Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/includes/ |
Current File : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/includes/general-functions.php |
<?php /** * * * @package Auxin * @license LICENSE.txt * @author averta * @link http://phlox.pro/ * @copyright (c) 2010-2021 averta */ /** * Whether a plugin is active or not * * @param string $plugin_basename plugin directory name and mail file address * @return bool True if plugin is active and FALSE otherwise */ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_is_plugin_active' ) ){ function auxin_is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ){ include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); return is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ); } } /** * Retrieves the markup for footer logo element * * @param array $args The properties fort this element * * @return string The markup for logo element */ function auxin_get_footer_logo_block( $args = array() ){ $defaults = array( 'css_class' => '', 'middle' => true ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); ob_start(); ?> <div class="aux-logo <?php echo esc_attr( $args['css_class'] ); ?>"> <a class="aux-logo-anchor <?php echo ($args['middle'] ? 'aux-middle' : ''); ?>" href="<?php echo esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ); ?>" title="<?php echo esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ); ?>" rel="home"> <?php echo _auxin_get_footer_logo_image(); ?> </a> </div><!-- end logo aux-fold --> <?php return ob_get_clean(); } /** * Retrieves the footer logo image tag * * @return string The markup for logo image */ function _auxin_get_footer_logo_image(){ global $post; if( ! $img_id = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_secondary_logo_image' ) ){ $img_id = auxin_get_option( 'site_secondary_logo_image'); } return wp_get_attachment_image( $img_id, 'full', false, array( 'class' => 'aux-logo-image aux-logo-dark', 'itemprop' => 'logo', 'alt' => esc_attr( get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ) ) ) ); } //// is absolute url /////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Whether it's absolute url or not * * @param string $url The URL * @return bool TRUE if the URL is absolute */ if( ! function_exists( "auxin_is_absolute_url" ) ){ function auxin_is_absolute_url( $url ){ return preg_match( "~^(?:f|ht)tps?://~i", $url ); } } //// create absolute url if the url is relative //////////////////////////////////////// /** * Print absolute URL for media file even if the URL is relative * * @param string $url The link to media file * @return void */ function auxin_the_absolute_image_url( $url ){ echo auxin_get_the_absolute_image_url( $url ); } /** * Get absolute URL for media file event if the URL is relative * * @param string $url The link to media file * @return string The absolute URL to media file */ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_get_the_absolute_image_url' ) ){ function auxin_get_the_absolute_image_url( $url ){ if( ! isset( $url ) || empty( $url ) ) return ''; if( auxin_is_absolute_url( $url ) || auxin_contains_upload_dir( $url ) ) return $url; $uploads = wp_get_upload_dir(); return trailingslashit( $uploads['baseurl'] ) . $url; } } //// get all registerd siderbar ids /////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_get_all_sidebar_ids' ) ){ function auxin_get_all_sidebar_ids(){ $sidebars = get_theme_mod( 'auxin_sidebars'); $output = array(); if( isset( $auxin_sidebars ) && ! empty( $auxin_sidebars ) ){ foreach( $sidebars as $key => $value ) { $output[] = THEME_ID .'-'. strtolower( str_replace(' ', '-', $value) ); } } return $output; } } //// remove all auto generated p tags from shortcode content ////////////////////////// if( ! function_exists( "auxin_do_cleanup_shortcode" ) ){ function auxin_do_cleanup_shortcode( $content ) { /* Parse nested shortcodes and add formatting. */ $content = trim( wpautop( do_shortcode( $content ) ) ); /* Remove any instances of '<p>' '</p>'. */ $content = auxin_cleanup_content( $content ); return $content; } } //// remove all p tags from string //////////////////////////////////////////////////// if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_cleanup_content' ) ){ function auxin_cleanup_content( $content ) { /* Remove any instances of '<p>' '</p>'. */ return str_replace( array('<p>','</p>'), array('','') , $content ); } } /** * Generates and may print a notice for missing required plugins in elementor * * @param array $args * @return string May return the notice markup */ function auxin_elementor_plugin_missing_notice( $args ){ // default params $defaults = array( 'plugin_name' => '', 'echo' => true ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); ob_start(); ?> <div class="elementor-alert elementor-alert-danger" role="alert"> <span class="elementor-alert-title"> <?php echo sprintf( esc_html__( '"%s" Plugin is Not Activated!', 'auxin-elements' ), $args['plugin_name'] ); ?> </span> <span class="elementor-alert-description"> <?php esc_html_e( 'In order to use this element, you need to install and activate this plugin.', 'auxin-elements' ); ?> </span> </div> <?php $notice = ob_get_clean(); if( $args['echo'] ){ echo $notice; } else { return $notice; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A function that makes excluding featured image, post formats and post ids simpler /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_parse_query_args' ) ){ /** * A function that makes excluding featured image, post formats and post ids simpler * * @param array $args The list of options and query params * @return array The parsed args as array */ function auxin_parse_query_args( $args ){ $defaults = array( 'post_type' => 'post', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1, 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1, 'tax_query' => array(), 'posts__in' => '', // display only these post IDs. array or string comma separated 'posts__not_in' => '', // exclude these post IDs from result. array or string comma separated 'include_posts__in' => '', // include these post IDs in result too. array or string comma separated 'exclude_without_media' => 0, // exclude the posts without featured image 'exclude_post_formats_in' => '', // exclude the post with these post formats 'include_post_formats_in' => '', // include the post with these post formats ); // parse and merge the passed args $parsed_args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); // Exclude post formats ---------------------------------------------------- // exclude post formats if specified if( ! empty( $parsed_args['exclude_post_formats_in'] ) ){ // generate post-format terms (i.e post-format-aside) $post_format_terms = array(); foreach ( $parsed_args['exclude_post_formats_in'] as $_post_format ) { $post_format_terms[] = 'post-format-' . $_post_format; } // exclude the redundant taxonomies (post-format) $parsed_args['tax_query'][] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_format', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $post_format_terms, 'operator' => 'NOT IN' ); } else if( ! empty( $parsed_args['include_post_formats_in'] ) ) { // generate post-format terms (i.e post-format-aside) $post_format_terms = array(); foreach ( $parsed_args['include_post_formats_in'] as $_post_format ) { $post_format_terms[] = 'post-format-' . $_post_format; } // exclude the redundant taxonomies (post-format) $parsed_args['tax_query'][] = array( 'taxonomy' => 'post_format', 'field' => 'slug', 'terms' => $post_format_terms, 'operator' => 'IN' ); } // Exclude posts without featured image ------------------------------------ // whether to exclude posts without featured-image or not if( $parsed_args['exclude_without_media'] ){ $parsed_args['meta_query'] = array( array( 'key' => '_thumbnail_id', 'value' => '', 'compare' => '!