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<span style="font-size: 48px;font-family: 'Poppins'!important;font-weight:600;letter-spacing:-0.8px;" id="header_title">Welcome to Wing</span><br> <span style="font-size: 42px;font-family: 'Poppins'!important;font-weight:200;letter-spacing:-0.8px;" id="header_subtitle">Onboarding</span> </h1> <p class="description wow pixFadeUp"> Hey <b><font color="#289efd"></font></b><br><br> This short onboarding process is designed to quickly get you started with Wing for Business<br> </p> <a onclick="goToStep1()" class="banner-btn pix-btn wow fadeInUp" style="cursor: pointer;">Let's Begin <i class="fa fa-chevron-right" style="margin-left:10px; font-size:15px;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a> > </div> --><!-- /.banner-content --> </div> <div class="col-lg-6"> <div class="promo-mockup-five text-center"> <ul class="animate-element-five"> </ul> </div><!-- /.promo-mockup --> </div> <!-- /.col-lg-7 --> </div> <!-- /.row --> </div><!-- /.banner-content-wrap --> </div><!-- /.container --> <style 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font-size: 16px; color: #333; } .wmSuggestion{ display: inline-block; padding: 7px 12px; background: #e2f5ff; margin-bottom: 14px; margin-right: 7px; border-radius: 50px; cursor: pointer; font-size: 14px; color: #333; } .suggestionIsSelected{ background: #2a86f4; color: #fff; } #selectableNumbers { margin-left: 10px; } .r15,.r16{ margin-top: 3px; } #setupBtns-r15,#setupBtns-r16 { margin-left: 10px; } /* Chrome, Safari, Edge, Opera */ input::-webkit-outer-spin-button, input::-webkit-inner-spin-button { -webkit-appearance: none; margin: 0; } /* Firefox */ input[type=number] { -moz-appearance: textfield; } input#areaCodeChooserInput { width: 240px; } #submitAreaCodeChoice { border: none; outline: none; background: #287efc; color: #fff; height: 50px; margin-left: -60px; text-transform: uppercase; border-radius: 0 50px 50px 0px; padding-right: 20px; padding-left: 18px; } .numberIsSelected{ background: #2a86f4; color: #fff; } #setupNextR15{ display: none; } #submitWelcomeMsgChoice{ color: #fff; margin-right: 10px; background: #287efc; padding: 13px; border-radius: 5px; outline: none; border: none; font-size: 16px; margin-left: 10px; display: none; } #welcomeMessageSuggestions { margin-left: 10px; } .smallBtn { border: none; outline: none; background: #287efc; padding: 6px 17px; color: #fff; border-radius: 6px; float: right; } .bigIcon { display: inline-block; } .tag { font-size: 12px; background: #ffffff; padding: 3px 5px 3px 5px; border-radius: 8px; margin-left: 4px; color: #2891fd; } .banner-btn { background: #289efd; } .banner-btn:hover { background: #fff; border-color: #289efd; color: #289efd; } /* TODO smaller screens scrollables need to adapt to screen */ </style> <div id="top"> <h2>Let's get you started</h2> <p class="topSubtitle">You didn't start a business to take calls. <span style="font-weight: 400;">Luckily, we did!</span></p> </div> <div class="container ScreenContainer" id="Screen1"> <div id="left"> <div id="leftInner"> <div id="selection">YOU SELECTED</div> <span id="product">Reception</span><span id="productTier">, Limited</span> <hr> <div id="leftInnerDetails"> <div id="leftInnerDetailsList"> <b><a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent3" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">4 calls per day</a></b><br> <b><a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent4" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Full Customization</a></b> <br> <b><a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent5" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Free Number</a></b><br> <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent6" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Call Recordings </a><br> <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent7" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Account Manager </a><br> <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent8" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Available <b>8 hrs, M-F</b> </a><br> <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent9" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Access to <b>Scriptwriters</b> </a><br> <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent11" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom">Award Winning <b>Support</b> </a><br> </div> <a href="../receptionist.html#pricingTable"><div id="changePlanBtn">Switch Plan</div></a> </div> <div id="receipt"> <!-- <hr style="margin-top: 45px;"> --> <span class="receiptTitle">BILLING TERMS <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent12" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="bottom"><span class="discountsBubble">DISCOUNTS <i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.3;color: #333;margin-left: 3px;font-size: 13px;margin-right: -3px;vertical-align: -2px;" aria-hidden="true"></i></span></a></span> <select id="paymentTermsDropdown"> <option value="monthly">Monthly</option> <option value="twomonths">Every 2 Months</option> <option value="quarterly">Quarterly</option> <option value="semiannually">Semi-Annually</option> <option value="annually">Annually</option> </select> <hr> <span class="receiptTitle">BILLING SUMMARY</span> <table id="receiptTable"> <tr> <td><span class="term">Monthly</span> Fee</td> <td style="float: right;"><span class="term-price">$699</span></td> </tr> <tr> <td>Discounts</td> <td style="float: right;"><span class="discounts"></span></td> </tr> <tr><td colspan="2"><div id="addonEditBtn" onclick="showSignupPg2Again()"><i class="far fa-edit" style="font-size: 12px;margin-right: 3px;color: #569bff;"></i> EDIT ADDONS</div></td></tr> <tr> <td><span class="addonsListContainer"></td> <td style="float: right;"><span class="addonsPrice"></span></td> </tr> <tr style="margin-top:7px;"> <td><b>Due <span class="due-date">Today</span></b></td> <td style="float: right;"><b><span class="total-price">$699</span></b></td> </tr> </table> <hr> <span id="receiptSummary">Plan recurs at <span class="billing-summary-summary"></span></span> </div> </div> </div> <div id="right"> <span id="formTitle">Your information</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="question" style="margin-top: -10px;">Please fill out the form below carefully</div> <div class="questionHelper">These details will be used to set up your account</div> <div class="helperMessage" id="helperMessage1"></div> <input type="text" placeholder="Full Name" id="nameBox"> <input type="text" placeholder="Work Email" id="emailBox"> <input type="text" placeholder="Phone Number" id="phoneBox"> <div class="question">What best describes you?</div> <div class="questionHelper">Tap to choose</div> <select id="describeQSelector"> <option value="">Select one...</option> <option value="exec">Busy Executive</option> <option value="startup">Startup</option> <option value="smb">Small/Medium Business</option> <option value="corp">Large Corporation</option> <option value="solo">Entrepreneur/Solo/Sole Proprietorship</option> <option value="npo">Nonprofit/Educational Organization</option> <option value="other">Other</option> <option value="jobseeker">Looking for a Job</option> </select> <div id="companySection"> <div class="question">Company Information</div> <div class="questionHelper">We'll familiarize ourselves with your business</div> <input type="text" placeholder="Company Name" id="cmpNameBox"> <input type="text" placeholder="Industry" id="cmpIndustry"> </div> <div id="npoSection"> <div class="questionHelper"><i class="fas fa-heart" style="color:#ff8484;margin-right:10px;"></i> Non-Profit & Educational Organizations are entitled to a discount <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent1" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="top"><i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div> </div> <div id="startupSection"> <div class="questionHelper"><i class="fas fa-rocket" style="color:#ff8484;margin-right:10px;"></i> YC, Techstars & SkyDeck accelerated startups have discounts available <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent2" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="top"><i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div> </div> <div id="corpSection"> <div class="questionHelper"><i class="fas fa-building" style="color:#64a3ff;margin-right:10px;"></i> Our team is standing by to ensure your specific needs can be met <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent10" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="top"><i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div> </div> <div class="nextBtn" onclick="completeSignupPg1()">Continue »</div> </div> <div id="right15"> <span id="formTitle"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left pgBackArrow" onclick="showSignupPg1Again()"></i> Let's choose a number</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div id="areaCodeQuestion"> <div class="question">Would you like a number with a particular area code? <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent20" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="top"><i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div> <div class="questionHelper">Choose an option</div> <div id="setupBtns-r15"> <button class="setupBtns r15" onclick='hasAreaCodePreference()'>Yes, let me choose</button> <button class="setupBtns r15" onclick="noAreaCodePreference()">Anything is fine</button> </div> </div> <div id="areaCodeChooser"> <div class="question">Which area code?