Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/nctest/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/tpl/cdn/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/makkitrust.org/nctest/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/tpl/cdn/auto_setup.tpl.php |
<?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined('WPINC') || exit; $__cdnsetup = Cdn_Setup::cls(); // This will drop QS param `qc_res` `domain_hash` and `token` also $__cdnsetup->maybe_extract_token(); $cloud_linked = Cloud::get_summary('is_linked'); $setup_summary = Cdn_Setup::get_summary(); $cdn_setup_done_ts = 0; if (!empty($setup_summary['cdn_setup_done_ts'])) { $cdn_setup_done_ts = $setup_summary['cdn_setup_done_ts']; } $has_setup_token = $__cdnsetup->has_cdn_setup_token(); if (!empty($setup_summary['cdn_setup_err'])) { $cdn_setup_err = $setup_summary['cdn_setup_err']; } if (!empty($setup_summary['cdn_setup_ts'])) { $cdn_setup_ts = $setup_summary['cdn_setup_ts']; if ($this->conf(Base::O_QC_NAMESERVERS)) { $nameservers = explode(',', $this->conf(Base::O_QC_NAMESERVERS)); } } else { $cdn_setup_ts = 0; } $curr_status = '<span class="litespeed-desc">' . __('Not running', 'litespeed-cache') . '</span>'; $apply_btn_txt = __('Run CDN Setup', 'litespeed-cache'); $apply_btn_type = Cdn_Setup::TYPE_RUN; $disabled = ''; $dom = parse_url(home_url(), PHP_URL_HOST); if ($cdn_setup_done_ts) { $curr_status = '<span class="litespeed-success dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> ' . __('Done', 'litespeed-cache'); // wp_date requires WP v5.3+ if (function_exists('wp_date')) { $curr_status .= ' <span class="litespeed-desc litespeed-left10">' . sprintf(__('Completed at %s', 'litespeed-cache'), wp_date(get_option('date_format') . ' ' . get_option('time_format'), $cdn_setup_done_ts)) . '</span>'; } $disabled = 'disabled'; } else if (!$has_setup_token) { $disabled = 'disabled'; } else if (!empty($cdn_setup_err)) { $curr_status = '<span class="litespeed-warning dashicons dashicons-controls-pause"></span> ' . __('Paused', 'litespeed-cache'); $curr_status_subline = '<p class="litespeed-desc">' . $cdn_setup_err . '</p>'; } else if ($cdn_setup_ts > 0) { if (isset($nameservers)) { $curr_status = '<span class="litespeed-primary dashicons dashicons-hourglass"></span> ' . __('Verifying, waiting for nameservers to be updated.', 'litespeed-cache') . ' ' . __('Click the refresh button below to refresh status.', 'litespeed-cache'); if (isset($setup_summary['cdn_verify_msg'])) { $curr_status_subline = '<p class="litespeed-desc">' . __('Last Verification Result', 'litespeed-cache') . ': ' . $setup_summary['cdn_verify_msg'] . '</p>'; } } else { $curr_status = '<span class="litespeed-primary dashicons dashicons-hourglass"></span> ' . __('In Progress', 'litespeed-cache'); $curr_status_subline = '<p class="litespeed-desc">' . __('You will receive an email upon status update.', 'litespeed-cache') . ' ' . __('This process may take several minutes.', 'litespeed-cache') . '</p>'; } $apply_btn_txt = __('Refresh CDN Setup Status', 'litespeed-cache'); $apply_btn_type = Cdn_Setup::TYPE_STATUS; } ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title"> <?php echo __('Auto QUIC.cloud CDN Setup', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h3> <p> <?php echo __('This is a three step process for configuring your site to use QUIC.cloud CDN with QUIC.cloud DNS. This setup will perform the following actions', 'litespeed-cache') . ':'; ?> </p> <ol> <li><?php echo __('Set up a QUIC.cloud account.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></li> <li><?php echo __('Prepare the site for QUIC.cloud CDN, detect the DNS, and create a DNS Zone.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></li> <li><?php echo __('Provide the nameservers necessary to enable the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></li> <li> <?php echo __('After successful DNS detection, QUIC.cloud will attempt to generate an SSL certificate and enable the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('This last stage could take 15 to 20 minutes.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('Your site will be available, but browsers may issue a "not secure" warning during this time.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </li> </ol> <p> <?php echo __('After you set your nameservers, QUIC.cloud will detect the change and automatically enable the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <p class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('Notes', 'litespeed-cache') . ':'; ?