Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-portfolio/includes/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-portfolio/includes/general-functions.php |
<?php /** * * * @package Auxin * @license LICENSE.txt * @author averta * @link http://averta.net/phlox/ * @copyright (c) 2010-2021 averta */ /** * Get template part. * * @param mixed $slug * @param string $name (default: '') */ function auxpfo_get_template_part( $slug, $name = '' ) { auxin_get_template_part( $slug, $name, AUXPFO()->template_path() ); } /** * Whether a plugin is active or not * * @param string $plugin_basename plugin directory name and mail file address * @return bool True if plugin is active and FALSE otherwise */ if( ! function_exists( 'auxin_is_plugin_active' ) ){ function auxin_is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ){ include_once( ABSPATH . 'wp-admin/includes/plugin.php' ); return is_plugin_active( $plugin_basename ); } } if ( ! function_exists('auxpfo_get_portfolio_config') ) { function auxpfo_get_portfolio_config( $post, $settings ) { global $aux_content_width; $defaults = array( 'request_from' => 'archive', 'content_width' => '', 'preloadable' => false, 'preload_preview' => false, 'preload_bgcolor' => '', 'media_size' => '', // large, medium, thumbnail 'aspect_ratio' => 1, 'add_image_hw' => true, // whether to add with and height attrs to image 'image_sizes' => array(), 'srcset_sizes' => array(), 'upscale_image' => false, 'crop' => true ); $settings = wp_parse_args( $settings, $defaults ); extract( $settings ); if ( empty( $media_width ) ) { $media_width = $aux_content_width; } $args = array( 'show_share_btn' => true, 'show_like_btn' => true, 'show_actions' => true, 'show_side' => true, 'show_title' => true, 'the_media' => '', 'the_attach' => '', 'has_attach' => false, 'has_side_meta' => true, 'post_class' => '', 'media_parent_class'=> '', 'media_class' => '', 'sticky_sidebar' => false, 'display_cat' => true ); if( empty( $post ) ){ return $args; } // get the post media layout if( 'default' == $media_layout = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_media_layout', 'default' ) ){ $media_layout = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_media_layout' ); } // get side position if( 'default' == $side_pos = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_side_info_pos', 'default' ) ){ // $side_pos = is_rtl() ? 'left' : 'right'; $side_pos = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_side_pos', 'right' ); } // whether to show ro hide the portfolio metadata info if( 'default' == $has_side_meta = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_show_side_info_meta', 'default' ) ){ $has_side_meta = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_display_side_info_meta', '1' ); } $args['has_side_meta'] = auxin_is_true( $has_side_meta ); $string_dash_pos = strpos( $side_pos, '-' ); if( $args['has_side_meta'] ){ // possible values 'reverse' (flip the side info), 'down' (metadata under overview) and 'normal' (default direction) $side_meta_status = false !== $string_dash_pos ? substr( $side_pos, $string_dash_pos + 1 ) : 'normal'; } else { $side_meta_status = 'hide'; } // remove extra suffix $side_pos = $string_dash_pos ? substr( $side_pos, 0, $string_dash_pos ) : $side_pos; // get display_cat if( 'default' == $display_cat = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_side_info_dicplay_cat', 'default' ) ){ $display_cat = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_display_category', true ); } $args['display_cat'] = auxin_is_true( $display_cat ); // get display_tag if( 'default' == $display_tag = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_side_info_dicplay_tag', 'default' ) ){ $display_tag = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_display_tag', true ); } $args['display_tag'] = auxin_is_true( $display_tag ); if( 'default' == $_alignment = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_overview_info_alignment', 'default' ) ){ $_alignment = auxin_get_option( 'portfolios_overview_info_alignment', true ); } $args['post_class'] .= 'center' == $_alignment ? ' aux-text-align-' . $_alignment : ''; if ( 'bottom' != $side_pos ) { if( 'default' == $sticky_sidebar = auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_sticky_sidebar', 'default' ) ){ $sticky_sidebar = auxin_get_option( 'portfolio_single_sticky_sidebar', false ); } // sticky sidebar $args['sticky_sidebar'] = auxin_is_true( $sticky_sidebar ); $args['post_class'] .= $args['sticky_sidebar'] ? ' aux-sticky-side' : ''; } // specify the side position $args['side_pos'] = $side_pos; // side position and metadata direction $args['post_class'] .= ' aux-side-' . $side_pos; $args['post_class'] .= ' aux-side-meta-' . $side_meta_status; switch ( $media_layout ) { case 'classic': $args['media_parent_class'] = 'aux-stack'; $args['media_class'] = 'aux-media-frame aux-media-image'; break; case 'grid': $args['post_class'] .= ' portfolio-grid'; $args['media_parent_class'] = 'aux-portolio-grid gallery-columns-2'; $args['media_class'] = 'aux-portolio-grid-column'; break; case 'masonry': case 'land': case 'tile': default: break; } if( ! empty( $media_size ) ){ if( is_array( $media_size ) ){ $media_size['width'] = ! empty( $media_size['width' ] ) ? $media_size['width' ] : ''; $media_size['height'] = ! empty( $media_size['height'] ) ? $media_size['height'] : ''; $size = array( 'width' => $media_size['width'], 'height' => $media_size['height'] ); } else { if( $size = auxin_wp_get_image_size( $media_size ) ){ $size = array( 'width' => $size['width'], 'height' => $size['height'] ); } } } else { $size = array( 'width' => $media_width, 'height' => $media_width * $aspect_ratio ); } if ( 'archive' == $request_from ) { $args['has_attach'] = has_post_thumbnail( $post->ID ); if ( $args['has_attach'] ) { $args['the_attach'] = auxin_get_the_post_responsive_thumbnail( $post->ID, array( 'size' => $size, 'crop' => $crop, 'preloadable' => $preloadable, 'preload_preview' => $preload_preview, 'preload_bgcolor' => $preload_bgcolor, 'add_hw' => $add_image_hw, 'image_sizes' => $image_sizes, 'srcset_sizes' => $srcset_sizes, 'upscale' => $upscale_image ) ); } $args['the_media'] = '<div class="aux-media-frame aux-media-image">'. '<a href="'.get_permalink( $post->ID ).'">'. $args['the_attach']. '</a>'. '</div>'; } else { $args['has_attach'] = ! auxin_get_post_meta( $post, '_no_feature_image_in_single', 0 ); if( $args['has_attach'] ){ if ( function_exists( 'auxin_maybe_create_image_size' ) ) { auxin_maybe_create_image_size( get_post_thumbnail_id( $post->ID ), $media_size ); } $args['the_media'] = get_the_post_thumbnail( $post->ID, $media_size ); $args['has_attach'] = ! empty( $args['the_media'] ); } } // Don't display post title if title bar is enable to prevent duplicated title in single page if( 'archive' !== $request_from && auxin_get_post_meta( $post, 'aux_title_bar_show', 0 ) ) { $args['show_title'] = false; } // action buttons $args['show_share_btn'] = ( auxin_get_option( 'show_portfolio_single_share', true ) ); $args['show_like_btn' ] = ( auxin_get_option( 'show_portfolio_single_like', true ) ); $args['show_actions' ] = ( auxin_get_option( 'show_portfolio_single_share_like_section', true ) ); if( !$args['show_share_btn'] && !$args['show_like_btn'] ) { $args['show_actions' ] = false; } return $args; } }