Mini Shell

Mini Shell

Direktori : /opt/alt/ruby26/lib64/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/
Upload File :
Create Path :
Current File : //opt/alt/ruby26/lib64/ruby/2.6.0/bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent.rb

require 'net/http'
  require 'net/https'
rescue LoadError
  # net/https or openssl
end if RUBY_VERSION < '1.9' # but only for 1.8
require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/faster'
require 'uri'
require 'cgi' # for escaping

  require 'net/http/pipeline'
rescue LoadError

autoload :OpenSSL, 'openssl'

# Persistent connections for Net::HTTP
# Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent maintains persistent connections across all the
# servers you wish to talk to.  For each host:port you communicate with a
# single persistent connection is created.
# Multiple Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent objects will share the same set of
# connections.
# For each thread you start a new connection will be created.  A
# Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent connection will not be shared across threads.
# You can shut down the HTTP connections when done by calling #shutdown.  You
# should name your Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent object if you intend to call this
# method.
# Example:
#   require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent'
#   uri = URI 'http://example.com/awesome/web/service'
#   http = Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent.new 'my_app_name'
#   # perform a GET
#   response = http.request uri
#   # or
#   get = Net::HTTP::Get.new uri.request_uri
#   response = http.request get
#   # create a POST
#   post_uri = uri + 'create'
#   post = Net::HTTP::Post.new post_uri.path
#   post.set_form_data 'some' => 'cool data'
#   # perform the POST, the URI is always required
#   response http.request post_uri, post
# Note that for GET, HEAD and other requests that do not have a body you want
# to use URI#request_uri not URI#path.  The request_uri contains the query
# params which are sent in the body for other requests.
# == SSL
# SSL connections are automatically created depending upon the scheme of the
# URI.  SSL connections are automatically verified against the default
# certificate store for your computer.  You can override this by changing
# verify_mode or by specifying an alternate cert_store.
# Here are the SSL settings, see the individual methods for documentation:
# #certificate        :: This client's certificate
# #ca_file            :: The certificate-authority
# #cert_store         :: An SSL certificate store
# #private_key        :: The client's SSL private key
# #reuse_ssl_sessions :: Reuse a previously opened SSL session for a new
#                        connection
# #ssl_version        :: Which specific SSL version to use
# #verify_callback    :: For server certificate verification
# #verify_mode        :: How connections should be verified
# == Proxies
# A proxy can be set through #proxy= or at initialization time by providing a
# second argument to ::new.  The proxy may be the URI of the proxy server or
# <code>:ENV</code> which will consult environment variables.
# See #proxy= and #proxy_from_env for details.
# == Headers
# Headers may be specified for use in every request.  #headers are appended to
# any headers on the request.  #override_headers replace existing headers on
# the request.
# The difference between the two can be seen in setting the User-Agent.  Using
# <code>http.headers['User-Agent'] = 'MyUserAgent'</code> will send "Ruby,
# MyUserAgent" while <code>http.override_headers['User-Agent'] =
# 'MyUserAgent'</code> will send "MyUserAgent".
# == Tuning
# === Segregation
# By providing an application name to ::new you can separate your connections
# from the connections of other applications.
# === Idle Timeout
# If a connection hasn't been used for this number of seconds it will automatically be
# reset upon the next use to avoid attempting to send to a closed connection.
# The default value is 5 seconds. nil means no timeout. Set through #idle_timeout.
# Reducing this value may help avoid the "too many connection resets" error
# when sending non-idempotent requests while increasing this value will cause
# fewer round-trips.
# === Read Timeout
# The amount of time allowed between reading two chunks from the socket.  Set
# through #read_timeout
# === Max Requests
# The number of requests that should be made before opening a new connection.
# Typically many keep-alive capable servers tune this to 100 or less, so the
# 101st request will fail with ECONNRESET. If unset (default), this value has no
# effect, if set, connections will be reset on the request after max_requests.
# === Open Timeout
# The amount of time to wait for a connection to be opened.  Set through
# #open_timeout.
# === Socket Options
# Socket options may be set on newly-created connections.  See #socket_options
# for details.
# === Non-Idempotent Requests
# By default non-idempotent requests will not be retried per RFC 2616.  By
# setting retry_change_requests to true requests will automatically be retried
# once.
# Only do this when you know that retrying a POST or other non-idempotent
# request is safe for your application and will not create duplicate
# resources.
# The recommended way to handle non-idempotent requests is the following:
#   require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent'
#   uri = URI 'http://example.com/awesome/web/service'
#   post_uri = uri + 'create'
#   http = Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent.new 'my_app_name'
#   post = Net::HTTP::Post.new post_uri.path
#   # ... fill in POST request
#   begin
#     response = http.request post_uri, post
#   rescue Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error
#     # POST failed, make a new request to verify the server did not process
#     # the request
#     exists_uri = uri + '...'
#     response = http.get exists_uri
#     # Retry if it failed
#     retry if response.code == '404'
#   end
# The method of determining if the resource was created or not is unique to
# the particular service you are using.  Of course, you will want to add
# protection from infinite looping.
# === Connection Termination
# If you are done using the Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent instance you may shut down
# all the connections in the current thread with #shutdown.  This is not
# recommended for normal use, it should only be used when it will be several
# minutes before you make another HTTP request.
# If you are using multiple threads, call #shutdown in each thread when the
# thread is done making requests.  If you don't call shutdown, that's OK.
# Ruby will automatically garbage collect and shutdown your HTTP connections
# when the thread terminates.

class Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent

  # The beginning of Time

  EPOCH = Time.at 0 # :nodoc:

  # Is OpenSSL available?  This test works with autoload

  HAVE_OPENSSL = defined? OpenSSL::SSL # :nodoc:

  # The version of Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent you are using

  VERSION = '2.9.4'

  # Exceptions rescued for automatic retry on ruby 2.0.0.  This overlaps with
  # the exception list for ruby 1.x.

  RETRIED_EXCEPTIONS = [ # :nodoc:
    (Net::ReadTimeout if Net.const_defined? :ReadTimeout),
    (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError if HAVE_OPENSSL),

  # Error class for errors raised by Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent.  Various
  # SystemCallErrors are re-raised with a human-readable message under this
  # class.

  class Error < StandardError; end

  # Use this method to detect the idle timeout of the host at +uri+.  The
  # value returned can be used to configure #idle_timeout.  +max+ controls the
  # maximum idle timeout to detect.
  # After
  # Idle timeout detection is performed by creating a connection then
  # performing a HEAD request in a loop until the connection terminates
  # waiting one additional second per loop.
  # NOTE:  This may not work on ruby > 1.9.

  def self.detect_idle_timeout uri, max = 10
    uri = URI uri unless URI::Generic === uri
    uri += '/'

    req = Net::HTTP::Head.new uri.request_uri

    http = new 'net-http-persistent detect_idle_timeout'

    connection = http.connection_for uri

    sleep_time = 0

    loop do
      response = connection.request req

      $stderr.puts "HEAD #{uri} => #{response.code}" if $DEBUG

      unless Net::HTTPOK === response then
        raise Error, "bad response code #{response.code} detecting idle timeout"

      break if sleep_time >= max

      sleep_time += 1

      $stderr.puts "sleeping #{sleep_time}" if $DEBUG
      sleep sleep_time
    # ignore StandardErrors, we've probably found the idle timeout.

    return sleep_time unless $!

  # This client's OpenSSL::X509::Certificate

  attr_reader :certificate

  # For Net::HTTP parity
  alias cert certificate

  # An SSL certificate authority.  Setting this will set verify_mode to

  attr_reader :ca_file

  # An SSL certificate store.  Setting this will override the default
  # certificate store.  See verify_mode for more information.

  attr_reader :cert_store

  # Sends debug_output to this IO via Net::HTTP#set_debug_output.
  # Never use this method in production code, it causes a serious security
  # hole.

  attr_accessor :debug_output

  # Current connection generation

  attr_reader :generation # :nodoc:

  # Where this instance's connections live in the thread local variables

  attr_reader :generation_key # :nodoc:

