Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/tpl/img_optm/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/litespeed-cache/tpl/img_optm/summary.tpl.php |
<?php namespace LiteSpeed; defined( 'WPINC' ) || exit; $closest_server = Cloud::get_summary( 'server.' . Cloud::SVC_IMG_OPTM ); $usage_cloud = Cloud::get_summary( 'usage.' . Cloud::SVC_IMG_OPTM ); $allowance = Cloud::cls()->allowance( Cloud::SVC_IMG_OPTM ); $__img_optm = Img_Optm::cls(); $wet_limit = $__img_optm->wet_limit(); $img_count = $__img_optm->img_count(); $need_gather = $__img_optm->need_gather(); $optm_summary = Img_Optm::get_summary(); list( $last_run, $is_running ) = $__img_optm->cron_running( false ); if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'groups_all' ] ) ) { $gathered_percentage = 100 - floor( $img_count[ 'groups_not_gathered' ] * 100 / $img_count[ 'groups_all' ] ); if ( $gathered_percentage == 100 && $img_count[ 'groups_not_gathered' ] ) { $gathered_percentage = 99; } } else { $gathered_percentage = 0; } if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'imgs_gathered' ] ) ) { $finished_percentage = 100 - floor( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ] * 100 / $img_count[ 'imgs_gathered' ] ); if ( $finished_percentage == 100 && $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ] ) { $finished_percentage = 99; } } else { $finished_percentage = 0; } $unfinished_num = 0; if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ] ) ) { $unfinished_num += $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ]; } if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ] ) ) { $unfinished_num += $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ]; } if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR_FETCH ] ) ) { $unfinished_num += $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR_FETCH ]; } ?> <div class="litespeed-flex-container litespeed-column-with-boxes"> <div class="litespeed-width-7-10 litespeed-image-optim-summary-wrapper"> <div class="litespeed-image-optim-summary"> <h3> <?php if ( $closest_server ) : ?> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_CLOUD, Cloud::TYPE_REDETECT_CLOUD, false, null, array( 'svc' => Cloud::SVC_IMG_OPTM ) ); ?>" class="litespeed-info-button" data-balloon-pos="right" data-balloon-break aria-label="<?php echo sprintf( __( 'Current closest Cloud server is %s. Click to redetect.', 'litespeed-cache' ), $closest_server ); ?>" data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __( 'Are you sure you want to redetect the closest cloud server for this service?', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>"><span class="litespeed-quic-icon"></span></a> <?php else : ?> <span class="litespeed-quic-icon"></span> <?php endif; ?> <?php echo __('Optimize images with our QUIC.cloud server', 'litespeed-cache' );?> <a href="https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/imageopt/#image-optimization-summary-tab" target="_blank" class="litespeed-right litespeed-learn-more"><?php echo __('Learn More', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></a> </h3> <p> <?php echo sprintf( __( 'You can request a maximum of %s images at once.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<strong>' . intval( $allowance ) . '</strong>' ); ?> </p> <?php if ( $wet_limit ) : ?> <p class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __( 'To make sure our server can communicate with your server without any issues and everything works fine, for the few first requests the number of images allowed in a single request is limited.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php echo __( 'Current limit is', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <strong>' . $wet_limit . '</strong>'; ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <div class="litespeed-img-optim-actions"> <a data-litespeed-onlyonce class="button button-primary" <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'groups_not_gathered' ] ) || ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ] ) ) : ?> href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_NEW_REQ ); ?>" <?php else : ?> href='javascript:;' disabled <?php endif; ?> > <span class="dashicons dashicons-images-alt2"></span> <?php echo $need_gather ? __( 'Gather Image Data', 'litespeed-cache' ) : __( 'Send Optimization Request', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> <a data-litespeed-onlyonce class="button button-secondary" data-balloon-length="large" data-balloon-pos="right" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'Only press the button if the pull cron job is disabled.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php echo __( 'Images will be pulled automatically if the cron job is running.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>" <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ] ) && ! $is_running ) : ?> href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_PULL ); ?>" <?php else : ?> href='javascript:;' disabled <?php endif; ?> > <?php echo __( 'Pull Images', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </div> <div> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __( 'Optimization Status', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ] ) ) : ?> <a href="https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/imageopt/#optimization-summary" target="_blank" class="litespeed-learn-more"><?php echo __('Learn More', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></a> <?php endif; ?> </h3> <div class="litespeed-light-code"> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ] ) ) : ?> <p class="litespeed-success"> <?php echo Lang::img_status( Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ); ?>: <code> <?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ] ); ?> (<?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_REQUESTED ], 'image' ); ?>) </code> </p> <p class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __( 'After the QUIC.cloud Image Optimization server finishes optimization, it will notify your site to pull the optimized images.