</div> <div class="questionHelper" id="questionHelperBadAreaCode">Please enter a 3 digit area code below</div> <div class="helperMessage" id="helperMessageBadAreaCode"></div> <input type="number" maxlength="3" type="number" placeholder="XXX" id="areaCodeChooserInput"> <button id="submitAreaCodeChoice" onclick="areaCodePreferenceSubmitted()"><i class="fas fa-search"></i> Search</button><br> <small id='backToMainMenuMessage'><a href="#" onclick="resetR15()">Back to main menu</a></small> </div> <div id="numberChooser"> <div class="question" id="chooseANumberQ">Choose a Number</div> <div class="questionHelper" id="chooseANumberQHelper">Tap to choose</div> <div id="selectableNumbers"> <font color="grey">Loading...</font> </div> <small id='backToMainMenuMessage' style="display: inline-block;"><a href="#" onclick="resetR15()">Back to main menu</a></small> <div id="chooseNumberConfirm" style="display: none;margin-top: 5px;"><div class="bigIcon"><i class="fas fa-check" style="margin-left: 12px;margin-right: 5px;color: #15c315;"></i> Done! Or, <a href="#" onclick="resetR15()">choose a different number?</a><br><br>Tap Continue to go to the next step</div></div> </div> <div class="nextBtn" onclick="window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();" id="chatBtn">Chat with us</div> <div class="nextBtn" id="setupNextR15" onclick="completeSignupPg15()">Continue »</div> </div> <div id="right16"> <span id="formTitle"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left pgBackArrow" onclick="showSignupPg15Again()"></i> Let's set up a welcome message</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div id="welcomeMsgQuestion"> <div class="question">Would you like to set your welcome message? <a class="protip" data-pt-title="#tooltipContent21" data-pt-scheme="blue" data-pt-gravity="top"><i class="qm fa fa-question-circle" style="opacity: 0.4;" aria-hidden="true"></i></a></div> <div class="questionHelper">Choose an option</div> <div id="setupBtns-r16"> <button class="setupBtns r16" onclick='welcomeMsgNow()'>Yes!</button> <button class="setupBtns r16" onclick="completeSignupPg16()">Later! Next step please</button> </div> </div> <div id="welcomeMsgChooser"> <div class="question">Let's do it!</div> <div class="questionHelper" id='writeOwnMessageHelperMessage'>Choose a suggestion or create your own</div> <div id="welcomeMessageSuggestions"> </div> <div id="welcomeMessageWriter" style="display:none"> <input type="text" placeholder="Write your welcome message here..." id="welcomeMessageWriterInput"> <button id="submitWelcomeMessageWriterInput" class="smallBtn" onclick="submitWrittenWelcomeSuggestion()">Save</button> <div id="welcomeMessageWriterHelper" style="margin-left:10px;margin-top:10px;">Or, <a href="#" onclick="closeWelcomeMessageWriter()">choose a suggestion instead</a></div> </div> <small id='resetR16Message' style="display: inline-block;"><a href="#" onclick="resetR16()">Back to main menu</a></small> <div id="welcomeMsgConfirm" style="display: none;margin-top: 5px;"><div class="bigIcon"><i class="fas fa-check" style="margin-left: 12px;margin-right: 5px;color: #15c315;"></i></div> Done! <span id="afterWriterConfirm" style="display:none;">Or, <a href="#" onclick="closeWelcomeMessageWriter()">choose a suggestion instead?</a></span><br><br>Tap Continue to go to the next step</div> </div> <div class="nextBtn" onclick="window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();" id="chatBtn">Chat with us</div> <div class="nextBtn" id="setupNextR16" style="display:none;" onclick="completeSignupPg16()">Continue »</div> </div> <div id="right2"> <span id="formTitle"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left pgBackArrow" onclick="showSignupPg16Again()"></i> Last step! Getting started</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="numberStep" id="ns1"> <div class="numberTitle"> <span class="numberCircle">1</span><span class="numberTitle">Have any questions? Speak to us <i class="fas fa-chevron-down" id="showNS1Again" onclick="showNS1Again()" style="display: none;cursor: pointer;font-size: 13px;margin-left: 7px;opacity: 0.6;"></i></span> <div class="numberInfo">If you have any questions, we're available, live, to help answer them! If not just tap "I don't have any questions" <button class="setupBtns" onclick='window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();$("#q1next").fadeIn("fast", function(){});'>Chat with us now</button> <button class="setupBtns" onclick="noQuestions()">I don't have any questions</button> <a href="#" onclick="noQuestions()" id="q1next" style="display: none;margin-top:-5px;"><br><br>Next Step »</a> </div> </div> </div> <div class="numberStep" id="ns2" style="display: none;"> <div class="numberTitle"> <span class="numberCircle">2</span><span class="numberTitle">When would you like to start? <i class="fas fa-chevron-down" id="showNS2Again" onclick="showNS2Again()" style="display: none;cursor: pointer;font-size: 13px;margin-left: 7px;opacity: 0.6;"></i></span> <div class="numberInfo"> Choose an available start day from the days below. <div id="dateSelector" class="scrollbar"> </div> </div> <div class="numberInfo2"> </div> </div> </div> <div class="numberStep" id="ns3" style="display: none;"> <div class="numberTitle"> <span class="numberCircle">3</span><span class="numberTitle">Would you like to extend your plan? <i class="fas fa-chevron-down" id="showNS3Again" onclick="showNS3Again()" style="display: none;cursor: pointer;font-size: 13px;margin-left: 7px;opacity: 0.6;"></i></span> <div class="numberInfo"> If you'd like to extend your plan to include more hours, coverage, or other services, you can add them below. You can also do this later! <div id="addonsList" class="scrollbar" style="display:none;"> <div class="addonBox add_weekend"> <div class="addTitle">Assistant, Basic</div> <div class="addDescription">Add a Wing virtual assistant (just one!) to your plan to help you get more done</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_left add_weekend">+$699<small>/mo</small></div> <div class="abs_add_btn add_weekend" onclick="addAddon(this)" data-mprice="699" data-description="+Assistant, Basic" data-id="1">+ ADD</div> </div> </div> <div class="addonBox add_weekend_light_2" style="display:none;"> <div class="addTitle">Assistant, Pro</div> <div class="addDescription">Add a Wing virtual assistant (two!) to your plan to help you get more done</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_left add_weekend_light_2">+$1,249<small>/mo</small></div> <div class="abs_add_btn add_weekend_light_2" onclick="addAddon(this)" data-mprice="1249" data-description="+Assistant, Pro" data-id="2">+ ADD</div> </div> </div> <div class="addonBox add_workflows_basic"> <div class="addTitle">Sales Calling <50/day</div> <div class="addDescription">Have Wing's sales callers making up to 50 sales calls for your business per day.</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_left add_workflows_basic">+$249<small>/mo</small></div> <div class="abs_add_btn add_workflows_basic" onclick="addAddon(this)" data-mprice="249" data-description="+Sales Calling <50" data-id="3">+ ADD</div> </div> </div> <div class="addonBox reception_4_per_day"> <div class="addTitle">Sales Calling 50-200/day</div> <div class="addDescription">Have Wing's sales callers making between 50 & 200 sales calls for your business per day.</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_left reception_4_per_day">+$499<small>/mo</small></div> <div class="abs_add_btn reception_4_per_day" onclick="addAddon(this)" data-mprice="499" data-description="+Sales Calling <200" data-id="4">+ ADD</div> </div> </div> <div class="addonBox reception_24_per_day"> <div class="addTitle">Sales Calling Unlimited</div> <div class="addDescription">Have a dedicated salesperson making sales calls, as many as you'd like us to make per day.</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_left reception_24_per_day">+$1,249<small>/mo</small></div> <div class="abs_add_btn reception_24_per_day" onclick="addAddon(this)" data-mprice="1249" data-description="+Sales Calling Unlimited" data-id="5">+ ADD</div> </div> </div> <div class="addonBox"> <div class="addTitle">Need something custom?</div> <div class="addDescription">Need 24/7, weekend calling, custom assistant plans? Chat with us</div> <div class="addBottomSection"> <div class="abs_add_btn" onclick="window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();" style="width: 100%!important;">Chat with us</div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="nextBtn" onclick="window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();" id="chatBtn">Chat with us</div> <div class="nextBtn" id="setupNext" onclick="completeSignupPg2()">Skip & Continue »</div> </div> <div id="right3"> <span id="formTitle"><i class="fas fa-arrow-left pgBackArrow" onclick="showSignupPg2Again()"></i> Payment Information</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 20px;"> <div class="helperMessage" id="ccHelperMessage"></div> <div class="helperMessage" id="ccHelperMessageError"></div> <label for="card_holdername" class="cardPageLabel">Cardholder Name</label> <input type="text" id="card_holdername" placeholder="John Appleseed"> <label for="card_holdername" class="cardPageLabel">Card Number</label> <input type="text" id="card_number" placeholder="Card Number"> <table id="cardParticulars"> <tr> <td><label for="card_holdername" class="cardPageLabel">Expiry Date</label></td> <td><label for="card_holdername" class="cardPageLabel">CVV</label></td> </tr> <tr> <td><input type="text" id="card_expiry" placeholder="MM/YY"></td> <td><input type="text" id="card_cvv" placeholder="XXX" style="width: 100%"></td> </tr> </table> <div id="infoMsgPayment"> <i class="fas fa-lock infoMsgPaymentIcon"></i> <span class="infoMsgPaymentText"> All payment information is securely stored by our partner, Stripe - the global standard for online payments </span> </div> <div id="TOS">By continuing, you agree to Wing's <a href="../../terms.html" target=_blank>Terms</a> and <a href="../../privacy.html" target=_blank>Privacy Policy</a></div> <div class="nextBtn" onclick="window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();" style="display: block;" id="chatBtn">Chat with us</div> <div class="nextBtn" id="setupFinish" onclick="completeSignupPg3()">Get Access »</div> </div> <div id="right4"> <span id="formTitle" style="color: #28abfd;"> Signup Complete!