=' ) ); } // Include, Exclude & Replace Post IDs ------------------------------------- // get the list of custom post ids to display $only_posts = $parsed_args['posts__in'] ? wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['posts__in'] ) : array(); // get the list of custom post ids to include $include_posts = $parsed_args['include_posts__in'] ? wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['include_posts__in'] ) : array(); // get the list of custom post ids to exclude $exclude_posts = $parsed_args['posts__not_in'] ? wp_parse_id_list( $parsed_args['posts__not_in'] ) : array(); // if both of post__in and post__not_in options are defined, we have to array_diff the arrays, // because we cannot use post__in & post__not_in at the time in WordPress if( $only_posts ){ if( $exclude_posts ){ // remove the excluded post ids from post__in list if( $only_posts = array_filter( array_diff( $only_posts, $exclude_posts ) ) ){ $parsed_args['post__in'] = $only_posts; } } else { $parsed_args['post__in'] = $only_posts; } $parsed_args['posts__not_in'] = ''; // if include_posts__in was specified } elseif( $include_posts ){ $extra_query_args = $parsed_args; // query the posts other than the ones we intend to include $include_and_exclude_posts = array_unique( array_filter( array_merge( $include_posts, $exclude_posts ) ) ); // remove the excluded post ids from include_posts__in list $the_posts_to_include = array_diff( $include_posts, $exclude_posts ); $extra_query_args['fields'] = 'ids'; // just get IDs, for better performance $extra_query_args['post__in'] = ''; // forget post__in in this pre query $extra_query_args['post__not_in'] = $include_and_exclude_posts; // dont select our include adn exclude posts in this query, we will prepend them later // get the post ids other than our include and exclude list $other_post_ids = get_posts( $extra_query_args ); // prepend the included post ids $merged_post_ids = array_merge( $the_posts_to_include, $other_post_ids ); // change the main query base on previous result $parsed_args = array( 'post__in' => $merged_post_ids, 'orderby' => 'post__in', // query base on the order of defined post ids 'posts_per_page' => $parsed_args['posts_per_page'], 'ignore_sticky_posts' => 1 ); // if just "post__not_in" option is specified } elseif( $exclude_posts ) { $parsed_args['post__not_in'] = $exclude_posts; } // Remove extra query args ------------------------------------------------- unset( $parsed_args['include_posts__in'] ); unset( $parsed_args['exclude_without_media'] ); unset( $parsed_args['exclude_post_formats_in'] ); unset( $parsed_args['include_post_formats_in'] ); return $parsed_args; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Extract only raw text - remove all special charecters, html tags, js and css codes /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_extract_text( $content = null ) { // decode encoded html tags $content = htmlspecialchars_decode($content); // remove script tag and inline js content $content = preg_replace('#<script(.*?)>(.*?)</script>#is', '', $content); // remove style tag and inline css content $content = preg_replace('#<style(.*?)>(.*?)</style>#is' , '', $content); // remove iframe content $content = preg_replace('#<if'.'rame(.*?)>(.*?)</iframe>#is', '', $content); // remove extra white spaces $content = preg_replace('/[\s]+/', ' ', $content ); // strip html tags and escape special charecters $content = esc_attr(strip_tags($content)); // remove double space $content = preg_replace('/\s{3,}/',' ', $content ); return $content; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Big Grid layout patterns /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_get_grid_pattern( $pattern, $index, $column_media_width ) { switch ( $pattern ) { case 'pattern-1': return auxin_big_grid_pattern_1( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-2'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_2( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-3'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_3( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-4'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_4( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-5'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_5( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-6'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_6( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-7'; return auxin_big_grid_pattern_7( $index, $column_media_width ); break; default: return auxin_get_big_grid_pattern( $index, $column_media_width ); break; } } /** * Defines the size of post tile based on pattern and given index * @param string $pattern * @param int $index * @return Array classname, image size */ function auxin_get_big_grid_pattern( $index, $column_media_width, $pattern = 'default' ) { $div_index = $index % 12; $return_value = array(); $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 4, 0, $column_media_width ); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: case 7: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-6 aux-t-big-grid-12-8 aux-m-big-grid-12-8', 'size' => array( 'width' => 2 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 2 * $column_media_width ) ); break; // full width case 5: case 11: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => 4 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 4 * $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-3-3 aux-t-big-grid-6-5 aux-m-big-grid-12-8', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_1( $index, $column_media_width ) { $return_value = array(); $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 0, $column_media_width ); return array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-4-4 aux-t-big-grid-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_2( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 4, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 5; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-6 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => 2 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 2 * $column_media_width ) ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-3-3 aux-t-big-grid-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_3( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 3; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { case 0: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-6 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); break; default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-3 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_4( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 4; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-6 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); break; case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-3 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-3-3 aux-t-big-grid-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width * 0.5 , 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_5( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 6; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-6-6 aux-t-big-grid-12-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-3-3 aux-t-big-grid-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width * 0.5, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_6( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 15, $column_media_width ); $return_value = array(); $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-lg-4-4 aux-t-big-grid-lg-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-lg-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); return $return_value; } function auxin_big_grid_pattern_7( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 1, $column_media_width ); $return_value = array(); $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-big-grid-sg-4-4 aux-t-big-grid-sg-6-6 aux-m-big-grid-sg-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); return $return_value; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Tiles layout patterns /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Defines the size of post tile based on pattern and given index * @param string $pattern * @param int $index * @return Array classname, image size */ function auxin_get_tile_pattern( $pattern, $index, $column_media_width ) { switch ( $pattern ) { case 'pattern-1': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_1( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-2': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_2( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-3': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_3( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-4': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_4( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-5': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_5( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-6': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_6( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-7': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_7( $index, $column_media_width ); break; case 'pattern-8': $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_8( $index, $column_media_width ); break; default: $pattern = auxin_tile_pattern_default( $index, $column_media_width ); break; } if( empty( $pattern['image_sizes'] ) ){ $pattern['image_sizes'] = 'auto'; } if( empty( $pattern['srcset_sizes'] ) ){ $pattern['srcset_sizes'] = 'auto'; } return $pattern; } function auxin_tile_pattern_default( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 4, 0, $column_media_width ); $custom_aspect_ratio = 0.5; $div_index = $index % 12; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: case 7: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-12-12 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => 2 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 2 * $column_media_width ), ); break; // full width case 5: case 11: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => 4 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 4 * $column_media_width * $custom_aspect_ratio ), ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-3-3 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-6-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_1( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 0, $column_media_width ); return array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-4-4 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); } function auxin_tile_pattern_2( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 4, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 5; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => 2 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 2 * $column_media_width ) ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-3-3 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-6-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_3( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 3; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { case 0: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ) ); break; default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-3 aux-t-tile-12-6 aux-m-tile-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ) ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_4( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 4; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); break; case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-3 aux-t-tile-12-6 aux-m-tile-12-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5), ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-3-3 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-6-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width * 0.5, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ), ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_5( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $div_index = $index % 6; $return_value = array(); switch ( $div_index ) { // large squares case 0: case 1: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); break; // small squares default: $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-3-3 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-6-6', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width * 0.5, 'height' => $column_media_width * 0.5 ), ); } return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_6( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 15, $column_media_width ); $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-lg-4-4 aux-t-tile-lg-6-6 aux-m-tile-lg-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_7( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 3, 1, $column_media_width ); $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-sg-4-4 aux-t-tile-sg-6-6 aux-m-tile-sg-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); return $return_value; } function auxin_tile_pattern_8( $index, $column_media_width ) { $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( 2, 0, $column_media_width ); $return_value = array( 'classname' => 'aux-tile-6-6 aux-t-tile-6-6 aux-m-tile-12-12', 'size' => array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width ), ); return $return_value; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Retrieves the provider from an embed code link /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_extract_embed_provider_name( $src ){ // TODO - Else condition will be removed on WP 5.6 if( file_exists( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-oembed.php' ) ){ require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-wp-oembed.php' ); } else { require_once( ABSPATH . WPINC . '/class-oembed.php' ); } $oembed = _wp_oembed_get_object(); if( ! $provider = $oembed->get_provider( $src ) ){ return ''; } $provider_info = parse_url( $provider ); if( $provider_info['host'] ){ $host_parts = explode( '.', $provider_info['host'] ); $host_parts_num = count( $host_parts ); if( $host_parts_num > 1 ){ return $host_parts[ $host_parts_num -2 ]; } } return ''; } //// Store content in file //////////////////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Creates and stores content in a file (#admin) * * @param string $content The content for writing in the file * @param string $file_location The address that we plan to create the file in. * * @return boolean Returns true if the file is created and updated successfully, false on failure */ function auxin_put_contents( $content, $file_location = '', $chmode = 0644 ){ if( empty( $file_location ) ){ return false; } /** * Initialize the WP_Filesystem */ global $wp_filesystem; if ( empty( $wp_filesystem ) ) { require_once ( ABSPATH.'/wp-admin/includes/file.php' ); WP_Filesystem(); } // Write the content, if possible if ( wp_mkdir_p( dirname( $file_location ) ) && ! $wp_filesystem->put_contents( $file_location, $content, $chmode ) ) { // If writing the content in the file was not successful return false; } else { return true; } } //// Stores content in custom js file ///////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Stores JavaScript content in custom js file (#admin) * * @return boolean Returns true if the file is created and updated successfully, false on failure */ function auxin_save_custom_js(){ $js_string = get_theme_mod( 'custom_js_string' ); ob_start(); ?> /* =============================================================== #CUSTOM JavaScript - Please do not edit this file. This file is generated from admin area. - Every changes here will be overwritten by theme ===============================================================*/ <?php $js_string = ob_get_clean() . $js_string; if ( auxin_put_contents_dir( $js_string, 'custom.js' ) ) { set_theme_mod( 'custom_js_ver', rand(10, 99)/10 ); // disable inline css output set_theme_mod( 'use_inline_custom_js' , false ); // disable inline css output return true; } else { // if the directory is not writable, try inline css fallback set_theme_mod( 'use_inline_custom_js' , true ); // save css rules as option to print as inline css return false; } } /** * Removes an specific content from custom js file (#admin) * * @param string $ref_name The reference name for referring a content in $js_array array * * @return boolean Returns true if the content was removed successfully, false on failure */ function auxin_remove_custom_js( $ref_name = '' ){ // retrieve the js array list $js_array = get_theme_mod( 'custom_js_array', array() ); if( isset( $js_array[ $ref_name ] ) ){ unset( $js_array[ $ref_name ] ); set_theme_mod( 'custom_js_array' , $js_array ); // update the file content too auxin_add_custom_js(); } } /** * Retrieves the list of custom scripts generated with themes options * * @param string $exclude_ref_names The reference names that are expected to be excluded from result * * @return boolean The list of custom scripts generated with themes options */ function auxin_get_custom_js_array( $exclude_ref_names = array() ){ // retrieve the css array list $js_array = get_theme_mod( 'custom_js_array', array() ); return array_diff_key( $js_array, array_flip( (array) $exclude_ref_names ) ); } //// Stores content in custom css file ///////////////////////////////////////////// /** * Stores css content in custom css file (#admin) * * @return boolean Returns true if the file is created and updated successfully, false on failure */ function auxin_save_custom_css(){ $css_string = get_theme_mod( 'custom_css_string' ); ob_start(); ?> /* =============================================================== #CUSTOM CSS - Please do not edit this file. This file is generated from admin area. - Every changes here will be overwritten by theme ===============================================================*/ <?php $css_string = ob_get_clean() . $css_string; if ( auxin_put_contents_dir( $css_string, 'custom.css' ) ) { set_theme_mod( 'custom_css_ver', rand(10, 99)/10 ); set_theme_mod( 'use_inline_custom_css' , false ); // disable inline css output return true; // if the directory is not writable, try inline css fallback } else { set_theme_mod( 'use_inline_custom_css' , true ); // save css rules as option to print as inline css return false; } } /** * Removes an specific content from custom css file (#admin) * * @param string $ref_name The reference name for referring a content in $css_array array * * @return boolean Returns true if the content was removed successfully, false on failure */ function auxin_remove_custom_css( $ref_name = '' ){ // retrieve the css array list $css_array = get_theme_mod( 'custom_css_array', array() ); if( isset( $css_array[ $ref_name ] ) ){ unset( $css_array[ $ref_name ] ); set_theme_mod( 'custom_css_array', $css_array ); // update the file content too auxin_add_custom_css(); } } /** * Retrieves the list of custom styles generated with themes options * * @param string $exclude_ref_names The reference names that are expected to be excluded from result * * @return boolean The list of custom styles generated with themes options */ function auxin_get_custom_css_array( $exclude_ref_names = array() ){ // retrieve the css array list $css_array = get_theme_mod( 'custom_css_array', array() ); return array_diff_key( $css_array, array_flip( (array) $exclude_ref_names ) ); } /** * Retrieves the custom styles generated with themes options * * @param string $exclude_ref_names The css reference names that are expected to be excluded from result * * @return boolean The custom styles generated with themes options */ function auxin_get_custom_css_string( $exclude_ref_names = array() ){ // retrieve the css array list $css_array = auxin_get_custom_css_array( (array) $exclude_ref_names ); $css_string = ''; $sep_comment = apply_filters( 'auxin_custom_css_sep_comment', "/* %s \n=========================*/\n" ); // Convert the contents in array to string if( is_array( $css_array ) ){ foreach ( $css_array as $node_ref => $node_content ) { if( ! is_numeric( $node_ref) ){ $css_string .