> </p> <ul class="litespeed-desc"> <li> <?php echo __('QUIC.cloud CDN/DNS does not support DNSSEC.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('If you have this enabled for your domain, you must disable DNSSEC to continue.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </li> <li> <?php echo __('This setup process will create a DNS zone on QUIC.cloud if one does not currently exist.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php printf( __('If you prefer to use the CNAME setup, please <a %s>set up the CDN manually at QUIC.cloud</a>.', 'litespeed-cache'), 'href="https://quic.cloud/docs/onboarding/" target="_blank" class="litespeed-learn-more"' ); ?> </li> <li> <?php echo __('QUIC.cloud will detect most normal DNS entries.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('If you have custom DNS records, it is possible that they are not detected.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('Visit your QUIC.cloud dashboard after the DNS Zone is set up to confirm your DNS zone.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </li> </ul> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __('Set up QUIC.cloud Account', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h3> <?php if ($cdn_setup_done_ts) : ?> <p> <?php echo '<span class="litespeed-right10"><span class="litespeed-success dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> ' . __('Account is linked!', 'litespeed-cache') . '</span>'; ?> <p> <?php Doc::learn_more( Cloud::CLOUD_SERVER_DASH . '/dm/' . $dom . '/cdn/', __('Manage CDN', 'litespeed-cache') . ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-external"></span>', false, 'litespeed-link-with-icon' ); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( Cloud::CLOUD_SERVER_DASH . '/dns/find/' . $dom, __('Manage DNS Zone', 'litespeed-cache') . ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-external"></span>', false, 'litespeed-link-with-icon' ); ?> </p> </p> <?php elseif ($has_setup_token) : ?> <?php echo '<span class="litespeed-right10"><span class="litespeed-success dashicons dashicons-yes"></span> ' . __('Ready to run CDN setup.', 'litespeed-cache') . '</span>'; ?> <?php elseif ($cloud_linked) : ?> <p><?php echo __('Domain key and QUIC.cloud link detected.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></p> <div><?php Doc::learn_more(Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_SETUP, Cdn_Setup::TYPE_NOLINK), __('Begin QUIC.cloud CDN Setup', 'litespeed-cache'), true, 'button button-primary'); ?></div> <?php else : ?> <div><?php Doc::learn_more(Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_SETUP, Cdn_Setup::TYPE_LINK), __('Link to QUIC.cloud', 'litespeed-cache'), true, 'button button-primary'); ?></div> <?php endif; ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __('CDN Setup Status', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h3> <p> <span class="litespeed-inline"><?php echo $curr_status; ?></span> </p> <?php if (isset($curr_status_subline)) { ?> <?php echo $curr_status_subline; ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!$cdn_setup_done_ts) { ?> <?php if (isset($setup_summary['cdn_dns_summary'])) { ?> <h4> <?php echo __('QUIC.cloud Detected Records Summary', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h4> <table class="wp-list-table widefat striped litespeed-width-auto litespeed-table-compact"> <thead> <tr> <th> <?php echo __('Record Type', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </th> <th> <?php echo __('Count', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </th> </tr> </thead> <tbody> <?php foreach ($setup_summary['cdn_dns_summary']['types'] as $type => $cnt) { echo '<tr><td>' . wp_kses_post($type) . '</td><td>' . wp_kses_post($cnt) . '</td></tr>'; } ?> </tbody> </table> <p> <?php echo __('Record names found', 'litespeed-cache') . ': ' . wp_kses_post($setup_summary['cdn_dns_summary']['names']); ?> </p> <p> <?php echo __('Is something missing?', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php Doc::learn_more( Cloud::CLOUD_SERVER_DASH . '/dns/find/' . $dom, __('Review DNS records', 'litespeed-cache') . ' <span class="dashicons dashicons-external"></span>', false, 'litespeed-link-with-icon' ); ?