Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-ulike/admin/settings/assets/js/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/wp-ulike/admin/settings/assets/js/main.js |
/** * * ----------------------------------------------------------- * * Codestar Framework * A Simple and Lightweight WordPress Option Framework * * ----------------------------------------------------------- * */ ;(function( $, window, document, undefined ) { 'use strict'; // // Constants // var ULF = ULF || {}; ULF.funcs = {}; ULF.vars = { onloaded: false, $body: $('body'), $window: $(window), $document: $(document), $form_warning: null, is_confirm: false, form_modified: false, code_themes: [], is_rtl: $('body').hasClass('rtl'), }; // // Helper Functions // ULF.helper = { // // Generate UID // uid: function( prefix ) { return ( prefix || '' ) + Math.random().toString(36).substr(2, 9); }, // Quote regular expression characters // preg_quote: function( str ) { return (str+'').replace(/(\[|\])/g, "\\$1"); }, // // Reneme input names // name_nested_replace: function( $selector, field_id ) { var checks = []; var regex = new RegExp(ULF.helper.preg_quote(field_id +'[\\d+]'), 'g'); $selector.find(':radio').each(function() { if ( this.checked || this.orginal_checked ) { this.orginal_checked = true; } }); $selector.each( function( index ) { $(this).find(':input').each(function() { this.name = this.name.replace(regex, field_id +'['+ index +']'); if ( this.orginal_checked ) { this.checked = true; } }); }); }, // // Debounce // debounce: function( callback, threshold, immediate ) { var timeout; return function() { var context = this, args = arguments; var later = function() { timeout = null; if ( !immediate ) { callback.apply(context, args); } }; var callNow = ( immediate && !timeout ); clearTimeout( timeout ); timeout = setTimeout( later, threshold ); if ( callNow ) { callback.apply(context, args); } }; }, }; // // Custom clone for textarea and select clone() bug // $.fn.ulf_clone = function() { var base = $.fn.clone.apply(this, arguments), clone = this.find('select').add(this.filter('select')), cloned = base.find('select').add(base.filter('select')); for( var i = 0; i < clone.length; ++i ) { for( var j = 0; j < clone[i].options.length; ++j ) { if ( clone[i].options[j].selected === true ) { cloned[i].options[j].selected = true; } } } this.find(':radio').each( function() { this.orginal_checked = this.checked; }); return base; }; // // Expand All Options // $.fn.ulf_expand_all = function() { return this.each( function() { $(this).on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $('.ulf-wrapper').toggleClass('ulf-show-all'); $('.ulf-section').ulf_reload_script(); $(this).find('.fa').toggleClass('fa-indent').toggleClass('fa-outdent'); }); }); }; // // Options Navigation // $.fn.ulf_nav_options = function() { return this.each( function() { var $nav = $(this), $window = $(window), $wpwrap = $('#wpwrap'), $links = $nav.find('a'), $last; $window.on('hashchange ulf.hashchange', function() { var hash = window.location.hash.replace('#tab=', ''); var slug = hash ? hash : $links.first().attr('href').replace('#tab=', ''); var $link = $('[data-tab-id="'+slug+'"]'); if ( $link.length ) { $link.closest('.ulf-tab-item').addClass('ulf-tab-expanded').siblings().removeClass('ulf-tab-expanded'); if( $link.next().is('ul') ) { $link = $link.next().find('li').first().find('a'); slug = $link.data('tab-id'); } $links.removeClass('ulf-active'); $link.addClass('ulf-active'); if ( $last ) { $last.addClass('hidden'); } var $section = $('[data-section-id="'+slug+'"]'); $section.removeClass('hidden'); $section.ulf_reload_script(); $('.ulf-section-id').val( $section.index()+1 ); $last = $section; if ( $wpwrap.hasClass('wp-responsive-open') ) { $('html, body').animate({scrollTop:($section.offset().top-50)}, 200); $wpwrap.removeClass('wp-responsive-open'); } } }).trigger('ulf.hashchange'); }); }; // // Metabox Tabs // $.fn.ulf_nav_metabox = function() { return this.each( function() { var $nav = $(this), $links = $nav.find('a'), $sections = $nav.parent().find('.ulf-section'), $last; $links.each( function( index ) { $(this).on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this); $links.removeClass('ulf-active'); $link.addClass('ulf-active'); if ( $last !== undefined ) { $last.addClass('hidden'); } var $section = $sections.eq(index); $section.removeClass('hidden'); $section.ulf_reload_script(); $last = $section; }); }); $links.first().trigger('click'); }); }; // // Metabox Page Templates Listener // $.fn.ulf_page_templates = function() { if ( this.length ) { $(document).on('change', '.editor-page-attributes__template select, #page_template', function() { var maybe_value = $(this).val() || 'default'; $('.ulf-page-templates').removeClass('ulf-metabox-show').addClass('ulf-metabox-hide'); $('.ulf-page-'+maybe_value.toLowerCase().replace(/[^a-zA-Z0-9]+/g,'-')).removeClass('ulf-metabox-hide').addClass('ulf-metabox-show'); }); } }; // // Metabox Post Formats Listener // $.fn.ulf_post_formats = function() { if ( this.length ) { $(document).on('change', '.editor-post-format select, #formatdiv input[name="post_format"]', function() { var maybe_value = $(this).val() || 'default'; // Fallback for classic editor version maybe_value = ( maybe_value === '0' ) ? 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} }); }); }; // // Sticky Header // $.fn.ulf_sticky = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $window = $(window), $inner = $this.find('.ulf-header-inner'), padding = parseInt( $inner.css('padding-left') ) + parseInt( $inner.css('padding-right') ), offset = 32, scrollTop = 0, lastTop = 0, ticking = false, stickyUpdate = function() { var offsetTop = $this.offset().top, stickyTop = Math.max(offset, offsetTop - scrollTop ), winWidth = $window.innerWidth(); if ( stickyTop <= offset && winWidth > 782 ) { $inner.css({width: $this.outerWidth()-padding}); $this.css({height: $this.outerHeight()}).addClass( 'ulf-sticky' ); } else { $inner.removeAttr('style'); $this.removeAttr('style').removeClass( 'ulf-sticky' ); } }, requestTick = function() { if ( !ticking ) { requestAnimationFrame( function() { stickyUpdate(); ticking = false; }); } ticking = true; }, onSticky = function() { scrollTop = $window.scrollTop(); requestTick(); }; $window.on( 'scroll resize', onSticky); onSticky(); }); }; // // Dependency System // $.fn.ulf_dependency = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $fields = $this.children('[data-controller]'); if( $fields.length ) { var normal_ruleset = $.ulf_deps.createRuleset(), global_ruleset = $.ulf_deps.createRuleset(), normal_depends = [], global_depends = []; $fields.each( function() { var $field = $(this), controllers = $field.data('controller').split('|'), conditions = $field.data('condition').split('|'), values = $field.data('value').toString().split('|'), is_global = $field.data('depend-global') ? true : false, ruleset = ( is_global ) ? global_ruleset : normal_ruleset; $.each(controllers, function( index, depend_id ) { var value = values[index] || '', condition = conditions[index] || conditions[0]; ruleset = ruleset.createRule('[data-depend-id="'+ depend_id +'"]', condition, value); ruleset.include($field); if ( is_global ) { global_depends.push(depend_id); } else { normal_depends.push(depend_id); } }); }); if ( normal_depends.length ) { $.ulf_deps.enable($this, normal_ruleset, normal_depends); } if ( global_depends.length ) { $.ulf_deps.enable(ULF.vars.$body, global_ruleset, global_depends); } } }); }; // // Field: accordion // $.fn.ulf_field_accordion = function() { return this.each( function() { var $titles = $(this).find('.ulf-accordion-title'); $titles.on('click', function() { var $title = $(this), $icon = $title.find('.ulf-accordion-icon'), $content = $title.next(); if ( $icon.hasClass('fa-angle-right') ) { $icon.removeClass('fa-angle-right').addClass('fa-angle-down'); } else { $icon.removeClass('fa-angle-down').addClass('fa-angle-right'); } if ( !