Direktori : /proc/thread-self/root/home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/themes/phlox-pro/ |
Current File : //proc/thread-self/root/home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/themes/phlox-pro/README.txt |
=== Phlox PRO === Contributors: averta, averta_support Tags: one-column, two-columns, three-columns, left-sidebar, right-sidebar, grid-layout, custom-menu, custom-colors, editor-style, featured-images, featured-image-header, footer-widgets, full-width-template, post-formats, sticky-post, theme-options, translation-ready, blog, e-commerce, portfolio, threaded-comments, translation-ready Requires PHP: 5.4 Requires at least: 4.6 Tested up to: 5.5.1 Stable tag: 5.5.7 License: GPLv2 or later License URI: http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl-2.0.html == Copyright == = Ownership and licensing = Phlox WordPress Theme, Copyright 2016, 2017 averta Phlox is distributed under the terms of the GNU GPL This theme is free software: except as may be stated below (if at all), you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 2 of the License or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see http://www.gnu.org/licenses/ You can contact us at wordpress@averta.net = Bundled resources = Phlox bundles the following third-party resources: * HTML5 Boilerplate © 2017 Mathias Bynens https://html5boilerplate.com/, MIT * Isotope © Metafizzy http://isotope.metafizzy.co, MIT/GPL * Packery © Metafizzy http://isotope.metafizzy.co, GPL * Modernizr © 2013-2017 Faruk Ates, Paul Irish, Alex Sexton, Ryan Seddon, Patrick Kettner, Stu Cox, Richard Herrera. https://modernizr.com, MIT * Switchery © 2013-2015, Alexander Petkov http://abpetkov.github.io/switchery, MIT * Spectrum Colorpicker © Brian Grinstead https://github.com/bgrins/spectrum, MIT * Select2 © https://select2.github.io, MIT * PhotoSwipe © 2015-2017 Dmitry Semenov http://photoswipe.com, MIT * MatchesSelector © matchesSelector, MIT * ObjectFitPolyfill © Made by constancecchen https://github.com/constancecchen/object-fit-polyfill, MIT * FitVids © 2013 Chris Coyier - http://css-tricks.com + Dave Rupert - http://daverupert.com, WTFPL * Masonry © David DeSandro http://masonry.desandro.com, MIT * Tipsy © 2008-2009 Jason Frame (jason@onehackoranother.com), MIT * jQuery jssocials © 2016 Artem Tabalin http://js-socials.com, MIT * jQuery appear © 2012 Andrey Sidorov https://github.com/morr/jquery.appear/, MIT * jQuery scrollTo © 2007-2015 Ariel Flesler - aflesler.gmail.com http://flesler.blogspot.com, MIT * jQuery Mousewheel © jQuery Foundation and other contributors https://github.com/jquery/jquery-mousewheel, MIT * jQuery pagination © 2014, Eugene Simakin http://esimakin.github.io/twbs-pagination, Apache * jQuery easing © George McGinley Smith http://gsgd.co.uk/sandbox/jquery/easing/, BSD * jQuery goMap © Jevgenijs Shtrauss <pittss@gmail.com> http://www.pittss.lv/jquery/gomap, MIT * jQuery fontIconPicker © Made by Alessandro Benoit & Swashata https://github.com/micc83/fontIconPicker, MIT * Fontelico © Angela Berbentseva, Sebastian Janzen https://github.com/fontello/fontelico.font, SIL * Font Awesome © Dave Gandy http://fontawesome.io, SIL * Entypo © Daniel Bruce http://www.entypo.com, SIL * Typicons © Stephen Hutchings http://typicons.com, SIL * Iconic © P.J Onori https://useiconic.com/open, SIL * Modern Pictograms © John Caserta http://thedesignoffice.org/project/modern-pictograms, SIL * Meteocons © Alessio Atzeni http://www.alessioatzeni.com, SIL * MFG Labs © MFG Labs http://mfglabs.github.io/mfglabs-iconset, SIL * Maki © Mapbox http://mapbox.com/maki, BSD * Zocial © Sam Collins http://zocial.smcllns.com, MIT * Brandico © Vitaly Puzrin, Anton Nesterov https://github.com/fontello/brandico.font, SIL * Elusive © Aristeides Stathopoulos http://aristeides.com, SIL * Web Symbols © Just Be Nice studio http://www.justbenicestudio.com, SIL * Linecons © Smashing Magazine http://designmodo.com/linecons-free, CC BY * JustVector Social Icons © Alex Peattie http://designmodo.com/linecons-free, SIL * Steadysets © Shapemade http://steadysets.com, SIL * Streamline Icons © Webalys http://www.webalys.com, SIL * Octicons © Webalys https://octicons.github.com, MIT * Simple Line Icons © Sabbir Ahmed, Mariusz Laczak http://simplelineicons.com, MIT * Aqua Resizer © 2014 SyamilMj https://github.com/syamilmj/Aqua-Resizer, WTFPL * TGM-Plugin-Activation © Thomas Griffin, Gary Jones, Juliette Reinders Folmer http://tgmpluginactivation.com, GPL = Images = * CC0 - https://stocksnap.io/photo/ONM8BAJSCK == Changelog == = 5.5.6 = - [Fix]: An issue with some color options fixed fixed. = 5.5.5 = - [New]: Elementor global colors are accessible in customizer. - [Improvement]: Improvements for sorting products in shop page applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for product quick view applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for modern search element applied. - [Fix]: An issue with style of shop cart page fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with pagination of category archive page fixed. = 5.5.2 = - [New]: Making the header and footer translatable if WPML is installed. - [New]: An incompatibility with next-gen gallery fixed for portfolio items. - [Improvement]: Improvements for progress bar element applied. - [Improvement]: Style improvements for cart widget applied. - [Improvement]: Style improvements for burger menu applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for tiles layout of "Gallery" element applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for "Info Box" element applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for "Progress Bar" element applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for "Accordion" element applied. - [Fix]: An issue with displaying product thumbnails in single product page fixed. - [Fix]: Addressing a bug with filter option in "Advanced Products" element. - [Fix]: Fixing deprecated functions for latest version of WooCommerce. - [Fix]: A issue with removing variable products from shopping cart fixed. - [Fix]: A bug with importing SVG images fixed. - [Fix]: A bug with SubMenu indicator fixed. = 5.5.1 = - [Fix]: A bug in demo importer fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvements applied to logo element while sticky header option is enabled. = 5.5.0 = - [New]: New custom animation options added to the list of entrance animations. - [New]: Dribbble and Linkedin social options to staff element. - [New]: WooCommerce templates are now fully compatible with the new version of WooCommerce. - [Improvement]: Improvements for the menu with anchor links applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for sticky menu options applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for masonry layout applied. - [Improvement]: New read more option added to "Recent grid portfolio" element. - [Improvement]: Improvements for single FAQ pages applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for product title applied. - [Fix]: An error for the skin name option in the burger menu fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with the shipping page fixed. = 5.4.19 = - [Improvement]: Improvements for sticky header applied. - [Fix]: An issue with displaying share button in blog post fixed. = 5.4.17 = - [Fix]: An incompatibility with plugins for "Featured Image by URL" fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvements for scroll animation applied. = 5.4.15 = - [Fix]: A Javascript error in single shop page fixed. = 5.4.14 = - [New]: New options for "Modern Menu" element added. - [New]: New options for "Modern Search" element added. - [Improvement]: Style improvements for recent grid post element added. = 5.4.13 = - [Improvement]: Style improvement for Elementor 3.0 applied. - [Improvement]: Improvement for fullscreen menu applied. = 5.4.12 = - [Improvement]: Compatibility for Elementor 3.0 applied. = 5.4.10 = - [Fix]: A conflict with WooCommerce 4.4 fixed. = 5.4.10 = - [Fix]: Fixing a bug with load more option in recent posts element. - [Fix]: An issue with color option of like button fixed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.4.9 = - [Improvement]: Compatibility for WordPress 5.5.0 applied. - [Fix]: Fixing a conflict with WordPress SEO plugin. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.4.4 = - [New]: New counter element added. - [Improvement]: Improvement in search element applied. - [Improvement]: New option for uploading SVG icon for search element added. - [Improvement]: Improvements for alignment option of Flexible List element applied. - [Fix]: An issue with importing product variations fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with ajax add to cart functionality fixed. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue while displaying video post formats in the blog archive page. = 5.4.1 = - [Improvement]: Improvements for "Modern Search" element applied. - [New]: New color option for like buttons added. - [Fix]: Fixing a bug in the product edit page. = 5.4.0 = - [New]: New option for changing the character limit of last breadcrumb text added. - [New]: New meta options for single portfolio page about customizing header template added. - [New]: New options for customizing share and like buttons of single product page added. - [New]: New dynamic tags added to Elementor URL controller. - [New]: New option for changing background color of offcanvase menu added. - [Improvement]: Better options inheritance after switching from free to Pro version. - [Improvement]: Improvements for ajax add to cart applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for demo importer applied. - [Fix]: An issue with add to cart URL for external products fixed. - [Fix]: A minor bug while using WordPress widgets in Elementor fixed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.3.19 = - [Fix]: An issue with carousel navigation fixed. - [New]: New sticky options added to logo element. - [Improvement]: Style improvement for product quick look applied. = 5.3.18 = - [New]: Integrating Phlox Demo Importer and Envato Elements for removing watermarks for premium images. - [Improvement]: Some improvements in generating thumbnails applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements in style of comment section applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements shopping cart element applied. - [Fix]: An issue in Internet Explorer 11 fixed. = 5.3.13 = - [Improvement]: Improvements in Modern button element applied. - [Improvement]: Improvement for search and menu element applied. = 5.3.11 = - [New]: New responsive table element added. - [Improvement]: Improvements in appear animation for header builder applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements for Modern button element applied. - [Fix]: Incompatibility notice in WooCommerce setup wizard fixed. - [Fix]: Website social options are going to be deprecated soon. = 5.3.10 = - [New]: New Elementor element "Responsive Table" added. - [Improvement]: Automatically turn off the sidebar in the search result page if no widget is set for the sidebar. - [Improvement]: Some minor improvements for Modern button applied. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue that results in the missing featured image for custom post types. - [Fix]: Remove focus outline from accordion and FAQ element. = 5.3.9 = - [Improvement]: Improvements for dimensions controller in customizer applied. - [New]: New options for customizing share and like buttons added to customizer. - [New]: New options for customizing comment form added. = 5.3.7 = - [New]: New skin and background options added to the modern button element. - [Improvement]: Compatibility with WordPress 5.4 applied. - [Improvement]: New vertical-align option added to the flexible list element. - [Improvement]: Replacing new icon controller for icon, info box, shopping cart, search, and button elements. - [Improvement]: Improvement for icon alignment in the modern button element applied. - [Fix]: An issue with wrapped text in the flexible list element fixed. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with a double header while Elementor Pro is enabled. - [New]: New option to replace post type archive pages with default ones from the customizer. - [New]: New option for showing "Home" icon in breadcrumb added. - [New]: Background color option added for sticky header. - [Fix]: An issue with sticky-header in boxed layout fixed. = 5.3.5 = - [Improvement]: Improvement in alignment option of modern heading Element. - [New]: Introducing new dynamic Elementor element for adding "Breadcrumb" to Elementor pages. - [New]: Introducing a new "Modern Button" element for Elementor. - [New]: New options for customizing the share and link buttons in blog post pages added to customizer. [phlox/551] - [New]: New options for customizing the share and link buttons in portfolio single pages added to customizer. - [New]: Applying the global form skin option to product review form as well. [phlox/550] = 5.3.4 = - [New]: Introducing featured colors options in customizer and choosing them as dynamic color in Elementor. - [New]: New metafield options added to page options for assigning custom Elementor template for footer. - [New]: New Elementor element for displaying copyright text added. - [New]: New option added to edit page of Contact Form 7 to remove redundant line breaks. - [New]: New option for customizing breadcrumb separator added to customizer. - [Fix]: An issue with ajax loading on search element fixed. - [Fix]: Fixing a bug that prevents editing header template when website background is enabled. - [Improvement]: Fixing an issue with displaying taxonomies in search box category list. - [Improvement]: Fixing an issue with unusual size of burger menu on page load while using in header template. - [Improvement]: Redundant max-width style from mailchimp element removed. - [Improvement]: Fixing a bug with changing color of custom arrows in carousel navigation element. - [Improvement]: Fixing an issue with tile layout in carousel element. - [Improvement]: Improvement in some translatable strings. = 5.3.0 = - [New]: New options and improvements for shopping cart element applied. - [New]: Introducing new price table element for Elementor. - [New]: Live search functionality added to fullscreen search panel. - [New]: New option for changing breadcrumb separator added. - [New]: Introducing 'Modern Search' element and ajax search functionality. - [New]: New options for customizing shopping cart functionality and appearance added. - [New]: New options for customizing the search result page added. - [New]: New page options for overwriting default header and footer templates added. - [New]: New option to display shopping basket items in off-canvas panel added. - [New]: Inline SVG option for Infobox element added. - [Improvement]: New options for header and footer builder added. - [Improvement]: Simplifying header and footer options and deprecating legacy options. - [Improvement]: New sticky option for Elementor Header template added to the customizer. - [Improvement]: Improvement in some translatable contents. - [Improvement]: Fixing an issue with the initial width of Elementor header and footer on pages that were not built with Elementor. - [Improvement]: Improvement in dependency management of customizer options. - [Improvement]: New plugin installer for phlox essential plugins added. - [Improvement]: Improvement in the style of switch, color picker, and dropdown controllers applied. - [Improvement]: Select2 library updated to the latest version. - [Improvement]: Instagram link option for staff Element added. - [Improvement]: Improvements in dark mode style of controllers for Elementor applied. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue that breaks the layout of home page in the customizer preview. = 5.2.22 = - [Fix]: A bug with WooCommerce tabs fixed. = 5.2.21 = - [Fix]: Fixing an issue that prevents the fullscreen menu to be closed for anchor links. - [Fix]: A bug with portfolio filter links fixed. = 5.2.19 = - [Improvement]: Addressed an issue with global heading typography options in theme customizer. - [Improvement]: Some improvements to the modern heading element applied. - [Improvement]: New style customization options added to Mailchimp element. - [Improvement]: Improvements for dark mode styles in Elementor panel applied. = 5.2.16 = - [Fix]: An issue with displaying the featured image of a translated page with PolyLang plugin fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in WooCommerce notices applied. - [Improvement]: New style options added to testimonial element. - [Improvement]: Improvements for card button in header applied. - [Fix]: Addressing a bug when the header menu is not set. = 5.2.13 = * Released: 02.12.2019 - [Improvement]: Improvements in blog grid element. - [Improvement]: Improvements in cart button in header section. = 5.2.11 = * Released: 13.11.2019 - [New]: Introducing new advanced parallax effects for Elementor elements. - [Improvement]: Compability for WordPress 5.3 applied. = 5.2.8 = * Released: 4.09.2019 - [Improvement]: Improvements in appear animation. - [Fix]: An issue with stripping inline svg markup fixed. = 5.2.7 = * Released: 20.08.2019 - [Improvement]: Improvements in installing plugins while using the demo importer. - [Fix]: An issue with video player in blog archive page fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with overlapping the text on 'Info Box' element fixed. - [New]: Adding new options for changing the label of cart menu. = 5.2.6 = * Released: 16.07.2019 - [Improvement]: Some style improvements in info box element applied. - [Fix]: Fix an issue with general headings typography fixed. = 5.2.4 = * Released: 11.06.2019 - [New]: Introducing header, footer, single template builder. - [Improvement]: Performance improvements. = 5.2.2 = * Released: 05.05.2019 - [New]: Export and import options added to customizer. - [Improvement]: Improvements in accordion element. = 5.2.1 = * Released: 30.04.2019 - [Fix]: An issue with importing some menu labels fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvements in Phlox shop applied. = 5.1.11 = - [Fix]: An issue with background color of header section fixed. = 5.1.11 = - [New]: Addig new options for background and color hover effect for recent posts element. - [New]: Addig flip effect for recent posts element. - [Fix]: An issue with post formats fixed. - [Fix]: A conflict issue in header background color fixed. - [New]: Adding new entrance animation option for all Elementor elements. - [New]: New layout option for staff element added. - [Improvement]: Changing the google analytic tracking option to tracking ID option. = 5.1.8 = - [Fix]: Fixing some backward compatibility with PHP 5.3.0 which caused a fatal error. - [Fix]: Fix an issue on table and modern style of gird post widget. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with overlapping content background on the header background. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with responsive options of buttons in the header. - [Improvement]: Improvement in like buttons. - [Improvement]: Improvement in shopping cart functionality. - [New]: New typography options for pagination skins. - [Fix]: Fixing the missing post formats on Gutenberg. - [New]: New header/footer options for the customizer. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with parallax effect on Safari. = 5.1.7 = - [Fix]: A style conflict with Gutenburg buttons fixed. - [Improvement]: Adding an indicator in admin bar if maintenance mode is enabled. = 5.1.5 = - [New]: Introducing more reliable and consistent automatic updater tool. - [New]: New typography options added. - [New]: New loading preview options for responsive attachment added. - [New]: New options to customizing the forms. - [Fix]: An issue with alignment of menu in Elementor fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with page animation and elementor lightbox fixed. - [Improvement]: Brand new styles for admin notices added. - [Fix]: An issue with firefox and safari cache while playing page animation fixed. - [New]: Compatibility for Meow gallery plugin applied. - [Fix]: A fix for WPML plugin. - [Fix]: Improvement in loading google-fonts on SSL websites. - [Improvement]: Improvement for the aspect ratio of images while preloading. - [Fix]: More than 20 minor fix and improvements applied. = 5.1.0 = * Released: 19.11.2018 - [New]: 29 New typography options added to theme options. - [New]: Introducing Templates Kit Library. - [Improvement]: Major under the hood improvements to demo importer. - [Improvement]: Improvements in Advanced Image Element for Elementor. - [Improvement]: Improvement for position of burger menu on mobile size. - [Improvement]: Improvement in retrieving and displaying the list of demos applied. - [New]: Now you can uninstall a demo content after importing the content. - [New]: New top header options added to page options. - [New]: Adding Extra pulse animations to entrance animations. - [New]: Adding quick view option for recent product element. - [New]: Adding an option to change the text of subtotal in shop cart. - [New]: Adding new header layout, "Wish list" and "My account" buttons to header. - [New]: Adding background hover options for Info Box Element. - [New]: New preload options added to advanced image element, plus, adding max width and height options. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with lightbox features in image element. - [Fix]: An issue with WooCommerce Ajax notification style in homepage fixed. - [Fix]: Style fix for top header when sticky footer is enabled. - [New]: Adding new preset layout for top header bar with secondary message. - [Pro]: New SVG Element added for Elementor page builder. - [Pro]: Shape Element added for Elementor page builder. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue for displaying the search icon on header. - [Fix]: Some incompatibility issues in go pricing plugin fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in "on sale" badge styles on advanced recent product. - [Improvement]: Close the burger or overlay menu after clicking on a relative menu link. - [Improvement]: Improving the style of Dropdown element. - [Improvement]: Improvement in Info Box Element. - [New]: New options for WooCommerce cart in header added. - [Fix]: Fixing style issues for star rating component. - [Fix]: Fixing styles of footer meta in single news page. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue with the featured image in Elementor posts. - [Fix]: Fixing some undefined variables. - [Fix]: Some issues on FAQ Element fixed. = 5.0.16 = * Released: 16.09.2018 - [Fix]: An issue with Woocommerce archive page fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvements for demo importer applied. = 5.0.15 = * Released: 02.09.2018 - [Fix]: An issue with redirect script fixed - [Fix]: An issue with light skin in burger menu fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with FAQ element fixed. = 5.0.11 = * Released: 21.08.2018 - [Fix]: An issue with Elementor grid fixed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.0.10 = * Released: 15.08.2018 - [Improvement]: Improvement in entrance animations. - [Fix]: Invalid css value fixed in rtl.css - [Fix]: An issue with Elementor templates fixed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.0.9 = * Released: 09.08.2018 - [Improvement]: Master Slider Pro updated to 3.2.9. - [Fix]: An issue with scrollTo a section fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with the vertical menu in responsive view fixed. = 5.0.7 = * Released: 31.07.2018 - [New]: Adding special Entrance Animation options to all Elementor Elements. - [Improvement]: Master Slider Pro updated to 3.2.7 - [New]: Revolution Slider added to list of bundled plugins. - [New]: Layer Slider added to list of bundled plugins. - [Fix]: An issue with the number of plugins requiring update fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with page progress animations and ajax links fixed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 5.0.5 = * Released: 23.07.2018 - [New]: Introducing 65 new elements for Elementor! Install the "Element Pack" add-on from Phlox plugins list. - [New]: Adding new bundled plugin "Convert Plus" to plugins list. - [New]: Adding parallax options to all Elementor Elements. - [New]: Adding Custom CSS options to all Elementor Elements. - [New]: Adding positioning options to all Elementor Elements. - [New]: New icons added to icons list. - [New]: Complete translation in Russian added. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue in MegaMenu. - [Improvement]: Some improvements applied to image element. - [New]: Adding a new page template specifically for page builders. - [Fix]: An issue with alignment of rows in some grid layouts fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement to modern heading element applied. - [New]: Adding new style options for flexible list element. - Adding style for parallax items - [New]: Making the secondary logo translatable with WPML. = 5.0.1 = * Released: 09.07.2018 - [Improvement]: Improvement in admin dashboard for displaying the latest changes. - [Fix]: Some minor bugs fixed. = 5.0.0 = * Released: 07.07.2018 - [New]: Adding Custom CSS field to all Elementor elements. - [New]: Adding video tutorials to Phlox dashboard. - [Improvement]: Improvement in Phlox dashboard and demo importer. - [Improvement]: Now you can filter the recommended plugins in Phlox dashboard. - [Improvement]: Better plugin dependency management. = 4.4.9 = * Released: 27.06.2018 - [New]: Introducing brand new dashboard panel and demo importer. - [New]: Adding Yellow Pencil Pro plugin to Phlox Premium plugins. - [New]: Integrating Yellow Pencil plugin with Phlox theme. - [Improvement]: Improvement in displaying recent products in WooCommerce. - [Improvement]: Improvement in responsive images. - [Improvement]: Improvement in preloading images which result in faster page loading speed. - [Fix]: An issue with Gallery element fixed. - [Fix]: Some issues with portfolio elements fixed. = 4.4.7 = * Released: 18.06.2018 - [Improvement]: Improvement in demo importer. - [Improvement]: Improvement in masonry layout for gallery and portfolio elements. - [Improvement]: Improvement in responsive images. * Released: 14.06.2018 - [New]: Two new elements for Elementor page builder added ( Modern Heading and MailChimp ). - [Fix]: An issue with overlapping items in masonry and tile layouts. - [Fix]: An issue with cart button in top header fixed. = 4.4.6 = * Released: 05.06.2018 - [New]: Introducing "Flexible List" for Elementor page builder. - [Fix]: Some minor bugs fixed. * Released: 30.05.2018 - [New]: Introducing Accordion and Tabs elements for Elementor page builder. - [New]: Introducing new portfolio element for Elementor page builder. - [Fix]: Some minor bugs fixed. * Released: 26.05.2018 - [Fix]: Some minor bugs fixed. = 4.4.5 = * Released: 24.05.2018 - [New]: Introducing 12 new elements for Elementor page builder. (Phlox Core Elements 2.1.7 is required) - [New]: Phlox theme is now GDPR compliance. - [New]: Adding cookie consent to comment form and a new option for enabling or disabling this field. - [New]: New option for displaying the privacy policy link in footer added. - [New]: New options for changing the color of links and copyright text in footer added. - [New]: Better compatibility with Elementor page builder in the layout of pages. - [Fix]: An issue with using Archive Template in Elementor page builder fixed. = 4.4.3 = * Released: 15.05.2018 - [New]: New demos added to setup wizard. - [Improvement]: Style improvement in blog land layout. - [Improvement]: New option for defining the position of page subtitle added. - [Improvement]: Improvement for share and like buttons. - [Fix]: An issue with lightbox button on RTL layouts fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with admin menu title fixed. = 4.4.2 = * Released: 12.05.2018 - [New]: Compatibility for header-footer-elementor plugin added. - [Improvement]: Improvement in page header options. - [Improvement]: Improvement in page animation engine. = 4.4.1 = * Released: 08.05.2018 - [New]: Copatibility improvement for Elementor theme Location API. - [Fix]: minior bugs fixed. = 4.4.0 = * Released: 27.04.2018 - [New]: Integrating the Phlox theme with Elementor theme Location API. - [New]: The clients having Elementor Pro can now define custom footer and header for Phlox theme by Elementor templates. - [New]: The clients having Elementor Pro and Phlox Pro can now define custom subfooter, title-bar and sidebar by Elementor templates as well. - [Fix]: Styles of Modern form in comment form fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in shop elements. - [New]: Adding update notice for bundled plugins. - [Fix]: Addressed an issue in title bar. - [Fix]: An issue with pagination in page templates fixed. = 4.3.17 = * Released: 24.04.2018 - [Improvement]: Improvement in setup wizard. - [Fix]: An issue with Parallel Parallax fixed. - [Fix]: A compatibility issue with WPML fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with fade Page animation fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvements for header animation. - [Improvement]: Improvement in modern form. = 4.3.12 = * Released: 09.04.2018 - [New]: New options in single post page for customizing a blog post. - [Improvement]: SEO improvement for blog section. - [Improvement]: Improvement for logo position on tablet or mobile size. - [Improvement]: Better alignment for unordered list in post content. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 4.3.9 = * Released: 13.03.2018 - [New]: Adding option in order to display MasterSlider as a blog slider too. - [Improvement]: Improvement for style of like and share button in single post. - [New]: Option for defining the position of like button in single page. - [Fix]: Fixing an issue on related posts titles. - [New]: New element "3d textbox" added. - [New]: New appear animations for visual composer page builder added. - [Improvement]: Improvement in long titles for widgets and pages. - [Improvement]: Better spacing and style for page navigation element. - [Improvement]: Add border top to footer section bt default. - [New]: Hover Effect Added for Recent Post Modern grid. - [Improvement]: Improvement in updating the translate file. - [Improvement]: Remove the extra space from the bottom of the main page section - [New]: New options for adding top and botton margin for page slider. - [New]: Adding style for auxin vc template library - [New]: New style for image box element. - [New]: Add new styling for woocommerce alerts. = 4.3.6 = * Released: 17.02.2018 - [New]: New option for making the breadcrumb labels customizable for custom post type archive pages - [New]: Fixing a bug with unappropriate image crop sizes for archive