> </p> <p> <?php echo __('Note: For 15 to 20 minutes after setup completes, browsers may issue a "not secure" warning for your site while QUIC.cloud generates your SSL certificate.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if (!$cdn_setup_done_ts) { ?> <div> <?php Doc::learn_more(($disabled ? '#' : Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_SETUP, $apply_btn_type)), $apply_btn_txt, true, 'button button-primary ' . $disabled); ?> </div> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __('Nameservers', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h3> <?php if (isset($nameservers)) { ?> <p> <?php echo __('Please update your domain registrar to use these custom nameservers:', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <ul> <?php foreach ($nameservers as $nameserver) { echo '<li><strong>' . $nameserver . '</strong></li>'; } ?> </ul> <p> <?php echo __('QUIC.cloud will attempt to verify the DNS update.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('If it does not verify within 24 hours, the CDN setup will mark the verification as failed.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('At that stage, you may re-start the verification process by pressing the Run CDN Setup button.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <?php } else { ?> <p> <?php echo __('This section will automatically populate once nameservers are configured for the site.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </p> <?php } ?> <?php } ?> <?php if ($has_setup_token || $cdn_setup_done_ts) { ?> <?php $disabled = $cdn_setup_done_ts && !$cloud_linked ? 'disabled' : ''; ?> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __('Action', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </h3> <div> <p><?php echo __('The following actions are available:', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></p> <p> <strong><?php echo __('Reset CDN Setup', 'litespeed-cache') . ': '; ?></strong> <?php echo __('Resets all LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings related to CDN setup back to the initial state and disables the CDN.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('QUIC.cloud DNS settings are not changed.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('This allows you to try Auto CDN setup again.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php if ($cdn_setup_done_ts) : ?> <br /> <span class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('NOTE', 'litespeed-cache') . ': '; ?> <?php echo __('This action will not update anything on the QUIC.cloud servers.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> </p> <p> <strong><?php echo __('Delete QUIC.cloud data', 'litespeed-cache') . ': '; ?></strong> <?php echo __('Resets all LiteSpeed Cache plugin settings related to CDN setup back to the initial state and deletes the DNS Zone, if one exists for the domain.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('This allows you to try Auto CDN setup again, or abandon the setup entirely.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <br /> <span class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __('NOTE', 'litespeed-cache') . ': '; ?> <?php echo __('This action is not available if there is no domain key, the domain is not linked, or the DNS Zone is in active use.', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> <?php echo __('If you have not yet done so, please replace the QUIC.cloud nameservers at your domain registrar before proceeding. ', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </span> </p> <div> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_SETUP, Cdn_Setup::TYPE_RESET); ?>" data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __('Are you sure you want to reset CDN Setup?', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>" class="button litespeed-btn-warning"> <?php echo __('Reset CDN Setup', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </a> <a href="<?php echo ($disabled ? '#' : Utility::build_url(Router::ACTION_CDN_SETUP, Cdn_Setup::TYPE_DELETE)); ?>" <?php if (empty($disabled)) : ?> data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __('Are you sure you want to delete QUIC.cloud data?', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>" <?php endif; ?> class="button litespeed-btn-danger <?php echo $disabled; ?>"> <?php echo __('Delete QUIC.cloud data', 'litespeed-cache'); ?> </a> </div> </div> <?php } ?>