$content.data( 'opened' ) ) { $content.ulf_reload_script(); $content.data( 'opened', true ); } $content.toggleClass('ulf-accordion-open'); }); }); }; // // Field: backup // $.fn.ulf_field_backup = function() { return this.each( function() { if ( window.wp.customize === undefined ) { return; } var base = this, $this = $(this), $body = $('body'), $import = $this.find('.ulf-import'), $reset = $this.find('.ulf-reset'); base.notificationOverlay = function() { if ( wp.customize.notifications && wp.customize.OverlayNotification ) { // clear if there is any saved data. if ( !wp.customize.state('saved').get() ) { wp.customize.state('changesetStatus').set('trash'); wp.customize.each( function( setting ) { setting._dirty = false; }); wp.customize.state('saved').set(true); } // then show a notification overlay wp.customize.notifications.add( new wp.customize.OverlayNotification('ulf_field_backup_notification', { type: 'default', message: ' ', loading: true })); } }; $reset.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ULF.vars.is_confirm ) { base.notificationOverlay(); window.wp.ajax.post('ulf-reset', { unique: $reset.data('unique'), nonce: $reset.data('nonce') }) .done( function( response ) { window.location.reload(true); }) .fail( function( response ) { alert( response.error ); wp.customize.notifications.remove('ulf_field_backup_notification'); }); } }); $import.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( ULF.vars.is_confirm ) { base.notificationOverlay(); window.wp.ajax.post( 'ulf-import', { unique: $import.data('unique'), nonce: $import.data('nonce'), data: $this.find('.ulf-import-data').val() }).done( function( response ) { window.location.reload(true); }).fail( function( response ) { alert( response.error ); wp.customize.notifications.remove('ulf_field_backup_notification'); }); } }); }); }; // // Field: background // $.fn.ulf_field_background = function() { return this.each( function() { $(this).find('.ulf--background-image').ulf_reload_script(); }); }; // // Field: code_editor // $.fn.ulf_field_code_editor = function() { return this.each( function() { if ( typeof CodeMirror !== 'function' ) { return; } var $this = $(this), $textarea = $this.find('textarea'), $inited = $this.find('.CodeMirror'), data_editor = $textarea.data('editor'); if ( $inited.length ) { $inited.remove(); } var interval = setInterval(function () { if ( $this.is(':visible') ) { var code_editor = CodeMirror.fromTextArea( $textarea[0], data_editor ); // load code-mirror theme css. if ( data_editor.theme !== 'default' && ULF.vars.code_themes.indexOf(data_editor.theme) === -1 ) { var $cssLink = $('<link>'); $('#ulf-codemirror-css').after( $cssLink ); $cssLink.attr({ rel: 'stylesheet', id: 'ulf-codemirror-'+ data_editor.theme +'-css', href: data_editor.cdnURL +'/theme/'+ data_editor.theme +'.min.css', type: 'text/css', media: 'all' }); ULF.vars.code_themes.push(data_editor.theme); } CodeMirror.modeURL = data_editor.cdnURL +'/mode/%N/%N.min.js'; CodeMirror.autoLoadMode(code_editor, data_editor.mode); code_editor.on( 'change', function( editor, event ) { $textarea.val( code_editor.getValue() ).trigger('change'); }); clearInterval(interval); } }); }); }; // // Field: date // $.fn.ulf_field_date = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $inputs = $this.find('input'), settings = $this.find('.ulf-date-settings').data('settings'), wrapper = '<div class="ulf-datepicker-wrapper"></div>', $datepicker; var defaults = { showAnim: '', beforeShow: function(input, inst) { $(inst.dpDiv).addClass('ulf-datepicker-wrapper'); }, onClose: function( input, inst ) { $(inst.dpDiv).removeClass('ulf-datepicker-wrapper'); }, }; settings = $.extend({}, settings, defaults); if ( $inputs.length === 2 ) { settings = $.extend({}, settings, { onSelect: function( selectedDate ) { var $this = $(this), $from = $inputs.first(), option = ( $inputs.first().attr('id') === $(this).attr('id') ) ? 'minDate' : 'maxDate', date = $.datepicker.parseDate( settings.dateFormat, selectedDate ); $inputs.not(this).datepicker('option', option, date ); } }); } $inputs.each( function() { var $input = $(this); if ( $input.hasClass('hasDatepicker') ) { $input.removeAttr('id').removeClass('hasDatepicker'); } $input.datepicker(settings); }); }); }; // // Field: fieldset // $.fn.ulf_field_fieldset = function() { return this.each( function() { $(this).find('.ulf-fieldset-content').ulf_reload_script(); }); }; // // Field: gallery // $.fn.ulf_field_gallery = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $edit = $this.find('.ulf-edit-gallery'), $clear = $this.find('.ulf-clear-gallery'), $list = $this.find('ul'), $input = $this.find('input'), $img = $this.find('img'), wp_media_frame; $this.on('click', '.ulf-button, .ulf-edit-gallery', function( e ) { var $el = $(this), ids = $input.val(), what = ( $el.hasClass('ulf-edit-gallery') ) ? 'edit' : 'add', state = ( what === 'add' && !ids.length ) ? 'gallery' : 'gallery-edit'; e.preventDefault(); if ( typeof window.wp === 'undefined' || ! window.wp.media || ! window.wp.media.gallery ) { return; } // Open media with state if ( state === 'gallery' ) { wp_media_frame = window.wp.media({ library: { type: 'image' }, frame: 'post', state: 'gallery', multiple: true }); wp_media_frame.open(); } else { wp_media_frame = window.wp.media.gallery.edit( '[gallery ids="'+ ids +'"]' ); if ( what === 'add' ) { wp_media_frame.setState('gallery-library'); } } // Media Update wp_media_frame.on( 'update', function( selection ) { $list.empty(); var selectedIds = selection.models.map( function( attachment ) { var item = attachment.toJSON(); var thumb = ( item.sizes && item.sizes.thumbnail && item.sizes.thumbnail.url ) ? item.sizes.thumbnail.url : item.url; $list.append('<li><img src="'+ thumb +'"></li>'); return item.id; }); $input.val( selectedIds.join( ',' ) ).trigger('change'); $clear.removeClass('hidden'); $edit.removeClass('hidden'); }); }); $clear.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $list.empty(); $input.val('').trigger('change'); $clear.addClass('hidden'); $edit.addClass('hidden'); }); }); }; // // Field: group // $.fn.ulf_field_group = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $fieldset = $this.children('.ulf-fieldset'), $group = $fieldset.length ? $fieldset : $this, $wrapper = $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-wrapper'), $hidden = $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-hidden'), $max = $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-max'), $min = $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-min'), field_id = $wrapper.data('field-id'), is_number = Boolean( Number( $wrapper.data('title-number') ) ), max = parseInt( $wrapper.data('max') ), min = parseInt( $wrapper.data('min') ); // clear accordion arrows if multi-instance if ( $wrapper.hasClass('ui-accordion') ) { $wrapper.find('.ui-accordion-header-icon').remove(); } var update_title_numbers = function( $selector ) { $selector.find('.ulf-cloneable-title-number').each( function( index ) { $(this).html( ( $(this).closest('.ulf-cloneable-item').index()+1 ) + '.' ); }); }; $wrapper.accordion({ header: '> .ulf-cloneable-item > .ulf-cloneable-title', collapsible : true, active: false, animate: false, heightStyle: 'content', icons: { 'header': 'ulf-cloneable-header-icon fas fa-angle-right', 'activeHeader': 'ulf-cloneable-header-icon fas fa-angle-down' }, activate: function( event, ui ) { var $panel = ui.newPanel; var $header = ui.newHeader; if ( $panel.length && !$panel.data( 'opened' ) ) { var $fields = $panel.children(); var $first = $fields.first().find(':input').first(); var $title = $header.find('.ulf-cloneable-value'); $first.on('change keyup', function( event ) { $title.text($first.val()); }); $panel.ulf_reload_script(); $panel.data( 'opened', true ); $panel.data( 'retry', false ); } else if ( $panel.data( 'retry' ) ) { $panel.ulf_reload_script_retry(); $panel.data( 'retry', false ); } } }); $wrapper.sortable({ axis: 'y', handle: '.ulf-cloneable-title,.ulf-cloneable-sort', helper: 'original', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'widget-placeholder', start: function( event, ui ) { $wrapper.accordion({ active:false }); $wrapper.sortable('refreshPositions'); ui.item.children('.ulf-cloneable-content').data('retry', true); }, update: function( event, ui ) { ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); if ( is_number ) { update_title_numbers($wrapper); } }, }); $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-add').on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item').length; $min.hide(); if ( max && (count+1) > max ) { $max.show(); return; } var $cloned_item = $hidden.ulf_clone(true); $cloned_item.removeClass('ulf-cloneable-hidden'); $cloned_item.find(':input[name!