Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/elementor-pro/assets/js/screenshot.js |
/*! elementor-pro - v3.0.8 - 26-11-2020 */ /******/ (function(modules) { // webpackBootstrap /******/ // The module cache /******/ var installedModules = {}; /******/ /******/ // The require function /******/ function __webpack_require__(moduleId) { /******/ /******/ // Check if module is in cache /******/ if(installedModules[moduleId]) { /******/ return installedModules[moduleId].exports; /******/ } /******/ // Create a new module (and put it into the cache) /******/ var module = installedModules[moduleId] = { /******/ i: moduleId, /******/ l: false, /******/ exports: {} /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Execute the module function /******/ modules[moduleId].call(module.exports, module, module.exports, __webpack_require__); /******/ /******/ // Flag the module as loaded /******/ module.l = true; /******/ /******/ // Return the exports of the module /******/ return module.exports; /******/ } /******/ /******/ /******/ // expose the modules object (__webpack_modules__) /******/ __webpack_require__.m = modules; /******/ /******/ // expose the module cache /******/ __webpack_require__.c = installedModules; /******/ /******/ // define getter function for harmony exports /******/ __webpack_require__.d = function(exports, name, getter) { /******/ if(!__webpack_require__.o(exports, name)) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, name, { enumerable: true, get: getter }); /******/ } /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // define __esModule on exports /******/ __webpack_require__.r = function(exports) { /******/ if(typeof Symbol !== 'undefined' && Symbol.toStringTag) { /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, Symbol.toStringTag, { value: 'Module' }); /******/ } /******/ Object.defineProperty(exports, '__esModule', { value: true }); /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // create a fake namespace object /******/ // mode & 1: value is a module id, require it /******/ // mode & 2: merge all properties of value into the ns /******/ // mode & 4: return value when already ns object /******/ // mode & 8|1: behave like require /******/ __webpack_require__.t = function(value, mode) { /******/ if(mode & 1) value = __webpack_require__(value); /******/ if(mode & 8) return value; /******/ if((mode & 4) && typeof value === 'object' && value && value.__esModule) return value; /******/ var ns = Object.create(null); /******/ __webpack_require__.r(ns); /******/ Object.defineProperty(ns, 'default', { enumerable: true, value: value }); /******/ if(mode & 2 && typeof value != 'string') for(var key in value) __webpack_require__.d(ns, key, function(key) { return value[key]; }.bind(null, key)); /******/ return ns; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // getDefaultExport function for compatibility with non-harmony modules /******/ __webpack_require__.n = function(module) { /******/ var getter = module && module.__esModule ? /******/ function getDefault() { return module['default']; } : /******/ function getModuleExports() { return module; }; /******/ __webpack_require__.d(getter, 'a', getter); /******/ return getter; /******/ }; /******/ /******/ // Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call /******/ __webpack_require__.o = function(object, property) { return Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property); }; /******/ /******/ // __webpack_public_path__ /******/ __webpack_require__.p = ""; /******/ /******/ /******/ // Load entry module and return exports /******/ return __webpack_require__(__webpack_require__.s = 543); /******/ }) /************************************************************************/ /******/ ([ /* 0 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(113); /***/ }), /* 1 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _interopRequireDefault(obj) { return obj && obj.__esModule ? obj : { "default": obj }; } module.exports = _interopRequireDefault; /***/ }), /* 2 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.11' }; if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef /***/ }), /* 3 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _classCallCheck(instance, Constructor) { if (!(instance instanceof Constructor)) { throw new TypeError("Cannot call a class as a function"); } } module.exports = _classCallCheck; /***/ }), /* 4 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$create = __webpack_require__(129); var setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(132); function _inherits(subClass, superClass) { if (typeof superClass !== "function" && superClass !== null) { throw new TypeError("Super expression must either be null or a function"); } subClass.prototype = _Object$create(superClass && superClass.prototype, { constructor: { value: subClass, writable: true, configurable: true } }); if (superClass) setPrototypeOf(subClass, superClass); } module.exports = _inherits; /***/ }), /* 5 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Reflect$construct = __webpack_require__(83); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(25); var isNativeReflectConstruct = __webpack_require__(142); var possibleConstructorReturn = __webpack_require__(143); function _createSuper(Derived) { var hasNativeReflectConstruct = isNativeReflectConstruct(); return function _createSuperInternal() { var Super = getPrototypeOf(Derived), result; if (hasNativeReflectConstruct) { var NewTarget = getPrototypeOf(this).constructor; result = _Reflect$construct(Super, arguments, NewTarget); } else { result = Super.apply(this, arguments); } return possibleConstructorReturn(this, result); }; } module.exports = _createSuper; /***/ }), /* 6 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$defineProperty = __webpack_require__(0); function _defineProperties(target, props) { for (var i = 0; i < props.length; i++) { var descriptor = props[i]; descriptor.enumerable = descriptor.enumerable || false; descriptor.configurable = true; if ("value" in descriptor) descriptor.writable = true; _Object$defineProperty(target, descriptor.key, descriptor); } } function _createClass(Constructor, protoProps, staticProps) { if (protoProps) _defineProperties(Constructor.prototype, protoProps); if (staticProps) _defineProperties(Constructor, staticProps); return Constructor; } module.exports = _createClass; /***/ }), /* 7 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(8); var core = __webpack_require__(2); var ctx = __webpack_require__(32); var hide = __webpack_require__(21); var has = __webpack_require__(16); var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var $export = function (type, name, source) { var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F; var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G; var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S; var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P; var IS_BIND = type & $export.B; var IS_WRAP = type & $export.W; var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {}); var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE]; var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]; var key, own, out; if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name; for (key in source) { // contains in native own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; if (own && has(exports, key)) continue; // export native or passed out = own ? target[key] : source[key]; // prevent global pollution for namespaces exports[key] = IS_GLOBAL && typeof target[key] != 'function' ? source[key] // bind timers to global for call from export context : IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global) // wrap global constructors for prevent change them in library : IS_WRAP && target[key] == out ? (function (C) { var F = function (a, b, c) { if (this instanceof C) { switch (arguments.length) { case 0: return new C(); case 1: return new C(a); case 2: return new C(a, b); } return new C(a, b, c); } return C.apply(this, arguments); }; F[PROTOTYPE] = C[PROTOTYPE]; return F; // make static versions for prototype methods })(out) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.methods.%NAME% if (IS_PROTO) { (exports.virtual || (exports.virtual = {}))[key] = out; // export proto methods to core.%CONSTRUCTOR%.prototype.%NAME% if (type & $export.R && expProto && !expProto[key]) hide(expProto, key, out); } } }; // type bitmap $export.F = 1; // forced $export.G = 2; // global $export.S = 4; // static $export.P = 8; // proto $export.B = 16; // bind $export.W = 32; // wrap $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; /***/ }), /* 8 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func : Function('return this')(); if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef /***/ }), /* 9 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; /***/ }), /* 10 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var store = __webpack_require__(55)('wks'); var uid = __webpack_require__(38); var Symbol = __webpack_require__(8).Symbol; var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function'; var $exports = module.exports = function (name) { return store[name] || (store[name] = USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name)); }; $exports.store = store; /***/ }), /* 11 */, /* 12 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 13 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var store = __webpack_require__(69)('wks'); var uid = __webpack_require__(68); var Symbol = __webpack_require__(17).Symbol; var USE_SYMBOL = typeof Symbol == 'function'; var $exports = module.exports = function (name) { return store[name] || (store[name] = USE_SYMBOL && Symbol[name] || (USE_SYMBOL ? Symbol : uid)('Symbol.' + name)); }; $exports.store = store; /***/ }), /* 14 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !__webpack_require__(20)(function () { return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); /***/ }), /* 15 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(78); var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(52); var dP = Object.defineProperty; exports.f = __webpack_require__(14) ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); anObject(Attributes); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return dP(O, P, Attributes); } catch (e) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; /***/ }), /* 16 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function (it, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key); }; /***/ }), /* 17 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/86#issuecomment-115759028 var global = module.exports = typeof window != 'undefined' && window.Math == Math ? window : typeof self != 'undefined' && self.Math == Math ? self // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func : Function('return this')(); if (typeof __g == 'number') __g = global; // eslint-disable-line no-undef /***/ }), /* 18 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IObject = __webpack_require__(90); var defined = __webpack_require__(46); module.exports = function (it) { return IObject(defined(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 19 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Array.prototype.find(predicate, thisArg = undefined) var $export = __webpack_require__(51); var $find = __webpack_require__(159)(5); var KEY = 'find'; var forced = true; // Shouldn't skip holes if (KEY in []) Array(1)[KEY](function () { forced = false; }); $export($export.P + $export.F * forced, 'Array', { find: function find(callbackfn /* , that = undefined */) { return $find(this, callbackfn, arguments.length > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined); } }); __webpack_require__(106)(KEY); /***/ }), /* 20 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (e) { return true; } }; /***/ }), /* 21 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var dP = __webpack_require__(15); var createDesc = __webpack_require__(28); module.exports = __webpack_require__(14) ? function (object, key, value) { return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; /***/ }), /* 22 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Thank's IE8 for his funny defineProperty module.exports = !__webpack_require__(30)(function () { return Object.defineProperty({}, 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); /***/ }), /* 23 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isObject = __webpack_require__(24); module.exports = function (it) { if (!isObject(it)) throw TypeError(it + ' is not an object!'); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 24 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (it) { return typeof it === 'object' ? it !== null : typeof it === 'function'; }; /***/ }), /* 25 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(139); var _Object$setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(82); function _getPrototypeOf(o) { module.exports = _getPrototypeOf = _Object$setPrototypeOf ? _Object$getPrototypeOf : function _getPrototypeOf(o) { return o.__proto__ || _Object$getPrototypeOf(o); }; return _getPrototypeOf(o); } module.exports = _getPrototypeOf; /***/ }), /* 26 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /* 27 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument) var defined = __webpack_require__(46); module.exports = function (it) { return Object(defined(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 28 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; /***/ }), /* 29 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var dP = __webpack_require__(39); var createDesc = __webpack_require__(88); module.exports = __webpack_require__(22) ? function (object, key, value) { return dP.f(object, key, createDesc(1, value)); } : function (object, key, value) { object[key] = value; return object; }; /***/ }), /* 30 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (exec) { try { return !!exec(); } catch (e) { return true; } }; /***/ }), /* 31 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(17); var hide = __webpack_require__(29); var has = __webpack_require__(60); var SRC = __webpack_require__(68)('src'); var $toString = __webpack_require__(144); var TO_STRING = 'toString'; var TPL = ('' + $toString).split(TO_STRING); __webpack_require__(44).inspectSource = function (it) { return $toString.call(it); }; (module.exports = function (O, key, val, safe) { var isFunction = typeof val == 'function'; if (isFunction) has(val, 'name') || hide(val, 'name', key); if (O[key] === val) return; if (isFunction) has(val, SRC) || hide(val, SRC, O[key] ? '' + O[key] : TPL.join(String(key))); if (O === global) { O[key] = val; } else if (!safe) { delete O[key]; hide(O, key, val); } else if (O[key]) { O[key] = val; } else { hide(O, key, val); } // add fake Function#toString for correct work wrapped methods / constructors with methods like LoDash isNative })(Function.prototype, TO_STRING, function toString() { return typeof this == 'function' && this[SRC] || $toString.call(this); }); /***/ }), /* 32 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // optional / simple context binding var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); module.exports = function (fn, that, length) { aFunction(fn); if (that === undefined) return fn; switch (length) { case 1: return function (a) { return fn.call(that, a); }; case 2: return function (a, b) { return fn.call(that, a, b); }; case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return fn.call(that, a, b, c); }; } return function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /* 33 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (it) { if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 34 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = true; /***/ }), /* 35 