Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Dashboard/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/vmullen.hire-va.com/wp-content/plugins/depicter/app/src/Dashboard/DashboardPage.php |
<?php namespace Depicter\Dashboard; use Averta\Core\Utility\Arr; use Averta\Core\Utility\Extract; use Averta\WordPress\Utility\Escape; use Averta\WordPress\Utility\JSON; use Averta\WordPress\Utility\Plugin; use Depicter\Security\CSRF; use Depicter\Services\UserAPIService; use Depicter\WordPress\Settings\Settings; class DashboardPage { const HOOK_SUFFIX = 'toplevel_page_depicter-dashboard'; const PAGE_ID = 'depicter-dashboard'; /** * @var string */ var $hook_suffix = ''; public function bootstrap(){ add_action( 'admin_menu', [ $this, 'registerPage' ] ); add_action( 'admin_enqueue_scripts', [ $this, 'enqueueScripts' ] ); add_action( 'admin_head', array( $this, 'disable_admin_notices' ) ); add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'externalPageRedirect' ] ); $this->settingsPage(); } /** * Register admin pages. * * @return void */ public function registerPage() { $this->hook_suffix = add_menu_page( __('Depicter', 'depicter'), __('Depicter', 'depicter'), 'access_depicter', self::PAGE_ID, [ $this, 'render' ], // called to output the content for this page \Depicter::core()->assets()->getUrl() . '/resources/images/svg/wp-logo.svg' ); add_submenu_page( self::PAGE_ID, __( 'Dashboard', 'depicter' ), __( 'Dashboard', 'depicter' ), 'access_depicter', self::PAGE_ID ); add_submenu_page( self::PAGE_ID, __( 'Support', 'depicter' ), __( 'Support', 'depicter' ), 'access_depicter', self::PAGE_ID . '-goto-support', [ $this, 'externalPageRedirect' ] ); if ( ! \Depicter::auth()->isPaid() && empty( $_GET['depicter_upgraded'] ) ) { add_submenu_page( self::PAGE_ID, __( 'Upgrade to PRO', 'depicter' ), __( 'Upgrade to PRO', 'depicter' ), 'access_depicter', self::PAGE_ID . '-goto-pro', [ $this, 'externalPageRedirect' ] ); } add_action( 'admin_print_scripts-' . $this->hook_suffix, [ $this, 'printScripts' ] ); } /** * Process redirect after clicking on Depicter admin menu * * @return void */ public function externalPageRedirect(){ if ( empty( $_GET['page'] ) ) { return; } if ( self::PAGE_ID . '-goto-support' === $_GET['page'] ) { wp_redirect( 'https://wordpress.org/support/plugin/depicter/' ); die; } if ( self::PAGE_ID . '-goto-pro' === $_GET['page'] ) { wp_redirect( 'https://depicter.com/pricing?utm_source=depicter&utm_medium=depicter-free&utm_campaign=free-to-pro&utm_term=unlock-submenu' ); die; } } /** * Settings page markup * * @return void */ public function settingsPage() { $settings = new Settings(__('Settings', 'depicter'), 'depicter-settings'); $settings->set_option_name('depicter_options'); $settings->set_menu_parent_slug( self::PAGE_ID ); $settings->add_tab(__( 'General', 'depicter' )); $settings->add_section( __( 'General Settings', 'depicter' ) ); $settings->add_option('nonce',[ 'action' => 'depicter-settings', 'name' => '_depicter_settings_nonce' ]); $settings->add_option('select', [ 'name' => 'use_google_fonts', 'label' => __( 'Google Fonts', 'depicter' ), 'options' => [ 'on' => __( 'Default (Enable)', 'depicter' ), 'off' => __( 'Disable', 'depicter' ), 'editor_only' => __( 'Load in Editor Only', 'depicter' ), 'save_locally' => __( 'Save Locally', 'depicter' ) ], 'description' => __( 'Enable, disable, or save Google Fonts locally on your host.', 'depicter' ) ]); $settings->add_option('select', [ 'name' => 'resource_preloading', 'label' => __( 'Resource Preloading', 'depicter' ), 'options' => [ 'on' => __( 'Default (Enable)', 'depicter' ), 'off' => __( 'Disable', 'depicter' ) ], 'description' => __( 'Enable or disable preloading of website resources (images and CSS) for faster page load speed.', 'depicter' ) ]); $settings->add_option('button', [ 'name' => 'regenerate_css_flush_cache', 'label' => __( 'Regenerate CSS & Flush Cache', 'depicter' ), 'button_text' => __( 'Regenerate CSS & Flush Cache', 'depicter' ), 'class' => 'button button-secondary depicter-flush-cache', 'icon' => '<span class="dashicons dashicons-update" style="line-height:28px; margin-right:8px; height:28px;"></span>' ]); $settings->add_option('checkbox', [ 'name' => 'always_load_assets', 'label' => __( 'Load assets on all pages?', 'depicter' ), 'description' => "<br><br>". __( 'By default, Depicter will load corresponding JavaScript and CSS files on demand. but if you need to load assets on all pages, check this option. <br>( For example, if you plan to load Depicter via Ajax, you need to enable this option )', 'depicter' ), ]); $settings->set_menu_position( 1 ); $settings->make(); } /** * Disable all admin notices in dashboard page * * @return void */ public function disable_admin_notices() { $screen = get_current_screen(); if ( $screen->id == $this->hook_suffix ) { remove_all_actions( 'admin_notices' ); } } public function render(){ $this->renewTokens(); echo Escape::content( \Depicter::view( 'admin/dashboard/index.php' )->toString() ); } /** * Load dashboard scripts * * @param string $hook_suffix */ public function enqueueScripts( $hook_suffix = '' ){ if( $hook_suffix !