Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Document/Models/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Document/Models/Section.php |
<?php namespace Depicter\Document\Models; use Averta\Core\Utility\Arr; use Depicter\Document\CSS\Selector; use Depicter\Document\Helper\Helper; use Depicter\Document\Models\Traits\HasDataSheetTrait; use Depicter\Document\Models\Traits\HasDocumentIdTrait; use Depicter\Html\Html; class Section { use HasDocumentIdTrait; use HasDataSheetTrait; /** * @var string */ public $id; /** * @var string */ public $name; /** * List of belonging element ids (assigns with jsonMapper) * * @var array */ public $elements; /** * List of belonging elements * * @var array */ public $elementObjects; /** * @var Common\Size\States */ public $wrapperSize; /** * @var Common\Background */ public $background; /** * @var object */ public $options; /** * @var \Depicter\Document\Models\Common\Animation|null */ public $animation; /** * @var Common\Parallax|null */ public $parallax; /** * @var Common\KenBurns|null */ public $kenBurns; /** * @var Common\DataSourceOptions|null */ public $dataSource = null; /** * @var array|null */ public $actions; /** * @var string */ public $className = ''; /** * @var array */ protected $styleList = []; /** * @var string */ protected $preloadTags = ''; /** * @var string */ public $visibility = 'visible'; /** * @var object|null */ public $visibilitySchedule; /** * get section ID * * @return string */ public function getID() { return Helper::getSectionIdFromSlug( $this->id ); } /** * get section slug * * @return string */ public function getSlug() { return $this->id; } /** * Get section name * * @return string */ public function getName() { return $this->name ? $this->name : $this->id; } /** * Gets belonging element ids * * @return array */ public function getElementIds() { return $this->elements; } /** * Sets belonging elements * * @param array $elementIds */ public function setElementIds( $elementIds ) { $this->elements = $elementIds; } /** * Sets belonging elements * * @param array $elementObjects */ public function setElementObjects( $elementObjects ) { $this->elementObjects = $elementObjects; } /** * Renders the Section */ public function render() { if ( $this->visibility == 'hidden' ) { return ''; } if ( $this->visibility == 'scheduled' && !is_null( $this->visibilitySchedule ) ) { if ( !empty( $this->visibilitySchedule->start ) && !\Depicter::schedule()->isDatePassed( $this->visibilitySchedule->start ) ) { \Depicter::schedule()->scheduleClearCacheEvent( $this->getDocumentID(), $this->visibilitySchedule->start ); return ''; } if ( !empty( $this->visibilitySchedule->end ) && ! \Depicter::schedule()->isDatePassed( $this->visibilitySchedule->end ) ) { \Depicter::schedule()->scheduleClearCacheEvent( $this->getDocumentID(), $this->visibilitySchedule->end ); } if ( !empty( $this->visibilitySchedule->end ) && \Depicter::schedule()->isDatePassed( $this->visibilitySchedule->end ) ) { return ''; } } // render section by dataSource if exists if( $this->dataSource && $sectionMarkup = $this->renderDataSource() ){ return $sectionMarkup; } return $this->renderStatic(); } /** * Renders the Section from dataSource */ protected function renderDataSource() { $sectionMarkup = ''; $dataSourceInstance = \Depicter::dataSource()->getByType( $this->dataSource->type ); if( $dataSourceInstance ){ $dataSheets = $dataSourceInstance->getDataSheetArgs( $this->dataSource->params ); foreach( $dataSheets as $dataSheet ){ $this->setDataSheet( $dataSheet ); $sectionMarkup .= $this->renderStatic(); } } return $sectionMarkup; } /** * Renders the Section */ protected function renderStatic() { // default Section properties $args = [ 'id' => $this->getCssID(), 'class' => $this->getClassNames(), 'data-name' => $this->getName() ]; if ( !empty( $this->wrapperSize ) ) { $sectionWidth = $this->wrapperSize->getResponsiveSizes( "width" ); if ( ! $this->wrapperSize->hasNoResponsiveSize( $sectionWidth ) ) { $args[ 'data-wrapper-width'] = implode( ',', $sectionWidth ); $args[ 'data-wrapper-width'] = str_replace( 'auto', '', $args[ 'data-wrapper-width'] ); if ( $args[ 'data-wrapper-width'] == ',,' ) { unset( $args[ 'data-wrapper-width'] ); } } $sectionHeight = $this->wrapperSize->getResponsiveSizes( "height" ); if ( ! $this->wrapperSize->hasNoResponsiveSize( $sectionHeight ) ) { $args['data-wrapper-height'] = implode( ',', $sectionHeight ); $args[ 'data-wrapper-height'] = str_replace( 'auto', '', $args[ 'data-wrapper-height'] ); if ( $args[ 'data-wrapper-height'] == ',,' ) { unset( $args[ 'data-wrapper-height'] ); } } } if ( !empty( $this->options ) ) { // check for autoplay option if ( !empty( $this->options->slideshowDuration ) ) { $args['data-slideshow-duration'] = $this->options->slideshowDuration; } // check for autoplay option if ( !empty( $this->options->pauseSlideshow ) ) { $args['data-slideshow-pause'] = $this->options->pauseSlideshow ? "true" : "false"; } } if ( $this->background->hasBackground() && $this->parallax && false !