</span> <hr style="margin-bottom: 25px;"> <div class="question">Welcome to Wing Reception! 🎉</div> <div class="question" style="color: #b2b2b2; font-weight: normal;">You were able to successfully sign up, and someone from our Account Management team will be in touch shortly to help you complete the set up of your account. Be on the lookout for an email from our team!<br><br>We're excited to see what you do with Wing.</div> <div class="question" id='voicemailMessage' style="font-weight: normal"></div><br> <div class="question">Want to get in touch with us sooner or schedule a call?</div><br> <a href="../schedule.html" id="secondBtn" onclick="scheduleBtn()" class="banner-btn pix-btn wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.7s" style="border-radius: 4px;">Schedule a Call</a> <a href="#" id="thirdBtn" onclick="chatBtn()" class="banner-btn pix-btn wow fadeInUp" data-wow-delay="0.7s" style="margin-left: 20px; border-radius: 4px;">Chat Now <span class="tag">24/7</span></a> </div> </div> <ul class="animate-particle"> <li><img src="../media/banner/banner-five/ta1.png" alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> <li><img src="../media/banner/banner-five/ta4.png" alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> <li><img src="../media/banner/banner-five/ta2.png" alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> <li><img src="../media/banner/banner-five/ta3.png" alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> <!-- <li><img src="../../forbusiness/../../forbusiness/media/banner/banner-five/cm1.png" alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> --> <li><img src="../media/banner/banner-five/circle.png" data-parallax='{"y": -150, "x": 100}' alt="saaspik tryangle"></li> <li class="bubble"></li> </ul> </section><!-- /.banner banner-four --> </div><!-- /#site --> <!-- Dependency Scripts --> <script src="../dependencies/jquery/jquery.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/bootstrap/js/bootstrap.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/swiper/js/swiper.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/jquery.appear/jquery.appear.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/wow/js/wow.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/countUp.js/countUp.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/isotope-layout/isotope.pkgd.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/imagesloaded/imagesloaded.pkgd.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/jquery.parallax-scroll/js/jquery.parallax-scroll.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/magnific-popup/js/jquery.magnific-popup.min.js"></script> <script src="../dependencies/gmap3/js/gmap3.min.js"></script> <script type='text/javascript' src='https://maps.googleapis.com/maps/api/js?key=AIzaSyDk2HrmqE4sWSei0XdKGbOMOHN3Mm2Bf-M&ver=2.1.6'></script> <!-- Site Scripts --> <script src="../assets/js/header.js"></script> <script src="../assets/js/retina.min.js"></script> <script src="../assets/js/app.js"></script> <script src="../../../gitcdn.link/cdn/wintercounter/Protip/560ff44ee30c7fdbb9b6d7c6131ab5ce560ee999/protip.min.js"></script> <div id="tooltipContent1" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>Non-Profit/Educational Discounts</b><p>Organizations legally designated by local governmental registrar organizations to be non-profits (such as 501(c)(3) in the United States) are eligible to receive discounts of $500 per year on Wing Basic, or $1,000 per year on Wing Pro, applied fractionally, per month. <br><br>Once non-profit status is verified, your discount will be refunded on your first payment, and applied to future payments. Please speak to our team or your assistant about this, we're great at replying 😊 <br><br>Thank you for your amazing work!</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent2" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>Accelerator Discounts</b><p>Startups part of Wing's partner accelerator programs, such as Y Combinator, Techstars, and SkyDeck can refer to their Resources & Benefits packages for instructions on how to claim discounts associated with Wing Basic and Wing Pro plans 🚀</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent3" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>4 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 4 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent4" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>FULL CUSTOMIZATION</b><p>You can customize every part of the reception experience: welcome message, FAQ, processes, and post-call processes.</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent5" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>FREE NUMBER</b><p>Wing will let you choose a free phone number to use for your business, or forward your calls to if you have an existing number you'd like to keep. We have specialists available to help you forward your calls.</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent6" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>CALL RECORDINGS</b><p>Wing allows you to replay the recordings of the calls that we've taken for you from the calling dashboard, as well as view the list of calls</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent7" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>ACCOUNT MANAGER</b><p>Wing gives all businesses an Account Manager who is responsible for helping you get the most out of Wing, and is available to answer any questions, modify your plan in any way, improve any processes, or help you with training, or anything else you need.</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent8" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>AVAILABLE ALL DAY, M-F</b><p>You can choose the hours you'd like us to be available for the 8 & 16 hour plans! If you need 24 hour, or weekend phone support - chat with us!</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent9" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>ACCESS TO SCRIPTWRITERS</b><p>If you'd like help crafting any part of the scripts associated with your receptionist service, we have dedicated scriptwriters available to help you get set up!</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent11" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>AWARD WINNING SUPPORT</b><p>Wing's Customer Support is available round the clock, and usually gets back within minutes. We're so good at support, that we've received awards for it!</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent10" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"><b>Large Corporate & Enterprise Accounts</b><p>We know that large corporations & enterprises typically have specific needs, our team is available to help with things like: <br><b>Legal</b>: partnership/non-disclosure/invention assignment/PIIA/HIPAA/other service agreements can be drawn up as requested. <br><b>Authentication & Security</b>: SSO, SCIM, Federated Company Account, Centralized Administration Panel. <br><b>Data</b>: Enhanced deletion recovery, User-account level access for admins, Access to company-wide data. <br><b>Payment</b>: Custom payment terms, payment by invoice, custom payment documents. <br><b>Support</b>: 24/7 phone support, advanced training for end-users and admins. <br><b>Misc</b>: Custom domain, whitelabeling, Dedicated Enterprise Account, Technical, Process Managers. <br><br>If you'd like anything else to be customized, please <a href="../corporate-meet.html" style="color:#fff;text-decoration: underline;" target=_blank>speak to us!</a> We'd love to help</p></div> <div id="tooltipContent12" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"> <b>Discounts for Longer Billing Terms</b> <p>We have great discounts available for longer billing cycles!</p> <hr style="background-color:#fff;"> <p> Ranging from $30 off on a 2-month term for Reception Limited, to $1,299 off for an Annual term for Reception Unlimited, take a look! </p> </div> <div id="tooltipContent20" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"> <b>Area Codes</b> <p>Area codes, in North America, are the first 3 digits of phone numbers, without the international country code, e.g. in this case, <b>123</b>-456-7890, <b>123</b> is the area code.</p><p>Wing is always working to expand our list of available area codes, however, at the moment, we allow you to choose from a huge selection of area codes in the United States, excluding restricted area codes, toll-free codes, and Canadian/US territory codes.</p> </div> <div id="tooltipContent21" class="tooltipPop" style="display: none;"> <b>Welcome Message</b> <p>Your receptionists will greet all your callers with this welcome message! <br>For example, <i>David's Plumbing here, how can I help you?