= sprintf( $sep_comment, str_replace( '_', '-', $node_ref ) ); } $css_string .= "$node_content\n"; } } // Remove <style> if user used them in the style content return str_replace( array( "<style>", "</style>" ), array('', ''), $css_string ); } /** * Extract numbers from string * * @param string $str The string that contains numbers * @param int $default The number which should be returned if no number found in the string * @return int The extracted numbers */ function auxin_get_numerics( $str, $default = null ) { if( empty( $str ) ){ return is_numeric( $default ) ? $default: ''; } preg_match('/\d+/', $str, $matches); return $matches[0]; } /** * Prints JS variable * * @param string $object_name The object or variable name * @param array $object_value The object value */ function auxin_print_script_object( $object_name, $object_value = array() ){ if( empty( $object_name ) ){ _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, 'The object name cannot be empty' ); return; } // remove unespected chars $object_name = trim( $object_name, '.' ); if( false !== strpos( $object_name, '.') ){ $script = sprintf( 'auxinNS("%1$s"); %1$s=%2$s;', esc_js( $object_name ), wp_json_encode( $object_value ) ); } else { $script = sprintf( 'var %1$s=%2$s;', esc_js( $object_name ), wp_json_encode( $object_value ) ); } echo $script ? '<script>'. $script .'</script>' : ''; } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Returns post type menu name /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_get_post_type_name' ) ){ // returns post type menu name function auxin_get_post_type_name( $post_type = '' ){ $post_type = empty( $post_type ) ? get_post_type() : $post_type; $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( $post_type ); return apply_filters( 'auxin_get_post_type_name', $post_type_obj->labels->menu_name, $post_type ); } } /** * Generates and retrieves a random token * * @param integer $length The token length * @return strinf The random token */ function auxin_random_token( $length = 32 ){ $length = ! is_numeric( $length ) ? 4 : $length; $length = $length < 1 ? 32 : $length; if ( function_exists('random_bytes') ) { return bin2hex(random_bytes( $length )); } if (function_exists('mcrypt_create_iv')) { return bin2hex(mcrypt_create_iv( $length, MCRYPT_DEV_URANDOM )); } if ( function_exists('openssl_random_pseudo_bytes') ) { return bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes( $length )); } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A function to generate header and footer for all widgets /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_get_widget_scafold( $atts, $default_atts, $shortcode_content = '' ){ $result = array( 'parsed_atts' => '', 'widget_info' => '', 'widget_header' => '', 'widget_title' => '', 'widget_footer' => '', 'ajax_data' => '' ); // ---- if( ! isset( $default_atts['extra_classes'] ) ){ $default_atts['extra_classes'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['custom_el_id'] ) ){ $default_atts['custom_el_id'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['content'] ) ){ $default_atts['content'] = ''; } if( empty( $default_atts['universal_id'] ) ){ $default_atts['universal_id'] = 'au'.auxin_random_token(4); } if( ! isset( $default_atts['skip_wrappers'] ) ){ $default_atts['skip_wrappers'] = false; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['loadmore_type'] ) ){ $default_atts['loadmore_type'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['base'] ) ){ $default_atts['base'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['content_width'] ) ){ if( ! did_action( 'wp' ) && function_exists( 'auxin_set_content_width' ) ){ $default_atts['content_width'] = auxin_set_content_width(); } else { global $aux_content_width; $default_atts['content_width'] = $aux_content_width; } } // animation options if( ! isset( $default_atts['inview_transition'] ) ){ $default_atts['inview_transition'] = 'none'; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['inview_duration'] ) ){ $default_atts['inview_duration'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['inview_delay'] ) ){ $default_atts['inview_delay'] = ''; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['inview_repeat'] ) ){ $default_atts['inview_repeat'] = 'no'; } if( ! isset( $default_atts['inview_offset'] ) ){ $default_atts['inview_offset'] = ''; } // What called the widget fallback function if( ! isset( $default_atts['called_from'] ) ){ $default_atts['called_from'] = ''; } // prevent nested query while placing a recent posts widget in the same post if( isset( $atts['exclude'] ) && ! empty( $atts['exclude'] ) ){ global $post; if( ! empty( $post->ID ) ){ $atts['exclude'] .= ',' . $post->ID; } } // Widget general info $before_widget = $after_widget = ''; $before_title = $after_title = ''; // If widget info is passed, extract them in above variables if( isset( $atts['widget_info'] ) ){ $result['widget_info'] = $atts['widget_info']; extract( $atts['widget_info'] ); } // CSS class names for section ------------- // The default CSS classes for widget container // Note that 'widget-container' should be in all element $_css_classes = array( 'widget-container' ); // Parse shortcode attributes $parsed_atts = shortcode_atts( $default_atts, $atts, __FUNCTION__ ); if( empty( $parsed_atts['content'] ) ){ $parsed_atts['content'] = $shortcode_content; } if( empty( $parsed_atts['loadmore_per_page'] ) ){ $parsed_atts['loadmore_per_page'] = ! empty( $parsed_atts['num'] ) ? $parsed_atts['num'] : 12; } $result['parsed_atts'] = $parsed_atts; // make the result params filterable prior to generating markup variables $result = apply_filters( 'auxin_pre_widget_scafold_params', $result, $atts, $default_atts, $shortcode_content ); if( $result['parsed_atts']['skip_wrappers'] ){ return $result; } if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['loadmore_type'] ) ){ if( empty( $result['parsed_atts']["base"] ) ){ _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, 'For using ajax load more feature, "base" parameter in element default attributes is required.' ); } // Enqueue wp-mediaelement wp_enqueue_style ( 'wp-mediaelement' ); wp_enqueue_script( 'wp-mediaelement' ); $ajax_args = $result['parsed_atts']; if( isset( $ajax_args['use_wp_query'] ) && $ajax_args['use_wp_query'] ){ $queried_object = get_queried_object(); if( $queried_object instanceof WP_Term ){ $ajax_args['cat'] = $queried_object->term_id; $ajax_args['taxonomy_name'] = $queried_object->taxonomy; } } // remove redundant ajax args unset( $ajax_args['base'] ); unset( $ajax_args['base_class'] ); unset( $ajax_args['use_wp_query'] ); // force the element not to render wrappers for ajax handler $ajax_args['skip_wrappers'] = true; $result['ajax_data'] = array( 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce('auxin_front_load_more'), 'args' => $ajax_args, 'handler' => $result['parsed_atts']["base"], 'per_page'=> $parsed_atts['loadmore_per_page'] ); $_css_classes[] = 'aux-ajax-type-' . $result['parsed_atts']['loadmore_type']; if ( 'infinite-scroll' === $result['parsed_atts']['loadmore_type'] ) { $_css_classes[] = 'aux-ajax-type-scroll'; } } // Defining extra class names -------------- // Add extra class names to class list here - widget-{element_name} $_css_classes[] = $result['parsed_atts']['base_class']; $_css_classes[] = 'aux-parent-' . $result['parsed_atts']['universal_id']; $_widget_attrs = ''; $_widget_styles = ''; if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_transition'] ) && 'none' !== $result['parsed_atts']['inview_transition'] ){ $_css_classes[] = 'aux-appear-watch'; $_css_classes[] = esc_attr( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_transition'] ); if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_duration'] ) && 600 != $result['parsed_atts']['inview_duration'] ){ $_widget_styles .= 'animation-duration:' . esc_attr( rtrim( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_duration'], 'ms') ) . 'ms;'; $_widget_styles .= 'transition-duration:' . esc_attr( rtrim( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_duration'], 'ms') ) . 'ms;'; } if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_delay'] ) ){ $_widget_styles .