Direktori : /home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/admin/includes/ |
Current File : //home/eirtvhdf/cloudsslamllc.com/wp-content/plugins/auxin-elements/admin/includes/admin-hooks.php |
<?php /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add shortcode button to tinymce /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_register_shortcode_button( $buttons ) { array_push( $buttons, '|', 'phlox_shortcodes_button' ); return $buttons; } /** * Add the shortcode button to TinyMCE * * @param array $plugin_array * @return array */ function auxin_add_elements_tinymce_plugin( $plugin_array ) { $wp_version = get_bloginfo( 'version' ); $plugin_array['phlox_shortcodes_button'] = AUXELS_ADMIN_URL."/assets/js/tinymce/plugins/auxin-btns.js"; return $plugin_array; } function auxels_init_shortcode_manager(){ if ( ! current_user_can('edit_posts') && ! current_user_can('edit_pages') ) return; add_filter( 'mce_external_plugins', 'auxin_add_elements_tinymce_plugin' ); add_filter( 'mce_buttons', 'auxin_register_shortcode_button' ); } add_action("init", "auxels_init_shortcode_manager"); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Wizard admin notice /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Skip the notice for running the setup wizard * * @return void */ function auxels_hide_wizard_notice() { if ( isset( $_GET['auxels-hide-wizard-notice'] ) && isset( $_GET['_notice_nonce'] ) ) { if ( ! wp_verify_nonce( $_GET['_notice_nonce'], 'auxels_hide_notices_nonce' ) ) { wp_die( __( 'Authorization failed. Please refresh the page and try again.', 'auxin-elements' ) ); } auxin_update_option( 'auxels_hide_wizard_notice', 1 ); } } add_action( 'wp_loaded', 'auxels_hide_wizard_notice' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add Editor styles /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_register_mce_buttons_style(){ wp_register_style('auxin_mce_buttons' , AUXELS_ADMIN_URL. '/assets/css/editor.css', NULL, '1.1'); wp_enqueue_style('auxin_mce_buttons'); } add_action('admin_enqueue_scripts', 'auxin_register_mce_buttons_style'); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Adding a plugin to plugin recommendation list /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxels_plugin_register_recommended_plugins() { if( is_rtl() ){ $plugins = array( array( 'name' => __('Phlox RTL Fonts', 'auxin-elements'), 'slug' => 'auxin-fonts', 'version' => '1.0.0', 'source' => AUXELS_DIR . '/embeds/plugins/auxin-fonts.zip', // The "internal" source of the plugin. 'required' => false ) ); tgmpa( $plugins ); } } add_action( 'tgmpa_register', 'auxels_plugin_register_recommended_plugins', 12 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Adds subtitle meta field to 'Title setting' tab /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_add_metabox_field_to_title_setting_tab( $fields, $id, $type ){ if( 'general-title' == $id ){ array_splice( $fields, 1, 0, array( array( 'title' => __('Subtitle for Title Bar', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('Second Title for title bar (optional). Note: You have to enable "Display Title Bar Section" option in order to display the subtitle.', 'auxin-elements'), 'id' => 'page_subtitle', 'type' => 'editor', 'default' => '', 'dependency' => array( array( 'id' => 'aux_title_bar_show', 'value' => array('default', 'yes'), 'operator'=> '==' ) ) ), array( 'title' => __('Subtitle Position', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => '', 'id' => 'subtitle_position', 'type' => 'select', 'default' => 'after', 'choices' => array( 'before' => __( 'Before Title', 'auxin-elements' ), 'after' => __( 'After Title', 'auxin-elements' ), ), 'dependency' => array( array( 'id' => 'aux_title_bar_show', 'value' => array('default', 'yes'), 'operator'=> '==' ) ) ) ) ); } return $fields; } add_filter( 'auxin_metabox_fields', 'auxin_add_metabox_field_to_title_setting_tab', 10, 3 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Registers special theme admin menu /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_elements_admin_bar_add_upgrade_phlox( $wp_admin_bar ){ // Skip for Pro version if( defined('THEME_PRO') && THEME_PRO ){ return; } $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'id' => 'phlox-upgrade', 'title' => __( 