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.keys(O) var $keys = __webpack_require__(80); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(56); module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return $keys(O, enumBugKeys); }; /***/ }), /* 36 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var pIE = __webpack_require__(40); var createDesc = __webpack_require__(28); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(52); var has = __webpack_require__(16); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(78); var gOPD = Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor; exports.f = __webpack_require__(14) ? gOPD : function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) { O = toIObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return gOPD(O, P); } catch (e) { /* empty */ } if (has(O, P)) return createDesc(!pIE.f.call(O, P), O[P]); }; /***/ }), /* 37 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var dPs = __webpack_require__(94); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(56); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(54)('IE_PROTO'); var Empty = function () { /* empty */ }; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var createDict = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = __webpack_require__(73)('iframe'); var i = enumBugKeys.length; var lt = '<'; var gt = '>'; var iframeDocument; iframe.style.display = 'none'; __webpack_require__(104).appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; // html.removeChild(iframe); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; iframeDocument.open(); iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt); iframeDocument.close(); createDict = iframeDocument.F; while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]]; return createDict(); }; module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new Empty(); Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = createDict(); return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties); }; /***/ }), /* 38 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var id = 0; var px = Math.random(); module.exports = function (key) { return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36)); }; /***/ }), /* 39 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var anObject = __webpack_require__(23); var IE8_DOM_DEFINE = __webpack_require__(96); var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(98); var dP = Object.defineProperty; exports.f = __webpack_require__(22) ? Object.defineProperty : function defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) { anObject(O); P = toPrimitive(P, true); anObject(Attributes); if (IE8_DOM_DEFINE) try { return dP(O, P, Attributes); } catch (e) { /* empty */ } if ('get' in Attributes || 'set' in Attributes) throw TypeError('Accessors not supported!'); if ('value' in Attributes) O[P] = Attributes.value; return O; }; /***/ }), /* 40 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { exports.f = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; /***/ }), /* 41 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var def = __webpack_require__(15).f; var has = __webpack_require__(16); var TAG = __webpack_require__(10)('toStringTag'); module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) { if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; /***/ }), /* 42 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function (it) { return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1); }; /***/ }), /* 43 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument) module.exports = function (it) { if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 44 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var core = module.exports = { version: '2.6.11' }; if (typeof __e == 'number') __e = core; // eslint-disable-line no-undef /***/ }), /* 45 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var toString = {}.toString; module.exports = function (it) { return toString.call(it).slice(8, -1); }; /***/ }), /* 46 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // 7.2.1 RequireObjectCoercible(argument) module.exports = function (it) { if (it == undefined) throw TypeError("Can't call method on " + it); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 47 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(175); /***/ }), /* 48 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.15 ToLength var toInteger = __webpack_require__(49); var min = Math.min; module.exports = function (it) { return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; /***/ }), /* 49 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // 7.1.4 ToInteger var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; module.exports = function (it) { return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); }; /***/ }), /* 50 */, /* 51 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(17); var core = __webpack_require__(44); var hide = __webpack_require__(29); var redefine = __webpack_require__(31); var ctx = __webpack_require__(64); var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var $export = function (type, name, source) { var IS_FORCED = type & $export.F; var IS_GLOBAL = type & $export.G; var IS_STATIC = type & $export.S; var IS_PROTO = type & $export.P; var IS_BIND = type & $export.B; var target = IS_GLOBAL ? global : IS_STATIC ? global[name] || (global[name] = {}) : (global[name] || {})[PROTOTYPE]; var exports = IS_GLOBAL ? core : core[name] || (core[name] = {}); var expProto = exports[PROTOTYPE] || (exports[PROTOTYPE] = {}); var key, own, out, exp; if (IS_GLOBAL) source = name; for (key in source) { // contains in native own = !IS_FORCED && target && target[key] !== undefined; // export native or passed out = (own ? target : source)[key]; // bind timers to global for call from export context exp = IS_BIND && own ? ctx(out, global) : IS_PROTO && typeof out == 'function' ? ctx(Function.call, out) : out; // extend global if (target) redefine(target, key, out, type & $export.U); // export if (exports[key] != out) hide(exports, key, exp); if (IS_PROTO && expProto[key] != out) expProto[key] = out; } }; global.core = core; // type bitmap $export.F = 1; // forced $export.G = 2; // global $export.S = 4; // static $export.P = 8; // proto $export.B = 16; // bind $export.W = 32; // wrap $export.U = 64; // safe $export.R = 128; // real proto method for `library` module.exports = $export; /***/ }), /* 52 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string module.exports = function (it, S) { if (!isObject(it)) return it; var fn, val; if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; /***/ }), /* 53 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // 7.1.4 ToInteger var ceil = Math.ceil; var floor = Math.floor; module.exports = function (it) { return isNaN(it = +it) ? 0 : (it > 0 ? floor : ceil)(it); }; /***/ }), /* 54 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var shared = __webpack_require__(55)('keys'); var uid = __webpack_require__(38); module.exports = function (key) { return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key)); }; /***/ }), /* 55 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var core = __webpack_require__(2); var global = __webpack_require__(8); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {}); (module.exports = function (key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })('versions', []).push({ version: core.version, mode: __webpack_require__(34) ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)' }); /***/ }), /* 56 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // IE 8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = ( 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf' ).split(','); /***/ }), /* 57 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { exports.f = __webpack_require__(10); /***/ }), /* 58 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(8); var core = __webpack_require__(2); var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(34); var wksExt = __webpack_require__(57); var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(15).f; module.exports = function (name) { var $Symbol = core.Symbol || (core.Symbol = LIBRARY ? {} : global.Symbol || {}); if (name.charAt(0) != '_' && !(name in $Symbol)) defineProperty($Symbol, name, { value: wksExt.f(name) }); }; /***/ }), /* 59 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$defineProperty = __webpack_require__(0); function _defineProperty(obj, key, value) { if (key in obj) { _Object$defineProperty(obj, key, { value: value, enumerable: true, configurable: true, writable: true }); } else { obj[key] = value; } return obj; } module.exports = _defineProperty; /***/ }), /* 60 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var hasOwnProperty = {}.hasOwnProperty; module.exports = function (it, key) { return hasOwnProperty.call(it, key); }; /***/ }), /* 61 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(103); var _Reflect$get = __webpack_require__(184); var superPropBase = __webpack_require__(187); function _get(target, property, receiver) { if (typeof Reflect !== "undefined" && _Reflect$get) { module.exports = _get = _Reflect$get; } else { module.exports = _get = function _get(target, property, receiver) { var base = superPropBase(target, property); if (!base) return; var desc = _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(base, property); if (desc.get) { return desc.get.call(receiver); } return desc.value; }; } return _get(target, property, receiver || target); } module.exports = _get; /***/ }), /* 62 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; /***/ }), /* 63 */, /* 64 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // optional / simple context binding var aFunction = __webpack_require__(84); module.exports = function (fn, that, length) { aFunction(fn); if (that === undefined) return fn; switch (length) { case 1: return function (a) { return fn.call(that, a); }; case 2: return function (a, b) { return fn.call(that, a, b); }; case 3: return function (a, b, c) { return fn.call(that, a, b, c); }; } return function (/* ...args */) { return fn.apply(that, arguments); }; }; /***/ }), /* 65 */, /* 66 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var has = __webpack_require__(16); var toObject = __webpack_require__(27); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(54)('IE_PROTO'); var ObjectProto = Object.prototype; module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { O = toObject(O); if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO]; if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) { return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; /***/ }), /* 67 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _assertThisInitialized(self) { if (self === void 0) { throw new ReferenceError("this hasn't been initialised - super() hasn't been called"); } return self; } module.exports = _assertThisInitialized; /***/ }), /* 68 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { var id = 0; var px = Math.random(); module.exports = function (key) { return 'Symbol('.concat(key === undefined ? '' : key, ')_', (++id + px).toString(36)); }; /***/ }), /* 69 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var core = __webpack_require__(44); var global = __webpack_require__(17); var SHARED = '__core-js_shared__'; var store = global[SHARED] || (global[SHARED] = {}); (module.exports = function (key, value) { return store[key] || (store[key] = value !== undefined ? value : {}); })('versions', []).push({ version: core.version, mode: __webpack_require__(99) ? 'pure' : 'global', copyright: '© 2019 Denis Pushkarev (zloirock.ru)' }); /***/ }), /* 70 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // most Object methods by ES6 should accept primitives var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var core = __webpack_require__(2); var fails = __webpack_require__(20); module.exports = function (KEY, exec) { var fn = (core.Object || {})[KEY] || Object[KEY]; var exp = {}; exp[KEY] = exec(fn); $export($export.S + $export.F * fails(function () { fn(1); }), 'Object', exp); }; /***/ }), /* 71 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $at = __webpack_require__(117)(true); // String.prototype[@@iterator]() __webpack_require__(79)(String, 'String', function (iterated) { this._t = String(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index // %StringIteratorPrototype%.next() }, function () { var O = this._t; var index = this._i; var point; if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true }; point = $at(O, index); this._i += point.length; return { value: point, done: false }; }); /***/ }), /* 72 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) var $keys = __webpack_require__(80); var hiddenKeys = __webpack_require__(56).concat('length', 'prototype'); exports.f = Object.getOwnPropertyNames || function getOwnPropertyNames(O) { return $keys(O, hiddenKeys); }; /***/ }), /* 73 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var document = __webpack_require__(8).document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function (it) { return is ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; /***/ }), /* 74 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(21); /***/ }), /* 75 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.15 ToLength var toInteger = __webpack_require__(53); var min = Math.min; module.exports = function (it) { return it > 0 ? min(toInteger(it), 0x1fffffffffffff) : 0; // pow(2, 53) - 1 == 9007199254740991 }; /***/ }), /* 76 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(121); var global = __webpack_require__(8); var hide = __webpack_require__(21); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); var TO_STRING_TAG = __webpack_require__(10)('toStringTag'); var DOMIterables = ('CSSRuleList,CSSStyleDeclaration,CSSValueList,ClientRectList,DOMRectList,DOMStringList,' + 'DOMTokenList,DataTransferItemList,FileList,HTMLAllCollection,HTMLCollection,HTMLFormElement,HTMLSelectElement,' + 'MediaList,MimeTypeArray,NamedNodeMap,NodeList,PaintRequestList,Plugin,PluginArray,SVGLengthList,SVGNumberList,' + 'SVGPathSegList,SVGPointList,SVGStringList,SVGTransformList,SourceBufferList,StyleSheetList,TextTrackCueList,' + 'TextTrackList,TouchList').split(','); for (var i = 0; i < DOMIterables.length; i++) { var NAME = DOMIterables[i]; var Collection = global[NAME]; var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype; if (proto && !proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME); Iterators[NAME] = Iterators.Array; } /***/ }), /* 77 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // to indexed object, toObject with fallback for non-array-like ES3 strings var IObject = __webpack_require__(100); var defined = __webpack_require__(43); module.exports = function (it) { return IObject(defined(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 78 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = !__webpack_require__(14) && !