Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/local/lsws/add-ons/snmp_monitoring/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/usr/local/lsws/add-ons/snmp_monitoring/class.litespeed_stats.php |
<?php /*---------------------------------------- LiteSpeed_Stats class and subclasses. Parse Real-Time data for LiteSpeed Products Copyright (C) 2006 LiteSpeed Technologies, Inc. This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License along with this library; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA Version: 1.0 @ 08/23/2006 Contact: bug@litespeedtech.com Url: http://www.litespeedtech.com Requirement: 1)LiteSpeed Web Server version >= 2.1.18 2)PHP 5+ ----------------------------------------*/ class litespeed_stats { public $product = null; public $edition = null; public $version = null; public $uptime = null; public $load_avg = NULL; public $bps_in = 0; public $bps_out = 0; public $ssl_bps_in = 0; public $ssl_bps_out = 0; public $max_conn = 0; public $max_ssl_conn = 0; public $plain_conn = 0; public $avail_conn = 0; public $idle_conn = 0; public $ssl_conn = 0; public $avail_ssl_conn = 0; public $blocked_ip; public $vhosts = array(); public $serv = NULL; //misc settings //full path to .rtreports files. different products have different paths public $report_path = "/tmp/lshttpd/"; //processes..enterprise version can spawn proccess = cpu cores public $processes = 1; public function litespeed_stats($processes = 1, $report_path = "/tmp/lshttpd/") { $this->processes = (int) $processes; $this->report_path = trim($report_path); } public function parse() { for ( $i = 1 ; $i <= $this->processes ; $i++ ) { if ( $i > 1 ) { $content = file_get_contents("{$this->report_path}.rtreport.{$i}"); } else { $content = file_get_contents("{$this->report_path}.rtreport"); } } $result = array(); $this->blocked_ip = array(); $found = 0; $found = preg_match_all("/VERSION: ([a-zA-Z0-9\ ]+)\/([a-zA-Z]*)\/([a-zA-Z0-9\.]+)\nUPTIME: ([0-9A-Za-z\ \:]+)\nBPS_IN:([0-9\ ]+), BPS_OUT:([0-9\ ]+), SSL_BPS_IN:([0-9\ ]+), SSL_BPS_OUT:([0-9\ ]+)\nMAXCONN:([0-9\ ]+), MAXSSL_CONN:([0-9\ ]+), PLAINCONN:([0-9\ ]+), AVAILCONN:([0-9\ ]+), IDLECONN:([0-9\ ]+), SSLCONN:([0-9\ ]+), AVAILSSL:([0-9\ ]+)/i", $content, $result); for($f = 0; $f < $found; $f++) { $this->product = trim($result[1][$f]); $this->edition = trim($result[2][$f]); $this->version = trim($result[3][$f]); $this->uptime = trim($result[4][$f]); $this->bps_in += (int) $result[5][$f]; $this->bps_out += (int) $result[6][$f]; $this->ssl_bps_in += (int) $result[7][$f]; $this->ssl_bps_out += (int) $result[8][$f]; $this->max_conn += (int) $result[9][$f]; $this->max_ssl_conn += (int) $result[10][$f]; $this->plain_conn += (int) $result[11][$f]; $this->avail_conn += (int) $result[12][$f]; $this->idle_conn += (int) $result[13][$f]; $this->ssl_conn += (int) $result[14][$f]; $this->avail_ssl_conn += (int) $result[15][$f]; } $result = array(); $found = 0; $found = preg_match_all("/BLOCKED_IP: ([0-9 \[\]\.,]*)/", $content, $result); for($f = 0; $f < $found; $f++) { $ips = trim($result[1][$f]); if ($ips != "") { $iplist = preg_split("/[\s,]+/", $ips, -1, PREG_SPLIT_NO_EMPTY); $this->blocked_ip = array_merge($this->blocked_ip, $iplist); } } $result = array(); $found = 0; $found = preg_match_all("/REQ_RATE \[(.*)\]: REQ_PROCESSING: ([0-9]+), REQ_PER_SEC: ([0-9\.]+), TOT_REQS: ([0-9]+), PUB_CACHE_HITS_PER_SEC: ([0-9\.]+), TOTAL_PUB_CACHE_HITS: ([0-9]+), PRIVATE_CACHE_HITS_PER_SEC: ([0-9\.]+), TOTAL_PRIVATE_CACHE_HITS: ([0-9]+), STATIC_HITS_PER_SEC: ([0-9\.]