'Upgrade Phlox', 'auxin-elements' ), 'parent' => 'top-secondary', 'href' => esc_url( 'http://phlox.pro/go-pro/?utm_source=phlox-welcome&utm_medium=phlox-free&utm_campaign=phlox-go-pro&utm_content=adminbar' ), 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'auxin-upgrade-top-bar', 'target' => '_blank' ) )); } add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'auxin_elements_admin_bar_add_upgrade_phlox', 199 ); function auxin_elements_admin_bar_notices( $wp_admin_bar ){ if( auxin_get_option( 'auxin_maintenance_enable', 0 ) ){ $wp_admin_bar->add_menu( array( 'id' => 'phlox-maintenance', 'title' => __( 'Maintenance Mode', 'auxin-elements' ), 'parent' => 'top-secondary', 'href' => self_admin_url( 'customize.php?autofocus[control]=auxin_maintenance_enable_control' ), 'meta' => array( 'class' => 'auxin-alarm-top-bar', 'target' => '_self' ) )); } } add_action( 'admin_bar_menu', 'auxin_elements_admin_bar_notices', 195 ); /** * Remove theme submenu under appearance * * @return void */ function auxin_elements_remnove_theme_submenu(){ remove_submenu_page( "themes.php", "tgmpa-install-plugins"); } add_action( "admin_menu", "auxin_elements_remnove_theme_submenu", 12 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Check Bundled Plugins Updates /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Add a submenu to TGMPA plugins update page * * @return void */ function auxin_register_update_plugins_submenu(){ global $menu; if( ! defined('THEME_PRO') || ! THEME_PRO ) { return; } // Update Plugins SubMenu if( $tgmpa_counter = auxin_count_bundled_plugins_have_update() ) { add_submenu_page( 'auxin-welcome', esc_attr__( 'Update Plugins' , 'auxin-elements' ), sprintf( __( 'Update Plugins %s' , 'auxin-elements' ), " <span class='update-plugins count-1'><span class='update-count'>". number_format_i18n( $tgmpa_counter ) ."</span></span>" ), 'manage_options', 'auxin-update', 'auxin_get_tgmpa_plugins_page' ); } } add_action( 'admin_menu', 'auxin_register_update_plugins_submenu', 30 ); /** * Remove transient on plugin upgrade * * @return void */ function auxin_remove_bundled_plugins_update_transient(){ delete_transient( 'auxin_count_bundled_plugins_have_update' ); } add_action( 'upgrader_process_complete', 'auxin_remove_bundled_plugins_update_transient' ); add_action( 'auxin_updated' , 'auxin_remove_bundled_plugins_update_transient' ); /** * Add bundled plugins update count to admin theme menu * * @param int $count The number if bubble count * @return int $count */ function auxin_add_update_count_to_theme_menu( $count ){ if( $total_updates = auxin_get_total_updates() ) { $count = $count + $total_updates; } return $count; } add_action( 'auxin_theme_menu_update_count', 'auxin_add_update_count_to_theme_menu' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Adding fallback for deprecated theme option name /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxels_sync_deprecated_options(){ $old_theme_options = get_option( THEME_ID . '_formatted_options' ); if( false === $old_theme_options ){ return; } $new_theme_options = get_option( THEME_ID . '_theme_options' ); if( false === $new_theme_options ){ update_option( THEME_ID . '_theme_options', $old_theme_options ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'auxels_sync_deprecated_options' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add post format related metafields to post /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxels_add_post_metabox_models( $models ){ // Load general metabox models include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-post-audio.php' ); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-post-gallery.php' ); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-post-quote.php' ); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-post-video.php' ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_post_gallery(), 'priority' => 20 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_post_video(), 'priority' => 22 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_post_audio(), 'priority' => 24 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_post_quote(), 'priority' => 26 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_advanced(), 'priority' => 36 ); return $models; } add_filter( 'auxin_admin_metabox_models_post', 'auxels_add_post_metabox_models' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add advanced metafields to page /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxels_add_page_metabox_models( $models ){ include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-header-template-settings.