  # Headers that are added to every request using Net::HTTP#add_field

  attr_reader :headers

  # Maps host:port to an HTTP version.  This allows us to enable version
  # specific features.

  attr_reader :http_versions

  # Maximum time an unused connection can remain idle before being
  # automatically closed.

  attr_accessor :idle_timeout

  # Maximum number of requests on a connection before it is considered expired
  # and automatically closed.

  attr_accessor :max_requests

  # The value sent in the Keep-Alive header.  Defaults to 30.  Not needed for
  # HTTP/1.1 servers.
  # This may not work correctly for HTTP/1.0 servers
  # This method may be removed in a future version as RFC 2616 does not
  # require this header.

  attr_accessor :keep_alive

  # A name for this connection.  Allows you to keep your connections apart
  # from everybody else's.

  attr_reader :name

  # Seconds to wait until a connection is opened.  See Net::HTTP#open_timeout

  attr_accessor :open_timeout

  # Headers that are added to every request using Net::HTTP#[]=

  attr_reader :override_headers

  # This client's SSL private key

  attr_reader :private_key

  # For Net::HTTP parity
  alias key private_key

  # The URL through which requests will be proxied

  attr_reader :proxy_uri

  # List of host suffixes which will not be proxied

  attr_reader :no_proxy

  # Seconds to wait until reading one block.  See Net::HTTP#read_timeout

  attr_accessor :read_timeout

  # Where this instance's request counts live in the thread local variables

  attr_reader :request_key # :nodoc:

  # By default SSL sessions are reused to avoid extra SSL handshakes.  Set
  # this to false if you have problems communicating with an HTTPS server
  # like:
  #   SSL_connect [...] read finished A: unexpected message (OpenSSL::SSL::SSLError)

  attr_accessor :reuse_ssl_sessions

  # An array of options for Socket#setsockopt.
  # By default the TCP_NODELAY option is set on sockets.
  # To set additional options append them to this array:
  #   http.socket_options << [Socket::SOL_SOCKET, Socket::SO_KEEPALIVE, 1]

  attr_reader :socket_options

  # Current SSL connection generation

  attr_reader :ssl_generation # :nodoc:

  # Where this instance's SSL connections live in the thread local variables

  attr_reader :ssl_generation_key # :nodoc:

  # SSL version to use.
  # By default, the version will be negotiated automatically between client
  # and server.  Ruby 1.9 and newer only.

  attr_reader :ssl_version if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'

  # Where this instance's last-use times live in the thread local variables

  attr_reader :timeout_key # :nodoc:

  # SSL verification callback.  Used when ca_file is set.

  attr_reader :verify_callback

  # HTTPS verify mode.  Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER which verifies
  # the server certificate.
  # If no ca_file or cert_store is set the default system certificate store is
  # used.
  # You can use +verify_mode+ to override any default values.

  attr_reader :verify_mode

  # Enable retries of non-idempotent requests that change data (e.g. POST
  # requests) when the server has disconnected.
  # This will in the worst case lead to multiple requests with the same data,
  # but it may be useful for some applications.  Take care when enabling
  # this option to ensure it is safe to POST or perform other non-idempotent
  # requests to the server.

  attr_accessor :retry_change_requests

  # Creates a new Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent.
  # Set +name+ to keep your connections apart from everybody else's.  Not
  # required currently, but highly recommended.  Your library name should be
  # good enough.  This parameter will be required in a future version.
  # +proxy+ may be set to a URI::HTTP or :ENV to pick up proxy options from
  # the environment.  See proxy_from_env for details.
  # In order to use a URI for the proxy you may need to do some extra work
  # beyond URI parsing if the proxy requires a password:
  #   proxy = URI 'http://proxy.example'
  #   proxy.user     = 'AzureDiamond'
  #   proxy.password = 'hunter2'

  def initialize name = nil, proxy = nil
    @name = name

    @debug_output     = nil
    @proxy_uri        = nil
    @no_proxy         = []
    @headers          = {}
    @override_headers = {}
    @http_versions    = {}
    @keep_alive       = 30
    @open_timeout     = nil
    @read_timeout     = nil
    @idle_timeout     = 5
    @max_requests     = nil
    @socket_options   = []