pages. - [Fix]: An issue with latest post slider not showing the latest post fixed. - [New]: Addressing an issue with error messages in blog masonry and timeline layout. = 4.3.5 = * Released: 13.02.2018 - [New]: Header and footer metafield options for pages added. Now you can have custom header and footer on a page too. - [Improvement]: Improvements in Live preview of changes in header options. - [New]: Now audio and video post formats accept iframe as well as oembed as media embed input. - [New]: New "Show Content" option and skin for recent post widget. - [New]: New page animation and improvement in previous animations. - [Fix]: Fixing some errors on 404 page. - [Fix]: Fix an issue with cart element. - [Improvement]: Improvement in shopping cart styles. - [Improvement]: Improvement in appearance of icon selector in customizer. - [Improvement]: Improvement in the functionality of Next and Prev style. - [Fix]: An issue with scaling the logo on header sticky mode fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with preview of content layout in customizer fixed. - [New]: Now you can override the default logo and display a custom logo on a specific page. - [New]: New option to control the visibility of top header on a page. - [Fix]: Some issues with icon picker in theme customizer fixed. - [Improvement]: Major improvement in load more feature in elements. - [New]: Adding options for customizing the title bar on archive pages. - [Fix]: Removing the top slider from archive pages - [New]: New performance improvement options for preloading the images in pages.[Customizer > Extra > Performance] - [Fix]: Fix an issue with setup wizard appearance. - [New]: New options for hiding the page title in title bar. - [Fix]: An issue with deeplink option for filterable portfolio fixed. - [New]: Adding a simple Maintenance page as a default maintenance page. - [New]: New option for custom go to top button for a page. - [New]: New page options to select a custom header menu for a specific page. - [Improvement]: Style improvement for metas in single post page. - [New]: Changing the default setting for isotope general layout. - [Fix]: An issue with audio player fixed. - [Fix]: Some issues with cart options fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in parallax scripts. - [Improvement]: Prevent page scroll while clicking on WooCommerce product tabs. - [Improvement]: Better install process for Phlox elements plugin. - [Improvement]: Inherit theme options if the client had phlox lite and switched to pro version. - [Improvement]: Improvement in text element. = 4.3.0 = * Released: 23.01.2018 - [New]: New option for switching your website to maintenance mode. - [New]: New metafield options in edit page in order to overwrite the footer options for a specific page. - [New]: NewnNext and previous skin for portfolio pages, plus, style improvements. - [New]: New options in customizer for customizing the title bar on archive pages. - [New]: New performance improvement options for preloading the images in pages.[Customizer > Extra > Performance] - [New]: New options for hiding the page title in title bar added. - [New]: New metafield options for customizing the go to top button on a specific page. - [Improvement]: Major improvements for elements with load more functionality. - [Improvement]: New option for responsive images in order to generate the images base on default wp image sizes. - [Improvement]: Improvement in options preview in customizer (video preview to mouse over options) - [Improvement]: Major improvements for RTL layout applied. - [Improvement]: Improvements in setup wizard. - [Improvement]: Style improvement for Text Element. - [Improvement]: Improvement for styles of setup wizard on RTL layout. - [Fix]: An issue in permalink options for custom post types fixed. - [Fix]: Fix style issue in pagination section. - [Fix]: An issue with deeplink option of isotope fixed. - [Fix]: Issues in video and gallery post formats fixed. - [Fix]: Adding custom transition settings for filterable elements. - [Fix]: An error message with WooCommerce cart fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with displaying the icon of elements in Visual Composer fixed. - [New]: New styles for testimonial element added. - [New]: New styles for elements in Ultimate VC addons. - [Improvement]: Major improvements for WooCommerce pages. - [Improvement]: Removing the 'edit with visual composer' link in front-end. - [Improvement]: Major improvements in Visual Composer front-editor. - [Improvement]: Adding HTML support to subtitle in title bar. - [Improvement]: Alignment improvement in RTL layout. - [Improvement]: Major layout improvement in for elements with tile layout. - [Improvement]: Better live preview for title bar while customizing the options in customizer. - [New]: Add cart icon functionality on main menu (+ remove some header buttons) - [New]: New cover page animation and header animation options added to the customizer. - [New]: Inherit theme options if the client had phlox lite and switched to pro version. - [New]: Introducing secondary logo while header will be switched to sticky mode. - [New]: Adding preview link for WooCommerce options in customizer. - [New]: Options for switching the header button color in sticky and none sticky mode. - [New]: Integrating Mailchimp Plugin Styles in Phlox theme. - [New]: Adding new filterable configurations for header logo to have more control over the primary and secondary logo. - [Improvement]: Changing default and starter value for footer and subfooter sections. - [Improvement]: Optimizing the Blog options. - [Improvement]: Improvement in styles of light color scheme and shopping cart light skin. - [Improvement]: Improvement in burger menu color option. - [Improvement]: Better transitions for header bar and header buttons applied. - [Improvement]: Style improvement for site frame while using a transparent color. - [Improvement]: Improvement in page progress bar when the site frame is enabled. - [Fix]: An issue with top header submenu skin. - [Fix]: An issue with disabling the single post navigation fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with sidebar position display