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-header-template.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-custom-logo.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-top-header.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-header.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-footer-template-settings.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-footer-template.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-general-footer.php'); include_once( 'metaboxes/metabox-fields-page-template.php'); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_custom_logo(), 'priority' => 2 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_header_templates(), 'priority' => 3 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_header_templates_settings(), 'priority' => 4 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_page_template(), 'priority' => 8 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_footer_templates(), 'priority' => 9 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_footer_templates_settings(), 'priority' => 10 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_advanced(), 'priority' => 11 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_header(), 'priority' => 12 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_top_header(), 'priority' => 13 ); $models[] = array( 'model' => auxin_metabox_fields_general_footer(), 'priority' => 14 ); return $models; } add_filter( 'auxin_admin_metabox_models_page', 'auxels_add_page_metabox_models' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Add theme tab in siteorigin page builder /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_add_widget_tabs($tabs) { $tabs[] = array( 'title' => THEME_NAME, 'filter' => array( 'groups' => array('auxin') ) ); if (isset($tabs['recommended'])){ unset($tabs['recommended']); } return $tabs; } add_filter( 'siteorigin_panels_widget_dialog_tabs', 'auxin_add_widget_tabs', 20 ); // ============================================================================= function auxin_admin_footer_text( $footer_text ) { // the admin pages that we intent to display theme footer text on $admin_pages = array( 'toplevel_page_auxin', 'appearance_page_auxin', 'toplevel_page_auxin-welcome', 'appearance_page_auxin-welcome', 'page', 'post', 'widgets', 'dashboard', 'edit-post', 'edit-page', 'edit-portfolio', 'edit-faq', 'edit-product' ); if( ! ( function_exists('auxin_is_theme_admin_page') && auxin_is_theme_admin_page( $admin_pages ) ) ){ return $footer_text; } $welcome_tab_url = self_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=auxin-welcome&tab=' ); $setup_wizard_url = self_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=auxin-wizard' ); $auxin_text = sprintf( __( 'Quick access to %s %sdashboard%s, %sdemo importer%s, %soptions%s, and %ssupport%s page.', 'auxin-elements' ) , '<strong>' . THEME_NAME_I18N . '</strong>', '<a href="'. Auxin_Welcome::get_instance()->get_tab_link('') .'" title="'. sprintf( esc_attr__( '%s theme version %s', 'auxin-elements' ), THEME_NAME_I18N, THEME_VERSION ) .'" >', '</a>', '<a href="'. Auxin_Welcome::get_instance()->get_tab_link('importer') .'" title="'. __('Theme Demo Importer', 'auxin-elements' ) .'" >', '</a>', '<a href="'. esc_url( self_admin_url( 'customize.php' ) ) .'" title="'. __('Theme Customizer', 'auxin-elements' ) .'" >', '</a>', '<a href="'. Auxin_Welcome::get_instance()->get_tab_link('help') .'">', '</a>' ); return '<span id="footer-thankyou">' . $auxin_text . '</span>'; } add_filter( 'admin_footer_text', 'auxin_admin_footer_text' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Dashboard "Right Now" modification /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_add_2_rightnow_bottom() { $p_theme = auxin_get_main_theme(); echo '<div class="aux-dashboard-widget-footer">'; echo '<span class="aux-footer-using">'; printf( __( 'You are using %1$s theme version %2$s.', 'auxin-elements'), '<strong>'. $p_theme->display('Name'). '</strong>', '<strong>'. $p_theme->display('Version'). '</strong>' ); echo '</span>'; if( ! ( defined('THEME_PRO') && THEME_PRO ) ){ echo '<span class="aux-footer-rate">'. sprintf( __( 'Please support us to continue this project by rating it %s', 'auxin-elements' ), '<a href="https://wordpress.org/support/theme/phlox/reviews/?filter=5#new-post" target="_blank">★★★★★</a>' ). '</span>'; } $link = 'https://docs.phlox.pro/?utm_source=wp-dashboard-widget&utm_medium=phlox-free&utm_content=wp-glance-widget&utm_term=documentation&utm_campaign=docs'; echo '<a class="aux-dashboard-widget-footer-link" href="'.