== $this->hook_suffix ){ if ( !empty( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] == 'depicter-settings' ) { \Depicter::core()->assets()->enqueueScript( 'depicter-admin', \Depicter::core()->assets()->getUrl() . '/resources/scripts/admin/index.js', ['jquery'], true ); wp_localize_script( 'depicter-admin', 'depicterParams', [ 'ajaxUrl' => admin_url('admin-ajax.php'), 'token' => \Depicter::csrf()->getToken( \Depicter\Security\CSRF::DASHBOARD_ACTION ), ]); } return; } // Enqueue scripts. \Depicter::core()->assets()->enqueueScript( 'depicter--dashboard', \Depicter::core()->assets()->getUrl() . '/resources/scripts/dashboard/depicter-dashboard.js', [], true ); // Enqueue styles. \Depicter::core()->assets()->enqueueStyle( 'depicter-dashboard', \Depicter::core()->assets()->getUrl() . '/resources/styles/dashboard/index.css' ); } /** * Print required scripts in Dashboard page * * @return void */ public function printScripts() { global $wp_version; $currentUser = wp_get_current_user(); try { $googleClientId = UserAPIService::googleClientID()['clientId'] ?? ''; } catch ( \Exception $e ) { $googleClientId = ''; } $upgradeLink = add_query_arg([ 'action' => 'upgrade-plugin', 'plugin' => 'depicter/depicter.php', '_wpnonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'upgrade-plugin_depicter/depicter.php') ], self_admin_url('update.php') ); // retrieve refresh token $refreshToken = \Depicter::cache('base')->get( 'refresh_token', null ); $refreshTokenPayload = Extract::JWTPayload( $refreshToken ); $displayReviewNotice = !empty( $refreshTokenPayload['ict'] ) && ( time() - date( $refreshTokenPayload['ict'] ) > 5 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); wp_add_inline_script('depicter--dashboard', 'window.depicterEnv = '. JSON::encode( [ 'wpVersion' => $wp_version, "scriptsPath" => \Depicter::core()->assets()->getUrl(). '/resources/scripts/dashboard/', 'clientKey' => \Depicter::auth()->getClientKey(), 'csrfToken' => \Depicter::csrf()->getToken( CSRF::DASHBOARD_ACTION ), 'updateInfo' => [ 'from' => \Depicter::options()->get('version_previous') ?: null, 'to' => \Depicter::options()->get('version'), 'url' => $upgradeLink, ], "assetsAPI" => Escape::url('https://wp-api.depicter.com/' ), "wpRestApi" => Escape::url( get_rest_url() ), "pluginAPI" => admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ), "editorPath" => \Depicter::editor()->getEditUrl( '__id__' ), "documentPreviewPath" => \Depicter::editor()->getEditUrl( '__id__' ), 'user' => [ 'tier' => \Depicter::auth()->getTier(), 'name' => Escape::html( $currentUser->display_name ), 'email' => Escape::html( $currentUser->user_email ), 'joinedNewsletter' => !! \Depicter::options()->get('has_subscribed') ], 'activation' => [ 'status' => \Depicter::auth()->getActivationStatus(), 'errorMessage' => \Depicter::options()->get('activation_error_message', ''), 'expiresAt' => \Depicter::options()->get('subscription_expires_at' , ''), 'isNew' => isset( $_GET['depicter_upgraded'] ) ], 'subscription' => [ 'id' => \Depicter::options()->get('subscription_id', null), 'status' => \Depicter::auth()->getSubscriptionStatus(), 'overdue' => \Depicter::auth()->isSubscriptionExpired() ], 'integrations' => [ 'woocommerce' => [ 'label' => __( 'WooCommerce Plugin', 'depicter' ), 'enabled' => Plugin::isActive( 'woocommerce/woocommerce.php' ) ] ], 'AIWizard' => [ 'introVideoSrc' => 'https://www.youtube.com/embed/kdR9Jw0yWjU?rel=0' ], 'googleClientId' => $googleClientId, 'tokens' => [ 'idToken' => \Depicter::cache('base')->get( 'id_token' , null ), 'accessToken' => \Depicter::cache('base')->get( 'access_token' , null ), 'refreshToken' => $refreshToken ], 'display' => [ 'reviewNotice' => $displayReviewNotice ] ] ), 'before' ); } /** * Renew member tokens before expire date * * @return void */ public function renewTokens() { if ( false === \Depicter::cache('base')->get( 'access_token' ) ) { UserAPIService::renewTokens(); } } }