Direktori : /proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/sbin/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/proc/self/root/proc/thread-self/root/usr/local/sbin/wpfix |
#!/bin/bash replace_default_f() { log "Replacing the WordPress default files..." wget -c https://wordpress.org/latest.tar.gz -O - | tar -xz # Create rollback for default files. def_f_rollback=default_f_pre-restore.tar.gz def_wp_f=$(find wordpress/ -type f | sed s/wordpress/\./) # Back up the default files that are being replaced, and replace them. tar -zcf $def_f_rollback $def_wp_f && rsync -r wordpress/* ./ && rm -rf wordpress } rollback_defaut_f() { tar -zxf $def_f_rollback rm -v $def_f_rollback } enable_plugins() { for p in $@; do mv ${p}_$rnd_str $p done } disable_plugins() { for p in $@; do mv $p ${p}_$rnd_str done } check_plugins() { # Create a list of plugins directories for enabling and disabling. local mv_plugins_list=() for (( pi=0, p=$1; $p < $2; (( ++p, ++pi )) )); do mv_plugins_list+=( ${inst_plugin_dirs[$p]} ) done enable_plugins ${mv_plugins_list[@]} check_if_ok; disable_plugins ${mv_plugins_list[@]} } check_if_ok() { sleep 10s; w=''; w=$(curl -sLD - -o /dev/null -w "%{url_effective}" $URL | grep -P "(?<=HTTP/1.1 )(\d+)" -o | tail -n 1); sleep 10s; } log() { echo $@ | tee -a $LOGFILE } exit_and_clean() { rm -f "${db_cfg}" exit $1 } rnd_str=$(date +%d-%m-%Y_%H.%M.%S); wp=/usr/local/sbin/wp php=/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/bin/php PATH="/opt/cpanel/ea-php72/root/usr/bin:${PATH}" DOCROOT=$1 DOMAIN=$2 ACTION=$3 DIR=$4 URL=$(echo $5 | sed -E "s/https?\:\/\///g") TEST_PLUGINS=$6 [[ $DIR == "--nodir--" ]] && DIR='' [[ $URL == "--nourl--" ]] && unset URL CWD_TO="${DOCROOT}/${DIR}" if [[ -d $CWD_TO ]]; then log "Change work dir to the ${CWD_TO}"; cd ${CWD_TO} else log "Error. Directory ${CWD_TO} does not exist. Abording." exit_and_clean fi LOGFILE="$CWD_TO/wpfix_${rnd_str}.log" if [[ -f ${CWD_TO}/wp-config.php ]]; then db_cfg="myWpFix.cnf"; db_name=$(grep "define( 'DB_NAME', '.*' );" wp-config.php | cut -d' ' -f 3 | tr -d "'"); db_user=$(grep "define( 'DB_USER', '.*' );" wp-config.php | cut -d' ' -f 3 | tr -d "'"); db_pas=$(grep "define( 'DB_PASSWORD', '.*' );" wp-config.php | cut -d' ' -f 3 | tr -d "'"); tpref=$(grep "\$table_prefix = '.*'" wp-config.php | grep -oP "\'.+\'" | grep -oP "[\w\d_]*"); wpoptions=$tpref"options"; def_theme="twentytwenty"; else log "Error. File ${CWD_TO}/wp-config.php does not exist. Abording." exit_and_clean fi echo -e "[client]\nuser=$db_user\npassword=$db_pas" > $db_cfg; [[ -z $URL ]] && URL="$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "select option_value from ${tpref}options where option_name='siteurl';" | grep http || echo $DOMAIN)" if [ ${ACTION} != "fix" ]; then unset ACTION log "Checking... ${URL} ${CWD_TO} log file location ${LOGFILE}"; else log "Working on ${ACTION}, ${URL} ${DOCROOT} log file location ${LOGFILE}"; fi if [ "$URL" == '' ]; then log "Error, target link/URL is missing."; exit_and_clean 1; fi check_if_ok; if [ "$w" == "200" ]; then log "The return code is 200 OK, aborting."; exit_and_clean 0; fi # Check permissions. log "Checking permissions..."; chmod 750 ./; find ./ -type f -not -perm 644 -not -name ".ftpquota" -exec chmod 644 -c {} \; ; find ./ -type d -not -perm 755 -not -group nobody -exec chmod 755 -c {} \; check_if_ok; if [ "$w" != "200" ]; then log "The error is still here."; else log "The error is gone, it was caused by incorrect files/folders permissions."; exit_and_clean 0; fi # Check .htaccess. log "Renaming .htaccess."; mv .htaccess .htaccess_$rnd_str; check_if_ok; if [ "$w" != "200" ]; then log "The error is still here, renaming .htaccess back."; mv .htaccess_$rnd_str .htaccess; else log "The error is gone, it was caused by .htaccess."; if [ -z ${ACTION} ]; then log "The -f parameter has not been provided. Renaming .htaccess back." mv .htaccess_$rnd_str .htaccess; fi exit_and_clean 0; fi # Check default files. replace_default_f check_if_ok; if [ "$w" == "200" ]; then log "The error is gone, it was caused by an error in one of the default files."; if [[ -z $ACTION ]]; then log "The -f parameter has not been provided, restoring the previous default files." rollback_defaut_f else rm -v $def_f_rollback fi exit_and_clean 0; else log "Replacing the default files did not help."; tar -zxf $def_f_rollback rm -v $def_f_rollback fi # Check plugins if [[ $TEST_PLUGINS ]]; then for p in $(find wp-content/plugins/ -maxdepth 1 -type d | tail -n +2); do inst_plugin_dirs+=($p) inst_plugin_names+=( $(echo $p | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev) ) done; log "Currently installed plugins: ${inst_plugin_names[@]}" log "Disabling all plugins." disable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} check_if_ok; if [ "$w" == "200" ]; then log "The error is gone, it was caused by one of the installed plugins"; plugins_err=1; else log "Disabling of the plugins did not help."; plugins_err=0; fi # If the error is caused by plugins, find which plugins specifically are causing the error if [[ $plugins_err -eq 1 ]]; then log "Looking for broken plugins. This may take a while..." # Array of index range of plugins with errors. min_max_indexes=( 0 ${#inst_plugin_dirs[@]} ) # Keep looking for pluings with errors as long as there is a range of indexes of plugins with errors. while [[ -n "${min_max_indexes[@]}" ]]; do # Get the minimum, maximum and the middle point values of the last available index range. min=${min_max_indexes[ $(echo $(( ${#min_max_indexes[@]} - 2 )) ) ]} max=${min_max_indexes[ $(echo $(( ${#min_max_indexes[@]} - 1 )) ) ]} pivot=$(( $(( $min + $(( $max - $min )) / 2)) )) # Remove the latest index range. unset min_max_indexes[$(echo $(( ${#min_max_indexes[@]} - 1 )) )] unset min_max_indexes[$(echo $(( ${#min_max_indexes[@]} - 1 )) )] # Enable the selected range of plugins, and theck for the error. # If the error is not present, then the current range of indexes can be discarded. check_plugins $min $max if [[ "$w" != "200" ]]; then # If the error is present, and minimal index is equal to the middle point, then the range of indexes was narrowed down to a single plugin. # Add the plugin index to the array of plugin indexes with errors. if [[ $min -eq $pivot ]]; then err_plug_i+=($pivot) # If the minimal index is less than the middle point, then there are more than one plugins in the index range. # Add the current range of indexes as two ranges. else min_max_indexes+=($min $pivot $pivot $max) fi fi done for (( i=0; $i < ${#err_plug_i[@]}; (( ++i )) )); do broken_plugin_dirs+=( $(echo ${inst_plugin_dirs[ ${err_plug_i[$i]} ]}) ) broken_plugins+=( $(echo "${inst_plugin_dirs[ ${err_plug_i[$i]} ]}" | rev | cut -d/ -f1 | rev) ) done log "Broken plugins: ${broken_plugins[@]}" if [[ -n "${ACTION}" ]]; then log "Disabling broken plugins." enable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} disable_plugins ${broken_plugin_dirs[@]} exit_and_clean 0; fi fi if [ -z ${ACTION} ] || [ $plugins_err -eq 0 ]; then log "Restoring plugins to ${inst_plugin_names[@]}" enable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} if [[ $plugins_err -eq 1 ]]; then exit_and_clean; fi fi fi # Check the current theme cur_theme=$(mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "select option_value from $wpoptions where option_name='stylesheet';" | tail -n +2); log "Changing the current $cur_theme theme to $def_theme."; mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "update $wpoptions set option_value='$def_theme' where option_name='template' or option_name='stylesheet';" check_if_ok; if [ "$w" == "200" ]; then log "The error is gone, it was caused by the $cur_theme theme."; if [ -z ${ACTION} ]; then log "The -f paramenter has not been provided. Changing the theme back to $cur_theme."; mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "update $wpoptions set option_value='$cur_theme' where option_name='template' or option_name='stylesheet';" fi else log "Let's disable everything."; log "Disabling theme..." log "Disabling .htaccess..." mv .htaccess .htaccess_$rnd_str; replace_default_f if [[ $TEST_PLUGINS ]]; then log "Disabling all plugins..." disable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} fi check_if_ok; if [ "$w" == "200" ]; then log "The error is gone." log "Multiple points of failure are present." if [ -z ${ACTION} ]; then log "The -f paramenter has not been provided. Reversing the changes."; mv .htaccess_$rnd_str .htaccess rollback_defaut_f if [[ $TEST_PLUGINS ]]; then enable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} fi log "Changing the $def_theme theme back to $cur_theme."; mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "update $wpoptions set option_value='$cur_theme' where option_name='template' or option_name='stylesheet';" fi else log "Nope, it didn't work. Reversing the changes."; mv .htaccess_$rnd_str .htaccess rollback_defaut_f if [[ $TEST_PLUGINS ]]; then enable_plugins ${inst_plugin_dirs[@]} fi log "Changing the $def_theme theme back to $cur_theme."; mysql --defaults-extra-file=$db_cfg $db_name -e "update $wpoptions set option_value='$cur_theme' where option_name='template' or option_name='stylesheet';" log "Try resetting CageFS, disabling ModSecurity."; log "If none of that works, send to web developer; or check with SME first and then send to web developer."; fi fi rm $db_cfg