$link.'" target="_blank">Help<span class="screen-reader-text">(opens in a new window)</span><span aria-hidden="true" class="dashicons dashicons-external"></span></a>'; echo '</div>'; } add_action( 'rightnow_end', 'auxin_add_2_rightnow_bottom' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Assign menus on start or after demo import /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Automatically assigns the appropriate menus to menu locations * Known Locations: * - header-primary : There should be a menu with the word "Primary" Or "Mega" in its name * - header-secondary: There should be a menu with the word "Secondary" in its name * - footer : There should be a menu with the word "Footer" in its name * * @return bool True if at least one menu was assigned, false otherwise */ function auxin_assign_default_menus(){ $assinged = false; $locations = get_theme_mod('nav_menu_locations'); $nav_menus = wp_get_nav_menus(); foreach ( $nav_menus as $nav_menu ) { $menu_name = strtolower( $nav_menu->name ); if( empty( $locations['header-secondary'] ) && preg_match( '(secondary)', $menu_name ) ){ $locations['header-secondary'] = $nav_menu->term_id; $assinged = true; } elseif( empty( $locations['header-primary'] ) && preg_match( '(primary|mega|header)', $menu_name ) ){ $locations['header-primary'] = $nav_menu->term_id; $assinged = true; } elseif( empty( $locations['footer'] ) && preg_match( '(footer)', $menu_name ) ){ $locations['footer'] = $nav_menu->term_id; $assinged = true; } } set_theme_mod( 'nav_menu_locations', $locations ); return $assinged; } add_action( 'after_switch_theme', 'auxin_assign_default_menus' ); // triggers when theme will be actived, WP 3.3 add_action( 'import_end', 'auxin_assign_default_menus' ); // triggers when the theme data was imported /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove any script tag fromt custom js (if user used them in the script content) /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Strip <script> tags * * @param string $js_string The custom js string * @return string The sanitized custom js code */ function auxels_strip_script_tags_from_custom_js( $js_string ){ if ( false !== stripos( $js_string, '</script>' ) ) { $js_string = str_replace( array( "<script>", "</script>" ), array('', ''), $js_string ); } return $js_string; } add_filter( 'auxin_custom_js_string', 'auxels_strip_script_tags_from_custom_js' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Remove any style tag fromt custom css (if user used them in the style content) /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Strip <style> tags * * @param string $css_string The custom css string * @return string The sanitized custom css code */ function auxels_strip_style_tags_from_custom_css( $css_string ){ if ( false !== stripos( $css_string, '</style>' ) ) { $css_string = str_replace( array( "<style>", "</style>" ), array('', ''), $css_string ); } return $css_string; } add_filter( 'auxin_custom_css_string', 'auxels_strip_style_tags_from_custom_css' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Recreate custom css and js files after updating auxin plugins * * @param $flush Whether to flush rewrite rules after plugin update or not * @return void */ function auxels_update_custom_js_css_file_on_auxin_plugin_update( $flush = true ){ auxin_save_custom_js(); auxin_save_custom_css(); if( $flush ) flush_rewrite_rules(); } add_action( "auxin_plugin_updated", "auxels_update_custom_js_css_file_on_auxin_plugin_update" ); /** * Triggers an action after plugin was updated to new version. * * @return void */ function auxels_after_plugin_update(){ if( AUXELS_VERSION !