Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/Aggregator.php |
<?php // Don't load directly use Tribe\Events\Admin\Settings; defined( 'WPINC' ) or die; class Tribe__Events__Aggregator { /** * Cache key used to storage the services list returned by the call to: * - Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Service::instance()->get_origins(); * * @since 4.6.12 */ public $KEY_CACHE_SERVICES = 'tribe_aggregator_services_list'; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Meta_Box Event Aggregator Meta Box object */ public $meta_box; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Page Event Aggregator page root object */ public $page; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Service Event Aggregator service object */ public $service; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Processor Event Aggregator record queue processor */ public $queue_processor; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Realtime Event Aggregator record queue processor in realtime */ public $queue_realtime; /** * @var Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Settings Event Aggregator settings object */ public $settings; /** * @var Tribe__PUE__Checker PUE Checker object */ public $pue_checker; /** * @var array Collection of API objects */ protected $api; /** * People who modify this value are not nice people. * * @var int Maximum number of import requests per day */ private $daily_limit = 100; /** * A variable holder if Aggregator is loaded * @var boolean */ private $is_loaded = false; /** * Static Singleton Factory Method * * @return Tribe__Events__Aggregator */ public static function instance() { return tribe( 'events-aggregator.main' ); } /** * Add Event Aggregator System Status to the Help page */ public function add_status_to_help() { global $plugin_page; $is_multisite_help_page = is_multisite() && is_network_admin() && ! empty( $_GET['page'] ) && $_GET['page'] === tribe( 'settings' )->get_help_slug(); if ( ! ( 'tribe-help' === $plugin_page || $is_multisite_help_page ) ) { return; } $help = Tribe__Admin__Help_Page::instance(); $section_name = 'tribe-aggregator-status'; $section_title = __( 'Event Aggregator System Status', 'the-events-calendar' ); ob_start(); include_once Tribe__Events__Main::instance()->pluginPath . 'src/admin-views/aggregator/status.php'; $status_html = ob_get_clean(); if ( empty( $status_html ) ) { return; } $help->add_section( $section_name, $section_title, 60 ); $help->add_section_content( $section_name, $status_html ); } /** * Set up any necessary notices */ public function setup_notices() { if ( ! is_admin() || tribe( 'context' )->doing_ajax() ) { return; } } /** * Initializes and provides the API objects * * @param string $api Which API to provide * * @return Tribe__Events__Aggregator__API__Abstract|stdClass|null */ public function api( $api = null ) { if ( ! $this->api ) { $this->api = (object) [ 'origins' => new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__API__Origins, 'import' => new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__API__Import, 'image' => new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__API__Image, ]; } if ( ! $api ) { return $this->api; } if ( empty( $this->api->$api ) ) { return null; } return $this->api->$api; } /** * Creates the Required Endpoint for the Aggregator Service to Query * * @param array $query_vars * * @return void */ public function action_endpoint_configuration( $rewrite ) { $rewrite->add( [ 'event-aggregator', '(insert)' ], [ 'tribe-aggregator' => 1, 'tribe-action' => '%1' ] ); } /** * Adds the required Query Vars for the Aggregator Endpoint to work * * @param array $query_vars * * @return array */ public function filter_endpoint_query_vars( $query_vars = [] ) { $query_vars[] = 'tribe-aggregator'; $query_vars[] = 'tribe-action'; return $query_vars; } /** * Allows the API to call the website * * @param WP $wp * * @return void */ public function action_endpoint_parse_request( $wp ) { // If we don't have both of these we bail if ( ! isset( $wp->query_vars['tribe-aggregator'] ) || empty( $wp->query_vars['tribe-action'] ) ) { return; } // Fetches which action we are talking about `/event-aggregator/{$action}` $action = $wp->query_vars['tribe-action']; // Bail if we don't have an action if ( ! $action ) { return; } /** * Allow developers to hook on Event Aggregator endpoint * We will always exit with a JSON answer error * * @param string $action Which action was requested * @param WP $wp The WordPress Request object */ do_action( 'tribe_aggregator_endpoint', $action, $wp ); /** * Allow developers to hook to a specific Event Aggregator endpoint * We will always exit with a JSON answer error * * @param WP $wp The WordPress Request object */ do_action( "tribe_aggregator_endpoint_{$action}", $wp ); // If we reached this point this endpoint call was invalid return wp_send_json_error(); } /** * Handles the filtering of the PUE "plugin name" for event aggregator which...isn't a plugin * * @param string $plugin_name Plugin name to filter * @param string $plugin_slug Plugin slug * * @return string */ public function filter_pue_plugin_name( $plugin_name, $plugin_slug ) { if ( 'event-aggregator' !