__webpack_require__(20)(function () { return Object.defineProperty(__webpack_require__(73)('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); /***/ }), /* 79 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(34); var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var redefine = __webpack_require__(74); var hide = __webpack_require__(21); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); var $iterCreate = __webpack_require__(118); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(41); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(66); var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'); var BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next` var FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator'; var KEYS = 'keys'; var VALUES = 'values'; var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); var getMethod = function (kind) { if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind]; switch (kind) { case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; }; var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES; var VALUES_BUG = false; var proto = Base.prototype; var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]; var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT); var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined; var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native; var methods, key, IteratorPrototype; // Fix native if ($anyNative) { IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base())); if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) { // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); // fix for some old engines if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) { VALUES_BUG = true; $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); }; } // Define iterator if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) { hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default); } // Plug for library Iterators[NAME] = $default; Iterators[TAG] = returnThis; if (DEFAULT) { methods = { values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), entries: $entries }; if (FORCED) for (key in methods) { if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); } return methods; }; /***/ }), /* 80 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var has = __webpack_require__(16); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(119)(false); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(54)('IE_PROTO'); module.exports = function (object, names) { var O = toIObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) { ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 81 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var META = __webpack_require__(38)('meta'); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var has = __webpack_require__(16); var setDesc = __webpack_require__(15).f; var id = 0; var isExtensible = Object.isExtensible || function () { return true; }; var FREEZE = !__webpack_require__(20)(function () { return isExtensible(Object.preventExtensions({})); }); var setMeta = function (it) { setDesc(it, META, { value: { i: 'O' + ++id, // object ID w: {} // weak collections IDs } }); }; var fastKey = function (it, create) { // return primitive with prefix if (!isObject(it)) return typeof it == 'symbol' ? it : (typeof it == 'string' ? 'S' : 'P') + it; if (!has(it, META)) { // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object if (!isExtensible(it)) return 'F'; // not necessary to add metadata if (!create) return 'E'; // add missing metadata setMeta(it); // return object ID } return it[META].i; }; var getWeak = function (it, create) { if (!has(it, META)) { // can't set metadata to uncaught frozen object if (!isExtensible(it)) return true; // not necessary to add metadata if (!create) return false; // add missing metadata setMeta(it); // return hash weak collections IDs } return it[META].w; }; // add metadata on freeze-family methods calling var onFreeze = function (it) { if (FREEZE && meta.NEED && isExtensible(it) && !has(it, META)) setMeta(it); return it; }; var meta = module.exports = { KEY: META, NEED: false, fastKey: fastKey, getWeak: getWeak, onFreeze: onFreeze }; /***/ }), /* 82 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(133); /***/ }), /* 83 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(136); /***/ }), /* 84 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (it) { if (typeof it != 'function') throw TypeError(it + ' is not a function!'); return it; }; /***/ }), /* 85 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() var cof = __webpack_require__(42); var TAG = __webpack_require__(13)('toStringTag'); // ES3 wrong here var ARG = cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (e) { /* empty */ } }; module.exports = function (it) { var O, T, B; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T // builtinTag case : ARG ? cof(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; /***/ }), /* 86 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Symbol$iterator = __webpack_require__(115); var _Symbol = __webpack_require__(91); function _typeof(obj) { "@babel/helpers - typeof"; if (typeof _Symbol === "function" && typeof _Symbol$iterator === "symbol") { module.exports = _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return typeof obj; }; } else { module.exports = _typeof = function _typeof(obj) { return obj && typeof _Symbol === "function" && obj.constructor === _Symbol && obj !== _Symbol.prototype ? "symbol" : typeof obj; }; } return _typeof(obj); } module.exports = _typeof; /***/ }), /* 87 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) var cof = __webpack_require__(45); module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return cof(arg) == 'Array'; }; /***/ }), /* 88 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (bitmap, value) { return { enumerable: !(bitmap & 1), configurable: !(bitmap & 2), writable: !(bitmap & 4), value: value }; }; /***/ }), /* 89 */, /* 90 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var cof = __webpack_require__(45); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; /***/ }), /* 91 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(124); /***/ }), /* 92 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { /***/ }), /* 93 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.13 ToObject(argument) var defined = __webpack_require__(43); module.exports = function (it) { return Object(defined(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 94 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var dP = __webpack_require__(15); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var getKeys = __webpack_require__(35); module.exports = __webpack_require__(14) ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var keys = getKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var i = 0; var P; while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); return O; }; /***/ }), /* 95 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // ECMAScript 6 symbols shim var global = __webpack_require__(8); var has = __webpack_require__(16); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(14); var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var redefine = __webpack_require__(74); var META = __webpack_require__(81).KEY; var $fails = __webpack_require__(20); var shared = __webpack_require__(55); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(41); var uid = __webpack_require__(38); var wks = __webpack_require__(10); var wksExt = __webpack_require__(57); var wksDefine = __webpack_require__(58); var enumKeys = __webpack_require__(125); var isArray = __webpack_require__(87); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var toObject = __webpack_require__(27); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var toPrimitive = __webpack_require__(52); var createDesc = __webpack_require__(28); var _create = __webpack_require__(37); var gOPNExt = __webpack_require__(126); var $GOPD = __webpack_require__(36); var $GOPS = __webpack_require__(62); var $DP = __webpack_require__(15); var $keys = __webpack_require__(35); var gOPD = $GOPD.f; var dP = $DP.f; var gOPN = gOPNExt.f; var $Symbol = global.Symbol; var $JSON = global.JSON; var _stringify = $JSON && $JSON.stringify; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; var HIDDEN = wks('_hidden'); var TO_PRIMITIVE = wks('toPrimitive'); var isEnum = {}.propertyIsEnumerable; var SymbolRegistry = shared('symbol-registry'); var AllSymbols = shared('symbols'); var OPSymbols = shared('op-symbols'); var ObjectProto = Object[PROTOTYPE]; var USE_NATIVE = typeof $Symbol == 'function' && !!$GOPS.f; var QObject = global.QObject; // Don't use setters in Qt Script, https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/173 var setter = !QObject || !QObject[PROTOTYPE] || !QObject[PROTOTYPE].findChild; // fallback for old Android, https://code.google.com/p/v8/issues/detail?id=687 var setSymbolDesc = DESCRIPTORS && $fails(function () { return _create(dP({}, 'a', { get: function () { return dP(this, 'a', { value: 7 }).a; } })).a != 7; }) ? function (it, key, D) { var protoDesc = gOPD(ObjectProto, key); if (protoDesc) delete ObjectProto[key]; dP(it, key, D); if (protoDesc && it !== ObjectProto) dP(ObjectProto, key, protoDesc); } : dP; var wrap = function (tag) { var sym = AllSymbols[tag] = _create($Symbol[PROTOTYPE]); sym._k = tag; return sym; }; var isSymbol = USE_NATIVE && typeof $Symbol.iterator == 'symbol' ? function (it) { return typeof it == 'symbol'; } : function (it) { return it instanceof $Symbol; }; var $defineProperty = function defineProperty(it, key, D) { if (it === ObjectProto) $defineProperty(OPSymbols, key, D); anObject(it); key = toPrimitive(key, true); anObject(D); if (has(AllSymbols, key)) { if (!D.enumerable) { if (!has(it, HIDDEN)) dP(it, HIDDEN, createDesc(1, {})); it[HIDDEN][key] = true; } else { if (has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key]) it[HIDDEN][key] = false; D = _create(D, { enumerable: createDesc(0, false) }); } return setSymbolDesc(it, key, D); } return dP(it, key, D); }; var $defineProperties = function defineProperties(it, P) { anObject(it); var keys = enumKeys(P = toIObject(P)); var i = 0; var l = keys.length; var key; while (l > i) $defineProperty(it, key = keys[i++], P[key]); return it; }; var $create = function create(it, P) { return P === undefined ? _create(it) : $defineProperties(_create(it), P); }; var $propertyIsEnumerable = function propertyIsEnumerable(key) { var E = isEnum.call(this, key = toPrimitive(key, true)); if (this === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return false; return E || !has(this, key) || !has(AllSymbols, key) || has(this, HIDDEN) && this[HIDDEN][key] ? E : true; }; var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) { it = toIObject(it); key = toPrimitive(key, true); if (it === ObjectProto && has(AllSymbols, key) && !has(OPSymbols, key)) return; var D = gOPD(it, key); if (D && has(AllSymbols, key) && !(has(it, HIDDEN) && it[HIDDEN][key])) D.enumerable = true; return D; }; var $getOwnPropertyNames = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { var names = gOPN(toIObject(it)); var result = []; var i = 0; var key; while (names.length > i) { if (!has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && key != HIDDEN && key != META) result.push(key); } return result; }; var $getOwnPropertySymbols = function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) { var IS_OP = it === ObjectProto; var names = gOPN(IS_OP ? OPSymbols : toIObject(it)); var result = []; var i = 0; var key; while (names.length > i) { if (has(AllSymbols, key = names[i++]) && (IS_OP ? has(ObjectProto, key) : true)) result.push(AllSymbols[key]); } return result; }; // Symbol([description]) if (!USE_NATIVE) { $Symbol = function Symbol() { if (this instanceof $Symbol) throw TypeError('Symbol is not a constructor!'); var tag = uid(arguments.length > 0 ? arguments[0] : undefined); var $set = function (value) { if (this === ObjectProto) $set.call(OPSymbols, value); if (has(this, HIDDEN) && has(this[HIDDEN], tag)) this[HIDDEN][tag] = false; setSymbolDesc(this, tag, createDesc(1, value)); }; if (DESCRIPTORS && setter) setSymbolDesc(ObjectProto, tag, { configurable: true, set: $set }); return wrap(tag); }; redefine($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], 'toString', function toString() { return this._k; }); $GOPD.f = $getOwnPropertyDescriptor; $DP.f = $defineProperty; __webpack_require__(72).f = gOPNExt.f = $getOwnPropertyNames; __webpack_require__(40).f = $propertyIsEnumerable; $GOPS.f = $getOwnPropertySymbols; if (DESCRIPTORS && !__webpack_require__(34)) { redefine(ObjectProto, 'propertyIsEnumerable', $propertyIsEnumerable, true); } wksExt.f = function (name) { return wrap(wks(name)); }; } $export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Symbol: $Symbol }); for (var es6Symbols = ( //,,,,,,,,,, 'hasInstance,isConcatSpreadable,iterator,match,replace,search,species,split,toPrimitive,toStringTag,unscopables' ).split(','), j = 0; es6Symbols.length > j;)wks(es6Symbols[j++]); for (var wellKnownSymbols = $keys(wks.store), k = 0; wellKnownSymbols.length > k;) wksDefine(wellKnownSymbols[k++]); $export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Symbol', { // Symbol.for(key) 'for': function (key) { return has(SymbolRegistry, key += '') ? SymbolRegistry[key] : SymbolRegistry[key] = $Symbol(key); }, // Symbol.keyFor(sym) keyFor: function keyFor(sym) { if (!isSymbol(sym)) throw TypeError(sym + ' is not a symbol!'); for (var key in SymbolRegistry) if (SymbolRegistry[key] === sym) return key; }, useSetter: function () { setter = true; }, useSimple: function () { setter = false; } }); $export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, 'Object', { // Object.create(O [, Properties]) create: $create, // Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) defineProperty: $defineProperty, // Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) defineProperties: $defineProperties, // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) getOwnPropertyDescriptor: $getOwnPropertyDescriptor, // Object.getOwnPropertyNames(O) getOwnPropertyNames: $getOwnPropertyNames, // Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(O) getOwnPropertySymbols: $getOwnPropertySymbols }); // Chrome 38 and 39 `Object.getOwnPropertySymbols` fails on primitives // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/v8/issues/detail?id=3443 var FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES = $fails(function () { $GOPS.f(1); }); $export($export.S + $export.F * FAILS_ON_PRIMITIVES, 'Object', { getOwnPropertySymbols: function getOwnPropertySymbols(it) { return $GOPS.f(toObject(it)); } }); // 24.3.2 JSON.stringify(value [, replacer [, space]]) $JSON && $export($export.S + $export.F * (!USE_NATIVE || $fails(function () { var S = $Symbol(); // MS Edge converts symbol values to JSON as {} // WebKit converts symbol values to JSON as null // V8 throws on boxed symbols return _stringify([S]) != '[null]' || _stringify({ a: S }) != '{}' || _stringify(Object(S)) != '{}'; })), 'JSON', { stringify: function stringify(it) { var args = [it]; var i = 1; var replacer, $replacer; while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); $replacer = replacer = args[1]; if (!isObject(replacer) && it === undefined || isSymbol(it)) return; // IE8 returns string on undefined if (!isArray(replacer)) replacer = function (key, value) { if (typeof $replacer == 'function') value = $replacer.call(this, key, value); if (!isSymbol(value)) return value; }; args[1] = replacer; return _stringify.apply($JSON, args); } }); // Symbol.prototype[@@toPrimitive](hint) $Symbol[PROTOTYPE][TO_PRIMITIVE] || __webpack_require__(21)($Symbol[PROTOTYPE], TO_PRIMITIVE, $Symbol[PROTOTYPE].valueOf); // Symbol.prototype[@@toStringTag] setToStringTag($Symbol, 'Symbol'); // Math[@@toStringTag] setToStringTag(Math, 'Math', true); // 24.3.3 JSON[@@toStringTag] setToStringTag(global.JSON, 'JSON', true); /***/ }), /* 96 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = !__webpack_require__(22) && !