</i></p> </div> </body> <script> var describeQSelectorSelected = false; var nameBox = ""; var emailBox = ""; var phoneBox = ""; var describeQSelector = ""; var cmpNameBox = ""; var cmpIndustry = ""; var ccType = ""; var addOnsString = "Addons: "; var stripeID = ""; var selectedNumber = ""; var selectedMessage = ""; globalAddonList = [{price: 699, description: "+Assistant, Basic", id: 1}, {price: 1249, description: "+Assistant, Pro", id: 2}, {price: 249, description: "+Sales Calling <50", id: 3},{price: 499, description: "+Sales Calling <200", id: 4},{price: 1249, description: "+Sales Calling Unlimited", id: 5}] var dollarSign = "$"; var selectedPlan = "Unlimited 16/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299; $("#productTier").html(", " + selectedPlan); if (selectedPlan == "Limited 8/5") { // 4 calls per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>4 calls</b> per day"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>4 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 4 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 8 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>8 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 8 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 8 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Limited 16/5") { // 4 calls per 8h period $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>4 calls</b> per 8 hr period"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>4 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 4 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 16 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>16 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 16 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 16 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Basic 8/5") { // 24 calls per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>24 calls</b> per day"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>4 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 4 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 8 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>8 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 8 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 8 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Basic 16/5") { // 24 calls per 8h period $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>24 calls</b> per 8 hr period"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>24 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 24 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 16 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>16 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 16 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 16 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Business 8/5") { // 49 calls per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>49 calls</b> per day"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>49 CALLS PER DAY PER DAY</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 49 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 8 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>8 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 8 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 8 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Business 16/5") { // 49 calls per 8h period $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>49 calls</b> per 8 hr period"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>49 CALLS PER DAY PER 8 HOUR PERIOD</b><p>Wing Reception will take up to 49 calls per 8 hour period, you are free to choose the period!</p>"); // 16 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>16 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 16 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 16 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Unlimited 8/5") { // Unlimited calls per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>Unlimited calls</b>"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>UNLIMITED CALLS</b><p>Wing Reception will take unlimited calls for you, per day! Though, the receptionists will not be dedicated. If you're interested in dedicated, or multiple receptionists, chat with us!</p>"); // 8 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>8 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 8 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 8 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } else if (selectedPlan == "Unlimited 16/5") { // Unlimited per 8h period $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent3']").html("<b>Unlimited calls</b>"); $("#tooltipContent3").html("<b>UNLIMITED CALLS</b><p>Wing Reception will take unlimited calls for you, per day! Though, the receptionists will not be dedicated. If you're interested in dedicated, or multiple receptionists, chat with us!</p>"); // 16 hours per day $(".protip[data-pt-title='#tooltipContent8']").html("Available <b>16 hrs, M-F</b>"); $("#tooltipContent8").html("<b>AVAILABLE 16 HRS, M-F</b><p>You can choose the fixed 16 hour period you'd like us to be available for your plan! If you need 24 hour, or weekend reception support - chat with us!</p>"); } $('#describeQSelector').change(function() { var $option = $(this).find('option:selected'); var value = $option.val(); var text = $option.text(); describeQSelectorSelected = !describeQSelectorSelected; console.log(value); if(value == "jobseeker") { window.location.href = "../careers.html"; } else { $("#companySection").fadeIn("fast"); } if(value == "npo") { $("#npoSection").fadeIn("fast"); } else { $("#npoSection").fadeOut("fast"); } if(value == "startup") { $("#startupSection").fadeIn("fast"); } else { $("#startupSection").fadeOut("fast"); } if(value == "corp") { $("#corpSection").fadeIn("fast"); } else { $("#corpSection").fadeOut("fast"); } }); $("#nameBox").change(function() { var regexp = new RegExp(/^[a-z]([-']?[a-z]+)*( [a-z]([-']?[a-z]+)*)+$/i); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#nameBox").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#helperMessage1").html("Please check the entered details"); } else { $("#nameBox").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#helperMessage1").html(""); } }); $("#emailBox").change(function() { var regexp = new RegExp(/^(([^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+(\.[^<>()[\]\\.,;:\s@\"]+)*)|(\".+\"))@((\[[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\.[0-9]{1,3}\])|(([a-zA-Z\-0-9]+\.)+[a-zA-Z]{2,}))$/i); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#emailBox").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#helperMessage1").html("Please check the entered details"); } else { $("#emailBox").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#helperMessage1").html(""); } }); $("#phoneBox").change(function() { var regexp = new RegExp(/^\(?([0-9]{3})\)?[-. ]?([0-9]{3})[-. ]?([0-9]{4})$/); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#phoneBox").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#helperMessage1").html("Please check the entered details"); } else { $("#phoneBox").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#helperMessage1").html(""); } }); function completeSignupPg1() { /* function completeSignupPg1() * Animates away #right * Animates in #right2 * Does some data validation TODO * Sends data to server for account provisioning? TODO * Stores entered data in localStorage for purpose of abandonment refilling TODO * CALLED BY clicking of Continue button on page 1 */ nameBox = $("#nameBox").val().trim(); emailBox = $("#emailBox").val().trim(); phoneBox = $("#phoneBox").val().trim().replace(/[^0-9]/g, ''); describeQSelector = $("#describeQSelector").val(); cmpNameBox = $("#cmpNameBox").val().trim(); cmpIndustry = $("#cmpIndustry").val().trim(); var uniqueIdentifier = cmpNameBox.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); var xhttpCheckAccountExists = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpCheckAccountExists.onload = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var response = this.responseText; if (response == "BIZ_EXISTS") { $("#helperMessage1").html("A Wing account already exists with email/company name. <a href='https://getwingapp.com/business' style='color: #287efc;'>Login</a> or <a href='javascript:window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();' style='color: #287efc;'>Chat With Us Now</a>"); } else { if ($("#helperMessage1").html() == "" && describeQSelectorSelected && nameBox != "" && emailBox != "" && phoneBox != "" && cmpNameBox != "" && cmpIndustry != "") { var slackNoiseCall = "https://api.getwingapp.com/internal/ops/slack/sales_business_noise?key=AUTH&type=newsignupstarted_reception&email=" + encodeURI(emailBox) + "&phone=" + encodeURI(phoneBox) + "&name=" + encodeURI(nameBox); var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.open("GET.html", slackNoiseCall, true); xhttp.send(); $("#right").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600, function(){ $("#right").hide(); $("#right15").fadeIn("fast"); }) } } } } xhttpCheckAccountExists.open("GET.html", "https://getwingapp.com/forbusiness/signup/reception_check_account_exists?uniqueIdentifier=" + encodeURI(uniqueIdentifier) + "&email=" + encodeURI(emailBox), true); xhttpCheckAccountExists.send(); // @Sai, here would be one server call to create the account // - need to grab the entered information // - ideally also create the Stripe customer ID in this step (cause their API is shit at doing multiple things together at the same time, i.e. later it may fail to add the card if there's no customer ID on file and you have to create it in that step) // - create a Stripe account // - add the created Stripe customer ID to the newly created account // - do all the firebase/sql account creation // - call another blank API, we can trigger Zapier from that API to // - drop a msg in Wing Slack, update the Airtable record to Semi-sold, add them to Drip for email marketing, send them an account manager SMS // - finish creating the account } function completeSignupPg15() { $("#right15").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600, function(){ $("#right15").hide(); $("#right16").fadeIn("fast"); }); } function resetR15() { $("#chooseANumberQ").text("Choose a Number"); $("#chooseANumberQHelper").fadeIn("slow"); $("#chooseNumberConfirm").fadeOut("fast"); $(".selectableNumber").fadeIn("slow"); $(".selectableNumber").addClass("unselected"); $(".selectableNumber").removeClass("numberIsSelected"); $("#setupNextR15").fadeOut("fast"); $("#areaCodeChooser").fadeOut("fast"); $("#numberChooser").