by_handle', $data); $table_name = $wpdb->prefix . Essential_Grid::TABLE_ITEM_ELEMENTS; if (empty($data['handle'])) return esc_attr__('Element Item does not exist', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); //check if element is default element (these are not deletable) $is_default = self::isDefaultElement($data['handle']); if ($is_default) return esc_attr__('Default Item Elements can\'t be deleted', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); $response = $wpdb->delete($table_name, array('handle' => $data['handle'])); if ($response === false) return esc_attr__('Element Item could not be deleted', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN); return true; } /** * Clean the element- from the settings */ public static function clean_settings_from_elements($settings) { if (empty($settings)) return $settings; if (!is_array($settings)) return str_replace('element-', '', $settings); $clean_setting = array(); foreach ($settings as $key => $value) { $clean_setting[str_replace('element-', '', $key)] = $value; } return apply_filters('essgrid_clean_settings_from_elements', $clean_setting, $settings); } /** * Get Array of Text Elements */ public static function getTextElementsArray() { global $wpdb; $custom = array(); $elements = self::get_essential_item_elements(); if (!empty($elements)) { foreach ($elements as $element) { $custom[$element['handle']] = array('id' => $element['id'], 'name' => $element['name'], 'settings' => json_decode($element['settings'], true)); } } Essential_Grid_Base::stripslashes_deep($custom); return apply_filters('essgrid_getTextElementsArray', $custom, $elements); } /** * Get Array of Special Elements */ public static function getSpecialElementsArray() { $default = array( 'eg-line-break' => array( 'id' => '-1', 'name' => 'eg-line-break', 'display' => '<i class="eg-icon-level-down"></i><span>' . esc_html__('LINEBREAK ELEMENT', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>', 'settings' => array( 'background-color' => '#FFFFFF', 'bg-alpha' => '20', 'clear' => 'both', 'border-width' => '0', 'color' => 'transparent', 'display' => 'block', 'font-size' => '10', 'font-style' => 'italic', 'font-weight' => '700', 'line-height' => '5', 'margin' => array('0', '0', '0', '0'), 'padding' => array('0', '0', '0', '0'), 'text-align' => 'center', 'transition' => 'none', 'text-transform' => 'uppercase', 'letter-spacing' => 'normal', 'source' => 'text', 'source-text' => esc_attr__('LINE-BREAK', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'special' => 'true', 'special-type' => 'line-break' ) ) ); return apply_filters('essgrid_getSpecialElementsArray', $default); } /** * Get Array of Additional Elements * @since: 2.0 */ public static function getAdditionalElementsArray() { $default = array( 'eg-blank-element' => array( 'id' => '-2', 'name' => 'eg-blank-element', 'display' => '<i class="eg-icon-doc"></i><span>' . esc_html__('Blank HTML', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN) . '</span>', 'settings' => array( 'background-color' => 'transparent', 'source-text-style-disable' => 'true', 'bg-alpha' => '20', 'clear' => 'both', 'border-width' => '0', 'color' => '#000000', 'display' => 'block', 'font-size' => '13', 'font-weight' => '400', 'line-height' => '15', 'margin' => array('0', '0', '0', '0'), 'padding' => array('0', '0', '0', '0'), 'text-align' => 'center', 'transition' => 'none', 'source' => 'text', 'source-text' => esc_attr__('Blank HTML', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'special' => 'true', 'special-type' => 'blank-element' ) ) ); return apply_filters('essgrid_getAdditionalElementsArray', $default); } /** * Get Array of Post Elements */ public static function getPostElementsArray() { $post = array( 'title' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Title', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'cat_list' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Cat. List', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'tag_list' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Tag List', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'excerpt' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Excerpt', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'meta' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Meta', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'num_comments' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Num. Comments', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_day' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Day', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_month' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Month', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_month_abbr' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Month Abbr.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_month_name' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Month Name', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_year' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Year', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_year_abbr' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Year Abbr.', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'date_modified' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Date Modified', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_name' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Name', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_profile' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Website', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_posts' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Posts Page', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_avatar_32' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Avatar 32px', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_avatar_64' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Avatar 64px', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_avatar_96' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Avatar 96px', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'author_avatar_512' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Author Avatar 512px', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'post_id' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Post ID', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'post_url' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Post URL', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'content' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Post