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Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/wp-content/plugins/the-events-calendar/src/Tribe/API.php |
<?php /** * Event API - can be used by other plugins to manipulate events */ // Don't load directly if ( ! defined( 'ABSPATH' ) ) { die( '-1' ); } use Tribe__Date_Utils as Dates; use Tribe__Timezones as Timezones; if ( ! class_exists( 'Tribe__Events__API' ) ) { class Tribe__Events__API { public static $valid_venue_keys = [ 'Venue', 'Address', 'City', 'Province', 'State', 'StateProvince', 'Province', 'Zip', 'Phone', ]; public static $valid_organizer_keys = [ 'Organizer', 'Phone', 'Email', 'Website', ]; /** * Create a new event * * @param array $args The post args. * * @return int|WP_Error The created event ID or a WP_Error object if it fails. */ public static function createEvent( $args ) { $args['post_type'] = Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE; $args = self::sanitize_event_post_create_update_args( $args ); /** * Allow filtering of arguments in prior to inserting the event and meta fields. * * @param array $args The fields we want saved. * * @since 4.9.4 */ $args = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_event_insert_args', $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $args ) ) { return $args; } $event_id = wp_insert_post( $args, true ); if ( ! is_wp_error( $event_id ) ) { self::saveEventMeta( $event_id, $args, get_post( $event_id ) ); } return $event_id; } /** * Update an existing event * * @param int $event_id The event ID to update. * @param array $args The post args. * * @return int|WP_Error The updated event ID or a WP_Error object if it fails. */ public static function updateEvent( $event_id, $args ) { $event_id = absint( $event_id ); $post = get_post( $event_id ); $args['ID'] = $event_id; $args['post_type'] = Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE; // allow for the change of the date and the status in the same update request if ( isset( $args['post_date'], $args['post_status'] ) && in_array( $post->post_status, [ 'draft', 'pending', 'auto-draft' ] ) && $args['post_status'] !== $post->post_status ) { $args['edit_date'] = true; } /** * Allow hooking prior the update of an event and meta fields. * * @param array $args The fields we want saved. * @param int $event_id The event ID we are modifying. * @param WP_Post $post The event itself. * * @since 4.9.4 */ $args = apply_filters( 'tribe_events_event_update_args', $args, $event_id, $post ); $args = self::sanitize_event_post_create_update_args( $args ); if ( is_wp_error( $args ) ) { return $args; } /** * Disallow the update for an event via the Tribe API * * @param bool $disallow_update Flag to control the update of a post false by default. * @param int $event_id The event ID. * * @since 4.9.4 */ if ( apply_filters( 'tribe_events_event_prevent_update', false, $event_id ) ) { return $event_id; } if ( wp_update_post( $args ) ) { self::saveEventMeta( $event_id, $args, $post ); } return $event_id; } /** * Delete an event - all instances if recurring * * @param int $eventId The Event ID to delete. * @param bool $force_delete Same as the WP parameter. * * @return mixed */ public static function deleteEvent( $eventId, $force_delete = false ) { return wp_delete_post( $eventId, $force_delete ); } /** * Used by createEvent and updateEvent - saves all the various event meta * * @param int $event_id The event ID we are modifying meta for. * @param array $data The meta fields we want saved. * @param WP_Post $event The event post, itself. * * @return bool */ public static function saveEventMeta( $event_id, $data, $event = null ) { $tec = Tribe__Events__Main::instance(); $raw_data = $data; $data = self::prepare_event_date_meta( $event_id, $data ); if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) { /** * Hook fired when saving or updating event meta fields failed due to detection of invalid data. * * Example of invalid data is an EventStartMinute of `60`, since it should be 0-59. * * @param int $event_id The event ID we are modifying meta for. * @param array $raw_data The meta fields we tried to send. * @param WP_Post $event The event itself. * * @since 4.6.20 */ do_action( 'tribe_events_event_save_failed_invalid_meta', $event_id, $raw_data, $event ); return false; } if ( empty( $data['EventHideFromUpcoming'] ) ) { delete_metadata( 