Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/woolentor-addons/includes/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/woolentor-addons/includes/base.php |
<?php namespace WooLentor; if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) exit; // Exit if accessed directly /** * Base */ final class Base { const MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION = '5.4'; const MINIMUM_ELEMENTOR_VERSION = '2.0.0'; /** * [$template_info] * @var array */ public static $template_info = []; /** * [$_instance] * @var null */ private static $_instance = null; /** * [instance] Initializes a singleton instance * @return [Base] */ public static function instance() { if ( is_null( self::$_instance ) ) { self::$_instance = new self(); } return self::$_instance; } /** * [__construct] Class construcotr */ private function __construct() { if ( ! function_exists('is_plugin_active') ){ include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); } add_action( 'init', [ $this, 'i18n' ] ); add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'init' ] ); // Register Plugin Active Hook register_activation_hook( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_ROOT, [ $this, 'plugin_activate_hook' ] ); // Register Plugin Deactive Hook register_deactivation_hook( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_ROOT, [ $this, 'plugin_deactivation_hook'] ); // Support WooCommerce add_action( 'after_setup_theme', [ $this, 'after_setup_theme' ] ); } /** * [i18n] Load Text Domain * @return [void] */ public function i18n() { load_plugin_textdomain( 'woolentor', false, dirname( plugin_basename( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_ROOT ) ) . '/languages/' ); } /** * [init] Plugins Loaded Init Hook * @return [void] */ public function init() { // Check for required PHP version if ( ! did_action( 'elementor/loaded' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'admin_notice_missing_main_plugin' ] ); return; } // Check for required PHP version if ( version_compare( PHP_VERSION, self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION, '<' ) ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'admin_notice_minimum_php_version' ] ); return; } // Check WooCommerce if ( ! is_plugin_active( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) ) { add_action('admin_notices', [ $this, 'admin_notic_missing_woocommerce' ] ); return; } // Plugins Setting Page add_filter('plugin_action_links_'.WOOLENTOR_PLUGIN_BASE, [ $this, 'plugins_setting_links' ] ); // Include File $this->include_files(); // After Active Plugin then redirect to setting page $this->plugin_redirect_option_page(); /** * [$template_info] Assign template data * @var [type] */ if( is_admin() && class_exists('\Woolentor_Template_Library') ){ self::$template_info = \Woolentor_Template_Library::instance()->get_templates_info(); } // Promo Banner if( is_admin() ){ if( isset( self::$template_info['notices'][0]['status'] ) ){ if( !is_plugin_active('woolentor-addons-pro/woolentor_addons_pro.php') && ( self::$template_info['notices'][0]['status'] == 1 ) ){ add_action( 'wp_ajax_woolentor_pro_notice', [ $this, 'ajax_dismiss' ] ); add_action( 'admin_notices', [ $this, 'admin_promo_notice' ] ); return; } } } // Elementor Preview Action if ( ! empty( $_REQUEST['action'] ) && 'elementor' === $_REQUEST['action'] && is_admin() ) { add_action( 'admin_action_elementor', [ $this, 'wc_fontend_includes' ], 5 ); } } /** * [admin_notice_missing_main_plugin] Admin Notice For missing elementor. * @return [void] */ public function admin_notice_missing_main_plugin() { if ( isset( $_GET['activate'] ) ) unset( $_GET['activate'] ); $elementor = 'elementor/elementor.php'; if( $this->is_plugins_active( $elementor ) ) { if( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $elementor . '&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s', 'activate-plugin_' . $elementor ); $message = sprintf( __( '%1$sWooLentor Addons for Elementor%2$s requires %1$s"Elementor"%2$s plugin to be active. Please activate Elementor to continue.', 'woolentor' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); $button_text = esc_html__( 'Activate Elementor', 'woolentor' ); } else { if( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=elementor' ), 'install-plugin_elementor' ); $message = sprintf( __( '%1$sWooLentor Addons for Elementor%2$s requires %1$s"Elementor"%2$s plugin to be installed and activated. Please install Elementor to continue.', 'woolentor' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); $button_text = esc_html__( 'Install Elementor', 'woolentor' ); } $button = '<p><a href="' . $activation_url . '" class="button-primary">' . $button_text . '</a></p>'; printf( '<div class="error"><p>%1$s</p>%2$s</div>', $message, $button ); } /** * [admin_notic_missing_woocommerce] Admin Notice For missing WooCommerce * @return [void] */ public function admin_notic_missing_woocommerce(){ $woocommerce = 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php'; if( $this->is_plugins_active( $woocommerce ) ) { if( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( 'plugins.php?action=activate&plugin=' . $woocommerce . '&plugin_status=all&paged=1&s', 'activate-plugin_' . $woocommerce ); $message = sprintf( __( '%1$sWooLentor Addons for Elementor%2$s requires %1$s"WooCommerce"%2$s plugin to be active. Please activate WooCommerce to continue.', 'woolentor' ), '<strong>', '</strong>'); $button_text = __( 'Activate WooCommerce', 'woolentor' ); } else { if( ! current_user_can( 'activate_plugins' ) ) { return; } $activation_url = wp_nonce_url( self_admin_url( 'update.php?action=install-plugin&plugin=woocommerce' ), 'install-plugin_woocommerce' ); $message = sprintf( __( '%1$sWooLentor Addons for Elementor%2$s requires %1$s"WooCommerce"%2$s plugin to be installed and activated. Please install WooCommerce to continue.', 'woolentor' ), '<strong>', '</strong>' ); $button_text = __( 'Install WooCommerce', 'woolentor' ); } $button = '<p><a href="' . $activation_url . '" class="button-primary">' . $button_text . '</a></p>'; printf( '<div class="error"><p>%1$s</p>%2$s</div>', __( $message ), $button ); } /** * [admin_notice_minimum_php_version] Admin Notice For Required PHP Version * @return [void] */ public function admin_notice_minimum_php_version() { if ( isset( $_GET['activate'] ) ) unset( $_GET['activate'] ); $message = sprintf( /* translators: 1: Plugin name 2: PHP 3: Required PHP version */ esc_html__( '"%1$s" requires "%2$s" version %3$s or greater.', 'woolentor' ), '<strong>' . esc_html__( 'WooLentor', 'woolentor' ) . '</strong>', '<strong>' . esc_html__( 'PHP', 'woolentor' ) . '</strong>', self::MINIMUM_PHP_VERSION ); printf( '<div class="notice notice-warning is-dismissible"><p>%1$s</p></div>', $message ); } /** * [ajax_dismiss] Ajax Call back funtion for update user meta * @return [void] */ public function ajax_dismiss() { update_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'woolentor_dismissed_notice_id', 1 ); wp_die(); } /** * [admin_promo_notice] * @return [void] Promo banner admin notice */ public function admin_promo_notice(){ if( get_user_meta( get_current_user_id(), 'woolentor_dismissed_notice_id', true ) ){ return; } if( self::$template_info['notices'] ){ ?> <style type="text/css"> .woolentor-admin-notice.notice { position: relative; padding-top: 20px !important; padding-right: 40px; } .woolentor-admin-notice.notice img{ width: 100%; } .woolentor-admin-notice.notice-warning { border-left-color: #22b9ff; } </style> <script> ;jQuery( function( $ ) { $( 'div.notice.woolentor-admin-notice' ).on( 'click', 'button.notice-dismiss', function( event ) { event.preventDefault(); $.ajax({ url: ajaxurl, data: { 'action': 'woolentor_pro_notice', } }); } ); }); </script> <?php $bannerLink = self::$template_info['notices'][0]['bannerlink'] ? self::$template_info['notices'][0]['bannerlink'] : '#'; $bannerTitle = self::$template_info['notices'][0]['title'] ? self::$template_info['notices'][0]['title'] : esc_html__('Promo Banner','woolentor'); $bannerDescription = self::$template_info['notices'][0]['description'] ? '<p>'.self::$template_info['notices'][0]['description'].'</p>' : ''; $bannerImage = self::$template_info['notices'][0]['bannerimage'] ? '<img src='.self::$template_info['notices'][0]['bannerimage'].' alt='.$bannerTitle.'>' : '#'; printf( '<div class="woolentor-admin-notice is-dismissible notice notice-warning"><a href="%1$s" target="_blank">%2$s</a>%3$s</div>', $bannerLink, $bannerImage, $bannerDescription ); } } /** * [is_plugins_active] Check Plugin is Installed or not * @param [string] $pl_file_path plugin file path * @return boolean true|false */ public function is_plugins_active( $pl_file_path = NULL ){ $installed_plugins_list = get_plugins(); return isset( $installed_plugins_list[$pl_file_path] ); } /** * [plugins_setting_links] * @param [array] $links default plugin action link * @return [array] plugin action link */ public function plugins_setting_links( $links ) { $settings_link = '<a href="'.admin_url('admin.php?page=woolentor').'">'.esc_html__( 'Settings', 'woolentor' ).'