= 'animation-delay:' . esc_attr( rtrim( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_delay'], 'ms') ) . 'ms;'; $_widget_styles .= 'transition-delay:' . esc_attr( rtrim( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_delay'], 'ms') ) . 'ms;'; } if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_repeat'] ) && 'no' !== $result['parsed_atts']['inview_repeat'] ){ $_css_classes[] = 'aux-appear-repeat'; } if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['inview_offset'] ) ){ $offset = $result['parsed_atts']['inview_offset']; if( false === strpos( $offset, '%' ) ){ $offset = trim( $offset, 'px' ) . 'px'; } $_widget_attrs .= 'data-offset="' . esc_attr( $offset ) . '" '; } } $_widget_classes = auxin_merge_css_classes( $_css_classes, $result['parsed_atts']['extra_classes'] ); $_widget_classes = esc_attr( trim( join( ' ', array_unique( $_widget_classes ) ) ) ); // Generate the opening tags for widget or shortcode element if( $before_widget ){ $result['widget_header'] .= str_replace( array( 'class="', '>','<div'), array( 'class="'.$_widget_classes.' ', ' style="'. $_widget_styles .'" '. $_widget_attrs .' >', '<section' ), $before_widget ); } elseif ( !empty($result['parsed_atts']['custom_el_id']) ){ $result['widget_header'] .= sprintf('<section id="%s" class="%s" style="%s" %s>', $result['parsed_atts']['custom_el_id'], $_widget_classes, $_widget_styles, $_widget_attrs ); } else { $result['widget_header'] .= sprintf('<section class="%s" style="%s" %s>', $_widget_classes, $_widget_styles, $_widget_attrs ); } // Generate the title for widget or shortcode element if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['title'] ) ){ if( $before_title ){ $result['widget_title'] .= $before_title . $result['parsed_atts']['title'] . $after_title; } elseif( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['title'] ) ){ $result['widget_title'] .= '<h3 class="widget-title">'. $result['parsed_atts']['title'] .'</h3>'; } } // Generate the close tags for widget or shortcode element if( $after_widget ){ // fix for the difference in end tag in siteorigin page builder $result['widget_footer'] .= str_replace( '</div', '</section', $after_widget ); } else { $result['widget_footer'] .= '</section><!-- widget-container -->'; } // Enable filtering the result variable $result = apply_filters( 'auxin_widget_scafold_params', $result, $atts, $default_atts, $shortcode_content ); // Prints the javascript variable if load more is enabled // We can modify the ajax args using "auxin_widget_scafold_params" filter if( ! empty( $result['parsed_atts']['loadmore_type'] ) ){ // echo js dependencies auxin_print_script_object( "auxin.content.loadmore." . $result['parsed_atts']['universal_id'], $result['ajax_data'] ); } return $result; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Retrieves remote data /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Retrieves a URL using the HTTP POST method * * @return mixed|boolean The body content */ function auxin_remote_post( $url, $args = array() ) { $response = wp_remote_post( $url, $args ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) === 200 ) { return wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); } else { error_log( "Something went wrong while connecting ($url): " . $response->get_error_message() ); } return false; } /** * Retrieves a URL using the HTTP GET method * * @return mixed|boolean The body content */ function auxin_remote_get( $url, $args ) { $response = wp_remote_get( $url, $args ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $response ) || wp_remote_retrieve_response_code( $response ) === 200 ) { return wp_remote_retrieve_body( $response ); } else { error_log( "Something went wrong while connecting ($url): " . $response->get_error_message() ); } return false; } /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Removes a class method from a specified filter hook. /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_remove_filter_from_class' ) ){ /** * Removes a class method from a specified filter hook. * * @param string $hook_name The filter hook to which the function to be removed is hooked * @param string $class_name The name of class which its method should be removed. * @param string $method_name The name of the method which should be removed. * @param integer $priority Optional. The priority of the function. Default 10. * @return bool Whether the function existed before it was removed. */ function auxin_remove_filter_from_class( $hook_name = '', $class_name ='', $method_name = '', $priority = 10 ) { global $wp_filter; // Take only filters on right hook name and priority if ( !isset($wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority]) || !is_array($wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority]) ) return false; // Loop on filters registered foreach( (array) $wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority] as $unique_id => $filter_array ) { // Test if filter is an array ! (always for class/method) if ( isset($filter_array['function']) && is_array($filter_array['function']) ) { // Test if object is a class, class and method is equal to param ! if ( is_object($filter_array['function'][0]) && get_class($filter_array['function'][0]) && get_class($filter_array['function'][0]) == $class_name && $filter_array['function'][1] == $method_name ) { unset($wp_filter[$hook_name][$priority][$unique_id]); } } } return false; } } if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_remove_action_from_class' ) ){ /** * Removes a class method from a specified filter hook. * * @param string $hook_name The filter hook to which the function to be removed is hooked * @param string $class_name The name of class which its method should be removed. * @param string $method_name The name of the method which should be removed. * @param integer $priority Optional. The priority of the function. Default 10. * @return bool Whether the function existed before it was removed. */ function auxin_remove_action_from_class( $hook_name = '', $class_name ='', $method_name = '', $priority = 10 ) { global $wp_action; // Take only filters on right hook name and priority if ( !isset($wp_action[$hook_name][$priority]) || !is_array($wp_action[$hook_name][$priority]) ) return false; // Loop on filters registered foreach( (array) $wp_action[$hook_name][$priority] as $unique_id => $filter_array ) { // Test if filter is an array ! (always for class/method) if ( isset($filter_array['function']) && is_array($filter_array['function']) ) { // Test if object is a class, class and method is equal to param ! if ( is_object($filter_array['function'][0]) && get_class($filter_array['function'][0]) && get_class($filter_array['function'][0]) == $class_name && $filter_array['function'][1] == $method_name ) { unset($wp_action[$hook_name][$priority][$unique_id]); } } } return false; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Auxin Load More /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * A callback for Auxin Load More functionality * * @return string */ function auxin_get_load_more_controller( $type, $label = 'text' ) { // Return null when loadmore type is empty if ( empty( $type ) ) return; // Check load more type if ( $type == "next-prev" ) { return ' <div class="aux-ajax-controller"> <nav class="aux-next-prev-posts nav-skin-minimal"> <section class="aux-load-next-prev hidden np-prev-section"> <div class="np-arrow"> <div class="aux-arrow-nav aux-hover-slide aux-round aux-outline aux-medium"> <span class="aux-overlay"></span> <span class="aux-svg-arrow aux-medium-left"></span> <span class="aux-hover-arrow aux-svg-arrow aux-medium-left aux-white"></span> </div> </div> <p class="np-nav-text">'.__('Previous', 'auxin-elements').'</p> <h4 class="np-title">'.__('page', 'auxin-elements').'</h4> </section> <section class="aux-load-next-prev np-next-section"> <div class="np-arrow"> <div class="aux-arrow-nav aux-hover-slide aux-round aux-outline aux-medium"> <span class="aux-overlay"></span> <span class="aux-svg-arrow aux-medium-right"></span> <span class="aux-hover-arrow aux-svg-arrow aux-medium-right aux-white"></span> </div> </div> <p class="np-nav-text">'.__('Next', 'auxin-elements').'</p> <h4 class="np-title">'.__('Page', 'auxin-elements').'</h4> </section> </nav> </div>'; } elseif ( $type == "scroll" || $type == "infinite-scroll" || $type == "next" ) { switch ( $label ) { case 'text': $label = __('LOAD MORE', 'auxin-elements'); break; case 'arrow': $label = '<span class="aux-svg-arrow aux-h-large-down"></span>'; break; case 'text-arrow': $label = '<span class="aux-svg-arrow aux-small-down"></span>' . __('MORE', 'auxin-elements'); break; } return ' <div class="aux-ajax-controller"> <nav class="aux-load-more center"> <svg class="aux-circle" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 102 102"> <circle class="aux-progress-bg" r="50" cx="51" cy="51" fill="none" transform="rotate(-90 51 51)"></circle> <circle class="aux-progress" r="50" cx="51" cy="51" fill="none" transform="rotate(-90 51 51)"></circle> </svg> <div class="aux-label-text">'.apply_filters( 'auxin_loadmore_label', $label ).'