== get_transient( 'auxin_' . AUXELS_SLUG . '_version' ) ){ set_transient( 'auxin_' . AUXELS_SLUG . '_version', AUXELS_VERSION, MONTH_IN_SECONDS ); do_action( 'auxin_plugin_updated', false , AUXELS_SLUG, AUXELS_VERSION, AUXELS_BASE_NAME ); do_action( 'auxin_updated' , 'plugin', AUXELS_SLUG, AUXELS_VERSION, AUXELS_BASE_NAME ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'auxels_after_plugin_update', 9 ); add_action( 'admin_init', function(){ $plugin_update_check = new AUXELS_Plugin_Check_Update ( AUXELS_VERSION, // current version 'http://api.averta.net/envato/items/', // update path AUXELS_BASE_NAME, // plugin file slug 'auxin-elements', // plugin slug 'auxin-elements', // item request name AUXELS_DIR . '/auxin-elements.php' // plugin file ); $plugin_update_check->plugin_id = '1238506'; } ); /** * Disable the query monitor on vc frontend editor * * @return bool Whether to displatche the debug report or not */ function auxin_disable_query_monitor_on_vc_fronteditor( $debug_enabled ){ return ( function_exists( 'vc_is_frontend_editor' ) && vc_is_frontend_editor() ) ? false : $debug_enabled; } add_filter( 'qm/dispatch/ajax', "auxin_disable_query_monitor_on_vc_fronteditor" ); add_filter( 'qm/dispatch/html', "auxin_disable_query_monitor_on_vc_fronteditor" ); function auxin_meida_setting_requires_modification(){ echo '<div class="aux-admin-error notice notice-warning notice-large">'; _e( 'Please make sure the image aspect ratio for all image sizes are the same.', 'auxin-elements' ); echo '</div>'; } /** * * * @return void */ function auxels_after_media_setting_updated(){ $image_sizes = array('thumbnail', 'medium', 'medium_large', 'large'); $same_ratio = true; $ratio = ''; $thumb_crop = auxin_is_true( get_option('thumbnail_crop') ); foreach ( $image_sizes as $image_size ) { $width = get_option( $image_size. '_size_w' ); if( $height = get_option( $image_size. '_size_h' ) ){ if( ! empty( $ratio ) && $ratio != ( $width / $height ) ){ $same_ratio = false; break; } $ratio = $width / $height; } if ( $thumb_crop ) { update_option( $image_size . '_crop', '1' ); } } if( $same_ratio && $ratio ){ if( ! get_option( 'medium_large_size_h') ){ update_option( 'medium_large_size_h', get_option( 'medium_large_size_w' ) * $ratio ); } set_theme_mod( 'auxin_wp_image_sizes_ratio', $ratio ); } elseif( ! $same_ratio ) { add_action( 'admin_notices', 'auxin_meida_setting_requires_modification' ); } } add_action( "load-options-media.php", "auxels_after_media_setting_updated"); add_action( "auxin_plugin_updated" , "auxels_after_media_setting_updated" ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Adds Custom Footer Metafields to 'Layout Options' tab /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_add_metabox_field_to_layout_setting_tab( $fields, $id, $type ){ if( 'layout-options' == $id ){ $fields[] = array( 'title' => __('Footer Brand Image', 'auxin-elements'), 'description' => __('This image appears as site brand image on footer section.', 'auxin-elements'), 'id' => 'page_secondary_logo_image', 'section' => 'footer-section-footer', 'dependency' => array( array( 'id' => 'page_show_footer', 'value' => array('yes', 'default'), 'operator'=> '==' ) ), 'type' => 'image' ); } return $fields; } add_filter( 'auxin_metabox_fields', 'auxin_add_metabox_field_to_layout_setting_tab', 10, 3 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Auxin Admin notices /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_notice_manager(){ $notice_list = []; if( defined('THEME_PRO' ) && THEME_PRO ){ if( ! auxin_is_activated() ){ $notice_list[ 'activate_purchase_of_phlox_pro' ] = new Auxin_Notices([ 'id' => 'activate_purchase_of_phlox_pro', 'title' => 'Welcome to '. THEME_NAME_I18N, 'desc' => 'Please activate your license to get automatic updates, premium support, and unlimited access to the template library and demo importer.', 'skin' => 'error', // 'success', 'info', 'error' 'has_close' => false, 'image' =>[ 'width' => '105', 'src' => AUXELS_ADMIN_URL . '/assets/images/welcome/activation.svg' ], 'buttons' => [ [ 'label' => __('Activate License', 'auxin-elements'), 'link' => self_admin_url( 'admin.php?page=auxin-welcome&activate-phlox-pro' ), 'target' => '_self' ], [ 'label' => __('Remind Me Later', 'auxin-elements'), 'type' => 'skip', 