fixed. - [Fix]: Rendering the copyright text properly in footer section while editing in customizer. = 4.2.0 = * Released: 02.12.2017 - [New]: Secondary logo option while header section goes sticky (Phlox Core Elements plugin required) - [New]: Vertical Menu Options added to Metabox fields and some issues fixed. - [New]: Compatibility for Mailchimp Plugin added. - [New]: Phlox is now fully compatible with frond-end editor of Visual Composer. - [New]: New filter hooks for header section in order to customize the logo and header buttons. - [Improvement]: Style improvements for video playlist. - [Improvement]: Improvement in setup wizard styles. - [Improvement]: Changing default and starter options for footer and subfooter. - [Improvement]: Major improvement in RTL styles. - [Improvement]: Improvements in order of theme options. - [Fix]: An issue with disabling the single post navigation fixed. - [Fix]: Style improvement for dropdown element. - [Fix]: A Conflict between archive page and related posts fixed. = 4.0.5 = * Released: 14.11.2017 - [New]: Now the Portfolio is RTL ready too. - [New]: Introducing the vertical menu layout (check header section in customizer). - [New]: Introducing action buttons in header. - [New]: New video palylist element added. - [New]: Widgets styles in both light and dark modes added. - [Improvement]: Making the Woocommerce Widgets compatible with dark skin mode. - [Improvement]: Improvement in single portfolio page when meta data is not set. - [Improvement]: Performance improvement in auxin_get_the_trim_excerpt function and new filter added to this function. - [Improvement]: The extra space above title bar section removed. - [Improvement]: Dark styles for default WordPress widgets added. - [Improvement]: Options for defining the max height of header logo added. - [Improvement]: Better rendering for logo image and better alignment for button in header. - [Improvement]: Now, the titlebar on single pages is disabled by default. - [Improvement]: An issue with displaying the latest elements in single post page fixed. - [Improvement]: Considering default background color for header section. - [Fix]: An issue with border of WP ULike button in RTL mode fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with displaying author info in archive page fixed (customizer). - [Fix]: Fixing the issue of applying space if the toggle menu was disabled. - [Improvement]: Improvement in portfolio next and prev navigation style. - [Improvement]: The selected day style in calendar widget improved. - [Improvement]: The underline decoration from links in twitter widget removed. - [Improvement]: The font size of quote element in widget area decreased. - [Improvement]: Better positioning for buttons in header. - [Improvement]: Improvement for latest post slider styles in side area. - [Improvement]: Space between info and map of contact box in side area decreased. - [Improvement]: The skill section font size in about the author widget improved. - [Fix]: An issue with vertical aligning items in instagram feed widget fixed. - [Fix]: The issue of overlapping sidebar over post navigation fixed. - [Fix]: The underline style for social icons on sidebar removed. - [Fix]: An issue with aligning content of blocks in timeline fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with title alignment in tiles portfolio layout fixed. - [Improvement]: The welcome message text size changed. - [Improvement]: Space between primary content and sidebars increased from 60 to 68. - [Improvement]: Improvements for styles in search result page, tags, and search fields. - [Improvement]: Improvement in Search field styles. - [Improvement]: Improvement in related portfolio styles. - [Improvement]: The title background gradient added to tile layout. - [Improvement]: More space added below content in recent posts carousel. - [Improvement]: The title color quote post format has been changed. - [Improvement]:: Sticky position of portfolio side area Improved. - [Improvement]: Improvement in single portfolio page side area styles. - [Improvement]: Improvement in comments and like icon below post columns. - [Improvement]: The space between Facebook widget items increased. - [Improvement]: Added tiny divider size and improved symbol alignment over it. - [Improvement]: More space between map and contact details in contact box added. - [Improvement]: Button sizes redefined. - [Improvement]: Added more space below megamenu column title border. - [Improvement]: Replaced dashed border with custom and pretty dash style. - [Improvement]: Improvement in styles of the first blog archive template. - [Improvement]: Minor improvements in post next and prev navigation styles. - [Fix]: An issue with appearing symbols over dividers element fixed. - [Improvement]: Extra padding in toggle menu submenu items is removed. - [Improvement]: Burger icon styles improved. - [Fix]: Styles for WP default menu added. - [Fix]: An issue with isotope which caused items to overlap each other. - [Fix]: An issue with unexpected black border of navigation arrows and lightbox btn fixed. = 1.8.4 = * Released: 1.11.2017 - [New]: New option for displaying the media on single post added - [New]: Visualization for 14 customizer options added - [New]: Option for header color scheme while sticky header option is enabled - [New]: New option for adding a button under related portfolio items - [Improvement]: Lots of improvements for titlebar setting options in page section of customizer - [Improvement]: Improvement for displaying the titlebar; plus, section height, breadcrumb separator and scroll arrow - [Improvement]: Improvement in default colors of the header section - [Fix]: The wrong template for category and tag archive page fixed - [Fix]: A style conflict in setting page of Siteorigin page builder fixed - [Fix]: An issue with option for displaying top margin on single pages fixed - [Fix]: An issue with masking submenus while site layout is boxed fixed - [Fix]: Issue with previewing the post info on blog page in customizer fixed - [Fix]: Fix some issues with load more functionality = 1.8.2 = * Released: 23.10.2017 - [Fix]: Bug fix and improvements for setup wizard (requires "Phlox Core Elements" plugin). - [New]: Phlox theme is fully multisite ready. You can run a network using this theme. - [Improvement]: Improvement in managing the wp capabilities of the theme. - [Improvement]: Submenu is disabled for footer menu. - [Improvement]: Major changes and improvements for "Phlox portfolio" plugin. - [Improvement]: Improvement for site frame and sticky footer while the site layout is boxed. - [Improvement]: Slider divider, and slider width option removed from page metafields. - [Fix]: Spelling correction for sidebar position settings. - [Fix]: Default value in "Layout Options" changed. - [Fix]: Scroll top issue with grid's loadmore fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with previewing footer in customizer fixed - [Fix]: An issue with post meta options in customizer preview fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with PHP 5.4 fixed. - [Update]: Language files updated. = 1.8.0 = * Released: 11.10.2017 - [New]: Introducing setup wizard for importing demo and installing recommended plugins [Phlox core elements plugin is required] - [New]: New options for making the footer and subfooter sticky. - [New]: New options for switching the color mode for subfooter between dark and light. - [New]: New template layout for blog added. - [Improvement]: Improvement for load more option in recent post elements. = 1.7.4 = * Released: 18.09.2017 - [New]: Adding "read more" text option in customizer settings. - [New]: Backward compatibility for child themes. - [Improvement]: Improvement in tablet view of customizer. - [Improvement]: Unexpected space in portfolio grid removed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in preview of theme options in customizer. - [Improvement]: Improvement for title bar settings - [Fix]: Addressed a problem on search result for products. - [Fix]: A quick fix for live manipulation of the top header considered. = 1.7.1 = * Released: 29.08.2017 - [New]: New section in customizer for defining default layouts and settings for page and post separately. - [New]: Introducing the site frame. Now you have the option to display a fancy frame around the pages. - [New]: Now Phlox theme fully supports the WPML plugin. - [Fix]: An issue with displaying the post data on grid layout fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with missing icons list in iconpicker fixed. - [Improvement]: Improvement in title bar setting. - [Improvement]: Optimization for website background image on Mobile Devices - [Improvement]: Improvement in controllers in page builder setting panel - [Improvement]: Some improvements in design for like button. - [Improvement]: Minor bugs fixed for text element. = 1.6.25 = * Released: 16.08.2017 - [New]: Image preloading and layout improvements for image gallery. - [New]: The "wordpress-popular-posts" plugin is now fully integrated with Phlox theme. - [Improvement]: The appearance of outline buttons improved. - [Fix]: A problem with responsiveness on mobile size fixed. - [Fix]: An issue with choosing the proper blog layout from customizer options fixed. - [Fix]: The unexpected space around header menu in one of the header layouts removed. - [Fix]: Minor bugs fixed. = 1.6.21 = * Released: 31.07.2017 - [Improvement]: Implementing the latest WordPress.org standards to Phlox theme = 1.6.4 = * Released: (18.02.2017) - [Improvement]: Defining API key for google maps - [Improvement]: Improvement in animation of page loading prgoress bar - [New]: New option for blog page to hide post info - [New]: New social options for VK and telegram added - [New]: New option for blog page to hide the share and tags section - [Fix]: Fixing submenu skin and positioning for menu with submenu in top header - [Improvement]: Under the hood improvements = 1.6.0 = * Released: (20.12.2016) - [Fix]: Addressed a conflict in customizer with WordPress 4.7 - [Fix]: Addressed an issue with displaying the title for some shortcodes - [New]: Implementing new option for changing the color of toolbar on mobile browser - [Improvement]: Improvement in hover effects - [Improvement]: In image post and image element hover effect = 1.5.8 = * Released: (01.12.2016) - [New]: Introducing RTL layout for Phlox theme - [New]: Introducing grid table layout for recent grid post element - [New]: Button for sharing the page added - [New]: Now you can check the latest changes in phlox theme, right from your dashboard - [New]: Plenty of new options and styles for Phlox Text element - [New]: Carousel and tile layouts for recent posts elements added - [New]: New layouts (Land and Tile) for blog archive page added. - [New]: Implementing Ajax preloading and animating progress for web pages - [New]: like button for blog posts - [Fix]: An issue with loading the translate files from theme folder fixed - [Fix]: An issue with tabs element fixed - [Improvement]: Improvement in aspect ratio option for timeline element - [Improvement]: In pagination options and styles - [Improvement]: alignment of timeline blog layout - [Improvement]: Display the parent theme name, if the child theme is enabled = 1.5.4 = * Released: (22.10.2016) - [New]: Introducing new sticky next and previous navigation in single blog posts - [New]: Integrating & compatibility for facebook and flickr plugin - [New]: Option for hiding column title in megamenu added - [New]: Introducing new options and styles for narrowing down the context - [New]: New skins for next and previous navigation in single blog posts added - [Improvement]: Mega menu style improved - [Improvement]: spaces on blog timeline view improved - [Improvement]: Improvement in page load time by merging assets and under the hood improvements = 1.5.3 = * Released: (26.09.2016) - [New]: Introducing new content style for blog grid layout. - [Improvement]: Extra readmore links no longer appear on archive pages. - [Fix]: Addressing an issue that prevents to render taxonomy page properly when grid or timeline layout is active. - [Fix]: Fixing some typos in file names == Notes == - [New]: Introducing more reliable and consistent automatic updater tool. - [New]: New typography options added. - [New]: New loading preview options for responsive attachment added.