</a>'; array_unshift( $links, $settings_link ); if( !is_plugin_active('woolentor-addons-pro/woolentor_addons_pro.php') ){ $links['woolentorgo_pro'] = sprintf('<a href="https://hasthemes.com/plugins/woolentor-pro-woocommerce-page-builder/?fd" target="_blank" style="color: #39b54a; font-weight: bold;">' . esc_html__('Go Pro','woolentor') . '</a>'); } return $links; } /** * [plugin_activate_hook] Plugin Activation hook callable * @return [void] */ public function plugin_activate_hook() { add_option( 'woolentor_do_activation_redirect', TRUE ); } /** * [plugin_deactivation_hook] Plugin Deactivation hook callable * @return [void] */ public function plugin_deactivation_hook() { delete_metadata( 'user', null, 'woolentor_dismissed_notice_id', null, true ); } /** * [plugin_redirect_option_page] After Active the plugin then redirect to option page * @return [void] */ public function plugin_redirect_option_page() { if ( get_option( 'woolentor_do_activation_redirect', FALSE ) ) { delete_option('woolentor_do_activation_redirect'); if( !isset( $_GET['activate-multi'] ) ){ wp_redirect( admin_url("admin.php?page=woolentor_extension") ); } // Fetch Template Library Data $transient = get_transient( \Woolentor_Template_Library::TRANSIENT_KEY ); if ( ! $transient ) { $info = \Woolentor_Template_Library::request_remote_templates_info( true ); set_transient( \Woolentor_Template_Library::TRANSIENT_KEY, $info, DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } } } /** * [after_setup_theme] WooCommerce Support * @return [void] */ public function after_setup_theme() { if( function_exists('woolentor_get_option') ){ if( woolentor_get_option( 'enablecustomlayout', 'woolentor_woo_template_tabs', 'on' ) == 'on' ){ add_theme_support( 'woocommerce' ); add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-zoom' ); add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-lightbox' ); add_theme_support( 'wc-product-gallery-slider' ); } } } /** * [wc_fontend_includes] Load WC Files in Editor Mode * @return [void] */ public function wc_fontend_includes() { \WC()->frontend_includes(); if ( is_null( \WC()->cart ) ) { global $woocommerce; $session_class = apply_filters( 'woocommerce_session_handler', 'WC_Session_Handler' ); $woocommerce->session = new $session_class(); $woocommerce->session->init(); $woocommerce->cart = new \WC_Cart(); $woocommerce->customer = new \WC_Customer( get_current_user_id(), true ); } } /** * [include_files] Required File * @return [void] */ public function include_files(){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/helper-function.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.assest_management.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.widgets_control.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.default_data.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.icon-manager.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.quickview_manage.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.icon_list.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.ajax_actions.php' ); // Admin Setting file if( is_admin() ){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/custom-metabox.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/admin/admin-init.php' ); // Post Duplicator if( !is_plugin_active('ht-mega-for-elementor/htmega_addons_elementor.php') ){ if( woolentor_get_option( 'postduplicator', 'woolentor_others_tabs', 'off' ) === 'on' ){ require_once ( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.post-duplicator.php' ); } } } // Builder File if( woolentor_get_option( 'enablecustomlayout', 'woolentor_woo_template_tabs', 'on' ) == 'on' ){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/wl_woo_shop.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/archive_product_render.php' ); require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/class.product_video_gallery.php' ); if( !is_admin() && !is_plugin_active('woolentor-addons-pro/woolentor_addons_pro.php') && woolentor_get_option( 'enablerenamelabel', 'woolentor_rename_label_tabs', 'off' ) == 'on' ){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'includes/rename_label.php' ); } require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH.'classes/class.product_query.php' ); } // Search if( woolentor_get_option( 'ajaxsearch', 'woolentor_others_tabs', 'off' ) == 'on' ){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH. 'includes/widgets/ajax-search/base.php' ); } // Sale Notification if( !is_plugin_active('woolentor-addons-pro/woolentor_addons_pro.php') && woolentor_get_option( 'enableresalenotification', 'woolentor_sales_notification_tabs', 'off' ) == 'on' ){ require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH. 'includes/class.sale_notification.php' ); } // Single Product Ajax cart if( woolentor_get_option( 'ajaxcart_singleproduct', 'woolentor_others_tabs', 'off' ) == 'on' ){ if ( 'yes' === get_option('woocommerce_enable_ajax_add_to_cart') ) { require( WOOLENTOR_ADDONS_PL_PATH. 'classes/class.single_product_ajax_add_to_cart.php' ); } } } } /** * Initializes the main plugin * * @return \Base */ function woolentor() { return Base::instance(); }