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#areaCodeQuestion").fadeIn("fast"); }); } function selectSuggestion(obj) { $(".wmSuggestion").addClass("unselected") $(".wmSuggestion").removeClass("suggestionIsSelected"); selectedMessage = $(obj).text(); $("#welcomeMsgConfirm").fadeIn("fast"); $("#resetR16Message a").css('display', 'none'); $(obj).removeClass("unselected"); $(obj).addClass("suggestionIsSelected"); $("#setupNextR16").fadeIn("fast"); } function writeOwnSuggestion() { $("#resetR16Message a").css('display', 'none'); $("#welcomeMessageWriterHelper").fadeIn("fast"); $("#welcomeMsgConfirm").fadeOut("fast"); $("#setupNextR16").fadeOut("fast"); $("#welcomeMessageSuggestions").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#welcomeMessageWriter").fadeIn("fast"); }); } function closeWelcomeMessageWriter() { $("#writeOwnMessageHelperMessage").css('color', '#b2b2b2'); $(".wmSuggestion").addClass("unselected") $(".wmSuggestion").removeClass("suggestionIsSelected"); selectedMessage = ""; $("#setupNextR16").fadeOut("fast"); $("#welcomeMsgConfirm").fadeOut("fast"); $("#afterWriterConfirm").fadeOut("fast"); $("#welcomeMessageWriter").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#welcomeMessageSuggestions").fadeIn("fast"); $("#resetR16Message a").css('display', 'inline-block'); }); } function submitWrittenWelcomeSuggestion() { selectedMessage = $("#welcomeMessageWriterInput").val(); if (selectedMessage.length > 0) { $("#afterWriterConfirm").show(); $("#welcomeMessageWriterHelper").fadeOut("fast"); $("#setupNextR16").fadeIn("fast"); $("#welcomeMsgConfirm").fadeIn("fast"); } else { $("#writeOwnMessageHelperMessage").css('color', 'red'); } } function selectNumber(obj) { $(".selectableNumber").addClass("unselected") $(".selectableNumber").removeClass("numberIsSelected"); $(obj).removeClass("unselected"); $(obj).addClass("numberIsSelected"); $(".unselected").fadeOut("fast"); $("#backToMainMenuMessage a").css('display', 'none'); selectedNumber = '1' + $(obj).text().replace('(', '').replace(')', '').replace('-', ''); $("#chooseANumberQHelper").fadeOut("fast"); $("#chooseANumberQ").fadeOut(function() { $(this).text("You Chose").fadeIn(); }); $("#chooseNumberConfirm").fadeIn("fast"); $("#setupNextR15").fadeIn("fast"); // unlock next button TODORECEP // roll up box, show selected number TODORECEP } function displayNumbers(numbers) { var numberHtml = ""; for(var i = 0; i<numbers.length; i++) { numberHtml = numberHtml + '<div class="selectableNumber unselected" onclick="selectNumber(this)">'+numbers[i].substring(1).replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/,"($1)$2-$3")+'</div>'; } $("#selectableNumbers").html(numberHtml) } function generateNumbers(areaCode = "none") { $("#selectableNumbers").html("<font color='grey'>Loading...</font>"); $("#numberChooser").fadeIn("fast"); var returnedNumbers = []; var xhttpGetNumbers = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpGetNumbers.onload = function () { // do something to response --> put in returned numbers array form and then: returnedNumbers = JSON.parse(this.responseText); displayNumbers(returnedNumbers); console.log(this.responseText); }; xhttpGetNumbers.open('POST.html', 'https://www.bling-center.com/business/list/phonenumber/', true); xhttpGetNumbers.setRequestHeader('Content-type', 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'); xhttpGetNumbers.send('email=' + emailBox + '&areacode=' + areaCode); // if(areaCode == "none") // { // // Run Bling API to grab numbers - NO AREA CODE PREFERENCE, and fill returnedNumbers @SAI-RECEPTION // returnedNumbers = ["(222)529-6104", "(222)529-6105", "(222)529-6106", "(222)529-6107", "(222)529-6108", "(222)529-6109"]; // } else { // // Run Bling API to grab numbers - WITH AREA CODE PREFERENCE (variable areaCode), and fill returnedNumbers @SAI-RECEPTION // returnedNumbers = ["(111)529-6104", "(111)529-6105", "(111)529-6106", "(111)529-6107", "(111)529-6108", "(111)529-6109"]; // } // displayNumbers(returnedNumbers); } function hasAreaCodePreference() { $("#helperMessageBadAreaCode").html(""); $("#areaCodeChooserInput").val(""); $("#questionHelperBadAreaCode").css("color", "#b2b2b2"); $("#backToMainMenuMessage a").css('display', 'inline-block'); $("#areaCodeQuestion").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#areaCodeChooser").fadeIn("fast"); }); } function noAreaCodePreference() { $("#backToMainMenuMessage a").css('display', 'inline-block'); var areaCodeOfCustomerPhoneNumber = phoneBox.substring(0, 3); $("#areaCodeQuestion").fadeOut("fast", function(){ generateNumbers(areaCodeOfCustomerPhoneNumber); }); } function areaCodePreferenceSubmitted() { var availableAreaCodes = [201,202,203,205,206,207,208,209,210,212,213,214,215,216,217,218,219,220,223,224,225,228,229,231,234,239,240,248,251,252,253,254,256,260,262,267,269,270,272,276,278,281,283,301,302,303,304,305,307,308,309,310,312,313,314,315,316,317,318,319,320,321,323,325,330,331,332,334,336,337,339,340,341,346,347,351,352,360,361,369,380,385,386,401,402,404,405,406,407,408,409,410,412,413,414,415,417,419,423,424,425,430,432,434,435,440,442,443,458,464,469,470,475,478,479,480,484,501,502,503,504,505,507,508,509,510,512,513,515,516,517,518,520,530,539,540,541,551,557,559,561,562,563,564,567,570,571,573,574,575,580,585,586,601,602,603,605,606,607,608,609,610,612,614,615,616,617,618,619,620,623,626,627,628,629,630,631,636,641,646,650,651,657,660,661,662,667,669,670,671,678,679,681,682,689,701,702,703,704,706,707,708,712,713,714,715,716,717,718,719,720,724,725,727,731,732,734,737,740,743,747,754,757,760,762,763,764,765,769,770,772,773,774,775,779,781,782,785,786,787,801,802,803,804,805,806,808,810,812,813,814,815,816,817,818,819,825,828,830,831,832,835,843,845,847,848,850,856,857,858,859,860,862,863,864,865,870,872,873,878,901,903,904,906,907,908,909,910,912,913,914,915,916,917,918,919,920,925,927,928,929,931,935,936,937,939,940,941,947,949,951,952,954,956,957,959,970,971,972,973,975,978,979,980,984,985,989]; if ($("#areaCodeChooserInput").val().length == 3) { var chosenAreaCode = $("#areaCodeChooserInput").val(); var regexp = new RegExp(/^[0-9]{3}$/); if (!regexp.test(chosenAreaCode)) { $("#questionHelperBadAreaCode").css("color", "red"); } else { $("#questionHelperBadAreaCode").css("color", "#b2b2b2"); if(availableAreaCodes.includes(parseInt(chosenAreaCode))) { $("#helperMessageBadAreaCode").html(""); // OK $("#areaCodeChooser").fadeOut("fast"); $("#numberChooser").fadeIn("slow"); generateNumbers(chosenAreaCode); } else { $("#helperMessageBadAreaCode").html("That area code seems to be invalid. Please try again."); } } } else { $("#questionHelperBadAreaCode").css("color", "red"); $("#helperMessageBadAreaCode").html(""); } } // function welcomeMsgSubmitted() // { // // Save locally, send to Bling after payment @SAI-RECEPTION // // not done yet visually but assume ^^ is the variable to send @SAI-RECEPTION // completeSignupPg16(); // } function generateWelcomeMessageSuggestions() { s1 = "This is " + cmpNameBox + ". How can I help you today?"; s2 = cmpNameBox + ", how can I help?"; s3 = cmpNameBox + "!"; var suggestionHtml = '<div class="wmSuggestion" onclick="selectSuggestion(this)">'+s1+'</div><div class="wmSuggestion" onclick="selectSuggestion(this)">'+s2+'</div><div class="wmSuggestion" onclick="selectSuggestion(this)">'+s3+'</div><div class="wmSuggestion" id="writeYourOwnWM" onclick="writeOwnSuggestion()"><i class="fas fa-pen-alt" style="margin-right:5px;"></i> Write your own...</div>'; $("#welcomeMessageSuggestions").html(suggestionHtml) } function resetR16() { $("#welcomeMsgChooser").fadeOut('fast'); $("#welcomeMsgQuestion").fadeIn('fast'); } function welcomeMsgNow() { $("#welcomeMsgQuestion").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#welcomeMsgChooser").fadeIn('fast'); $("#resetR16Message a").css('display', 'inline-block'); }) generateWelcomeMessageSuggestions() } function completeSignupPg16() { $("#right16").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600, function(){ $("#right16").hide(); $("#right2").fadeIn("fast"); }); } function showNS1Again() { /* function showNS1Again() * Allows a user on signup page 2 that has clicked next on Number Step 1 to return to Number Step 2 * Animates NS1 back in, animates NS2 out */ $("#ns1 .numberInfo").slideDown("fast"); $("#ns1 .numberCircle").html('1') $("#ns1 .numberCircle").css("background", "#28abfd"); $("#chatBtn").fadeOut("fast"); $("#showNS1Again").fadeOut("fast"); $("#ns2,#ns3").fadeOut("fast"); } function showNS2Again() { /* function showNS2Again() * Allows a user on signup page 2 that has clicked next on Number Step 2 to return to Number Step 3 * Animates NS2 back in, animates NS3 out */ $("#ns2 .numberInfo").slideDown("fast"); $("#ns2 .numberCircle").html('2') $("#ns2 .numberCircle").css("background", "#28abfd"); $("#showNS2Again").fadeOut("fast"); $("#ns3").fadeOut("fast"); } function showSignupPg1Again() { /* function showSignupPg1Again() * Allows a user on signup page 2 to return to signup page 1 * Animates #right back in, animates #right2 out */ $("#right15").fadeOut("fast"); $("#right").css("display", "block"); $("#right").animate({ right: "0", marginLeft: "0", opacity: "1" }, 600, function(){ }) } function showSignupPg15Again() { $("#right16").fadeOut("fast"); $("#right15").css("display", "block"); $("#right16").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600) $("#right15").animate({ right: "0", marginLeft: "0", opacity: "1" }, 600) } function showSignupPg16Again() { $("#right2").fadeOut("fast"); $("#right16").css("display", "block"); $("#right2").