Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_updater/assets/css/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/trx_updater/assets/css/_mixins.scss |
// @required //------------------------------------------ // Mixins //------------------------------------------ $vendors: (webkit, ms); $vendors_all: (webkit, moz, ms, o); // Block //------------------------------------------ // Clear floating @mixin clear { clear: both; width:100%; height:0; display:block; } // Size of the box @mixin box($w, $h, $lh: '') { width: $w; height: $h; @if $lh != '' { line-height: $lh; } } // Square box @mixin square($s) { width: $s; height: $s; line-height: $s; text-align:center; } // Box shadow @mixin box-shadow($bs...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-box-shadow: $bs; } box-shadow: $bs; } // Box sizing @mixin box-sizing($bs) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-box-sizing: $bs; } box-sizing: $bs; } @mixin border-box { @include box-sizing(border-box); } @mixin content-box { @include box-sizing(content-box); } // Border radius @mixin border-radius($br...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-border-radius: $br; } border-radius: $br; } @mixin border-round { @include border-radius(50%); } @mixin border-sharp { @include border-radius(0); } // Font //------------------------------------------ @mixin font($fsize: '', $lh: '', $fweight: '', $fstyle: '') { @if $fsize != '' { font-size: $fsize; } @if $lh != '' { line-height: $lh; } @if $fweight != '' { font-weight: $fweight; } @if $fstyle != '' { font-style: $fstyle; } } // Background //------------------------------------------ @mixin bg-cover($pos: center, $clr: '') { background-position: $pos; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:cover; @if $clr != '' { background-color:$clr; } } @mixin bg-contain($pos: center, $clr: '') { background-position: $pos; background-repeat:no-repeat; background-size:contain; @if $clr != '' { background-color:$clr; } } @mixin bg-mask($clr, $alpha:1, $z:'') { @include abs-cover($z); @if $alpha == 1 { background: $clr; } @else { background: rgba($clr, $alpha); } } @mixin fixed-mask($clr, $alpha:1, $z: '') { @include fixed-cover($z); @if $alpha == 1 { background: $clr; } @else { background: rgba($clr, $alpha); } } // Position //------------------------------------------ @mixin rel-pos($t: 0, $r: 0, $b: 0, $l: 0, $z: '') { position: relative; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $t; right: $r; bottom: $b; left: $l; } @mixin rel-lt($x:0, $y:0, $z: 1) { position:relative; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; left: $x; } @mixin abs-cover($z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; // width: 100%; // height: 100%; } @mixin abs-pos($t: 0, $r: 0, $b: 0, $l: 0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $t; right: $r; bottom: $b; left: $l; } @mixin abs-lt($x:0, $y:0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; left: $x; } @mixin abs-lc($x: 0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: 50%; left: $x; @include translateY(-50%); } @mixin abs-lb($x:0, $y:0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } bottom: $y; left: $x; } @mixin abs-rt($x:0, $y:0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; right: $x; } @mixin abs-rc($x: 0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: 50%; right: $x; @include translateY(-50%); } @mixin abs-rb($x:0, $y:0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } bottom: $y; right: $x; } @mixin abs-ct($y: 0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; left: 50%; @include translateX(-50%); } @mixin abs-cc($z: 1, $imp: '') { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } @if $imp == '' { top: 50%; left: 50%; @include translate(-50%, -50%); } @else { top: 50% !important; left: 50% !important; @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: translate(-50%, 50%) !important; } transform: translate(-50%, 50%) !important; } } @mixin abs-cb($y: 0, $z: 1) { position:absolute; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } bottom: $y; left: 50%; @include translateX(-50%); } @mixin fixed-cover($z: '') { position: fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: 0; left: 0; right: 0; bottom: 0; width: 100%; height: 100%; } @mixin fixed-pos($t: 0, $r: 0, $b: 0, $l: 0, $z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $t; right: $r; bottom: $b; left: $l; } @mixin fixed-lt($x:0, $y:0, $z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; left: $x; } @mixin fixed-lb($x:0, $y:0, $z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } bottom: $y; left: $x; } @mixin fixed-rt($x:0, $y:0, $z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: $y; right: $x; } @mixin fixed-rb($x:0, $y:0, $z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } bottom: $y; right: $x; } @mixin fixed-cc($z: '') { position:fixed; @if $z != '' { z-index: $z; } top: 50%; left: 50%; @include translate(-50%, -50%); } // Flex //------------------------------------------ @mixin flex() { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { display: -ms-flexbox; } @else { display: unquote("-#{$v}-flex"); } } display: flex; } @mixin flex_important() { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { display: -ms-flexbox !important; } @else { display: unquote("-#{$v}-flex") !important; } } display: flex !important; } @mixin flex-basis($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-flex-basis: $d; } flex-basis: $d; } @mixin flex-wrap($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-flex-wrap: $d; } flex-wrap: $d; } @mixin flex-direction($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-flex-direction: $d; } flex-direction: $d; } @mixin flex-grow($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-flex-grow: $d; } flex-grow: $d; } @mixin flex-shrink($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-flex-shrink: $d; } flex-shrink: $d; } @mixin flex-align-items($a) { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { -ms-flex-align: if($a==flex-start, start, if($a==flex-end, end, $a)); } @else { -#{$v}-align-items: $a; } } align-items: $a; } @mixin flex-align-self($a) { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { -ms-align-self: if($a==flex-start, start, if($a==flex-end, end, $a)); } @else { -#{$v}-align-self: $a; } } align-self: $a; } @mixin flex-align-content($a) { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { -ms-flex-line-pack: if($a==flex-start, start, if($a==flex-end, end, $a)); } @else { -#{$v}-align-content: $a; } } align-content: $a; } @mixin flex-justify-content($j) { @each $v in $vendors { @if $v == ms { -ms-flex-pack: if($j==flex-start, start, if($j==flex-end, end, $j)); } @else { -#{$v}-justify-content: $j; } } justify-content: $j; } @mixin flex-justify-items($j) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-justify-items: $j; } justify-items: $j; } @mixin flex-justify-self($j) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-justify-self: $j; } justify-self: $j; } // Columns @mixin flex-columns($c) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-column-count: $c; } column-count: $c; } @mixin flex-columns-gap($g) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-column-gap: $g; } column-gap: $g; } // Transitions //------------------------------------------ $delay: 0.3s; $ease: ease; @mixin transition($params...