Content', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'alternate-image' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Alt. Image', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'image'), 'alias' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Alias', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'taxonomy' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Taxonomy List', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'caption' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Caption', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'description' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Description', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'likespost' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Likes (Posts)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'likes' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Likes (Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,Vimeo,Instagram)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'likes_short' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Likes Short (Facebook,Twitter,YouTube,Vimeo,Instagram)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'dislikes' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Dislikes (YouTube)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'dislikes_short' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Dislikes Short (YouTube)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'favorites' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Favorites (YouTube, flickr)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'favorites_short' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Favorites Short (YouTube, flickr)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'retweets' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Retweets (Twitter)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'retweets_short' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Retweets Short (Twitter)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'views' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Views (flickr,YouTube, Vimeo)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'views_short' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Views Short (flickr,YouTube, Vimeo)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'itemCount' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Playlist Item Count (YouTube)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'channel_title' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Channel Title (YouTube)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'duration' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Duration (Vimeo)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'iframe' => array('name' => esc_attr__('iFrame (url)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'text'), 'revslider' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Slider Revolution', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'revslider'), 'essgrid' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Essential Grid', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'essgrid'), 'wistia' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Wistia Video (ID)', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'type' => 'wistia') ); $post = apply_filters('essgrid_post_meta_handle', $post); //stays for backwards compatibility $post = apply_filters('essgrid_getPostElementsArray', $post); return $post; } /** * Get Array of Event Elements */ public static function getEventElementsArray() { $event = array( 'event_start_date' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Start Date', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_end_date' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event End Date', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_start_time' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Start Time', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_end_time' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event End Time', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_event_id' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Event ID', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_name' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Name', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_slug' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Slug', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_address' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Address', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_town' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Town', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_state' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location State', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_postcode' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Postcode', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_region' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Region', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'event_location_country' => array('name' => esc_attr__('Event Location Country', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)) ); return apply_filters('essgrid_getEventElementsArray', $event); } /** * Get Array of Default Elements */ public static function getDefaultElementsArray() { $default = array(); include('assets/default-item-elements.php'); $default = apply_filters('essgrid_add_default_item_elements', $default); //stays for backwards compatibility $default = apply_filters('essgrid_getDefaultElementsArray', $default); return $default; } /** * Check if element is default one */ public static function isDefaultElement($handle) { $sanitized_handle = sanitize_title($handle); $default = self::getDefaultElementsArray(); foreach ($default as $_handle => $_settings) { if ($_handle == $sanitized_handle) return true; } return false; } /** * Get Array of Elements */ public static function prepareElementsForEditor($elements, $set_loaded = false) { $html = ''; $load_class = ''; if ($set_loaded == true) $load_class = ' eg-newli'; foreach ($elements as $handle => $element) { $styles = ''; $filter_type = 'text'; $data_id = 1; if (isset($element['settings']) && !empty($element['settings'])) { if ($element['settings']['source'] == 'icon') { $text = '<i class="' . $element['settings']['source-icon'] . '"></i>'; } elseif ($element['settings']['source'] == 'text') { $text = $element['settings']['source-text']; } else { $text = $element['name']; } if ($element['settings']['source'] == 'icon') $filter_type = 'icon'; $data_id = $element['id']; } else { $text = $element['name']; } $sort_title = strip_tags($text); if (trim($sort_title) == '') { $sort_title = 'unsorted'; } else { $sort_title = strtolower(substr($sort_title, 0, 1)); } if (isset($element['default']) && $element['default'] == 'true') $filter_type .