    @socket_options << [Socket::IPPROTO_TCP, Socket::TCP_NODELAY, 1] if
      Socket.const_defined? :TCP_NODELAY

    key = ['net_http_persistent', name].compact
    @generation_key     = [key, 'generations'    ].join('_').intern
    @ssl_generation_key = [key, 'ssl_generations'].join('_').intern
    @request_key        = [key, 'requests'       ].join('_').intern
    @timeout_key        = [key, 'timeouts'       ].join('_').intern

    @certificate        = nil
    @ca_file            = nil
    @private_key        = nil
    @ssl_version        = nil
    @verify_callback    = nil
    @verify_mode        = nil
    @cert_store         = nil

    @generation         = 0 # incremented when proxy URI changes
    @ssl_generation     = 0 # incremented when SSL session variables change

    if HAVE_OPENSSL then
      @verify_mode        = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
      @reuse_ssl_sessions = OpenSSL::SSL.const_defined? :Session

    @retry_change_requests = false

    @ruby_1 = RUBY_VERSION < '2'
    @retried_on_ruby_2 = !@ruby_1

    self.proxy = proxy if proxy

  # Sets this client's OpenSSL::X509::Certificate

  def certificate= certificate
    @certificate = certificate


  # For Net::HTTP parity
  alias cert= certificate=

  # Sets the SSL certificate authority file.

  def ca_file= file
    @ca_file = file


  # Overrides the default SSL certificate store used for verifying
  # connections.

  def cert_store= store
    @cert_store = store


  # Finishes all connections on the given +thread+ that were created before
  # the given +generation+ in the threads +generation_key+ list.
  # See #shutdown for a bunch of scary warning about misusing this method.

  def cleanup(generation, thread = Thread.current,
              generation_key = @generation_key) # :nodoc:
    timeouts = thread[@timeout_key]

    (0...generation).each do |old_generation|
      next unless thread[generation_key]

      conns = thread[generation_key].delete old_generation

      conns.each_value do |conn|
        finish conn, thread

        timeouts.delete conn.object_id if timeouts
      end if conns

  # Creates a new connection for +uri+

  def connection_for uri
    Thread.current[@generation_key]     ||= Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
    Thread.current[@ssl_generation_key] ||= Hash.new { |h,k| h[k] = {} }
    Thread.current[@request_key]        ||= Hash.new 0
    Thread.current[@timeout_key]        ||= Hash.new EPOCH

    use_ssl = uri.scheme.downcase == 'https'

    if use_ssl then
      raise Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent::Error, 'OpenSSL is not available' unless

      ssl_generation = @ssl_generation

      ssl_cleanup ssl_generation

      connections = Thread.current[@ssl_generation_key][ssl_generation]
      generation = @generation

      cleanup generation

      connections = Thread.current[@generation_key][generation]

    net_http_args = [uri.host, uri.port]
    connection_id = net_http_args.join ':'

    if @proxy_uri and not proxy_bypass? uri.host, uri.port then
      connection_id << @proxy_connection_id
      net_http_args.concat @proxy_args
      net_http_args.concat [nil, nil, nil, nil]

    connection = connections[connection_id]

    unless connection = connections[connection_id] then
      connections[connection_id] = http_class.new(*net_http_args)
      connection = connections[connection_id]
      ssl connection if use_ssl
      reset connection if expired? connection

    start connection unless connection.started?

    connection.read_timeout = @read_timeout if @read_timeout
    connection.keep_alive_timeout = @idle_timeout if @idle_timeout && connection.respond_to?(:keep_alive_timeout=)

  rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
    address = connection.proxy_address || connection.address
    port    = connection.proxy_port    || connection.port

    raise Error, "connection refused: #{address}:#{port}"
  rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN
    address = connection.proxy_address || connection.address
    port    = connection.proxy_port    || connection.port

    raise Error, "host down: #{address}:#{port}"

  # Returns an error message containing the number of requests performed on
  # this connection

  def error_message connection
    requests = Thread.current[@request_key][connection.object_id] - 1 # fixup
    last_use = Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection.object_id]

    age = Time.now - last_use

    "after #{requests} requests on #{connection.object_id}, " \
      "last used #{age} seconds ago"