'post', $event_id, '_EventHideFromUpcoming' ); } update_metadata( 'post', $event_id, '_EventShowMapLink', isset( $data['venue']['EventShowMapLink'] ) ); update_metadata( 'post', $event_id, '_EventShowMap', isset( $data['venue']['EventShowMap'] ) ); if ( isset( $data['post_status'] ) ) { $post_status = $data['post_status']; } else { $post_status = get_post_status( $event_id ); } // Handle the submission of linked post type posts (like venue and organizer) Tribe__Events__Linked_Posts::instance()->handle_submission( $event_id, $data ); // Ordinarily there is a single cost value for each event, but addons (ie, ticketing plugins) may need // to record a number of different price points for the same event $event_cost = isset( $data['EventCost'] ) ? (array) $data['EventCost'] : []; $data['EventCost'] = (array) apply_filters( 'tribe_events_event_costs', $event_cost, $event_id ); // If we are saving just one meta, we reset to avoid deleting and re-adding cost every time if ( is_array( $data['EventCost'] ) && 1 === count( $data['EventCost'] ) ) { $data['EventCost'] = reset( $data['EventCost'] ); } if ( isset( $data['FeaturedImage'] ) ) { if ( empty( $data['FeaturedImage'] ) ) { delete_post_meta( $event_id, '_thumbnail_id' ); } else { update_metadata( 'post', $event_id, '_thumbnail_id', $data['FeaturedImage'] ); } unset( $data['FeaturedImage'] ); } if ( isset( $data['EventAllDay'] ) && 'yes' === $data['EventAllDay'] ) { $data['EventDuration'] = null; } /** * Allow hooking in prior to updating meta fields. * * @param int $event_id The event ID we are modifying meta for. * @param array $data The meta fields we want saved. * @param WP_Post $event The event itself. * * @since 4.6 */ do_action( 'tribe_events_event_save', $event_id, $data, $event ); //update meta fields foreach ( $tec->metaTags as $tag ) { $htmlElement = ltrim( $tag, '_' ); if ( isset( $data[ $htmlElement ] ) && $tag != Tribe__Events__Main::EVENTSERROROPT ) { if ( is_string( $data[ $htmlElement ] ) ) { $data[ $htmlElement ] = filter_var( $data[ $htmlElement ], FILTER_SANITIZE_STRING ); } // Fields with multiple values per key if ( is_array( $data[ $htmlElement ] ) ) { delete_metadata( 'post', $event_id, $tag ); foreach ( $data[ $htmlElement ] as $value ) { add_metadata( 'post', $event_id, $tag, $value ); } } // Fields with a single value per key else { update_metadata( 'post', $event_id, $tag, $data[ $htmlElement ] ); } } } // Set sticky state for calendar view. if ( $event instanceof WP_Post ) { if ( isset( $data['EventShowInCalendar'] ) && $data['EventShowInCalendar'] == 'yes' && $event->menu_order != '-1' ) { $update_event = [ 'ID' => $event_id, 'menu_order' => '-1', ]; wp_update_post( $update_event ); } elseif ( ( ! isset( $data['EventShowInCalendar'] ) || $data['EventShowInCalendar'] != 'yes' ) && $event->menu_order == '-1' ) { $update_event = [ 'ID' => $event_id, 'menu_order' => '0', ]; wp_update_post( $update_event ); } } // Set featured status empty( $data['feature_event'] ) ? tribe( 'tec.featured_events' )->unfeature( $event_id ) : tribe( 'tec.featured_events' )->feature( $event_id ); /** * Allow hooking in after all event meta has been saved. * * @param int $event_id The event ID we are modifying meta for. * @param array $data The meta fields we want saved. * @param WP_Post $event The event itself. * * @since 4.6 */ do_action( 'tribe_events_update_meta', $event_id, $data, $event ); return true; } /** * Determines if a meta value has been changed * * @param string $field Field to compare against * @param array $new New data * @param array $old Old post data * * @return boolean */ public static function is_meta_value_changed( $field, $new, $old ) { if ( 0 === strpos( $field, '_' ) ) { $field = ltrim( $field, '_' ); } $prefixed_field = "_{$field}"; if ( isset( $new[ $field ] ) && ! isset( $old[ $prefixed_field ] ) && ! empty( $new[ $field ] ) ) { return true; } if ( ! isset( $new[ $field ] ) && isset( $old[ $prefixed_field ] ) ) { return true; } elseif ( ! isset( $new[ $field ] ) ) { // if the new field isn't set and the old field isn't set, there's no change return false; } $data_value = $new[ $field ]; if ( is_array( $data_value ) && ! count( $data_value ) ) { $data_value = null; } if ( ! isset( $old[ $prefixed_field ] ) || $data_value !