__webpack_require__(30)(function () { return Object.defineProperty(__webpack_require__(97)('div'), 'a', { get: function () { return 7; } }).a != 7; }); /***/ }), /* 97 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isObject = __webpack_require__(24); var document = __webpack_require__(17).document; // typeof document.createElement is 'object' in old IE var is = isObject(document) && isObject(document.createElement); module.exports = function (it) { return is ? document.createElement(it) : {}; }; /***/ }), /* 98 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.1.1 ToPrimitive(input [, PreferredType]) var isObject = __webpack_require__(24); // instead of the ES6 spec version, we didn't implement @@toPrimitive case // and the second argument - flag - preferred type is a string module.exports = function (it, S) { if (!isObject(it)) return it; var fn, val; if (S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; if (typeof (fn = it.valueOf) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; if (!S && typeof (fn = it.toString) == 'function' && !isObject(val = fn.call(it))) return val; throw TypeError("Can't convert object to primitive value"); }; /***/ }), /* 99 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = false; /***/ }), /* 100 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // fallback for non-array-like ES3 and non-enumerable old V8 strings var cof = __webpack_require__(42); // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins module.exports = Object('z').propertyIsEnumerable(0) ? Object : function (it) { return cof(it) == 'String' ? it.split('') : Object(it); }; /***/ }), /* 101 */, /* 102 */, /* 103 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(154); /***/ }), /* 104 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var document = __webpack_require__(8).document; module.exports = document && document.documentElement; /***/ }), /* 105 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // fast apply, http://jsperf.lnkit.com/fast-apply/5 module.exports = function (fn, args, that) { var un = that === undefined; switch (args.length) { case 0: return un ? fn() : fn.call(that); case 1: return un ? fn(args[0]) : fn.call(that, args[0]); case 2: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1]) : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1]); case 3: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2]) : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return un ? fn(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]) : fn.call(that, args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } return fn.apply(that, args); }; /***/ }), /* 106 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Array.prototype[@@unscopables] var UNSCOPABLES = __webpack_require__(13)('unscopables'); var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; if (ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES] == undefined) __webpack_require__(29)(ArrayProto, UNSCOPABLES, {}); module.exports = function (key) { ArrayProto[UNSCOPABLES][key] = true; }; /***/ }), /* 107 */, /* 108 */, /* 109 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // getting tag from Object.prototype.toString() var cof = __webpack_require__(45); var TAG = __webpack_require__(10)('toStringTag'); // ES3 wrong here var ARG = cof(function () { return arguments; }()) == 'Arguments'; // fallback for IE11 Script Access Denied error var tryGet = function (it, key) { try { return it[key]; } catch (e) { /* empty */ } }; module.exports = function (it) { var O, T, B; return it === undefined ? 'Undefined' : it === null ? 'Null' // @@toStringTag case : typeof (T = tryGet(O = Object(it), TAG)) == 'string' ? T // builtinTag case : ARG ? cof(O) // ES3 arguments fallback : (B = cof(O)) == 'Object' && typeof O.callee == 'function' ? 'Arguments' : B; }; /***/ }), /* 110 */, /* 111 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // Object.prototype.toString() var classof = __webpack_require__(85); var test = {}; test[__webpack_require__(13)('toStringTag')] = 'z'; if (test + '' != '[object z]') { __webpack_require__(31)(Object.prototype, 'toString', function toString() { return '[object ' + classof(this) + ']'; }, true); } /***/ }), /* 112 */, /* 113 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(114); var $Object = __webpack_require__(2).Object; module.exports = function defineProperty(it, key, desc) { return $Object.defineProperty(it, key, desc); }; /***/ }), /* 114 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var $export = __webpack_require__(7); // / Object.defineProperty(O, P, Attributes) $export($export.S + $export.F * !__webpack_require__(14), 'Object', { defineProperty: __webpack_require__(15).f }); /***/ }), /* 115 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(116); /***/ }), /* 116 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(71); __webpack_require__(76); module.exports = __webpack_require__(57).f('iterator'); /***/ }), /* 117 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var toInteger = __webpack_require__(53); var defined = __webpack_require__(46); // true -> String#at // false -> String#codePointAt module.exports = function (TO_STRING) { return function (that, pos) { var s = String(defined(that)); var i = toInteger(pos); var l = s.length; var a, b; if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; a = s.charCodeAt(i); return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }; }; /***/ }), /* 118 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var create = __webpack_require__(37); var descriptor = __webpack_require__(28); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(41); var IteratorPrototype = {}; // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() __webpack_require__(21)(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'), function () { return this; }); module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) { Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) }); setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; /***/ }), /* 119 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var toLength = __webpack_require__(75); var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(120); module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIObject($this); var length = toLength(O.length); var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (value != value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) { if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; /***/ }), /* 120 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var toInteger = __webpack_require__(53); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; module.exports = function (index, length) { index = toInteger(index); return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length); }; /***/ }), /* 121 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(122); var step = __webpack_require__(123); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); // Array.prototype.entries() // Array.prototype.keys() // Array.prototype.values() // Array.prototype[@@iterator]() module.exports = __webpack_require__(79)(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) { this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index this._k = kind; // kind // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next() }, function () { var O = this._t; var kind = this._k; var index = this._i++; if (!O || index >= O.length) { this._t = undefined; return step(1); } if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index); if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]); return step(0, [index, O[index]]); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (, Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; addToUnscopables('keys'); addToUnscopables('values'); addToUnscopables('entries'); /***/ }), /* 122 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function () { /* empty */ }; /***/ }), /* 123 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (done, value) { return { value: value, done: !!done }; }; /***/ }), /* 124 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(95); __webpack_require__(92); __webpack_require__(127); __webpack_require__(128); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Symbol; /***/ }), /* 125 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // all enumerable object keys, includes symbols var getKeys = __webpack_require__(35); var gOPS = __webpack_require__(62); var pIE = __webpack_require__(40); module.exports = function (it) { var result = getKeys(it); var getSymbols = gOPS.f; if (getSymbols) { var symbols = getSymbols(it); var isEnum = pIE.f; var i = 0; var key; while (symbols.length > i) if (isEnum.call(it, key = symbols[i++])) result.push(key); } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 126 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // fallback for IE11 buggy Object.getOwnPropertyNames with iframe and window var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var gOPN = __webpack_require__(72).f; var toString = {}.toString; var windowNames = typeof window == 'object' && window && Object.getOwnPropertyNames ? Object.getOwnPropertyNames(window) : []; var getWindowNames = function (it) { try { return gOPN(it); } catch (e) { return windowNames.slice(); } }; module.exports.f = function getOwnPropertyNames(it) { return windowNames && toString.call(it) == '[object Window]' ? getWindowNames(it) : gOPN(toIObject(it)); }; /***/ }), /* 127 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(58)('asyncIterator'); /***/ }), /* 128 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(58)('observable'); /***/ }), /* 129 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(130); /***/ }), /* 130 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(131); var $Object = __webpack_require__(2).Object; module.exports = function create(P, D) { return $Object.create(P, D); }; /***/ }), /* 131 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var $export = __webpack_require__(7); // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) $export($export.S, 'Object', { create: __webpack_require__(37) }); /***/ }), /* 132 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$setPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(82); function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { module.exports = _setPrototypeOf = _Object$setPrototypeOf || function _setPrototypeOf(o, p) { o.__proto__ = p; return o; }; return _setPrototypeOf(o, p); } module.exports = _setPrototypeOf; /***/ }), /* 133 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(134); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Object.setPrototypeOf; /***/ }), /* 134 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Object.setPrototypeOf(O, proto) var $export = __webpack_require__(7); $export($export.S, 'Object', { setPrototypeOf: __webpack_require__(135).set }); /***/ }), /* 135 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Works with __proto__ only. Old v8 can't work with null proto objects. /* eslint-disable no-proto */ var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var check = function (O, proto) { anObject(O); if (!isObject(proto) && proto !== null) throw TypeError(proto + ": can't set as prototype!"); }; module.exports = { set: Object.setPrototypeOf || ('__proto__' in {} ? // eslint-disable-line function (test, buggy, set) { try { set = __webpack_require__(32)(Function.call, __webpack_require__(36).f(Object.prototype, '__proto__').set, 2); set(test, []); buggy = !(test instanceof Array); } catch (e) { buggy = true; } return function setPrototypeOf(O, proto) { check(O, proto); if (buggy) O.__proto__ = proto; else set(O, proto); return O; }; }({}, false) : undefined), check: check }; /***/ }), /* 136 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(137); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Reflect.construct; /***/ }), /* 137 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 26.1.2 Reflect.construct(target, argumentsList [, newTarget]) var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var create = __webpack_require__(37); var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var fails = __webpack_require__(20); var bind = __webpack_require__(138); var rConstruct = (__webpack_require__(8).Reflect || {}).construct; // MS Edge supports only 2 arguments and argumentsList argument is optional // FF Nightly sets third argument as `new.target`, but does not create `this` from it var NEW_TARGET_BUG = fails(function () { function F() { /* empty */ } return !(rConstruct(function () { /* empty */ }, [], F) instanceof F); }); var ARGS_BUG = !fails(function () { rConstruct(function () { /* empty */ }); }); $export($export.S + $export.F * (NEW_TARGET_BUG || ARGS_BUG), 'Reflect', { construct: function construct(Target, args /* , newTarget */) { aFunction(Target); anObject(args); var newTarget = arguments.length < 3 ? Target : aFunction(arguments[2]); if (ARGS_BUG && !NEW_TARGET_BUG) return rConstruct(Target, args, newTarget); if (Target == newTarget) { // w/o altered newTarget, optimization for 0-4 arguments switch (args.length) { case 0: return new Target(); case 1: return new Target(args[0]); case 2: return new Target(args[0], args[1]); case 3: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2]); case 4: return new Target(args[0], args[1], args[2], args[3]); } // w/o altered newTarget, lot of arguments case var $args = [null]; $args.push.apply($args, args); return new (bind.apply(Target, $args))(); } // with altered newTarget, not support built-in constructors var proto = newTarget.prototype; var instance = create(isObject(proto) ? proto : Object.prototype); var result = Function.apply.call(Target, instance, args); return isObject(result) ? result : instance; } }); /***/ }), /* 138 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var invoke = __webpack_require__(105); var arraySlice = [].slice; var factories = {}; var construct = function (F, len, args) { if (!(len in factories)) { for (var n = [], i = 0; i < len; i++) n[i] = 'a[' + i + ']'; // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func factories[len] = Function('F,a', 'return new F(' + n.join(',') + ')'); } return factories[len](F, args); }; module.exports = Function.bind || function bind(that /* , ...args */) { var fn = aFunction(this); var partArgs = arraySlice.call(arguments, 1); var bound = function (/* args... */) { var args = partArgs.concat(arraySlice.call(arguments)); return this instanceof bound ? construct(fn, args.length, args) : invoke(fn, args, that); }; if (isObject(fn.prototype)) bound.prototype = fn.prototype; return bound; }; /***/ }), /* 139 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(140); /***/ }), /* 140 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(141); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Object.getPrototypeOf; /***/ }), /* 141 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var toObject = __webpack_require__(27); var $getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(66); __webpack_require__(70)('getPrototypeOf', function () { return function getPrototypeOf(it) { return $getPrototypeOf(toObject(it)); }; }); /***/ }), /* 142 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Reflect$construct = __webpack_require__(83); function _isNativeReflectConstruct() { if (typeof Reflect === "undefined" || !_Reflect$construct) return false; if (_Reflect$construct.sham) return false; if (typeof Proxy === "function") return true; try { Date.prototype.toString.call(_Reflect$construct(Date, [], function () {})); return true; } catch (e) { return false; } } module.exports = _isNativeReflectConstruct; /***/ }), /* 143 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _typeof = __webpack_require__(86); var assertThisInitialized = __webpack_require__(67); function _possibleConstructorReturn(self, call) { if (call && (_typeof(call) === "object" || typeof call === "function")) { return call; } return assertThisInitialized(self); } module.exports = _possibleConstructorReturn; /***/ }), /* 144 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(69)('native-function-to-string', Function.toString); /***/ }), /* 145 */, /* 146 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var shared = __webpack_require__(69)('keys'); var uid = __webpack_require__(68); module.exports = function (key) { return shared[key] || (shared[key] = uid(key)); }; /***/ }), /* 147 */, /* 148 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var ctx = __webpack_require__(32); var call = __webpack_require__(156); var isArrayIter = __webpack_require__(157); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var toLength = __webpack_require__(75); var getIterFn = __webpack_require__(149); var BREAK = {}; var RETURN = {}; var exports = module.exports = function (iterable, entries, fn, that, ITERATOR) { var iterFn = ITERATOR ? function () { return iterable; } : getIterFn(iterable); var f = ctx(fn, that, entries ? 