  # URI::escape wrapper

  def escape str
    CGI.escape str if str

  # URI::unescape wrapper

  def unescape str
    CGI.unescape str if str

  # Returns true if the connection should be reset due to an idle timeout, or
  # maximum request count, false otherwise.

  def expired? connection
    requests = Thread.current[@request_key][connection.object_id]
    return true  if     @max_requests && requests >= @max_requests
    return false unless @idle_timeout
    return true  if     @idle_timeout.zero?

    last_used = Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection.object_id]

    Time.now - last_used > @idle_timeout

  # Starts the Net::HTTP +connection+

  def start connection
    connection.set_debug_output @debug_output if @debug_output
    connection.open_timeout = @open_timeout if @open_timeout


    socket = connection.instance_variable_get :@socket

    if socket then # for fakeweb
      @socket_options.each do |option|

  # Finishes the Net::HTTP +connection+

  def finish connection, thread = Thread.current
    if requests = thread[@request_key] then
      requests.delete connection.object_id

  rescue IOError

  def http_class # :nodoc:
    if RUBY_VERSION > '2.0' then
    elsif [:Artifice, :FakeWeb, :WebMock].any? { |klass|
          } or not @reuse_ssl_sessions then

  # Returns the HTTP protocol version for +uri+

  def http_version uri

  # Is +req+ idempotent according to RFC 2616?

  def idempotent? req
    case req
    when Net::HTTP::Delete, Net::HTTP::Get, Net::HTTP::Head,
         Net::HTTP::Options, Net::HTTP::Put, Net::HTTP::Trace then

  # Is the request +req+ idempotent or is retry_change_requests allowed.
  # If +retried_on_ruby_2+ is true, true will be returned if we are on ruby,
  # retry_change_requests is allowed and the request is not idempotent.

  def can_retry? req, retried_on_ruby_2 = false
    return @retry_change_requests && !idempotent?(req) if retried_on_ruby_2

    @retry_change_requests || idempotent?(req)

  if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9' then
    # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPHeader#connection_close? on Ruby 1.8

    def connection_close? header

    # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPHeader#connection_keep_alive? on Ruby 1.8

    def connection_keep_alive? header
    # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPRequest#connection_close? on Ruby 1.8

    def connection_close? header
      header['connection'] =~ /close/ or header['proxy-connection'] =~ /close/

    # Workaround for missing Net::HTTPRequest#connection_keep_alive? on Ruby
    # 1.8

    def connection_keep_alive? header
      header['connection'] =~ /keep-alive/ or
        header['proxy-connection'] =~ /keep-alive/

  # Deprecated in favor of #expired?

  def max_age # :nodoc:
    return Time.now + 1 unless @idle_timeout

    Time.now - @idle_timeout

  # Adds "http://" to the String +uri+ if it is missing.

  def normalize_uri uri
    (uri =~ /^https?:/) ? uri : "http://#{uri}"

  # Pipelines +requests+ to the HTTP server at +uri+ yielding responses if a
  # block is given.  Returns all responses received.
  # See
  # Net::HTTP::Pipeline[http://docs.seattlerb.org/net-http-pipeline/Net/HTTP/Pipeline.html]
  # for further details.
  # Only if <tt>net-http-pipeline</tt> was required before
  # <tt>net-http-persistent</tt> #pipeline will be present.

  def pipeline uri, requests, &block # :yields: responses
    connection = connection_for uri

    connection.pipeline requests, &block

  # Sets this client's SSL private key

  def private_key= key
    @private_key = key


  # For Net::HTTP parity
  alias key= private_key=

  # Sets the proxy server.  The +proxy+ may be the URI of the proxy server,
  # the symbol +:ENV+ which will read the proxy from the environment or nil to
  # disable use of a proxy.  See #proxy_from_env for details on setting the
  # proxy from the environment.
  # If the proxy URI is set after requests have been made, the next request
  # will shut-down and re-open all connections.
  # The +no_proxy+ query parameter can be used to specify hosts which shouldn't
  # be reached via proxy; if set it should be a comma separated list of
  # hostname suffixes, optionally with +:port+ appended, for example
  # <tt>example.com,some.host:8080</tt>.