</div> <span class="aux-loading-label">'.__('LOADING', 'auxin-elements').'</span> </nav> </div>'; } } /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* A function to get the custom style of Google maps /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ if ( ! function_exists( 'auxin_get_gmap_style' ) ) { function auxin_get_gmap_style () { $styler = '[{"featureType":"landscape.man_made","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#e9e5dc"}]},{"featureType":"landscape.natural","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"},{"color":"#b8cb93"}]},{"featureType":"poi","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"off"}]},{"featureType":"poi.business","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"simplified"}]},{"featureType":"poi.medical","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"}]},{"featureType":"poi.park","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"}]},{"featureType":"poi.park","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#ccdca1"}]},{"featureType":"poi.sports_complex","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"visibility":"on"}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"geometry.fill","stylers":[{"hue":"#ff0000"},{"saturation":-100},{"lightness":99}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"geometry.stroke","stylers":[{"color":"#808080"},{"lightness":54},{"visibility":"off"}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"labels.text.fill","stylers":[{"color":"#767676"}]},{"featureType":"road","elementType":"labels.text.stroke","stylers":[{"color":"#ffffff"}]},{"featureType":"water","elementType":"all","stylers":[{"saturation":43},{"lightness":-11},{"color":"#89cada"}]}]'; return apply_filters( 'auxin_gmap_style', $styler ); } } /** * Retrieves markup for a header button * * @param $button_id_num The ID of the header button (1 or 2) * @return string */ function auxin_get_header_button( $button_id_num = 1 ){ if( empty( $button_id_num ) || ! is_numeric( $button_id_num ) ){ _doing_it_wrong( __FUNCTION__, "A numeric button id is required." ); } if( ! auxin_get_option( "site_header_show_btn" . $button_id_num ) ){ return ''; } $btn_args = apply_filters( 'auxin_header_button_args', array( 'label' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_label' ), 'size' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_size', 'large' ), 'border' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_shape' ), 'style' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_style' ), 'dark' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_darken', 0 ), 'icon' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_icon' ), 'icon_align' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_icon_align' ), 'color_name' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_color_name' ), 'link' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_link', "#" ), 'target' => auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_target' ), 'btn_attrs' => sprintf( 'data-colorname-default{%s};data-colorname-sticky{%s}', auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_color_name' ), auxin_get_option( 'site_header_btn'. $button_id_num .'_color_name_on_sticky' ) ), 'uppercase' => '0', 'extra_classes' => 'aux-ac-btn'. $button_id_num ), $button_id_num ); if( empty( $btn_args ) ){ return ''; } return auxin_widget_button_callback( $btn_args ); } /** * Returns the second custom logo, linked to home. * * @param integer $blog_id The site id on multisite * @return string Markup for second custom logo. */ function auxin_get_custom_logo2( $blog_id = 0, $args = array() ) { $defaults = array( 'anchor_extra_classes' => 'aux-middle aux-logo-sticky', 'image_extra_classes' => 'aux-logo-light' ); $args = wp_parse_args( $args, $defaults ); $html = ''; $switched_blog = false; if ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $blog_id ) && (int) $blog_id !== get_current_blog_id() ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); $switched_blog = true; } // make the secondary logo image modifiable $custom_logo_id = apply_filters( 'auxin_secondary_logo_id', auxin_get_option('custom_logo2'), $args, $blog_id ); // We have a logo. Logo is go. if ( $custom_logo_id ) { $custom_logo_attr = array( 'class' => 'custom-logo aux-logo-image aux-logo-image2 '. $args['image_extra_classes'], 'itemprop' => 'logo', ); /* * If the logo alt attribute is empty, get the site title and explicitly * pass it to the attributes used by wp_get_attachment_image(). */ $image_alt = get_post_meta( $custom_logo_id, '_wp_attachment_image_alt', true ); if ( empty( $image_alt ) ) { $custom_logo_attr['alt'] = get_bloginfo( 'name', 'display' ); } /* * If the alt attribute is not empty, there's no need to explicitly pass * it because wp_get_attachment_image() already adds the alt attribute. */ $html = sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="custom-logo-link aux-logo-anchor aux-logo-anchor2 aux-has-logo %2$s" rel="home" itemprop="url">%3$s</a>', esc_url( home_url( '/' ) ), esc_attr( $args['anchor_extra_classes'] ), wp_get_attachment_image( $custom_logo_id, 'full', false, $custom_logo_attr ) ); } if ( $switched_blog ) { restore_current_blog(); } /** * Filters the custom logo output. * * @param string $html Custom logo HTML output. * @param int $blog_id ID of the blog to get the custom logo for. */ return apply_filters( 'auxin_get_custom_logo2', $html, $blog_id ); } /** * Determines whether the site has the second custom logo. * * @param integer $blog_id The site id on multisite * @return bool Whether the site has the custom logo or not. */ function auxin_has_custom_logo2( $blog_id = 0 ) { $switched_blog = false; if ( is_multisite() && ! empty( $blog_id ) && (int) $blog_id !== get_current_blog_id() ) { switch_to_blog( $blog_id ); $switched_blog = true; } $custom_logo_id = get_theme_mod( 'custom_logo2' ); if ( $switched_blog ) { restore_current_blog(); } return (bool) $custom_logo_id; } /** * Removes all generate images from uploads directory * * @return void */ function auxin_remove_all_generate_images( $remove = true ){ if( is_multisite() ){ return; } $upload_dir = wp_get_upload_dir(); $all_images = auxin_find_all_files( $upload_dir['basedir'] ); $generated_images = array(); foreach( $all_images as $key => $file ) { if( 1 == preg_match("#-(\d+)x(\d+).(png|jpg|bmp|gif)$#", $file) ) { $generated_images[] = $file; if( $remove ){ unlink( $file ); } } } echo count( $all_images ) . " / " . count( $generated_images ); } /** * Find all files within a directory * * @param string $dir The directory which we intend to serach in * @return array List of files */ function auxin_find_all_files( $dir, $recursive = true ){ $root = scandir( $dir ); $result = array(); foreach( $root as $file ){ if( $file === '.' || $file === '..') { continue; } if( is_file( "$dir/$file" ) ){ $result[] = "$dir/$file"; continue; } elseif( $recursive && is_dir( "$dir/$file" ) ){ $sub_dir_files = auxin_find_all_files( "$dir/$file" ); $result = array_merge( $result, $sub_dir_files ); } } return $result; } /** * Flatten an array * Used for flatten grouped data in SiteOrigin widgets * @param array $keys Keys that we need to extract and merge with main array * @param array $array The array that we need to flatten * @return array */ function auxin_flatten_array( $keys = array(), $arr = array() ) { foreach ( $keys as $key ) { if ( isset( $arr[$key] ) ) { $temp = $arr[$key]; unset($arr[$key]); $arr = array_merge( $arr, $temp ); } } return $arr; } /** * Get All Pages Id and Title * Used for Customizer Options for 404 ,Maintance and Coming soon Section * @return array */ function auxin_get_all_pages() { $pages = array(); $args = array( 'post_type' => 'page', 'post_status' => 'publish', 'posts_per_page' => -1 ); $pages['default'] = __( 'Theme Default', 'auxin-elements' ) ; // Default Page For 404, Maintance , And Coming Soon $pages_array = get_posts( $args ); foreach ( $pages_array as $page ) { $pages[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title ; } return $pages; } /** * Get the size of numeric controls * * @param string|array $value The controller value * @return int The size */ function auxin_get_control_size( $value ){ return isset( $value['size'] ) ? $value['size'] : $value; } /** * Change search uery based on options * * @param object $query A WP_Query object * @return object $query */ function auxin_custom_search_results( $query ) { if ( ! is_admin() && $query->is_main_query() ) { if ($query->is_search) { $all_post_types = get_post_types( array( 'public' => true, 'exclude_from_search' => false ) ); $excluded_post_types = (array) auxin_get_option( 'auxin_search_exclude_post_types', array() ); $post_types = array_diff( $all_post_types , $excluded_post_types ); $posts_in = auxin_get_option( 'auxin_search_pinned_contents', '' ); $query->set( 'post_type', $post_types ); $query->set( 'post__in' , $posts_in ); if ( auxin_get_option( 'auxin_search_exclude_no_media' ) ) { $query->set( 'meta_query', array(array('key' => '_thumbnail_id')) ); } } } return $query; } add_filter( 'pre_get_posts', 'auxin_custom_search_results' ); /** * Page Cover Markup */ function auxin_cover() { global $post; ob_start(); if ( auxin_is_true( auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'display_page_header_cover', false ) ) ) { $cover_image = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_header_cover_image', '' ); $image = auxin_get_the_responsive_attachment( $cover_image, array( 'quality' => 100, 'preloadable' => false, 'preload_preview' => false, 'size' => 'full', 'crop' => true, 'add_hw' => true, 'attr' => array( 'data-object-fit' => 'cover', 'class' => 'auxin-page-cover-image' ) ) ); $cover_title = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_header_cover_title', '' ); $discover_text = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_header_discover_text', '' ); ?