2 : 1); var index = 0; var length, step, iterator, result; if (typeof iterFn != 'function') throw TypeError(iterable + ' is not iterable!'); // fast case for arrays with default iterator if (isArrayIter(iterFn)) for (length = toLength(iterable.length); length > index; index++) { result = entries ? f(anObject(step = iterable[index])[0], step[1]) : f(iterable[index]); if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; } else for (iterator = iterFn.call(iterable); !(step = iterator.next()).done;) { result = call(iterator, f, step.value, entries); if (result === BREAK || result === RETURN) return result; } }; exports.BREAK = BREAK; exports.RETURN = RETURN; /***/ }), /* 149 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var classof = __webpack_require__(109); var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).getIteratorMethod = function (it) { if (it != undefined) return it[ITERATOR] || it['@@iterator'] || Iterators[classof(it)]; }; /***/ }), /* 150 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Object$defineProperty = __webpack_require__(0); var _Object$defineProperties = __webpack_require__(209); var _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors = __webpack_require__(212); var _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(103); var _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols = __webpack_require__(216); var _Object$keys = __webpack_require__(47); var defineProperty = __webpack_require__(59); function ownKeys(object, enumerableOnly) { var keys = _Object$keys(object); if (_Object$getOwnPropertySymbols) { var symbols = _Object$getOwnPropertySymbols(object); if (enumerableOnly) symbols = symbols.filter(function (sym) { return _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(object, sym).enumerable; }); keys.push.apply(keys, symbols); } return keys; } function _objectSpread2(target) { for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) { var source = arguments[i] != null ? arguments[i] : {}; if (i % 2) { ownKeys(Object(source), true).forEach(function (key) { defineProperty(target, key, source[key]); }); } else if (_Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors) { _Object$defineProperties(target, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptors(source)); } else { ownKeys(Object(source)).forEach(function (key) { _Object$defineProperty(target, key, _Object$getOwnPropertyDescriptor(source, key)); }); } } return target; } module.exports = _objectSpread2; /***/ }), /* 151 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // false -> Array#indexOf // true -> Array#includes var toIObject = __webpack_require__(77); var toLength = __webpack_require__(48); var toAbsoluteIndex = __webpack_require__(163); module.exports = function (IS_INCLUDES) { return function ($this, el, fromIndex) { var O = toIObject($this); var length = toLength(O.length); var index = toAbsoluteIndex(fromIndex, length); var value; // Array#includes uses SameValueZero equality algorithm // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (IS_INCLUDES && el != el) while (length > index) { value = O[index++]; // eslint-disable-next-line no-self-compare if (value != value) return true; // Array#indexOf ignores holes, Array#includes - not } else for (;length > index; index++) if (IS_INCLUDES || index in O) { if (O[index] === el) return IS_INCLUDES || index || 0; } return !IS_INCLUDES && -1; }; }; /***/ }), /* 152 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { // IE 8- don't enum bug keys module.exports = ( 'constructor,hasOwnProperty,isPrototypeOf,propertyIsEnumerable,toLocaleString,toString,valueOf' ).split(','); /***/ }), /* 153 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = {}; /***/ }), /* 154 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(155); var $Object = __webpack_require__(2).Object; module.exports = function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) { return $Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key); }; /***/ }), /* 155 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptor(O, P) var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var $getOwnPropertyDescriptor = __webpack_require__(36).f; __webpack_require__(70)('getOwnPropertyDescriptor', function () { return function getOwnPropertyDescriptor(it, key) { return $getOwnPropertyDescriptor(toIObject(it), key); }; }); /***/ }), /* 156 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // call something on iterator step with safe closing on error var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); module.exports = function (iterator, fn, value, entries) { try { return entries ? fn(anObject(value)[0], value[1]) : fn(value); // 7.4.6 IteratorClose(iterator, completion) } catch (e) { var ret = iterator['return']; if (ret !== undefined) anObject(ret.call(iterator)); throw e; } }; /***/ }), /* 157 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // check on default Array iterator var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'); var ArrayProto = Array.prototype; module.exports = function (it) { return it !== undefined && (Iterators.Array === it || ArrayProto[ITERATOR] === it); }; /***/ }), /* 158 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $defineProperty = __webpack_require__(15); var createDesc = __webpack_require__(28); module.exports = function (object, index, value) { if (index in object) $defineProperty.f(object, index, createDesc(0, value)); else object[index] = value; }; /***/ }), /* 159 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 0 -> Array#forEach // 1 -> Array#map // 2 -> Array#filter // 3 -> Array#some // 4 -> Array#every // 5 -> Array#find // 6 -> Array#findIndex var ctx = __webpack_require__(64); var IObject = __webpack_require__(100); var toObject = __webpack_require__(93); var toLength = __webpack_require__(48); var asc = __webpack_require__(160); module.exports = function (TYPE, $create) { var IS_MAP = TYPE == 1; var IS_FILTER = TYPE == 2; var IS_SOME = TYPE == 3; var IS_EVERY = TYPE == 4; var IS_FIND_INDEX = TYPE == 6; var NO_HOLES = TYPE == 5 || IS_FIND_INDEX; var create = $create || asc; return function ($this, callbackfn, that) { var O = toObject($this); var self = IObject(O); var f = ctx(callbackfn, that, 3); var length = toLength(self.length); var index = 0; var result = IS_MAP ? create($this, length) : IS_FILTER ? create($this, 0) : undefined; var val, res; for (;length > index; index++) if (NO_HOLES || index in self) { val = self[index]; res = f(val, index, O); if (TYPE) { if (IS_MAP) result[index] = res; // map else if (res) switch (TYPE) { case 3: return true; // some case 5: return val; // find case 6: return index; // findIndex case 2: result.push(val); // filter } else if (IS_EVERY) return false; // every } } return IS_FIND_INDEX ? -1 : IS_SOME || IS_EVERY ? IS_EVERY : result; }; }; /***/ }), /* 160 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // ArraySpeciesCreate(originalArray, length) var speciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(161); module.exports = function (original, length) { return new (speciesConstructor(original))(length); }; /***/ }), /* 161 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var isObject = __webpack_require__(24); var isArray = __webpack_require__(162); var SPECIES = __webpack_require__(13)('species'); module.exports = function (original) { var C; if (isArray(original)) { C = original.constructor; // cross-realm fallback if (typeof C == 'function' && (C === Array || isArray(C.prototype))) C = undefined; if (isObject(C)) { C = C[SPECIES]; if (C === null) C = undefined; } } return C === undefined ? Array : C; }; /***/ }), /* 162 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.2.2 IsArray(argument) var cof = __webpack_require__(42); module.exports = Array.isArray || function isArray(arg) { return cof(arg) == 'Array'; }; /***/ }), /* 163 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var toInteger = __webpack_require__(49); var max = Math.max; var min = Math.min; module.exports = function (index, length) { index = toInteger(index); return index < 0 ? max(index + length, 0) : min(index, length); }; /***/ }), /* 164 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var toInteger = __webpack_require__(49); var defined = __webpack_require__(43); // true -> String#at // false -> String#codePointAt module.exports = function (TO_STRING) { return function (that, pos) { var s = String(defined(that)); var i = toInteger(pos); var l = s.length; var a, b; if (i < 0 || i >= l) return TO_STRING ? '' : undefined; a = s.charCodeAt(i); return a < 0xd800 || a > 0xdbff || i + 1 === l || (b = s.charCodeAt(i + 1)) < 0xdc00 || b > 0xdfff ? TO_STRING ? s.charAt(i) : a : TO_STRING ? s.slice(i, i + 2) : (a - 0xd800 << 10) + (b - 0xdc00) + 0x10000; }; }; /***/ }), /* 165 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var hide = __webpack_require__(21); module.exports = function (target, src, safe) { for (var key in src) { if (safe && target[key]) target[key] = src[key]; else hide(target, key, src[key]); } return target; }; /***/ }), /* 166 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (it, Constructor, name, forbiddenField) { if (!(it instanceof Constructor) || (forbiddenField !== undefined && forbiddenField in it)) { throw TypeError(name + ': incorrect invocation!'); } return it; }; /***/ }), /* 167 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(207); /***/ }), /* 168 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _arrayLikeToArray(arr, len) { if (len == null || len > arr.length) len = arr.length; for (var i = 0, arr2 = new Array(len); i < len; i++) { arr2[i] = arr[i]; } return arr2; } module.exports = _arrayLikeToArray; /***/ }), /* 169 */, /* 170 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var has = __webpack_require__(60); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(77); var arrayIndexOf = __webpack_require__(151)(false); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(146)('IE_PROTO'); module.exports = function (object, names) { var O = toIObject(object); var i = 0; var result = []; var key; for (key in O) if (key != IE_PROTO) has(O, key) && result.push(key); // Don't enum bug & hidden keys while (names.length > i) if (has(O, key = names[i++])) { ~arrayIndexOf(result, key) || result.push(key); } return result; }; /***/ }), /* 171 */, /* 172 */, /* 173 */, /* 174 */, /* 175 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(176); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Object.keys; /***/ }), /* 176 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // Object.keys(O) var toObject = __webpack_require__(27); var $keys = __webpack_require__(35); __webpack_require__(70)('keys', function () { return function keys(it) { return $keys(toObject(it)); }; }); /***/ }), /* 177 */, /* 178 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(203); /***/ }), /* 179 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'); var SAFE_CLOSING = false; try { var riter = [7][ITERATOR](); riter['return'] = function () { SAFE_CLOSING = true; }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-throw-literal Array.from(riter, function () { throw 2; }); } catch (e) { /* empty */ } module.exports = function (exec, skipClosing) { if (!skipClosing && !SAFE_CLOSING) return false; var safe = false; try { var arr = [7]; var iter = arr[ITERATOR](); iter.next = function () { return { done: safe = true }; }; arr[ITERATOR] = function () { return iter; }; exec(arr); } catch (e) { /* empty */ } return safe; }; /***/ }), /* 180 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // NewPromiseCapability(C) var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); function PromiseCapability(C) { var resolve, reject; this.promise = new C(function ($$resolve, $$reject) { if (resolve !== undefined || reject !== undefined) throw TypeError('Bad Promise constructor'); resolve = $$resolve; reject = $$reject; }); this.resolve = aFunction(resolve); this.reject = aFunction(reject); } module.exports.f = function (C) { return new PromiseCapability(C); }; /***/ }), /* 181 */, /* 182 */, /* 183 */, /* 184 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(185); /***/ }), /* 185 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(186); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Reflect.get; /***/ }), /* 186 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 26.1.6 Reflect.get(target, propertyKey [, receiver]) var gOPD = __webpack_require__(36); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(66); var has = __webpack_require__(16); var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); function get(target, propertyKey /* , receiver */) { var receiver = arguments.length < 3 ? target : arguments[2]; var desc, proto; if (anObject(target) === receiver) return target[propertyKey]; if (desc = gOPD.f(target, propertyKey)) return has(desc, 'value') ? desc.value : desc.get !== undefined ? desc.get.call(receiver) : undefined; if (isObject(proto = getPrototypeOf(target))) return get(proto, propertyKey, receiver); } $export($export.S, 'Reflect', { get: get }); /***/ }), /* 187 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(25); function _superPropBase(object, property) { while (!Object.prototype.hasOwnProperty.call(object, property)) { object = getPrototypeOf(object); if (object === null) break; } return object; } module.exports = _superPropBase; /***/ }), /* 188 */, /* 189 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var def = __webpack_require__(39).f; var has = __webpack_require__(60); var TAG = __webpack_require__(13)('toStringTag'); module.exports = function (it, tag, stat) { if (it && !has(it = stat ? it : it.prototype, TAG)) def(it, TAG, { configurable: true, value: tag }); }; /***/ }), /* 190 */, /* 191 */, /* 192 */, /* 193 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(205); /***/ }), /* 194 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Array$from = __webpack_require__(167); var arrayLikeToArray = __webpack_require__(168); function _unsupportedIterableToArray(o, minLen) { if (!o) return; if (typeof o === "string") return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); var n = Object.prototype.toString.call(o).slice(8, -1); if (n === "Object" && o.constructor) n = o.constructor.name; if (n === "Map" || n === "Set") return _Array$from(o); if (n === "Arguments" || /^(?:Ui|I)nt(?:8|16|32)(?:Clamped)?Array$/.test(n)) return arrayLikeToArray(o, minLen); } module.exports = _unsupportedIterableToArray; /***/ }), /* 195 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(257); /***/ }), /* 196 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var arrayWithoutHoles = __webpack_require__(222); var iterableToArray = __webpack_require__(223); var unsupportedIterableToArray = __webpack_require__(194); var nonIterableSpread = __webpack_require__(224); function _toConsumableArray(arr) { return arrayWithoutHoles(arr) || iterableToArray(arr) || unsupportedIterableToArray(arr) || nonIterableSpread(); } module.exports = _toConsumableArray; /***/ }), /* 197 */, /* 198 */, /* 199 */, /* 200 */, /* 201 */, /* 202 */, /* 203 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(204); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Array.isArray; /***/ }), /* 204 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Array.isArray(arg) var $export = __webpack_require__(7); $export($export.S, 'Array', { isArray: __webpack_require__(87) }); /***/ }), /* 205 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(76); __webpack_require__(71); module.exports = __webpack_require__(206); /***/ }), /* 206 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var classof = __webpack_require__(109); var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(10)('iterator'); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(26); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).isIterable = function (it) { var O = Object(it); return O[ITERATOR] !