== $old[ $prefixed_field ] ) { return true; } return false; } /** * Determines if a post value has been changed * * @param string $field Field to compare against * @param array $new New data * @param array $old WP_Post pre-update * * @return boolean */ public static function is_post_value_changed( $field, $new, $old ) { if ( ! is_object( $new ) ) { $new = (object) $new; } if ( ! is_object( $old ) ) { $old = (object) $old; } if ( ! isset( $new->$field ) ) { return false; } if ( isset( $new->$field ) && ! isset( $old->$field ) ) { return true; } if ( $new->$field !== $old->$field ) { return true; } return false; } /** * given a set of meta data, prepare date data if it exists * * @param $data array Associative array of event meta data * * @return array|WP_Error */ protected static function prepare_event_date_meta( $event_id, $data ) { $date_provided = false; if ( isset( $data['EventAllDay'] ) ) { if ( Tribe__Date_Utils::is_all_day( $data['EventAllDay'] ) ) { $data['EventAllDay'] = 'yes'; } else { $data['EventAllDay'] = 'no'; } } $data = self::sanitize_event_post_create_update_args( $data ); if ( is_wp_error( $data ) ) { return $data; } $datepicker_format = Tribe__Date_Utils::datepicker_formats( tribe_get_option( 'datepickerFormat' ) ); if ( isset( $data['EventStartDate'] ) ) { $data['EventStartDate'] = Tribe__Date_Utils::datetime_from_format( $datepicker_format, $data['EventStartDate'] ); } elseif ( $existing_start_date = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventStartDate', true ) ) { $data['EventStartDate'] = $existing_start_date; } if ( isset( $data['EventEndDate'] ) ) { $data['EventEndDate'] = Tribe__Date_Utils::datetime_from_format( $datepicker_format, $data['EventEndDate'] ); } elseif ( $existing_end_date = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventEndDate', true ) ) { $data['EventEndDate'] = $existing_end_date; } if ( isset( $data['EventAllDay'] ) && 'yes' === $data['EventAllDay'] ) { $date_provided = true; $data['EventStartDate'] = tribe_beginning_of_day( $data['EventStartDate'] ); $data['EventEndDate'] = tribe_end_of_day( $data['EventEndDate'] ); } elseif ( isset( $data['EventStartDate'], $data['EventEndDate'] ) ) { $has_start_time = isset( $data['EventStartTime'] ); $has_start_hour_min = isset( $data['EventStartHour'], $data['EventStartMinute'] ); $has_end_time = isset( $data['EventEndTime'] ); $has_end_hour_minute = isset( $data['EventEndHour'], $data['EventEndMinute'] ); $date_provided = ( $has_start_time || $has_start_hour_min ) && ( $has_end_time || $has_end_hour_minute ); delete_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventAllDay' ); if ( $has_start_time || $has_start_hour_min ) { // EventStartTime will always be 24h Format if ( $has_start_time ) { $start_date_string = "{$data['EventStartDate']} {$data['EventStartTime']}"; } elseif ( $has_start_hour_min ) { $start_date_string = "{$data['EventStartDate']} {$data['EventStartHour']}:{$data['EventStartMinute']}:00"; if ( isset( $data['EventStartMeridian'] ) ) { $start_date_string .= " {$data['EventStartMeridian']}"; } } $data['EventStartDate'] = date( Tribe__Date_Utils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime( $start_date_string ) ); } if ( $has_end_time || $has_end_hour_minute ) { // EventEndTime will always be 24h Format if ( $has_end_time ) { $end_date_string = "{$data['EventEndDate']} {$data['EventEndTime']}"; } elseif ( $has_end_hour_minute ) { $end_date_string = "{$data['EventEndDate']} {$data['EventEndHour']}:{$data['EventEndMinute']}:00"; if ( isset( $data['EventEndMeridian'] ) ) { $end_date_string .= " {$data['EventEndMeridian']}"; } } $data['EventEndDate'] = date( Tribe__Date_Utils::DBDATETIMEFORMAT, strtotime( $end_date_string ) ); } } if ( ! $date_provided ) { $data['EventStartDate'] = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventStartDate', true ); $data['EventEndDate'] = get_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventEndDate', true ); } // If a specific timezone was not specified, default to the sitewide timezone if ( empty( $data['EventTimezone'] ) ) { $data['EventTimezone'] = Tribe__Events__Timezones::wp_timezone_string(); } if ( empty( $data['EventTimezoneAbbr'] ) ) { if ( Tribe__Timezones::is_utc_offset( $data['EventTimezone'] ) ) { $data['EventTimezoneAbbr'] = $data['EventTimezone']; } elseif ( Tribe__Timezones::is_valid_timezone( $data['EventTimezone'] ) ) { $data['EventTimezoneAbbr'] = Tribe__Events__Timezones::abbr( $data['EventStartDate'], $data['EventTimezone'] ); } else { $data['EventTimezoneAbbr'] = Tribe__Timezones::wp_timezone_abbr( $data['EventStartDate'] ); } } if ( ! $date_provided ) { return $data; } // Additionally store datetimes in UTC if ( empty( $data['EventStartDateUTC'] ) ) { $data['EventStartDateUTC'] = Tribe__Events__Timezones::to_utc( $data['EventStartDate'], $data['EventTimezone'] ); } if ( empty( $data['EventEndDateUTC'] ) ) { $data['EventEndDateUTC'] = Tribe__Events__Timezones::to_utc( $data['EventEndDate'], $data['EventTimezone'] ); } // sanity check that start date < end date $timezone = Timezones::build_timezone_object( $data['EventTimezone'] ); $start_timestamp = Dates::build_date_object( $data['EventStartDate'], $timezone )->getTimestamp(); $end_timestamp = Dates::build_date_object( $data['EventEndDate'], $timezone )->getTimestamp(); if ( $start_timestamp > $end_timestamp ) { $data['EventEndDate'] = $data['EventStartDate']; $end_timestamp = Dates::build_date_object( $data['EventStartDate'], $timezone )->getTimestamp(); } $data['EventDuration'] = $end_timestamp - $start_timestamp; return $data; }//end prepare_event_date_meta /** * Triggers an update of the cost meta data (min <-> max) for an event. * * This is primarily for internal use where an addon needs to update the cost meta * data for an event (but no other meta fields). To actually add to or modify the * range of cost values the tribe_events_event_costs filter hook should be * leveraged. * * @since 5.8.2 * @param array|string|int $cost Event cost. * @param int $event_id Event post ID. * */ public static function update_event_cost( $event_id, $cost = [] ) { // Loads current event costs, on construct // Tribe__Events__Tickets__Tickets->get_ticket_prices() adds them to this filter /** * Allows filtering of the event cost and returns either an int or string * depending on whether the event cost is a single value or a price range * * @since 3.9 * * @param array|string|int $cost Event cost. * @param int $event_id Event post ID. */ $event_cost = (array) apply_filters( 'tribe_events_event_costs', $cost, $event_id ); // Kill the old cost meta data delete_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventCost' ); // Add fresh entries for each of the new values foreach ( $event_cost as $cost ) { add_post_meta( $event_id, '_EventCost', $cost ); } } /** * @param int $event_id The event post ID * @param array $args An array of arguments supported by the `wp_get_object_terms` function. * * @since 4.5 * * @see wp_get_object_terms() * * @return array An associative array of terms in the [ <taxonomy> => [ <term_1>, <term_2>, ...], ...] format. */ public static function get_event_terms( $event_id, array $args = [] ) { $terms = []; foreach ( get_post_taxonomies( $event_id ) as $taxonomy ) { $tax_terms = wp_get_object_terms( $event_id, $taxonomy, $args ); $terms[ $taxonomy ] = $tax_terms; } return $terms; } /** * Saves the event organizer information passed via an event * * @param array $data The organizer data. * @param WP_Post $post The post. * @param string $post_status The intended post status. * * @return mixed */ private static function saveEventOrganizer( $data, $post = null, $post_status = 'publish' ) { $organizer_id = ! empty( $data['OrganizerID'] ) ? $data['OrganizerID'] : null; return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->save( $organizer_id, $data, Tribe__Events__Organizer::POSTTYPE, $post_status ); } /** * Saves the event venue information passed via an event * * @param array $data The venue data. * @param WP_Post $post The venue object. * @param string $post_status The intended post status. * * @return mixed. */ private static function saveEventVenue( $data, $post = null, $post_status = 'publish' ) { $venue_id = ! empty( $data['VenueID'] ) ? $data['VenueID'] : null; return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->save( $venue_id, $data, Tribe__Events__Venue::POSTTYPE, $post_status ); } /** * Creates a new organizer * * @param array $data The organizer data. * @param string $post_status the intended post status. * * @return mixed */ public static function createOrganizer( $data, $post_status = 'publish' ) { return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->create( $data, $post_status ); } /** * Check to see if any organizer data set * * @param array $data the organizer data. * * @return bool If there is ANY organizer data set, return true. */ private static function