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php echo __( 'This process is automatic.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ] ) ) : ?> <p class="litespeed-success"> <?php echo Lang::img_status( Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ); ?>: <code> <?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ] ); ?> (<?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_NOTIFIED ], 'image' ); ?>) </code> </p> <?php if ( $last_run ) : ?> <p class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo sprintf( __( 'Last pull initiated by cron at %s.', 'litespeed-cache' ), '<code>' . Utility::readable_time( $last_run ) . '</code>' ); ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> <?php endif; ?> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_PULLED ] ) ) : ?> <p class="litespeed-success"> <?php echo Lang::img_status( Img_Optm::STATUS_PULLED ); ?>: <code> <?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'group.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_PULLED ] ); ?> (<?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_PULLED ], 'image' ); ?>) </code> </p> <?php endif; ?> <div class="litespeed-silence"> <?php $list = array( Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR_FETCH, Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR_404, Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR_OPTM, Img_Optm::STATUS_ERR, Img_Optm::STATUS_MISS, Img_Optm::STATUS_DUPLICATED, Img_Optm::STATUS_XMETA, ); ?> <?php foreach ( $list as $v ): ?> <?php if ( empty( $img_count[ 'group.' . $v ] ) ) continue; ?> <p> <?php echo Lang::img_status( $v ); ?>: <code> <?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'group.' . $v ] ); ?> (<?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'img.' . $v ], 'image' ); ?>) </code> </p> <?php endforeach; ?> </div> <p><?php echo sprintf( '<a href="%1$s" class="button button-secondary" data-balloon-pos="right" aria-label="%2$s" %3$s><span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-removeformatting"></span> %4$s</a>', ($unfinished_num ? Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_CLEAN ) : 'javascript:;'), __( 'Remove all previous unfinished image optimization requests.', 'litespeed-cache' ), ($unfinished_num ? '' : ' disabled'), __( 'Clean Up Unfinished Data', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ( $unfinished_num ? ': ' . Admin_Display::print_plural( $unfinished_num, 'image' ) : '') ); ?></p> <h3 class="litespeed-title-section"> <?php echo __( 'Storage Optimization', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </h3> <p> <?php echo __( 'A backup of each image is saved before it is optimized.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </p> <?php if ( ! empty( $optm_summary[ 'bk_summary' ] ) ) : ?> <div class=""> <p> <?php echo __( 'Last calculated', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . Utility::readable_time( $optm_summary[ 'bk_summary' ][ 'date' ] ) . '</code>'; ?> </p> <?php if ( $optm_summary[ 'bk_summary' ][ 'count' ] ) : ?> <p> <?php echo __( 'Files', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . intval( $optm_summary[ 'bk_summary' ][ 'count' ] ) . '</code>'; ?> </p> <p> <?php echo __( 'Total', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . Utility::real_size( $optm_summary[ 'bk_summary' ][ 'sum' ] ) . '</code>'; ?> </p> <?php endif; ?> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div> <a class="button button-secondary" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'Calculate Original Image Storage', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>" <?php if ( $finished_percentage > 0 ) : ?> href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_CALC_BKUP ); ?>" <?php else : ?> href='javascript:;' disabled <?php endif; ?> > <span class="dashicons dashicons-update"></span> <?php echo __( 'Calculate Backups Disk Space', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div> <h4><?php echo __( 'Image Thumbnail Group Sizes', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></h4> <div class="litespeed-desc litespeed-left20"> <?php foreach ( Media::cls()->get_image_sizes() as $title => $size ) { echo "<div>$title ( " . ( $size[ 'width' ] ? $size[ 'width' ] . 'px' : '*' ) . ' x ' . ( $size[ 'height' ] ? $size[ 'height' ] . 'px' : '*' ) . ' )</div>'; }; ?> </div> </div> <hr class="litespeed-hr-with-space"> <div> <h4><?php echo __( 'Delete all backups of the original images', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?></h4> <div class="notice notice-error litespeed-callout-bg inline"> <p> 🚨 <?php echo __( 'This is irreversible.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> <?php echo __( 'You will be unable to Revert Optimization once the backups are deleted!', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </p> </div> </div> <?php if ( ! empty( $optm_summary[ 'rmbk_summary' ] ) ) : ?> <div class=""> <p> <?php echo __( 'Last ran', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . Utility::readable_time( $optm_summary[ 'rmbk_summary' ][ 'date' ] ) . '</code>'; ?> </p> <p> <?php echo __( 'Files', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . $optm_summary[ 'rmbk_summary' ][ 'count' ] . '</code>'; ?> </p> <p> <?php echo __( 'Saved', 'litespeed-cache' ) . ': <code>' . Utility::real_size( $optm_summary[ 'rmbk_summary' ][ 'sum' ] ) . '</code>'; ?> </p> </div> <?php endif; ?> <div class="litespeed-image-optim-summary-footer"><a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_RM_BKUP ); ?>" data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __( 'Are you sure you want to remove all image backups?', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>" class="litespeed-link-with-icon litespeed-danger"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-trash"></span><?php echo __( 'Remove Original Image Backups', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a></div> </div> </div> </div> <div class="litespeed-width-3-10"> <div class="postbox litespeed-postbox litespeed-postbox-imgopt-info"> <div class="inside"> <h3 class="litespeed-title"> <?php echo __( 'Image Information', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </h3> <div class="litespeed-flex-container"> <div class="litespeed-icon-vertical-middle"> <?php echo GUI::pie( $gathered_percentage, 70, true ); ?