== undefined || '@@iterator' in O // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins || Iterators.hasOwnProperty(classof(O)); }; /***/ }), /* 207 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(71); __webpack_require__(208); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Array.from; /***/ }), /* 208 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var ctx = __webpack_require__(32); var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var toObject = __webpack_require__(27); var call = __webpack_require__(156); var isArrayIter = __webpack_require__(157); var toLength = __webpack_require__(75); var createProperty = __webpack_require__(158); var getIterFn = __webpack_require__(149); $export($export.S + $export.F * !__webpack_require__(179)(function (iter) { Array.from(iter); }), 'Array', { // Array.from(arrayLike, mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined) from: function from(arrayLike /* , mapfn = undefined, thisArg = undefined */) { var O = toObject(arrayLike); var C = typeof this == 'function' ? this : Array; var aLen = arguments.length; var mapfn = aLen > 1 ? arguments[1] : undefined; var mapping = mapfn !== undefined; var index = 0; var iterFn = getIterFn(O); var length, result, step, iterator; if (mapping) mapfn = ctx(mapfn, aLen > 2 ? arguments[2] : undefined, 2); // if object isn't iterable or it's array with default iterator - use simple case if (iterFn != undefined && !(C == Array && isArrayIter(iterFn))) { for (iterator = iterFn.call(O), result = new C(); !(step = iterator.next()).done; index++) { createProperty(result, index, mapping ? call(iterator, mapfn, [step.value, index], true) : step.value); } } else { length = toLength(O.length); for (result = new C(length); length > index; index++) { createProperty(result, index, mapping ? mapfn(O[index], index) : O[index]); } } result.length = index; return result; } }); /***/ }), /* 209 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(210); /***/ }), /* 210 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(211); var $Object = __webpack_require__(2).Object; module.exports = function defineProperties(T, D) { return $Object.defineProperties(T, D); }; /***/ }), /* 211 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var $export = __webpack_require__(7); // / Object.defineProperties(O, Properties) $export($export.S + $export.F * !__webpack_require__(14), 'Object', { defineProperties: __webpack_require__(94) }); /***/ }), /* 212 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(213); /***/ }), /* 213 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(214); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Object.getOwnPropertyDescriptors; /***/ }), /* 214 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-object-getownpropertydescriptors var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var ownKeys = __webpack_require__(215); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(18); var gOPD = __webpack_require__(36); var createProperty = __webpack_require__(158); $export($export.S, 'Object', { getOwnPropertyDescriptors: function getOwnPropertyDescriptors(object) { var O = toIObject(object); var getDesc = gOPD.f; var keys = ownKeys(O); var result = {}; var i = 0; var key, desc; while (keys.length > i) { desc = getDesc(O, key = keys[i++]); if (desc !== undefined) createProperty(result, key, desc); } return result; } }); /***/ }), /* 215 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // all object keys, includes non-enumerable and symbols var gOPN = __webpack_require__(72); var gOPS = __webpack_require__(62); var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var Reflect = __webpack_require__(8).Reflect; module.exports = Reflect && Reflect.ownKeys || function ownKeys(it) { var keys = gOPN.f(anObject(it)); var getSymbols = gOPS.f; return getSymbols ? keys.concat(getSymbols(it)) : keys; }; /***/ }), /* 216 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { module.exports = __webpack_require__(217); /***/ }), /* 217 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(95); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Object.getOwnPropertySymbols; /***/ }), /* 218 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // 7.3.20 SpeciesConstructor(O, defaultConstructor) var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); var SPECIES = __webpack_require__(10)('species'); module.exports = function (O, D) { var C = anObject(O).constructor; var S; return C === undefined || (S = anObject(C)[SPECIES]) == undefined ? D : aFunction(S); }; /***/ }), /* 219 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var ctx = __webpack_require__(32); var invoke = __webpack_require__(105); var html = __webpack_require__(104); var cel = __webpack_require__(73); var global = __webpack_require__(8); var process = global.process; var setTask = global.setImmediate; var clearTask = global.clearImmediate; var MessageChannel = global.MessageChannel; var Dispatch = global.Dispatch; var counter = 0; var queue = {}; var ONREADYSTATECHANGE = 'onreadystatechange'; var defer, channel, port; var run = function () { var id = +this; // eslint-disable-next-line no-prototype-builtins if (queue.hasOwnProperty(id)) { var fn = queue[id]; delete queue[id]; fn(); } }; var listener = function (event) { run.call(event.data); }; // Node.js 0.9+ & IE10+ has setImmediate, otherwise: if (!setTask || !clearTask) { setTask = function setImmediate(fn) { var args = []; var i = 1; while (arguments.length > i) args.push(arguments[i++]); queue[++counter] = function () { // eslint-disable-next-line no-new-func invoke(typeof fn == 'function' ? fn : Function(fn), args); }; defer(counter); return counter; }; clearTask = function clearImmediate(id) { delete queue[id]; }; // Node.js 0.8- if (__webpack_require__(45)(process) == 'process') { defer = function (id) { process.nextTick(ctx(run, id, 1)); }; // Sphere (JS game engine) Dispatch API } else if (Dispatch && Dispatch.now) { defer = function (id) { Dispatch.now(ctx(run, id, 1)); }; // Browsers with MessageChannel, includes WebWorkers } else if (MessageChannel) { channel = new MessageChannel(); port = channel.port2; channel.port1.onmessage = listener; defer = ctx(port.postMessage, port, 1); // Browsers with postMessage, skip WebWorkers // IE8 has postMessage, but it's sync & typeof its postMessage is 'object' } else if (global.addEventListener && typeof postMessage == 'function' && !global.importScripts) { defer = function (id) { global.postMessage(id + '', '*'); }; global.addEventListener('message', listener, false); // IE8- } else if (ONREADYSTATECHANGE in cel('script')) { defer = function (id) { html.appendChild(cel('script'))[ONREADYSTATECHANGE] = function () { html.removeChild(this); run.call(id); }; }; // Rest old browsers } else { defer = function (id) { setTimeout(ctx(run, id, 1), 0); }; } } module.exports = { set: setTask, clear: clearTask }; /***/ }), /* 220 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (exec) { try { return { e: false, v: exec() }; } catch (e) { return { e: true, v: e }; } }; /***/ }), /* 221 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var anObject = __webpack_require__(12); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var newPromiseCapability = __webpack_require__(180); module.exports = function (C, x) { anObject(C); if (isObject(x) && x.constructor === C) return x; var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapability.f(C); var resolve = promiseCapability.resolve; resolve(x); return promiseCapability.promise; }; /***/ }), /* 222 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Array$isArray = __webpack_require__(178); var arrayLikeToArray = __webpack_require__(168); function _arrayWithoutHoles(arr) { if (_Array$isArray(arr)) return arrayLikeToArray(arr); } module.exports = _arrayWithoutHoles; /***/ }), /* 223 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var _Array$from = __webpack_require__(167); var _isIterable = __webpack_require__(193); var _Symbol = __webpack_require__(91); function _iterableToArray(iter) { if (typeof _Symbol !== "undefined" && _isIterable(Object(iter))) return _Array$from(iter); } module.exports = _iterableToArray; /***/ }), /* 224 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { function _nonIterableSpread() { throw new TypeError("Invalid attempt to spread non-iterable instance.\nIn order to be iterable, non-array objects must have a [Symbol.iterator]() method."); } module.exports = _nonIterableSpread; /***/ }), /* 225 */, /* 226 */, /* 227 */, /* 228 */, /* 229 */, /* 230 */, /* 231 */, /* 232 */, /* 233 */, /* 234 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var addToUnscopables = __webpack_require__(106); var step = __webpack_require__(276); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(153); var toIObject = __webpack_require__(77); // Array.prototype.entries() // Array.prototype.keys() // Array.prototype.values() // Array.prototype[@@iterator]() module.exports = __webpack_require__(240)(Array, 'Array', function (iterated, kind) { this._t = toIObject(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index this._k = kind; // kind // %ArrayIteratorPrototype%.next() }, function () { var O = this._t; var kind = this._k; var index = this._i++; if (!O || index >= O.length) { this._t = undefined; return step(1); } if (kind == 'keys') return step(0, index); if (kind == 'values') return step(0, O[index]); return step(0, [index, O[index]]); }, 'values'); // argumentsList[@@iterator] is %ArrayProto_values% (, Iterators.Arguments = Iterators.Array; addToUnscopables('keys'); addToUnscopables('values'); addToUnscopables('entries'); /***/ }), /* 235 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.keys(O) var $keys = __webpack_require__(170); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(152); module.exports = Object.keys || function keys(O) { return $keys(O, enumBugKeys); }; /***/ }), /* 236 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var document = __webpack_require__(17).document; module.exports = document && document.documentElement; /***/ }), /* 237 */, /* 238 */, /* 239 */, /* 240 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(99); var $export = __webpack_require__(51); var redefine = __webpack_require__(31); var hide = __webpack_require__(29); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(153); var $iterCreate = __webpack_require__(277); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(189); var getPrototypeOf = __webpack_require__(280); var ITERATOR = __webpack_require__(13)('iterator'); var BUGGY = !([].keys && 'next' in [].keys()); // Safari has buggy iterators w/o `next` var FF_ITERATOR = '@@iterator'; var KEYS = 'keys'; var VALUES = 'values'; var returnThis = function () { return this; }; module.exports = function (Base, NAME, Constructor, next, DEFAULT, IS_SET, FORCED) { $iterCreate(Constructor, NAME, next); var getMethod = function (kind) { if (!BUGGY && kind in proto) return proto[kind]; switch (kind) { case KEYS: return function keys() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; case VALUES: return function values() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; } return function entries() { return new Constructor(this, kind); }; }; var TAG = NAME + ' Iterator'; var DEF_VALUES = DEFAULT == VALUES; var VALUES_BUG = false; var proto = Base.prototype; var $native = proto[ITERATOR] || proto[FF_ITERATOR] || DEFAULT && proto[DEFAULT]; var $default = $native || getMethod(DEFAULT); var $entries = DEFAULT ? !DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod('entries') : undefined; var $anyNative = NAME == 'Array' ? proto.entries || $native : $native; var methods, key, IteratorPrototype; // Fix native if ($anyNative) { IteratorPrototype = getPrototypeOf($anyNative.call(new Base())); if (IteratorPrototype !== Object.prototype && IteratorPrototype.next) { // Set @@toStringTag to native iterators setToStringTag(IteratorPrototype, TAG, true); // fix for some old engines if (!LIBRARY && typeof IteratorPrototype[ITERATOR] != 'function') hide(IteratorPrototype, ITERATOR, returnThis); } } // fix Array#{values, @@iterator}.name in V8 / FF if (DEF_VALUES && $native && $native.name !== VALUES) { VALUES_BUG = true; $default = function values() { return $native.call(this); }; } // Define iterator if ((!LIBRARY || FORCED) && (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG || !proto[ITERATOR])) { hide(proto, ITERATOR, $default); } // Plug for library Iterators[NAME] = $default; Iterators[TAG] = returnThis; if (DEFAULT) { methods = { values: DEF_VALUES ? $default : getMethod(VALUES), keys: IS_SET ? $default : getMethod(KEYS), entries: $entries }; if (FORCED) for (key in methods) { if (!(key in proto)) redefine(proto, key, methods[key]); } else $export($export.P + $export.F * (BUGGY || VALUES_BUG), NAME, methods); } return methods; }; /***/ }), /* 241 */, /* 242 */, /* 243 */, /* 244 */, /* 245 */, /* 246 */, /* 247 */, /* 248 */, /* 249 */, /* 250 */, /* 251 */, /* 252 */, /* 253 */, /* 254 */, /* 255 */, /* 256 */, /* 257 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { __webpack_require__(92); __webpack_require__(71); __webpack_require__(76); __webpack_require__(258); __webpack_require__(262); __webpack_require__(263); module.exports = __webpack_require__(2).Promise; /***/ }), /* 258 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var LIBRARY = __webpack_require__(34); var global = __webpack_require__(8); var ctx = __webpack_require__(32); var classof = __webpack_require__(109); var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var isObject = __webpack_require__(9); var aFunction = __webpack_require__(33); var anInstance = __webpack_require__(166); var forOf = __webpack_require__(148); var speciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(218); var task = __webpack_require__(219).set; var microtask = __webpack_require__(259)(); var newPromiseCapabilityModule = __webpack_require__(180); var perform = __webpack_require__(220); var userAgent = __webpack_require__(260); var promiseResolve = __webpack_require__(221); var PROMISE = 'Promise'; var TypeError = global.TypeError; var process = global.process; var versions = process && process.versions; var v8 = versions && versions.v8 || ''; var $Promise = global[PROMISE]; var isNode = classof(process) == 'process'; var empty = function () { /* empty */ }; var Internal, newGenericPromiseCapability, OwnPromiseCapability, Wrapper; var newPromiseCapability = newGenericPromiseCapability = newPromiseCapabilityModule.f; var USE_NATIVE = !!function () { try { // correct subclassing with @@species support var promise = $Promise.resolve(1); var FakePromise = (promise.constructor = {})[__webpack_require__(10)('species')] = function (exec) { exec(empty, empty); }; // unhandled rejections tracking support, NodeJS Promise without it fails @@species test return (isNode || typeof PromiseRejectionEvent == 'function') && promise.then(empty) instanceof FakePromise // v8 6.6 (Node 10 and Chrome 66) have a bug with resolving custom thenables // https://bugs.chromium.org/p/chromium/issues/detail?id=830565 // we can't detect it synchronously, so just check versions && v8.indexOf('6.6') !