  def proxy= proxy
    @proxy_uri = case proxy
                 when :ENV      then proxy_from_env
                 when URI::HTTP then proxy
                 when nil       then # ignore
                 else raise ArgumentError, 'proxy must be :ENV or a URI::HTTP'


    if @proxy_uri then
      @proxy_args = [

      @proxy_connection_id = [nil, *@proxy_args].join ':'

      if @proxy_uri.query then
        @no_proxy = CGI.parse(@proxy_uri.query)['no_proxy'].join(',').downcase.split(',').map { |x| x.strip }.reject { |x| x.empty? }


  # Creates a URI for an HTTP proxy server from ENV variables.
  # If +HTTP_PROXY+ is set a proxy will be returned.
  # If +HTTP_PROXY_USER+ or +HTTP_PROXY_PASS+ are set the URI is given the
  # indicated user and password unless HTTP_PROXY contains either of these in
  # the URI.
  # The +NO_PROXY+ ENV variable can be used to specify hosts which shouldn't
  # be reached via proxy; if set it should be a comma separated list of
  # hostname suffixes, optionally with +:port+ appended, for example
  # <tt>example.com,some.host:8080</tt>. When set to <tt>*</tt> no proxy will
  # be returned.
  # For Windows users, lowercase ENV variables are preferred over uppercase ENV
  # variables.

  def proxy_from_env
    env_proxy = ENV['http_proxy'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY']

    return nil if env_proxy.nil? or env_proxy.empty?

    uri = URI normalize_uri env_proxy

    env_no_proxy = ENV['no_proxy'] || ENV['NO_PROXY']

    # '*' is special case for always bypass
    return nil if env_no_proxy == '*'

    if env_no_proxy then
      uri.query = "no_proxy=#{escape(env_no_proxy)}"

    unless uri.user or uri.password then
      uri.user     = escape ENV['http_proxy_user'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_USER']
      uri.password = escape ENV['http_proxy_pass'] || ENV['HTTP_PROXY_PASS']


  # Returns true when proxy should by bypassed for host.

  def proxy_bypass? host, port
    host = host.downcase
    host_port = [host, port].join ':'

    @no_proxy.each do |name|
      return true if host[-name.length, name.length] == name or
         host_port[-name.length, name.length] == name


  # Forces reconnection of HTTP connections.

  def reconnect
    @generation += 1

  # Forces reconnection of SSL connections.

  def reconnect_ssl
    @ssl_generation += 1

  # Finishes then restarts the Net::HTTP +connection+

  def reset connection
    Thread.current[@request_key].delete connection.object_id
    Thread.current[@timeout_key].delete connection.object_id

    finish connection

    start connection
  rescue Errno::ECONNREFUSED
    e = Error.new "connection refused: #{connection.address}:#{connection.port}"
    e.set_backtrace $@
    raise e
  rescue Errno::EHOSTDOWN
    e = Error.new "host down: #{connection.address}:#{connection.port}"
    e.set_backtrace $@
    raise e

  # Makes a request on +uri+.  If +req+ is nil a Net::HTTP::Get is performed
  # against +uri+.
  # If a block is passed #request behaves like Net::HTTP#request (the body of
  # the response will not have been read).
  # +req+ must be a Net::HTTPRequest subclass (see Net::HTTP for a list).
  # If there is an error and the request is idempotent according to RFC 2616
  # it will be retried automatically.

  def request uri, req = nil, &block
    retried      = false
    bad_response = false

    req = request_setup req || uri

    connection = connection_for uri
    connection_id = connection.object_id

      Thread.current[@request_key][connection_id] += 1
      response = connection.request req, &block

      if connection_close?(req) or
         (response.http_version <= '1.0' and
          not connection_keep_alive?(response)) or
         connection_close?(response) then
    rescue Net::HTTPBadResponse => e
      message = error_message connection

      finish connection

      raise Error, "too many bad responses #{message}" if
        bad_response or not can_retry? req

      bad_response = true
    rescue *RETRIED_EXCEPTIONS => e # retried on ruby 2
      request_failed e, req, connection if
        retried or not can_retry? req, @retried_on_ruby_2

      reset connection

      retried = true
    rescue Errno::EINVAL, Errno::ETIMEDOUT => e # not retried on ruby 2
      request_failed e, req, connection if retried or not can_retry? req

      reset connection

      retried = true
    rescue Exception => e
      finish connection

      Thread.current[@timeout_key][connection_id] = Time.now

    @http_versions["#{uri.host}:#{uri.port}"] ||= response.http_version


  # Raises an Error for +exception+ which resulted from attempting the request
  # +req+ on the +connection+.
  # Finishes the +connection+.