> <div class="aux-page-cover-wrapper"> <?php echo $image ;?> <?php if ( ! empty ( $cover_title ) ) { ?> <div class="aux-page-cover-content"> <?php _e( $cover_title, 'auxin-elements' );?> </div> <?php } ?> <div class="aux-page-cover-footer"> <div class="aux-page-cover-footer-text"> <a href="#" title="<?php echo esc_attr( $discover_text ); ?>"><?php echo $discover_text ?></a> </div> </div> </div> <?php } echo ob_get_clean(); } add_action( 'auxin_after_body_open', 'auxin_cover' ); /** * Strpos search in array * @return boolean */ function auxin_strposa( $haystack, $needle, $offset = 0 ) { if( ! is_array( $needle ) ) { $needle = array($needle); } foreach($needle as $query) { if( strpos( $haystack, $query, $offset ) !== false ) { return true; // stop on first true result } } return false; } /** * Return preloadable options * @return arraqy */ function auxin_get_preloadable_previews(){ return apply_filters( 'auxin_get_preloadable_previews', array( 'no' => __('Blank', 'auxin-elements' ), 'yes' => __('Blurred placeholder image', 'auxin-elements' ), 'progress-box' => __('In-progress box animation', 'auxin-elements' ), 'simple-spinner' => __('Loading spinner (blue)', 'auxin-elements' ), 'simple-spinner-light' => __('Loading spinner (light)', 'auxin-elements' ), 'simple-spinner-dark' => __('Loading spinner (dark)', 'auxin-elements' ) ) ); } /** * Check purchase activation status * * @return void */ function auxin_is_activated(){ // A temporary code to update the old license value if( ! get_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license_update', false ) ){ $getLicense = get_option( THEME_ID . '_license' ); $getLicense = empty( $getLicense ) ? get_option( AUXELS_PURCHASE_KEY ) : $getLicense; update_site_option( AUXELS_PURCHASE_KEY, $getLicense ); update_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license_update', true ); } $getLicense = get_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license' ); $getLicense = empty( $getLicense ) ? get_site_option( AUXELS_PURCHASE_KEY ) : $getLicense; $isPro = defined('THEME_PRO' ) && THEME_PRO; if( $isPro && ( isset( $getLicense['token'] ) && ! empty( $getLicense['token'] ) ) ){ // Check token validation every 24 hours $key = sanitize_key( 'auxin_check_token_validation_status' ); if ( false === $token_status = auxin_get_transient( $key ) ) { $token_validation = Auxin_License_Activation::get_instance()->maybe_invalid_token(); $token_status = isset( $token_validation['allowed'] ) ? $token_validation['allowed']: 0; // Add transient auxin_set_transient( $key, $token_status , 2 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } return $token_status; } return false; } /** * Get recent comments query * * @param array $args * @return array */ function auxin_get_comments( $args = array() ){ // The Query $comments_query = new WP_Comment_Query; $comments = $comments_query->query( $args ); return $comments; } /** * Return elementor header template * * @return void */ function auxin_get_header_template(){ global $post; $template_ID = auxin_get_option( 'site_elementor_header_template', '' ); $template_ID = ( ! empty( auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_elementor_header_template' ) ) && auxin_get_post_meta($post , 'page_header_use_legacy' ) !== 'default' ) ? auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_elementor_header_template' ) : $template_ID ; // get translated template if wpml enabled $template_ID = ( function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) && defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) ? icl_object_id( $template_ID, 'elementor_library', false, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) : $template_ID; $attrs = [ 'class' => ['aux-elementor-header'], 'id' => 'site-elementor-header', 'itemscope' => 'itemscope', 'itemtype' => 'https://schema.org/WPHeader', ]; if ( 'default' === $overlay_header = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_overlay_header', 'default' ) ) { $overlay_header = auxin_get_option('site_overlay_header'); } if ( 'default' === $attributes['data-sticky-height'] = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_header_container_scaled_height', 'default' ) ) { $attrs['data-sticky-height'] = auxin_get_option( 'site_header_container_scaled_height','60' ); } if ( auxin_is_true ( $overlay_header ) ) { array_push( $attrs['class'], 'aux-overlay-header' ); } if( isset( $template_ID ) && $template_ID !== ' ' && get_post_status( $template_ID ) ){ ?> <header <?php echo auxin_make_html_attributes( $attrs ) ;?> > <div class="aux-wrapper"> <div class="aux-header aux-header-elements-wrapper"> <?php echo Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( $template_ID ); ?> </div><!-- end of header-elements --> </div><!-- end of wrapper --> </header><!-- end header --> <?php } } /** * Return elementor footer template * * @return void */ function auxin_get_footer_template(){ global $post; $template_ID = auxin_get_option( 'site_elementor_footer_template', '' ); $template_ID = ( ! empty( auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_elementor_footer_template' ) ) && auxin_get_post_meta($post , 'page_footer_use_legacy' ) !== 'default' ) ? auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'page_elementor_footer_template' ) : $template_ID ; // get translated template if wpml enabled $template_ID = ( function_exists( 'icl_object_id' ) && defined( 'ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE' ) ) ? icl_object_id( $template_ID, 'elementor_library', false, ICL_LANGUAGE_CODE ) : $template_ID; $attrs = [ 'class' => ['aux-elementor-footer'], 'itemscope' => 'itemscope', 'itemtype' => 'https://schema.org/WPFooter', 'role' => 'contentinfo' ]; if( isset( $template_ID ) && $template_ID !== ' ' && get_post_status( $template_ID ) ){ ?> <footer <?php echo auxin_make_html_attributes( $attrs ) ;?> > <div class="aux-wrapper"> <?php echo Elementor\Plugin::instance()->frontend->get_builder_content_for_display( $template_ID ); ?> </div><!-- end of wrapper --> </footer><!-- end footer --> <?php } } /** * generate unique token for audit API * * @return void */ function auxin_get_site_key(){ $option_name = THEME_ID . '_' . 'audit_token'; $site_key = get_option( $option_name ); if ( ! $site_key ) { $site_key = md5( uniqid( wp_generate_password() ) ); update_option( $option_name, $site_key ); } return $site_key; } /** * Whether a plugin is active or not * * @param string $plugin_basename plugin directory name and mail file address * @return bool True if plugin is active and FALSE otherwise */ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_is_plugin_active' ) ){ function auxin_is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ){ include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); return is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ); } } /** * Get public post type list * * @param array $args * @return array */ function auxin_get_public_post_types( $args = array() ) { $post_type_args = [ // Default is the value $public. 'show_in_nav_menus' => true, ]; // Keep for backwards compatibility if ( ! empty( $args['post_type'] ) ) { $post_type_args['name'] = $args['post_type']; unset( $args['post_type'] ); } $post_type_args = wp_parse_args( $post_type_args, $args ); $_post_types = get_post_types( $post_type_args, 'objects' ); $post_types = []; foreach ( $_post_types as $post_type => $object ) { $post_types[ $post_type ] = $object->label; } return apply_filters( 'auxin/core_elements/get_public_post_types', $post_types ); } /** * Print elementor template type on target location * * @param string $location * @return void */ function auxin_theme_do_location( $location ) { $is_active = auxin_is_true( auxin_get_option( 'site_' . $location . '_override_template', false ) ); $site_temp = auxin_get_option( 'site_' . $location . '_template', ' ' ); $template = $site_temp !== ' ' ? get_page_by_path( $site_temp, OBJECT, 'elementor_library' ) : NULL; if( $is_active && ( isset( $template->ID ) && $template->ID !