> </div> <div> <p> <?php echo __( 'Images total', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'groups_all' ] ); ?></code> <a href="https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/imageopt/#what-is-an-image-group" target="_blank" class="litespeed-desc litespeed-help-btn-icon" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'What is a group?', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> <span class="screen-reader-text"><?php echo __( 'What is an image group?', 'litespeed-cache' );?></span> </a> </p> <p> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'groups_not_gathered' ] ) ) : ?> <?php echo __('Images not yet gathered', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'groups_not_gathered' ] ); ?></code> <?php else : ?> <font class="litespeed-congratulate"><?php echo __('Congratulations, all gathered!', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></font> <?php endif; ?> </p> </div> </div> <div class="litespeed-flex-container"> <div class="litespeed-icon-vertical-middle"> <?php echo GUI::pie( $finished_percentage, 70, true ); ?> </div> <div> <p> <?php echo __( 'Images total', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'imgs_gathered' ], 'image' ); ?></code> <a href="https://docs.litespeedtech.com/lscache/lscwp/imageopt/#what-is-an-image-group" target="_blank" class="litespeed-desc litespeed-help-btn-icon" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'What is a group?', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-editor-help"></span> <span class="screen-reader-text"><?php echo __( 'What is an image group?', 'litespeed-cache' );?></span> </a> </p> <p> <?php if ( ! empty( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ] ) ) : ?> <?php echo __('Images not yet requested', 'litespeed-cache'); ?>: <code><?php echo Admin_Display::print_plural( $img_count[ 'img.' . Img_Optm::STATUS_RAW ], 'image' ); ?></code> <?php else : ?> <font class="litespeed-congratulate"><?php echo __('Congratulations, all requested!', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></font> <?php endif; ?> </p> </div> </div> </div> <div class="inside litespeed-postbox-footer litespeed-postbox-footer--compact"> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_RESCAN ); ?>" class="" data-balloon-pos="up" data-balloon-length="large" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'Scan for any new unoptimized image thumbnail sizes and resend necessary image optimization requests.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>"> <?php echo __( 'Rescan New Thumbnails', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </div> </div> <div class="postbox litespeed-postbox"> <div class="inside"> <h3 class="litespeed-title"> <?php echo __( 'Optimization Summary', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </h3> <p> <?php echo __( 'Total Reduction', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>: <code><?php echo isset( $optm_summary[ 'reduced' ] ) ? Utility::real_size( $optm_summary[ 'reduced' ] ) : '-'; ?></code> </p> <p> <?php echo __( 'Images Pulled', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>: <code><?php echo isset( $optm_summary[ 'img_taken' ] ) ? $optm_summary[ 'img_taken' ] : '-'; ?></code> </p> <p> <?php echo __( 'Last Request', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>: <code><?php echo isset( $optm_summary[ 'last_requested' ] ) ? Utility::readable_time( $optm_summary[ 'last_requested' ] ) : '-'; ?></code> </p> </div> <div class="inside litespeed-postbox-footer litespeed-postbox-footer--compact litespeed-desc"> <?php echo sprintf( __( 'Results can be checked in <a %s>Media Library</a>.', 'litespeed-cache' ), 'href="upload.php?mode=list"' ); ?> </div> </div> <div class="postbox litespeed-postbox"> <div class="inside"> <h3 class="litespeed-title"><?php echo __('Optimization Tools', 'litespeed-cache'); ?></h3> <p> <?php echo __( 'You can quickly switch between using original (unoptimized versions) and optimized image files. It will affect all images on your website, both regular and webp versions if available.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </p> <div class="litespeed-links-group"> <span> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_BATCH_SWITCH_ORI ); ?>" class="litespeed-link-with-icon" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'Use original images (unoptimized) on your site', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>"> <span class="dashicons dashicons-undo"></span><?php echo __( 'Use Original Files', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a> </span><span> <a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_BATCH_SWITCH_OPTM ); ?>" class="litespeed-link-with-icon litespeed-icon-right" data-balloon-pos="up" aria-label="<?php echo __( 'Switch back to using optimized images on your site', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>"> <?php echo __( 'Use Optimized Files', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?><span class="dashicons dashicons-redo"></span> </a> </span> </div> </div> <div class="inside litespeed-postbox-footer litespeed-postbox-footer--compact"> <p><a href="<?php echo Utility::build_url( Router::ACTION_IMG_OPTM, Img_Optm::TYPE_DESTROY ); ?>" class="litespeed-link-with-icon litespeed-danger" data-litespeed-cfm="<?php echo __( 'Are you sure to destroy all optimized images?', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?>" > <span class="dashicons dashicons-dismiss"></span><?php echo __( 'Destroy All Optimization Data', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </a></p> <div class="litespeed-desc"> <?php echo __( 'Remove all previous image optimization requests/results, revert completed optimizations, and delete all optimization files.', 'litespeed-cache' ); ?> </div> </div> </div> </div> </div>