="_pseudo"]').each( function() { this.name = this.name.replace( '___', '' ).replace( field_id +'[0]', field_id +'['+ count +']' ); }); $wrapper.append($cloned_item); $wrapper.accordion('refresh'); $wrapper.accordion({active: count}); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_listen({closest: true}); if ( is_number ) { update_title_numbers($wrapper); } }); var event_clone = function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item').length; $min.hide(); if ( max && (count+1) > max ) { $max.show(); return; } var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parent().parent(), $cloned_helper = $parent.children('.ulf-cloneable-helper').ulf_clone(true), $cloned_title = $parent.children('.ulf-cloneable-title').ulf_clone(), $cloned_content = $parent.children('.ulf-cloneable-content').ulf_clone(), $cloned_item = $('<div class="ulf-cloneable-item" />'); $cloned_item.append($cloned_helper); $cloned_item.append($cloned_title); $cloned_item.append($cloned_content); $wrapper.children().eq($parent.index()).after($cloned_item); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.accordion('refresh'); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_listen({closest: true}); if ( is_number ) { update_title_numbers($wrapper); } }; $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item').children('.ulf-cloneable-helper').on('click', '.ulf-cloneable-clone', event_clone); $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-hidden').children('.ulf-cloneable-helper').on('click', '.ulf-cloneable-clone', event_clone); var event_remove = function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item').length; $max.hide(); $min.hide(); if ( min && (count-1) < min ) { $min.show(); return; } $(this).closest('.ulf-cloneable-item').remove(); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); if ( is_number ) { update_title_numbers($wrapper); } }; $wrapper.children('.ulf-cloneable-item').children('.ulf-cloneable-helper').on('click', '.ulf-cloneable-remove', event_remove); $group.children('.ulf-cloneable-hidden').children('.ulf-cloneable-helper').on('click', '.ulf-cloneable-remove', event_remove); }); }; // // Field: icon // $.fn.ulf_field_icon = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this); $this.on('click', '.ulf-icon-add', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $button = $(this); var $modal = $('#ulf-modal-icon'); $modal.removeClass('hidden'); ULF.vars.$icon_target = $this; if ( !ULF.vars.icon_modal_loaded ) { $modal.find('.ulf-modal-loading').show(); window.wp.ajax.post( 'ulf-get-icons', { nonce: $button.data('nonce') }).done( function( response ) { $modal.find('.ulf-modal-loading').hide(); ULF.vars.icon_modal_loaded = true; var $load = $modal.find('.ulf-modal-load').html( response.content ); $load.on('click', 'i', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var icon = $(this).attr('title'); ULF.vars.$icon_target.find('.ulf-icon-preview i').removeAttr('class').addClass(icon); ULF.vars.$icon_target.find('.ulf-icon-preview').removeClass('hidden'); ULF.vars.$icon_target.find('.ulf-icon-remove').removeClass('hidden'); ULF.vars.$icon_target.find('input').val(icon).trigger('change'); $modal.addClass('hidden'); }); $modal.on('change keyup', '.ulf-icon-search', function() { var value = $(this).val(), $icons = $load.find('i'); $icons.each( function() { var $elem = $(this); if ( $elem.attr('title').search( new RegExp( value, 'i' ) ) < 0 ) { $elem.hide(); } else { $elem.show(); } }); }); $modal.on('click', '.ulf-modal-close, .ulf-modal-overlay', function() { $modal.addClass('hidden'); }); }).fail( function( response ) { $modal.find('.ulf-modal-loading').hide(); $modal.find('.ulf-modal-load').html( response.error ); $modal.on('click', function() { $modal.addClass('hidden'); }); }); } }); $this.on('click', '.ulf-icon-remove', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $this.find('.ulf-icon-preview').addClass('hidden'); $this.find('input').val('').trigger('change'); $(this).addClass('hidden'); }); }); }; // // Field: map // $.fn.ulf_field_map = function() { return this.each( function() { if ( typeof L === 'undefined' ) { return; } var $this = $(this), $map = $this.find('.ulf--map-osm'), $search_input = $this.find('.ulf--map-search input'), $latitude = $this.find('.ulf--latitude'), $longitude = $this.find('.ulf--longitude'), $zoom = $this.find('.ulf--zoom'), map_data = $map.data( 'map' ); var mapInit = L.map( $map.get(0), map_data); L.tileLayer('https://{s}.tile.openstreetmap.org/{z}/{x}/{y}.png', { attribution: '© <a href="https://www.openstreetmap.org/copyright">OpenStreetMap</a> contributors' }).addTo(mapInit); var mapMarker = L.marker(map_data.center,{draggable: true}).addTo(mapInit); var update_latlng = function( data ) { $latitude.val( data.lat ); $longitude.val( data.lng ); $zoom.val( mapInit.getZoom() ); }; mapInit.on( 'click', function ( data ) { mapMarker.setLatLng( data.latlng ); update_latlng( data.latlng ); }); mapInit.on( 'zoom', function () { update_latlng( mapMarker.getLatLng() ); }); mapMarker.on( 'drag', function () { update_latlng( mapMarker.getLatLng() ); }); if ( ! $search_input.length ) { $search_input = $( '[data-depend-id="'+ $this.find('.ulf--address-field').data( 'address-field' ) +'"]' ); } var cache = {}; $search_input.autocomplete({ source: function ( request, response ) { var term = request.term; if ( term in cache ) { response( cache[term] ); return; } $.get( 'https://nominatim.openstreetmap.org/search', { format: 'json', q: term, }, function( results ) { var data; if ( results.length ) { data = results.map( function( item ) { return { value: item.display_name, label: item.display_name, lat: item.lat, lon: item.lon }; }, 'json'); } else { data = [{ value: 'no-data', label: 'No Results.' }]; } cache[term] = data; response(data); }); }, select: function ( event, ui ) { if ( ui.item.value === 'no-data' ) { return false; } var latLng = L.latLng( ui.item.lat, ui.item.lon ); mapInit.panTo( latLng ); mapMarker.setLatLng( latLng ); update_latlng( latLng ); }, create: function (event, ui) { $(this).autocomplete('widget').addClass('ulf-map-ui-autocomplate'); } }); var input_update_latlng = function() { var latLng = L.latLng( $latitude.val(), $longitude.val() ); mapInit.panTo( latLng ); mapMarker.setLatLng( latLng ); }; $latitude.on('change', input_update_latlng ); $longitude.on('change', input_update_latlng ); }); }; // // Field: link // $.fn.ulf_field_link = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $link = $this.find('.ulf--link'), $add = $this.find('.ulf--add'), $edit = $this.find('.ulf--edit'), $remove = $this.find('.ulf--remove'), $result = $this.find('.ulf--result'), uniqid = ULF.helper.uid('ulf-wplink-textarea-'); $add.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); window.wpLink.open(uniqid); }); $edit.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $add.trigger('click'); $('#wp-link-url').val($this.find('.ulf--url').val()); $('#wp-link-text').val($this.find('.ulf--text').val()); $('#wp-link-target').prop('checked', ($this.find('.ulf--target').val() === '_blank')); }); $remove.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $this.find('.ulf--url').val('').trigger('change'); $this.find('.ulf--text').val(''); $this.find('.ulf--target').val(''); $add.removeClass('hidden'); $edit.addClass('hidden'); $remove.addClass('hidden'); $result.parent().addClass('hidden'); }); $link.attr('id', uniqid).on('change', function() { var atts = window.wpLink.getAttrs(), href = atts.href, text = $('#wp-link-text').val(), target = ( atts.target ) ? atts.target : ''; $this.find('.ulf--url').val(href).trigger('change'); $this.find('.ulf--text').val(text); $this.find('.ulf--target').val(target); $result.html('{url:"'+href+'", text:"'+text+'", target:"'+target+'"}'); $add.addClass('hidden'); $edit.removeClass('hidden'); $remove.removeClass('hidden'); $result.parent().removeClass('hidden'); }); }); }; // // Field: media // $.fn.ulf_field_media = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $upload_button = $this.find('.ulf--button'), $remove_button = $this.find('.ulf--remove'), $library = $upload_button.data('library') && $upload_button.data('library').split(',') || '', $auto_attributes = ( $this.hasClass('ulf-assign-field-background') ) ? $this.closest('.ulf-field-background').find('.ulf--auto-attributes') : false, wp_media_frame; $upload_button.