'expiration' => DAY_IN_SECONDS * 5 ] ] ]); } } $notice_list = apply_filters( 'auxin_admin_notices_instances', $notice_list ); foreach ( $notice_list as $notice ) { if( $notice instanceof Auxin_Notices ){ $notice->render(); } } } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'auxin_notice_manager' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Auxin Admin ads /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_ads_manager(){ $api_id = ( defined('THEME_PRO' ) && THEME_PRO ) ? '27' : '26'; Auxin_Notices::get_ads_notices( $api_id ); } add_action( 'admin_notices', 'auxin_ads_manager' ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /* Maybe increase the http request timeout /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ function auxin_maybe_change_http_curl_timeout( $handle ){ if( false !== $timeout = get_theme_mod( 'increasing_curl_timeout_is_required' ) ){ curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_CONNECTTIMEOUT, $timeout ); curl_setopt( $handle, CURLOPT_TIMEOUT, $timeout ); } } add_action( 'http_api_curl', 'auxin_maybe_change_http_curl_timeout', 100 ); /*-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------*/ /** * Add auxin plugins to official plugins list hook * * @param array $plugins * @return void */ function auxin_define_official_plugins_list( $plugins ){ array_push( $plugins, AUXELS_SLUG, 'auxin-portfolio' ); return $plugins; } add_filter( 'auxin_official_plugins', 'auxin_define_official_plugins_list', 10, 1 ); /** * Add auxin themes to official themes list hook * * @param array $plugins * @return void */ function auxin_define_official_themes_list( $themes ){ array_push( $themes, 'phlox' ); return $themes; } add_filter( 'auxin_official_themes', 'auxin_define_official_themes_list', 10, 1 ); /** * Add license popup markup to welcome pages * * @return void */ function auxin_admin_welcome_add_license_popup(){ if( ! ( defined('THEME_PRO' ) && THEME_PRO ) ){ return false; } if( auxin_is_activated() ){ return; } ?> <div class="aux-purchase-activation-notice"> <p class="aux-desc"><?php esc_html_e( 'Phlox is Not Activated! to Unlock All Features Activate Now.', 'auxin-elements'); ?></p> <a class="aux-button aux-red aux-ajax-open-modal" data-auto-open="<?php echo isset( $_GET['activate-phlox-pro'] ) ? 1 : 0; ?>" href="<?php echo add_query_arg( array( 'action' => 'auxin_display_actvation_form', 'nonce' => wp_create_nonce( 'aux-activation-form' ) ), admin_url( 'admin-ajax.php' ) ); ?>"> <?php esc_html_e( 'Activate Now', 'auxin-elements'); ?> </a> </div> <?php } add_action( 'auxin_admin_welcome_after_header', 'auxin_admin_welcome_add_license_popup' ); /** * Modify plugins upgrade list for regex checkup * * @return void */ function auxin_add_bundle_plugins_to_upgrade_list(){ return '(auxin|phlox|bdthemes-element-pack|masterslider|js_composer|Ultimate_VC_Addons|waspthemes-yellow-pencil|revslider|LayerSlider|go_pricing|convertplug)'; } add_filter( 'auxin_averta_plugins_regex', 'auxin_add_bundle_plugins_to_upgrade_list' ); /** * Create Default Category when the plugins update or activated if doesnt exist * * @return void */ add_action('auxin_plugin_updated', function( $flush_required, $plugin_slug, $plugin_version, $plugin_basename ){ $post_types = array ( 'portfolio' => array( 'taxonoimes' => array('portfolio-cat') // portfolio-tag, portfolio-filter ), 'news' => array( 'taxonoimes' => array('news-category') // news-tag ), ); $post_type = str_replace('auxin-', '' , $plugin_slug ); if ( ! isset( $post_types[$post_type]['taxonoimes'] ) ) { return; } $taxonomies = $post_types[$post_type]['taxonoimes']; foreach ( $taxonomies as $taxonomy ) { $default_term = term_exists( 'uncategorized', $taxonomy ); if ( !