= ' filter-default'; $html .= '<li class="filterall filter-' . $filter_type . $load_class . '" data-title="' . $sort_title . '" data-date="' . $data_id . '">' . "\n"; $html .= ' <div class="esg-entry-content">'; $html .= ' <div class="eg-elements-format-wrapper"><div class="skin-dz-elements" data-handle="' . $handle . '"' . $styles . '>'; $html .= $text; $html .= ' </div></div>' . "\n"; $html .= ' </div>' . "\n"; $html .= '</li>' . "\n"; } return apply_filters('essgrid_prepareElementsForEditor', $html, $elements, $set_loaded); } /** * Get Array of Special Elements */ public static function prepareSpecialElementsForEditor() { $html = ''; $elements = self::getSpecialElementsArray(); foreach ($elements as $handle => $element) { $styles = ''; if (isset($element['settings']) && !empty($element['settings'])) { $text = $element['display']; } else { $text = $element['name']; } $html .= '<div class="skin-dz-elements eg-special-element" data-handle="' . $handle . '"' . $styles . '>'; $html .= $text; $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return apply_filters('essgrid_prepareSpecialElementsForEditor', $html, $elements); } /** * Get Array of Additional Elements */ public static function prepareAdditionalElementsForEditor() { $html = ''; $elements = self::getAdditionalElementsArray(); foreach ($elements as $handle => $element) { $styles = ''; if (isset($element['settings']) && !empty($element['settings'])) { $text = $element['display']; } else { $text = $element['name']; } $html .= '<div class="skin-dz-elements eg-special-blank-element eg-additional-element eg-special-element-margin" data-handle="' . $handle . '"' . $styles . '>'; $html .= $text; $html .= '</div>' . "\n"; } return apply_filters('essgrid_prepareAdditionalElementsForEditor', $html, $elements); } /** * Get Array of Default Elements */ public static function prepareDefaultElementsForEditor() { $elements = self::getDefaultElementsArray(); $elements = apply_filters('essgrid_prepareDefaultElementsForEditor', $elements); return self::prepareElementsForEditor($elements, true); } /** * Get Array of Post Elements */ public static function prepareTextElementsForEditor() { $elements = self::getTextElementsArray(); $elements = apply_filters('essgrid_prepareTextElementsForEditor', $elements); return self::prepareElementsForEditor($elements, true); } /** * Get Array of Elements */ public static function getElementsForJavascript() { $default = self::getDefaultElementsArray(); $text = self::getTextElementsArray(); $special = self::getSpecialElementsArray(); $additional = self::getAdditionalElementsArray(); $all = array_merge($default, $text, $special, $additional); return apply_filters('essgrid_getElementsForJavascript', $all); } /** * Get Array of Elements */ public static function getElementsForDropdown() { $post = self::getPostElementsArray(); $all['post'] = $post; if (Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()) { $woocommerce = array(); $tmp_wc = Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::get_meta_array(); foreach ($tmp_wc as $handle => $name) { $woocommerce[$handle]['name'] = $name; } $all['woocommerce'] = $woocommerce; } return apply_filters('essgrid_getElementsForDropdown', $all); } /** * create css from settings */ public static function get_existing_elements($only_styles = false) { $styles = array( 'font-size' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'values' => array('min' => '6', 'max' => '120', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '12'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'line-height' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'values' => array('min' => '7', 'max' => '150', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '14'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'color' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#000'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => ''), 'font-family' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => ''), 'font-weight' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => '400'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'text-decoration' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'font-style' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'unit' => ''), 'text-transform' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'letter-spacing' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'normal'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => ''), 'display' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'inline-block'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'float' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'text-align' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'center'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'clear' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'margin' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'padding' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'border' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'border-radius' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => array('px', 'percentage')), 'border-color' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'transparent'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'unit' => ''), 'border-style' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'solid'), 'style' => 'idle', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'background-color' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#FFF'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => ''), 'bg-alpha' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '100'), 'style' => 'false', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'unit' => ''), 'shadow-color' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#000'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'shadow-alpha' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '100'), 'style' => 'false', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'unit' => ''), 'box-shadow' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => 'px'), 'position' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'relative'), 'style' => 'idle', 'unit' => ''), 'top-bottom' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => 'px'), 'left-right' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => 'px') ); $styles = apply_filters('essgrid_get_existing_elements_styles', $styles, $only_styles); $hover_styles = array( 'font-size-hover' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'values' => array('min' => '6', 'max' => '120', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '12'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => 'px'), 'line-height-hover' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'values' => array('min' => '7', 'max' => '150', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '14'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => 'px'), 'color-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#000'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => ''), 'font-family-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => ''), 'font-weight-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => '400'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'text-decoration-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'font-style-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'unit' => ''), 'text-transform-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'letter-spacing-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'normal'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'text', 'unit' => ''), 'border-hover' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => 'px'), 'border-radius-hover' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => array('px', 'percentage')), 'border-color-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'transparent'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'unit' => ''), 'border-style-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('default' => 'solid'), 'style' => 'hover', 'type' => 'select', 'unit' => ''), 'background-color-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#FFF'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => ''), 'bg-alpha-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '100'), 'style' => 'false', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'unit' => ''), 'shadow-color-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'colorpicker', 'values' => array('default' => '#000'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'shadow-alpha-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'values' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '100', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '100'), 'style' => 'false', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'unit' => ''), 'box-shadow-hover' => array( 'value' => 'int', 'type' => 'multi-text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'hover', 'unit' => 'px'), ); $hover_styles = apply_filters('essgrid_get_existing_elements_hover_styles', $hover_styles, $only_styles); $other = array(); if (!$only_styles) { $other = array( 'source' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'post'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'transition' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'fade'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'source-separate' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => ','), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'source-catmax' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '-1'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'always-visible-desktop' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'always-visible-mobile' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'source-function' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'link'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'limit-type' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'limit-num' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '10'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'min-height' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'max-height' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'transition-type' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'delay' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text-slider', 'values' => array('min' => '0', 'max' => '60', 'step' => '1', 'default' => '10'), 'style' => 'attribute', 'unit' => ''), 'duration' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'default'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'link-type' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'none'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'hideunder' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'hideunderheight' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => '0'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'hidetype' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'visibility'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'hide-on-video' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', //was checkbock before with values 'false', 'true' 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'show-on-lightbox-video' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'enable-hover' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'attribute' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'class' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'rel' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'text', 'values' => array('default' => ''), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'tag-type' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 'div'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'force-important' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => true), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'align' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => 't_l'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'link-target' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'select', 'values' => array('default' => '_self'), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''), 'source-text-style-disable' => array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => '') ); if (Essential_Grid_Woocommerce::is_woo_exists()) { $other['show-on-sale'] = array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''); $other['show-if-featured'] = array( 'value' => 'string', 'type' => 'checkbox', 'values' => array('default' => false), 'style' => 'false', 