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( typeof window.wp === 'undefined' || ! window.wp.media || ! window.wp.media.gallery ) { return; } if ( wp_media_frame ) { wp_media_frame.open(); return; } wp_media_frame = window.wp.media({ library: { type: $library } }); wp_media_frame.on( 'select', function() { var thumbnail; var attributes = wp_media_frame.state().get('selection').first().attributes; var preview_size = $upload_button.data('preview-size') || 'thumbnail'; if ( $library.length && $library.indexOf(attributes.subtype) === -1 && $library.indexOf(attributes.type) === -1 ) { return; } $this.find('.ulf--id').val( attributes.id ); $this.find('.ulf--width').val( attributes.width ); $this.find('.ulf--height').val( attributes.height ); $this.find('.ulf--alt').val( attributes.alt ); $this.find('.ulf--title').val( attributes.title ); $this.find('.ulf--description').val( attributes.description ); if ( typeof attributes.sizes !== 'undefined' && typeof attributes.sizes.thumbnail !== 'undefined' && preview_size === 'thumbnail' ) { thumbnail = attributes.sizes.thumbnail.url; } else if ( typeof attributes.sizes !== 'undefined' && typeof attributes.sizes.full !== 'undefined' ) { thumbnail = attributes.sizes.full.url; } else if ( attributes.type === 'image' ) { thumbnail = attributes.url; } else { thumbnail = attributes.icon; } console.log(attributes); if ( $auto_attributes ) { $auto_attributes.removeClass('ulf--attributes-hidden'); } $remove_button.removeClass('hidden'); $this.find('.ulf--preview').removeClass('hidden'); $this.find('.ulf--src').attr('src', thumbnail); $this.find('.ulf--thumbnail').val( thumbnail ); $this.find('.ulf--url').val( attributes.url ).trigger('change'); }); wp_media_frame.open(); }); $remove_button.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $auto_attributes ) { $auto_attributes.addClass('ulf--attributes-hidden'); } $remove_button.addClass('hidden'); $this.find('input').val(''); $this.find('.ulf--preview').addClass('hidden'); $this.find('.ulf--url').trigger('change'); }); }); }; // // Field: repeater // $.fn.ulf_field_repeater = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $fieldset = $this.children('.ulf-fieldset'), $repeater = $fieldset.length ? $fieldset : $this, $wrapper = $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-wrapper'), $hidden = $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-hidden'), $max = $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-max'), $min = $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-min'), field_id = $wrapper.data('field-id'), max = parseInt( $wrapper.data('max') ), min = parseInt( $wrapper.data('min') ); $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').children('.ulf-repeater-content').ulf_reload_script(); $wrapper.sortable({ axis: 'y', handle: '.ulf-repeater-sort', helper: 'original', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'widget-placeholder', update: function( event, ui ) { ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); ui.item.ulf_reload_script_retry(); } }); $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-add').on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').length; $min.hide(); if ( max && (count+1) > max ) { $max.show(); return; } var $cloned_item = $hidden.ulf_clone(true); $cloned_item.removeClass('ulf-repeater-hidden'); $cloned_item.find(':input[name!="_pseudo"]').each( function() { this.name = this.name.replace( '___', '' ).replace( field_id +'[0]', field_id +'['+ count +']' ); }); $wrapper.append($cloned_item); $cloned_item.children('.ulf-repeater-content').ulf_reload_script(); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_listen({closest: true}); }); var event_clone = function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').length; $min.hide(); if ( max && (count+1) > max ) { $max.show(); return; } var $this = $(this), $parent = $this.parent().parent().parent(), $cloned_content = $parent.children('.ulf-repeater-content').ulf_clone(), $cloned_helper = $parent.children('.ulf-repeater-helper').ulf_clone(true), $cloned_item = $('<div class="ulf-repeater-item" />'); $cloned_item.append($cloned_content); $cloned_item.append($cloned_helper); $wrapper.children().eq($parent.index()).after($cloned_item); $cloned_item.children('.ulf-repeater-content').ulf_reload_script(); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_listen({closest: true}); }; $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').children('.ulf-repeater-helper').on('click', '.ulf-repeater-clone', event_clone); $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-hidden').children('.ulf-repeater-helper').on('click', '.ulf-repeater-clone', event_clone); var event_remove = function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var count = $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').length; $max.hide(); $min.hide(); if ( min && (count-1) < min ) { $min.show(); return; } $(this).closest('.ulf-repeater-item').remove(); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item'), field_id ); $wrapper.ulf_customizer_refresh(); }; $wrapper.children('.ulf-repeater-item').children('.ulf-repeater-helper').on('click', '.ulf-repeater-remove', event_remove); $repeater.children('.ulf-repeater-hidden').children('.ulf-repeater-helper').on('click', '.ulf-repeater-remove', event_remove); }); }; // // Field: slider // $.fn.ulf_field_slider = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $input = $this.find('input'), $slider = $this.find('.ulf-slider-ui'), data = $input.data(), value = $input.val() || 0; if ( $slider.hasClass('ui-slider') ) { $slider.empty(); } $slider.slider({ range: 'min', value: value, min: data.min || 0, max: data.max || 100, step: data.step || 1, slide: function( e, o ) { $input.val( o.value ).trigger('change'); } }); $input.on('keyup', function() { $slider.slider('value', $input.val()); }); }); }; // // Field: sortable // $.fn.ulf_field_sortable = function() { return this.each( function() { var $sortable = $(this).find('.ulf-sortable'); $sortable.sortable({ axis: 'y', helper: 'original', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'widget-placeholder', update: function( event, ui ) { $sortable.ulf_customizer_refresh(); } }); $sortable.find('.ulf-sortable-content').ulf_reload_script(); }); }; // // Field: sorter // $.fn.ulf_field_sorter = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $enabled = $this.find('.ulf-enabled'), $has_disabled = $this.find('.ulf-disabled'), $disabled = ( $has_disabled.length ) ? $has_disabled : false; $enabled.sortable({ connectWith: $disabled, placeholder: 'ui-sortable-placeholder', update: function( event, ui ) { var $el = ui.item.find('input'); if ( ui.item.parent().hasClass('ulf-enabled') ) { $el.attr('name', $el.attr('name').replace('disabled', 'enabled')); } else { $el.attr('name', $el.attr('name').replace('enabled', 'disabled')); } $this.ulf_customizer_refresh(); } }); if ( $disabled ) { $disabled.sortable({ connectWith: $enabled, placeholder: 'ui-sortable-placeholder', update: function( event, ui ) { $this.ulf_customizer_refresh(); } }); } }); }; // // Field: spinner // $.fn.ulf_field_spinner = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $input = $this.find('input'), $inited = $this.find('.ui-button'), data = $input.data(); if ( $inited.length ) { $inited.remove(); } $input.spinner({ min: data.min || 0, max: data.max || 100, step: data.step || 1, create: function( event, ui ) { if ( data.unit ) { $input.after('<span class="ui-button ulf--unit">'+ data.unit +'</span>'); } }, spin: function (event, ui ) { $input.val(ui.value).trigger('change'); } }); }); }; // // Field: switcher // $.fn.ulf_field_switcher = function() { return this.each( function() { var $switcher = $(this).find('.ulf--switcher'); $switcher.on('click', function() { var value = 0; var $input = $switcher.find('input'); if ( $switcher.hasClass('ulf--active') ) { $switcher.removeClass('ulf--active'); } else { value = 1; $switcher.addClass('ulf--active'); } $input.val(value).trigger('change'); }); }); }; // // Field: tabbed // $.fn.ulf_field_tabbed = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $links = $this.find('.ulf-tabbed-nav a'), $contents = $this.find('.ulf-tabbed-content'); $contents.eq(0).ulf_reload_script(); $links.on( 'click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $link = $(this), index = $link.index(), $content = $contents.eq(index); $link.addClass('ulf-tabbed-active').siblings().removeClass('ulf-tabbed-active'); $content.ulf_reload_script(); $content.removeClass('hidden').siblings().addClass('hidden'); }); }); }; // // Field: typography // $.fn.ulf_field_typography = function() { return this.each(function () { var base = this; var $this = $(this); var loaded_fonts = []; var webfonts = ulf_typography_json.webfonts; var googlestyles = ulf_typography_json.googlestyles; var defaultstyles = ulf_typography_json.defaultstyles; // // // Sanitize google font subset base.sanitize_subset = function( subset ) { subset = subset.replace('-ext', ' Extended'); subset = subset.charAt(0).toUpperCase() + subset.slice(1); return subset; }; // // // Sanitize google font styles (weight and style) base.sanitize_style = function( style ) { return googlestyles[style] ? googlestyles[style] : style; }; // // // Load google font base.load_google_font = function( font_family, weight, style ) { if ( font_family && typeof WebFont === 'object' ) { weight = weight ? weight.replace('normal', '') : ''; style = style ? style.replace('normal', '') : ''; if ( weight || style ) { font_family = font_family +':'+ weight + style; } if ( loaded_fonts.indexOf( font_family ) === -1 ) { WebFont.load({ google: { families: [font_family] } }); } loaded_fonts.push( font_family ); } }; // // // Append select options base.append_select_options = function( $select, options, condition, type, is_multi ) { $select.find('option').not(':first').remove(); var opts = ''; $.each( options, function( key, value ) { var selected; var name = value; // is_multi if ( is_multi ) { selected = ( condition && condition.indexOf(value) !== -1 ) ? ' selected' : ''; } else { selected = ( condition && condition === value ) ? ' selected' : ''; } if ( type === 'subset' ) { name = base.sanitize_subset( value ); } else if ( type === 'style' ){ name = base.sanitize_style( value ); } opts += '<option value="'+ value +'"'+ selected +'>'+ name +'</option>'; }); $select.append(opts).trigger('ulf.change').trigger('chosen:updated'); }; base.init = function () { // // // Constants var selected_styles = []; var $typography = $this.find('.ulf--typography'); var $type = $this.find('.ulf--type'); var $styles = $this.find('.ulf--block-font-style'); var unit = $typography.data('unit'); var line_height_unit = $typography.data('line-height-unit'); var exclude_fonts = $typography.data('exclude') ? $typography.data('exclude').split(',') : []; // // // Chosen init if ( $this.find('.ulf--chosen').length ) { var $chosen_selects = $this.find('select'); $chosen_selects.each( function() { var $chosen_select = $(this), $chosen_inited = $chosen_select.parent().find('.chosen-container'); if ( $chosen_inited.length ) { $chosen_inited.remove(); } $chosen_select.chosen({ allow_single_deselect: true, disable_search_threshold: 15, width: '100%' }); }); } // // // Font family select var $font_family_select = $this.find('.ulf--font-family'); var first_font_family = $font_family_select.val(); // Clear default font family select options $font_family_select.find('option').not(':first-child').remove(); var opts = ''; $.each(webfonts, function( type, group ) { // Check for exclude fonts if ( exclude_fonts && exclude_fonts.indexOf(type) !== -1 ) { return; } opts += '<optgroup label="' + group.label + '">'; $.each(group.fonts, function( key, value ) { // use key if value is object value = ( typeof value === 'object' ) ? key : value; var selected = ( value === first_font_family ) ? ' selected' : ''; opts += '<option value="'+ value +'" data-type="'+ type +'"'+ selected +'>'+ value +'</option>'; }); opts += '</optgroup>'; }); // Append google font select options $font_family_select.append(opts).trigger('chosen:updated'); // // // Font style select var $font_style_block = $this.find('.ulf--block-font-style'); if ( $font_style_block.length ) { var $font_style_select = $this.find('.ulf--font-style-select'); var first_style_value = $font_style_select.val() ? $font_style_select.val().replace(/normal/g, '' ) : ''; // // Font Style on on change listener $font_style_select.on('change ulf.change', function( event ) { var style_value = $font_style_select.val(); // set a default value if ( !style_value && selected_styles && selected_styles.indexOf('normal') === -1 ) { style_value = selected_styles[0]; } // set font weight, for eg. replacing 800italic to 800 var font_normal = ( style_value && style_value !== 'italic' && style_value === 'normal' ) ? 'normal' : ''; var font_weight = ( style_value && style_value !== 'italic' && style_value !== 'normal' ) ? style_value.replace('italic', '') : font_normal; var font_style = ( style_value && style_value.substr(-6) === 'italic' ) ? 'italic' : ''; $this.find('.ulf--font-weight').val( font_weight ); $this.find('.ulf--font-style').val( font_style ); }); // // // Extra font style select var $extra_font_style_block = $this.find('.ulf--block-extra-styles'); if ( $extra_font_style_block.length ) { var $extra_font_style_select = $this.find('.ulf--extra-styles'); var first_extra_style_value = $extra_font_style_select.val(); } } // // // Subsets select var $subset_block = $this.find('.ulf--block-subset'); if ( $subset_block.length ) { var $subset_select = $this.find('.ulf--subset'); var first_subset_select_value = $subset_select.val(); var subset_multi_select = $subset_select.data('multiple') || false; } // // // Backup font family var $backup_font_family_block = $this.find('.ulf--block-backup-font-family'); // // // Font Family on Change Listener $font_family_select.on('change ulf.change', function( event ) { // Hide subsets on change if ( $subset_block.length ) { $subset_block.addClass('hidden'); } // Hide extra font style on change if ( $extra_font_style_block.length ) { $extra_font_style_block.addClass('hidden'); } // Hide backup font family on change if ( $backup_font_family_block.length ) { $backup_font_family_block.addClass('hidden'); } var $selected = $font_family_select.find(':selected'); var value = $selected.val(); var type = $selected.data('type'); if ( type && value ) { // Show backup fonts if font type google or custom if ( ( type === 'google' || type === 'custom' ) && $backup_font_family_block.length ) { $backup_font_family_block.removeClass('hidden'); } // Appending font style select options if ( $font_style_block.length ) { // set styles for multi and normal style selectors var styles = defaultstyles; // Custom or gogle font styles if ( type === 'google' && webfonts[type].fonts[value][0] ) { styles = webfonts[type].fonts[value][0]; } else if ( type === 'custom' && webfonts[type].fonts[value] ) { styles = webfonts[type].fonts[value]; } selected_styles = styles; // Set selected style value for avoid load errors var set_auto_style = ( styles.indexOf('normal') !== -1 ) ? 'normal' : styles[0]; var set_style_value = ( first_style_value && styles.indexOf(first_style_value) !== -1 ) ? first_style_value : set_auto_style; // Append style select options base.append_select_options( $font_style_select, styles, set_style_value, 'style' ); // Clear first value first_style_value = false; // Show style select after appended $font_style_block.removeClass('hidden'); // Appending extra font style select options if ( type === 'google' && $extra_font_style_block.length && styles.length > 1 ) { // Append extra-style select options base.append_select_options( $extra_font_style_select, styles, first_extra_style_value, 'style', true ); // Clear first value first_extra_style_value = false; // Show style select after appended $extra_font_style_block.removeClass('hidden'); } } // Appending google fonts subsets select options if ( type === 'google' && $subset_block.length && webfonts[type].fonts[value][1] ) { var subsets = webfonts[type].fonts[value][1]; var set_auto_subset = ( subsets.length < 2 && subsets[0] !== 'latin' ) ? subsets[0] : ''; var set_subset_value = ( first_subset_select_value && subsets.indexOf(first_subset_select_value) !