Direktori : /proc/self/root/home/eirtvhdf/hire-va.com/legal/forbusiness/assets/js/ |
Current File : //proc/self/root/home/eirtvhdf/hire-va.com/legal/forbusiness/assets/js/retina.min.js |
/*! * Retina.js v1.3.0 * * Copyright 2014 Imulus, LLC * Released under the MIT license * * Retina.js is an open source script that makes it easy to serve * high-resolution images to devices with retina displays. */ ! function() { function a() {} function b(a) { return f.retinaImageSuffix + a } function c(a, c) { if (this.path = a || "", "undefined" != typeof c && null !== c) this.at_2x_path = c, this.perform_check = !1; else { if (void 0 !== document.createElement) { var d = document.createElement("a"); d.href = this.path, d.pathname = d.pathname.replace(g, b), this.at_2x_path = d.href } else { var e = this.path.split("?"); e[0] = e[0].replace(g, b), this.at_2x_path = e.join("?") } this.perform_check = !0 } } function d(a) { this.el = a, this.path = new c(this.el.getAttribute("src"), this.el.getAttribute("data-at2x")); var b = this; this.path.check_2x_variant(function(a) { a && b.swap() }) } var e = "undefined" == typeof exports ? window : exports, f = { retinaImageSuffix: "@2x", check_mime_type: !0, force_original_dimensions: !0 }; e.Retina = a, a.configure = function(a) { null === a && (a = {}); for (var b in a) a.hasOwnProperty(b) && (f[b] = a[b]) }, a.init = function(a) { null === a && (a = e); var b = a.onload || function() {}; a.onload = function() { var a, c, e = document.getElementsByTagName("img"), f = []; for (a = 0; a < e.length; a += 1) c = e[a], c.getAttributeNode("data-no-retina") || f.push(new d(c)); b() } }, a.isRetina = function() { var a = "(-webkit-min-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (min--moz-device-pixel-ratio: 1.5), (-o-min-device-pixel-ratio: 3/2), (min-resolution: 1.5dppx)"; return e.devicePixelRatio > 1 ? !0 : e.matchMedia && e.matchMedia(a).matches ? !0 : !1 }; var g = /\.\w+$/; e.RetinaImagePath = c, c.confirmed_paths = [], c.prototype.is_external = function() { return !(!this.path.match(/^https?\:/i) || this.path.match("//" + document.domain)) }, c.prototype.check_2x_variant = function(a) { var b, d = this; return this.is_external() ? a(!1) : this.perform_check || "undefined" == typeof this.at_2x_path || null === this.at_2x_path ? this.at_2x_path in c.confirmed_paths ? a(!0) : (b = new XMLHttpRequest, b.open("HEAD", this.at_2x_path), b.onreadystatechange = function() { if (4 !== b.readyState) return a(!1); if (b.status >= 200 && b.status <= 399) { if (f.check_mime_type) { var e = b.getResponseHeader("Content-Type"); if (null === e || !e.match(/^image/i)) return a(!1) } return c.confirmed_paths.push(d.at_2x_path), a(!0) } return a(!1) }, b.send(), void 0) : a(!0) }, e.RetinaImage = d, d.prototype.swap = function(a) { function b() { c.el.complete ? (f.force_original_dimensions && (c.el.setAttribute("width", c.el.offsetWidth), c.el.setAttribute("height", c.el.offsetHeight)), c.el.setAttribute("src", a)) : setTimeout(b, 5) } "undefined" == typeof a && (a = this.path.at_2x_path); var c = this; b() }, a.isRetina() && a.init(e) }();