Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/masterslider/admin/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/masterslider/admin/assets/js/mce-plugin.js |
/* Master Slider plugin for tinymce */ ( function () { // skip if sliders list is not available if( ! __MS_EDITOR || ! __MS_EDITOR.sliders ) return; tinymce.PluginManager.add( 'msp_shortcodes_button', function( editor, url ) { var menu_items = [], item_label; for ( slider_alias in __MS_EDITOR.sliders ) { item_label = __MS_EDITOR.sliders[ slider_alias ] + " [#" + slider_alias + "]"; menu_items.push( { text: item_label, value: slider_alias } ); }; var ed = tinymce.activeEditor; editor.addButton( 'msp_shortcodes_button', { text: false, icon: false, title:__MS_GLOBAL.plugin_name, type: 'menubutton', menu: menu_items, onselect: function(e) { console.log( e ); var slider_alias = e.control.settings.value; ed.selection.setContent( '[masterslider alias="' + slider_alias + '"]' ); } }); }); })(); ( function ( $ ) { 'use strict'; if( ! wp.mce.views ) return; var gallery = wp.mce.views.get( 'gallery' ); if ( 'function' === typeof gallery ) { gallery = gallery.prototype; } else { gallery = gallery.View.prototype; } // override initialize var superInitialize = gallery.initialize; gallery.initialize = function( options ) { // options is empty in new api options = options || this; if( options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider && ( 'on' === options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider || 'true' === options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider ) ){ options.template = wp.media.template( 'editor-master-gallery' ); } else { options.template = wp.media.template( 'editor-gallery' ); } superInitialize.apply( this, arguments ); }; /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ */ // old version return; wp.mce.views.unregister( 'gallery' ); var views = {}, instances = {}, media = wp.media, viewOptions = ['encodedText'], newAPI = 'getContent' in wp.mce.View.prototype; // New gallery view object var view = { // The fallback post ID to use as a parent for galleries that don't // specify the `ids` or `include` parameters. // // Uses the hidden input on the edit posts page by default. postID: $('#post_ID').val(), initialize: function( options ) { // options is empty in new api options = options || this; if( options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider && ( 'on' === options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider || 'true' === options.shortcode.attrs.named.masterslider ) ){ this.template = media.template( 'editor-master-gallery' ); } else { this.template = media.template( 'editor-gallery' ); } this.shortcode = options.shortcode; this.fetch(); }, fetch: function() { var self = this; this.attachments = wp.media.gallery.attachments( this.shortcode, this.postID ); this.dfd = this.attachments.more().done( function() { self.render( true ); } ); } }; view[(newAPI ? 'getContent' : 'getHtml')] = function() { var attrs = this.shortcode.attrs.named, attachments = false, options; // Don't render errors while still fetching attachments if ( this.dfd && 'pending' === this.dfd.state() && ! this.attachments.length ) { return ''; } if ( this.attachments.length ) { attachments = this.attachments.toJSON(); _.each( attachments, function( attachment ) { if ( attachment.sizes ) { if ( attachment.sizes.thumbnail ) { attachment.thumbnail = attachment.sizes.thumbnail; } else if ( attachment.sizes.full ) { attachment.thumbnail = attachment.sizes.full; } } } ); } options = { attachments: attachments, columns: attrs.columns ? parseInt( attrs.columns, 10 ) : wp.media.galleryDefaults.columns }; this.content = this.template( options ); return this.content; }; if ( newAPI ) { view.edit = function( text, update ) { var gallery = wp.media.gallery, frame = gallery.edit( text ); frame.state( 'gallery-edit' ).on( 'update', function( selection ) { update( gallery.shortcode( selection ).string() ); } ); frame.on( 'close', function() { frame.detach(); }); }; wp.mce.views.register( 'gallery', view); } else { wp.mce.views.register( 'gallery', { View: view, edit: function( node ) { var gallery = wp.media.gallery, self = this, frame, data; data = window.decodeURIComponent( $( node ).attr('data-wpview-text') ); frame = gallery.edit( data ); frame.state('gallery-edit').on( 'update', function( selection ) { var shortcode = gallery.shortcode( selection ).string(); $( node ).attr( 'data-wpview-text', window.encodeURIComponent( shortcode ) ); wp.mce.views.refreshView( self, shortcode ); }); frame.on( 'close', function() { frame.detach(); }); } }); } })( jQuery ); /** * Master Slider Gallery Settings */ (function($) { var media = wp.media, masterDefaults = { 'masterslider':false, 'loop':false, 'autoplay':false, 'thumbs':true, 'thumbs_align':'bottom', 'skin':'ms-skin-default', 'class':'', 'caption':true, 'auto_height':false }; var superRender = media.view.Settings.Gallery.prototype.render; media.view.Settings.Gallery = media.view.Settings.Gallery.extend({ render: function() { var $el = this.$el, setting_val; if ( superRender ) { superRender.apply(this, arguments ); } else { media.view.Settings.prototype.render.apply( this, arguments ); } // Append masterslider template (gallery-master-settings) and update the settings. $el.append( media.template( 'gallery-master-settings' ) ); for( var msOpt in masterDefaults ){ $setting = $el.find( '.msas-gallery-' + msOpt +' [data-setting]' ); setting_val = ( typeof this.model.attributes[msOpt] != 'undefined' ) ? this.model.attributes[msOpt] : masterDefaults[msOpt]; if ( $setting.is('input[type="checkbox"]') ) { $setting.prop('checked', setting_val ); } else { $setting.val( setting_val ); } } this.toggleMasterOptions(); return this; }, toggleMasterOptions: function(){ var $el = this.$el, $ms_options = $el.find( '.msas-toggle' ), is_master_enabled = ( typeof this.model.attributes.masterslider != 'undefined' ) ? this.model.attributes.masterslider : media.gallery.defaults.masterslider; if( ! is_master_enabled ) { setTimeout( function(){ $ms_options.hide(1); }, 10 ); } $el.find( '.msas-gallery-masterslider' ).on( 'click', '[data-setting]', function () { this.checked ? $ms_options.show(1) : $ms_options.hide(1); }); }, updateHandler: function() { media.view.Settings.prototype.updateHandler.apply( this, arguments ); }, initialize: function() { media.view.Settings.prototype.initialize.apply( this, arguments ); var masterOptions = []; for( var msOpt in masterDefaults ){ media.gallery.defaults[msOpt] = masterOptions[msOpt]; masterOptions.push( msOpt ); } this.update.apply( this, masterOptions ); } }); })(jQuery);