'unit' => ''); } $other = apply_filters('essgrid_get_existing_elements_other', $other, $only_styles); } $styles = array_merge($styles, $other, $hover_styles); return apply_filters('essgrid_get_existing_elements', $styles, $only_styles); } /** * get list of allowed styles on tags */ public static function get_allowed_styles_for_tags() { return apply_filters('essgrid_get_allowed_styles_for_tags', array( 'font-size', 'line-height', 'color', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'text-decoration', 'font-style', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing', 'background-color' ) ); } /** * get list of allowed styles on tags */ public static function get_allowed_styles_for_cat_tag() { return apply_filters('essgrid_get_allowed_styles_for_cat_tag', array( 'font-size', 'line-height', 'color', 'font-family', 'font-weight', 'text-decoration', 'font-style', 'text-transform', 'letter-spacing', ) ); } /** * get list of allowed styles on wrap */ public static function get_allowed_styles_for_wrap() { return apply_filters('essgrid_get_allowed_styles_for_wrap', array( 'display', 'clear', 'position', 'text-align', 'margin', 'float', 'left', 'top', 'right', 'bottom' ) ); } /** * get list of allowed styles on wrap */ public static function get_wait_until_output_styles() { return apply_filters('essgrid_get_wait_until_output_styles', array( 'border-style' => array( 'wait' => array('border', 'border-color', 'border-style', 'border-top-width', 'border-right-width', 'border-bottom-width', 'border-left-width'), 'not-if' => 'none' ), 'border-style-hover' => array( 'wait' => array('border-hover', 'border-color-hover', 'border-style-hover', 'border-top-width-hover', 'border-right-width-hover', 'border-bottom-width-hover', 'border-left-width-hover'), 'not-if' => 'none' ), 'box-shadow' => array( 'wait' => array('box-shadow'), 'not-if' => array('0px 0px 0px 0px', '0)') ), '-moz-box-shadow' => array( 'wait' => array('-moz-box-shadow'), 'not-if' => array('0px 0px 0px 0px', '0)') ), '-webkit-box-shadow' => array( 'wait' => array('-webkit-box-shadow'), 'not-if' => array('0px 0px 0px 0px', '0)') ), 'text-decoration' => array( 'wait' => array('text-decoration'), 'not-if' => 'none' ), 'text-transform' => array( 'wait' => array('text-transform'), 'not-if' => 'none' ), 'letter-spacing' => array( 'wait' => array('letter-spacing'), 'not-if' => 'normal' ), 'font-family' => array( 'wait' => array('font-family'), 'not-if' => '' ) ) ); } /** * get list of allowed things on meta */ public function get_allowed_meta() { $base = new Essential_Grid_Base(); $transitions_media = $base->get_hover_animations(true); //true will get with in/out return apply_filters('essgrid_get_allowed_meta', array( array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'color', 'text' => esc_attr__('Font Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true', 'cpmode' => 'single' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'font-style', 'text' => esc_attr__('Font Style', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'normal', 'values' => array('normal' => esc_attr__('Normal', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'italic' => esc_attr__('Italic', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'text-decoration', 'text' => esc_attr__('Text Decoration', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'none', 'values' => array('none' => esc_attr__('None', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'underline' => esc_attr__('Underline', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'overline' => esc_attr__('Overline', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'line-through' => esc_attr__('Line Through', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'text-transform', 'text' => esc_attr__('Text Transform', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'none', 'values' => array('none' => esc_attr__('None', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'capitalize' => esc_attr__('Capitalize', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'uppercase' => esc_attr__('Uppercase', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'lowercase' => esc_attr__('Lowercase', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'letter-spacing', 'text' => esc_attr__('Letter Spacing', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => 'normal', 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'border-color', 'text' => esc_attr__('Border Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true', 'cpmode' => 'single' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'border-style', 'text' => esc_attr__('Border Style', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'none', 'values' => array('none' => esc_attr__('None', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'solid' => esc_attr__('solid', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'dotted' => esc_attr__('dotted', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'dashed' => esc_attr__('dashed', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN), 'double' => esc_attr__('double', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'background', 'text' => esc_attr__('Background Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true', 'cpmode' => 'full' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'box-shadow', 'text' => esc_attr__('Box Shadow', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'text', 'default' => '0px 0px 0px 0px #000000', 'container' => 'style', 'hover' => 'true' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'transition', 'text' => esc_attr__('Transition', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'fade', 'values' => $transitions_media, 'container' => 'anim' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'transition-delay', 'text' => esc_attr__('Transition Delay', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'number', 'default' => '0', 'values' => array('0', '60', '1'), 'container' => 'anim' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'cover-bg-color', 'text' => esc_attr__('Cover BG Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'layout', 'cpmode' => 'full' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'item-bg-color', 'text' => esc_attr__('Item BG Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'layout', 'cpmode' => 'full' ), array( 'name' => array('handle' => 'content-bg-color', 'text' => esc_attr__('Content BG Color', ESG_TEXTDOMAIN)), 'type' => 'color', 'default' => '#FFFFFF', 'container' => 'layout', 'cpmode' => 'full' ), ) ); } }