== -1 ) ? first_subset_select_value : set_auto_subset; // check for multiple subset select set_subset_value = ( subset_multi_select && first_subset_select_value ) ? first_subset_select_value : set_subset_value; base.append_select_options( $subset_select, subsets, set_subset_value, 'subset', subset_multi_select ); first_subset_select_value = false; $subset_block.removeClass('hidden'); } } else { // Clear Styles $styles.find(':input').val(''); // Clear subsets options if type and value empty if ( $subset_block.length ) { $subset_select.find('option').not(':first-child').remove(); $subset_select.trigger('chosen:updated'); } // Clear font styles options if type and value empty if ( $font_style_block.length ) { $font_style_select.find('option').not(':first-child').remove(); $font_style_select.trigger('chosen:updated'); } } // Update font type input value $type.val(type); }).trigger('ulf.change'); // // // Preview var $preview_block = $this.find('.ulf--block-preview'); if ( $preview_block.length ) { var $preview = $this.find('.ulf--preview'); // Set preview styles on change $this.on('change', ULF.helper.debounce( function( event ) { $preview_block.removeClass('hidden'); var font_family = $font_family_select.val(), font_weight = $this.find('.ulf--font-weight').val(), font_style = $this.find('.ulf--font-style').val(), font_size = $this.find('.ulf--font-size').val(), font_variant = $this.find('.ulf--font-variant').val(), line_height = $this.find('.ulf--line-height').val(), text_align = $this.find('.ulf--text-align').val(), text_transform = $this.find('.ulf--text-transform').val(), text_decoration = $this.find('.ulf--text-decoration').val(), text_color = $this.find('.ulf--color').val(), word_spacing = $this.find('.ulf--word-spacing').val(), letter_spacing = $this.find('.ulf--letter-spacing').val(), custom_style = $this.find('.ulf--custom-style').val(), type = $this.find('.ulf--type').val(); if ( type === 'google' ) { base.load_google_font(font_family, font_weight, font_style); } var properties = {}; if ( font_family ) { properties.fontFamily = font_family; } if ( font_weight ) { properties.fontWeight = font_weight; } if ( font_style ) { properties.fontStyle = font_style; } if ( font_variant ) { properties.fontVariant = font_variant; } if ( font_size ) { properties.fontSize = font_size + unit; } if ( line_height ) { properties.lineHeight = line_height + line_height_unit; } if ( letter_spacing ) { properties.letterSpacing = letter_spacing + unit; } if ( word_spacing ) { properties.wordSpacing = word_spacing + unit; } if ( text_align ) { properties.textAlign = text_align; } if ( text_transform ) { properties.textTransform = text_transform; } if ( text_decoration ) { properties.textDecoration = text_decoration; } if ( text_color ) { properties.color = text_color; } $preview.removeAttr('style'); // Customs style attribute if ( custom_style ) { $preview.attr('style', custom_style); } $preview.css(properties); }, 100 ) ); // Preview black and white backgrounds trigger $preview_block.on('click', function() { $preview.toggleClass('ulf--black-background'); var $toggle = $preview_block.find('.ulf--toggle'); if ( $toggle.hasClass('fa-toggle-off') ) { $toggle.removeClass('fa-toggle-off').addClass('fa-toggle-on'); } else { $toggle.removeClass('fa-toggle-on').addClass('fa-toggle-off'); } }); if ( !$preview_block.hasClass('hidden') ) { $this.trigger('change'); } } }; base.init(); }); }; // // Field: upload // $.fn.ulf_field_upload = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $input = $this.find('input'), $upload_button = $this.find('.ulf--button'), $remove_button = $this.find('.ulf--remove'), $preview_wrap = $this.find('.ulf--preview'), $preview_src = $this.find('.ulf--src'), $library = $upload_button.data('library') && $upload_button.data('library').split(',') || '', wp_media_frame; $upload_button.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( typeof window.wp === 'undefined' || ! window.wp.media || ! window.wp.media.gallery ) { return; } if ( wp_media_frame ) { wp_media_frame.open(); return; } wp_media_frame = window.wp.media({ library: { type: $library }, }); wp_media_frame.on( 'select', function() { var src; var attributes = wp_media_frame.state().get('selection').first().attributes; if ( $library.length && $library.indexOf(attributes.subtype) === -1 && $library.indexOf(attributes.type) === -1 ) { return; } $input.val(attributes.url).trigger('change'); }); wp_media_frame.open(); }); $remove_button.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $input.val('').trigger('change'); }); $input.on('change', function( e ) { var $value = $input.val(); if ( $value ) { $remove_button.removeClass('hidden'); } else { $remove_button.addClass('hidden'); } if ( $preview_wrap.length ) { if ( $.inArray( $value.split('.').pop().toLowerCase(), ['jpg', 'jpeg', 'gif', 'png', 'svg', 'webp'] ) !== -1 ) { $preview_wrap.removeClass('hidden'); $preview_src.attr('src', $value); } else { $preview_wrap.addClass('hidden'); } } }); }); }; // // Field: wp_editor // $.fn.ulf_field_wp_editor = function() { return this.each( function() { if ( typeof window.wp.editor === 'undefined' || typeof window.tinyMCEPreInit === 'undefined' || typeof window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.ulf_wp_editor === 'undefined' ) { return; } var $this = $(this), $editor = $this.find('.ulf-wp-editor'), $textarea = $this.find('textarea'); // If there is wp-editor remove it for avoid dupliated wp-editor conflicts. var $has_wp_editor = $this.find('.wp-editor-wrap').length || $this.find('.mce-container').length; if ( $has_wp_editor ) { $editor.empty(); $editor.append($textarea); $textarea.css('display', ''); } // Generate a unique id var uid = ULF.helper.uid('ulf-editor-'); $textarea.attr('id', uid); // Get default editor settings var default_editor_settings = { tinymce: window.tinyMCEPreInit.mceInit.ulf_wp_editor, quicktags: window.tinyMCEPreInit.qtInit.ulf_wp_editor }; // Get default editor settings var field_editor_settings = $editor.data('editor-settings'); // Callback for old wp editor var wpEditor = wp.oldEditor ? wp.oldEditor : wp.editor; if ( wpEditor && wpEditor.hasOwnProperty('autop') ) { wp.editor.autop = wpEditor.autop; wp.editor.removep = wpEditor.removep; wp.editor.initialize = wpEditor.initialize; } // Add on change event handle var editor_on_change = function( editor ) { editor.on('change keyup', function() { var value = ( field_editor_settings.wpautop ) ? editor.getContent() : wp.editor.removep(editor.getContent()); $textarea.val(value).trigger('change'); }); }; // Extend editor selector and on change event handler default_editor_settings.tinymce = $.extend( {}, default_editor_settings.tinymce, { selector: '#'+ uid, setup: editor_on_change } ); // Override editor tinymce settings if ( field_editor_settings.tinymce === false ) { default_editor_settings.tinymce = false; $editor.addClass('ulf-no-tinymce'); } // Override editor quicktags settings if ( field_editor_settings.quicktags === false ) { default_editor_settings.quicktags = false; $editor.addClass('ulf-no-quicktags'); } // Wait until :visible var interval = setInterval(function () { if ( $this.is(':visible') ) { window.wp.editor.initialize(uid, default_editor_settings); clearInterval(interval); } }); // Add Media buttons if ( field_editor_settings.media_buttons && window.ulf_media_buttons ) { var $editor_buttons = $editor.find('.wp-media-buttons'); if ( $editor_buttons.length ) { $editor_buttons.find('.ulf-shortcode-button').data('editor-id', uid); } else { var $media_buttons = $(window.ulf_media_buttons); $media_buttons.find('.ulf-shortcode-button').data('editor-id', uid); $editor.prepend( $media_buttons ); } } }); }; // // Confirm // $.fn.ulf_confirm = function() { return this.each( function() { $(this).on('click', function( e ) { var confirm_text = $(this).data('confirm') || window.ulf_vars.i18n.confirm; var confirm_answer = confirm( confirm_text ); if ( confirm_answer ) { ULF.vars.is_confirm = true; ULF.vars.form_modified = false; } else { e.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }); }; $.fn.serializeObject = function() { var obj = {}; $.each( this.serializeArray(), function(i,o){ var n = o.name, v = o.value; obj[n] = obj[n] === undefined ? v : $.isArray( obj[n] ) ? obj[n].concat( v ) : [ obj[n], v ]; }); return obj; }; // // Options Save // $.fn.ulf_save = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $buttons = $('.ulf-save'), $panel = $('.ulf-options'), flooding = false, timeout; $this.on('click', function( e ) { if ( !flooding ) { var $text = $this.data('save'), $value = $this.val(); $buttons.attr('value', $text); if ( $this.hasClass('ulf-save-ajax') ) { e.preventDefault(); $panel.addClass('ulf-saving'); $buttons.prop('disabled', true); window.wp.ajax.post( 'ulf_'+ $panel.data('unique') +'_ajax_save', { data: $('#ulf-form').serializeJSONULF() }) .done( function( response ) { // clear errors $('.ulf-error').remove(); if ( Object.keys( response.errors ).length ) { var error_icon = '<i class="ulf-label-error ulf-error">!