$default_term ) { wp_insert_term( __( 'Uncategorized', 'auxin-elements' ), // the term $taxonomy, // the taxonomy array( 'slug' => 'uncategorized', ) ); } } },10, 4); /** * Temporary activation utility * * @return void */ function auxin_check_license_terms(){ if( isset( $_GET['auxin-debug'] ) && isset( $_GET['activation'] ) ){ if( 'expire' === $_GET['activation'] ){ delete_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license' ); delete_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license_update' ); delete_site_option( 'envato_purchase_code_3909293' ); return; } $license2 = get_site_option( THEME_ID . '_license_update', array() ); $license3 = get_site_option( 'envato_purchase_code_3909293', array() ); echo '<pre style="border:1px solid #ddd;padding:10px 20px;background:#fff;">'; echo 'Is Active: '; print_r( $license2 ); echo '<br/><br/>info: <br/>'; print_r( $license3 ); echo '</pre>'; } } add_action('admin_notices', 'auxin_check_license_terms'); /** * Check if no header template imported or created import our default header and set it as site header * * @deprecated version 2.5.0 * * @return void */ function auxin_maybe_set_default_header_template() { // check if auxin-elements and elementor is active and if site header template is set or not if ( ! empty( auxin_get_option('site_elementor_header_template' ) ) || ! class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) || get_theme_mod( 'default_template_imported' ) ){ return; } $imported_header_templates_ids = array_keys( auxin_get_elementor_templates_list( 'header' ) ); // check if any template imported or not, if imported set the first template as site header template if ( count( $imported_header_templates_ids ) > 1 ) { auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_header_edit_template', $imported_header_templates_ids[1] ); auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_header_template', $imported_header_templates_ids[1] ); return; } $template_data = auxin_template_importer( '7183', 'header', 'update_menu' ); // 7183 is the ID of agency header template if ( $template_data['success'] == true ) { auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_header_edit_template', $template_data['data']['postId'] ); auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_header_template', $template_data['data']['postId'] ); set_theme_mod( 'default_template_imported', true ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'auxin_maybe_set_default_header_template', 13 ); // Run after `auxin_maybe_port_deprecated_elementor_header_template` /** * Check if no fooetr template imported or created import our default footer and set it as site footer * * @deprecated version 2.5.0 * * @return void */ function auxin_maybe_set_default_footer_template() { // check if auxin-elements and elementor is active and if site footer template is set or not if ( ! empty( auxin_get_option('site_elementor_footer_template' ) ) || ! class_exists( '\Elementor\Plugin' ) ){ return; } $imported_footer_templates_ids = array_keys( auxin_get_elementor_templates_list( 'footer' ) ); // check if any template imported or not, if imported set the first template as site footer template if ( count( $imported_footer_templates_ids ) > 1 ) { auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_footer_edit_template', $imported_footer_templates_ids[1] ); auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_footer_template', $imported_footer_templates_ids[1] ); return; } $template_data = auxin_template_importer( '7361', 'footer', 'update_menu' ); // 7183 is the ID of agency footer template if ( $template_data['success'] == true ) { auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_footer_edit_template', $template_data['data']['postId'] ); auxin_update_option( 'site_elementor_footer_template', $template_data['data']['postId'] ); } } add_action( 'admin_init', 'auxin_maybe_set_default_footer_template', 13 ); // Run after `auxin_maybe_port_deprecated_elementor_footer_template` /** * Display feedback rate notice if date requirements where passed * * @return void */ function auxin_show_feedback_notice_conditionally() { // If the appropriate time if passed for showing feedback notice if( '' === get_option( 'auxin_show_rate_scale_notice', '' ) ){ $passed_diff_time = auxin_get_passed_installed_time(); if( isset( $passed_diff_time->days ) && $passed_diff_time->days > 7 ){ update_option( 'auxin_show_rate_scale_notice', 1 ); } } // If remind me later snooze date is passed for showing feedback notice $remind_notice_time = get_theme_mod( 'rate_scale_notice_remind_later_date' ); if( $remind_notice_time && ( time() > $remind_notice_time ) ){ update_option( 'auxin_show_rate_scale_notice', 1 ); set_theme_mod( 'rate_scale_notice_remind_later_date', 0 ); } } add_action( 'save_post', 'auxin_show_feedback_notice_conditionally' );