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600) $("#right16").animate({ right: "0", marginLeft: "0", opacity: "1" }, 600) } function showSignupPg2Again() { /* function showSignupPg2Again() * Allows a user on signup page 3 to return to signup page 2 * Animates #right2 & affiliated #left sections in, animates #right3 & affiliated #left sections out */ $("#right3").fadeOut("fast"); $("#right2").css("display", "block"); $("#changePlanBtn").fadeIn("fast"); $("#receipt").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#leftInnerDetailsList").slideDown("fast"); }); $("#right2").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600) $("#right2").animate({ right: "0", marginLeft: "0", opacity: "1" }, 600) } function noQuestions() { /* function noQuestions() * When the user clicks "I don't have any questions" in Number Step 1 (NS1) * Animate away NS1, update "1" to a checkmark, green, show a reactive chat button, animate in NS2 * Render the start date options with renderStartOptions() */ $("#ns1 .numberInfo").slideUp("fast"); $("#ns1 .numberCircle").html('<i class="fas fa-check"></i>') $("#ns1 .numberCircle").css("background", "#4fd701"); $("#chatBtn").fadeIn("fast"); $("#showNS1Again").fadeIn("fast"); $("#ns2").fadeIn("fast"); renderStartOptions(); } function addDays(dateObj, numDays) { /* function addDays(dateObj: JS date object, numDays: number of days to add to dateObj) * Helper function * Return a date object dateObj that has been biased by numDays */ dateObj.setDate(dateObj.getDate() + numDays); return dateObj; } function getDates() { /* function getDates() * Return an array of computed JS date objects for the next 7 days using the addDays() function # TODO bias firstAvailableDay (default 1) with date offset from Ops via DB */ firstAvailableDay = 1; return days = [addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+1)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+2)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+3)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+4)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+5)), addDays(new Date(), (firstAvailableDay+6))] } function renderStartOptions() { /* function renderStartOptions() * Renders the display of start date options in NS3 as part of signup page 2 * CALLED BY noQuestions() */ sevenDays = getDates() finalDays = []; var months = ["Jan", "Feb", "Mar", "Apr", "May", "Jun", "Jul", "Aug", "Sep", "Oct", "Nov", "Dec"]; var week = ["Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday"]; for(i = 0; i < sevenDays.length; i++) { dObj = {week: week[sevenDays[i].getDay()], month: months[sevenDays[i].getMonth()], day: sevenDays[i].getDate()} finalDays.push(dObj) } console.log(finalDays); finalHtml = ""; for(i = 0; i < finalDays.length; i++) { if(finalDays[i].week == "Saturday" || finalDays[i].week == "Sunday") { finalHtml = finalHtml + "<div class='dateBox locked'><div class='topMonth'>"+finalDays[i].month+"</div><div class='midDay'>"+finalDays[i].day+"</div><div class='bottomWeek'>"+finalDays[i].week+"</div></div>" } else { finalHtml = finalHtml + "<div class='dateBox' onclick='selectDate(this)' data-date-ymd='"+finalDays[i].month+"-"+finalDays[i].day+"-"+finalDays[i].week+"'><div class='topMonth'>"+finalDays[i].month+"</div><div class='midDay'>"+finalDays[i].day+"</div><div class='bottomWeek'>"+finalDays[i].week+"</div></div>" } } $("#dateSelector").html(finalHtml); } function selectDate(obj) { /* function selectDate(obj: -> Selected dateBox) * Grab date selected by user * Store date in localStorage (var wing-startDay) * Animate away Number Step 2 (NS2) and present the start date * Animate in Number Step 3 (NS3) */ $(".dateBox").removeClass("activeDate"); $(obj).addClass("activeDate"); val = $(obj).attr("data-date-ymd"); date = ""; if(val == "today") { date = "Today, if possible"; } else { date = val.split("-")[0]+" "+val.split("-")[1] } var start_date = ""; if(val.split("-")[0] == "today") { start_date = "Today (if possible)"; } else { start_date = val.split("-")[2]+" "+val.split("-")[0]+" "+val.split("-")[1]; } $("#showNS2Again").delay(400).fadeIn("fast"); $("#ns2 .numberInfo").delay(400).slideUp("fast"); $("#ns2 .numberCircle").html('<i class="fas fa-check"></i>') $("#ns2 .numberCircle").css("background", "#4fd701"); $("#ns3").delay(400).fadeIn("fast", function(){ $("#addonsList").delay(50).fadeIn("fast"); $(".numberInfo2").text(start_date); }); $("#setupNext").fadeIn("fast"); localStorage.setItem("wing-startDay", start_date); } function addAddon(obj) { /* function addAddon(obj: the addon's "add" button) * Check the localStorage cart to see if it exists, if not, create it * Check if the added object has already been added to cart, if not, add it * If yes, remove it from the cart * Update the text of the continue button to help the user identify their cart status * Base the above on the size of the cart */ cart = []; if(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart") === null) { emptyCart = []; localStorage.setItem("wing-cart", JSON.stringify(emptyCart)); } cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart")); if($(obj).hasClass("added")) { $(obj).html('+ ADD') $(obj).css("background", "#287efc"); $(obj).removeClass("added"); for(i = 0; i < cart.length; i++) { if(cart[i].id == $(obj).attr("data-id")) { cart.splice(i, 1); } } cartRaw = JSON.stringify(cart); localStorage.setItem("wing-cart", cartRaw); if(JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart")).length > 0) { $("#setupNext").html("CONTINUE »") } else { $("#setupNext").html("SKIP & CONTINUE »") } } else { $(obj).html('<i class="fas fa-check"></i>') $(obj).css("background", "#4fd701"); $(obj).addClass("added"); purchasedItem = {id: $(obj).attr("data-id"), price: $(obj).attr("data-mprice"), description: $(obj).attr("data-description")}; console.log(purchasedItem); console.log($(obj).attr("data-description")) cart.push(purchasedItem); cartRaw = JSON.stringify(cart); localStorage.setItem("wing-cart", cartRaw); $("#setupNext").html("CONTINUE »") //SAVE } } function calculateReceipt() { /* function calculateReceipt() * Locates the user's first day, sets the due date to that * Inputs some initial price information * Checks addon cart, displays addon information * Calculates total prices * CALLED BY completeSignupPg2() */ var day = localStorage.getItem("wing-startDay").split(" ")[0]; $(".due-date").text(day); $(".term").text("Monthly"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+selectedPlanPrice); $(".discounts").text(dollarSign+"0"); ending = "/mo"; var pricings = [selectedPlanPrice]; addonsHtml = ""; addonsPriceHtml = ""; if(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart") === null || JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart")).length == 0) { addonsHtml = "None selected"; addonsPriceHtml = ""; $(".addonsListContainer").html(addonsHtml); $(".addonsPrice").html(addonsPriceHtml); } else { cart = JSON.parse(localStorage.getItem("wing-cart")); for(i = 0; i < cart.length; i++) { addonsHtml = addonsHtml + cart[i].description + "<br>"; addonsPriceHtml = addonsPriceHtml + dollarSign+"<span class='addonItemPrice' data-aid='"+cart[i].id+"'>" + cart[i].price + "</span><span class='removeCart' data-aid='"+cart[i].id+"'></span><br>"; pricings.push(parseFloat(cart[i].price)) addOnsString = addOnsString + "[" + cart[i].description + " : " + cart[i].price + "], "; } $(".addonsListContainer").html(addonsHtml); $(".addonsPrice").html(addonsPriceHtml); } var total = 0; for(x = 0; x < pricings.length; x++) { total = total + pricings[x]; } total = dollarSign+total $(".total-price").html(total); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(total+ending); } function completeSignupPg2() { /* function signupPg2() * Calculating the recept for page 3, hiding the plan details, as well as the option to switch plan * Move the experience from page 2 to page 3 by animating away #right2, animating in #right3 * Showing the receipt summary * CALLED BY the clicking of the Next button on page2 */ calculateReceipt(); $("#paymentTermsDropdown").val("monthly"); $("#changePlanBtn").fadeOut("fast", function(){ $("#receipt").fadeIn("fast"); }); // Send form data to server, notify team TODO $("#leftInnerDetailsList").slideUp("fast"); $("#right2").animate({ right: "800px", marginLeft: "-200px", opacity: "0" }, 600, function(){ $("#right2").hide(); $("#right3").fadeIn("fast"); }) } /* echo 'var selectedPlan = "Limited 8/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 199;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "limited-16") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Limited 16/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "basic-8") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Basic 8/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "basic-16") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Basic 16/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 549;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "business-8") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Business 8/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "business-16") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Business 16/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "unlimited-8") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Unlimited 8/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis } else if($plan == "unlimited-16") { echo 'var selectedPlan = "Unlimited 16/5";var selectedPlanPrice = 299;'; // add discount basis */ var pricingPlans = {"Limited 8/5": [["398", "20"],["597", "30"],["1194","80"],["2388","199"]], "Limited 16/5": [["598", "30"],["897", "60"],["1794","120"],["3588","299"]], "Basic 8/5": [["598", "30"],["897", "50"],["1794","120"],["3588","299"]], "Basic 