someOrganizerDataSet( $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->has_organizer_data( $data ); } /** * Deletes an organizer * * @param int $organizer_id The organizer ID to delete. * @param bool $force_delete Same as WP param. * */ public static function deleteOrganizer( $organizer_id, $force_delete = false ) { return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->delete( $organizer_id, $force_delete ); } /** * Updates an organizer * * @param int $organizer_id The organizer ID to update. * @param array $data The organizer data. * */ public static function updateOrganizer( $organizer_id, $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->update( $organizer_id, $data ); } /** * Saves organizer meta * * @param int $organizer_id The organizer ID. * @param array $data The organizer data. * */ private static function saveOrganizerMeta( $organizer_id, $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Organizer::instance()->save_meta( $organizer_id, $data ); } /** * Creates a new venue * * @param array $data The venue data. * @param string $post_status the intended post status. * * @return mixed */ public static function createVenue( $data, $post_status = 'publish' ) { return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->create( $data, $post_status ); } /** * Check to see if any venue data set * * @param array $data the venue data. * * @return bool If there is ANY venue data set, return true. */ private static function someVenueDataSet( $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->has_venue_data( $data ); } /** * Updates an venue * * @param int $venue_id The venue ID to update. * @param array $data The venue data. * */ public static function updateVenue( $venue_id, $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->update( $venue_id, $data ); } /** * Deletes a venue * * @param int $venue_id The venue ID to delete. * @param bool $force_delete Same as WP param. * */ public static function deleteVenue( $venue_id, $force_delete = false ) { return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->delete( $venue_id, $force_delete ); } /** * Saves venue meta * * @param int $venue_id The venue ID. * @param array $data The venue data. * */ private static function saveVenueMeta( $venue_id, $data ) { return Tribe__Events__Venue::instance()->save_meta( $venue_id, $data ); } /** * Gets all post meta and flattens it out a bit * * @param int $event_id Post ID for event * * @return array */ public static function get_and_flatten_event_meta( $event_id ) { $temp_post_meta = get_post_meta( $event_id ); $post_meta = []; foreach ( (array) $temp_post_meta as $key => $value ) { if ( 1 === count( $value ) ) { $post_meta[ $key ] = maybe_unserialize( reset( $value ) ); } else { $post_meta[ $key ] = maybe_unserialize( $value ); } } return $post_meta; } /** * Sanitize the arguments array before sending to create/update an event post. * * Use this prior to sending arguments to post create/update function. * * @since 4.6.20 * * @see Tribe__Events__API::sanitize_meridian_meta_value * @see Tribe__Events__API::sanitize_hour_meta_value * @see Tribe__Events__API::sanitize_minute_meta_value * * @param array $args The arguments sent to create/update an event post. * * @return array|WP_Error */ public static function sanitize_event_post_create_update_args( $args ) { if ( ! is_array( $args ) || empty( $args['post_type'] ) || Tribe__Events__Main::POSTTYPE !== $args['post_type'] ) { return $args; } // Sanitize if valid, or fail with WP_Error if invalid. // Could enhance this with more comprehensive checks in the future. // Process meridian fields before hour fields to determine if hours are to be in the 12-hour or 24-hour format. if ( ! empty( $args['EventStartMeridian'] ) ) { $args['EventStartMeridian'] = self::sanitize_meridian_meta_value( $args['EventStartMeridian'] ); } if ( ! empty( $args['EventEndMeridian'] ) ) { $args['EventEndMeridian'] = self::sanitize_meridian_meta_value( $args['EventEndMeridian'] ); } // If meridian is set but we can pretty easily guess the hour is a valid 24-hour format, discard meridian in attempt to be smarter/flexible, thus setting "14pm" (invalid) to "14" (equivalent to 2pm). // We take this approach instead of just minus `12` from the integer value of the hour because meridian may be set by defaults. // Watch out for sending "12pm" or "12am" as the meridian (12-hour format) will take precedence if it exists. if ( ! empty( $args['EventStartMeridian'] ) && absint( $args['EventStartHour'] ) > 12 && absint( $args['EventStartHour'] ) < 24 ) { $args['EventStartMeridian'] = ''; } if ( ! empty( $args['EventEndMeridian'] ) && absint( $args['EventEndHour'] ) > 12 && absint( $args['EventEndHour'] ) < 24 ) { $args['EventEndMeridian'] = ''; } // Now process all but the meridians foreach ( $args as $key => &$value ) { if ( 'EventStartHour' === $key ) { $twelve_hour = ! empty( $args['EventStartMeridian'] ); $value = self::sanitize_hour_meta_value( $value, $twelve_hour ); } elseif ( 'EventEndHour' === $key ) { $twelve_hour = ! empty( $args['EventEndMeridian'] ); $value = self::sanitize_hour_meta_value( $value, $twelve_hour ); } elseif ( 'EventStartMinute' === $key || 'EventEndMinute' === $key ) { $value = self::sanitize_minute_meta_value( $value ); } if ( is_wp_error( $value ) ) { return $value; } } return $args; } /** * Sanitize a string to be used as an event meridian post meta value: am|pm. * * Use this prior to sending value to the database. * * @since 4.6.20 * * @param string $value The post meta value to be checked, such as 'am'. * @param bool $empty_if_invalid If true, set an invalid value to an empty string, else generate WP_Error. * * @return string|WP_Error */ public static function sanitize_meridian_meta_value( $value, $empty_if_invalid = true ) { // lower-case to match the `a` PHP date format used elsewhere $new_value = strtolower( trim( $value ) ); $is_valid = 'am' === $new_value || 'pm' === $new_value; $invalid_value = ''; if ( ! $empty_if_invalid ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` meridian is not valid. Make sure it is either `am` or `pm`, or remove it entirely if using the 24-hour format.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); $invalid_value = new WP_Error( 'invalid-tribe-events-meridian-meta-value', $error_message ); } return $is_valid ? $new_value : $invalid_value; } /** * Sanitize a string to be used as an event hour post meta value: 1-12 if `Event{Start|End}Meridian` * is also passed, else 0-23. * * Use this prior to sending value to the database. * * @since 4.6.20 * * @param string $value The post meta value to be checked, such as '07'. * @param bool $twelve_hour If false, allow 0-23. If true, only allow 1-12. * * @return string|WP_Error */ public static function sanitize_hour_meta_value( $value, $twelve_hour = false ) { $value = (string) $value; if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (am/pm) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); return new WP_Error( 'non-numeric-tribe-events-hour-meta-value', $error_message ); } $new_value = absint( $value ); if ( $twelve_hour && ( $new_value < 1 || $new_value > 12 ) ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (12-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 1 to 12.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); return new WP_Error( 'invalid-tribe-events-12-hour-meta-value', $error_message ); } elseif ( $new_value > 23 ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` hour (24-hour) is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 23.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); return new WP_Error( 'invalid-tribe-events-24-hour-meta-value', $error_message ); } return str_pad( $new_value, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); } /** * Sanitize a string to be used as an event minute post meta value: 0-59. * * Use this prior to sending value to the database. * * @since 4.6.20 * * @param string $value The post meta value to be checked, such as '30'. * * @return string|WP_Error */ public static function sanitize_minute_meta_value( $value ) { $value = (string) $value; if ( '' === trim( $value ) ) { return ''; } if ( ! is_numeric( $value ) ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` minutes is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 59.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); return new WP_Error( 'non-numeric-tribe-events-minutes-meta-value', $error_message ); } $new_value = absint( $value ); if ( $new_value > 59 ) { $error_message = sprintf( esc_html__( 'An event having a post meta value of `%s` minutes is not valid. Make sure it is from 0 to 59.', 'the-events-calendar' ), $value ); return new WP_Error( 'invalid-tribe-events-minutes-meta-value', $error_message ); } return str_pad( $new_value, 2, '0', STR_PAD_LEFT ); } } }