  def request_failed exception, req, connection # :nodoc:
    due_to = "(due to #{exception.message} - #{exception.class})"
    message = "too many connection resets #{due_to} #{error_message connection}"

    finish connection

    raise Error, message, exception.backtrace

  # Creates a GET request if +req_or_uri+ is a URI and adds headers to the
  # request.
  # Returns the request.

  def request_setup req_or_uri # :nodoc:
    req = if URI === req_or_uri then
            Net::HTTP::Get.new req_or_uri.request_uri

    @headers.each do |pair|

    @override_headers.each do |name, value|
      req[name] = value

    unless req['Connection'] then
      req.add_field 'Connection', 'keep-alive'
      req.add_field 'Keep-Alive', @keep_alive


  # Shuts down all connections for +thread+.
  # Uses the current thread by default.
  # If you've used Bundler::Persistent::Net::HTTP::Persistent across multiple threads you should
  # call this in each thread when you're done making HTTP requests.
  # *NOTE*: Calling shutdown for another thread can be dangerous!
  # If the thread is still using the connection it may cause an error!  It is
  # best to call #shutdown in the thread at the appropriate time instead!

  def shutdown thread = Thread.current
    generation = reconnect
    cleanup generation, thread, @generation_key

    ssl_generation = reconnect_ssl
    cleanup ssl_generation, thread, @ssl_generation_key

    thread[@request_key] = nil
    thread[@timeout_key] = nil

  # Shuts down all connections in all threads
  # Do not call this method if other threads are still using their
  # connections!  Call #shutdown at the appropriate time instead!
  # Use this method only as a last resort!

  def shutdown_in_all_threads
    Thread.list.each do |thread|
      shutdown thread


  # Enables SSL on +connection+

  def ssl connection
    connection.use_ssl = true

    connection.ssl_version = @ssl_version if @ssl_version

    connection.verify_mode = @verify_mode

      warn <<-WARNING
                             !!!SECURITY WARNING!!!

The SSL HTTP connection to:


                           !!!MAY NOT BE VERIFIED!!!

On your platform your OpenSSL implementation is broken.

There is no difference between the values of VERIFY_NONE and VERIFY_PEER.

This means that attempting to verify the security of SSL connections may not
work.  This exposes you to man-in-the-middle exploits, snooping on the
contents of your connection and other dangers to the security of your data.

To disable this warning define the following constant at top-level in your



    if @ca_file then
      connection.ca_file = @ca_file
      connection.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
      connection.verify_callback = @verify_callback if @verify_callback

    if @certificate and @private_key then
      connection.cert = @certificate
      connection.key  = @private_key

    connection.cert_store = if @cert_store then
                              store = OpenSSL::X509::Store.new

  # Finishes all connections that existed before the given SSL parameter
  # +generation+.

  def ssl_cleanup generation # :nodoc:
    cleanup generation, Thread.current, @ssl_generation_key

  # SSL version to use

  def ssl_version= ssl_version
    @ssl_version = ssl_version

  end if RUBY_VERSION > '1.9'

  # Sets the HTTPS verify mode.  Defaults to OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER.
  # Setting this to VERIFY_NONE is a VERY BAD IDEA and should NEVER be used.
  # Securely transfer the correct certificate and update the default
  # certificate store or set the ca file instead.

  def verify_mode= verify_mode
    @verify_mode = verify_mode


  # SSL verification callback.

  def verify_callback= callback
    @verify_callback = callback



require 'bundler/vendor/net-http-persistent/lib/net/http/persistent/ssl_reuse'

Zerion Mini Shell 1.0