16/5": [["1098", "40"],["1647", "80"],["3294","210"],["6588","549"]], "Business 8/5": [["998", "40"],["1497", "80"],["2994","190"],["5988","499"]], "Business 16/5": [["1598", "50"],["2417", "130"],["4794", "300"],["9588", "799"]], "Unlimited 8/5": [["1598", "50"],["2397", "100"],["4794", "300"],["9588", "799"]],"Unlimited 16/5": [["2598", "60"],["3897", "180"],["7794", "490"],["15588", "1299"]]}; $('#paymentTermsDropdown').change(function() { /* onChange function associated with paymentTermsDropdown * Allow for increasingly scaled discounts for paying lumpsums (2mo, 3mo, 6mo, 12mo) * Scales the addon payments as expected as well * Change visual aspects of the interface to reflect updated pricing # TODO - allow for discounts on addon payments? Too complex? * CALLED BY the changing of paymentTermsDropdown */ var $option = $(this).find('option:selected'); var value = $option.val(); var ending = ""; var day = localStorage.getItem("wing-startDay").split(" ")[0]; $(".due-date").text(day); if(value == "monthly") { $(".term").text("Monthly"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+selectedPlanPrice); $(".discounts").text(dollarSign+"0"); $(".total-price").text(""); ending = "/mo"; prices = selectedPlanPrice-0; monthsInTerm = 1; for(i=0;i<$(".addonItemPrice").length;i++) { addonItemPriceID = $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).attr("data-aid"); addonItemPrice = parseInt(globalAddonList[(addonItemPriceID-1)].price); termPriceForAddon = addonItemPrice*monthsInTerm; $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).text((termPriceForAddon)); prices = prices + termPriceForAddon; } $(".total-price").text(dollarSign+prices); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(dollarSign+prices+ending); } if(value == "twomonths") { $(".term").text("Two-Month"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][0][0]);//1,358 $(".discounts").text("-"+dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][0][1]); $(".total-price").text(""); ending = " every 2 months"; prices = parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][0][0])-parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][0][1]); monthsInTerm = 2; for(i=0;i<$(".addonItemPrice").length;i++) { addonItemPriceID = $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).attr("data-aid"); addonItemPrice = parseInt(globalAddonList[(addonItemPriceID-1)].price); termPriceForAddon = addonItemPrice*monthsInTerm; $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).text((termPriceForAddon)); prices = prices + termPriceForAddon; } $(".total-price").text(dollarSign+prices); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(dollarSign+prices+ending); } if(value == "quarterly") { $(".term").text("Quarterly"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][1][0]);//2,007 $(".discounts").text("-"+dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][1][1]); ending = "/quarter"; prices = parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][1][0])-parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][1][1]); monthsInTerm = 3; for(i=0;i<$(".addonItemPrice").length;i++) { addonItemPriceID = $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).attr("data-aid"); addonItemPrice = parseInt(globalAddonList[(addonItemPriceID-1)].price); termPriceForAddon = addonItemPrice*monthsInTerm; $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).text((termPriceForAddon)); prices = prices + termPriceForAddon; } $(".total-price").text(dollarSign+prices); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(dollarSign+prices+ending); } if(value == "semiannually") { $(".term").text("Semi-Annual"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][2][0]);//3,994 $(".discounts").text("-"+dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][2][1]); $(".total-price").text(""); ending = "/half yr"; prices = parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][2][0])-parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][2][1]); monthsInTerm = 6; for(i=0;i<$(".addonItemPrice").length;i++) { addonItemPriceID = $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).attr("data-aid"); addonItemPrice = parseInt(globalAddonList[(addonItemPriceID-1)].price); termPriceForAddon = addonItemPrice*monthsInTerm; $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).text((termPriceForAddon)); prices = prices + termPriceForAddon; } $(".total-price").text(dollarSign+prices); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(dollarSign+prices+ending); } if(value == "annually") { $(".term").text("Annual"); $(".term-price").text(dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][3][0]);//7,888 $(".discounts").text("-"+dollarSign+pricingPlans[selectedPlan][3][1]); $(".total-price").text(""); ending = "/yr"; prices = parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][3][0])-parseInt(pricingPlans[selectedPlan][3][1]); monthsInTerm = 12; for(i=0;i<$(".addonItemPrice").length;i++) { addonItemPriceID = $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).attr("data-aid"); addonItemPrice = parseInt(globalAddonList[(addonItemPriceID-1)].price); termPriceForAddon = addonItemPrice*monthsInTerm; $($(".addonItemPrice")[i]).text((termPriceForAddon)); prices = prices + termPriceForAddon; } $(".total-price").text(dollarSign+prices); $(".billing-summary-summary").text(dollarSign+prices+ending); } }); $("#card_holdername").change(function() { var regexp = new RegExp(/^[a-z]([-']?[a-z]+)*( [a-z]([-']?[a-z]+)*)+$/i); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#card_holdername").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Please check the entered details"); } else { $("#card_holdername").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } }); $("#card_number").change(function() { var ccNum = $(this).val().trim(); var visaRegEx = /^(?:4[0-9]{12}(?:[0-9]{3})?)$/; var mastercardRegEx = /^(?:5[1-5][0-9]{14})$/; var amexpRegEx = /^(?:3[47][0-9]{13})$/; var discovRegEx = /^(?:6(?:011|5[0-9][0-9])[0-9]{12})$/; var isValid = false; if (visaRegEx.test(ccNum)) { isValid = true; ccType = "[VISA]"; } else if(mastercardRegEx.test(ccNum)) { isValid = true; ccType = "[MASTERCARD]"; } else if(amexpRegEx.test(ccNum)) { isValid = true; ccType = "[AMEX]"; } else if(discovRegEx.test(ccNum)) { isValid = true; ccType = "[DISCOVER]"; } if (!isValid) { $("#card_number").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Please check the entered details"); } else { $("#card_number").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); $("#card_number").val($("#card_number").val() + " " + ccType); } }); $("#card_expiry").change(function() { var regexp = new RegExp(/^(0[1-9]|1[0-2])\/([0-9]{4}|[0-9]{2})$/); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#card_expiry").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Please check the entered details"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } else { $("#card_expiry").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } }); $("#card_cvv").change(function() { if (ccType == "[AMEX]") { var regexp = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{4})$/); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#card_cvv").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Please check the entered details"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } else { $("#card_cvv").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } } else { var regexp = new RegExp(/^([0-9]{3})$/); if (!regexp.test($(this).val().trim())) { $("#card_cvv").css("border", "2px solid red"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Please check the entered details"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } else { $("#card_cvv").css("border", "1px solid #efe7e7"); $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); } } }); function completeSignupPg3() { /* function completeSignupPg3() * Validate payment information * Attempt a $1 pre-authorization & subsequent reversal to validate the payment method * Display any errors with payment method * Finish creation of account * Route the user to onboarding */ var card_expiry = $("#card_expiry").val().trim(); /* Data Variables */ var card_holdername = $("#card_holdername").val().trim(); var card_number = $("#card_number").val().trim().replace(" [VISA]", "").replace(" [MASTERCARD]", "").replace(" [DISCOVER", "").replace(" [DISCOVER]", ""); var card_cvv = $("#card_cvv").val().trim(); var card_expiry_mo = card_expiry.trim().split("../../index.html")[0]; var card_expiry_yr = card_expiry.trim().split("../../index.html")[1]; var wing_startDate = localStorage.getItem("wing-startDay"); if ($("#ccHelperMessage").html() == "" && card_expiry != "" && card_holdername != "" && card_number != "" && card_cvv != "") { // THINGS NEEDED FOR WFB_BUSINESSES var uniqueIdentifier = cmpNameBox.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]/g, ''); //cmpNameBox var operator = "manager0@getwingapp.com"; //phoneBox //emailBox //cmpIndustry var picture = "https://firebasestorage.googleapis.com/v0/b/wingapp-"; //wing_startDate var subscription = "blingInbound-" + selectedPlan + "," + selectedPlanPrice; //addOnsString var term = $(".term").text(); // THINGS NEEDED FOR WFB_USERS //nameBox //emailBox //uniqueIdentifier //operator //phoneBox var referralCode = uniqueIdentifier.toUpperCase(); // THINGS NEEDED FOR WFB_WORKFLOWS //uniqueIdentifier //emailBox $("#card_holdername").prop("disabled", true); $("#card_holdername").css("background", "#ddffdd"); $("#card_number").prop("disabled", true); $("#card_number").css("background", "#ddffdd"); $("#card_expiry").prop("disabled", true); $("#card_expiry").css("background", "#ddffdd"); $("#card_cvv").prop("disabled", true); $("#card_cvv").css("background", "#ddffdd"); $("#setupFinish").html("PROCESSING ..."); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessage").html("Don't REFRESH or hit the BACK button..."); var xhttpCreateCustomer = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpCreateCustomer.onload = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var response = this.responseText; if (response == "BAD") { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Something went WRONG. <a href='javascript:window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();' style='color: #287efc;'>Chat With Us Now</a>"); $("#card_holdername").