== $parallaxData = $this->parallax->getParallaxAttrs() ) { $args = Arr::merge( $args, $parallaxData ); } $actions = Helper::getActions( $this->actions ); if ( !empty( $actions ) ) { $args = Arr::merge( $args, [ 'data-actions' => $actions ]); } if ( $this->animation && false !== $animationData = $this->animation->getAnimationAttrs() ) { $args = Arr::merge( $args, $animationData ); } $div = Html::div($args); // check if section has link if ( $this->hasEnabledLink() ) { // Section link anchor element should always have target="_black" unless openInNewTab is false. $urlArgs = isset( $this->options->url->openInNewTab ) && ! $this->options->url->openInNewTab ? [] : ['target' => '_blank']; $urlArgs['class'] = Selector::prefixify('section-link'); if ( $urlPath = $this->getSectionUrl() ) { $div->nest( Html::a( '', $urlPath, $urlArgs ) . "\n" ); } } if( $sectionBackground = $this->background->render() ){ $this->background->setDataSheet( $this->getDataSheet() ); if ( $this->kenBurns && false !== $kenBurnsData = $this->kenBurns->getKenBurnsAttrs() ) { $this->background->setKenBurnsData( $kenBurnsData ); } $div->nest( "\n" . $this->background->render() . "\n\n" ); } $this->styleList = Arr::merge( $this->styleList, $this->getSelectorAndCssList() ); if ( !empty( $this->elementObjects ) ) { foreach ( $this->elementObjects as $elementObject ) { // if dataSheet is available for current section, assign it elements of this section as well if( $this->getDataSheet() ){ $elementObject->prepare()->setDataSheet( $this->getDataSheet() ); } // Get element style $this->styleList = Arr::merge( $this->styleList, $elementObject->prepare()->getSelectorAndCssList() ); $div->nest( "\n" . $elementObject->prepare()->render() ); // generate and retrieve media files of elements for preloading $this->preloadTags .= $elementObject->prepare()->getPreloadTags(); } } return "\n" . $div; } /** * Whether linking slide ro url is enabled or not * * @return bool */ public function hasEnabledLink(){ return $this->isLinkedToDataSheet() || !empty( $this->options->url->enable ); } /** * Retrieves markup for preloading media files belonging to this section * * @return string */ public function getPreloadTags(){ return $this->preloadTags; } /** * Retrieves section url if exists * * @return string */ public function getSectionUrl(){ if( $this->isLinkedToDataSheet() && $url = $this->getDataSheetUrl() ){ return $url; } elseif( ! empty( $this->options->url->path ) ){ return $this->options->url->path; } return ''; } /** * Collect element font and add it to document font service */ public function collectElementFonts(){ if ( !empty( $this->elementObjects ) ) { foreach ( $this->elementObjects as $elementObject ) { $elementObject->prepare()->getFontsList(); } } } /** * Get section class names. * * @return string */ protected function getClassNames(){ $classes = []; $classes[] = Selector::prefixify(Selector::SECTION_PREFIX ); $classes[] = $this->getSelector(); $classes[] = $this->getDataSheetClassName(); $classes[] = $this->getCustomClassName(); return trim( implode(' ', $classes) ); } /** * Get section CSS ID for data sheet if dataSource is assigned * * @return string */ public function getDataSheetClassName() { if( $this->getDataSheetID() ){ return $this->getCssID(); } return ''; } /** * Retrieves custom class name of document * * @return string */ protected function getCustomClassName(){ if ( ! empty( $this->className ) ) { return $this->className; } return ''; } /** * Retrieves custom styles of document * * @return string */ protected function getCustomStyles(){ if ( ! empty( $this->options->customStyle ) ) { $customStyles = $this->options->customStyle; // replace "selector" with unique selector of section return str_replace('selector', '.'.$this->getStyleSelector(), $customStyles ); } return ''; } /** * Get Elements Style that presented in this section. * * @return array */ public function getCss() { return $this->styleList; } /** * Get section CSS ID * * @return string */ public function getCssID() { $cssID = Helper::getSectionCssId( $this->getDocumentID(), $this->getID() ); if( $dataSheetId = $this->getDataSheetID() ){ $cssID .= "-{$dataSheetId}"; } return $cssID; } /** * Get section selector * * @return string */ public function getSelector() { return Selector::getUniqueSelector( $this->getDocumentID(), $this->getID(), null, Selector::SECTION_PREFIX ); } /** * Get section style selector * * @return string */ public function getStyleSelector() { return Selector::PREFIX_CSS . " ." . $this->getSelector(); } /** * Get list of selector and CSS for section * * @return array */ protected function getSelectorAndCssList(){ $styleList = []; $styleList[ '.' . $this->getStyleSelector() . ' .' . $this->background->getContainerClassName() ] = array_merge_recursive( $this->background->getColor(), $this->background->getSectionBackgroundFilter() ); $styleList[ '.' . $this->getStyleSelector() . ' .' . $this->background->getContainerClassName() . '::after' ] = $this->background->getOverlayStyles(); if ( $this->getCustomStyles() ) { $styleList[ '.' . $this->getStyleSelector() ]['customStyle'] = $this->getCustomStyles(); } return $styleList; } }