== NULL && get_post_status( $template->ID ) ) ){ $document = new Auxin\Plugin\CoreElements\Elementor\Modules\ThemeBuilder\Classes\Locations_Manager(); $document->do_location( $template->ID, $location ); return true; } return false; } /** * get current page title * * @param boolean $include_context * @return string */ function auxin_get_page_title( $include_context = true ) { $title = ''; if ( is_singular() ) { /* translators: %s: Search term. */ $title = get_the_title(); if ( $include_context ) { $post_type_obj = get_post_type_object( get_post_type() ); $title = sprintf( '%s: %s', $post_type_obj->labels->singular_name, $title ); } } elseif ( is_search() ) { /* translators: %s: Search term. */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Search Results for: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), get_search_query() ); if ( get_query_var( 'paged' ) ) { /* translators: %s is the page number. */ $title .= sprintf( __( ' – Page %s', 'auxin-elements' ), get_query_var( 'paged' ) ); } } elseif ( is_category() ) { $title = single_cat_title( '', false ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Category archive title. 1: Category name */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Category: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tag() ) { $title = single_tag_title( '', false ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Tag archive title. 1: Tag name */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Tag: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_author() ) { $title = '<span class="vcard">' . get_the_author() . '</span>'; if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Author archive title. 1: Author name */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Author: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_year() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'Y', 'yearly archives date format', 'auxin-elements' ) ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Yearly archive title. 1: Year */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Year: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_month() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'F Y', 'monthly archives date format', 'auxin-elements' ) ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Monthly archive title. 1: Month name and year */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Month: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_day() ) { $title = get_the_date( _x( 'F j, Y', 'daily archives date format', 'auxin-elements' ) ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Daily archive title. 1: Date */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Day: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format' ) ) { if ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-aside' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Asides', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-gallery' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Galleries', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-image' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Images', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-video' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Videos', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-quote' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Quotes', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-link' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Links', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-status' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Statuses', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-audio' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Audio', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } elseif ( is_tax( 'post_format', 'post-format-chat' ) ) { $title = _x( 'Chats', 'post format archive title', 'auxin-elements' ); } } elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) { $title = post_type_archive_title( '', false ); if ( $include_context ) { /* translators: Post type archive title. 1: Post type name */ $title = sprintf( __( 'Archives: %s', 'auxin-elements' ), $title ); } } elseif ( is_tax() ) { $title = single_term_title( '', false ); if ( $include_context ) { $tax = get_taxonomy( get_queried_object()->taxonomy ); /* translators: Taxonomy term archive title. 1: Taxonomy singular name, 2: Current taxonomy term */ $title = sprintf( __( '%1$s: %2$s', 'auxin-elements' ), $tax->labels->singular_name, $title ); } } elseif ( is_404() ) { $title = __( 'Page Not Found', 'auxin-elements' ); } // End if(). $title = apply_filters( 'auxin/core_elements/get_the_archive_title', $title ); return $title; } /** * Get archive url * * @return string */ function auxin_get_the_archive_url() { $url = ''; if ( is_category() || is_tag() || is_tax() ) { $url = get_term_link( get_queried_object() ); } elseif ( is_author() ) { $url = get_author_posts_url( get_queried_object_id() ); } elseif ( is_year() ) { $url = get_year_link( get_query_var( 'year' ) ); } elseif ( is_month() ) { $url = get_month_link( get_query_var( 'year' ), get_query_var( 'monthnum' ) ); } elseif ( is_day() ) { $url = get_day_link( get_query_var( 'year' ), get_query_var( 'monthnum' ), get_query_var( 'day' ) ); } elseif ( is_post_type_archive() ) { $url = get_post_type_archive_link( get_post_type() ); } return $url; } /** * Set global author data * * @return void */ function auxin_set_global_authordata() { global $authordata; if ( ! isset( $authordata->ID ) ) { $post = get_post(); $authordata = get_userdata( $post->post_author ); // WPCS: override ok. } } /** * Used to overcome core bug when taxonomy is in more then one post type * * @param array $args * @param string $output * @param string $operator * * @return array */ function auxin_get_taxonomies( $args = [], $output = 'names', $operator = 'and' ) { global $wp_taxonomies; $field = ( 'names' === $output ) ? 'name' : false; // Handle 'object_type' separately. if ( isset( $args['object_type'] ) ) { $object_type = (array) $args['object_type']; unset( $args['object_type'] ); } $taxonomies = wp_filter_object_list( $wp_taxonomies, $args, $operator ); if ( isset( $object_type ) ) { foreach ( $taxonomies as $tax => $tax_data ) { if ( ! array_intersect( $object_type, $tax_data->object_type ) ) { unset( $taxonomies[ $tax ] ); } } } if ( $field ) { $taxonomies = wp_list_pluck( $taxonomies, $field ); } return $taxonomies; } /** * Full Screen Search Results * */ function auxin_search_page_results($post_type = 'post',$args = array()) { switch ($post_type) { case 'product': echo auxin_widget_the_recent_products_callback($args); break; case 'portfolio': $additional_args = array( 'display_like' => 0, 'display_title' => 0, 'show_info' => 0, 'paginate' => false ); $args = wp_parse_args( $additional_args, $args ); echo auxin_widget_recent_portfolios_grid_callback($args); break; case 'news': $additional_args = array( 'big_grid_style' => 'pattern-6', ); $args = wp_parse_args( $additional_args, $args ); echo auxin_widget_recent_news_big_grid_callback( $args ); break; default: echo auxin_widget_recent_posts_callback($args); break; } } /** * Used to create an image size if not exist * * @param int $attachment_id * @param string $size * * @return void */ function auxin_maybe_create_image_size( $attachment_id, $size = '' ) { if ( empty( $attachment_id ) || ! is_numeric( $attachment_id ) ) { return; } if ( 'full' === $size ) { return; } // check if image size exist or not if ( ! image_get_intermediate_size( $attachment_id, $size )) { if ( ! function_exists( 'wp_update_image_subsizes' ) ) { require_once( ABSPATH . "wp-admin" . '/includes/image.php' ); } // if WP version is less than 5.3.0 if( ! function_exists( 'wp_get_missing_image_subsizes' ) ){ return; } // only create the image size we need if ( ! isset( wp_get_missing_image_subsizes( $attachment_id )[ $size ] ) ) { return; } add_filter( 'wp_get_missing_image_subsizes', function( $missing_sizes ) use ( $size ) { return array( $size => $missing_sizes[ $size ] ); }); wp_update_image_subsizes( $attachment_id ); } } /** * Get List of available pages with id and title * * @return array */ function auxin_list_pages() { $all_pages = get_pages(); $list = array( '' => __( 'Select Page', 'auxin-elements' ) ); foreach( $all_pages as $page ) { $list[ $page->ID ] = $page->post_title ; } return $list; } /** * Get List of available image sizes * * @return array */ function auxin_get_available_image_sizes() { $image_sizes = get_intermediate_image_sizes(); $auto_size = array( 'auto' => 'auto' ); $image_sizes = array_merge( $image_sizes, $auto_size ); return array_combine( $image_sizes, $image_sizes); } /** * Retrives the value of a key in array if key exists * * @param array $array * @param string $key * @param string $default * @return void */ function auxin_get_array_value( $array, $key, $default = '' ){ return isset( $array[ $key ] ) ? $array[ $key ] : $default; }