</i>'; $.each(response.errors, function( key, error_message ) { var $field = $('[data-depend-id="'+ key +'"]'), $link = $('a[href="#tab='+ $field.closest('.ulf-section').data('section-id') +'"]' ), $tab = $link.closest('.ulf-tab-item'); $field.closest('.ulf-fieldset').append( '<p class="ulf-error ulf-error-text">'+ error_message +'</p>' ); if ( !$link.find('.ulf-error').length ) { $link.append( error_icon ); } if ( !$tab.find('.ulf-arrow .ulf-error').length ) { $tab.find('.ulf-arrow').append( error_icon ); } }); } $panel.removeClass('ulf-saving'); $buttons.prop('disabled', false).attr('value', $value); flooding = false; ULF.vars.form_modified = false; ULF.vars.$form_warning.hide(); clearTimeout(timeout); var $result_success = $('.ulf-form-success'); $result_success.empty().append(response.notice).fadeIn('fast', function() { timeout = setTimeout( function() { $result_success.fadeOut('fast'); }, 1000); }); }) .fail( function( response ) { alert( response.error ); }); } else { ULF.vars.form_modified = false; } } flooding = true; }); }); }; // // Option Framework // $.fn.ulf_options = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $content = $this.find('.ulf-content'), $form_success = $this.find('.ulf-form-success'), $form_warning = $this.find('.ulf-form-warning'), $save_button = $this.find('.ulf-header .ulf-save'); ULF.vars.$form_warning = $form_warning; // Shows a message white leaving theme options without saving if ( $form_warning.length ) { window.onbeforeunload = function() { return ( ULF.vars.form_modified ) ? true : undefined; }; $content.on('change keypress', ':input', function() { if ( !ULF.vars.form_modified ) { $form_success.hide(); $form_warning.fadeIn('fast'); ULF.vars.form_modified = true; } }); } if ( $form_success.hasClass('ulf-form-show') ) { setTimeout( function() { $form_success.fadeOut('fast'); }, 1000); } $(document).keydown(function (event) { if ( ( event.ctrlKey || event.metaKey ) && event.which === 83 ) { $save_button.trigger('click'); event.preventDefault(); return false; } }); }); }; // // Taxonomy Framework // $.fn.ulf_taxonomy = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $form = $this.parents('form'); if ( $form.attr('id') === 'addtag' ) { var $submit = $form.find('#submit'), $cloned = $this.find('.ulf-field').ulf_clone(); $submit.on( 'click', function() { if ( !$form.find('.form-required').hasClass('form-invalid') ) { $this.data('inited', false); $this.empty(); $this.html( $cloned ); $cloned = $cloned.ulf_clone(); $this.ulf_reload_script(); } }); } }); }; // // Shortcode Framework // $.fn.ulf_shortcode = function() { var base = this; base.shortcode_parse = function( serialize, key ) { var shortcode = ''; $.each(serialize, function( shortcode_key, shortcode_values ) { key = ( key ) ? key : shortcode_key; shortcode += '[' + key; $.each(shortcode_values, function( shortcode_tag, shortcode_value ) { if ( shortcode_tag === 'content' ) { shortcode += ']'; shortcode += shortcode_value; shortcode += '[/'+ key +''; } else { shortcode += base.shortcode_tags( shortcode_tag, shortcode_value ); } }); shortcode += ']'; }); return shortcode; }; base.shortcode_tags = function( shortcode_tag, shortcode_value ) { var shortcode = ''; if ( shortcode_value !== '' ) { if ( typeof shortcode_value === 'object' && !$.isArray( shortcode_value ) ) { $.each(shortcode_value, function( sub_shortcode_tag, sub_shortcode_value ) { // sanitize spesific key/value switch( sub_shortcode_tag ) { case 'background-image': sub_shortcode_value = ( sub_shortcode_value.url ) ? sub_shortcode_value.url : ''; break; } if ( sub_shortcode_value !== '' ) { shortcode += ' ' + sub_shortcode_tag.replace('-', '_') + '="' + sub_shortcode_value.toString() + '"'; } }); } else { shortcode += ' ' + shortcode_tag.replace('-', '_') + '="' + shortcode_value.toString() + '"'; } } return shortcode; }; base.insertAtChars = function( _this, currentValue ) { var obj = ( typeof _this[0].name !== 'undefined' ) ? _this[0] : _this; if ( obj.value.length && typeof obj.selectionStart !== 'undefined' ) { obj.focus(); return obj.value.substring( 0, obj.selectionStart ) + currentValue + obj.value.substring( obj.selectionEnd, obj.value.length ); } else { obj.focus(); return currentValue; } }; base.send_to_editor = function( html, editor_id ) { var tinymce_editor; if ( typeof tinymce !== 'undefined' ) { tinymce_editor = tinymce.get( editor_id ); } if ( tinymce_editor && !tinymce_editor.isHidden() ) { tinymce_editor.execCommand( 'mceInsertContent', false, html ); } else { var $editor = $('#'+editor_id); $editor.val( base.insertAtChars( $editor, html ) ).trigger('change'); } }; return this.each( function() { var $modal = $(this), $load = $modal.find('.ulf-modal-load'), $content = $modal.find('.ulf-modal-content'), $insert = $modal.find('.ulf-modal-insert'), $loading = $modal.find('.ulf-modal-loading'), $select = $modal.find('select'), modal_id = $modal.data('modal-id'), nonce = $modal.data('nonce'), editor_id, target_id, gutenberg_id, sc_key, sc_name, sc_view, sc_group, $cloned, $button; $(document).on('click', '.ulf-shortcode-button[data-modal-id="'+ modal_id +'"]', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); $button = $(this); editor_id = $button.data('editor-id') || false; target_id = $button.data('target-id') || false; gutenberg_id = $button.data('gutenberg-id') || false; $modal.removeClass('hidden'); // single usage trigger first shortcode if ( $modal.hasClass('ulf-shortcode-single') && sc_name === undefined ) { $select.trigger('change'); } }); $select.on( 'change', function() { var $option = $(this); var $selected = $option.find(':selected'); sc_key = $option.val(); sc_name = $selected.data('shortcode'); sc_view = $selected.data('view') || 'normal'; sc_group = $selected.data('group') || sc_name; $load.empty(); if ( sc_key ) { $loading.show(); window.wp.ajax.post( 'ulf-get-shortcode-'+ modal_id, { shortcode_key: sc_key, nonce: nonce }) .done( function( response ) { $loading.hide(); var $appended = $(response.content).appendTo($load); $insert.parent().removeClass('hidden'); $cloned = $appended.find('.ulf--repeat-shortcode').ulf_clone(); $appended.ulf_reload_script(); $appended.find('.ulf-fields').ulf_reload_script(); }); } else { $insert.parent().addClass('hidden'); } }); $insert.on('click', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); if ( $insert.prop('disabled') || $insert.attr('disabled') ) { return; } var shortcode = ''; var serialize = $modal.find('.ulf-field:not(.ulf-depend-on)').find(':input:not(.ignore)').serializeObjectULF(); switch ( sc_view ) { case 'contents': var contentsObj = ( sc_name ) ? serialize[sc_name] : serialize; $.each(contentsObj, function( sc_key, sc_value ) { var sc_tag = ( sc_name ) ? sc_name : sc_key; shortcode += '['+ sc_tag +']'+ sc_value +'[/'+ sc_tag +']'; }); break; case 'group': shortcode += '[' + sc_name; $.each(serialize[sc_name], function( sc_key, sc_value ) { shortcode += base.shortcode_tags( sc_key, sc_value ); }); shortcode += ']'; shortcode += base.shortcode_parse( serialize[sc_group], sc_group ); shortcode += '[/' + sc_name + ']'; break; case 'repeater': shortcode += base.shortcode_parse( serialize[sc_group], sc_group ); break; default: shortcode += base.shortcode_parse( serialize ); break; } shortcode = ( shortcode === '' ) ? '['+ sc_name +']' : shortcode; if ( gutenberg_id ) { var content = window.ulf_gutenberg_props.attributes.hasOwnProperty('shortcode') ? window.ulf_gutenberg_props.attributes.shortcode : ''; window.ulf_gutenberg_props.setAttributes({shortcode: content + shortcode}); } else if ( editor_id ) { base.send_to_editor( shortcode, editor_id ); } else { var $textarea = (target_id) ? $(target_id) : $button.parent().find('textarea'); $textarea.val( base.insertAtChars( $textarea, shortcode ) ).trigger('change'); } $modal.addClass('hidden'); }); $modal.on('click', '.ulf--repeat-button', function( e ) { e.preventDefault(); var $repeatable = $modal.find('.ulf--repeatable'); var $new_clone = $cloned.ulf_clone(); var $remove_btn = $new_clone.find('.ulf-repeat-remove'); var $appended = $new_clone.appendTo( $repeatable ); $new_clone.find('.ulf-fields').ulf_reload_script(); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $modal.find('.ulf--repeat-shortcode'), sc_group ); $remove_btn.on('click', function() { $new_clone.remove(); ULF.helper.name_nested_replace( $modal.find('.ulf--repeat-shortcode'), sc_group ); }); }); $modal.on('click', '.ulf-modal-close, .ulf-modal-overlay', function() { $modal.addClass('hidden'); }); }); }; // // WP Color Picker // if ( typeof Color === 'function' ) { Color.prototype.toString = function() { if ( this._alpha < 1 ) { return this.toCSS('rgba', this._alpha).replace(/\s+/g, ''); } var hex = parseInt( this._color, 10 ).toString( 16 ); if ( this.error ) { return ''; } if ( hex.length < 6 ) { for (var i = 6 - hex.