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_holdername").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_number").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_number").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_expiry").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_expiry").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_cvv").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_cvv").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#setupFinish").html("Get Access »"); } else { stripeID = response; var xhttpAddCard = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpAddCard.onload = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (response['response'] == "DECLINED") { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Your Card was DECLINED. Please Try Again!"); $("#card_holdername").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_holdername").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_number").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_number").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_expiry").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_expiry").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_cvv").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_cvv").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#setupFinish").html("Get Access »"); } else { var cardID = response['card_id']; var xhttpCharge1Dollar = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpCharge1Dollar.onload = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var response = JSON.parse(this.responseText); if (response['response'] == "DECLINED") { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Your Card was DECLINED. Please Try Again!"); $("#card_holdername").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_holdername").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_number").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_number").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_expiry").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_expiry").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_cvv").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_cvv").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#setupFinish").html("Get Access »"); } else { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Card verified. Provisioning Account Now..."); var xhttpProvisionAccount = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttpProvisionAccount.onload = function() { if (this.readyState == 4 && this.status == 200) { var response = this.responseText; if (response == "BAD") { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Something went WRONG. <a href='javascript:window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show();' style='color: #287efc;'>Chat With Us Now</a>"); $("#card_holdername").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_holdername").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_number").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_number").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_expiry").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_expiry").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#card_cvv").prop("disabled", false); $("#card_cvv").css("background", "#fdfafa"); $("#setupFinish").html("Get Access »"); } else { $("#ccHelperMessage").html(""); //$("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Account created Successfully! Going to dash..."); $("#ccHelperMessageError").html("Account created Successfully!"); $("#ccHelperMessageError").css('color', '#2dc741'); var slackNoiseCall = "https://api.getwingapp.com/internal/ops/slack/sales_business_noise?key=AUTH&type=newsignupfinished_reception&email=" + encodeURI(emailBox) + "&phone=" + encodeURI(phoneBox) + "&name=" + encodeURI(nameBox) + "&subscription=" + encodeURI(subscription) + "&addOnsString=" + encodeURI(addOnsString); var xhttp = new XMLHttpRequest(); xhttp.open("GET.html", slackNoiseCall, true); xhttp.send(); $("#right3").fadeOut('fast'); $("#right4").fadeIn('fast'); $("#voicemailMessage").html("Your voicemail is active on your Wing number <font color='#289efd'>" + selectedNumber.substring(1).replace(/(\d{3})(\d{3})(\d{4})/,"($1)$2-$3") + "</font>. Try calling ☎️"); // setTimeout(function() { // window.location.href = "https://getwingapp.com/business/reception_dash_karan"; // }, 1000); } } } xhttpProvisionAccount.open("GET.html", "https://getwingapp.com/forbusiness/signup/reception_provision_account?uniqueIdentifier=" + encodeURI(uniqueIdentifier) + "&name=" + encodeURI(cmpNameBox) + "&operator=" + encodeURI(operator) + "&owner_phone=" + encodeURI(phoneBox) + "&owner_email=" + encodeURI(emailBox) + "&description=" + encodeURI(cmpIndustry) + "&picture=" + encodeURI(picture) + "&startdate=" + encodeURI(wing_startDate) + "&subscription=" + encodeURI(subscription) + "&subscriptionDesc=" + encodeURI(addOnsString) + "&subscriptionTerm=" + encodeURI(term) + "&stripeID=" + encodeURI(stripeID) + "&userName=" + encodeURI(nameBox) + "&title=" + encodeURI(describeQSelector) + "&referralCode=" + encodeURI(referralCode) + "&selectedNumber=" + encodeURI(selectedNumber) + "&selectedMessage=" + encodeURI(selectedMessage), true); xhttpProvisionAccount.send(); } } } xhttpCharge1Dollar.open("GET.html", "https://api.getwingapp.com/payments/stripe/charge_user_wfb?k=76a9dHASKdh8asidhh38&sskey=lkaHDJHdapdyPAjds7da87d89as7dp9a7d98a7da987d898ddhLASKjdhaksldhLSAd87a8dasjkghdjkasgdASd6asd786s8d0as8032409720323423kjGHKJdashkhaskjdhaskoiqwiojcmsdfpsd9032-49-23a8vdnvfmtbmmmnnmvbbncbxgfsdhprioyuiegfjkncpqwiou298374024yd&e=" + encodeURI(emailBox) + "&ubi=" + uniqueIdentifier + "&desc=" + encodeURI("Wing for Business - Verification Authorization") + "&cardId=" + cardID + "&stripeID=" + stripeID + "&amt=1&type=CORP", true); xhttpCharge1Dollar.send(); } } } xhttpAddCard.open("GET.html", "https://api.getwingapp.com/payments/stripe/add_card_wfb?stripeID=" + stripeID + "&ccnum=" + encodeURI(card_number) + "&expmo=" + card_expiry_mo + "&expyr=" + card_expiry_yr + "&cvc=" + card_cvv + "&cardholder=" + encodeURI(card_holdername), true); xhttpAddCard.send(); } } } xhttpCreateCustomer.open("GET.html", "https://api.getwingapp.com/payments/stripe/create_customer_wfb?name=" + encodeURI(cmpNameBox) + "&email=" + encodeURI(emailBox) + "&stripeID=" + encodeURI(stripeID), true); xhttpCreateCustomer.send(); } // @Sai, this function // - add the card to the stripe account created in completeSignupPg1() // - attempt a $1 pre-auth and then reversal/cancellation of that preauth // - if any errors so far, return an error to user // - relay the start date to account info in sql // - Send an account creation confirmation email (copy the one that gets sent for new users ATM, i'll edit it after) // - call another blank API, we can trigger Zapier from that API to // - create a slack channel, drop a message in that slack channel RE: deets & start date, // & update the Airtable record to Active, Early/Unpaid, add them to Drip for email marketing // - finish creating the account // - redirect to onboarding // @Sai-reception, this function // - send bling everything // - create account on our side as needed } jQuery('body').on('keyup', '#card_expiry', function(e){ /* onKeyup Expiry Formatter * Add the slash after the month on keyup */ var val = $(this).val(); if(!isNaN(val)) { if(val > 1 && val < 10 && val.length == 1) { temp_val = "0" + val + "/"; $(this).val(temp_val); } else if (val >= 1 && val < 10 && val.length == 2 && e.keyCode != 8) { temp_val = val + "/"; $(this).val(temp_val); } else if(val > 9 && val.length == 2 && e.keyCode != 8) { temp_val = val + "/"; $(this).val(temp_val); } } }); function chatBtn() { //gtag_report_chat_conversion(); window.fcWidget.open();window.fcWidget.show(); } function scheduleBtn() { //gtag_report_conversion(); } </script> <script> /* Initializing and running protip, the animated tooltip library */ $(document).ready(function(){ $.protip(); localStorage.removeItem("wing-cart") }); // Available options with default values $.protip({ /** @type String Selector for protips */ selector: C.DEFAULT_SELECTOR, /** @type String Namespace of the data attributes */ namespace: C.DEFAULT_NAMESPACE, /** @type String Template of protip element */ protipTemplate: C.TEMPLATE_PROTIP, /** @type String Template of the arrow element */ arrowTemplate: C.TEMPLATE_ARROW, /** @type String Template of protip icon */ iconTemplate: C.TEMPLATE_ICON, /** @type Boolean Should we observe whole document for assertions and removals */ observer: true, /** @type Number Default time for onResize event timeout. */ delayResize: 100, /** @type Object Default data-pt-* values for a tooltip */ // defaults: {...} }); </script> <script > /* Freshchat */ window.fcWidget.init({ token: "b2a2d1b7-b3e9-4b63-982b-91938ffb9a01", host: "https://wchat.freshchat.com" }); //# sourceURL=pen.js </script> <!-- Mirrored from getwingapp.com/forbusiness/signup/reception?plan=unlimited-16 by HTTrack Website Copier/3.x [XR&CO'2014], Mon, 11 Oct 2021 16:02:19 GMT --> </html> <!-- TODOs - Localization for currencies, discounts, addon currencies & other strings referring to dollar amounts - Scaled discounts on addons being paid in lumpsum - -->