== $plugin_slug ) { return $plugin_name; } return __( 'Event Aggregator', 'the-events-calendar' ); } /** * Filters the list of post types for Event Tickets to remove Import Records * * @param array $post_types Post Types * * @return array */ public function filter_remove_record_post_type( $post_types ) { if ( isset( $post_types[ Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type ] ) ) { unset( $post_types[ Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::$post_type ] ); } return $post_types; } /** * Purges the aggregator transients that are tied to the event-aggregator license * * @param string $option Option key * * @return boolean */ public function action_purge_transients( $option ) { if ( 'pue_install_key_event_aggregator' !== $option ) { return false; } $cache_group = $this->api( 'origins' )->cache_group; $purged = true; $purged &= (bool) delete_transient( "{$cache_group}_origins" ); $purged &= (bool) delete_transient( "{$cache_group}_origin_limit" ); return $purged; } /** * Verify if Aggregator was fully loaded and is active * * @param boolean $service Should compare if the service is also active * * @return boolean */ public function is_active( $service = false ) { // If it's not loaded just bail false if ( false === (bool) $this->is_loaded ) { return false; } if ( true === $service ) { return self::is_service_active(); } return true; } /** * Verifies if the service is active * * @return boolean */ public static function is_service_active() { return ! is_wp_error( tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' )->api() ); } /** * Verifies if user has a license key * * @return boolean * * @since 4.6.19 */ public function has_license_key() { $key = get_option( 'pue_install_key_event_aggregator' ); if ( is_multisite() ) { $network_key = get_network_option( null, 'pue_install_key_event_aggregator' ); $key = ! empty( $key ) && $network_key !== $key ? $key : $network_key; } if ( empty( $key ) ) { return false; } return true; } /** * Returns the daily import limit * * @return int */ public function get_daily_limit() { $import_daily_limit = $this->api( 'origins' )->get_limit( 'import' ); return $import_daily_limit ? $import_daily_limit : $this->daily_limit; } /** * Returns the available daily limit of import requests * * @return int */ public function get_daily_limit_available() { $available = get_transient( $this->daily_limit_transient_key() ); $daily_limit = $this->get_daily_limit(); if ( false === $available ) { return $daily_limit; } return (int) $available < $daily_limit ? $available : $daily_limit; } /** * Reduces the daily limit by the provided amount * * @param int $amount Amount to reduce the daily limit by * * @return bool */ public function reduce_daily_limit( $amount = 1 ) { if ( ! is_numeric( $amount ) ) { return new WP_Error( 'tribe-invalid-integer', esc_html__( 'You must use an integer to reduce the daily import limit', 'the-events-calendar' ) ); } if ( $amount < 0 ) { return true; } $available = $this->get_daily_limit_available(); $available -= $amount; if ( $available < 0 ) { $available = 0; } return set_transient( $this->daily_limit_transient_key(), $available, DAY_IN_SECONDS ); } /** * Generates the current daily transient key */ private function daily_limit_transient_key() { return 'tribe-aggregator-limit-used_' . date( 'Y-m-d' ); } /** * Tells whether the legacy ical plugin is active * * @return boolean */ public function is_legacy_ical_active() { return class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Ical_Importer__Main' ); } /** * Tells whether the legacy facebook plugin is active * * @return boolean */ public function is_legacy_facebook_active() { return class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Facebook__Importer' ); } /** * Loads and initializes Events Aggregator. * * Will set the `is_loaded` flag property if successfully loaded. * * @return bool Whether Events Aggregator successfully loaded or not. */ public function load() { /** * As previously seen by other major features some users would rather have it not active * * @var bool */ $should_load = (bool) apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_should_load', true ); // You shall not Load! if ( false === $should_load ) { return false; } // Loads the Required Classes and saves them as proprieties $this->meta_box = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Meta_Box::instance(); $this->migrate = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Migrate::instance(); $this->page = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Page::instance(); $this->service = tribe( 'events-aggregator.service' ); $this->settings = tribe( 'events-aggregator.settings' ); $this->records = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Records::instance(); $this->cron = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Cron::instance(); $this->queue_processor = new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Processor; $this->queue_realtime = new Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Record__Queue_Realtime( null, null, $this->queue_processor ); $this->errors = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Errors::instance(); $this->pue_checker = new Tribe__PUE__Checker( 'http://tri.be/', 'event-aggregator', [ 'context' => 'service' ] ); // Initializes the Classes related to the API $this->api(); // Flags that the Aggregator has been fully loaded $this->is_loaded = true; return $this->is_loaded; } /** * Adds support for CSV's multiple mime types * * WordPress mime support requires a one to one mapping of an extension to a type, but CSV can come in multiple types * * @param array $mimes supported mime types * @return array mime types with expanded support */ public function add_csv_mimes( $info, $file, $filename, $mimes ) { $wp_filetype = wp_check_filetype( $filename, $mimes ); $ext = $wp_filetype['ext']; $type = $wp_filetype['type']; if ( $ext !