== 0 && userAgent.indexOf('Chrome/66') === -1; } catch (e) { /* empty */ } }(); // helpers var isThenable = function (it) { var then; return isObject(it) && typeof (then = it.then) == 'function' ? then : false; }; var notify = function (promise, isReject) { if (promise._n) return; promise._n = true; var chain = promise._c; microtask(function () { var value = promise._v; var ok = promise._s == 1; var i = 0; var run = function (reaction) { var handler = ok ? reaction.ok : reaction.fail; var resolve = reaction.resolve; var reject = reaction.reject; var domain = reaction.domain; var result, then, exited; try { if (handler) { if (!ok) { if (promise._h == 2) onHandleUnhandled(promise); promise._h = 1; } if (handler === true) result = value; else { if (domain) domain.enter(); result = handler(value); // may throw if (domain) { domain.exit(); exited = true; } } if (result === reaction.promise) { reject(TypeError('Promise-chain cycle')); } else if (then = isThenable(result)) { then.call(result, resolve, reject); } else resolve(result); } else reject(value); } catch (e) { if (domain && !exited) domain.exit(); reject(e); } }; while (chain.length > i) run(chain[i++]); // variable length - can't use forEach promise._c = []; promise._n = false; if (isReject && !promise._h) onUnhandled(promise); }); }; var onUnhandled = function (promise) { task.call(global, function () { var value = promise._v; var unhandled = isUnhandled(promise); var result, handler, console; if (unhandled) { result = perform(function () { if (isNode) { process.emit('unhandledRejection', value, promise); } else if (handler = global.onunhandledrejection) { handler({ promise: promise, reason: value }); } else if ((console = global.console) && console.error) { console.error('Unhandled promise rejection', value); } }); // Browsers should not trigger `rejectionHandled` event if it was handled here, NodeJS - should promise._h = isNode || isUnhandled(promise) ? 2 : 1; } promise._a = undefined; if (unhandled && result.e) throw result.v; }); }; var isUnhandled = function (promise) { return promise._h !== 1 && (promise._a || promise._c).length === 0; }; var onHandleUnhandled = function (promise) { task.call(global, function () { var handler; if (isNode) { process.emit('rejectionHandled', promise); } else if (handler = global.onrejectionhandled) { handler({ promise: promise, reason: promise._v }); } }); }; var $reject = function (value) { var promise = this; if (promise._d) return; promise._d = true; promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap promise._v = value; promise._s = 2; if (!promise._a) promise._a = promise._c.slice(); notify(promise, true); }; var $resolve = function (value) { var promise = this; var then; if (promise._d) return; promise._d = true; promise = promise._w || promise; // unwrap try { if (promise === value) throw TypeError("Promise can't be resolved itself"); if (then = isThenable(value)) { microtask(function () { var wrapper = { _w: promise, _d: false }; // wrap try { then.call(value, ctx($resolve, wrapper, 1), ctx($reject, wrapper, 1)); } catch (e) { $reject.call(wrapper, e); } }); } else { promise._v = value; promise._s = 1; notify(promise, false); } } catch (e) { $reject.call({ _w: promise, _d: false }, e); // wrap } }; // constructor polyfill if (!USE_NATIVE) { // Promise(executor) $Promise = function Promise(executor) { anInstance(this, $Promise, PROMISE, '_h'); aFunction(executor); Internal.call(this); try { executor(ctx($resolve, this, 1), ctx($reject, this, 1)); } catch (err) { $reject.call(this, err); } }; // eslint-disable-next-line no-unused-vars Internal = function Promise(executor) { this._c = []; // <- awaiting reactions this._a = undefined; // <- checked in isUnhandled reactions this._s = 0; // <- state this._d = false; // <- done this._v = undefined; // <- value this._h = 0; // <- rejection state, 0 - default, 1 - handled, 2 - unhandled this._n = false; // <- notify }; Internal.prototype = __webpack_require__(165)($Promise.prototype, { // Promise.prototype.then(onFulfilled, onRejected) then: function then(onFulfilled, onRejected) { var reaction = newPromiseCapability(speciesConstructor(this, $Promise)); reaction.ok = typeof onFulfilled == 'function' ? onFulfilled : true; reaction.fail = typeof onRejected == 'function' && onRejected; reaction.domain = isNode ? process.domain : undefined; this._c.push(reaction); if (this._a) this._a.push(reaction); if (this._s) notify(this, false); return reaction.promise; }, // Promise.prototype.catch(onRejected) 'catch': function (onRejected) { return this.then(undefined, onRejected); } }); OwnPromiseCapability = function () { var promise = new Internal(); this.promise = promise; this.resolve = ctx($resolve, promise, 1); this.reject = ctx($reject, promise, 1); }; newPromiseCapabilityModule.f = newPromiseCapability = function (C) { return C === $Promise || C === Wrapper ? new OwnPromiseCapability(C) : newGenericPromiseCapability(C); }; } $export($export.G + $export.W + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, { Promise: $Promise }); __webpack_require__(41)($Promise, PROMISE); __webpack_require__(261)(PROMISE); Wrapper = __webpack_require__(2)[PROMISE]; // statics $export($export.S + $export.F * !USE_NATIVE, PROMISE, { // Promise.reject(r) reject: function reject(r) { var capability = newPromiseCapability(this); var $$reject = capability.reject; $$reject(r); return capability.promise; } }); $export($export.S + $export.F * (LIBRARY || !USE_NATIVE), PROMISE, { // Promise.resolve(x) resolve: function resolve(x) { return promiseResolve(LIBRARY && this === Wrapper ? $Promise : this, x); } }); $export($export.S + $export.F * !(USE_NATIVE && __webpack_require__(179)(function (iter) { $Promise.all(iter)['catch'](empty); })), PROMISE, { // Promise.all(iterable) all: function all(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); var resolve = capability.resolve; var reject = capability.reject; var result = perform(function () { var values = []; var index = 0; var remaining = 1; forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { var $index = index++; var alreadyCalled = false; values.push(undefined); remaining++; C.resolve(promise).then(function (value) { if (alreadyCalled) return; alreadyCalled = true; values[$index] = value; --remaining || resolve(values); }, reject); }); --remaining || resolve(values); }); if (result.e) reject(result.v); return capability.promise; }, // Promise.race(iterable) race: function race(iterable) { var C = this; var capability = newPromiseCapability(C); var reject = capability.reject; var result = perform(function () { forOf(iterable, false, function (promise) { C.resolve(promise).then(capability.resolve, reject); }); }); if (result.e) reject(result.v); return capability.promise; } }); /***/ }), /* 259 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(8); var macrotask = __webpack_require__(219).set; var Observer = global.MutationObserver || global.WebKitMutationObserver; var process = global.process; var Promise = global.Promise; var isNode = __webpack_require__(45)(process) == 'process'; module.exports = function () { var head, last, notify; var flush = function () { var parent, fn; if (isNode && (parent = process.domain)) parent.exit(); while (head) { fn = head.fn; head = head.next; try { fn(); } catch (e) { if (head) notify(); else last = undefined; throw e; } } last = undefined; if (parent) parent.enter(); }; // Node.js if (isNode) { notify = function () { process.nextTick(flush); }; // browsers with MutationObserver, except iOS Safari - https://github.com/zloirock/core-js/issues/339 } else if (Observer && !(global.navigator && global.navigator.standalone)) { var toggle = true; var node = document.createTextNode(''); new Observer(flush).observe(node, { characterData: true }); // eslint-disable-line no-new notify = function () { node.data = toggle = !toggle; }; // environments with maybe non-completely correct, but existent Promise } else if (Promise && Promise.resolve) { // Promise.resolve without an argument throws an error in LG WebOS 2 var promise = Promise.resolve(undefined); notify = function () { promise.then(flush); }; // for other environments - macrotask based on: // - setImmediate // - MessageChannel // - window.postMessag // - onreadystatechange // - setTimeout } else { notify = function () { // strange IE + webpack dev server bug - use .call(global) macrotask.call(global, flush); }; } return function (fn) { var task = { fn: fn, next: undefined }; if (last) last.next = task; if (!head) { head = task; notify(); } last = task; }; }; /***/ }), /* 260 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var global = __webpack_require__(8); var navigator = global.navigator; module.exports = navigator && navigator.userAgent || ''; /***/ }), /* 261 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var global = __webpack_require__(8); var core = __webpack_require__(2); var dP = __webpack_require__(15); var DESCRIPTORS = __webpack_require__(14); var SPECIES = __webpack_require__(10)('species'); module.exports = function (KEY) { var C = typeof core[KEY] == 'function' ? core[KEY] : global[KEY]; if (DESCRIPTORS && C && !C[SPECIES]) dP.f(C, SPECIES, { configurable: true, get: function () { return this; } }); }; /***/ }), /* 262 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-finally var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var core = __webpack_require__(2); var global = __webpack_require__(8); var speciesConstructor = __webpack_require__(218); var promiseResolve = __webpack_require__(221); $export($export.P + $export.R, 'Promise', { 'finally': function (onFinally) { var C = speciesConstructor(this, core.Promise || global.Promise); var isFunction = typeof onFinally == 'function'; return this.then( isFunction ? function (x) { return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { return x; }); } : onFinally, isFunction ? function (e) { return promiseResolve(C, onFinally()).then(function () { throw e; }); } : onFinally ); } }); /***/ }), /* 263 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; // https://github.com/tc39/proposal-promise-try var $export = __webpack_require__(7); var newPromiseCapability = __webpack_require__(180); var perform = __webpack_require__(220); $export($export.S, 'Promise', { 'try': function (callbackfn) { var promiseCapability = newPromiseCapability.f(this); var result = perform(callbackfn); (result.e ? promiseCapability.reject : promiseCapability.resolve)(result.v); return promiseCapability.promise; } }); /***/ }), /* 264 */, /* 265 */, /* 266 */, /* 267 */, /* 268 */, /* 269 */, /* 270 */, /* 271 */, /* 272 */, /* 273 */, /* 274 */, /* 275 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var $iterators = __webpack_require__(234); var getKeys = __webpack_require__(235); var redefine = __webpack_require__(31); var global = __webpack_require__(17); var hide = __webpack_require__(29); var Iterators = __webpack_require__(153); var wks = __webpack_require__(13); var ITERATOR = wks('iterator'); var TO_STRING_TAG = wks('toStringTag'); var ArrayValues = Iterators.Array; var DOMIterables = { CSSRuleList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. CSSStyleDeclaration: false, CSSValueList: false, ClientRectList: false, DOMRectList: false, DOMStringList: false, DOMTokenList: true, DataTransferItemList: false, FileList: false, HTMLAllCollection: false, HTMLCollection: false, HTMLFormElement: false, HTMLSelectElement: false, MediaList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. MimeTypeArray: false, NamedNodeMap: false, NodeList: true, PaintRequestList: false, Plugin: false, PluginArray: false, SVGLengthList: false, SVGNumberList: false, SVGPathSegList: false, SVGPointList: false, SVGStringList: false, SVGTransformList: false, SourceBufferList: false, StyleSheetList: true, // TODO: Not spec compliant, should be false. TextTrackCueList: false, TextTrackList: false, TouchList: false }; for (var collections = getKeys(DOMIterables), i = 0; i < collections.length; i++) { var NAME = collections[i]; var explicit = DOMIterables[NAME]; var Collection = global[NAME]; var proto = Collection && Collection.prototype; var key; if (proto) { if (!proto[ITERATOR]) hide(proto, ITERATOR, ArrayValues); if (!proto[TO_STRING_TAG]) hide(proto, TO_STRING_TAG, NAME); Iterators[NAME] = ArrayValues; if (explicit) for (key in $iterators) if (!proto[key]) redefine(proto, key, $iterators[key], true); } } /***/ }), /* 276 */ /***/ (function(module, exports) { module.exports = function (done, value) { return { value: value, done: !!done }; }; /***/ }), /* 277 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var create = __webpack_require__(278); var descriptor = __webpack_require__(88); var setToStringTag = __webpack_require__(189); var IteratorPrototype = {}; // %IteratorPrototype%[@@iterator]() __webpack_require__(29)(IteratorPrototype, __webpack_require__(13)('iterator'), function () { return this; }); module.exports = function (Constructor, NAME, next) { Constructor.prototype = create(IteratorPrototype, { next: descriptor(1, next) }); setToStringTag(Constructor, NAME + ' Iterator'); }; /***/ }), /* 278 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.create(O [, Properties]) var anObject = __webpack_require__(23); var dPs = __webpack_require__(279); var enumBugKeys = __webpack_require__(152); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(146)('IE_PROTO'); var Empty = function () { /* empty */ }; var PROTOTYPE = 'prototype'; // Create object with fake `null` prototype: use iframe Object with cleared prototype var createDict = function () { // Thrash, waste and sodomy: IE GC bug var iframe = __webpack_require__(97)('iframe'); var i = enumBugKeys.length; var lt = '<'; var gt = '>'; var iframeDocument; iframe.style.display = 'none'; __webpack_require__(236).appendChild(iframe); iframe.src = 'javascript:'; // eslint-disable-line no-script-url // createDict = iframe.contentWindow.Object; // html.removeChild(iframe); iframeDocument = iframe.contentWindow.document; iframeDocument.open(); iframeDocument.write(lt + 'script' + gt + 'document.F=Object' + lt + '/script' + gt); iframeDocument.close(); createDict = iframeDocument.F; while (i--) delete createDict[PROTOTYPE][enumBugKeys[i]]; return createDict(); }; module.exports = Object.create || function create(O, Properties) { var result; if (O !