Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/includes/elements/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/includes/elements/gallery.php |
<?php /** * Filterable gallery with lightbox * * * @package Auxin * @license LICENSE.txt * @author averta * @link http://phlox.pro/ * @copyright (c) 2010-2021 averta */ function auxin_get_gallery_master_array( $master_array ) { $master_array['aux_gallery'] = array( 'name' => __('Gallery', 'auxin-elements'), 'auxin_output_callback' => 'auxin_widget_gallery_callback', 'base' => 'aux_gallery', 'description' => __('Filterable and grid gallery with lightbox', 'auxin-elements'), 'class' => 'aux-widget-gallery', 'show_settings_on_create' => true, 'weight' => 1, 'is_widget' => false, 'is_shortcode' => true, 'is_so' => true, 'is_vc' => true, 'category' => THEME_NAME, 'group' => '', 'admin_enqueue_js' => '', 'admin_enqueue_css' => '', 'front_enqueue_js' => '', 'front_enqueue_css' => '', 'icon' => 'aux-element aux-pb-icons-gallery', 'custom_markup' => '', 'js_view' => '', 'html_template' => '', 'deprecated' => '', 'content_element' => '', 'as_parent' => '', 'as_child' => '', 'params' => array( array( 'heading' => __('Title','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'title', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => '', 'holder' => 'textfield', 'class' => 'title', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Images','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'include', 'type' => 'attach_images', 'value' => '', 'def_value' => '', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'include', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Gallery layout','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'layout', 'type' => 'aux_visual_select', 'def_value' => 'grid', 'choices' => array( 'grid' => array( 'label' => __('Grid', 'auxin-elements'), 'image' => AUXIN_URL . 'images/visual-select/gallery-grid.svg' ), 'masonry' => array( 'label' => __('Masonry', 'auxin-elements'), 'image' => AUXIN_URL . 'images/visual-select/gallery-masonry.svg' ), 'tiles' => array( 'label' => __('Tiles', 'auxin-elements'), 'image' => AUXIN_URL . 'images/visual-select/gallery-tile.svg' ), // 'justify-rows' => array( // 'label' => __('Justify rows', 'auxin-elements'), // 'image' => AUXIN_URL . 'images/visual-select/divider-diamond.svg' // ) ), 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'layout', 'admin_label' => true, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __( 'Post Tile styles','auxin-elements' ), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'tile_style_pattern', 'type' => 'aux_visual_select', 'def_value' => 'default', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'tile_style_pattern', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => 'tiles' ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => __( 'Style', 'auxin-elements' ), 'edit_field_class' => '', 'choices' => array( 'default' => array( 'label' => __( 'Default', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-5.svg' ), 'pattern-1' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pattern 1', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-3.svg' ), 'pattern-2' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pattern 2', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-6.svg' ), 'pattern-3' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pattern 3', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-7.svg' ), 'pattern-4' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pattern 4', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-8.svg' ), 'pattern-5' => array( 'label' => __( 'Pattern 5', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-4.svg' ), 'pattern-6' => array( 'label' => __('Pattern 6', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-1.svg' ), 'pattern-7' => array( 'label' => __('Pattern 7', 'auxin-elements' ), 'image' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/visual-select/tile-2.svg' ), ) ), array( 'heading' => __('Order images by query','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'wp_order', 'type' => 'aux_switch', 'value' => '0', 'class' => '', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Order','auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('Order images ascending or descending','auxin-elements'), 'param_name' => 'order', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => 'ASC', 'value' => array( 'ASC' => __('ASC' , 'auxin-elements'), 'DESC' => __('DESC', 'auxin-elements') ), 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'order', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'wp_order', 'value' => '1' ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Order images by','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'orderby', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => 'menu_order ID', 'value' => array( 'menu_order ID' => __('Menu Order' , 'auxin-elements'), 'date' => __('Date' , 'auxin-elements'), 'ID' => __('ID' , 'auxin-elements'), 'none' => __('None' , 'auxin-elements') ), 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'wp_order', 'value' => '1' ), 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'orderby', 'admin_label' => false, 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Number of columns', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'columns', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => '4', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'columns', 'value' => array( '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6' ), 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array( 'grid', 'masonry' ) ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => __( 