+), TOTAL_STATIC_HITS: ([0-9]+)/i",$content,$result); for($f = 0; $f < $found; $f++) { $vhost = trim($result[1][$f]); if($vhost == "") { $vhost = "_Server"; } if(!array_key_exists($vhost,$this->vhosts)) { $this->vhosts[$vhost] = new litespeed_stats_vhost($vhost); } $temp = $this->vhosts[$vhost]; $temp->req_processing += (int) $result[2][$f]; $temp->req_per_sec += doubleval($result[3][$f]); $temp->req_total += doubleval($result[4][$f]); $temp->cache_hits_per_sec += doubleval($result[5][$f]); $temp->total_cache_hits += doubleval($result[6][$f]); $temp->private_cache_hits_per_sec += doubleval($result[7][$f]); $temp->total_private_cache_hits += (int) $result[8][$f]; $temp->static_hits_per_sec += doubleval($result[9][$f]); $temp->total_static_hits += doubleval($result[10][$f]); } $result = array(); $found = 0; $found = preg_match_all("/EXTAPP \[([^\]]*)\] \[(.*)\] \[([^\]]*)\]: CMAXCONN: ([0-9]+), EMAXCONN: ([0-9]+), POOL_SIZE: ([0-9]+), INUSE_CONN: ([0-9]+), IDLE_CONN: ([0-9]+), WAITQUE_DEPTH: ([0-9]+), REQ_PER_SEC: ([0-9\.]+), TOT_REQS: ([0-9]+)/i",$content,$result); for($f = 0; $f < $found; $f++) { $vhost = trim($result[2][$f]); $extapp = trim($result[3][$f]); if($vhost == "") { $vhost = "_Server"; } if(!array_key_exists($vhost,$this->vhosts)) { $this->vhosts[$vhost] = new litespeed_stats_vhost($vhost); } if(!array_key_exists($extapp,$this->vhosts[$vhost]->extapps)) { $this->vhosts[$vhost]->extapps[$extapp] = new litespeed_stats_vhost_extapp($extapp, $vhost); $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_count ++; $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_process ++; } $temp = $this->vhosts[$vhost]->extapps[$extapp]; $temp->type = trim($result[1][$f]); $temp->config_max_conn += (int) $result[4][$f]; $temp->effect_max_conn += (int) $result[5][$f]; $temp->pool_size += (int) $result[6][$f]; $temp->inuse_conn += (int) $result[7][$f]; $temp->idle_conn += (int) $result[8][$f]; $temp->waitqueue_depth += (int) $result[9][$f]; $temp->req_per_sec += (int) $result[10][$f]; $temp->req_total += (int) $result[11][$f]; $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_inuse += (int) $result[7][$f]; $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_idle += (int) $result[8][$f]; $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_waitQ += (int) $result[9][$f]; $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_req_per_sec += doubleval($result[10][$f]); $this->vhosts[$vhost]->eap_req_total += doubleval($result[11][$f]); } if (count($this->blocked_ip) > 2) { sort($this->blocked_ip); } $this->serv = $this->vhosts['_Server']; } } class liteSpeed_stats_vhost { public $req_processing = 0; public $req_per_sec = 0.0; public $req_total = 0; public $cache_hits_per_sec = 0.0; public $total_cache_hits = 0; public $private_cache_hits_per_sec = 0.0; public $total_private_cache_hits = 0; public $static_hits_per_sec = 0.0; public $total_static_hits = 0; public $eap_count = 0; public $eap_process = 0; public $eap_inuse = 0; public $eap_idle = 0; public $eap_waitQ = 0; public $eap_req_per_sec = 0.0; public $eap_req_total = 0; public $extapps = array(); public function litespeed_stats_vhost($vhost = null) { $this->vhost = trim($vhost); } } class litespeed_stats_vhost_extapp { public function litespeed_stats_vhost_extApp($extapp = null, $vhost = null) { $this->extapp = trim($extapp); $this->vhost = trim($vhost); } public $vhost = null; public $type = null; public $extapp = null; public $config_max_conn = 0; public $effect_max_conn = 0; public $pool_size = 0; public $inuse_conn = 0; public $idle_conn = 0; public $waitqueue_depth = 0; public $req_per_sec = 0; public $req_total = 0; } ?>