== null) { Empty[PROTOTYPE] = anObject(O); result = new Empty(); Empty[PROTOTYPE] = null; // add "__proto__" for Object.getPrototypeOf polyfill result[IE_PROTO] = O; } else result = createDict(); return Properties === undefined ? result : dPs(result, Properties); }; /***/ }), /* 279 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { var dP = __webpack_require__(39); var anObject = __webpack_require__(23); var getKeys = __webpack_require__(235); module.exports = __webpack_require__(22) ? Object.defineProperties : function defineProperties(O, Properties) { anObject(O); var keys = getKeys(Properties); var length = keys.length; var i = 0; var P; while (length > i) dP.f(O, P = keys[i++], Properties[P]); return O; }; /***/ }), /* 280 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { // / Object.getPrototypeOf(O) var has = __webpack_require__(60); var toObject = __webpack_require__(93); var IE_PROTO = __webpack_require__(146)('IE_PROTO'); var ObjectProto = Object.prototype; module.exports = Object.getPrototypeOf || function (O) { O = toObject(O); if (has(O, IE_PROTO)) return O[IE_PROTO]; if (typeof O.constructor == 'function' && O instanceof O.constructor) { return O.constructor.prototype; } return O instanceof Object ? ObjectProto : null; }; /***/ }), /* 281 */, /* 282 */, /* 283 */, /* 284 */, /* 285 */, /* 286 */, /* 287 */, /* 288 */, /* 289 */, /* 290 */, /* 291 */, /* 292 */, /* 293 */, /* 294 */, /* 295 */, /* 296 */, /* 297 */, /* 298 */, /* 299 */, /* 300 */, /* 301 */, /* 302 */, /* 303 */, /* 304 */, /* 305 */, /* 306 */, /* 307 */, /* 308 */, /* 309 */, /* 310 */, /* 311 */, /* 312 */, /* 313 */, /* 314 */, /* 315 */, /* 316 */, /* 317 */, /* 318 */, /* 319 */, /* 320 */, /* 321 */, /* 322 */, /* 323 */, /* 324 */, /* 325 */, /* 326 */, /* 327 */, /* 328 */, /* 329 */, /* 330 */, /* 331 */, /* 332 */, /* 333 */, /* 334 */, /* 335 */, /* 336 */, /* 337 */, /* 338 */, /* 339 */, /* 340 */, /* 341 */, /* 342 */, /* 343 */, /* 344 */, /* 345 */, /* 346 */, /* 347 */, /* 348 */, /* 349 */, /* 350 */, /* 351 */, /* 352 */, /* 353 */, /* 354 */, /* 355 */, /* 356 */, /* 357 */, /* 358 */, /* 359 */, /* 360 */, /* 361 */, /* 362 */, /* 363 */, /* 364 */, /* 365 */, /* 366 */, /* 367 */, /* 368 */, /* 369 */, /* 370 */, /* 371 */, /* 372 */, /* 373 */, /* 374 */, /* 375 */, /* 376 */, /* 377 */, /* 378 */, /* 379 */, /* 380 */, /* 381 */, /* 382 */, /* 383 */, /* 384 */, /* 385 */, /* 386 */, /* 387 */, /* 388 */, /* 389 */, /* 390 */, /* 391 */, /* 392 */, /* 393 */, /* 394 */, /* 395 */, /* 396 */, /* 397 */, /* 398 */, /* 399 */, /* 400 */, /* 401 */, /* 402 */, /* 403 */, /* 404 */, /* 405 */, /* 406 */, /* 407 */, /* 408 */, /* 409 */, /* 410 */, /* 411 */, /* 412 */, /* 413 */, /* 414 */, /* 415 */, /* 416 */, /* 417 */, /* 418 */, /* 419 */, /* 420 */, /* 421 */, /* 422 */, /* 423 */, /* 424 */, /* 425 */, /* 426 */, /* 427 */, /* 428 */, /* 429 */, /* 430 */, /* 431 */, /* 432 */, /* 433 */, /* 434 */, /* 435 */, /* 436 */, /* 437 */, /* 438 */, /* 439 */, /* 440 */, /* 441 */, /* 442 */, /* 443 */, /* 444 */, /* 445 */, /* 446 */, /* 447 */, /* 448 */, /* 449 */, /* 450 */, /* 451 */, /* 452 */, /* 453 */, /* 454 */, /* 455 */, /* 456 */, /* 457 */, /* 458 */, /* 459 */, /* 460 */, /* 461 */, /* 462 */, /* 463 */, /* 464 */, /* 465 */, /* 466 */, /* 467 */, /* 468 */, /* 469 */, /* 470 */, /* 471 */, /* 472 */, /* 473 */, /* 474 */, /* 475 */, /* 476 */, /* 477 */, /* 478 */, /* 479 */, /* 480 */, /* 481 */, /* 482 */, /* 483 */, /* 484 */, /* 485 */, /* 486 */, /* 487 */, /* 488 */, /* 489 */, /* 490 */, /* 491 */, /* 492 */, /* 493 */, /* 494 */, /* 495 */, /* 496 */, /* 497 */, /* 498 */, /* 499 */, /* 500 */, /* 501 */, /* 502 */, /* 503 */, /* 504 */, /* 505 */, /* 506 */, /* 507 */, /* 508 */, /* 509 */, /* 510 */, /* 511 */, /* 512 */, /* 513 */, /* 514 */, /* 515 */, /* 516 */, /* 517 */, /* 518 */, /* 519 */, /* 520 */, /* 521 */, /* 522 */, /* 523 */, /* 524 */, /* 525 */, /* 526 */, /* 527 */, /* 528 */, /* 529 */, /* 530 */, /* 531 */, /* 532 */, /* 533 */, /* 534 */, /* 535 */, /* 536 */, /* 537 */, /* 538 */, /* 539 */, /* 540 */, /* 541 */, /* 542 */, /* 543 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var _interopRequireDefault = __webpack_require__(1); __webpack_require__(275); __webpack_require__(234); __webpack_require__(111); __webpack_require__(544); var _toConsumableArray2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(196)); var _promise = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(195)); __webpack_require__(19); var _objectSpread2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(150)); var _classCallCheck2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(3)); var _createClass2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(6)); var _get2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(61)); var _getPrototypeOf2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(25)); var _inherits2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(4)); var _createSuper2 = _interopRequireDefault(__webpack_require__(5)); /* global ElementorScreenshotConfig, jQuery */ var Screenshot = /*#__PURE__*/function (_elementorModules$Vie) { (0, _inherits2.default)(Screenshot, _elementorModules$Vie); var _super = (0, _createSuper2.default)(Screenshot); function Screenshot() { (0, _classCallCheck2.default)(this, Screenshot); return _super.apply(this, arguments); } (0, _createClass2.default)(Screenshot, [{ key: "getDefaultSettings", value: function getDefaultSettings() { return (0, _objectSpread2.default)({ empty_content_headline: 'Empty Content.', crop: { width: 1200, height: 1500 }, excluded_external_css_urls: ['https://kit-pro.fontawesome.com'], external_images_urls: ['https://i.ytimg.com' // Youtube images domain. ], timeout: 15000, // Wait until screenshot taken or fail in 15 secs. render_timeout: 5000, // Wait until all the element will be loaded or 5 sec and then take screenshot. timerLabel: null, timer_label: "".concat(ElementorScreenshotConfig.post_id, " - timer"), image_placeholder: '', isDebug: elementorCommonConfig.isElementorDebug, isDebugSvg: false }, ElementorScreenshotConfig); } }, { key: "getDefaultElements", value: function getDefaultElements() { var $elementor = jQuery(ElementorScreenshotConfig.selector); var $sections = $elementor.find(' .elementor-section-wrap > .elementor-section'); return { $elementor: $elementor, $sections: $sections, $firstSection: $sections.first(), $notElementorElements: elementorCommon.elements.$body.find('> *:not(style, link)').not($elementor), $head: jQuery('head') }; } }, { key: "onInit", value: function onInit() { (0, _get2.default)((0, _getPrototypeOf2.default)(Screenshot.prototype), "onInit", this).call(this); this.log('Screenshot init', 'time'); /** * hold the timeout timer * * @type {number|null} */ this.timeoutTimer = setTimeout(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this), this.getSettings('timeout')); return this.captureScreenshot(); } /** * The main method for this class. */ }, { key: "captureScreenshot", value: function captureScreenshot() { if (!this.elements.$elementor.length) { elementorCommon.helpers.consoleWarn('Screenshots: The content of this page is empty, the module will create a fake conent just for this screenshot.'); this.createFakeContent(); } this.removeUnnecessaryElements(); this.handleIFrames(); this.removeFirstSectionMargin(); this.handleLinks(); this.loadExternalCss(); this.loadExternalImages(); return _promise.default.resolve().then(this.createImage.bind(this)).then(this.createImageElement.bind(this)).then(this.cropCanvas.bind(this)).then(this.save.bind(this)).then(this.screenshotSucceed.bind(this)).catch(this.screenshotFailed.bind(this)); } /** * Fake content for documents that dont have any content. */ }, { key: "createFakeContent", value: function createFakeContent() { this.elements.$elementor = jQuery('<div>').css({ height: this.getSettings('crop.height'), width: this.getSettings('crop.width'), display: 'flex', alignItems: 'center', justifyContent: 'center' }); this.elements.$elementor.append(jQuery('<h1>').css({ fontSize: '85px' }).html(this.getSettings('empty_content_headline'))); document.body.prepend(this.elements.$elementor); } /** * CSS from another server cannot be loaded with the current dom to image library. * this method take all the links from another domain and proxy them. */ }, { key: "loadExternalCss", value: function loadExternalCss() { var _this = this; var excludedUrls = [this.getSettings('home_url')].concat((0, _toConsumableArray2.default)(this.getSettings('excluded_external_css_urls'))); var notSelector = excludedUrls.map(function (url) { return "[href^=\"".concat(url, "\"]"); }).join(', '); jQuery('link').not(notSelector).each(function (index, el) { var $link = jQuery(el), $newLink = $link.clone(); $newLink.attr('href', _this.getScreenshotProxyUrl($link.attr('href'))); _this.elements.$head.append($newLink); $link.remove(); }); } /** * Make a proxy to images urls that has some problems with cross origin (like youtube). */ }, { key: "loadExternalImages", value: function loadExternalImages() { var _this2 = this; var selector = this.getSettings('external_images_urls').map(function (url) { return "img[src^=\"".concat(url, "\"]"); }).join(', '); jQuery(selector).each(function (index, el) { var $img = jQuery(el); $img.attr('src', _this2.getScreenshotProxyUrl($img.attr('src'))); }); } /** * Html to images libraries can not snapshot IFrames * this method convert all the IFrames to some other elements. */ }, { key: "handleIFrames", value: function handleIFrames() { this.elements.$elementor.find('iframe').each(function (index, el) { var $iframe = jQuery(el), $iframeMask = jQuery('<div />', { css: { background: 'gray', width: $iframe.width(), height: $iframe.height() } }); $iframe.before($iframeMask); $iframe.remove(); }); } /** * Remove all the sections that should not be in the screenshot. */ }, { key: "removeUnnecessaryElements", value: function removeUnnecessaryElements() { var _this3 = this; var currentHeight = 0; this.elements.$sections.filter(function (index, el) { var shouldBeRemoved = false; if (currentHeight >= _this3.getSettings('crop.height')) { shouldBeRemoved = true; } currentHeight += jQuery(el).outerHeight(); return shouldBeRemoved; }).each(function (index, el) { el.remove(); }); // Some 3rd party plugins inject elements into the dom, so this method removes all // the elements that was injected, to make sure that it capture a screenshot only of the post itself. this.elements.$notElementorElements.remove(); } /** * Some urls make some problems to the svg parser. * this method convert all the urls to just '/'. */ }, { key: "handleLinks", value: function handleLinks() { elementorCommon.elements.$body.find('a').attr('href', '/'); } /** * Remove unnecessary margin from the first element of the post (singles and footers). */ }, { key: "removeFirstSectionMargin", value: function removeFirstSectionMargin() { this.elements.$firstSection.css({ marginTop: 0 }); } /** * Creates a png image. * * @returns {Promise<unknown>} */ }, { key: "createImage", value: function createImage() { var _this4 = this; var pageLoadedPromise = new _promise.default(function (resolve) { window.addEventListener('load', function () { resolve(); }); }); var timeOutPromise = new _promise.default(function (resolve) { setTimeout(function () { resolve(); }, _this4.getSettings('render_timeout')); }); return _promise.default.race([pageLoadedPromise, timeOutPromise]).then(function () { _this4.log('Start creating screenshot.'); if (_this4.getSettings('isDebugSvg')) { domtoimage.toSvg(document.body, { imagePlaceholder: _this4.getSettings('image_placeholder') }).then(function (svg) { return _this4.download(svg); }); return _promise.default.reject('Debug SVG.'); } // TODO: Extract to util function. var isSafari = /^((?!chrome|android).)*safari/i.test(window.userAgent); // Safari browser has some problems with the images that dom-to-images // library creates, so in this specific case the screenshot uses html2canvas. // Note that dom-to-image creates more accurate screenshot in "not safari" browsers. if (isSafari) { _this4.log('Creating screenshot with "html2canvas"'); return html2canvas(document.body).then(function (canvas) { return canvas.toDataURL('image/png'); }); } _this4.log('Creating screenshot with "dom-to-image"'); return domtoimage.toPng(document.body, { imagePlaceholder: _this4.getSettings('image_placeholder') }); }); } /** * Download a uri, use for debugging the svg that created from dom to image libraries. * * @param uri */ }, { key: "download", value: function download(uri) { var $link = jQuery('<a/>', { href: uri, download: 'debugSvg.svg', html: 'Download SVG' }); elementorCommon.elements.$body.append($link); $link.trigger('click'); } /** * Creates fake image element to get the size of the image later on. * * @param dataUrl * @returns {Promise<HTMLImageElement>} */ }, { key: "createImageElement", value: function createImageElement(dataUrl) { var image = new Image(); image.src = dataUrl; return new _promise.default(function (resolve) { image.onload = function () { return resolve(image); }; }); } /** * Crop the image to requested sizes. * * @param image * @returns {Promise<unknown>} */ }, { key: "cropCanvas", value: function cropCanvas(image) { var width = this.getSettings('crop.width'); var height = this.getSettings('crop.height'); var cropCanvas = document.createElement('canvas'), cropContext = cropCanvas.getContext('2d'), ratio = width / image.width; cropCanvas.width = width; cropCanvas.height = height > image.height ? image.height : height; cropContext.drawImage(image, 0, 0, image.width, image.height, 0, 0, image.width * ratio, image.height * ratio); return _promise.default.resolve(cropCanvas); } /** * Send the image to the server. * * @param canvas * @returns {Promise<unknown>} */ }, { key: "save", value: function save(canvas) { var _this5 = this; return new _promise.default(function (resolve, reject) { elementorCommon.ajax.addRequest('screenshot_save', { data: { post_id: _this5.getSettings('post_id'), screenshot: canvas.toDataURL('image/png') }, success: function success(url) { _this5.log("Screenshot created: ".concat(encodeURI(url))); resolve(url); }, error: function error() { _this5.log('Failed to create screenshot.'); reject(); } }); }); } /** * Mark this post screenshot as failed. */ }, { key: "markAsFailed", value: function markAsFailed() { var _this6 = this; return new _promise.default(function (resolve, reject) { elementorCommon.ajax.addRequest('screenshot_failed', { data: { post_id: _this6.getSettings('post_id') }, success: function success() { _this6.log("Marked as failed."); resolve(); }, error: function error() { _this6.log('Failed to mark this screenshot as failed.'); reject(); } }); }); } /** * @param url * @returns {string} */ }, { key: "getScreenshotProxyUrl", value: function getScreenshotProxyUrl(url) { return "".concat(this.getSettings('home_url'), "?screenshot_proxy&nonce=").concat(this.getSettings('nonce'), "&href=").concat(url); } /** * Notify that the screenshot has been succeed. */ }, { key: "screenshotSucceed", value: function screenshotSucceed(imageUrl) { this.screenshotDone(true, imageUrl); } /** * Notify that the screenshot has been failed. */ }, { key: "screenshotFailed", value: function screenshotFailed(e) { var _this7 = this; this.log(e, null); this.markAsFailed().then(function () { return _this7.screenshotDone(false); }); } /** * Final method of the screenshot. * * @param success * @param imageUrl */ }, { key: "screenshotDone", value: function screenshotDone(success) { var imageUrl = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : null; clearTimeout(this.timeoutTimer); this.timeoutTimer = null; // Send the message to the parent window and not to the top. // e.g: The `Theme builder` is loaded into an iFrame so the message of the screenshot // should be sent to the `Theme builder` window and not to the top window. window.parent.postMessage({ name: 'capture-screenshot-done', success: success, id: this.getSettings('post_id'), imageUrl: imageUrl }, '*'); this.log("Screenshot ".concat(success ? 'Succeed' : 'Failed', "."), 'timeEnd'); } /** * Log messages for debugging. * * @param message * @param timerMethod */ }, { key: "log", value: function log(message) { var timerMethod = arguments.length > 1 && arguments[1] !== undefined ? arguments[1] : 'timeLog'; if (!this.getSettings('isDebug')) { return; } // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console.log('string' === typeof message ? "".concat(this.getSettings('post_id'), " - ").concat(message) : message); if (timerMethod) { // eslint-disable-next-line no-console console[timerMethod](this.getSettings('timer_label')); } } }]); return Screenshot; }(elementorModules.ViewModule); jQuery(function () { new Screenshot(); }); /***/ }), /* 544 */ /***/ (function(module, exports, __webpack_require__) { "use strict"; var $at = __webpack_require__(164)(true); // String.prototype[@@iterator]() __webpack_require__(240)(String, 'String', function (iterated) { this._t = String(iterated); // target this._i = 0; // next index // %StringIteratorPrototype%.next() }, function () { var O = this._t; var index = this._i; var point; if (index >= O.length) return { value: undefined, done: true }; point = $at(O, index); this._i += point.length; return { value: point, done: false }; }); /***/ }) /******/ ]); //# sourceMappingURL=screenshot.js.map