'Layout', 'auxin-elements' ), 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Number of columns in tablet size', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'tablet_cnum', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => 'inherit', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'tablet_cnum', 'value' => array( 'inherit' => 'Inherited from larger', '1' => '1', '2' => '2', '3' => '3', '4' => '4', '5' => '5', '6' => '6' ), 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array( 'grid', 'masonry' ) ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => __( 'Layout', 'auxin-elements' ), 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Number of columns in phone size', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'phone_cnum', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => '1', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'phone_cnum', 'value' => array( '1' => '1' , '2' => '2', '3' => '3' ), 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array( 'grid', 'masonry' ) ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => __( 'Layout', 'auxin-elements' ), 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Space','auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('Space between gallery items in pixel.', 'auxin-elements'), 'param_name' => 'space', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => '10', 'def_value' => '', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'space', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array( 'grid', 'masonry' ) ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Image aspect ratio', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'image_aspect_ratio', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => '0.75', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'order', 'value' =>array ( '0.75' => __('Horizontal 4:3' , 'auxin-elements'), '0.56' => __('Horizontal 16:9', 'auxin-elements'), '1.00' => __('Square 1:1' , 'auxin-elements'), '1.33' => __('Vertical 3:4' , 'auxin-elements') ), 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'layout', 'value' => array( 'grid' ) ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Link images to','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'link', 'type' => 'dropdown', 'def_value' => 'lightbox', 'value' => array( 'lightbox' => __('Lightbox', 'auxin-elements'), 'none' => __('None' , 'auxin-elements'), '' => __('Attachment Page' , 'auxin-elements'), 'file' => __('File' , 'auxin-elements') ), 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'link', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Enable pagination','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'pagination', 'type' => 'aux_switch', 'value' => '0', 'class' => '', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Enable lazyload','auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('Only load images that are in visible page','auxin-elements'), 'param_name' => 'lazyload', 'type' => 'aux_switch', 'value' => '0', 'class' => '', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pagination', 'value' => '1' ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Images per page','auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'param_name' => 'perpage', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => '24', 'def_value' => '', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'id', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => array( 'element' => 'pagination', 'value' => '1' ), 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ), array( 'heading' => __('Extra class name','auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('If you wish to style particular content element differently, then use this field to add a class name and then refer to it in your css file.', 'auxin-elements'), 'param_name' => 'extra_classes', 'type' => 'textfield', 'value' => '', 'def_value' => '', 'holder' => '', 'class' => 'extra_classes', 'admin_label' => false, 'dependency' => '', 'weight' => '', 'group' => '' , 'edit_field_class' => '' ) ) ); return $master_array; } add_filter( 'auxin_master_array_shortcodes', 'auxin_get_gallery_master_array', 10, 1 ); // This is the widget call back in fact the front end out put of this widget comes from this function function auxin_widget_gallery_callback( $attr, $shortcode_content = null ){ if ( ! empty( $attr['ids'] ) ) { $attr['include'] = $attr['ids']; } static $instance = 0; $instance++; $selector = "aux-gallery-{$instance}"; global $post; // Defining default attributes $default_atts = array( 'order' => 'ASC', 'orderby' => 'menu_order ID', 'id' => $post ? $post->ID : 0, 'columns' => 4, 'tablet_cnum' => 'inherit', 'phone_cnum' => 1, 'space' => 10, 'image_aspect_ratio' => 0.75, 'default_image_size' => 'medium', // empty, 'thumbnail', 'medium', 'medium_large', 'large'. default image size for grid image size 'layout' => 'grid', // grid, masonry, justify-rows, packery 'include' => '', 'tile_style_pattern' => 'default', 'link' => 'lightbox', // none, file, empty(attachment), lightbox 'perpage' => 24, 'pagination' => false, 'lazyload' => false, 'wp_order' => false, 'title' => '', // header title 'extra_classes' => '', // custom css class names for this element 'custom_el_id' => '', // custom id attribute for this element 'base_class' => 'aux-widget-gallery' // base class name for container ); $result = auxin_get_widget_scafold( $attr, $default_atts ); extract( $result['parsed_atts'] ); // ------------------------------------------ if ( ! auxin_is_true( $wp_order ) && empty( $ids ) ) { $order = 'ASC'; $orderby = 'post__in'; } // sanitize the boolean options $pagination = auxin_is_true( $pagination ); $lazyload = auxin_is_true( $lazyload ); $attachments = array(); if ( ! empty( $include ) ) { $_attachments = get_posts( array( 'include' => $include, 'post_status' => 'inherit', 'post_type' => 'attachment', 'post_mime_type' => 'image', 'order' => $order, 'orderby' => $orderby ) ); foreach ( $_attachments as $key => $val ) { $attachments[$val->ID] = $_attachments[$key]; } } if ( empty( $attachments ) ) { return ''; } if ( is_feed() ) { $output = "\n"; foreach ( $attachments as $att_id => $attachment ) { $output .