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) { hex = '0' + hex; } } return '#' + hex; }; } ULF.funcs.parse_color = function( color ) { var value = color.replace(/\s+/g, ''), trans = ( value.indexOf('rgba') !== -1 ) ? parseFloat( value.replace(/^.*,(.+)\)/, '$1') * 100 ) : 100, rgba = ( trans < 100 ) ? true : false; return { value: value, transparent: trans, rgba: rgba }; }; $.fn.ulf_color = function() { return this.each( function() { var $input = $(this), picker_color = ULF.funcs.parse_color( $input.val() ), palette_color = window.ulf_vars.color_palette.length ? window.ulf_vars.color_palette : true, $container; // Destroy and Reinit if ( $input.hasClass('wp-color-picker') ) { $input.closest('.wp-picker-container').after($input).remove(); } $input.wpColorPicker({ palettes: palette_color, change: function( event, ui ) { var ui_color_value = ui.color.toString(); $container.removeClass('ulf--transparent-active'); $container.find('.ulf--transparent-offset').css('background-color', ui_color_value); $input.val(ui_color_value).trigger('change'); }, create: function() { $container = $input.closest('.wp-picker-container'); var a8cIris = $input.data('a8cIris'), $transparent_wrap = $('<div class="ulf--transparent-wrap">' + '<div class="ulf--transparent-slider"></div>' + '<div class="ulf--transparent-offset"></div>' + '<div class="ulf--transparent-text"></div>' + '<div class="ulf--transparent-button">transparent <i class="fas fa-toggle-off"></i></div>' + '</div>').appendTo( $container.find('.wp-picker-holder') ), $transparent_slider = $transparent_wrap.find('.ulf--transparent-slider'), $transparent_text = $transparent_wrap.find('.ulf--transparent-text'), $transparent_offset = $transparent_wrap.find('.ulf--transparent-offset'), $transparent_button = $transparent_wrap.find('.ulf--transparent-button'); if ( $input.val() === 'transparent' ) { $container.addClass('ulf--transparent-active'); } $transparent_button.on('click', function() { if ( $input.val() !== 'transparent' ) { $input.val('transparent').trigger('change').removeClass('iris-error'); $container.addClass('ulf--transparent-active'); } else { $input.val( a8cIris._color.toString() ).trigger('change'); $container.removeClass('ulf--transparent-active'); } }); $transparent_slider.slider({ value: picker_color.transparent, step: 1, min: 0, max: 100, slide: function( event, ui ) { var slide_value = parseFloat( ui.value / 100 ); a8cIris._color._alpha = slide_value; $input.wpColorPicker( 'color', a8cIris._color.toString() ); $transparent_text.text( ( slide_value === 1 || slide_value === 0 ? '' : slide_value ) ); }, create: function() { var slide_value = parseFloat( picker_color.transparent / 100 ), text_value = slide_value < 1 ? slide_value : ''; $transparent_text.text(text_value); $transparent_offset.css('background-color', picker_color.value); $container.on('click', '.wp-picker-clear', function() { a8cIris._color._alpha = 1; $transparent_text.text(''); $transparent_slider.slider('option', 'value', 100); $container.removeClass('ulf--transparent-active'); $input.trigger('change'); }); $container.on('click', '.wp-picker-default', function() { var default_color = ULF.funcs.parse_color( $input.data('default-color') ), default_value = parseFloat( default_color.transparent / 100 ), default_text = default_value < 1 ? default_value : ''; a8cIris._color._alpha = default_value; $transparent_text.text(default_text); $transparent_slider.slider('option', 'value', default_color.transparent); if ( default_color.value === 'transparent' ) { $input.removeClass('iris-error'); $container.addClass('ulf--transparent-active'); } }); } }); } }); }); }; // // ChosenJS // $.fn.ulf_chosen = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $inited = $this.parent().find('.chosen-container'), is_sortable = $this.hasClass('ulf-chosen-sortable') || false, is_ajax = $this.hasClass('ulf-chosen-ajax') || false, is_multiple = $this.attr('multiple') || false, set_width = is_multiple ? '100%' : 'auto', set_options = $.extend({ allow_single_deselect: true, disable_search_threshold: 10, width: set_width, no_results_text: window.ulf_vars.i18n.no_results_text, }, $this.data('chosen-settings')); if ( $inited.length ) { $inited.remove(); } // Chosen ajax if ( is_ajax ) { var set_ajax_options = $.extend({ data: { type: 'post', nonce: '', }, allow_single_deselect: true, disable_search_threshold: -1, width: '100%', min_length: 3, type_delay: 500, typing_text: window.ulf_vars.i18n.typing_text, searching_text: window.ulf_vars.i18n.searching_text, no_results_text: window.ulf_vars.i18n.no_results_text, }, $this.data('chosen-settings')); $this.ULFAjaxChosen(set_ajax_options); } else { $this.chosen(set_options); } // Chosen keep options order if ( is_multiple ) { var $hidden_select = $this.parent().find('.ulf-hide-select'); var $hidden_value = $hidden_select.val() || []; $this.on('change', function(obj, result) { if ( result && result.selected ) { $hidden_select.append( '<option value="'+ result.selected +'" selected="selected">'+ result.selected +'</option>' ); } else if ( result && result.deselected ) { $hidden_select.find('option[value="'+ result.deselected +'"]').remove(); } // Force customize refresh if ( window.wp.customize !== undefined && $hidden_select.children().length === 0 && $hidden_select.data('customize-setting-link') ) { window.wp.customize.control( $hidden_select.data('customize-setting-link') ).setting.set(''); } $hidden_select.trigger('change'); }); // Chosen order abstract $this.ULFChosenOrder($hidden_value, true); } // Chosen sortable if ( is_sortable ) { var $chosen_container = $this.parent().find('.chosen-container'); var $chosen_choices = $chosen_container.find('.chosen-choices'); $chosen_choices.bind('mousedown', function( event ) { if ( $(event.target).is('span') ) { event.stopPropagation(); } }); $chosen_choices.sortable({ items: 'li:not(.search-field)', helper: 'orginal', cursor: 'move', placeholder: 'search-choice-placeholder', start: function(e,ui) { ui.placeholder.width( ui.item.innerWidth() ); ui.placeholder.height( ui.item.innerHeight() ); }, update: function( e, ui ) { var select_options = ''; var chosen_object = $this.data('chosen'); var $prev_select = $this.parent().find('.ulf-hide-select'); $chosen_choices.find('.search-choice-close').each( function() { var option_array_index = $(this).data('option-array-index'); $.each(chosen_object.results_data, function(index, data) { if ( data.array_index === option_array_index ){ select_options += '<option value="'+ data.value +'" selected>'+ data.value +'</option>'; } }); }); $prev_select.children().remove(); $prev_select.append(select_options); $prev_select.trigger('change'); } }); } }); }; // // Helper Checkbox Checker // $.fn.ulf_checkbox = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $input = $this.find('.ulf--input'), $checkbox = $this.find('.ulf--checkbox'); $checkbox.on('click', function() { $input.val( Number( $checkbox.prop('checked') ) ).trigger('change'); }); }); }; // // Siblings // $.fn.ulf_siblings = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $siblings = $this.find('.ulf--sibling'), multiple = $this.data('multiple') || false; $siblings.on('click', function() { var $sibling = $(this); if ( multiple ) { if ( $sibling.hasClass('ulf--active') ) { $sibling.removeClass('ulf--active'); $sibling.find('input').prop('checked', false).trigger('change'); } else { $sibling.addClass('ulf--active'); $sibling.find('input').prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); } } else { $this.find('input').prop('checked', false); $sibling.find('input').prop('checked', true).trigger('change'); $sibling.addClass('ulf--active').siblings().removeClass('ulf--active'); } }); }); }; // // Help Tooltip // $.fn.ulf_help = function() { return this.each( function() { var $this = $(this), $tooltip, offset_left; $this.on({ mouseenter: function() { $tooltip = $( '<div class="ulf-tooltip"></div>' ).html( $this.find('.ulf-help-text').html() ).appendTo('body'); offset_left = ( ULF.vars.is_rtl ) ? 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