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transition: if(str-slice(nth(nth($params, 1), 1), 0, 9) == transform, unquote("-#{$v}-#{$params}"), $params); } transition: $params; } @mixin transition-property($prop, $d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition($prop $d $e); } @mixin transition-properties($props...) { $buf: ''; @each $p in $props { @if $buf == '' { $buf: unquote("#{$p} #{$delay} #{$ease}"); } @else { $buf: unquote("#{$buf}, #{$p} #{$delay} #{$ease}"); } } @include transition($buf); } @mixin transition-none { @include transition(none); } @mixin transition-all($d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition(all $d $e); } @mixin transition-color($d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition(color $d $e); } @mixin transition-bg-color($d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition(background-color $d $e); } @mixin transition-bd-color($d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition(border-color $d $e); } @mixin transition-colors($d: $delay, $e: $ease) { @include transition(color $d $e, background-color $d $e, border-color $d $e); } @mixin transition-timing($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); } transition-timing-function: cubic-bezier($x1, $y1, $x2, $y2); } @mixin transition-duration($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transition-duration: $d; } transition-duration: $d; } @mixin transition-delay($d) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transition-delay: $d; } transition-delay: $d; } // Transform //------------------------------------------ @mixin transform($params...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: $params; } transform: $params; } @mixin transform-none { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: none; } transform: none; } @mixin transform-origin($params...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform-origin: $params; } transform-origin: $params; } @mixin transform-style($s) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform-style: $s; } transform-style: $s; } @mixin preserve3d { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform-style: preserve-3d; } transform-style: preserve-3d; } @mixin translate($x: -50%, $y: -50%) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: translate($x, $y); } transform: translate($x, $y); } @mixin translate3d($x: 0, $y: 0, $z: 0) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z); } transform: translate3d($x, $y, $z); } @mixin translateX($x: -50%) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: translateX($x); } transform: translateX($x); } @mixin translateY($y: -50%) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: translateY($y); } transform: translateY($y); } @mixin rotate($a) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: rotate($a); } transform: rotate($a); } @mixin rotateX($a) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: rotateX($a); } transform: rotateX($a); } @mixin rotateY($a) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: rotateY($a); } transform: rotateY($a); } @mixin rotateZ($a) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: rotateZ($a); } transform: rotateZ($a); } @mixin scale($x: 0, $y: '') { @if $y == '' { $y: $x; } @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: scale($x, $y); } transform: scale($x, $y); } @mixin scaleX($x: 0) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: scaleX($x); } transform: scaleX($x); } @mixin scaleY($y: 0) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: scaleY($y); } transform: scaleY($y); } @mixin scale3d($x: 0, $y: 0, $z: 0) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: scale3d($x, $y, $z); } transform: scale3d($x, $y, $z); } @mixin skew($x: 0, $y: '') { @if $y == '' { $y: $x; } @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-transform: skew($x, $y); } transform: skew($x, $y); } @mixin perspective($p) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-perspective: $p; } perspective: $p; } @mixin perspective-origin($params...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-perspective-origin: $params; } perspective-origin: $params; } // Backface visibility @mixin backface-hidden { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-backface-visibility: hidden; } backface-visibility: hidden; } @mixin backface-visible { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-backface-visibility: visible; } backface-visibility: visible; } // Filters //------------------------------------------ @mixin filter($params...) { @each $v in $vendors_all { -#{$v}-filter: $params; } filter: $params; } // Animation //------------------------------------------ @mixin animation($params...) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-animation: $params; } animation: $params; } @mixin animation-timing($t) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-animation-timing-function: $t; } animation-timing-function: $t; } @mixin animation-delay($t) { @each $v in $vendors { -#{$v}-animation-delay: $t; } animation-delay: $t; } // Utils //------------------------------------------ @mixin user-select($s) { -webkit-user-select: $s; -khtml-user-select: $s; -moz-user-select: $s; -ms-user-select: $s; user-select: $s; } @mixin user-select-none { @include user-select(none); } @mixin external-link { content: '\f504'; font-family: 'dashicons'; font-weight: normal; display: inline-block; vertical-align: baseline; line-height: inherit; position: relative; top: 3px; left: 0.3em; }