== 'csv' ) { return $info; } if ( function_exists( 'finfo_file' ) ) { // Use finfo_file if available to validate non-image files. $finfo = finfo_open( FILEINFO_MIME_TYPE ); $real_mime = finfo_file( $finfo, $file ); finfo_close( $finfo ); // If the extension matches an alternate mime type, let's use it if ( in_array( $real_mime, [ 'text/plain', 'text/csv', 'text/comma-separated-values' ] ) ) { $info['ext'] = $ext; $info['type'] = $type; } } return $info; } /** * Adds the Items for Aggregator on the Admin bar * * @since 4.5.12 * * @return void */ public function add_admin_bar_items() { $admin_bar = Tribe__Events__Aggregator__Admin_Bar::instance(); if ( ! $admin_bar->is_enabled() ) { return; } global $wp_admin_bar; $admin_bar->init( $wp_admin_bar ); } /** * Hooks all the filters and actions needed for Events Aggregator to work. * * No action or filter will be loaded if Events Aggregator has not loaded first. * * @return bool `true` if the hooks and filters were added, `false` otherwise. */ public function hook() { if ( ! $this->is_loaded ) { return false; } // Register the Aggregator Endpoint add_action( 'tribe_events_pre_rewrite', [ $this, 'action_endpoint_configuration' ] ); // Intercept the Endpoint and trigger actions add_action( 'parse_request', [ $this, 'action_endpoint_parse_request' ] ); // Add endpoint query vars add_filter( 'query_vars', [ $this, 'filter_endpoint_query_vars' ] ); // Filter the "plugin name" for Event Aggregator add_filter( 'pue_get_plugin_name', [ $this, 'filter_pue_plugin_name' ], 10, 2 ); // To make sure that meaningful cache is purged when settings are changed add_action( 'updated_option', [ $this, 'action_purge_transients' ] ); // Remove aggregator records from ET add_filter( 'tribe_tickets_settings_post_types', [ $this, 'filter_remove_record_post_type' ] ); // Notify users about expiring Facebook Token if oauth is enabled add_action( 'plugins_loaded', [ $this, 'setup_notices' ], 11 ); // Add admin bar items for Aggregator add_action( 'wp_before_admin_bar_render', [ $this, 'add_admin_bar_items' ], 10 ); // Remove caches associated with the list of services add_action( 'tribe_settings_after_save', [ $this, 'clear_services_list_cache' ] ); // Let's prevent events-importer-ical from DESTROYING its saved recurring imports when it gets deactivated if ( class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__Ical_Importer__Main' ) ) { remove_action( 'deactivate_' . plugin_basename( Tribe__Events__Ical_Importer__Main::$plugin_path . 'the-events-calendar-ical-importer.php' ), 'tribe_events_ical_deactivate' ); } add_action( 'admin_init', [ $this, 'add_status_to_help' ] ); add_filter( 'wp_check_filetype_and_ext', [ $this, 'add_csv_mimes' ], 10, 4 ); return true; } /** * Function used to remove cache stored in transients. * * @since 4.6.12 * * @return boolean */ public function clear_services_list_cache() { return delete_transient( $this->KEY_CACHE_SERVICES ); } public function notice_facebook_oauth_feedback() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.6.24', 'Importing from Facebook is no longer supported in Event Aggregator.' ); if ( empty( $_GET['ea-auth'] ) || 'facebook' !== $_GET['ea-auth'] ) { return false; } $html = '<p>' . esc_html__( 'Successfully connected Event Aggregator to Facebook', 'the-events-calendar' ) . '</p>'; return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-aggregator-facebook-oauth-feedback', $html ); } public function notice_facebook_token_expired() { _deprecated_function( __FUNCTION__, '4.6.24', 'Importing from Facebook is no longer supported in Event Aggregator.' ); if ( ! Tribe__Admin__Helpers::instance()->is_screen() ) { return false; } $expires = tribe_get_option( 'fb_token_expires' ); // Empty Token if ( empty( $expires ) ) { return false; } /** * Allow developers to filter how many seconds they want to be warned about FB token expiring * @param int */ $boundary = apply_filters( 'tribe_aggregator_facebook_token_expire_notice_boundary', 4 * DAY_IN_SECONDS ); // Creates a Boundary for expire warning to appear, before the actual expiring of the token $boundary = $expires - $boundary; if ( time() < $boundary ) { return false; } $diff = human_time_diff( time(), $boundary ); $passed = ( time() - $expires ); $original = date( 'Y-m-d H:i:s', $expires ); $time[] = '<span title="' . esc_attr( $original ) . '">'; if ( $passed > 0 ) { $time[] = sprintf( esc_html_x( 'about %s ago', 'human readable time ago', 'the-events-calendar' ), $diff ); } else { $time[] = sprintf( esc_html_x( 'in about %s', 'in human readable time', 'the-events-calendar' ), $diff ); } $time[] = '</span>'; $time = implode( '', $time ); ob_start(); ?> <p> <?php if ( $passed > 0 ) { printf( esc_html__( 'Your Event Aggregator Facebook token expired %s.', 'the-events-calendar' ), esc_html( $time ) ); } else { printf( esc_html__( 'Your Event Aggregator Facebook token will expire %s.', 'the-events-calendar' ), esc_html( $time ) ); } ?> </p> <p> <a href="<?php echo esc_url( tribe( Settings::class )->get_url( [ 'tab' => 'addons' ] ) ); ?>" class="tribe-license-link" > <?php esc_html_e( 'Renew your Event Aggregator Facebook token', 'the-events-calendar' ); ?> </a> </p> <?php $html = ob_get_clean(); return Tribe__Admin__Notices::instance()->render( 'tribe-aggregator-facebook-token-expired', $html ); } }