= wp_get_attachment_link( $att_id, 'medium', true ) . "\n"; } return $output; } ob_start(); // widget header ------------------------------ echo $result['widget_header']; echo $result['widget_title']; $crop = false; if ( 'grid' == $layout ) { $crop = true; } if ( empty( $layout ) || 'grid' == $layout ){ $isotop_layout = 'masonry'; } elseif ( 'justify-rows' == $layout ) { $isotop_layout = 'justifyRows'; } elseif ( 'tiles' == $layout ) { $isotop_layout = 'packery'; } else { $isotop_layout = 'masonry'; } $add_lightbox = ( $link == 'lightbox' ); $add_caption = false; echo "<div id='$selector' class='aux-gallery galleryid-{$id} gallery-columns-{$columns} " . ( $add_lightbox ? 'aux-lightbox-gallery' : '' ) . "'>"; // isotope attributes $isotope_attrs = ' data-pagination="' . ( $pagination ? 'true' : 'false' ) . '"'. ' data-lazyload="' . ( $lazyload ? 'true' : 'false' ) . '"'. ' data-perpage="' . esc_attr( $perpage) . '"'. ' data-layout="' . esc_attr( $isotop_layout ) . '"'. ' data-space="' . esc_attr( $space ) . '"'; if ( 'tiles' == $layout ) { $column_class = 'aux-tiles-layout'; $column_media_width = $content_width; $isotope_item_classes = 'aux-iso-item'; } else { $column_class = 'aux-row aux-de-col' . $columns; if ( 'inherit' == $tablet_cnum ) { $tablet_cnum = $columns; } $column_class .= ' aux-tb-col'. $tablet_cnum; $column_class .= ' aux-mb-col'. $phone_cnum; // Make the element clickable while editing in elementor $column_class .= ' elementor-clickable'; $column_media_width = auxin_get_content_column_width( $columns, $space, $content_width ); $isotope_item_classes = 'aux-iso-item aux-col'; } $column_media_width = round( $column_media_width ); printf( '<div class="aux-gallery-container aux-isotope-animated %s aux-no-gutter aux-layout-%s" %s >', esc_attr( $column_class ), esc_attr( $isotop_layout ), $isotope_attrs ); if ( $lazyload ) { $isotope_item_classes .= ' aux-loading'; ?> <div class="aux-items-loading"> <div class="aux-loading-loop"> <svg class="aux-circle" width="100%" height="100%" viewBox="0 0 42 42"> <circle class="aux-stroke-bg" r="20" cx="21" cy="21" fill="none"></circle> <circle class="aux-progress" r="20" cx="21" cy="21" fill="none" transform="rotate(-90 21 21)"></circle> </svg> </div> </div> <?php } $index = 0; foreach ( $attachments as $id => $attachment ) { $isotope_item_attrs = ''; $attachment_meta = wp_get_attachment_metadata( $id ); if ( $add_lightbox || 'file' == $link ) { $attachment_url = auxin_get_attachment_url( $id, 'full' ); } elseif ( 'attachment' == $link ) { $attachment_url = get_attachment_link( $id ); } elseif( 'none' == $link ) { $attachment_url = '#null'; $link = 'null'; } $lightbox_attrs = 'data-elementor-open-lightbox="no" '; if ( $add_lightbox ) { $lightbox_attrs .= 'data-original-width="' . esc_attr( $attachment_meta['width'] ) . '" data-original-height="' . esc_attr( $attachment_meta['height'] ) . '" ' . 'data-caption="' . esc_attr( strip_tags( auxin_attachment_caption( $id ) ) ) . '"'; } if ( 'tiles' == $layout ) { $item_pattern_info = auxin_get_tile_pattern( $tile_style_pattern , $index, $column_media_width ); $attachment_media = auxin_get_the_responsive_attachment( $id, array( 'preloadable' => $lazyload ? null: false, 'crop' => true, 'add_hw' => true, // whether add width and height attr or not 'upscale' => true, 'size' => $item_pattern_info['size'], 'image_sizes' => 'auto', 'srcset_sizes' => 'auto' ) ); } else { if ( 'masonry' == $layout ){ $image_aspect_ratio = 0; $the_sizes = array( array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * $image_aspect_ratio ), array( 'width' => 2 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 2 * $column_media_width * $image_aspect_ratio ), array( 'width' => 4 * $column_media_width, 'height' => 4 * $column_media_width * $image_aspect_ratio ) ); } else { $the_sizes = 'auto'; } $image_dimension = empty( $default_image_size ) ? array( 'width' => $column_media_width, 'height' => $column_media_width * $image_aspect_ratio ) : $default_image_size; $attachment_media = auxin_get_the_responsive_attachment( $id, array( 'preloadable' => null, 'preload_preview' => false, 'crop' => $crop, 'size' => $image_dimension, 'add_hw' => 'masonry' == $layout ? false : true, // whether add width and height attr or not 'upscale' => true, 'image_sizes' => array( array( 'min' => '', 'max' => '767px', 'width' => round( 100 / $phone_cnum ).'vw' ), array( 'min' => '768px', 'max' => '1025px', 'width' => round( 100 / $tablet_cnum ).'vw' ), array( 'min' => '' , 'max' => '', 'width' => $column_media_width.'px' ) ), 'srcset_sizes' => $the_sizes ) ); } $index ++; if ( auxin_is_true( $pagination ) && $index > $perpage ) { $item_classes = 'aux-iso-hidden'; } else { $item_classes = ''; } if ( 'tiles' == $layout ) { $item_classes .= ' aux-image-box '. esc_attr( $item_pattern_info['classname'] ); } include( locate_template( 'templates/theme-parts/entry/gallery-image.php' ) ); } echo "</div></div>"; // widget footer ------------------------------ echo $result['widget_footer']; printf( '<style>.aux-parent-%s .aux-frame-ratio { padding-bottom:%s }</style>', $universal_id, round( $image_aspect_ratio * 100 ) . '%' ); return ob_get_clean(); }